HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-03-12, Page 51 /904 The Clinton News -Record - Weighed rout Pounds: ', I . • _ACant. 'of the :iiehnes$ that comes 14 , ..-.._ .. "iv_ es .444. young Children le :due to - VIZ Ill,eteitch or bowels being out ol ....... . ' e4fetlftlea, It Is then that the : ere • i Peevish and upeet the. itintedlieldtt %het° are troubles that. BOY's Give. Tablete • alwayit cure Prentlftly. Here is proof; VOL J. *Wart, Everton, Ont., 'PI* :014 littithze girlt thrived Se badly *It at iebin 'age ef four months ente Wehelied •lent itud, hem pounds. lier stet:each ha,dly out of ordert aad although _We deOtoe treated her he did not LOOP- her. ,Then I got 13abyte OWA 'Tahiets and right from the first they linlPed her and now she enloys Perfect itleo If your little one is ailing, #7' Oebr'S .Clwn Tablets -always do 00.4z cetenat do harm. Said by eaed- e dealers or by mail at 2% a bclx fteln the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'BtookvIlle, Ont. • Brockville Presbytery will estaller gvetth the Methodists of the distriet Qa Proposal to close some of the Vinirehee in the die -Weft. Manisges MALE-JOHNSTON-At the Ontario $t parsonage, Clinton on March 11,th, by Rev. W. E. Karr, One's- topher C. Dale son of Mr. George, Dale, of Tueltersanith, to Ile Maud daughter of Mr. George Johnstone of Summerldil. 1110MURTRY-MeBETH-In Stanley, • on Feb. S6th, by Rev. E. H. Sewers, at the home of the aided IV Parents, Catherine, third daughter • of Alex. MoBeth to John MeMiirt- ry, all of Stanley. ZPLUMTR,EE-MeMILLAN-At the re- eidence of the bride's parents, Roxboro, MeKillop, on March 2nd, . by Rev. F. H. Larkin, Thomas F. Plumtree, of Wolseley, Sask., to Helen McMillan, eldest daughter of Mr. John McMillan. Births. 1LAMONT-In Hensel', on Feb. 26t1), to Robert Lamont and wife, a daughter. 'WILDS -At Hiilsgreen, on the 26th Feb., to Mr. and Mrs. A. Wild, a son. 'HARTRY-In Seaforth, on. March 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Howard HartrY, a daughter. :FIELD-rn Wingnam, Feb. 19th,• to • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Field, a son. . HUTTON-In Morris, March 2nd to t Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Hutton, • a daughter. DENNIS-In Wingham, March 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennis, a daughter. 'TALBOT -At the Sauble Line, Stan- ley, on the 28th Feb., to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talbot, a daughter. • IlENOMY-At the Bauble Line, Stan- ley, on March 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs Nelson Denomy, • a daughter. - •Deaths r •• 'WHITELY -In Clinton on March ,10th Feed. Whitely, aged 30 pars and 11 months. ' 'LAIDLAW-le Morris, on Thursday, Feb. 27th, Robert B. Laidlaw, in his 80th year. ARMSTRONG-AtKincardine, on • Feb. 26th, Mrs. Jane Aemstronge relict of the late John Armstrong,• Kinloss, aged 87 years and 7 months.• • KYLE -In McKillop, on March 3rd, • Mary Boyd, wife of Mr. William Kyle, aged 69 -years, 11 mouths. StOWE-In Exeter, on March and, Charles Rowe, aped 87, years, a months. 13LAT0HFORD-In Hensel', on Fee 27th, John Blatehford, aged e8 and 10 months. From The News.Recorcl of •Mar. 13th, 1889. ThIlYsdaY, March 18th, 1880,,, Mr. W. Joke= bas been •appointed up -town agent for the Grand Trunk •Railway, Mesdames Tilos, and Ab. Holleway, vent Suuday with frieode in Exeter. Mr. Joseph GoldthorPe of Colborne was in town last week, presumably en eeeount of the illness at his rela- tive, •Mrs, Milne. Mr. George Cox, the old, tellable horse buyer. of DeWitt, is at time of writing staying at •the liattenbury flouse. While enjoying a cutter 'ride, one day last week Mrs, Biddleoombe end Mise Porter, in the znidtt of their pleasure, were upset,' • owing