HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-03-05, Page 5rob. stilti 1908
$urclogett Ills of ChildhoOd,
illaiaTKINS-eJENKINS-,01). TIMOdae, , How to Cure Them.
• matettm St. Patire ee0tear,
maw, u,
0,, R. 00040 Thete is no medicine thet can equal
Clilltael. • ,a l• 04• • gribriltDvib1it3ofi211:rio
:1Oilt1ituellsCi a:eli11:oaa:,nVio1voalmotivaio, 4gei:rrea
aNseHANNAlf,40, Knea4Ie"4°' 4/4131° tiver Y1Qtrils7
ftb, taw Iterv, 0, gibs, ow. Mad teething troubleo. Whee You.
bY give this medicine to your little
Jane guarantee ef
• AMA* beth Wingaaea. govs
niattee, Mac:Weak on Feb, 1,90, br Sale," oars. Thos. Mills, thel, Ont.,
ays "1 have 'ud BahY'n Own
Her. D. Car:SWell, Robert:: A. Tsse
ytobinsoo, to Ethel De son, boul thalletejusitthe meiedltliqtiace nbae
eectedey tod ineelindp
ot XyreQn
eXUIl;Pu...M the It chums'. • babies healthy. They are eaSa to
take and all."'" do good." Sold ay
Winghaan on Feb. a0th, 1)Y the :
Medicine dealers or by mail at 25
Rev. Father Laarendsau, William centbox, from The Dr. Williams'
j,,King at Culross to Margaret n'
Medicine Co,, 13rockvil1e, Ont.
daUghter of Mr. Jelin Mc-
Glyne of Turnimery. ,
on Feb. 26th, Ed. HoWald •of
Zueica to Mary Elizabeth New-
, cembe of Exeter.
IllinataNA.LD - CANNELL - At the
hem M tbe bride's mother on
Feb. 26, by JaseA. Anderson,
Denald Macdonald of 'Aslafield
township to Barbara Cantle%
daughter of the late Finlay Mc-
February 26th, by Rev. H. M.
Langford, William Christopher of
Walton to Luey Sholdiee of
PICKETT-In Clinton, on Feb. 27, to
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pickett, a
eDARTWRIGHT-In Hullett on 27th
Feb., to Mr. and Mrs. Amos.
Cartwright, a son.
IticLEAN-In Seaforth on Feb.- 240.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLean, a
EDWARDS-In Wingharn on Feb.
23r4, to Mr. and Mrs. Christoph-
ei Edwards, a daughter. •
BACKNEY-In Exeter, on Feb. 18th,
..to E. E. Hankney, and wife, a son.
DUNCAN-In Brussels, on Feb. 20th,
. to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Duncan, a,
'ROWLAND-In Brussels, on February
14th, to Mr. atad Mrs. J. Fa Rowa
• land, a daughter. .
•• Deaths
13IGGINS-In Clinton on Feb. 29th,
Thomasin Dixon, relict of the late
James Biagins, itt her 84th year.
•CANTELON-In Goderieh township
• on Feb. 28th, Margaret Hanley,
relict of the late Adam Cantelon,
aged 79 years and 9 months.
"MINER -In Clinton on. Feb. 29th,
Elizabeth, infant daughter of • Mr.
•• John Miner, aged 3 months and
8 days, •
RANEY-In Tuckersmith on Feb.
29th, Robert Raney, aged 53
. years and 10 monlhs.
13LAOKER-In Clinton on"Feb. 29th,
• *omas Jackson Blacker, aged 69
Airs and 2 months.
KIN6 Grey township, on Feb-
e^t•-•-•-1 30th,J. Lawson King, eld-
est son of Job T. King, .n his
twentieth year.
. • 'ARMOUR -In Win•gham, Feb. 26, Wm.
Armour, aged 52 years.
•IFINDLATER-In Los Angeles, Cal.,
on Feb. 15th, Margaret Ellen
• Findlater, daughter of Mr. Wm.
Findlater, of Morris. ,
Miss Mrytle Sproat left last week
for WinniPeg Where she expects to
take a poaithen as stenographer.
