HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-02-06, Page 5„1101.131$1.1.7 6t,10 I M AQUA= PIA.NQ 1104,7-Rord, HoWard. tor the. Oupply of 4500 tt of Reek FOR NOTWE. TENDERS WILL Bh1 is Medved by the Council of ilulletc • PrIrfroeirlsx,R9S4”.w.114.s....rnms...Tss.evr VOTIIIERS 1114WrGoroTX41,41$1t3 reueiv041 by the ceituell Hallett up to $ p. tn.- :is 14421'4 ,,f4t Feb, 1905' tot the erettien •=Crete. Outwit* to eeppOrt 1w9 Steel heidgeet. 4130 -tor a pm - 0.1.4 arch, 24 feet Span. At the '..041T -en time and Awe tOader, will he .:6Chetlfeit for Op .Stecl. .e.)1)eluitylei#!1re 644 two htlidgcti, IOget f;ei'ween -eubutreentii bOink &2 'and ;44fte and X* ft roadway. 0110 Or the bfidgee• ”Pi11 j313 over the Maitland at Quigleys and the her wfl b on :VOL oppostte tot 4.. The , lett-. exit oe in 'fielder rt#t ecesatil. aceptiesf, Speciiicatioluf for the' O1011erete work can he eeete iet the 411errie. °Mee, • Leendeetioro.--4 grace' iCamPleell, Cleric. WARM FOR SA,L120-eLGT• -Si ON Olte lith CO*. oR f'o4leriok deWneir.11, egOomigting of- U Peceoi 30 Acres Plowed, 6 wee ha fall Wheat. The db.rni is la A good *bate el Cultivate *AL Good brick bow, Hem 4(450 tisk with stone founditise. The #Act ie about 4 miles (rime Oliaton. Per sale on reasonAblo • tortnA. 1-t'or "further particulars ePpir ta Jes.: "Colclougk, Hebeeeville P. 0. 63-1 VITO FAROS FOR SALEeell WILL ',Offer for sate by public auction at fie Commercial Hotel, Clinton, ' at o'clock p. m. oa Saturdai,„ •Fele. let, the &bowleg : 20 acres oo ,the ,Sayfield Roadone mit). south, ()baton, know* as. the PlewPe faem, eCed 40 acree, part ot••the •Crag 6.rm on the same, coed. Have had •ete good offer to go Ifeof heave is laIo. 10 per cent of purchasetrireiney F. •441 day •of sale. -..40. Siiith. • Clintoe P. O. elm plank 1,6ft long and 2iia. thick, tq mdelivered at the mules.* of the nee* Councillors Barr, and Churehill, 100 it. at each plAtie. Tenders will be 02..med at the " townallip all Vridat .110 • Febye* *.-JAnte,, el 1,' Cleekee• e`e t. , FOR gALE.--et::. single ,,earaetssivrith 001,1ar 'bang* 04. Xep4A ,P).140. Al- so buggy 411300 new, and prt. Thouipsonf *"'".u'et4•••---1".e"'".";-ee"*"" • e ' CORN 'FOR SALE.e-I HAVE A. (14lrOtY of 8004 YenOw tOilk itt • sale, Cash or exchange for gala, .§tattqard •Ilevitor.---W. G. SUiltit , • • AUCTION SALE OF' rATen FARM Stock, Implements and Household Furniture, Mr., John J, :Ward" has * instructed the ,undersigned to silI ,by: nubile auction at the :Village of Varna on Thursday, , Feb. 2(ith -the . Horeeo-1 heavy horse heavy .horse § years old, 1 driver 6, yrs. old,. aged driver. 00t1e7.1, cow duet to calve ' in awaebie 1 powdue to calve in cow slue , to i,alye in cow and tall by •ifs side, •fat cow, 5 yearling heifers, 2 • yearling 'Steers, . 5 spring calves. 'birkshire Vow4eoine in • 'April and May, 7.- store pigs, 'geese, • turkeys • and 76 hens. Implements- ' 1 Massey.,.:.Birider• (new,‘ I. Nixon drill. new, '1: ,McCormick Hay rake, Massey-Harrie ICultiVater new, 1 Massey -Harris roller. new, 1 Seedier ' 1 'big B. mower,]. plough suigh No. .21, 1 Perrin sulky plow, -1 set 4 stapioii..harrows, 1 riot,.polpr,. 1 Clinton fanning -Mill with bagger, • Vediegeree. le, buggy, 1 cutter,. 