HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-02-06, Page 81111..... -AIt.'^Aft-+w4106"a'""' AMLIOS.to Art- tI iS .eA e.•t-� "40,,*so
Iss,wistro 40444e$14. '41144.14e via,* ilmveiroloteibrsousoAbeloolows
CREAT. January. SALE
Four thousand dollars worth. of seasonable goods
to be Closed out,. during 'the " a<leYt . two weeks at
wholesale, sone: •lues less,
These goods ee all view and ata to -date and at regular prat s are
eXeeptionol va < , rate evil not permit of ntany gltotattone but if
you will read "It, heir 1,vieW t will give you sows idea of bow we
are sacrificing E E tits.
MEN'S FP.134N It, CA PS -'Regular -'Regular 75e and $ .. 00, Salle price
50c, See Caps 1 stlutta window, ,
MEN'S LINED BOOTS ---Regular $2r .00, Sale .price .51 25. In
sizes 6, 7 and .8,
MEN'S FELT BOOTS -,--Regular $1,55, ale Cris
Regular $175Sale -trice $L25.
i .
s a rice
Men s Black Melton Overcoats, •velvet Ccoliaa. , regal r p_ $6,50,7 Sale price $3.85. sil_ .110 j.!*?.''.4 ,ru..•
A 4310 Overcoats in Meltons and Tweeds, for January Sale $6,50, .
dSpecial prices on all lines of Dry Goods, Clothing and Boots and
O Shoes during this sale, • tr= Jq , V
OUR EXPENSES are very light and we caa .give you better.
tvalue for your money than you can get elsewhere Colne and see.
A few of those $1,25 Black Sateen Underskirts left, at 95c,
83.00 GREY WOOL BLANKETS at $2,00. '
82.75 kr „
A few pairs only Men's Heavy Duck Rubbers at $L75.
rte-- CLOTHING . -.wog ., ,,.,,T,,r.,.
• ua� V iw w u ■ lis■s r ai. ' n a v v■ ,
A �A ti m'dmE?41541bASYD.�grOKIse i14 .�4'i44ivol •'4ri11'1+a1M.""
Clean Sweep Sp�e�ia s
of February
We want to make a clean sweep of our wirier 'goods during
February. In order to turn them into cash quickly, we will sacrifice
profit and sell the following fines at cost
All our lines in Men's Felt and Felt -lined Shoes.'
Heavy Rubbers.
Ladies Overshoes. •
Felt Shoes..
House Shoes and. Slippers. '
Special Discorant on all kinds of Footwear
during February.
In our Repairing Departmentlwe guarantee :.
_1111,__ �U.....�.
Satisfaction. T'iry s
It's What �'ou Save.
that makes you rich and if you are alive to your . own.interests
you'll find you save money by trading here. Other people do.
Why not you ? Our annual stocktaking sale affords you an Me -
'surpassed opportunity to save money on your shoe purchases.
Remember our prices mean money -saving..
prices to you and to us. When you can buy
at 20 per cent reduction, it's money made
and to us it's money saved in the disposal of,
surplus stock. - `
$5.00 goods go for .$4.00 spot cash
4.0Ctgoods ,to for 3.20 spot cash
3 50 goode.,go for 2'80 spot cash
3.00 goods go•for 2.40 spot cash.
2 50 goods.go for 2.00 spot. cash.
2.25 goods go for 1.80 spot cash
2.00 goods go for .1.60 Spot cash
1.50 goods go for ,t20 spot cash
1 00 goods go for 8.0 spot cash
our Ladies Storm R bbers for 35c
Always Reliable "
•♦,01bAlia. 14116111/sli1•r11/41b1,111.41brib-est ^ri•
You Can: Make More Morey.
Buy Your Fur Ooat'NQW,'
Coon Coats -$60.00 Men's Coon Coats for y $48.00,
70.00 '•1111.
75.00. , 155,00
Black Dog Coats- 22.50 Men's Black -brig Coats, best make 10,50
Dyed Wombat Coats'37.50 Men's.Dyer1 Wombat Coats made
by Giliespie&Co, ••••1111 11••••11••,•
Black Corsican Lamb Coats -••27.50 Men's Corsican Lanib Coat 22.00'
Ladies and Gents Fur -lined Coats • .
