HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-03-19, Page 1The Farmers' Bank of Canada
(Incorporated by specialist' of Parliament)
Member of The Canadian Bankers' Association and the Toronto Clearing House.
Head Office Toronto
R. Travers- - General Manager
A branch of this Bank bas, been opened in the Village of Brucefield
and a general banking bueiness will be transacted at this branch.
Interest allowed in the Savings Bank on .•
Tcwnships, farmers and others.
and upwards at' the highest current rate of interest and paid four times a year
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted. Special privileges extended to accounts of
Office open Saturday Evening 7 to 9.
I D,
neon News
28th Year,
Whole. Number 1515
Weekly Mail and Empire and News -Record for one Year to any address in Canada for $1.25.
A most complete and varied assort-
ment of the newest styles, with prices
ranging over' so wide a field that we
can supply to a • certainty the exact
article to please your taste and come
within your means, And here's .an-
other important point, you. always have
absolute assurance here of quality and
value. .
feweler and Optrcian.: Clinton
404.464444444 444444
'The Bank of Canada.
Paid -Up Capital$3,900.000.. Reserve • $4.390.000
Total Assets - -• �' - - $46,500,000
87 Branches in . Canada
10 in Cuba, Porto Rico and New York. Correspondents through-
out the world,
We invite the accounts of Corporations.; Fraternal Societies,.
Merchants, Farmers and householders. Every courtesy extended...
Manager er CLINTON Branch'.
E. R. DEWART, h 8 anc
"44,44* 4414444 4 44 4 4 4 41401
Wheat 900 to 92c.
Oats 25e to 5ac.
Peas 80c to Bac.
Barley 650 to 70e. •
Butter 25c to 26d•
Eggs 17c to 18e.;
Live Flogs 50.
The regular meeting of the Worn-.
en's • Institute Will be held oe Thurs-
day afternoon of next week at the re-
sidence of Mrs. John Johnstone, Rate
tonbury, street.. Several good papers;
will be•giveet, also demonstrations on
kitchencostumes, A profitable tin
is expected and you are invited.
The• property owners .of Clinton pre-
nouneed emphatically in favor of the
factory by-law on Monday, To ensure
a two-thirds majority 315 votes. were
necessary but 348 were obtained, the
vote by wards as follows. ;
For .Against.
St, Janes 115
S. Andrews 79
St. Johns 82 •
St. George 72
Mr. Thos. Carter has bought • the
house on Joseph street formerly
cu fed by late Mrs. Biggins for
which he paid $450.
Rev. F. Charlesworth of Loudon
will preach next Sunday morning and
evening and at the Base Line church
in rho afternoon..
Rev. Charlesworth is; a fine speaker
and should: have a goodly number on.
each occasion 'to hear him,
The hotel 'property at Auburn was
Alit up at auction on Saturday but
there wasn't a' blare. Shortly be-
fore Local Option came into force the
late owner refused $3,500 for the
hotel but now it will not bring half
that amount.
A -•FIRE. .
Fire *as discovered , last • Tuesday
abdut noon in the rear part of the
premises formerly occupied by Mr. A.
• 5 R. Smith, which' originated in . some
10 way from the coals in .the stove.
'1 The fire was well under control .be-'
fore any serious damage' was done be -
40 • yond that caused by smoke: The
brigade 'wee called out,
The News-Recoid had a call the Mr. C. Hoare; who has one Of • the
other day from two of its ofd friends, hest -yielding fruit,.farins in. the conn
Mr. David Cook Sr. of town and Mr, ty,; bas disposed :of it at a price in ex -
George Cantelon • Sr. of Goderich cess of • ¶1O,000. The. property : con -
township. The former is 82 years of sists of, seven' :ern. acres .upon which
.age and the latter 88•;' the spryest there are. 3,500 trees, 800 apple, 2,000
Man of his years that we know of. plum and the balance cherry and pear
He hasn''t an ache or pain, his eye is trees'. The purchaser is. Mr. Ralph
bright and his manner vivacious. Mr:' Ischerwond of London; who gets pas-,
Cantelon has been a resident of God- session in April;. He is an English-
erich township forgoing on seventy than not very long is this country.
