HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-02-20, Page 56 eebr rf 20th1 1908 1--/avirevesairparciffiftrYfitt't--- . • ,flOOTZTKR,m-ltEne*-At the Alitaae ' Wingliatoe Feb. 5ti1 by Bev. D • • errie, -eorge H. Coulter-tn Eli • Oh** .Annte Reidi both or, got , • '."Waw.nnon4.' .1X:AltIMecAldil/ht,n4t the -home et the bride' e parents on Feb, by BO. A. McNabb, IYAMea Henry Clerk of .Morris to Mare, .daughthe net Mr. .0aMee" McCallum -et. Mc • Mlle% .10WitalltPi Births* * MOS Ethel, Williams who was at- . . tending Alma College was WWI away * to KeMptville erWing to the Meese:of her..Mister Ildor.. Ird. u. liyhrtexpriy. 'Itrr. Arthur Stiehenson ct London succeedied in organizing a, (1. O. F. ledge here, Tile therinoraster at V. 14, )doss residence ragistered 09 below zero, Marriage' 1 Zurich on Sunday week. The lowest recerd that hir* Hess has oli Word Was 08 below Quieb. 10* 1899. Miss Lizzie Rennie passed the inter - Mediate examinatiOns in music with first Oleek lioners. The members and friends IA the 14edieS' Aid of .tlae Efangelical °hutch. had the pleasure ot listen- ing to an inspired addreee, by is, (Rev..) j. P. Ilaucli o Toklo on frqeSdaY aiterimen. The Ladies were deeply itoPreSsed with the Ad- dress, The speaker referred to some of the pleasant but also' tittpteasent things in eonnection. with Its-Angelis- iug the people of ti e sunase kieridom, Mesere, A, Mittleholtee and Godfrey Nichoison, . have purebased a lefteher business in ,C.recliten and expect to start: business shortly. Mr, Sent• Merner spent a ieW' days during the .storm with Mr. William Fee. Sam is not .only a thresher but an expert buteher, •••-,-Mr, 0. Greb has disposed of his black team to party in Stratford, and returned with a, lino big crosiage horse. • - TUclOrSnIiiell OA Feb. 7th, te Mr. and .Mrs. Willia.na White, a deughter. ' •ADDISON-ela Brilectleld en Feb, 13t1, to .Mr. and 51rs. Joseph. AddisOo, daughter. l'HOMPSON-In Stanley on Feb. 15th to M. end. Mrs. Samuel Thomp- son, a daughter. DEACON -In East Wawaiiosh on Feb. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Deacon, a son. .UELLARS-Itt Morris on -Feb. to M. and Mrs. Milverton. Sellers a daughter. taERlitY-In Blyth on Feb. 12th, to s; Ur. • and Mrs. N. B. Gerry, a et- daughter. ellIBSON-In Stanley township on the &th of Feb., to Mr. end. Mr. E. Gibson, a daughter. Deaths 'WASMANN-In Clinton on Feb. 19th, ' Mary A.; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Waaraann, ap,-ed 20 years, 1 nionth and 23 days. --GfeAHAM-In McKillop on Feb. litth, Felicia Cooper, relict of the late William Graham of Stanley, aged 84 years. -WILSON-In Winnipeg, Mut., • on February 13th, Mrs, Wesley M. Wilson (nee Miss Rose NimOnS ol Clieton)1 aged 38 years. 'WHITTEN-In London on Feb. Meth, James Whitten, formerly of Bay- field, aged 86 years. `KINCAID-In Wingham on Feb. 5th, Elecia, relict of the late John Kincaid, aged 82 years. MONTGOMERY -In Seaforth on Feb. 13th, Jane Crown, 'wife of William Montgomery Sr., aged 74 years. illeTAVISH-At La Valee, Ont., on Jan. 31st, George McTavish, for- merly of Wingham and brother of Mrs. W. H. Green, aged 57 years. 'REAR -In Centralia on Feb. 7th, at the home of her nephew, Rev. W. H. Butt, Mary Freer, aged , 85 years. :MURRAY-In Hensel' .on Feb. 8th, James Murray, aged 90 years and 6 months. .1FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - Lot No. 36, Concession 9., Hullett township, known as the Dodswortb farm is offered for sale or for rent: Apply to either of undersigned. - Miss J. E. Rudd, Executrix, Clin- ton. W. Bryclone, Clinton. 