• Mr, Charles Golding, who has been
in the employ of the Bell Steam
laundry for the • past twelve years1
has gone to Owen Sound ,where he has
taken a petition: •
Miss Grape Cameron ot Bayfield was
the guest of Mrs. John Dodd a the
PaSt week,
Mr. Thomas Dickson left last week
for •Glaigew, Scotland, where he ex-
pects to piek up a feW good horse%
Mr. Robert Lumsden hes been in
poor health for adme time and is not
improving as his' many Weeds would
Rev. W. •J. Benne, Secretary of the
Lord's Day Alliance, delivered .an •ad-
dress in the • town hall on Sunday ev
ening last at •the close of the church
&maces. _ • _
The Cantor' New -Record
414•-• ••••• 4 40.•••••••114.41•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••141
The News From Goderich
ELOISE A. SKIMMINGS, Cerresnorident .
eele41.441110•4040.••••••••••••4•••••••••••••• alt44041•116,11••
her home at the post -office, from New Brook, wife ot Thomas Cousins took
Miss Isabel Elssett hoe retail:nen to The funeral of the late Mary
York. .
Alex. Waver *as referee at Luck -
now in the Mt. Forest and LuelmoW
'hockey Match at Luelenow. on Wednes-
day evening of laet week. The score
• was: 8 to 2 in favor of Mt. Foreet.
• Quite a nUroner of our Goderich young
men attended the matelt, .among ftro
being Messrs, Roberts, Gus Qranans,
and our mariners Beck elays,. Ed.
Craig. and Jake McKinnen,
• Rev. G. N. Hazen • attended the bunch of Amerman • beauty roses,
meeting of directors of Alma College tribute of • Mrs. faorge Acheson,
at St. Thomas, last week, casket boquet of white carnations
,• Mr. William. • Clark, who last year from ' Mrs. Robert IVIeLeml ; casket
purchased the residence from tae late bovet of pink earnetions Mrs, J.
1Mrs. Tom McLean, • is very ill • at Edward a and casket boquet of
• present. white carnations, Roy N. Harrison.
Oliver Whitely lost his faithful The friends from a aistance who • ate,
grocery horse on Saturday an tended the funeral were; Mrs, Er -
attack of inflaramation. • win Marlette, Mich.- ; and. .,Mra.
The Oddfellows': had their settees, Williams, Flint, Mich. The pillbear-
uphOletered in time for the lest dance ers were two sons-in-law Of the lato
before Easter, • Mrs. Cousins, Messrs, J. B. Orr,
On Thursday evening last, the Fox Goderiely township and 'George MANI-
E. club held their Assembly at Odd- el, Saltford and four nephews John
.fellows' hall, Miss Davis of Mitchell McPhee, Torn McPhee, James 'Watson
• was one of the guests. • and 'William Feagan, all of 'Colborne.
• The Canadian Order •of Chosen The late Mary Brea, came at the
Friends, meets on the int, and last age of nine years, with her parents
Thursdays of every, month in, their 45' years ago front ,county Fermanagh,
hall, over Wilson's prescription 'etore : Ireland, to London, Canada, where
We learned last week of the death she was married to the husband . of
at London of Mrs. Roa,eli, mother ot: hee choice, Mr. Thomas Cousies,
Mrs. • Goraon Wright, of London, settling in Colborne- where many of
,presidetit'of the W: C. T. U. • their relatives' sealed on farms. :By
• Mies Davis of Mitchell spent • last this union 13 children were born, 19
•week at the Hotel Bedford, the guest of whom survive their mother, 7
of her brothers, the Messrse Davis. •giris, Mrs, J." B, Orr, Goderich town.
IVIrs. James' Reid; has received a ship, Mrs. George Meedel, aealtford
second attack of paralysis, and email and the Misses Lizzie, Mattie,
hope is entertained of her reenvery. Ruth and Myrtle. The three sons are
On the dee% of aee leueband the late "'Messrs. William Cousins,. Marlette,
Mr, James Reid, a well known build- Micli., Charles Benson,: Denver,' Color-
ing contractor, her spirits began to ado, and George Cousins, . town, late
Ful, and although she has survived of Marlette, • Mith. The late Mrs.
him some years, sae. .failed daY by COnsins was the ;third. cousin of • Gen -
day, her sight leaving her. • • .• eral Brock, one of ate most noted of
Master Harry Reid. has :lieen operate British .Generals. She • Was a • most
ea mien at Alexander hospital and ie lovable, Christain wornau, and before
doing :well. • . • .• dying told her 'family "not to mourn
Mr. Lorne Chrystal, returned . to hee being. taken away • .from them; as
his home at .Toronto on. Saturday: She knew they would . all meet aer
He is no in perfect health, •alter his again in theeglorious realms above."