1 pair : bobsleighs,.". -1 'haY'lziric,Ncid. Complete 1. stock • rack, 1 . pig . crate; -1 hay rack, 1.• gravel boxt Oxford vream separator, 1. daisy .churn, 1 grindstone, .1 wheelbarrow, I 2 set double. harness, 1 set single 1 iron sugar kettle, 2 water tanks, ladder, grain bags, forks:, shovels, etc., etc., .other artieles, tbo nuin- erous to -mention' : Fui•niture-1 glass :cuphoaro; :1 exten.eion table; 2 kitchen tables, 1. good cook stote, 1 doz. chair, 1 bedroom $ sets' bedsprings, 2 Mattress- es, 1' Conch, 1 parlor z.tcv.e, 1 baby • carriage, .bureau, crocks, pans, etc. , ' cmane • tity of straw ' will aleo be offeredfor sale. and the 'farm south of :the village of Varna known, as lot pt.:19 Contaihin- 56 aereS of good tillable, land.' : Tories sale - All sums of $5 and limier cash e. over that amount 9 menths. credit oh approved , joint notes. ,4 :Cents off on .the S. on all eredit amounts. Sale coriimenOce • at one o'clocie sharp. All to be seed • withotit• re- serve. -E-13ossenbury; ;Auctioneer ; John J. Ward; proprietor. , 'On. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST,. Specialist, will bo ail Holmes.' .Drug • Store, Photon, oa Thursday jilt. 110. Glasses properly fitted. Disease es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. • A ANO AND ORGAN TUNING AND . • Repairing. -The .undersigned prepared to do all klads of piano and organ tuning and repaifing,, and being a- man of practical experience .11a able to guarantee •satisfaction. Oiders may, be left at W. S. R Holmes' drug store. -Ed. J. How- ard, Clinton. efiPPLICATtONSe WILL • BE 'RE- Oeived in writing by the undersign- ed up to the evening of Feb. • 4tk • for the position of caretaker of the Model School,• salary t250 per • an- num. Information aa to the duties, nte., may be obtained on applioarion teethe under_signed -Joka_ • ain,ghame, Secretary,. • ++44-4--t44444-4-44+++-+++++++++++4++4.+++++f++; The M.OLSONS :.BANK • INCORPORATED BY ACT OP PA.RLIA.MENT 1855 Capital paid up $8,405,840.00 Reserve Fund' $3,305,840.00 HEAD OFFCE, MONTREAL ' DIRECTO WM. mOLSON MA0PHERSON • . Presi d en t S. IL EWING .. . . . Vice -President W. IC Ramsay, P. Oleghorn, H. Markland Lt. -001F. C. Renshaw, • Wm. C. McIntyre. ' es Elliott. General Manager. A. D.Durngord. Chief tneeecter and Superb,. dent otdranehes. W. H. Draper, Inspector. W. W. L. Chipman, J. It Campbell, Assistant Inspectors. • CO BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of SLOG and npvrards received d interest allowed at 3 per cent.from date of deposit, compounded 4. times a year ECIAL. ATTENTION given to all bratiehes of Farmers';businebs. Sale 10 e easned or collected on favorable terms. . •• C. E. DOWDING, Manager CLINTON 4+++++44+444-4-4-444-++++ 44+++++44:4-44++4+4-4++4 VAINIAieMIN0PAWAWiWilibilikWANSNWeASWelleehWAVANSWeliWieeetel~erlAYMI J, 13. HOOVER. assuremassosterea=wrsermiszsammewisUi /Ur' riTTF I NELSON BALL A little pay nient now and then will nicely furn- ish your do= main peeing tee next t•hirty day.; lowered riliii(ii 1.vill lie ii) fore., ihrong,h(iiit low storii a ii d thinie who' eon tett) plain litlYlii.p.,, Will have an oppiii to ii ity a ,roi..g Sit at, pf'It'eS they svill .sent.e).1y dn. plicate it) a long tit)». For example.:. Sidelamtit gohlen rink fin- ish, I wo (Ira% I'l'a, 1 II OTI e ti r11)(M id, (W11•11 