to •the horse turning too short. We are pleased, however, to say that the occupants were not seriously injured, Yesterday we were shown a splendid sample ot spring wbeat grown by gr. W. Weymouth of the 8th con. of Hullett It yields well and the sample' was portion or a lot that weighed 64 'be. to the bushel. It is called the Colorado • and Mr, Wey- mouth has a few bushelleft that he would sell for eeed. tar. James Moore bas diarutsed ot his grocery business- to Mr. .W. Ir- win, late of Kineaedine. Mr. Irwin comes well recommended, What Mr. Moore will engage in he has not, yet fully decided. • It is reported that Mr. Robert Mc- Murdie of Kippen, the well-known sec- retary of the South Huron Farmers' Institute, and his sister, Mrs. Alex- ander Monteith of Tuckersznith, have fence heir by the • death of sonic friends in the old coentry -to a legacy Of $50,000, of ,which mount Mr. McMurdie gets $30,000 and Mrs. Monteith $20,000: eerelatetellet 4 feenlerme.e 40440 *Olt. IWO. ette.141,9101144.11terilet fee. ellepez I The News From Go6dch . I • KOISH $1011MIINOS, correspondent ve04•0“..100.4411.14.414•444144,114441.e.•••••••••••4000.41, • the greateat surprises of the season has bean suffering, for some time with The Ma,rine Social Club had one ot Mrs. Muir'S daughter, Velima on Thursday evenies 5h their hail, the pneumonia, • • witree mothers, and Sisters. el the quite a large Congregation attended members arriving in full force to the morning service at St. George's spend the evening with the 014h. church on Ash Wedneeday, it being the Games were enjoyed for a eouple ot firet day of the Lenten season. Dur - 'meets, progreasive euchre, checkers, ing the service the choir sang hymns parchesi being amen them. The 1St' among them being • one for Lent. prize bealitiful Haviland china, old "Forty dees and forty nights, thou receive,r fell to the lot ot Mrs. Robb. was fasting in the wild.' For hs • Craigie. After the presentation pret., text, Rev. gark Turnbull selected ty oovere 'were laid upon each • tahiee .10ei 2-30, "VillieSoeter shall call On and lovely eeiresnments were PasSeci the name of the Lord shall be done- • areund by the visiters. We noticed, erect," Professor Cogewell, the lieW Messrs, Elrey Fisher and Mr. and ergaziet st, Georges, presided ;.e, Mrs, Wallbask, and Miss Ina Graham the organ. of New York among the new arrivels. Mr. Pritchard at Watford who • has The preSidenv, Vice-Pm4clent and come to town in conneetioa with the Seerethry did tlie bailors of the , eve "Wiled Rigs' Co.," has registered at thinft, •Mrs, Brydges residerice. We 'were very sorry to learn last Mr, Dan 1VIcKay ie sojourning a few Sweets, pneumonia, which developed home, Dania. week ot the •illness of LiverYrsan ,weeks in our midst No piece like from grip. Mrs. Swarts• too • was •. taken down but is able to be about again, Mr. Robert Matheson of •the C. P. R. staff occupies a part of the resid- ence of Mrs. IVIcColl,*• • Mrs. Crabb has quite recovered Irene her reaent attack of grip. The • Marine Social Club held • a "Smoking" emicert in their hall, ou Tuesday evenieg last week. Captain. John Macdonald joined the clubs and proved himself the King of checketts. •Mr. and Mrs. .J. J. Matelenald now occupy the furnished residence of Mrs. George Pelee, Manager and. Mrs, •Geo.' • • Holman having registered at the Brit- ish Exchange for the balance of . tae season. . Mt. Minoan Cameron is at home for and to walk humbly with thy God." a season his work being the fitting of On March lst twenty four new memt engines, 'into new pr,old Steamers 'or bees were • admitted into full com-, The elevator had, last week, a very busy time, shipping wheat, oats and flax seed, to diflerent parts of the province. • • • Miss •Tina Graham. has returned from a two years absence from her home. • • Miss Aggie Nairn, has returned to Detroit to prepare for her Easter millinery opening in that city. Died -At •Guelph Sanitarium on 4th March, Frandis Milton Smeeth, in his 82nd year. - • • At the Baptist church evening ser- vice Rev. Mr. Wright took for his text. Micah. 