stay for a ' few : years in IVIoosejaw, Mr. Cousins, -her aged partner, said
Man„ to which place he went by his when* kissing her last farewell, .be-
ahysician's advice, alter his recovery , fore the casket was taken out . "I
here from a, very severe attack of will soon • be wi Eh you, Mary" All
pneumopia,. He has been the guest Of the family Were preeeph and many
his grandniother, Mes. L. Elliott for relatives, but the two Sons'.William in
a few, weeks. . Marlette, Mich., and Charles I3enson
Charles Washington, our foreaer de in Denver,. Colorado; could net conle.
T. R: freiglik.egent, now of Vancouv- • '
A 'very quiet wodding- took 'place at.
dr, B. C., is at present a guest at
his old home. • .• St7 Peter's -church, at 5 -a. .
fag.t Tuesday,' 25th: Feb., the contracting
Quantities . of ice were bellied
parties, Mise Mary Ellen Farr, eldest,
week, and many cords of green Wood
found their Way, . into the yards daughter •of Met James Fare now of .
Toroth" to Sergt. Major . Fel:
two of our bakers, Messrs: ' Me: J:
lovaes, of the Royal Canadian . En
smith., and Harry Stowe.
gineers. of Toroeto. The bride lookea
Mre. McCall. has rented her cotta:ge
on Britannia Road. lovely and fair, in a costume of grey'
- Mrs. Melbourne -of -Hamilton: who ladies' cloth, the collar and cuffs of
her pretty oat, being of 'emerald
was : the guest. of her neice, Mrs. 'Pet.;•
green. silk velvet and mushroom hat
er Macdonald:, this month, rcAnrried On
Thursday 'sit to that city. • of :grey felt, quietly trinuried with
Mr: Horney: is back .again at hes satin ribbon to • match.: Tho brides
post, in the organ factory: • t maid was her sister,' Mise Lizzie Part
who looked very happy' in het costumei
Captain Traunch is at Buffalo, vis-
iting friends in that city, -• of ntivy blue; broadcloth with stylish
TV. dnd .:_m_rs,__Da.144.4,are,liftd.. hat of tipsy, velv.et. Ret.r. -Father
placc to Colborne cemetery on Fri'
day, Rev. Oectrge N. Hazen officiating.'
During the service the favorite linen
of the deo:teed lady was sung, "Nora
er my God to Thee." Lovely, floral
tributes covered the casket, among
ahem being a pillow with many lover,
ly flowers of spring front the Conser-
vatory, a gift of the family, large
wreath of roses and Mice tribute et'
Mrs. Albert lala,cklem of Sarnia ;
Auction Sale Register.
Additional notices of - on page
Saturday, March 14th, at .1 p. m.
at con. 2, Tuckersuath, la :miles east
nf Henealla farm stock ,and im-•
plements.-Louis Clark, proprietor ;
Thos. Brown, auctigneer. •
Tuesday. "Maaeh••l7th, ate]. p. • '11;
at lot 24, con. 3,' S: Tucker -
:smith, farm stock.. --11..M.: Hamilton,
proprietor ; Thos. .13rown, auctioaper,
Thursday, Marele 26th, at lot 18.
con. 16, Goderich • townsihip, ferns
stock and iniplements.-Beat Murphy.
proprietor ; T. Gently, auctioneer,'
Friday, Mama 20th at 1 p: in. at
con. 2, H. IL S.,' ' Tuckersinith.
miles west of Egmendville farm
stock -James Grieve, proprietor ;
Thos. Brown, auctioneer.
Monday Match23rd, at 1. p. m. et
con. 4, H. R, S., 1 mile west . of
Egmondvillea fatni, stook and imple-
ments:--Chaeles Carnahan, proprietor,
Thos. Brown, A.uctioneer:
Tuesday,. Mazch 24ble .at 1 9. m,
lot 2, con. 10, Tucliersmitle clearing
sale of farm stock. -W. Kitisman,
proprietor; Thos. Brown,. Auctioneer,
Wednesday, March 25th, at 1 p.
at lot 15, con. 8, Main* • !Arm
stock and implements -.a -H. McIntosh,
proprietor; Thos. Brown a,uctieneer.
