HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-02-13, Page 84
ring .M. .us... at
IE3argain Prices Saturdau
, Starting out for spring business early. Yes, i but not too early for early buyers or
1 for those who 00 their sewing early. This will be,a good opportunity to purchase your
summer gown at a big saving.. Fifty to sixty pieces in the lot and every yard goes out
at saving prices at this sale, Remember these prices are for Saturday only.
• Lot No.1
10 piPees fancy epot., stripe arid •
cbecit Musline in all the popubir
colorings, Regularl0c. Saturday no
.0 u
prices may
Lot No. 2 -
7 pieces Fancy White Muslin la
rosebuds, stripes and spota. Re- I 0
gul8ea5c, •Saturday pficee. ... . .
Lot No. 3 • • .
20 pieeer Fancy White- Spot ' -
Muslins, ewes b.irs, stripes, etc. e
Regular 20c and 25c values, Sature
day prices, ,.. . ir la
Lot No, 4
• 10•pieces Printer high class Milr;-
lin in all the newest colorings and
designs. Regular 40c and 50c,
25c Dress Sateen 13c
15 pieces Pettey Dress Spleens in
*11 tboriopular eolorings, one Yd 15.
,wide. Regular 26e, Saturday price
O 121AC Ginghaitts 10c
pieces Stripe Ginghanes, 27 in•
etc. Regular 12ec, Saturday price I
ebes wide, in blue. pink, red green, I 0
. s.
15c Plaid Ginghams 1ic
6 pieces thick and white Plaid
Ginghamstvienty.seven inekes
wide.. Regular 15e, Saturday • .11 I
price • .
. •
25C White Vesting 19c
5 irises White Vestings iu
. floral
designs, also polka dots, n
Regular 25e, Saturday priee.....".
• .•
50c Worsted Hose 28c
, • Boys Black Worsted.Hose, line
rearrEoag,CiodSaturdaybl cl, 7.)111.1 price....
eg, it. 2 28 •
25c.V1forstecl Hose.15p
. Boys Black Worsted Hose, guar-
anteed fast color. Regular 25c,
Saturday . . ... . .. . .. ...1
50t Toques 35c
Children's Woolen Toques. all • •
colors, double knitted, Regular. 35
50c, Saturday
Remnants of Deese Goode trona
three yards upto eve yards. in
blacks, eashtinere, tweeds, etc.
.Saturday . • . •
New Spring Laces And Embrolderg.
Just openedoFne Valenciennes Laces and Insertions to match,
up our spring imp..rtations, of i
.. .
Also Swiss Muslin and Lawn Finhroiderings, All over Embroideries, Etc. Never before have we opened.
up such a dainty range of designs. Cafl and see t noveltiesese.. ..
. .
. ,
• ••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••
r •
g:-.1;40int.... •
Soine "VERY SPEOAL" White Quilt Values for
this week. • Exceptionally good qualities, handsome
patterns. Bought right from the Maker in England
or we could ,nbt sell at these prices even at a retiring
sale. You will not*et as good a chance again for
many and many a day, so bettet. lay in a supply now.
Ready Saturday.
$2.25 Quilts $1.65
Good quality English Mersailles Quilt, full 11.4 size, good
weight, new patteios, Regular $2.25, epeciel emintielicing 1
Saturday. each... ... ... ,..... , •.65
$3.1ki Quilts for $2.ta
Heavy quality Marseilles Quilts., mede by one of the best
makers in England, very tine multi y. choice patterne, huge
double bed size. Regular $3 00 special Saturday eget) •
$4.50 Quilts for $3.15 •
Ext., quality MatsailleeQuhlt,$, beet. English make, very
flue quality, handsome pet tern:4, large dottier, bed size. Re.
gular $4,50, special Satiti•day each
This is Embrolderg Time.
Time to buy Embroideries is right'now. Genuine
bargains in beautiful Swiss Embroideries and Inser-
tions are on'aur counters, Clinton's biggest stock is -
being cleared at ver./ low prices. No need to pay any, ,
body full price while you can buy her6. YOU can save
on any of these.