'WENDERS WANTED, -TENDERS will be received by the council of Hullett up to 2 p. Priday, 1st et Feb., 1908 for tbe erection fd concrete abutments to support two steel bridges, also tor a con- • crete arch, 24 feet span. At the game time and place teaders will be received for the steel superstructure of said two bridges, :engt1i between abutments being e2 .id 21ft and 14 It, roadway. /tee of the bridges will be over the Maitland at Quigleys and the le her will be on Con. -, opposite lot 4. Thelow- • est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifications for the concrete work can be seen at the clerk's office, Londesboro.-James Campbell, Clerk. Leadbury Mrs. 0. White received a Call 'to Stratford lait week to attend • • the funeral of her father, the late Mr. Baikal& Mrs, Grahatn, mother of :Mrs. Wm, MeGavin, Sr. is •. seriously elat present. Her many friends with her a 'speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Scarlett attended the wedding of the latter's niece, Miss A. Lovett of Summerhill to 'err. G. Johnston of Blyth. Miss Mamie 1VielEwen returoed home after ae long and pleasant visit , with friends in Toronto Mr. H. Heidi° is visiting in Coder. 1 ich lowns,hip at present. Y Mr. and Mrs. Getty have retureed s to their home in Caron, Sask., titter a. pleasant visit with friend. Mr. John Barron is making ple- parations for the erection of a brick house house in the coming seasen • , The Clinton Noross.Roicord 11.044.41-10/10.40414114.110011/44411144/40004114.414441titteitirnaea. 1• ; The . News Frqui'.Godelich , . 01.61S0 A...5KIIMINCIS,,correspoudent $111041444,4144.0•101140•040004144.****04411411.011114 •••040444 No, r The knitting factory is, Waning 91 Miss ROOD Aitken bee been laid up hours peday. •. with A Were attack of .griPPO: Mr. Reginald. Smith is now on the On Sunday afternoon at North St. staff of *the .StratfOrd. Herald, . 'church, after the collection. was taken We received a 'Valentine* front MreduP by the girl's clams, the. ;Alperin- (Cantain) gum which we goteld tendant, Mr. Waiter Pridham intro - WAS "The Monthly edition, et the diced the speaker of the afternoon, aaraption 141‘10uituit 7 ot August 1907 Boer,Idillson ot Kingsville, 1 by the Holeeton printing and, publish. Rev. Mr, 1Willsoe• who gave a•beautiful ing•Rouse in HarePton. W. Viminia. ' illictreS01 Arst tellieg the latter how The follolving litMe extract is tak- gre0 an Interest be tal" le 231 the reenpenfrtOM44tht:, ClienVelwawndoilLaelasoderapg.a w°1.h °I young men tahen.': 11°Piesd tub° .......a the boys and girls present, would that two pAete grexurea of Rev., Dr, 'afternoon• ro up r •m n s W at '1:4U1011214Prd4111' ' esiotinee°of, °S1nrVs,vejjmti:ienh) Gesib.-- Unithoe(earl°8(LCInevoed ttunaned:raitgh:treolinttlitelro:tsor: son, who is •spending this season at ,, a gitt,ed ciergymaa, who la anYt Hampton Roads, Wet Virginia, ' .. '''' "As the twig is heet, so the trot; v"le 'le; atbol e a 1 IdiVadinder7 vighilrilhabY parneaehldd hworhad been insig :.,‘‘A's a child you Pro- be !eared., ie k ni iv f - inclined." This is. what the fourth 1 tor half a century, and bewailed that reader says b•ably had visions of the neughtY hteYs Want, a stranger made his 'way to iii *hies, UV, goody, goody, ' lad, Who the pulpit and said "Do you know never Played hookey, or smoked be- we 77, The Rev. gentleman looked at hind the barn, it seemed to you, stood hint carefully and said .Are you a fine chance of some day. becomiug Johnnie.-:-.