6-8, "He lath shoved thee Oh, men, what is good ; and what doth .the Loyd require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy tugs. • munipn wi•th 1(nox chiirch ith 15 • , w • Mrs. Fred. Diming of Toronto, is by profession, and 9 by certificate the guese of her daughter, Mrs. Edi. from other churches, - Educate people trz eat the • white peach, urged J. H. Hale, ,of South Glastonbury, Conn., the peach •king of the States, belore the fruit growers at Grimsby. Robert Roddick, lightleeeper on Gull Island, off Port Hope, for more than sixty years, was •presented with an Imperial Service medaleby the mayor of Port Hope. • • Clinton News -Record CLINTON -- •• .ONT. Terms of subscription -$1 per year in' • advance $1.50 ma,y be charged' •if not so paid .• No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unlest at the opinion • of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid :is denoted on the label. : Advertising •rates -Transient • adver- tisements, 10 cents per mimetic] line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insert- • ion. Small advertisements • not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," Strayed;" or ."Stolen," etc., it- eartecLeaticeefort-15.-cents and eaela •subsecpient intertibia 10 ceats.. • . ,Communications inteeded for publiea- • • tion must; es a gearantee of geed faith, be accompanied by the naine of the writer. ••• • Alm Emily Sheppard has returned after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in'• Terento.. • Mrs: Waiters was called to Port - Huron to visit her mother, Mrs. Pre. douse who met with a seriout, accid- ent, by falling down a cellarwa.y, • at the the," residence of another daughter, Mrs. Frank Mattison, of that city.. • Profeetiore-and Mese Cogswell are -ate present registered at Hotel Bedford, • The Woman's ' Institute Met on Thursday rith Feb at.the•hozne Of Mre. Ererna Eilwere.' About 30 of, the menibers were. present A eisciiseion as to .the propriety of renting e.hall itt Which to Meet • • 'took plaee.• 2drs J J .dwaed read from one'. , of the Institute Magazines, ' en essay given at the 0. 'A.' C. comrentimi held in '• Guelph On lath arid 13th Dec. :by the talbeted. lecturer, •Mips Laura • Rose ,entitled,. "The manly sphere of ,man.". • Mrs. teurney followed •evitii an essay given at the 0: A. C. coy -suttee in seem month, by Miss Aitken of Petrpit "Caro of • children". . Guadry read a Very fine' "Common senSe" es- say, the first rule contained: in ' it bting""Rely upon your 0iYn energy." Chily hold ...converse,: • with neble, itzinesevciteseofeetethanica..:w.asettente demi Mrsdward for the use dile; pretty hOrne.•• A eVe 0'0:0 teawas served to all by . Mesdames. Cornell, ana . J. J.' Edward, who at the with of MrsEdward included assorted cake, only white bread, ;brown bread,. or currant bread with butter, being the strict yule, :with tea. - • . • At St, Peter's church on 3rd March the meeriage rite of the IL .0: chtireh wae solemnized • by Rev. Father Mae - Rae, the contracting parties being.Dr. Donald 8. Hingston qf Montreal and Miss Lillian Iselyel, eldest daughter of Mr. P. A. Peterson, chief Engineer'Of the Guelph and .Goderich tailway. On account of the. bereavement in the farnilieS Orboth bride and groom th'e wedding was quiet. The bride wae lett to the altar gees by her father who gave her away; while the orgae pealed forth the beautiful' strains of Mendellsohn'e wedding