Embroideries be
Hundreds of yard :4 of Swiss
Embroidery, inede on greet,
strong cloth. insertion as well.
assorted widths, extra eeacial
value per yard... ... .05
. .,_ •
Fine Embroidery 15c
Fin., Swiss Embroidery and
Insertions. W e- ,iniport every
ye,' d ourselves direct from the
nieker. nice patterne, regular
20c end 25e velires, clearing them
out et per yard . .15
Fine Embroidery 2fic
Extra choice Embroidery and -
Insertion, handsome designs on
muslin and naineook: direct
from one of the hest factories in
Switzetlarid, very speeiai at per •
yard.. .... ; . ... . .20
Lace -3 yards for.1.0c
300 or 400 yards of Fancy Lace
for dress and underweae trim.••
ming. -Ihsertions to toritchmost
of them. Very strong weave, •
Resorted patterns. special • fee
next Sa turtlay. at 8 yards for JO
MakingMoney on Fur Lined Coats
You can really make money bpying a FUT Or Fur
Lined Coat here and now. We would much rathkrgiye
our customers any discount afrthe Far .Lined•Cats we '
would have to take off if we sold the Stock. en ,bloc.Tt
would please us a good deal better to let Some of our
old customers 0 it thari a stranger ., --.That's _ why _we
we will take even less than cost price.far these good-,
garments. . If we sell the stock at a rate op the dollar
we would have to take less than cost from soinehody.
We would rather you would get the benefit. Every .
garment thoroughly dependable in every . way and
backed by our guarantee that it is perfect.
No. 1 -Ladies Fur Linel Coat. gooctqualityleack beaver,
muskrat. lining, Ohio sable collar and reveres, Regular nn
$55.00, you can have it for „ • ' u usuu
No. 2 -Ladies Brown Fur 'Lined Coatlining of lock
:•qui reel, outside beet quality beaver,. collar and reveree
meek fisher, yery hendseme coat. Regular$75,00,: now
5250 yc•u can have•it for
. •
No.. 3 -Ladies k ur Lined Coat, Ohio sable colter and re- ,
veres, outside .gond quality navy broadcloth, •
lining. Regular $55,00. Jou can have it now for.. .....
llatijsree 42 25.
No, 4 -Ladies Fur Lined Ooat, outside of No..1 quality
black broadcloth, Ohio sable collar and revers, Hamsters,
lining, 46inchee long. Regular $57.50' you can hatte it A.2 g n
now for , • . ... --ria.vw
No. 5 -Ladies Black Beaver Cloth Fur Lined Coats, Ham-
ster lining, Alaska sable collaeand revers. Regular- $65,
rilq VIP blIAT t91FH :Stift tI 1. t
45 00
No. 0 -Ladies Eleett•le Seal Coat, rich satin lining, ileauti-
Iul garment, vet y dressy... Regular 53500, you can heVe ty RR , •
it now 5or. . 1.&UMW
No, 7 -One only Ladies Astrachan Jacket, Ohio sable col-
lar and reveres, rich glossy curl. 24 inches long.. size 30. 31 00
Regular $45.00, you can have It now for . ....
-No. 8 -One only Ladies fine curl .Black Astrachan Jacket,
qailted satin lining. Ohio sable collar and reveres, very
stylish garment and one that will give satisfactory wear. 36 00
Regular $47.50,•you can have it now for. .
No. 9 -One only Ladies Astrachan Jacket, a !splendid oat' -• •
that will wear well, good brocaded fling, •you can have
it now for 20 00
..... •,..
No. 10 -One only Ladies Black Astrachan Jacket, good
strong pelt, rich glossy color, Ohio Sable collar and re- Oa c ft
veres, Regular$45.0O, you can have it now
No, 11 -One only Ladies extra grade Black Astrachan ,
Jacket, an exceptionally good coat. The pt ice. was $45.00 al •
.00 now you can have it for . I ,,
No. 12 -One only Ledies 131eck Astrachan Jacket, collar
and reveres of choice Ohio sable, the fur in this coat is ex-
ceptionally good. The price wes.$50.00, you cart have it 0
now for ' • 1,1U.
