HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-02-20, Page 8me to t. This is YOUR time to buy YOUR spring and ;! sununer supply of Laces and, White Cotton. YOUR • timo,WOkupe you can buy them now for less than fe- Ojai prices. YOU will not buy them for as little money once this business is sold. YOU cannot buy I them as low air/where else, simply because they could not and would not be sold at suchprices if we were not retiring from business. YOU know the qualities are , good if they come from, this store. We know the prices are positively money saving and reductions genuine in every case. 1 Engllsh Ccitton 8c Niee quality English Oetton full yard wide. soft ftnsh, good, weight, at 10c it is good value, our special price per yard .08 English Cotton 10c • This is a beautiful Oetton suitable for fine underwear, etc., and is imported by ourselyes direct from England. 12ic has been our close price for it, we are selling the balance o the stock out at tier yard • ,' ,, • , , • .• .10 Fine CaMbrics12ic Extra fine English Cottons and Cambries, suitable fqr atm purpose. goods you can depend upon beyond question,' spe• cial per yard ,, •,, • ,, *12/ India Linon Lawn 11c . ;,.• Good quality India Linen Lawn, one of the lines we haye imported direct born the makers, clearing new at-h;r yard .11 A Better One 12%c Better qualify genuine Linon Lawn, nice even thread, sink- able for waists underwear,'" etc., very special for sale at pec ' •yard A Better One Still 15c . • Finer quality real India Linon Lawn, fine finish and suit- able for any purpose, very special for saleat per yard ..15 A Better One still 19c . This is an exceptionally good Lawn, the regular value is 25a per yard, this is the price it has b,een selling at.. Of course we want to clear it all out now and as long as it lasts you • can buy it fromfus at per yard * .19 • • EnglishilVainsook-8 'Yards for $1 This Nainsook is an extra special bargain. It is in filyard - lengths. It is very flee quality, soft and free from dress ing. We are quite satisfied to have you match it for quality with any you will get at 20c or 25c. Very suit- % • able for fine underwear and very special at • ' • 8 gards for $1.00 A Pearl Button SpecIat • 7c per dozen for pure Pearl Buttons that you will pay 15e4 • thing, but little-savingsasoon-rnake-big ones. -These• tons are put up one dozen on a card and we cannot break the card& They come in all sizes either 2 or 4 holes and are suitable for children's wear. waists .,or underwear, 07 150 dozen clearing at per dozen ..... ............ . .. • • Clinton News -Record FamoosPerry Pietires REPRODUCTION OP MANY OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST PAINTINGS, HA.LF-TONE COP - IS. FROM PHOTOGRAPHS OR STEEL ENGRAVINGS. SOME ARE PRINTED IN A BEAUTI., PUL BROWN OR SEPIA, RESE1VI- BLING THAT QFgXpENST.V4 ART pHOTOGRAPHS AND ARE ON ROUGH PAPER,. THE SIZ1 IS. 10 z 12 INCLUDING WHIT MARGIN AND THE PRICE 0/4 - Lir 10c. THEY ARE VERY MUCH IMPROVED • WHEN MOUNTED ON ARE BOARD. 'WHICH WILL COST YOU 10Q THEIR SUPER- IORITY QUALITY AND TR= VALUE .FOR THE PRICE/ ASKED CAN. E • KNOWN ONLY IBY EXAMINA- TION. WILL YOU SEE THEM • W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest -Always Best • February 2Otb, 1190 • Missi Zetta Bawden is :visiting • in Hensel' this week. • Mrs. •(Dr.) Gunn went to Toronto last week to visit friends and rela •tives, Miss Pearl Cantelan came ,from Or- ' illia on Saturday for •a few days' Rev. W. H. Butt and son of Glencoe • were at Mr. Jas. 