Thursday, Meech 26th, at 1 pt
at let 7, con: 2, Hulleta, farm. stock
.11- BY THE GRIP. --
La Grippe is Epidemic Catarrh,
• 'T'HE dieesse new known as 6grip'
-a mesa to be called 'influenza.'
atVere closely resemble* * cold, but is
more tertseions• in its hold upon the
eystcia and producee more profound die-
• turban:tea.
, Grip is in reality epidemie Catarrh;
When it once begina it spreads over the
country very rapidly, •
People do noecatch the griptrom each
other, but each one catches It from the
giblost Effective Medicine Ever Tried
• for La Grippe,
Robt.L. Madison, A. M., Principal of
Cullowaee „High School, Painter, W. C.,
is chairman of the Jackson County
Board of Education.
He Is a writer of occasional verse and
ban ,contributed to a number ot loading
• papers and magrines,--religions, eat-
• cations' and secular..
In speaking of Pernna, Mr. Madison
says; •
"I am hardly ever without Perim!, in
My home. It is the most effective medi-
eine that I have ever tried for is grippe.
eIt also cured my wife of nasal ca-
tarrh. Her condition at one time was
such that she could not at night breathe
through her nostrils. •'
"In consequence, an inflamed condi-
tion of the throat was brought about,
getting worse and worse and yielding
40 110 remedy until _Porcine was tried."
McLEAN-1n-Seaforth, on Feb. 24th, and janeleinente.eeJeseph eymeeL_
, the infant daughter of Mr. Keith proprietor; Thos:- Brown, auctioneer.
• -GEOFFREY-In Egniondville, on Feb.
24th, Ruth, infant daughter, of
Mr. Andrew Geoffrey, aged 6
•TICHBORNE-In Goderich township,
on Yebruary • 23rd, William D.
Tichborne, aged 61 years.
• COU INS -In Goderich, on February
th„Mary Brock, wife of Thomas
ousins, aged 67 years, 5 months.
Repairing.-Tha undersigned'. is
prepared to do • all kinds 9( piano
Mid: organ tuning. and renairing, and
being a maw of practical experience
in able t� 'guarantee' satisfaction
Orders may, be left at .W. S. R
Holmes' drug store -Ed J. How-
ard, Clintoe.
Capital paid up $3,305,840.00 Reserve Fund $3,305,840.00
•S. H. E W ING . . . . . Vice -President
W. M. Ramsay, .J. P. Cleghorn, H. Markland Molson,
Lt.. -Col (1.‘lienshaw, Win. C. McIntyre.
James Elliott, General Manager. A. D. Durngord, Chief Inspector and guperin-
dent of Branches. W. H. Draper, Inspector. W. W. L. Chipman,
3.11. Campbell, Assistant Inspectors.
SA VINCS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of WO and upwards received
and interest allowed at 3 per cent.from date of deposit, compounded 4 times a year
SPECIAL, ATTENTION given to all branches of Farmers' businebs. Sale
notes castled or collected on favorable terms. •
+++44++4-f44-+++444444+ +++4+++++:4+++++4+++44
smisemmenenismanisselatemelli 6
rapAyirrom A little pay-
ment now.
and then will
nicely furn-
ish your do-
During the next thirty days lowered Prices Will he in force
throughout our store and Uwe° who contemplate buying wilt
kiave an opportunity of doing so at pates they will scarcely do -
in a long time. For ex:unpile* Sideboard golden oak fin-
ish; two &torero, large euoleterd, (With shelf in cub), la x 21 {nett • '
mirror in back for $0.75. Rich gam ter cut oak finish dresser and
stand with 14 x 24 British Bevetleca teatime for $10.50, 1401 id 'ortk
cobbler seat rocking chair $1 85, solid oak parlor table 20 tnehes
square for $1.50. 'Enke our word for it het no better valuer; have
been set forth than those which are being , offered for the nett
SO days.
Furniture and: Undertaking.
to Cobourg last week, to attend the McCrae officiate' at the early, mass
funeral of the lady's father..
• . . • . • • •
W. J. Dere, is back to the a old
toWn, .to• succeed Chester Farrow, as
teller at the G. T. R. station, '
; Miss McLaren, is the guest of her
sister,. Mrs. W. Megaw,.. Winnipeg.