Below Manufacturer's Cost
• $85.00 Fur -lined Coat for,...,. ..... ......$00.00
al , .,,, 55.00
60.00 to 1111 45 00
80.00 Hamster lined OAat for. . . , ..,. 24:00
25.00 Saskatchewan lined Coat for....... 1800
A big lot of Small Tues to sell at 25 per cent, off, Colne and
see these bargains.' •
Successor4 to 11toKinnon & Co., BLYTH
i1111,,► # � ;cr,. .v+ii it, • 16.1b. ./b. 4
Caliaton New; .Record
February 6th, 190$
Your note paper with care and consider,
ation, as in the quality and style of, stationery
used is reflected the taste and character of
the writer.
Wexford Weave
Note Paper hu that fineness of quality
and finish which cae only be given to the
highest gcado of papers and it hu been
necessary for us to purchase this stock in
large quentities,.in order to sell h at popu-
lar prices..
Ask to. see it.
W..Da FAiR .-CO,
Often Cheapest-A�1ways Best
ltar Itlosunuiymmnut,
Mrt Albert Seeley was in Centralia
• on .Tuesda*, 11.11
Mr, Ed. Mugridge is home from .Mea
ford for a fortnight.
Miss Mabel. Robinson. of Bayfield" :is
visiting Clinton friends.". -
1V1~iss .Helen Fait leaves on - Saturday
for a short visit in- St. Marys. ",
Mrs. Wm. • Wheatley visited in Exeter
for a. couple of days last 'meek.
Miss Maggie Clark left for her home.
in Stanley township on Tuesday,
Mr. Albert May of Stevensville,:
Mdirittatia is-visiting-"C7lfntrIr 'frfelitl'
Messrs. George Petty, H. J. D.•• Cook
and. D. A. Cantelon of H'ensall were •
.in town on Friday last,
Mr.• Hugh Grigg of . Hamilton has
been visiting the: parental home
in .town the past week.
Misses Lizzie ' Reid and vfabel ' E.
Cantelon have been ihe guests of
Clinton . friends the past week,
Mr, W. Doherty was Called •:;i tycston
on Tuesday by the sudden death
--of-his ° neplreva ."Mr Alf.- l3irchell:
Mr. Frank O'Neil hay:returned from.,
Moosejaw Sask., : 'Antiexpects' : to
remain. home for a matter of five
weeks or so. •
Mr'. and Mrs. H. • Johnston . who have
been visiting. Mr: , John Enimerton,
left last week for their home • in
Fort William. .
Messrs: George B. Hanley and Peter
Cantelon attended the annual meet -4
•ing of the South Huron. L. 0• L.
in Exeter 'on Tuesday.
Mi, •.Fred. Stevenson of the Manning,
& Sherlock organ factory, •London;,
• is .home: The factory has ; been
shut • down for ' a week or ro
Mi A. Hooper went to Toron;,o this.
morning - to ;attend the.animal •n: eet-
• ing of the Manufacturers' Life In-
surance Co. Ile will be away for.
a couple of days: '
Dr. McRaedrove up the Ma°tlandt
concession last Saturday aftrvroon
to •attend' a patient. and :wing to
the storm did not . get hack to town
until Sunday afternoon..
Mr. Percy Couch, for several years'
a, trustedemPlOfe of Hodgens Bros.,
. concluded his. engagement Saturday
night :and is now busy getting
.ready to embark in business hint
' "self.
The' township Council was.. to have
met on Monday but owing to the
fierce storm prevailing the members
couldriot get hi. Reeve McDiarmid
alone -put in an appearance • and he
footed it the whole way. The meet-.
ing will be held next Monday.
Miss Etnily ' Clarkgoon to Cornith
the latter part of the week to vied
her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Miller;
How it did snow and blow on Sun=
day. and 'In cettseyiusenco the ertricet in,
the churches were very pootii'y :at-
tended at the Methodist church and
of Presbyterians ' ten turned out:
Rector Hinds did net dget..through
from Bayfield at all.
Brucefield '
The Temperance people will have au
At Home this evening.
Mrs. Win. • Plcwes has ?ot been
very well lately, we are 11 orry to
say. Her nephew and 'wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Leslieie Plates, and
boy arc visiting her at present.