-•---; "? "I am, Johnnie," president. Does , the rule always the stranger replied and yeti Made Me pan out ? In a se;tes' of art what I am With your standing up for ticles of which this . is the the right." "This is our greatest first, some successful Christiarditt, trouble," Mr, MillsOn said, "to get will give their experience. By Rev. good men for leaders, young ram A. 13, Meldrum, Pastor "Old Stone" who Will stand up for the right and church : "I was net • goodyegoodynever severing from it." Rev. W. E. Sly lather was a Sea captain, . and I 'Willson preached both at the morning inherited a fearless spirit. I had my and evening services also sA North full of scraps. This des not mean street ,church. For his text at the that V was vieious. 1 -was like the evening service he selected St Luke average healthy boy, full of fun and 17,-14. He also sang during the .0f - fight I. never had the faiatest idea 1 fertory "Building for Eternitye"' There Would be a minitter.. Pride in my a13- were large congregations at both ser- pearance, was a virtue. The day vices, . this photograph was made, I had driven a herd of tattle 16 miles to town 1 had $1. I pore'hased" a bottle of hate tonic, for a, quarter, and spent the rernainder to have my picture tate en. My earliest ambition was to learn the. blacksmith's trade. One photographis that of a healthy, neat - but plainly attired youth of 16 ears 'holding his hat by his right ide and knees crossed and right arm reeting on the chair, ott which he was seated. The ether was possibly taken when he -vas a, student at Col- lege., ; Mr. Ernest leneeshavi is ill with La griPtio. Mr. Angus 1VIcNevin has been very ill for some days, but we trust that he will soon be able to return re his Constance , • Mr. and Mrs. T. Lowes and son left for Iirantion, Mane after spending some time the guests of Mrs. Lewes' • parents, Mr .• and .Mrs, W. b. and other friends. • .1sT Ch'ainilan and' daughter Of Brit-. oe Mr. Fra,nle Smeeth is. very 111 The funeral of the late R, P, El- otb Cook place on 9th Feb., Rev. G. . Hazenofficiating'. at eesidenee and metery. The liallbearers were essrs; James, McCiuelcy.„ :John Nev- ins, William Johnston, Robert John - John Graham and James Wil- son. His Parent's, were William El- liot, and Mary Istattme• Elliott,•• the atter-beingea.-sistereeofeetee-one--time- Goderich township. clerk, the late tiamee Patten: The; deceased Was honein Godcrich township, half- a ntury ago, and tiring of farm life ish Oolumbife wtho •have been for. some time • visiting friends and ac- quaintances, left for -their home 'ott Tuesday.. • . Quarterly meeting. services were -heltlehereetineeStindayemornine. On Siinday, Feb. 23rd, Rev.. . Mr. Tiffin of Lambeth will preach Mission- ary Sermons here at 2.30. . Miss Elsie Batton had taken a pea- ee the family came to reside in town: 11 the members of the family were esent, and. when Mrs. Johnston re- ins to their •Weetern home, she will accompanied by her sister, Miss see* , Rev. Mark Turnbull, delighted the embets of the A. 'Y. P. A. on llth eb. ;by giving a very much appreciat- address on the Bishop of London's sit to* G-odtrich in 1907. • We nod that individual communion cups willbe used at the Communion service', at •Knox church on the •ist Sunday of March. The use 'of •the one Conenunioe• Pup to serve all communicants was condemned by some. of the' adherents during the -"epidemic' and on Wednesday evening of last • week, ,ballots were past upon the in- novation, and when tile veto was cast it stood • 10 to 1 for tlie individual cu tion in Seaforth. • St. Helens A pr tt • • • he Mr. and MrS. Ibteeld Rutherford and Mrs. Miller attendedthe tuniral of Mrs. Rutherford's father, n.ear Stu:be na ford last week. • F Mr. James Aicheson, and 'sister, Mrs t ed. Wilson left • last. 'Week on a tap ta vi friends in Durham and other elaeles. Rev. R. B. Craw and faintly' Jett on Monday for their new home in Fergus, Rev.. .0has. • Rutherford of Dungannon will conduct the hervice8 ,next Sabbath, • . +.