'Stevens last Miss Blackwell of Torcintois the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. R. Dewart. • Miss Ella Lindsay Went to Toronto • on li/folnday to. attend .the millinery . openings there, • Misses Akam and Mabel Cantelon go to Toronto to attend the millinery openings in a few days. Miss Mae Davis retureed home Mon day from a month's visit with het cousin, Miss. Cudmore, Kippen. • MissesLney Stevens and Hattie Cour- tice and 'Rev. W. E. Kerr attended the S. •$'. convention in Seafortb last Thursday. •• •• • Mr. W. T. Deekrill, the genial travel- ling passenger agent of the C. P.1 was it: town yesterday, calling on ten , Jackson: The bachelors and benedietS of Clin- ton are giving a dance in the town hall to -morrow evening. The Lon- don Harpers will be in attendainhe Mrs. W. H. Newcombe, formerly of Clinton, now of Niagara Falls is in the hospital at the latter place, where she underwent an operation and is serieusly ill• Misses Kate Scott and Helen Daheity, • went to Toronto last week to hear the IVIendelssohns ehoir. • Before re- turning home Miss Kate Scott will visit Miss Kate Manning at • Peter" - bora. • •• • Roy Grigg. took a snows:hoe jatint to Blyth the forepart of the week • and returned on. Tuesday. • This was • his first tramp this season, but he made good time both .coming and • going.. Mr. W. H. Ford, •who has ;been the guest for Solite weeks of his brothers, Alderman Ford of town, and Mr, Fred. Ford, Goderich town- ship, left yesterday to return :to Kamloops, B. C:, where he is en- gaged in bitsiness, Mr. D. Cantelon intended to have rt - turned home from Toronto Satur- • ,day evening, but missed connection en route • so did not arrive until Sunday evening,' niaking part of•the ,journey on a freight train. He leav esagain this week for dovvn • the country. Mr. Robert Marshall of (4 -dutch • township was in torn Monday alter an absence of five weeks becatm• of illness. This is the first titita in half a century that he has 'ppen'd so much as even one day in, bed tor that reason so that it seemed a long time, indeed, to him. Save on Embroidery, You can certainly save 'money on Embroideries now, Ours were bought direct from the Swiss makers aid at our regular prices were splendid values. We are clearing this big stock at prices that makes every yard a genuine bargain. The minute this business is soldlyour charce to buy at such prices will be gone. Do not let it slip, Embroideries 5c . Hundreds of yards of Swiss Embroideries, good quality cambric, well finished, Insertions as well, many different widths, very special value for this sale per yard...,05 Laces and Embroideries 10e Hundreds of yards at tide price also. Just a gathering to- gether of lines that sold at 12ic and 15c. We willmate it worth your while to do your Embroidery buying and Like buying here, and offer you this kit itt ypur 'choice per paid .10 , . Better Embroideries 15c ' .-• .• Extra fine Swiss Embroideries and Insertions Handsome designs on flue quality nainsook, carnbrics and imported by ourselves direct from the Swiss makers. Qual- ities von will pay 20c and 25c for anywhere. We are clear- ing tbe biggest stock in Clinton and give you your choice of these handsome patterns at per yard...," . . .....:..„ . .15 OM, Extra Fine.1Ebrolderies „ neer: are some of the finest Embroideries we carried in • stock. Tbe patterns are very attractive and come to us direct from one of the hest, makers in Switzerland, 30e and 35c were the regular prices, now you can buy the:tat per yd • .20 Little Money for Veilings Little prices ongood Veilings, Good qualities., All going at cut prices because of this retiring from busi- ness sale. • .5. • 33c Veilings 25c . Nice quality Chiffon Veilings, all the popular shades; ,just • the correct thing for the fashionable auto veils, stylish and serviceable, regular 35c special for sale per .25 Vellings at 110c About 100 yards gond quality Silk Veiling, Clearing up of • various lines that sold at 20e and 25c, all on a bargain table at your choice per yard ,...•141111111{. *id *4 i•••••••141.111V•••••• ..06 .10 • The Bargain Omits $2.25 Quilts $1.65 Good heavy English MO81111108 Quilts. full 11,4 size, good • weight, neW patterns, regular $2 25. Satui day... 1.05 $3.00 Quilts•$215 ' • Heavy clealltY A104110108 Quilts, made by' title of the best makers in England, very fine quality, choice patterns. large doable bed size, regular 83, for Saturday eacb . ... -....... 