years and two years ago he• and his Mr. Hoare intends to move i into
worthy wife celebrated their diamond town and has rented the residence for -
wedding. Iler.-e's hoping that • they merlyyoccupied by Mr: Robb. He
years :on• this contemplates May enjoy. many more
.temptates building next: summer
terrestrial sphere, and already has part, of the material
WESLEY Y CIdURCI . • bought. M. Hoare is an enterprising
W )J
• and progressive. man., and The News-
At tho social given by the .League Record is pleased to hear that "he has
of this . ohureh' on Tuesday evening the decided to become a citizen of Clinton,
Sunday school, room was crowded' to evrLLIS ci..m eII.
the doors and everything passed off
successfully.. The following 'program'. There: ,was an exceptionally largo
was given 'c tch `.social inWillis
crowd " at the ,S o 1
H mn "Onward Christian Sol- church last Thursday evening. Every -
and to �4et eyeryhay.
We are still after the boys,. :, • y
we are going to sell Odd Knickers :at prices that we
g g .
give you our word for are the best' values ever offer;
ed in Clinton.
We were able to make a deal
this week with'the Jackson Man-
ufacturing Co. for a big lot of,
Odd Knickers At prices less . than ':..
they cost in the factory. They
include a lot of samples and
broken lines at varied pi ices.
We are going to pass this good '
right now, with a very small
profit, and can tell yon that it ,a=te`: 1/IM ;RAND
will pay you to buy a pair of odd r arrivRC
knickers for your boy now. In J
a few weeks the boys' will want
new spring suits and this .will
keep them goint, for a whiffet
lot of Knickers on to the boys '
We want to give the boys a .
square deal. We _ nave . always
tiled to do it in the past and will
try to keep it up
are known throughout 'Canada
• as the best made in Canada. and
the fact that over 150,000 were
shipped out of Clinton last year
by this firm will give you an. idea
how many Canadian' boys are
wearing odd knickers made it
our own town by Clinton people, '
300 Pairs Odd Knickers at Less Than
Manufacturers prices,
" - _.are Deal for EveryBoy,.„
A Square Y
Successors to Hodgens ens Bros. Clothing Store
Succ >�
A school that . grows steadily in The A. Y. P. A. held their regular
public favor must have genuine merit, meeting in the Sunday school room on
We understand that I . Spat
tonn wiu sday evening
last.. Mr. Ia
trains more young people than any was in the chair and after the even -
other management . in. Ontario. The, ing's programme, a debate was pro-
Clinton Business. College; .whose new
advertisement appears on page five,
is certainly a worthy. link in this
Chain of Colleges. The, spring term
opens on April 1st. .
A social meeting of the.congregation;
of the Ontario street church was
"held last . Thursday evening. There
was a large attendance and a every
pleasant couple of hours was spent.
Refreshments were served and during
the course of the evening the follow-
ing program was given : Quartette.,
Thompson and :Harland Bros, All
four did well and. were heartily ap-
lauded, The male and mixed quart-
ettes both contributed. ''Their selec-
tions are always. enjoyed, Miss Wil-
son gave a Scotch reading. No per-
son hereabouts can give a reading in
the 'dialect of Eden better than can
this talented lady. Principal %Iaretley
also gave a reading. The. worthy
• one enjoyed the Scoteh readingts; songsi
• Words, cif, Welcome,• Rev.. W,. J Joll;.' and 'etc. Among those• taking part in.