-+-+±÷f-+.+4-4-4-+++++++++++++4+44++444+4++++++7 The 1VIOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1856. capital paid up $3,305,840.00 Reserve Pand $3,305,840.00 HEAD OFFCE, MONT4EAL DIRECTO S: WM M OLSON MACPHERSON . „ President S. H. EWING .. .. • • •e Viee.President W. M. Ramsay, J. P. Cleghorn, H. lisrkland &totem), Lte(iol It, C. Renshaw, Wm. C. McIntyre. es Elliott, General Manager. A. D. Durngord, ChlofInseeetor and SUperitt ' dent of Branches. W'. H. Draper, InFipector. W. W.I., Chipman, J. H. Campbell, Assistant Inspectors. , GS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and Upwards recoil/id d interest allowed at 8 per cent.from date of deposit, dompounded 4 times a year ECU AL ATTENTION given to all branches of Farmer& busine6s. Sale to s cashed or collected ofi favorable terms. C. E. 'DOW.DING, Manager CLINTON 444-+•+++-++++++44-444+t-+ • 4,01,1moomiimmiimundomonessimiessimmommiummolmilmolimor, WAWAMWAVW.WM VirViWiWWWWWANWWW1WanWaWIMMINAMNANWOMINAMilN J, B. HOOVER. asimmummememeseatasmaiisi rumwrare• isTELsorr 13A Lt, • A little pay- nient • noiv and then will • nicely furn- ish your do• - main. During the next thirty $3ay8 lowered jitleSS, vvill be to force throtigheut obr stere and time° who contetiiplate huterig will 'have an opportunity of doing ad at pileee they will searCely du- plicate in a long tittle. For example Sideboard golden oak fin- ish, two drawer% inege cupboard, (with Abel( in eon), 14 x 24 inch mirror in back for 110.75. Itieh qoarter eut ofik finish clreeser and stand with 14 x 24 Britiah Bevelled minim- for $10,50. Pond oak cobbler seat rooking ehair $1 86, ifoltd oak parlor table SO inches square for $1.50, 'Dike our word fori lb I hat no better velotei have been set forth than these which ate being offered for the iriexe SO dityte ........*.itaiolagma,•,m1•14+141,11,11,61•Ia; MOVER S.t. BALI Purnitu,re and Undertaking, frAirvimokimothimmomovvywoomomomivmmmumomvvywwwwmwmmmovw. 1)8. • The body ot Malcolm McLean, whe ed on Thursday last at Hancock, ich., were brought to Godexich • ler torment The deceased was forty- seven years of age and was a native of Goderich, ,being a son of &Ira, ,Polin McLeanis father died many years ago. He was a brother of ,Ioliti Mc- Lean and of Mrs, Dan. 1VIcKa,y of town, and ot Norman' Ma.,:ean of Mar-. qoette, Mich.., William McLean of White, Fish Point, and Mrs. Johnston of Texas. The deceased was engaged in the fishing iedestry and wap mar- ried. The progressive, euchte party held in the town hall on St. Valentine's ov ening under the auspices. of the 'Daugh- ters of the Empire, was in every way one of the most delightful entertain- Inents ever' given by them. The latge tteisin *leek" and flag; ot Canada for- med a canopy 010 the centre of the large room and ninny union Jacket and Hap ot all nations draped the windows and other parts of the hall, There were 89 ta,bleg with four' guests seated at eteb, the ladie,s oreponder- ating in number. Among ,the pro- feseional Men we noticed Judge Holt D. Macdonald, Charles SeagerBar- rister Hays, It, S. Williams, 'A. G. Gamble And a fttimbbr of other gentle- men including captains T. It Trethe- way and son William, A. G. Getta- ble was Male -keeper and had the hon- or or ringing the lyell. After the wied up of the `euchre games, all were requested to write each name upori cards, the way in winch the Judges could determine the names of the prize etvitmeret The .geeeta were reqifested to 'keep their seats to avoid confusion, while embroidered covers were throwe over the Card tables, and refreshments were serv.,d forth - ,with. Later