march, well executed by the organist, Miss' Griffin. The bride looked most charming with her golden hair most .becomirtly ar- ranged under her emerald gteen hat, which was quietly trimeried • with • smoke colored feathers and her cogume was tailor - mede, of navy blue broadcloth, • with breast knot of love/3i' viol- ets,. The brides -maid- Was Miss Beat- rice Peterson, only sister of the bride, who' wore a grey voile dress with grey, hat, and osteleh plumes; win breast kzeit ot lilies of the valley. The groornernan was Mr. L. De X. • W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and ,Proprieter, Between 160 and 170 children were burned to death In a fire in a school at Collinwood, a suburb of plevelane, ++++.+++++++++++++++++,+-t++++,.. The MOLSONS .BANK INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1855. Capital paid up $3,305,840.00 Reserve Fund $3,305,00.00 HEAD OFFGE, MONTREAL. DIRECTORS • WM. MOLSON MACPHERSON• . ... -, .. :. President if . H. EWING . . ... .. .. Vice W. M. Ramsay. , ..i..P. bleghorn. EL ltfarkland Molson, : ' Lteliol P, C. Renshaw, Wm. C. McIntyre. • . • ' •James Elliott, General Manager, A. D. Durngord, Chief Inspector and SuPeriti- dent of Branches. w. II, Draper, Inspector. W. W. L. Chipman,. .. J. H. Campbell, Assistant inspectors. Inspectors. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of *1.00 and upwards received and interest &Hewed at a per 060.mm-date of deposit, compounded 4 times a rear SPEcIALATTVITION given teali branches of Farmers' business. Sale notes mummer couectea OD favorable terms. .C. E. DOWDING, Manager • CLINTON di B. HOOVER. NELSON BALL PUTT INC everything to- gether just right has a lot to do with the. appearance of a picture; • , Picture Frei es. • Add to or detract from the efteetivenees of pictures consid erahlt. It Is a speeicietalty of mire to make the frame sett tile p(etttre. We like people to say how beautifully cur frames and thelepictures agree. You will set it too if you will let us do Seine learning for you. We invite you to fritipect our stock of Furniture Which is con - plate in °vete line and our prices are AS low at( the lowest. We are the tole agents for the fertieue tleteules sprlogit and OstaloorMattreeses. • HOOVER et BALL Purniture and Funeral Directors, ' Amitaal. Stephens, of Montreal. The altar Waf) alight with wax candles, and Vatee filled with levely flowers. Mi. Torn • Griffin rendered in gootl Voice the solos in the Eyre, Agnus,. Del, and 'Sanctus of "Peter'S Mass ; Miss Nellie McDonald singing the saered 'solo at the offertory "My !child, give MO thy heart." • After signing their names itt •the vestry, the bridal party were joined by the rest of the wedding par- ty, viz Mt. and Mrs. Petereoti, the litter in a lovely 'costume of blank sIlk veleet, earrying red room Lady Ilingstozt in mouttitfig, Mrs. Maedotigt all' in grey silk voile, With jet hat, and grey feathers, and 'Miss.• Miiedoug- all, •wea.riug •gown of Allee blue with tulle hat to match and dallied lilies of the valley ; Miss Buller, neice of Mrs. Peterson; and of Gen. Buller, wearing a • very dainty eosturne of blue trope de cheee, with hat to teeteh, and parried* violets. Mestere Harold wed Basil Hingstoe of Mon- treal were also of the wedding party, all taking eartlaps from St, Peter's church to the xesidefice of the bride's parents. The wedding breaking vvas most. MIterehey • and a very happy party all 'Were parents aud gueits, The fit WM party were accompanied as far as Stratford by Nisi Ileatriet Vet. cream and Lady illugeton ied parte, the latter going to Unfree', the bride anti groom going on their !Wiley - Moen trip to Nt w York City, and oilier r,ointe. WE' wish • them "Bon WOMMYMVW1WAMWINVOMMWOM.”WehieM liAMASWWWWVOMMetht• fortubte " J Evangelist McCombe gave .his ad- dress in North street church on Sun- day evening, "Why . do ye halt, be- tween two, opinions ?" was the text selected •for that evening. Mr. Cook sang a . pretty sacred solo' after the address. ' . • : Dr. Emmerson delivered. a brief ad- dress to the Y. M. C. A. en 2nd _March,, and declamations were given by • two of the memberS. A choral club is .practising inconnection with the association. , . -At the Gospel Temperance „Meeting held on ,Sunday afternoon, ' Messrs. Malian and Park read -the eport of the Tepmerance .Convention recent' 'held at Toronto; Mr. Cook • preside at the organ • while several ielesPe hymns- Were sung by 4,11_,e, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver •Rlittitae, • and little son of Brantford were. gti.st• z the former's mother, A. Mynas. • Supt. Robertson .ot the Baptist church S. S.,' has esPensed the enlar- gement of his S. S. roll, in a hovel way, by dividing the S.• class itt- to two classes -the "Reds" and "Blues." The contest ended on Sun- day, the Blnes wineinge-they having brotight inore,zieW scholars . to the S. Col. eYeeng has -signed a eoheteet .with the' :Cievetninent. to simply a thousand cords of stone for the new brcakWa,ter, had .quarrying is the or- der. of the day 'up the.: Maitland riv- ct. Front ten '.1•ci fifteen teams are daily hauling stone e to the barter. Timber too, is being brought hi from 'the country. Messrs, and the etliises Cousins ex - toed their very sincere thanks to the kind frienc).s who extended to them their sympany,during the illneee of their mother, • and now during their bereavement. John 1Cornighin, who after the death of his beloved wife, iceompen ied his daughter and her husband. Major Joseph Beek, to their home at Toronto, spent some time at Mitchell the guest of his son.in-law, Dr. Arm- strong of that place, and is new the guest of his. son Norman at "Sunny- side Farm" neat" Auburn. Having re- signed his position as treasurer of the Public Library, Dr. Strang succeed - el him. .f or a .shore time, as De. Strang contemelates „taking a trip to Europe with Mrs. Strang this season. We were glad to see Miss Vida Bell's smiling face at the. post • office wicket again, after her enforced ab- sence, from the effect of grip.. There was an unpleasant time last week at the stone quarry Caused by an unexpected explosion, and some of the• rook fell throe& the roof oi the shanty While the men were, at din- ner. • Froin • the Mail and Empire •of March 7th . we learn that. "„The en- gagement it announced of Mies Olive May Buchanan B. A. young -at (laugh- Ooderich Mrs. W. I.. Eliot and little dangle, • ter Phyllis with her nurse, returned from their two weeks visit to Toron- to. David MeIlwain, tor the last sixty peas a resident ot the township of • West 'Wawenosh, died at his home on the first `eonee,ssion. oe Friday last et the advanced age ot eighty five yeaxs. Mr. IVIcIlwain was born In County Down, Ireland, M 1822 and Came to Canada in 1840, theejourney occupying •almost two and a. half months, Seven years atter settling in Goderieh, he was Married to Jane Johnstone, and a few weeks they Went to live the township of West Wayanosh, John MeIlWalit of Wingham and Andrew MeIlwaiu of Detroit are brothers of the deceased, and he is also survived by two hall sisters and'sirhalf bro- thers in Gederich township. His parte ner in Iiie -died sixteen years ago but be is 'survived by a taraily of ten children as follows : Robert, mere chant at Nile ; William on the home- stead ; David at Nile ; John, in Moe- ana ; Alexandee in North Dakota Mrs.. 