• Mr. Andrew Boyce hae, returned
!rem .hia home: at Mooaelaw. He
came in good time to spend a feW
weeks With' his parents, Mr. a and
Mrs, '-i3Oyca, his fatherbeing: very ill
•whee he azriyed. •
Mr. Tom Cartoll, one of .Colhorne's
most Prospereues farmers, is We are
very sorry to state, in very delicate
Mrs. I.acey, mother of Mrs. • Tem
• Carroll, has • been very ill at the
home of her da.ughter. •'
• Mr. D. A. -McLeod' of Sault Ste.'
Marie, celebrated .the anniversary ca
his birth. at his old home, Ripley, on
Thursday last.
Mrs. Vivian has returned from a,
very pleasant visit to her daughters,
Mrs. Brown and Miss Coral Vivian,
at Kalantazoo, Mich. Mis's Viviatt has
been in Three Rivers, a, city adjoin-
• ing Kalamazoo, following her profes-
• sional duties.
We are glad to anhounce the recov-
ery of the little child of , Mr. and
Mrs. 'Dew, Park House, from an at-
tack of bronchitis.
The following plan for cleaning the
plow, Which will work well on =otAwr
tools of ironor steel is recommended,
Slovilt: add one pint vf sUlphttrie
acid to one quart -eV water, handling
it carefully, and stirring slowlye as
.considerable heat will rzsult from the
mixing. When it is cool, moisten the
surface of the metal with this, and
then rub dry, after which wash oft
With pure water.. After cleaning, a
thorough coating of grease is given
• before putting the tool away, and
taken out . to use, give another coat-
ing and It Will go easier.
Mrs. altunlin was itt Dungannon VIA -
Ring her mother, Mrs. McMath.
At Knox church on Sunday mornin• g
last, eottertunioe cups were served to
• those who avroached the oommunion
• table. The text eltoSeu by Rev. Jam-
es A. Anderson was from St. John
• "Do this in Commemoration of Me."
Mr: and Mrs., Paulin vtore in Tor-
onto last week• : .
Miss lacturall Brewit rednt
taine' fro
Stratford' last week.
Walter Mitchell is mit, at(lin, • after
seine dayS.intlispositlom
Engineer James Metro, C. P. It. arid
• family now occupy rooms in the Bed-
ford bloCk after spending a Couple of
" Months in Loadoni
• 'The hlisses McPherson and Brown
went down, to Toronto to spend a few
• days recently, but Mi53 McPherson he -
cam imils•losx1 ans laq week we
S-7 tortrivA of ler illness at her ho
0! her.,
and performed the sterna& c,exemony.
After e nicely prepared wedding break- Violet Barge 240, Rata. Cook 239,
fast at. the twine Of the bride's' par- Pearl' Finch 238, Effie Pickett 236,
ants. the happy brideandgroom left Elmer Ker 232, Erma Andrews 225,
for- the Queen city, where the groom Wilmer 'Wallis 225, Wellington Cook
has a niees home ready to receive his 221., Mary Jackson 221, Fred Cutler
briae. • 216. • '
Division 2nd.-Clas's da-Fred•Sloma' n'•
On Monday 24th. Feb., at 6 a. m.
a very pretty bat ;quiet wedding took Grace Walker, Maggio Wheatley, Mar -
Place at the early Mass at St Peter's jorie Agnew, Willie Carling; Laurence
church, Rev: Father McCrae, solemn- Greig, Willie Webb, Margaret Cho*eil
Meg the. marriage of •Miss Mary Mae- Class 3. -Manly Shipley, Willie Rut-
donald, daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. ledge, Willie Walker,. :Jean Dayrnent,
John .Maedonald to Mr. Joseph Haines', Jean • Morris,' Eerl O'Neil, Maggie
of Brantford. The bride wore a 'trav- Pasonn Pearl Junor..-Lizzie . Mae: -
ening suit of fawn ladies' cloth, with Pherson, teacher.
au intrisible brown check, and brown • Division ard.-Senior Class. -Elmer
chenille toque to match, and • white Beacom and Geo. McTaggart, (equal),
veil. The bridesmaid was her sister, F,thel' Baines Russell Moore, Pearl
Miss Annie who wete a nay alue
Eton suit, with white hat and veil.