Shell' iii 044' 11 X :11 41 eil : nil rror hi hark ff tt. :1 75. Itiel) (platter. en* UI( 3133..41 (11.o53. and ,3nd with 14 x 21 British rieveded ipielesi. foe $1050, Hilitl oak cobble, seat rocking chair. $1 83, solid oak parte. :tido :20 itielies Report ot the Clinton Model School for Jaauary, . The following is the 'report for tbe Month ot January. , Divisien I. -Ray Centel= „AA. AratioriO Mantling 130, N1glit*N0APP• 289; Rusoell 1iftelen4,254' „Erma An -c ereets 272, Beesle• Walker 300; dai TOrranCet 209, Mary. JacItscro 0; Nellie' Robinson 7•24ii, Otitualn EMe Pickett ' 0 156 Fred • • Cutler 244, Elva Johnetert 241; Violet Serge 225, Retta Cook 20, Pearl nal) 228, Fred. Rumhall 21ifp•1rne Mann 217, Laura MitedOnald 21.4 Xti1tb • Walkinshaw Aft • • Division 11.-Olgss Ford, • %nig 'CaOing, Fred....:Slorntau, Grace Walker, Laurence Greig, Edgar Pettigie., (Margaret Ohoweo and. Eddie Mcrae, equal') Marjorie Agnew. Class 3rd, -.Harry Cousin, 'Willie 'Rutledge, Willip Walker, Jean Morris, 'Ste -Wart Seat,' Margie Easom; peseta Ross, Jean DaYroente•-•Lieeie Mac- Pherson,. teacher, Division Class. -Elmer Beacom, Geo, McTaggart, Fred. , O. Ford, .Marion Gunn, Ethel Baine, Edna Wasnaan, Laverine emit, Clit- ford Harland:, Jr. Class. -Mamie Hall, Roy ,Fortester, Harvey Harland James Man, Lulu Coped', Leona Elliott; Ernest Erittoti, Maggii3 Par - .sons. -.-Janet Wilson, Teacher. • Divisioe IV. -Senior Clasee-Arnold Rathwell, Irene. Gould, Frank Rice, Florence Cousilis, • Chester .Marshall, Alma Judd, Harvey Walker, Cela Beacom,: Violet' ° McGuire, Roy- Ire- land, Walter Shier. -Junior Class. Helen Roclaway, 'Viola Argent, Har, 61d Holmes, Viola: Coek, Andrew Steep, Charlie .Horsely,-Clara Chid - ley, Teacher. . • ' •V. -Sailor -Willie Cook 8:878, Margaret *Tagged 573; Al- bert Shier 360,. Gertie Wallace 366, Charlie Cantelon 860; Aleda Seeley 360, Emily Cutler :354, pistin &d- iger 347, Carman `Turner 342., Percy Wheatley .386. JurtioneeJean Paige 308, Jessie :Watkins 303, Willie Gould 800, )3qrt Deeees 289, Arthur Grundy 270, Maggie Ireland 208-; Fred, Law- rence" 200; Lorene; Langford 249, Sadie Steep e36 Eugene Sheeley 231 Stevehec Teethete• • ..Division• VI -;Senior Class -Harriet. Cantelon, Foster •Copp, Fra'nk • Pen- • nebaker, Mervin Elliott; Bernie Hall, -Maggie Walker, Clinton Cook, •Lloyd Rice.' Junior • CeasseeGeorgia Kant - ?nate Nellie • Watkins, •Sissy' Ratan, Nora Kennedy, Willie Blacker, Willie • Doherty; Harvey Elliott, Elsie Barge. .L.-Rettie Courtice, Teacher. •• Division VI emo Class, -Lois Holmes, Lcota. Harla, d, Ina, Trow - hill, Kathfcen Doweer, Erskin EVans, and Jennie :Beim§ ei Leona Ned- iger, IVIarjorie IVIcM Ju • r Hattie Greig, Man 7 'Miley, • lberta Jackson, Elsie Graclis, Marion • Gib- hings; 'Mabel Marshall, Bessie •Cho n,' Wilbur Welsh -M Witte, Teacher. , DiVision Class. -Don- ald Rittna,m, Fanny HellYar, 'Madeline Shaw, °Pearlie Gould, Orval •Marphy, Alex Aegneve,-. Marjory Bitgee Wilfred Seeley, Junior Class- Murray Mc- Neil, Lyda Livernore; Ernest Hall, Ernest. Livermore, Freddie 'Wallade, Edna' West, Annie Allison, *Willie lVfaxshall,.--Anlie' Taylor, Tea:cher. . ..The Bear Saw 'His. 