• .iffe. ' the program were : • • . '
Solo Miss.: Donna Mulholland. Solo., Miss Kate Scott "
Readine•" idiy s Triols' with, he'Re ding, Miss J. Wils
• Yankees," Mise. Haddock. •• 5010; Miss A. McCor ie
• •
Chorus, "The Flower Girl,.".t,}• five -,Piano selection—Scotch 'Medley, Mrs.
girls. .. (Dr.) -Gunn ''
Euphonium Solo;' Mr, lierl:ert Cc ok.. Solo, Miss Lillie Coates
.acerin in, Miss Reto l >
- Readin
g bees Agn
es •h
in .
instrumental Duette • 11:!;.146S Boles ' Song; Ontario St Quartette, •
and Reed, ' :after the program .scotch refresh-
•Male Quartette, ;. "My 'Ned Ii>sh meats, were passed: around, `
• Rose," .by ` Messrs. Sildey. Rice, The W. •.C; T: L, will meet at . ,the
Doherty and Eby, home of Mrs. 'F:ekniier on Friday aft
n 1' Mfs C+,uzue. ternoon at '3 o'clock:
enstrumc to , sSybilW. T,.AI: 5. will cold :their
:lrisrusee:, `The: Green -furl -41iainee .The 1
Meeting. this,
eening:. 'Mrs.
girls. ten-gi
•rock, by
t, 1
have the devo i. na .
ne :vvil lee c o
Refreshments wcrti sexed i t the, to Ag r L ons: from Isaih"' . and
topic,.. CSS n
oloSe Of the program. : Miss. Grace Torrance :the •missions y
,' OF MRS. MANNING..topic, "The • Galicians: : and'.'Dottkho-
After a lingering bons."
' t 'g iliac
rh came.
as'a'liappy 'release' to Mrs: A. H. Man MODEL. SCHOOL BOARD
ring early 'Tuesday morningY at the At the last meeting of the , Model
ag'e of forty-eight years. She had School Board it was •deoicled, that, the
been in eiling••h'ealth for• the
east oq
motion . which was passed at a • former
three or. four: months.; suffering from
pmeeting re. vaccination .of children, at -
was born in 1860, her..
at -
asthma.. 5ht cin Lillis Coats' i tending, the school be left as. .', stated:,
maiden name being , 'ing regulation. Hereafter all children..
daughter of'tlte • late William Coats,, attending or commencing 'echoed. shall
at one time a dry goods merchant in
Clinton. - She was. married to her late • satisfy the principal that they have
. 1884 and has licca arc i- ben successfully vaccinated• within
•husband inthe seven years previous.
dent of - this . town :ever since. Her •'- At.one o'clock on Friday last: the
husband.' predeceased her fourteen +:nieiribers of the board visited the
,years, ,The 'deceased was of a quiet, school- -for the purpose, of 'looking oyer
retiring dispositions. a' life long mem- i the Means of escape: trent the building
her of Willis church and was deeply', in ease of fire and also inspected the
respected, by, everybody, Shee leaves i "Fire Drill" in Which 'they found the
behind to mourn the loss, of a toyiic ; elttldren tel be. very proficient. 'The
to n
Edna. a
' r 1: a
iter, two
Children, id en
mot ' rc ul`ar drill was ,n1t, through;' the
and 'William, . naw'teaching .at Monk -
school being emptied m sixty se?concis;
ton, to. whom the sympathy of . tit. Them as something, a little out of: the
community is eitcnded. 'IIer• moth:i,,^ arcliltat'y, the drill was .put thrciuyr
Mrs: VV. Coates, and • several bronThe fun_ i with one of the exit doors locked, the
and sisters also survive t leer. 'I he fun- , children . and teachers ' not knoivtn
eral'took place -this'. afternoon to C!lin- j which "one: The children Whose. march
ton Cemetery, a large ati.eer• of led to the locked 'door must go across
sorrowing : friends' and' relatives at -."the. school to the °thee.' door.. Iii this
tending, The. pallbearers were R; case the school was empfieal in: 108
TTolinc5 J. rtvitt; J: Pair, \V. Sry- seconds. The hoard may . consider it
done, •J. 11!.. r win and . A. Armstrong. advisable to ,provide a fire escape