248 efts 14 DIRECT IMPOR7ZI Lfttle Locals How does your subscription to The Ile:Iva-Record stand? •'Among those who have entertained 'this week are Mrs. Thos. Jackson, Jr., arid Miss Myrtle MoMath on Tuesday c Mrs. E. M. MeLean and Mrs. H. • T. Rance on Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs, E. R. 1 iiwart, who have since corning to Clia"on hien living at the Hotel Normaielie, have rented Mr. Walkinshaw's brick resid- ence on Maple street where they have Wren up their abode. Porter's Hill. • Miss Polly Coz..returned home 'Sat- urday after spending a le* weeks with her sister, Mrs. Dawson, Wood. - hank. . • • Mr, W. O. ,Potter and son Harvey visited friends et Curries' Crossing last week. The social which was to have been held on Tuesday evening. last at Mr. S. McPhail's, has been postponed on account of -the bad roads and weather. Mr. Goldie Newton and the Misses Woods and Elliott attended the Sun- day .Shoot and EpWorai League eon - tion b id itt 4; forthlast T • urs4 11h 111111010." day and Prida.y. n Plain and Resilda Stripes, Early Arrivals Indicating Correct • Stiles for Spring and Summer 1908. STRIPES arelhe dominant features -the keynote7-of every class, and there are few miter. • la's in which stripes of some sort are totally excluded. These are single stripes, doublerstripeS;, tape stripes, fancy braid stripes, and on to the wide giant stripes, strong and fashionable..IThese are In voile' with resilda. stripes, also self stripes, and -all resiida stripes. - • • • WHAT IS RES1LDA ? • A mohair and silk Mixture, light in weight and close weave, a goods . . • not transparent and requires no special drop skirt, • • ' ' . • -These stripes are also woven on. wool voile; creating very new and handsome styles. They are 44 inches wide, and per yard 75c, 85c, $1,00, $1.25 and $1,50. • • ,..• PIaln Wool Volle and .ptamine, These are In greater variety of •weaves this season and more popular andlikshionablethan ever. 'We have them from Priestley's and other makers of high-class • Black DI ess Goods, lathe fine crisp, woven meshe.i, the medium and on to theheavy, mesh Etamine weaves. Of the mul- titude of theie new things we have not space to tell you all, but Come and see; all are interesting; they are 44 to 46 Inches wide, and per yard 50C, 75c,145c, $1,00 and $1,25. • • • , . . . • Bankrupt Stockassaillen's Furnishings $4,000 worth of clean; up-to-date city Men's Furnishings, sold under the ,hammer, and parchased by us at rate on the dollar: Stock only. five months old, All new goods.' GREAT" °SLAUGHTER .SALE • of above stock starts . FRIDAY, FEB. 21st. .EXceptional chance to buy Furnishings at .great.saving. DON'T FIISS IT. 25c Braces 19c • Men's Fancy Braces,. Police Brace; • good etrong-webb, ell colors., Reg 250 for..19, •. Also fancy colors itt finer web.bs, cross• ': backs, kid ends....Regular 50c -for... • • . .35 •SOC Underwear 35c • •• • Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, natural color, gond full fleece, all sizes.. Reg 50c for .35 • 25c Silk Ties I9c all ttis7.illastiest noovuerites.a Bow Regular25e Ties,r..19 _, 50c Silk Ties 35c • • Sint Four in -hand, Puffs.' Ascots and Flowing end Ties, the very latest shapes • and colorings Regular 50c for .. ..... . .35 2�c Linen Collars 121Ac Men's and toys Linen Collars, all ' ehapes, W. G. & R. brand. all Blies. Re- gular 20c each for........... .... ... . . .... .12/ 15c Linen Collars 9c •• Men's and Boys Linen Collars, all the newest shapes, all sizes. Regular 15c.for ,09. 