Mt Kidd called out fhe names of the prize winners. Ladies' prim, 1VIrs. Andrews (nee 'Miss Me- Leani, Mrs. J. J. Moore and Miss Ross. The gentlemen who won prizeS were M. Davis, it, Hays ti. Mac- donald,. Mr. Andrew's prize was a lovely Thiviland china plate, hand painted and getterotody donated *by, Mim Grace Polley. A delightful evening was Spent at capital. This business would% create a 'Reredene;"• the pretty home of Mr, mand for our-iiittive woods that are and Mrs, Janie*, Steongli last week. now sopa rot cordwood, The :Weekly Mail and Empire and The News -Record to any address fop one year for $1.25, ' The following have been re-elected as members of the hospital board :of directors Judges Holt and Doyle, E. Hodgens, C.'.. A. Naini, C. Seeger, J.. A. • McIntosh, D. donald, R. McLean and W. A.. Met tt • . • 'Me officers for"the year of the Daughter* of the Empire are as fel- Hon. Regent, Mrs. D. Macdonald , Regent, Mrs. Macklin Seoretary., 'Mrs. W. E. Kelly' Treasurer; IVIre. W. L. Elicit • e. • Vice Regents, ' Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor, Mrs.' M. Hays and Mrs. Morris. .The statutory meeting Of the God- erich collegiate ;institute was • held tliisw'eek. Dr. TaylOr Was elected chairman cif the beard, and the fol- lowteg • committee were, named Supply committee; Judge Doyle, Jud- ge Holt and Sheeitt Reynolds e pro - Petty committee, 3.:11 Colborne, W. L. :Eliet and Dr. Nicholsea. A: H. Baker, B A.,Nvho IS at, present tak- ing a post graduate course in Toroie torvae-appointed-to--4be-position-tioi- effierieet7Matter at. a 'salary of in, place oi :G. A. Robertam,' 'Who is leaving April 1st to takethe position of science, 'master in the ;i3rintford high school.: •, • Ftom.The .News -Record of " Feb.. 20th, 1880.. „ Nellis, formerly of Clinton, is • . • . among o• ld friends in town. ' Rural Dean Craig will put in three days this Week at Dungannon doing missionary work, • . Mi. * W• . JaeHison ,of the flim Of Jackson pint's.; attended the Montreal toe carnival and Caught cold, resetting in his • being laid up in the hospital there, but latest accounts are to the effect that he is 'out of daoger. • . •The annual meeting of the congre- gation of Willis 'churl% was held, in the lecture room on Thursday evening oflast week, Mr. Turnbull jn the fehaer, Mr, • Mello* seetetary. The repott as read by the secretary show- ed the fintedal standing oi the church to be satisfactory; over $200 of a balance being on hand, with iiieriiased membership and lively interest in the various schemes put forward by the church for the spiritual and material welfare of its people. Good work has been done .by the yourig peoples 'asap- • elation, the pastor is loved and re- spected ae Melt as ever, and the de- nomihation is happily‘ forging .ahead as'. becomes thin important branch of • the church militant: Amorig the busi- ness taken up was a resolution to have the organ question Voted on, by the congregation and it was carried that the session be instrueted to take the necessary steps to purchase one. A somewhat heated discussion took place on the use of the: envelope sys- tem of offerings, which Lsesulted in the :motion for the admilion of the sys- •tem being withdrawn. The retirieg trustees, Messrs. Coats, Menzies and Watt were re-eleetd. Mr. W. Watson has taken possession. of that popular hostelry known ae the Commercial hotel and ender his Management it promises to be kept up to the old time standard of one of the best lioensed houses in the county. Furniture Pattory.