No. 13 -One only Ladies Meat Seal Jacket, oiler and re.
veres M mock fisher, a very hantorbe:coat indeed. The !IR n
price was moo, now you cart be it for. ,.....„ ....... Ni '
No. 14 -One only Ladies Freireh Seal Jacket, size 30. Thoe
garment can hardly be told from the genuine Alaska Seal
rind will he found very durable, We brave eold a nuinber
of them and they have turned nut satisfactory in every
way. The regular, price Was $55.00. you can have it now
for . . „,. 1141.1.i 11,11101PRO
No. 15. -One only, extra high-grade Black Bocharan jaeket,
This is a beautiful coat, one that will Abend no end of 87 g
wear, size 30. It was $55.00, yob. can have it now' for.... ;mu
No. 16 -Two onlr Black Fur Cap'es. 'rod know vohat.
trelian pposuni and the dye will not rub eff. You eau 411 g
have eithet of them for ... . .... BP P**11v.P. PP • P**1**•**"*“ `T.4,1
these cates ustia ly sell for, The tollsee are of Bleck Aus4
The Oland() to buy good, reliable Far Jackets at
less than manufacttirers prices does not come very often.
It only comes now becaase we are retiring from busn.
ness in Clinton and would rather let our customers
have the benefit of any redaction in price we may sell
the stock at.
DIRECT impoRrams
Moto* Now*.Ito:0rd
OA Valentines.,
0 ir
The sensational vul-
gar Valentine so muelt-10
use a few years ago is
not now so popular and
in its place has come
many beautiful and ar-
tistic 'effects in lace,
folding and tissue
novelties in prices
ranging from 50. to $2 50..
We,have also the ki.id
for those who'lvant them
which are sure to
'please: Sharp Darts,
Don'ts, Hall of. Lame,
Rt em flard, Sualt
ders Jokes, etc„ also fun
ny POS CARDS at lc to tic.
See our Stock'
St Valentines pay is Friday,
February ielth.
Th,/ . LA/I.,
Often Cheapest -Always' Be It
Mr. J. W• Newcombe was a London
• Mr. G. D lVfeTaggart, was.rin.Taronto
this eek, . •
'Mn, Guy Blacken of -Bothweli visited
•_.....0.1inten. friends recently. ..
'Thos.. 13rown, auctioirer, Sea -
forth, was in' town 1Vionday.
Mr. IT; Prior has almost fully recov-
ered from a fortnight's, illness.
Miss May Bell of Lloydminister, Sask.
is the guest of Mrs. Jame.; Fair.
Mr. Kenneth Chown of. Detroit is
iting .his home in town .at ereeent.
Miss .A. Scott •of . London- is visiting
friends in and around Clinton at.
present. •
Miss .Ida Evans of Bay.field has been
a guest at the home of . Eya,ns
the past week • ' s
Mr Tom Wheatley has., gone to Tile
eonburg '.w.here he has taken a Prisi-
• tion as wine clerk. . • :
Miesageetlia Keys of Varna wa,s the
guest far , the past comic of weeks
of her siseer, Mrs. S, C. Rathivell
of. town. • .
Mr: Prey Couch , and *Mrs. 'f. Rnse
returned an. Moeda), from Toronto
where they had been fiir 'several
days selecting a steak of goods. •
Mise - Maggie -A roistrongi-LondOn
ler Of Mrs.. William -Wheatley of
• town, was, taken seriously ill. on
Mopday, Her parent'., .1vIr. • and
Mrs, John Armstrong of, Tucker-
., smithe went to the city by the
first train' on hearing of T.'er illness
Meeses. Fred and Fiebert Muteh were
, called to Auburn. on Tuesday of last
Week by The illness of 'Mrs: P./hitch
. Sr. Owing to the .blockadert-. roads
they went to illeth by train and as.]
that was the last train until .Fri-
daY they did pot :get back home
til that evenipg; Mrs. Mutelr\ took a•
tern for the better and ' >kas out of
danger when they left. • '
Mr. Harold Witt, travelling represen-
tatiVe of . a Buffalo house, was in
• town on Monday • and Tuesday. He.
is a native of `Clinton end left here
fourteen years ago with his mother
for Buffalo where he has Once re-
thdcd, He says 'that Mr. •TohnRoli-
entson, who was in' the dry : goods.
'businees in this townyears ago, is
also living in Buffalo and' has been
' 'in the same employ for about four-
teen years. • .
• .• •
From TheNew e 11cord of
Feb.:13th, 189. •
Mr, George Hanley attended church
last , Sunday morning, the first time
for twenty-two looks. • .
Mr. Geo. Swieets has sold its hotel
ibnisiness to Richard Bell, or soltortb,
who takes possession next Monday, .'