'Shade* on Sunday • Sunday wa.s Candlemas Day -the day, when the hear Moves tit of his cite And has:a loek at tho. world to see whether he . will go back and sleep for another six weeks or go. out and hustle for. food until spring time: • If he Sees his shadow ho is •suppos- ed to go back, hilt if not he • will. • sally. forth for forage, such as early Iambs, travellers; honey and the like. Of late, however, owing to the .icareity of bears te. See shadows, some have called the dayee'Groutulbog Day' . . • This sad little' animal is Also. an 'in- quisitive chap on Candlemas Day, and &ernes • to see .his shadow just ilike bear. If he' sets- it, he goes 'hack into; told storage like o'hear. • Candlemas may not have ;Mech. in- fluence on the weather' between now mid; April,' but 'it aetords an teree•se to the optimistic to • be 'hopeful, and tire pessimistic to. be sad, '• As Sunday was in part height,. the bear anti the • grouodhog weld nee their shadows, eo tnay expect an - (eller six Weeke .er r• Births, The C1irtei News*Record The !titaness Transacted by The County COuncil Last Week. INSPECTOR ROBB BELIEVES • PLAIN EVERY DAY LA i°, te ei t • . (MAGA: i • ' • ' ' ' • .,..e.' . . , ,:i,• w, PublIc School kets ,*late 0.„0::00dsulideted' at the coining &s - ion of. the Legislature ief Ontario Alict, Atlit**011tO MCOPOKixtiodo t thelight It would be ' well to delay my. .*, an. mufti report until your • June TrietAinii, when X Gould incorporate into it, in plain every day language,. the clumps • Made . in, our , Public SOMA system. • ArcAiY trustees find the Public Schools • anything but eaey'reatting. 4 am vet), truly, , . ' D. R01313. . INSPECTOR 'TOM WANTS TRUS-' TEES TO atAD .T1-14 LAW: . t -It is Impacted that the statutes'. and regulations • 'respecting ,Pityit . and High Schools , in Ontario, \will • be consolidated and , distributed 'to . the various school. sections of the . pro- vince during 10.08. The cost of., print-. Mg eetra copies is only a few ceuts per copy, It would be a great boon to the schools it the Department ot Education would provide suffieient, copies for each section so ,that a, copy !nay, be kept int12e school house *ti one COPT- held by each .irostcc-, to be handed to his successor, when he retires, from office. I suggest that the couizi oil request: the Minister of Ecluciation' to send sufficient copies of the s atutes and regulations of 1(108 iconselida.ted) to eaoh k,.ellool section, to have a copy kept in.. the school -house, and a copy by .each trustee. on account ..' of the inany Changes which have been made, and a'..re likely to be made this year, 1 Shalt eotleresent my..annual-report until the Juno session. -Circular No. 19 Oct. 1907 et the Education Department 'provides for the .awarding . to pupils • • of public ' schoeds. who pass ° the prescribed . examination, gradua- tion, Diplomas. The work tor this examination ,is based upon • the lower school course* , of the High schools. This. ' ' workwill keep , the pupils- who °have pa.ssed the Hi& School . entrance ' as well zos many others, about two years )(Alger , , in our Public •Schools. After lli9•usz.ing the matter with Inspector rc ph, it Was decided 'that it would he best to make this i . eiammation, inOlorni for the whole .? county, et d that I should request the ,county eouricii: of Hitron: .to- pay tha expellees se ' the. Public School • Graduation • examina- tion the same as they .. re now doing , for the H. S. Entrance. The 'examination Will be •field • ae . the same tinie, • and places as thii . kin - trance; so there will be verv• little Your- eonnetittee • examined- the • Mart ,-.houss- and we .recomeivad the cleriCs: room be .improved ..by.; • the • Feinting of. :the Weed-W.ork;:inni. ., • by putting on a , burlap skirting...the, waY4 PAPeTP4,, ...14nde -4-.1414131.4: lar4Pi L.00 entir.e.vost,, iot tQ. exceed -1 • . . . RE'PORT OF EXECOTWE .001Yr• 0 9. • • . MITTEE, ` MOVed by D. Milne,* sevnaled • by George Taylor, That ithe report of 0r -committee' bc amended by the following :--That all Peisans .oe gantzations reteiving any giant, for, any purpose from the county, sub- mit a, finaneial statement to the countI,. and that the clerk prepare a llY-1,aw • to be submitted to this council at the .June meeting'. ' qe motion • of Taylor and Harris, for grant of $20 eaeb, To 0,11 the Agricultural* and Horticultural soc- ieties holding Fairs in the county. We recommend that same be granted. Re motion f Dr. Irwin and J. Musgrove, That the clerk be instructed to. have 500 copies of the consolida- ted by-laws :of the county of Huron pnblished and distributed amongst the several municipalities in the county. We 'recommend that the request of the motion be carried out and that •thp publications include all by-lews to date; • Re Motion • of Messrs. MeDiarmid and „Miller, That each member of the council of this year be supplied with a copy of the "Consolidated Statutes ot Ontario. We recommend that the request of the motioil be granted. --Re motion of 1Viessrs. IVIeMilIan and I3ailey, That -.vaeh Woznan's Central Institute in -the County be granted the sum of 110,.00We recoznmend that the Motion be granted,• •• • On: niotioe of Di. Irwin; •and Mr, H. L. Salkeld,. That the Teachers' Institutes ' of the County, each re- deive•a:: grant of $25,!90, werecom. mend.. that the request of the Motion be granted,- ., ,.. • • ' Re letter oi JOha liOss Robertson asking 'ter a 'grant to. the hOspital far sick children at •Toronte. •'We re- cOmtnend that $20.00 be. given, . the same as last Ye,er, •• Re letter* of John • Ress--RObeitson, accompanied by a Circular, a,ekbig the county to appoint two delegates to . attend a Conference to be held in the National Sanitarium Association in Toronto,. on IVforch 441i. next. We re- conimond...that. no action be taken hi c,onnection. with the,...request of . the •circular. . • .:• .Re • circular of W.H Pugsley •°President ,ofWestern 'Ontario.' Good additional experises , for ,the Roads: -"ASsoelation.- 'We recommend papers .atid reportingtthe rendts of „that action be 'taken.. the examination. .Re motion Of . Dr. Smith 'and. MT, Your Obedient •.servant, Petty for a grant to each of the ELGIN TOM,: Farmer'S Institutes ef 125:: IVe 're - REPORT OF - PROPOSED COLINTY' c • • • - • • .:eee. recommend' thattheDraft By- .- t -ROAD- _commaTtg.____ant: oilmen& that the aineunt be grant- w;6i0e.0e17atenh,.lesetal'id Dr, Guiires laws No. 1,..2e.piaced .iee the. hands ` ot at. Clinton. for $50.0.• We rceorriL .hosptt- members bn.receiveci and 'laid on the table for further 'consideration ata it1611:11 . that.: *.the.. .sum 'of , $400. be • ' e Special meeting of :this council to be• . granted' to each. of the the Virden, o called: by, Tuesday above 'nfeirtiened, provided .that• before .