. E'ATTI OF MRS.' JAS. CATLING: • I froth the second storey. •
D •
Mrs'. R. A. Bell of town received d AT TIIE C C.1,
word. last week of : the death of her members of the C. C. C. C. met
mother, Mrs, James Catling, which as usual in the assembly room, Theirs-
htir t
took {Jade on Cockburn Island on the da afternoon last. There wastel
28th of February. The news came' y
rant shock to Mrs. Bell ' and have been an exciting' debate but some
as a
g of the debaters"were smitten with the
the other `members of the family. "sudden sickness" and were unable to
Mrs!, Catling runs born in England in bC present. Instead there was a
'larrt and her maiden name was Sarahshort program at which the following
heRoyden. ,She was ,married to took part, Instrumentals, Miss Hazel
her now bereaved husband thirty -Seven •O'Neil and Lena Holmes,. readings by
years ago and in 1888they came to iiisses� Agnes Irwin. and Sadie Tiolni.5
Canada. They spent ttc first. two Piano duett by Misses Gladys Can-
years in lienitlt, then ndlcrved for
t a felon and I.uby Cook. It is expected
Clinton and ' here 'they reef ed a to that at the noxa meeting on March.
about three years when they moved re
26th, medal Dr. .Shaw's edal will he
a farm in Goderich township where
theyremained for seven years, the competed for. The subjects avesitf.
Clinton.pecified, so that any one ,
moving' yuck to t,Seven years' will not be'Compelled. to listen to D.
aqo they moved to ceelrb ive Island, repeated subject. 'Everybody welcome.
wirers they have since lived. Mrs.
Catling was a Ilfe-long tnoinber of Last Friday evening Messrs. J.
the Angic.an
l . Church". She is survived Cameron and W. McQueen of the
by her sorrowing husband and their Collegiate drove to. Goderich to de-
family of ten children, five sons and bate with the Collegiate of that
as many daughters. Three sons and place on the subj„et "Resolved that
one daughter make their . home on Canada is justified in eiceluding the'
Cockburn Mated, Ernest, Charles and' Orientals,” Clinton ably upheld the
Vitt,or and Mrs. Alex. Meteoric Al- affirmative side and Go(lerieh the nes
bert lives in Bayfield, ITetbert in gative, the latter winning.' They were
Manitoba,' Mrs, Thos. I'ostleWetite aecombanied by Mr. John Itattley,
end Mrs, Colin Patterson in Gorier; 'Princip
seeded :with. The suhjeet was "Resol-
ved that foreign emigration should be
abolished. in Canada." By foreign em-
igration was meant all non-English
s;psaliing people.' The affirmative was
upheld by R. Ball, C. Copp and C.'
Ranee, while on the negative side :of
the question were E. Chapman, F.
Herman • and H. Gregg. The judges,
were Miss K. (lunne, and Messrs. J.
Cameron. and W. McQueen who decide
ed in favor of, the affirmative. As it
so happened those who upheld em-
igration claimed to have been emi-
grants, while the others were • all
Canadian horn. The meeting closed,
with "God Save the King."
Mr. John Manning had a very sue-
ees>ful wood bee on Tuesday.
Mrs. Riitnani, who is home on fur-
lough from Ceylon, gave a very ex-
. stoat re-*Cellent address sari tied, "Ceylon the
Principal's services are in
quest on such occasions, Instrument-
alein the were given by the Hill brothers.
Levis • u s `en
and Misses Laiand Pl m teel - t1
the applause was hearty. ' Mr,' R. A.
Downs gave a solo in the good: c tyle
for which "Bate" is iiiore. than locally'.
noted. The chairman . wee Paster'
Kerr, to be sure.
By the way, • Rev; Mr. i err'' ' sub-
ject, next Sunday mornint.; iV :'• be
"J'he .W ins'encnets•- of Christ,".