'Wilson and •'Miss IVIertha at home ; Mrs. • Tiffin and Mrs. Me - Fee in Oolborne and Andrew on de farm adjoining the homestead. • Rev, IL IV, *Wright, pastor ot the •Baptiet church, who has tendered his resignetioa, was on Friday called up- on by a ;lumber of the congregation and presented with a handsome desk, accompanied by an address, expressine the eongrega,t4on's appreciation of his labors amongst them, and of the good that had been accompliehed, ane their regret at parting. Honor Roll of Clinton .C. I. The following are the results of the February examinations ; the earees are in .ordee of merit. ••• Foim 5. -Over 60 per cent -W. Mc- Queen. Over 59 per cent. -E "riPIadYt R. Katy, J. Carneron• Form 4.7Over, 80,-D: Stewart. Cover 70,-R. Vodclen. Over 60,-S. East, P. Lucas, C. 00PP, a Elcoat, E. Cantelon, • S. Holmes, Brown, W. Weir. Over 50.-J. IVIc.Connell, S. Ross, M. Smith, IPearson, A. Green• : Form 3:-Oeer 60.-A. Gunn and D. Courtice (Opiate B. MeTaggart, D. Ross, •W. Over 50,-M. Raesford, C: Macpherson, J. Wise - 'Man, .J, lyeir, A. Middleten.. • . Form 2.-0ver Watte, H. Reid, F. Elliott, J. O'Neil, It. Cum- mins. .Over 50.-W. Dolfeet,y,.)3, Drap- er, M. Brown, N. Roleson, G. Chant, -B---MeNaughton, eTe_ 2.' McIver. . . Perm 1. --Over 70.-R Fair• W. Halt:, Over. Trick, E. Turner, A. Irwin and E. Rodawa.y .1,equate L. Beaton, G. Cantelon, T. Moat, C. McGuire. • Over 50.-L. Reid, C. Mil- tre laze' H. McArthur, Ford, Fat- aquihoaard,y. J. • S • .tevenson, D. 13all, IVI, 1.• erich, to Mr. Charles Henry Mut- ter of Mr. James Bitchanan of God - strong n, A. of Toronto, .stni_ot the la,te. Mr. W. W. and Mrs. Armstrong AT P A EDWARDS' ANNUAL of Campbellford. The wedding, which has been arranged to take place in If Goderith in the early part of April, will be very quiet." The funeral of the late Scarlet B. Williams, second Son of the late itthy a Live Stock' Market. • Tortieto, March 9th. -A good rue at the Union: Stock Yards to -day, and trade .sloW. Export • cattle - boyere were net very keen on. the job. to- day holding that tne. Old Country •markets just now do: not warrant the high prices asked. here. At ,the same time ...there were quite a few good sales going,. ane prices did :not mateelally iifferte:in conmerisoneee-witheereoeia quotations: • While some Went 'at , irmind $4:86 to $4.90, other sales were made at $5 to $5.25. - The butcher ' trade; • while draggy; :particularly ' :en 'coinnion. to, znediem stuff, • kept Well tip to the quotations of last week for ehe best buteher cat- tle,:" Good loads, 0,1 butcher • steers and heifers sold at $4.50, and Picked lots as high as $4.811... Choice butcher cowS 'also sold well it .$1 and over. For :the • commoner mixed. 'butcher.: cattle; prices probably, were off somahere around 206; Te*ards the close -of the .ineeket buying became. a little more brtsk The run to -day Was 71 loads; with about 1,579 head of cattle :130 sheep and lambs, 107 hogs,. azid 76 calves. Export -Market steady, at $4.175 to $5.25 for. :ehoiee cattle • medium $4 .-to $4.25 ;:bulls, $1.25' to $4..50 ; bows, $3.75 to .• • Butehet-Market easier ehoieeet picked butcher, $4.15 tO $C90 t good $4 to $4415 ; ,coixama Mixed cattle, 25 cents lower at $2,25 to $2.75. Stoekers-Good. • demand ' for the right kind at $8 to $3.60. . Sheen..1Vlarket. firm ; ewer, $4.35 to $475; lambs, grain fed, 'e6.50 to $7; Cottnnen,, to 16. , flogs -Market just • a' shade • firmer than last week, Gunn', Liiiiited, quote best selects at. 34,80, it edit* try .peinte, •• .0441ino and. see'wha,t 00 Williams, Dunlop, took plgee • ftoli St. George's ehurch on Sunday last, Rev, Mark Turnbull •officiating, The pail -bearers Were the three brothete tif the deceased, Jack; Arthur and It. B. IL Williezes, and nephew. Ilar- re Williams. A little bunch a white, roses were laid be some lovieg hend the upoli e casket. Quite a long ot- tege • of earriages, escorted the