The groomsman Was J. J. 'Macdonald
brother of the bride, who came up
from Bralitford to at6eaed the oexeme
onyt During the service Miss Flossie
Macdonald sang during the Offertory,
• "My child give me thine heart,"
Miss Griffin presiding at the orgate
Mies' Griffin also played Mendellsolut's
Wedding March. A.nothet sister Miss
Jessie Macdonald Of London, attended
the weddiega Mr. and Mrs:. Eames
left on, .the 7 a. tntrain, for •bluer
• honeymoon trip to Toronto, and
other Western points, before taking up
• their residence, in Brantford. The
bridesmaid was the recipient of • a
gold bracelet, • from the groom. The
bride received some very costly and
beautiful gifts, as she was a person. of
a most lovable disposition and very
Healthy Mucous Membranes• .
Those who are fortunaM enough to
have perfectly healthy =moue mem-
branes ordinarily do not catch the drip.
The mucous membranes lining the
• nose, throat , and lungs, when in a
• .normal state, are an effectual barrier
against the invasion of grip. •
But, if there happens to be the slight-
est 'catarrhal derangement. of the
• Mucous membranes', then the victim be -
comae an eitsier prey to the grip.
• 'This in part explains why some peo-
ple get the grip, while others do not
The rational thing to-do is to keep the
system free from catarrh. In attempt-
ing to do this most people have found
Parma to be invaluable. •
SyStemic Catarrh, the Result of La
Grippe. Pe-ru-na Receives Credit
for Present Good Health.
Mrs. Jennie W. G•ilmore, Box 44,
White Oak, Ind. Ter., formerly House-
keeper for Indiana Referm School for
•.Boys, writes: • • •
"Sim years ago I had, la grippe, 'which
was followed by systemic catarrh.• '
"The, only thing I used was Pertma
and Manalin, and I have been in better
health the last three years than for
years before: • • .•
"I give Peruna all thetredit for my.
good health." '
The Medical
The Grip as
Epidemic ,?'V.. .''',
Catarrh. • ‘` ---*. ----.'
v. .,.
• '
•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••••-•-•-• .
• During an epidemic' of grip Peruna
should . be used. The doses recom-
mended on the bottle are nufficienet•,
lowed. After the grip has once been acvred
Dr. Hartman recommends the use of
Pcruna in teaspoonful doses every hour
during the acute stage, after which the
directions on the bottle should be fol-
' Experience has shown that the people
who use. Peruna asa remedy for grip
generally recover sooner and are less.
liable to the distressing and long -con-
tinued after-effects of the grip: •
When'Peruna has not been used dur-
ing the course of the grip and the patient
finds himself .suffering from the after;
effects of this disease,a ceume of Peruna
should be resprted to. • • • • .
Suffered.Tweive Years .From After
Effects of La Grippe. .•
• Mr. Victor Patneaude, • 328 Madison
St., Topeka, Kan., member of Knights;
and 1..adies of Security, writes: ,
"Twelve years ago I had a severe at-
tack of la grippe and Lnever really re-;
covered my health and strengtha-but
grew weaker .every year, until ;' was
unable to work. • •. . .
"Two years ago I began using Parana
and it built•up my etrength1ao thatlii a-
couple of months I was Aketo go to
work again: ' •
"This winter I had another attack or
la grippe, but Peruna soon drove it out
of my system. My wife end I consider '
Peruns a household remedy:, ••
Pneimonle Followed La Grippe ,
Mr T Barnecott, West Aylmer, On-
tario, Can, writes:
"Last winter I was 311 with pneu-
monia atter having la grippe. I took
Peruna for two months, when 1 became
quite well, and I can say that any one
can be cured by it in a reasonable time
at little expeuse.” •
pe-ru-na-A Tonle After La Grielle-
Mrs. Chas. E. Wells, Sr, Delaware,
Obio, writes: "After a severe attack of
lagrippe,I took Peruna and.found it a
very good fettle:, '
Mrs. Jane Gift; Athens, Ohio, writes:,
"Mir yearn age I had la grippe verybad
I read a testheonial of a, woman who
had been cured of grip by Peruna. My
husband boeght me a bottle of Pecans. •
I was soon able to do my work. . I• cone
Milted awing it until a was cured." •
Report of clinton 1
• Grey TOwnship •!