° , n. the .grant paid' the managers .• 25th e day of 'Fehtuary 13,18 at the' owners Of 'eacht,insVitution entei or Your of '2 o'clock at .'Staforth. , an agreement:: that theY are public •. rnto That the nilidage 'at ..PropoSed, • hospitals and ::eubjett. to * Geverionent comity. system -be--430-•inileS, to • be appoitioned.in and on the boundary inspection, And :I•t.hat an account ef :thee Huta ° of the townships' as' follows:: • °grants recoriunended, they all agree ..*Ashfield '30 .raileS, Colborne 20; God- tat provideeetecommtdation . equivalent Patieet to., $5' weeks ; for -One, . during, prich $5, Grey • 32; Vey 18, Howley 28, 34, Hallett 30, 114qt<illoti • 3.0,.hitofrik smith 28, .,-Tnrnberry 20; StaalcY' 25,' .S.ttPhet- 30,ii.:virruacnkoe.sth-. pay for board and such *PatientS have no • :inearie • to the. yeae. el:008; :free ,of charge for attendance, whieh. Eso; wawanosh w.20:the. Municipalities in the county .. 'of. . .. • . Huron may: sendtoeither of the • Roads from the' trunk lints of- the . above named • hospitals. tram • tune 'proposed County Read* system. . • • '(1.) -Lake Huroa Road 'froM Bee,. to, time, and where.•the 'oe,,cessitics' 01 -field. to Arnberly; the • Case requires On immediate ec; fled. or Cot, it shall )6 (2s-Noethern Gtavei Road; from cupation o1 a Dunlovia to so provided,. . and that the .certidcate p , of 'the - reeve of .any Municipality, ' •(8.17 -Carlow Via . MariChester Whiteehurchwhere the patient .resides, fOgether. . . • • -London Road from Southerly with that of .tlie attending physicians' - c4;. --. boundary ot.'Ushorne northerly. shell be staneient for -*the •• acceptance ' via Clinton, fllyih and-Wingbarn to the of any patient., ' • . • , RMessr.:;.. , and. boundare , ' eine .df Huron and 13ruce,P motion of NicEeran for n_ grieit '•ot pur-" in the township Of Turnbereye ' chase bowers "fete 'the. Ocerte• House (.5) -North Gravel .roa.d trout, Sea - e that the. •.' forth' tO.Wrc&meteWe reCommend oteter and easterly Along usual, grant of $:16 be made. • . cone ie.. and 9 HoWick; to the east • • boundaryli.ne theeeof• • • • motion' of Meesrs., Mesgrove and ' .- • „ Road froth ,Godexich , IQ Irwin asking that •a greet. Of a (Aunty Detain , . licenses free of dharge . • •'' ehoitielark Hee', item ter,..(1terruther; of the township oi Turriberry: • owing •to his' being ' a, Blyth eerporation eastward', to eatite crieple. We recommend tett the re- erly .,liOundary • line of 111601°1e . •terel quest of , the:,nietion..be granted: the. • in the interval,: the ieeves • • of Ite ingtiefi MesSes„ Govenloek • and the TOSpitive townshiese•Will . cone • Harris asking • that $10,0 be :'aid to skier the • emat ter of designating .spur lines to mate Out the balance mileage,: in 'tivie . 'respective munioipal- ities. • - • • That • the 1. 'representative of • . the: D, :l'atterson .' addition t6 • his regular salary. owing • to' edditionai work (luring the yeor 1907, .. We • re - Eget ou jati.. 2e. commend that •'the same be grantee' G. • Stanbury and' wife, a • ' • •• „ incorporated • towns itud. villat,rps, and :a8 t P • - • •e• letlis:-(N)11S. Wingliatn, to Mr. .01d Mrs. G• Timm ell Ten olet sTor(r,:.