Mr' Thos. Carr has gone to . Al-
goma, to visit his brother-in-law, Mr.
Mcl3ane. ,
Miss, Matey of Hensel'. visited her
friend, 1Vfiss Mabel turner, frond
Friday tititil Monday. .
The many friends of Mro Af Scott'
will be sorry to hear that he is on'
tiie sick list at jtresent,
There is some talk of another bank
coming to 13ruceiieldr
While Mr, Arthur McQueen was
driving through the tillage some
dogs came out at his horse' and scar-
ed it, it started to run and to
kick the crossbar, split the dash.
board and got off with the shafts.
Arthur was dragged ' through the
snow, but was not hurt.
After running two very successful sales we have a number of remnants fef t which
include Prints, Cottons, Shirtings, Tonching, Gingbams, Flanneletts, Dress goods, etc.,
which we are putting on sale Saturday . at prices never heard of in order to clear them
out before Stock' Taking.
$3!75 Wool Blankets 2,75 '
9 pair only, Wbite Woof Blank,
ets, good large size,pink or blue
border. Regular3 75, price for Sat.
urday and Monday only, 2.75
$5 Wool Biaakets 3.89
12 pair only pure Wool Blank
etc, white only, with pink or blue
border, beautiful full blankets, large.
size, Regular 5.00, price for Satur-
day and Monday only;,. , . 3:89
$6.50 Pure Wool Blankets 5.00' . .
10 pairs only, pure Wool Blank,
ets, beautifully carded, big full size.
Regular 6.50, price for Saturday and
Monday only 1111.., .. 5.00
Flannelette. Blankets 82c
25 pairs 'only. White or grey "
Flannelette Blankets, first quality, .
Saturday and Monday's price will. be .82 '
.1gen's Brown Calf Coats $15
5only, Men's Brown Calfskin
Coats with, self or black. astracnan
collar, good big coats. *ell furred,
'. ail sizes,. If you need a. Fur Coat
don't mise this chance........,.. 15.00'
. Men's. Coon Coats $55
Men's 'Coon Fur Coats, long fur,
natural color. well lined and good
big size, Regular 6500, Saturday
and Monday.,.... .11 • .11 . 55.00
$ZO-::straehar oat8---13100---
2only, Ladies Astrachan Coats
sizes 34 to 36, a splendid coat at the '
•regular price. 20.00, bought from a
traveller's set of samples.; First
come gets- • the snap alt,..•;.... 13.00
$25 astrachan Coats 20,00
w.me l
Fur Coats, good glossy color,
sizes 36 ands, satin lined, full sleeve
with cuff. Regular 25.00 for... 20,00
$45. Astrachan' Coats:32,5.0
4. only, Women's: Black Astra.
.ehan Nur Coats, well furred, whole.4
skins, hest, quality black satin lined,
sizes 34, 36, 88 end 40. Regular 45.00
" for .. , .,., „ 32.50
$50 Astrachan Coats 36.50
6 only, Women's Black Astra-
' 'chain and Bokaran. Fur Coats. with
natural or sable collar and reveres,
made. from whole skins, good close
curl, A guaranteed boat, sizes 34. 36,
38 and 40. Regular 50,00 for..,. 36.50
$30 Electric. Seal Coats 39 00•
4 only, Women's Electric Seal'
Coats, sable collar and reveres. best
quality satin lined; sizes.' 36, 38 and .
40, in box or Russian blouse style.
with silk •cord' belt,' a .very nate
coat: Regular 50,00' for 39.00'
' $55 Bokaran Coati f 38.50,
4 only, Woman's Bokaran Fur
Coats. sable collar and reveres, hest
satin lined, semi•fltting or. Russian •
blouse style, sizes 86, 88 and 40. Re-
gular 55 00 for 38.50
5 only, Women'sBokaran: Fur': -
Coats, two styles to choose . from,
Made from whole Skins, 'best' satin.•
lining, sizes 36, 38 and 40.'5 Regular
75,00,for ..' 60.00
Lace Curtaini5
Regular 50ca s for.,
o Curtai f r , .3l)
--Regular 75e Curtains for, ,55
Regular 100 Curtains for ,79
Regular 1.25 Curtains for 1.00.