Miss. Susie Pearson spent Sunday
last with her friend, Miss Maty ale -
of Donald of Ethel. •
Among the many frienas, item -
distance that attended the funeral of •
Lawson King awere-Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Allister, Mr. Geo. McAllister, Guelph,
Elliott McAllister, Toronto', Mrs. Mc -
McDonald, ICincardine.
A N:atioeal social is going to be
heal in Roe's clalich under the
auspizeseot-41m-eaoir and Leigue.-T
date fiacel is Match 17th and if the
weather and roads are :favorable a
good evening is aromised.
The following is the report: the
Clinton -Model- -School-for--theemonth
of February . ,•
• *vision lst.-Marjorie Manning 296,
Dell Millar 272, Edgar Torrance. 271,
Bessie Walker 270,' Russell Harland
267; Ray Cantelon '266, Edna Levis
265, Elgin Mason 257, Ruth Welkin-.
Shaw 253, Nellie Robinson 24i7, Laura
aVadeonald 247, Clausin O'Neil 215,
Irene IVIann 243 Steart Paisley 241,
Our new snitings for spring
1003 rtre now on display,
In all the newest patterns and
shades including the newest shadee •
of browns add greys which are
very popular for spring Wean also
the celebrated Blue and Black Bel-
waapa, Serges in hard twine and
cheviot finish. • We guarantee you
fit, style and right prices. •
eps ncall before buying.
hcadyito.weitr Clothing.
• Flats.
hig.-Good -antra' guaranteed: Agent
" for the • Empire Wallpa,per Co..
Samples famished, 10 ' cents ' a roll
• for hanging. Your patronage Iv-
' ' weetfully solicited -J. :E. Cook.
AliSS Sarah alolVlath, youngest
daughter. 'of Mr. and Mrs. . William.
IVIeMatie Bayfield Road, left on Tues
day • to go in training at Roosevelt
hospital, New • York city. An elder
sister, is holding a responsible situation
in 'Mount Sinai hospital, in the, same
city, Now York city. ••
Mr: George Brownlee, late of Ei‘..
on', Toronto, has accepted a aaositioti
Toronto, en Saturday. ,
• Evangelist McConibp Wan the speak -
Glazier, 'Fred 0. Ford, Milton Coek, er of the day at the Gospel. Tem -
Rene, Wilken, Clifford Harland and , p.erance meeting' held on Sunday.
Fred Thompson the same number of •
k I ir Class, Mamie • •
mar s. . un o .
Roy Forrester, Lena Holmes, Leone
Elliott, Lulu • 'Connell, Lulu Howe,
sj:• Dns viMsfa.onnn Teacher.,4tIvSeeYn ra r Can'a-7s sj. INl
Gould, Harvey Walker, Lloyd Wilkie,
Cala . Beacom, Arnold Rethwell, Wal-
ter Shier, Alma, •Judd, Florence Cous-
ins, Chester Marshall, Olive 1VloCtre.
Junioe Class. -Helen Itodawa.y, Viola
Cook, Charlie Thompson, Violet Ai -
gent, Harold Holmes Eddie "Graelist
-Clara Chidley, Teacher. •
• Division ath.-Senior arida-Margaret
MeTaggart 563, Charlie Cantelon 638,
Willie Cook 512, Auatni Nediger 504,
Percy Wheatley 483, Clara Twitchell
481, Oliver Johtmon 4118, Aleda Soeloy
162, Harry Shaw• 458. Junior
Jessie Watkin 473, Willie Gould 432,
Sadie Steep 404, Larene Langford 403;,
Bert, Deeves 396, Fred Lawrence 386,
Arthur Grundy 376, Douglas Shipley
344, Gordon Metartney 344, Eadie
McDonald 842, -Lucy Stevens, Teach,
DiviSion 6th. -Senior. -Frank Penne-
baker, Harriet Cantelon, Foster Copp,
Doreen Stephenson, Olin:toe Cook,
Bernie 'Hall, Matte Wore, Mervin
Elliott. Junior -Nora Kennedy, Percy
Ladd, N'ellie Watkins, Siasy Baines,
Giffotd Beaton, Georgia. Kaufman,
Bessie O'Neil, Stelae Yeebee.-•Hattie
• Courtice, Teacher.