-The mayor has 'caned a public: meeting for Friday, Feb. 221u1, in the -town AAA to con- sider the proposal to form. eompany, for the purpose of manufacturieg fur- niture on a large Sege itt Clinton. The Mien* should meet With the hearty ilnancia approval of our eiti- eons who have • spare dollars,. There cannot he any doubt that properly managed the business would peal. It would pay as a direct ineestritent, while the indirect advantages Wotild bo great, greater than from any other business with the same amount of • ()vernal* ndorses As a Catarrh Remedy." ••••••••••••••••,..•.........11•••••• na. As An Excellent ' Tonic. . :t.. : ...., "I have such coal- ,..,. 0.„,,,,,„<#.4...... ,.:::$,-..-..- ' .• ' ."."-- • (fence in prominent per- sonal friends who have : • :*?.. used and endorsed Peruna that 1 feel firstified In assum- ing that it is a valuable rem- edy for catarrh and an ex. • Celle*. general tonics's!— . John W. Hoyt. victoria Flats, ' Washington, 1), Q ,44444*•• '4.4"htfik°' • •c:.•:.;:•.••te . ••••••••••••:.4.4.4:•:•:•:•es:•••••••••:.*:•:•..e.:••••x••••:••••••iewiee • • • • The gulficent State Capita! Building of Wyoming. Reeponsible People. • PEOPLE oecripying positions ef bigh O responsibility and trust are always •very busy people, • They have little or no time to deVote O to side issues. •• It is therefore very rare that such peo- • ple are willing to write testimonials for anything. ,• Then again there is a natural difil7, dence in giving public endorsement to any:commercial enterprise on the part • I etr'people who are much before "the public. • - • • • Rare Endorsement. Xt is thus that it is very rare that pub - lit officials, like governors, congress men, consult!, senators, etc., give peleic • endorsement to a proprietary medi- It is therefore a great trittnsph that Pertina has the Unqualified tendorse- traiott of so many men'in official posi- ' ScOres of public officials of national • reputation have enthusiastically '&- 1 dared in favor of Perim& in public print over and over again. . A Startling Pact. There is no way to account for such a • startling fact as this'except that Peruna • has extraordinary unusual merit. After all, people high and low, ire constituted very much alike: . . atm' Enthusiasm. When a perSort has been really helped in getting rid of .1301:13Q chronic malady, alter other things have failed, it Is quite, natural for enthusiscuS to lead people to mate a statement of the tact.. • Por great servilies, gratitude is nat. This is the only way that it can possi- bly. be explained vrby it is that so many persons prominent in public, diplomatic and social life give testimony for Peruna. . . Actual Benefit. . Peruna promptly relieves.. O This is the explanation. Catarrh is a disease difficult t� relieve. great many of the doctors .fail to relieve it. • • ' ' Gratitude Results. A few bottles of Port:Manure a Chronic, malady of many years standing and it is almost impossible to repress the natural feelings of gratitude which spring up. Catarrh of Head and Throat. Joseph Heiss, 8424 N. 14th street, St. L'ouis, Mee writes : had catarrh of the h'ead and throat, but through the use of five bottles of reruns, and two bottles of Manalin was cured. . . , , • "I think Mkt Peruna is the beat tonic that I have ever used and J. would ad- -vise all catarrhal ' sufferers to use Parana /o • e • Catarrhal Fever. Mrs. W. IC. Good, Broadway; Vs,* • .