25c Rubber Collars 19c Men's and Boys Rubber Collars, in all the popular shapes, all sizes Reg 25c for. .19 20c Rubber Collars 12%c . Men's and Boys Rubber Collars, all shapes ancrsize,s. Regular 20c for .112i MI. and $1.25. Shirts 75c • Men's W. G. & R. Soft Front Shirts, in all the newest designs fist colors, all . sizes. Regular $1 and $1.25 for • .75 $1.50 Coat Shirts $1 • • Men's Negligee :Soft Front Coat Shirts in all the popular colorings in stripes and • checksRegular $1.50 for , 1.00 75c Underwear 50c Men's wool fleece lined heavy weight Underwear, all sizes. Reg 75c for..........50 50c Bogs Underwear 25c • . Berl Fleece Lined Underwear, all • ' sizes. Regular 50c for • ' 25' : • ..:14en"S',Hats; Umbrellas, :12ain Cdats,-61Oves, -.Ete,i..at. big eats, • . . • . • •:.. • • '''' *•"" • - ---7-- ----.- - . . a gsvatie,....aseeerreblareeeliwile.....ellealia"fteAlle„.....,..............................„. ,,,,,,,.,,..,........,...............,,.....v, s..ite* .124r-...Cortaii08.,i .Clean Sweep Special! $. $.00 per pair. . . . . 00 , 71- •'. 350 pairs to selectfrOra. Prices flroin 25c to of February Si , • F • We want to make a clean sweep of our winter goods Turing • February.. heorder to turn them into &alb quickly, we will sacrifice , profit and sell die:following:lines at cost All our lines in Men's Felt Shoes Overshoes . Heavy Rubbers. Ladies Overshoe& . , • F7iorlutsSeshoes laid silppers. Special Discount on all kinds of Footwear during February.. '' ,. :: • - - • New Prints. $ 250 pieces of new bright pattern's, Crumb, Potter, Svvan by and Ashton's Celebrated Prints, light and heavy qualities, all at per • . • The Best of English Black Dress Goods "Kharanta" Dress rabrics • Made by George Carr As On., Bradford, England. . POPLESTONE & GARDINER Successor i to McKinnon & Co., BLYTH teenalikaate. It's What You Save Why not you ? Our annual stocktaking sale affords you an un - that makes you rich and if you are alive to your oWn interesi you'll find you save money by trading here. Other people do. surpassed opportunity to save money on your shoe purchase$0 • Remember our prices mean money -saving prices to you and to us. When yon -can buy at 20 per cent reduction, it's money made; and to us it's money saved lit the disposal of •surplus stock. . All $5.00 goods go for $4,00 Spot cash 4.00 goods go for 3.20 spot cash *All 8 50 goods 'go for 180 spot cash All 3.00 goods go for 2.40 spots:nob ' All 2.50 goods go for 2,00 spot dash All 2.25 goods go for I $0 pent cash All 2.00 goods go for. IA) spot tenth 'All 1.50 goods gnfor teen. cash All 1 00 goods go for .80 spot meta See our Ladies Storni Rubbers for 35c FRED. JACKSON " Always Reliable " • CLINTON • In our Repairing Department we guarantee Satisfaction. Try Us. SHOE' ri! .lin,AD.E. EMPORIUM PARLOR U • I ,i' I I Li MUSIC THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY tww:AN.wiAaAvomiv.....#4~AAAA•wwww~iwovoAA• ;405/1,40;‘,....b.es-a-,..9-1b.ts-sbein.sros.esibe-sbaitAssit.sib.sysbais..eivislt OUR FEBRUARY SALE ;i.• . . Four thousand dollars worth of seasonable goods . t • -4. to be closed out during the next two weeks, at t , • I wholesale, some' lines less. • MEN'S FU BAN 1$ CA PS-•-Regulae /50 • and $1 00, Sale price. OP` 4 , 5(jkli'll'; tig16111ANt-treegalat $2 00, Sale price 4.1 25. In f - 0. sizes O. 7 end 8. • • a ' 0 MEN'S FOLT BOOTS -Regular $1.35,. Sale price $1,13. t ii WOMEN'S HEAVY LINED SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS.- 0 Regtilar $1.15, Sale pi ire $1.25. (.. A few of those $1 25 Sleek Sateen .Underskirts left at 05e, • s 9.9.08 GREY WOOL BLANKETS at $2M0.i 41 4 few pairs only Men's Heavy lurk Rabbets at, $1,75. .b•sr-,-., CLOTIIINU -.maw t Ilenistiftek Melton Overeottie, velvet Collar& regular price .SQ; t Sale price $0.85. A ow vercoato in Meltons and Tweeds, for Jativary Sale 80.50, ot al . Specialprices on all lines of Dry Goods, Clothing and Boots and 0, OUR EXPIIINSE,S etas very light and we mon give you better t Shoes durhur this sale. A value for'your money than you can get elsewhere. Come and tee. t pLumsTEEL Bos. il . ....atiotA:4 ablbabatareirli'leilietheeadtta.detialaikeibliaaa.0<holie444be ''..)...'