re- mains to Colborne cemetery, Thd deceased gentleman was a prolific writer arid thinker; but eschewed all publicity. Mrs: jane. Reid, widow of the late John Reid, did at her home in this town on Sunday at the, good old age of eighty, five years. She had not Om in good health for tome time, but had been Confined to bed only a couple of &Yee Sainte Reid 'of Toronto is her wily, surviving son. . The deceased was it member Of tile Wirth street church. Buil Sale Money Saving prim* such • as. •• . You eeldore see, lec tied -420 Prints and Clinghams 12-10 t16YrragPliro.Orettes for 10e. : Heavy yeti wide Plantietetate lite. 0e..Flannelette for tSte, 50e, 13Inek Wool Dress goods 30e. 50e Covert Cloth for 25e. 56 inch all Wool Ilotriespuue ittDlaeic mid Grey aiid Brown. for 60e. .7.. and 8e Embroideries and ineertione for 4e. a. ya,rd, A. Edwards • BAYPIELO. "Every One Thought I Had Consumption. Pe-rn.mia Saved °I THANK DR. HARTMAN ros PC -RU -NA." ral hazdiy sknow howhowto thank yOu for thtgilivid;PllifizEmj. erunahasdone me. 41 Suffered five yeariWith pain in the stomach. About ayear ago it became so bad I could hardly bear it I coughed day and night and grew weaker and • Weaker. The pain extended through my body and I also had difficulty in breathing, which made me cough. Everyone thought I had consumption. qty husband heard of Reruns and bought live bottles, Thiri treatment, vir- tually mod me and now 1 recommend Penne te every one who is suffering. • "Ithank Dr; Hartman for this excellent remedy," . Ste Zulio de Verdheres, is. Q.; Canada. Mob Pariseau, A NEGLECTED cold is generaely. the Peruna bee been found the Moat re - 4 --1. first cause of catarrhliable of all reniediee for coughs, colds Wonaeu are especially liable to coldsand patarrh, by reason of the fact that Thee colds occur more frequently dur- it goes at ence,to . the very seatot the Ing the Wet,' sloppy :Weather of winter trouble. ' . • and spring than any :other time of the It eearehes out every crevice, every year, Qften, they duet of the body. It quickens and equal - are not consid- lees the 'ciitula- ered serious and tion of the blood, PE -RV -NA , are allowed ,to thus relievieg the THE REMEDIr run on; or, they congested .mticoes • roil CATARRH • are treated in such a way as to only membranes. It ex- ' Of THE LUNGS., palliate the symptoms; while the cold ereises a healing --becomes more . deett-seated. and the and soothing effect upon the =cense e. patient finally awakens to the fact that membranes,. 120 matter whether their . she has a well-developed case Of C& arethemere exposed membrattesot the tarrh• . . head and throat, or whether they' line :By reason of their delicate ritruettne, the remotest cells of the lungs. . ,the lungs are frequently the neat of a-• Mrs. Jaschob,10$1, Hicks St.i, Toledo, cold, especially if there is the slightest Ohio', writes: • : . weakness of these organs, The treatment "When I• wrote to, yon tor advice, I of catarrh of the lungs is also more dif- had been sick . for three years; I had : ficult and discouraging than catarrh of trouble With my throat. Often I' could . any other organ of the bodyagainee itbyevery,ereeaution possible. and it has cured me /P .. It would be Wise therefore, to guard tgok Pena aceoeding to direetion e : not breathe through my nose. had pains in my cheat and 'a cough. 1, Pena WOMEN SHOULD BEWARE' Of CATCHING • Private Thonfasi Kirby'of weeseley Sergt-Major Prentice of the Semi - Beetacks, :Lohdon, Ont, has fallen' ton police force has reSigned owing to ' heir ;to pert of a fortune 'Of $1,45,000, jill-health. • left by liia' father WhO died at War- I •" wick, Englaud, .