`4-.4a. Wingliam Itospitel; . 20, to, Mr, end Mre, Stokes, -a.,. • • • he eoposel for aninee-eee of salare t,f,?. $4000 we rocomm nd that ciMsiderMatter: :of deeignating the . leadine streets therein with vieW lie laid over to the Jute! meeting' 43 of filling" out that pari of 'drieft by-. '4. 001°11 ' when it. Nallebe laW .No.. t 19011 referring streees. • • . uteri); r rhe proposed "(T0011 3,13,Itat the. clerlt strike off copies se:11'4111e Will • ht. tarried °lit n()t. • PERU -NA OHEERFULLY RECOMMENDED FOR COWS AND CATARRH A Prominind CIL110410,11. GittleS II1S SX4)00 1:1401..ee With the. WeridwFamons JEttniedy•Vor Catarrh. • Chtanie' :Catarrh. ' *Aiwa s.- Begins —" , With An, Ordinary. cold; ,.„..,, .., i So ,Says ,Dr. . Kalinin)), the'Oreatest •••Llying„Auther4t On Ca*, tarrhal Diseases, . RE, iims effect cit a cold la * rthicip, oningsof the fnueOns membroaeo of the nose and throat. Thiii '10,00 x4i0 to * discharge, •or ift, lesot a Outline:4 of 'the. nasal passages. SemOimeglever apcoMpaules the first attach, also-gt fooling of Magnin," dull- ness and aching 0? the bones. . If 'fic oftention is paid to it, the muccius cengestien is liable to spread down into. the larynx, producing hoarseness and into the. bronchial tubes, producing .a cough. . . • Even when thls • pomp's, IMAM" ' people P*), no Otten-fion to it, • . • 'Under Mich circumstances, the eon- /0)01ot/ is liable to become chronic, pro- duoldit a condition Of the mucous mem- branedlnioWn sa cittarrh. Catarrh 1al3ts I. • an indeflaite CURE COLDS- t lei e. Catarrh ;PREVENT CATARRH. is.essentially a • chronic condi- , , ton and does not leave except some- thing is done to rolleVe it. • • What should be dope when a person, Catches; Cold , hi .to take a few doses of , . - : Perm* . • Taken at the onset, Peruna Would . break•np the cold and prevent all the train of syM p toxiis which usually folio*, But, even In caks. whore the coed has been neglected' and .hoarseness or a cough ° has .dov,eloped,' Fermis, can he olied upen'ti:fglire prompt .and per- manentroliof. . ' :: " - , • . The freciuoncy of coughs ancl.cohls in • the' Winter makes Per Lola ii, popular rem - :Or for those ailments. A mimbor of the, best people of various countries have given testimonials as to : . the vain° of 'Forum, in•such cases. . Followed De. Hartman's lkestered to Health•, . • Mrs. Samuoile vigneau, 4.vre au Berri, Isle a. Le Ivragdalhae, Canada, writes': • 4gI write to tell you that I amperfectly well: I took only throe bottles Of, your Peruna according to your advice 'and thedireetions in your book and it re - Stored uiy health."' '• • 0.LiorkoriX•X;Wflo* of elomrtottl gushes, too bean ;nay's?* of Beeto-4 ,fewo for a nUmbe0 o$ 'mini. me lantiontlia residentis• g•lo,oisttown and Orideltltnewn. '1'110 "iv'fifes 003:400,131g *mum, aciAt Al41etter below; '- • . rt1 had sevoral attacks of colds. from time to time and finally a severe attack developed int° Oa - "I was advised Urns" Ye* cele- brated:catarrh rpraedyt and after. taking. three bottles and 'Myself completely cured, and I no longer suffer from catarrh or . 