Hulhett Tow nship
Miss Annie `Rapson of Harlock •was
the guest : of het friend, Miss' Lir.zie
Adams, • last •week. .
Mr. Amos Cartwright had :: a sue -
New Advertisements
Notice—A. D: Beaton -5
Brooches+ -••W.. H. Hcllyar-1
.�itllinery Opening —Tozer s—i3
Millinery Opening—P. & *.-4
Millinery .Opening--Hodgens-8
Grand Opening-eNeweonrhe's---&
Spring Term—Clinton B. C.-5'
The New Firm—Conch ,Yc Co.-- t .
The I'3mprcass Shoe—R. J. Clu-5
Eggs for Hatching --H, E. -Rorke -5.
Notice to .Creditors—W. -Brydone-5
Clothing at Cost—Plttnisteel Bros. --•4
churohin Monday ev.ning
Miss . 0. 'T1ill •of Yummerhill spent
Sunday with 7,1ise' Zella Whitely.
Miss Maggie' '1.ieCool Sundayod tinder,
the parental roof.
'Misses A. MVittie sed R Lyon
spent the past week' at Mr.''Ti•. • Car-
ter's. -
Mr:. • Thos,. Slr hhrook i, who has
been 'very sick for the past )ve•ek, is
slowly . recovering. .. ,
Mre let, Braithwaite is also' on . the
tick list.
The Londesboro Leagte.•'entertained
the Auburn Leaguers •on Wednesday
last. t
Owing to the bad roads on ,Siniday,'
serviees.wer not well atten:den.
cessful wood on Wednesday 'after MissMacCalluni:of Smyrna, Turkey
y . in Asia, wlio is visiting her: brother,
noon last. Doctor MacCallum will give an' ad -
Mite Edith.' Stewart entertained a
drug in the Presbyterian church next
number' of her friends on Friday even-
ing last.
Mr. W.'•II. 11esr has bought the
homestead,: lot, 17 on.thc 8th con.; but.
the sale advertised for. March 21st
will he held but only . the live " stock
will be offered for saie . The tinnier
Meets . will hot ' be Put epee By the'
'way,' Mr.: Hesk paid $1,500; for ' the
M. Dominick Reynolds' . farin • on
the 6th con: was offered for sale by.
public .auction ' ' but was not disposed
of: $4,450,'was . bid . for it. It is ex-
pected to go shortly ''by private sale.
Wednesday evening upon , the work,.. in
Mr. George Anderson of
ttecl relatives and friends. i t this' vic-
inity last week.
Miss Effie king ;left last, week• to
1 tke .•a situatiott'•in London..: •
''',Miss . Mabel Erratt visited i•• iends at
931yth' last . week.. "
Mr. Torranee of Listowel, 'organi'zer
for the Canadian F iresters, Lis .l•fen
here lately laboring in the interes'
the Older. '
Summerhill . ` •n of , t1 Epworth I,ee-
A few met hers t. p.
�e. the
'I c'eveningwith t „
Mr.• E. Betts is vision 'his. sister
one spent a Social
a,t Watford. • • : '
Messrs: McBricn :and Edmanson : are
having their -sales this week.
?Jr,. William Butts has returned
trni the West 'tnd ' IS nisi in
'rent:i o
•th parental .a
•I he . Wardens of'St. , Peter's churesll:
intend holding a business :meeting next
week. They Wish all members of the
congregation to be pres nt. Goderich Township
Miss 0.Hill \;tsited friends`in Lon fi
d• r on Sunday,
e•Il been cn
t h }
Mr. D. Barr at%.eitded a Royal Vrcle, r 'Mr. to Itis 1, Rail a has t
.rued lies bed : With . air attack • 1
meeting in Ttoiidesboro last Week. congestion of the lunge, `biit'at •tim:
The Ladles . Guild met• at Itlrs, of. wrftin '°is inipibv ng.