Regular 1,50 ()retains for 11.10' ,
Regular 2.00 Curtains for 1.50 .
It is impossible to describe our stock
• of Lace Curtains, but few prices- quoted
below will give you an idea of-hovrwe are
going to sell them:
Men's Odd- Pants
. Men's odd Tweed Pants in stripes and
checks; space will not permit of descrip-
tion,, hut the following prices ought to
clean them out. • • •
Regular 1,25 Pants 1111 , .98
• Regular 1.50 Pants 1.20
Regular 2.06 Petits ,1.59
Regular 2.5.. Pante..,:...,,...2;10
. Regular 300 Pants , 2.65
Regular 3.50 Pants 3 00
$l0 Men's Coats 7.50
Men's Black Cheviot and grey
check Tweed :Goats, with or without
• velvet collar. up-to,date style.. Re-
gular 10.00: 7 SO.
$7.50 Black Coats 6.75'
Men's Black Cheviot Coats, good
big:loose'cants, well wade and trim•
med. . Regular .7.50 for.......... ' 6.75
•Boys Coats at Cost
Boys black and grey Cheviot r'^-
Coats, riohby styles and new cuts,
well madeand trimmedselling •at
•50 Pairs Boys Pants
50pairs of Boys Knee Pants.
lined throughout, made from Scotch
Tweed ends, from our own- .tailor
shop, ail sites. worth 1.25 to 1.75 for .98
t All
7 -
Wes are -making a .:clean sweep of all Winter :goods, and all odds and_ends"of w► inter stock
are marked atP rices which. Should -'clear them out with a rush. The following list will be on
sale .Saturday. FOR .THE DAY ONLY.
.$10" Coats for $3.98
•Fojir ' oily, this season's newest
Winter, coats, Regular price $10 for.. 3.98
Two only, Fur Ruffs. trimmed with
tails. Regular 7:50 and 8.50 fora,...;' 5.00
Two only, Black Coney Ruffs, Re- •
gular 3.00 for....... . .... a...., . Leg
Wo iae Two Children White Carr
Rbbes. Regular pace 2'50 for......,. 61.48
. . Two pair White Wool .Blankets,
speeial at 3.25, per pair, ......... . . 2.69
'One,only,•heavy Shawl
2.75 for.,....,.... 1111...;....
Oneonly,•heavy Shawl.
875. for ..,
One only, heavy Shawl,
4.60 for ,'.....,,.,,..,..'...:.,
Regular • •
• 06 3.25.
Two only,
lour Muffs.f13 Regular
5,00 and 600 for ..... , 11.11. ...1111.. . , . 3.00
40c heavy SVorsted Stockings for .25
Garittet is
Extra Specials tor
• Saturdag
50 yards 15e Apron Gingham. .10
100 yards 8c 'Pure' Linen Toweling .
for .11 .. .05
100 -skeins 3 ply'grey or black . Fac-
tory Yarn for 1111,.,...... .19
80 yards best 25c Grey Flannel for .18
100 yards, hest 15c Victoria. Lawn,
Wool, Mitts and Gloves. in all the
leadang'colors : 1111 .215
One niece only. heavy Grey Tweed
Tweed Dtess Gtoods. Regular 85c for .50
' Right only, Fascinators and Wool
Clouds. Regular. 5Oc and 75c for. , .42 •
Special Flannelette
200. yards heat Canadian and Eng-
lish Flannelette including a dozen dif.
ferent patterns and color cotnhinat ions.
The nest Flannelette you can buy at
126 and 15c, all on one table Saturday
at per yard....,.,,„ t'.10
First Showing of`theNew
Embroideries From St.
Call, Switzerland..
• Yon are invited to. inspect the
largest and mos beautifu 1 assort-
ment of new • Embroideries 'for
1908, .which vie ' have lm- •
ported direct from the manufac-
turer in St. Gall, Switzerland: This
shipment contains now anti exclu-
sive designs never shown before in
Clinton, such as the new Filet Em-
.broidery, which is being shown so
extensively in the large American
It certainly will be worth your
while to look over this new spring
asor tmen
s t even if you are not
ready to buy for some weeks yet.
Dry Goods
.��. a r•:.i.