For The Old Sod. -Apple Rieg Can-
.telon will lea'v'e far the old country oel
Wednesday, February 1.3th, one 'Week
from to -day to lack arter the sale of
apPlea which he shipped to Eugland,
some time ago.
It Changes. -It is said that
Mr. Shaeffer of Rippen or his son-in-
law, Mr. Watson, will ehortly, take
possession of the Coinniereed. Mr.
John Mason has bought Brwin's hotel
Birth. Mr. R. Bell of Seaforth,
take $warts hotel, Clinton, John -
Spooner of Cliaton,. Lathatn's hotel,
Mr. Leek Kennedy now. ' the
gentletnanly clerk of the Albion hotel,
Goderielf, ,,
Between fifty and sixty Members
joined the Ita,tWibltry street Method-
ist church !est Sunday, which nittst
be etieouraging to the pastor, Rev.
Mr. Livingstone. • '
Burglars Abroad.--SOtrie• time be-
tween Saturday night and Monday
morning an entrance was affected front
the.rear of the premises of P.tr. Thos.
Jaekeon, Sr., Albert street, ; and -4
quantity of goods, tweeds, gent's
underwear etc., stolen therefrom.
/Wk. George Graham of the 1h
eon. has traded his :arm with Mr.
Johtt Tedford of Clinton for 'one e at
Sandusky, Satinet, Co., Mich. Mr.
Grahatrt will remove there in. the
spring. The neighbors are aorty to
too George kit he Is an honest out
itatuatrieue young hist mai will be al
dettable avielbltiob to able 0101311ntlite
atur a
If you come to this store Saturday you can see many bargains In winter goods that v4ill
more than pay you to buy now. This is house cleaning time with us and we're anxious,to sell
every dollars worth of winter goods so we may start next season with a clean stock. We have
lots of other bargains not advertised here.
40c Worsted Hose 25c 40c and 300 Veiling 190 Your Chance.tc. ,Bug
• WIn-
s than 50 pairs heavy 'Worsted Hose • 4 pieces Black Veiling, regular price 40c • • ' • •
with double knee asplendid stocking at ..fl"no,. 50e, Saturday. ... . .. .. is ter'Coats and Furs at
• 40e, all sizes Satiirday... . . . . . . .211
• .
• Less Than Whole -
Shirti Flannelette tO
15c Wrapperette 8c •
200 yards finest qualities Canadian and
Atnerierie Wrapperette in neat epd pretty
patterne, suitable - for., waists, wrappers,
dressing sacques. ete., till new patterns
this shasoti, regular price 121c and 15c, Sate -
terday morning per vard .043
15c Yard -wide Prints 12ic
230yards Navy Blue Print full One .
yard wide, in four different patterns, re.
gular price 15c, Saturday . ... 02i
Beat Underwear Bargain
of the Season
Less 'than twenty,ffve All Wool Vesta
and Drawer, including Turnhullis natural ,
• and unshrinkable underwear; the finest
qualities we sell at $L25 etich, Saturday, .70
5e ng c
Two pieces only Shirting Flannelette, sale Cost..
flannel patteenr regular. price WC
15e, Satur-
• day .• ...... • P ;;•Ca*: * • • • • • • • •• • • P. • . -1
•1° • " d
' • - 'FWurs at remarkably low prinere and this will be
about the last chalice of the season to get
fair assortment at almost your own price
Cottfo'on Btitting-3 for 25c
• • .1f you Want a °Oat or a Fur buy one now.
bale best Crescent Batting . speeial 3 •
r" 614*••••*a . •• ....... .. POO . ; ... Plaal
We are c earing outSii
out. inter pati,an
Rollar Toweling 2 yds 5c
Two pieces Roller Toweling. good qual-
ity, regular price 5e, at 2 yards far. .... .05
40c Cloves and'IVIItts 250
A bible fell of Wool dloves and Wart
in almost all kinds of colors some silk,
lined, a clearing up of the entire stock at
per pair P • 0* V* **Of Ate
• Ladiqs' 0
New Spring GoOdS Now
op Sale.
We are showing new Dresa.Goodq
Muslin, Prints, 'Enabroideries, Laces,
Waists, Etc.. and will be glad to
have yon call and see them. '
Dry Goods
1. •