IL Lowery's ori "Wednr.sday. g
'ss Ere Proctor: is tic' ucs' caf her
tiles. M. Stirlfirg 7th con. has' been
Mi g indisposed with tonsilitis, !but is al
sister, Mrs.J. ll•. Lowery.
most well again. g
Mr. P. Cole, and' son 1\Varwiek went
to Hamilton last' week Master :War-
wick- remained 'in the city and has
entered the Sawyer and 'Massey `Mac-
hine shop and :will study for a mach
iniS . We wish Warwick every success.
Mr. Cole returned'tome. on. Thursday.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Edwards returned •. to
their. borne in' . Sour s�,' Man., last
Week: 'after several Months . visit With
relatives. in this vicinity.
1 rr, Dal Gardener and sister •enter,
friends on Fri-
daya•' few of tiieir f rands
day : 'evening last.
Londesboro League' on Wednesday of
last . week. '
Rev. A. E. .Tones. attended.' the tea -
meeting it Walton en Thursday even-
ing. last.
Di i4li ,icl. ereeD tliganin trshippe�l
horses. s • fr m Auburn
•I r al cif o e o
cu ca
tion on Saturday.last'•
Al of the 1Vidtdlel and Mlle. E. ';
• 9c11, IViiss Nellie in Brantford and I3a11, Master of Mt)derns at the C', I.
t (ii 41(I1P.111 i#1.11.01t111 .�►i ( + 1 r Mrs. R. A. Bell in Clinton,'
who asst d its judges,
'' A Representative Farmer.
A worthy citizen who is re-
tiring front business.
' Mr. Fred. Rumball.
Mr: -.Fred. Rumball was born on the
:Huron Road in Goderich township,
On the 11th of May.1834 and in 1851.
when he was' zev&iteen . yearn. of age,
he entered upon his apprenticeship in
eatrtage building . with Mr. V leach•',
Dinsley of Clinton whose .works were
located on the present site.of' the
Comrgercial: hotel, After retraining:'
with this employer for throe and a ,.
half years Mr. Rumba!):
bought the
htisiness. with which he has ever Since
been• identified with the: exception of.
three. Months in 1.880 which he spent
in. St. :Laois, 'Missouri, 'During the
fifty-seven years: he hat been in bust-
ness here Mr, John Leslie . was his
partner for • eighteen :years and Mr.
James McMath ' for' the past seven
years, the latter connection having.
been severed only '• a few days • since,
the fine having decided to- retire from
the manufacturing .business.
During all these years `Mr. Rumball
has' always been regarded' as'•a,man of.
sterling :character and .. in .town and
the whole 'country -side he is hold in
the ltighes.t respect.
He • has been a life-long member of
Wesley church in which he has been
an, office -bearer for ''a great many
Mr. RunibalI . has always"enjoyed..•'
good d hca th.. Here's h in that it
b o 1 cs• op , 'g , a
map. long continne and that there ate'.
many happy and , useful Years in store
for him. • • ' •
Mr. John Cox.
Mr. John Cox is a native of God-
erich township. but el Irish parentage.
Itis whole life has. been spent to
that municipality and with the needs
of an agricultural dofnmunity . be is
thoroughly conversant.
Ho sat in the township cote"ei' for
years, first• as councillor and thele as
And the warden's chair he filled with,
credit unto himself and .those win .se
representative be was.
Mr. CoxIS a, good, • matter of fact,
speaker. What he has to say is to
the point. You always know v.'h"re
to find .John Cox,
His name has frequently been meo-
tioned in connection with the .seat to
the Legislature foie the West riding.
This mention' is merely made to
draw attention tothe lata that more
men of the calibre of John Cox are
needed in the Legislature of our
-.a. - -
the Travels of a Dollar Bill
A farmer out in Kansas,.
About five years agog
\Vent into 'town one day to spend
Some of his hard earned "dough."