• . writes: • "When 1 Was fifteen years old X ha* •. . catarrhal fever and for nine years I • have had catarrh of the head. , "Through neglect it went to my throat . and nose. • After consulting you I used • Peruna for four months as directed, and • I amentirely well and.baie nay natural • health. • ••, el cannot praise Peruna too highly; • ' It Will do all that it is recommended • to do." •• • ° Pe -rt1-11a Relieves Catarrh. , • Mr. L. Clifford Figg, Jr., 2929 E. Marshall Ste Richmond Va., writers: "As soon as I get a cold I send for a bottle of Peruna, and It soon drives it out of my system.. Despaired of BeingCnred. “Por several years I was not entirely well, and despaired of ever being cured, AS 1 had used numerous remedies that • my friends adyised. I doctored for two. years without any improvement.• • A Last Resort: . "AsalastresOrt.1 tried reruns., and • am /flamed to say that 1.11 a• short time I was•eoppletely oured. . • • "I have not been troubled for ever tit year.• 1 aps.p/easedsto endorse Perrin& it saved hie's-world of suffering:, • Exeter: Gotdon Brown, a young Man Whose bemeate-Farcethateettasebroitehtbe- fore MagistrOtes Ray and Fanner hal on Tuesday last th answer to. a cher:get of • housebreaking. Messrs. • Beavers Bros„ merchants of.. Farquhar, have been missing money and :goods from their store, but to ca,pture the culprit seemed a difficult matter, the thefts bang committed during their •absence from. home and usually on Sunday • Determined to 'catch the guilty party •they., engaged „ •the ,services' of 'Con- stable Bissett of. Exeter.. On Sunday Mr. ,ilissett went out to the scene Of the thefts .atid Secreted hitneelf in the store :while the folks of 'ho 'store :drove away. It was not hong before Brfewe took advantage 'of. the .situa- • tion' and breaking open the back door proceeded to the front of the , stere where he was captured red • 'handed. Their Worships committed the young man ler trial and he was taken to Goderich Tuesday morning. . . . • s Live Stock Markets Toronto, Feb. 17th. -There was 'a good run of cattle at the Union Stock Yards to day There was a weake •xnarket than • last, week, mid trail Was 810W. Dealers said the marke was off. 25 cents, Drovers declared i was off 50 cents. In spite of, • thes statements the wholesale huteher •wh waS ;looking for, goodcattle. and vea • bound te have them, found 'that h bad to pay pretty near, if not quite high, prices as for the same e'asS. o cattle last week. These who WM: not obliged to buy right Off, however preferred to wait for a softie-throvn i the present prices., Which they contend inevitable, in view of the heavie motets now in view. Operators to outside points also report, very heavy reeeipts at Montreal this week, atu this will have au efteet on the kcal market. Export cattle to -day wcte not in such keen deinand and were fully 25 cents oft. For choiee extra quality buteher cattle, • prices • v.ere not much, it any, easier. For the gen- eral run of ordihary .to medittin but- cher cattle prices were 25 cents oft There are: many, letwever, who aie looking for •still lower pries • this week, In many eases it is eV:dent 'that buyers itt the eotintry have tete* paying top prices, and these :will be luelty- if they come out even. A load of choice export sold at a few cents over $5, and this was said to be the best load liethe traerket. • Total run for to -day was load4 with 1,05a head of Cattle, 12C sheep, 2,2 hog, 17 eaves and 90 horses. , Sheep and lambs are steady to, firm, and there is good demand for veal calves. O Hogs -Market is weak, bat 'lime unehanged. • - Exporte-Market easier at to t0.00 for ehoice cattle; medieni $4 to $4,251 bulls, $4.25 to $4.50; cows', 0.75 to $4,25. ilutelier--Marketeaglet chbicest 0.alehed $4.70 to *,.good, $4 to $4.20; COMM011 mixed vattl Steady fa $5.60 to $,S. Steekerte-GOOd demand for the right kind at $3 to $3.40, . Sheep -Market steady; ewes, $3.75 to $4.50; lambs, $0.50 to $6.50, • . 