Division 76.-Scnior Clase.-Mand
Routledge, Lois Holmes, IViildred.
Cook, Elmo Doherty,Ina Trowhill,
LeOna, Nediger, Pried& Wallis, Ersking
Evans. Junior Class. --Hattie Greig,
Marion Gibbings, Mary Chidley, Bessie
Chowen, Alberta. Jackson, Hanna Ar-
gent, Elsie Graelis, Wilbur Welsb..-
Malta Wiltse, Teacher,
Division M. -Senior Class. -Mar -
:lay Barge, Alex. Agnew, Donald Rut-
naila Marne Gould, Panay Itellyar,
Madelinq Shaw, Orval Murphy, Wil-
• fred Saeley. Junior ChM -Edna
West, Lyr a Livermore, Earnest Hall,
Freddie llis, Murray McNeil, Earn-
est Livern ore, Merritt Nediger, Willie
Marshail..v. 0, Annie Taylor, Teacher,
-Mr. Joseph Cplelough has instruc-
ted the undersigned to sell by public,
• auction at Lot 25, Base Line,
•Goderieh township, la miles riorth
of Clinton, on Saturday, Mar. 7th,
the following : I heavy draft mare
rising 4 years old, 1 generel pur-
pose horse rising 4 years, 1 general
purpose horse rising 5 years, 1 driv-
ing mare rising 6 years, in foal, 4
milking cows:, 1 yearling heifer, 5
'Steers, rising 2 years eld, 3 heifers
2 • years old, 8 calves. There will
be no reserve as the •proprietor is
retiring froin farming on account of
ill heal* Sale at 1 o'clock.
• Terms : All sums of U9 and •
der, cash; over that amount 6
months' credit will be given ott
1roVed joint notes. A discount of
• per cent. • per annum on credit
• a.mounte. .Thos. Brown Auctioneer:
• Jos. Colclough, Proprietor.
Syndicate invites tenders i'or tite.
positions- of Engineer, Overseer of
; threshing. machineand wateartnan
with team. The overseer may ten- see
er for thealettereaTendeta will be -
received up to noon on March 7th
by the endersigned. No ,tender nec-
essarily • accepted. -J: C.' Adams; •
Secretary, lesedeshoro P. O.
property of the late James Fail,*
• .containing -200 acres of • imprewed
cultivated, and grazing lend adjeine
• Big the Town • of Clinton, •Ilurca
county, Opt., --will be oaered for
sale by, ;public auction on day the the 25th day of Mann :a, Om
/our of 2 ' o'clock. Further partite- •
• Wars, description and terms of hate
made known on application to the
undersigned; or from James Fait
and James Scott, executors; D.
Dickenson, auctioneer, Clinton.
separate 'benders will., be received
noon on Tuesday, • March I0th
• for the various trades in cotineetion
• with the erection of a Roman Umb-
rae' Chur�h= in the, town of Clinton.
Plans and specifleations may be
seen at the residence of Rey. J. A.
Hanlon ,P, P., Clinton, or at the
Oleo of W. J. Ireland, architect,
Stratford. The lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted. -W. J.
Ireland, Architect, Stratford,
turniture.-Prom this • late untii
March Otb the following will te
sold at private sale Three bed
room sots, inatreSSeS, spring*, etC.,
sideboard, extension -table, couch, lin-
oleum, Radiant thine heater, book.
ease, tattey and other tables, Ito*
tan, mahogany and oak theirs, large
cook stove,and many Other arilelea.
• Also buggy used one reasbn.-MrS.
(Itev.) W. F. Koriley,
of wide experience, broad scholarship and
untiring energy, employed by us, have built
up a curriculum unturpassed in Canada for
thoroughness, ysWmfld actual business
procedure. •••
THRFNCOURSES-Telegraphy, Stenography.
and Commercial. • ••
• •
Enter any Urea. Individual instruction.
Graduatea assisted to positions, •
No vacation. •
MAILCOURSES inLanguages, Bookkeeping.
Shorthand, Penmanship, eto.
. _
gond a postal for informatiOn abotit
• DAleite EliY,Vice•PrIncipal
SPOTToN. Principal.
up YOU THUM or sumo •
Free Books
Just the practical
• yea need
"Apply to neared Oa%
Alger% or to
C. 5. PosTaft
omelet Past. agent