"And ina merry jest," and just
To show his. printing skill,
He. printed his initials. on_
Ai brand hew d o 1 1 a t 1) 1 1 1.
He spent that dollar that; same day
Down at the village store.
He thought 'twas gone for ever then,
And he'd see it no more. :
But long 'befoto that year rolled by.
One day he went' to fill
A neighbbr's order, and neceired
That same one d -o -1 -1 -a -r
Once more he spout that 'dollar bill
Ih his own neighborhood,
Where it would do himself and friends
The most amount, of good.
•l+'our tines in two years it carie back,
As some bad pennies will,
And each time he'd go out and spend
This marked one "d -o -1 -1 -a -r b1-1-1.
Had he been wise that dollar might
I3e ite his town to -day.
13ut just about two years agcy;
He sent it far away. ,•
The people who received it then
I know have got it still,
For 'twas to a mail order' house
Ile sent his d-o4-1-aer b -i -I-1.
No more will that marked dollar camel
Into the farmer's hands,
And nevermore will it help pay
The taxes on his land.
Ile put it where it never can
Its work in life fulfill.
Mr. T. T. Murphy has been • doitig lite brought about the. living death
quite x , hu:4nex:s lately buying, and Of that oho d -o -l -I -a -r b-1-1-1.
selling 'cow$. 1rtehang .
Mr'It-.Diehm nn was: er`cl
.a. w in i ti
on business on Tuesday.,
Mr. ],vrathewo Westlake :of the 'Bauble '
Line, , S.tranley`, 'brought, in a .. g>nantity'
of maple syrup on'Tuesday, the first '
n M.. sl ic
oi' h •ease r Westlake ale goes e
to e
'v l 'n aki f s ru-"
tense a y, i to the m ng o y p'
every spring,, . '
Mr. • David Leech Jr.., whei spent the
Winterwith' his .parents: here, left last
week • to return ' to his home • he • the
province of Saskatchewan. '
Miss Nina 'Johnston left last week
to. visit' her sister_ in 'Sarnia.
Mr., R. Wilson of.the firm of 'Reid
de Wilson, 'Seaforth, spent a few ' days
in the v.,iilege''last week on business.
Mrs. .James Burns, who ; has been
visiting friends in .Clinton the past.
few weeks returned home last eveek.
, Thee Scotch eoncert'he,ld in the., town
hall on 'Wednesday.,evening of last
Week was a success.. It' .was under the •
auspices of L, 0. L: No. 24:.
Mr. Vtilltam Mustard, : has .purchased
u i'theproperty On
fr m Mrs. H de • ro
a s
p 1�
which his. mill steeds and , also• the
cottage and property adjoining it on -
the river bank. •: •'
Bev, lir. Galilk a returtned mission-
ary from .the Island of Formosa, oc-.
cupted the Presbyterian pulpit on
Sunday 'evening last. In •the morning
he- preached in Bayfield;
Se -eras of our citizens .attended the
Irish social given in St. Andrew'•s+ '
church,• Bayfield, on . Tetesday .evening,
Mr. Ted. Choler is able to move
abdut .again, his many friends here-
abouts are pleased to„ see.
Mrs.. Thomas. Willey ie also irnprott-.
Stanley Township
Mrs..Jatttes Boyce spent a few days
Inst week with Mrs, George Henry
;Stephenson of near Seaforth. -
Mist Emma Peck is spending a few
titins this week with Mrs. L. Clarke.
Mrs. William Taylor is recovering
from an attack of grip.. . .
Miss Mabel 'Reid, who has been
viciting Toronto friends, returned
home last• weed.
Mrs. John W. Reid, and also Mrs,
(''ltart•,s lied at TIrucrficld, are visit-
ing friends in Stratford.,
See the lists' of Auction sales otr
pages a and 5,
Quebec. objects' to Dominion incor-
poration of the' Institute of Architects
en the ground that the measure, conies
within provincial, jurisdietion.