1 • 1 . , .., . Winghanx., ,. The. adjourned Co. Orange LCdiee of. -Ne-Hurort. held its.mee.ting. last..Thurs- day here. After •the general business of the year, had been settled up, the following Officers were elected and itl- stalled for the mating .yea,r. W. M., PI. Haney, Goderich P.• 0, • D. M., M. Dane, Gerrie Obiplain, Rei. T„ .S. Boyle; Wing - ham : , • "Itec.-Seeretary, T. G. • Sheppard, ' Nile Fin-Secretary,S; A. , McGuire, : Wingham . . • ' .! . .. . • . • Treasurer, Jas., Golley,: Wingham • D. C., Alex. Leishman; Belgra,ve Lecturers, McCrea and Hayes - • • It was decided by a vote to • hold no. county celebration this '• Year as a • county leaving the distriCts atliberty tb. go Where they please,. • Invitations were reeeived from Lis-. towel, Ripley and Goderich, •. • Myth Owing to the late storms blocking. 0,11 railroad travelling, the sitting of the division court was held Jest Wed- • nesda,y, the 17th and not on the reg - e ular day set for it. There were a t number of. cases entered for War caus, t ing the attendance of many interest - ed' Some of the 'cases were of such nature as to invite. a number there from curioeity. The one most • so was an action entered by Mrs, Thom- pson plaintiff and 3. H. Chenew, de- fendant. The claim was made for the toes of provisions by the plaintiff for meals alleged to have been pro- vided Mt the 12th ot July last and that the • defendant failed • to send Ora,n&men to partake of it under a r promise to do so. The defendant as- serted that while. there was a. talk of 1 dinner in connection with other deals that he did not order a dinner. As- a jury was caned they rendered a ver- dict of $20 and not $80 which was the plaintiff's claim. The judge for some reason has eo faX failed to sign the decision. , The following were deleg011ete to' Seaforth on- Thursday and Friday of last week at the Sunday school and Epworth League • convention from Myth: Mr. N. 13. Gerry, A. It 1Viiss A. Carr, Mies Ma Taman, Mi84 M. Chellew, Miss G. Hood. . Mr. Thomas Jones, tt resident of 131yt1m for year and other places in the eounty,, returned to Blyth 00 Monday from England where he has been for some time past. Rumor has • it that he ie going into his former business, batcheritig. Messrs. R. It 1tol:41.50n and J. Wilford void delegates to the county Orange Lodge held at Wingliam Vat Thitrsday. • Auction 'Sale Register Friday, March 0th, at lot 89, Hur*, on Road, Goderich township, farm stock and implements, • without 0 re:. serVe.-McLeod Bros., proprietors, T, Gundry, auctioneer, , 464.4.16.,r....6/6l,"01460.6604,0**• ' I• North Essex Conservatives nomina- ted Hon. Dr. Iteume for the tegislar ture, • The..• Montreal. Shlippieg Federetioa has decided to cut down "ongshore- inen.'s wages this spring. . Owen Widter, the novelist, Neel de- • tented in .a contest for select Connell, • - ' nian in Philade,phia. • . • . ' • - • Brutefield. • - A branch of the Farmers' ' Bank has • been located in Brucefield With Kr - H. R. Laitd, : late 'Of the Sovereign , Bank, as manager. Mit. •Laird is very popular in our village' and the • sur- . rounding district and will bathei'means of dra,wingmuch business, to the Farmers? Bank., Some may be. sur- ' prised when.we say that the deposits in the Brucefield branch 'of the Sover- eign Bank ran. well tip to the six fig- ures, • . ;•• DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULISTe Specialist will bo at Holmes? Store, Clinton, on Thursday, Feb• . 27. • -Glasses properly fitted Disea,s- es ot the .etie, ear, nose ant throat treated. ammemmumet .Semi -Annual argill Days.. r —Saturday, Feb. 22 —Monday, Feb. 24 -7-Tuesday, Feb. 26 .......4••••••••1.•6 The biggest cut of the year on Wall Pa. per, Stationery, China and, PatiCy Doods. " W. COOPER & • CLINTON