• • . ' • Muskoka ;Liberals -nominated ' Angus Mattison: for the Commans and -M.e.,,Alclize Snider 'fore the Legtelatare. . . Chancellor Day of Syracuse Univer- sity must answer before the New. York. Cenferenee of the Methodist Episeopal Church to a charge of 'speaking evil of President gooSevelt. The •Chatham regiment MAY 'send two- Coinpardos .• to the tercentenary celebration in Quebec in August: The body of Ezra Howley, otOr - land, a laborey, and married, was found hanging frpin a tree neer . his Lord Tweedmouth has explained net the letter re.beifed by him from the. German Emperor was purely person ii. and ha0 nothing to do with 'the • LI ':kva,1 estimates Yet the demand fe. jig production .1u •Parliarneet contieties • • . Auction .• Sale . Register Saturday, 'March 21st, contftlV lett, fatmstock. and im.p,leinents.:7W. Hesk, proprietor, Thos. Brown,. enc. tioneer.. . • • • Friday, March 20th, at 1;p. m., lot 17, con. 8, L. R, S. Tuckersmith, farni stock and implements, J„ Grieve, proprietor ; Thos. Brown; auctioneer. Saturday, Much at'l, .p. me. lot 11,, con. 4, Stanley, . farm stark and implements, T.hos. Gemneell, pro- Prxdieotonr,4.sois.arcttho3tvone;a:t.1 et17erl.m.•.at lot 12, con 11, Ilibnert,:farm stet& and implemetits.--Je• Young, proprie- tor ; T. Brown, auctioneet• Tuesday, March 31st, at 1 p, n., at lot 10, con. 9, Hullett, extaisive sale of heavy horses, fillies and geldings -.J. Leiper, proprietor ; BroWlrif all°4 ,tioheer. I, -PIANO AND ORGAN •TUNING AND . Repairing. -The undersigned .. m prepared te do all Idnde of piano . ' and organ tuning and repairing, and berm a man of practical experience is able toguarantee eatisfacttene Orders inay, • be left at W. S. R Holmes' drug store -Ed J. Howe• " ard, °Unto*. . Motile •of NoW York may • dose n contract: for the Royal Alex- andra Theatre, Torento, to Play. Sav- • oy Theatre attra.etiens. • rit ,a •quarrel • frilioviing a lumber- man'a. dance at Ste. Agathe, Que., Nazaire- Martel attacked hts brother with an axe and inflicted wounds that Will. prebebte Prove fatal. ,• Ellwood T. thecae, a fernier post- master of Detroit, committed suicide yesterday, HOUSE AND LOT POlt SALEee- CtIttages on Joseph street contaAtiug sitting room, dining room, two bed- rooms, kitchen and . pantry. Wood- shed attached. Hard and 'soft wat- er. A"few good fruit trees, • apple and eherry. Apply to W. Brydone, solicitor, or W. .5. Biggine,. ton,Clin- •14-2- ANY PERSONS WISHING, TREES cut downor pruned on street or• e posite their property are requested eo apply to the Street Committenee W. G. Smyth, Chairman. it VAPV 1IANG/NG AND DECOltAT- ing. 3ood stork guaranteed, Agent for the Mitipire Wallpaper Co, Samples furniehed, 10 cents a roll for hanging. Your patrottan re veeefitily E. Cook. 1 . • . • FARM FOR SALE.e-TI1E FARM.' property of the late James. ."Fair, ." containing . 200 acres pr improved cuitivatect and , grazing lend adjoin.- . •ing the •Town *of Clinton, leurOn,„ oourittc-t-Ontt., -Will be e.Thirrer-ret-77 • Sale ':by auction or, Wed: es - day -the '25th day, of •.N4reli ae the hour of 2 o'clock. Further partite.. 'Wars, description and terms of se a, made known on application to 'the.; undersigned, or 'fro*. Jamee. .gapt and James Scott, executors; D. „ Dickenson, • auctioneer, Clinton. Telegraphy Highest paid ofticials Were once operators. Demand exceeds supply Six :thousand needed during next feW year. Operators have secured increased salaries and eig4t hour day. Weprepare you. in She. rtest 'time ..gareaddup4Itaieo.enyou iMviediately upon OOMPetent-, instructors, unsur- passed equipment, wide experience. • Commercial subjects free. • Enter now.. No vacation. MAIL COURSES. CLINTON . BUSINESS CO'LLEOS "DANItt, g. Etig,"Vice:PrIneipal sPOIT0241, Principal. :ate h -for this space next week fOr. Enticing .11§t. of ba,r4 gains.. A. D. Beaton; Irhe Grocer,