1)0'1,111'11,c: itto;cchoeidersfauill4yearteaerrommix.”end - 4 .II• Peruna had no other. medicinal vane than the promptnessivith which it relieves common colds. *it. would be well worth white for any family to keep: ' it In the house constantly. FIELD STONE WANTED. -THE 'Street Committee of the Clinteei Couriell prepared buy field Stone from farmers for use on the • stTeets, TO. be delivered in Clinton. Further idlormation, prices, etc., on application to W: G. Smyth, chiir- . . ,inan 'Street Coriunittec. • 09 . . . Ooderich. , • PERRIN TO FARMERS. -1 RADE or sell . your barley or .oats for corn. • WeegiVe 112 pounds corn fci 100 ' pounds either barley' or oa te. 'Cow is the best feed. Malstees want the barley now , whilst • cold weather . lasts. Looks good time to ,te'd• all graiti. Argentine: has crop • which has just commenced to move on market Prices can easily, slip • off, -W. G. ; Perrin, CI na:• r Supt. Osborne'of the C. P. R. Tor-.. Nelson, London, were in town on Tuesday of •. lastweek, and -met . a onto, Accompenied by Divisional Supt, , . committee of the town council, to- To Toronto and Return gether with Members of the Board of trade. "with -reference to securing track! Account (4' Toronto .tforse Breeders facilities, awl' , access to the water' I. ' .Exhibition. -front for , handling flout (1 ;Package .1 Tiekets good. gait*: 'Feb: llth *anti freight -front the hoati. - • 12th, valid returning until Feb. -16tli, ' • .. GRAND TRUNtt RiLWAY SYSTEM • Our Ottawa Letter :Ottawa, Feb. 1st. . Goydrineent Back • D;zwa. The very first of this Week was the 'unconditional siirrender of •the Govereineet. in the Mattel. of the .original documents. regarding' . tenter leaSes, ; which papera • were .relitsed. lait °week and the week before. 'Twice .in 'divisioeeof_ethe House the, Government •forced its followers • to supPort the policy of secrecy. • But la' thOend, confronted with an thipbsiL,4 tion. determined that - money,' should be eoted until the qiiestion of, the rights of •Members • to -obtain in - 'formation . Was . •,setticti ight; Sir Wilfrid ba,cked down., The Premier learned what ives thought in: *ilia dountry about this policy et conceal - meet ante found the seespicion and. distrust created. was inure dainaging than • the acts could be: - So , he bretight • dowii th,2 • papCrs himself. Ile then on the • f:able of -the House for the eespeclion of. ttny ber wlio desired to iiee ehetn. :This 18 all that was dceired or eefeed by Mr, Arne, who had r4eateelly told the Government before 'the papers Equallv low rates from alt stations ••. in -Ontario. • Secure tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent. • P. 'a FIODGENS, Town Agent. A. 0. PA.TTISON, Depot Agent. We gay special attention to this line and are this . season, showing a large. and choice 'collection of Diamonds, Pearls, t Rubies, Emeralds, Sappiilre, Opals; :00 set eianngdlyT:nrcqi.uinoleso,roi 0 .71) titi• on were refused that' he W to , take them_ in -that Way, • ° •• 0 Values are of the • Best •e. I I' • •• What the Paptrs V - A ti .0 • • Thint igag disclosed whatees. eireed to be the ietelon for the Government's oe tlar3r of el 50. we resistance. The original iecord of one timber lease gave informateet Oat could- neVer have been obtained from, AND OPTICIAN $' the copies. There -were Om toul,,re JEWELER Lor this limit. A,. W. Fraser, a la,W.• yet of • Ottaent,•• fo'e au undisclosed client offered $1,00e.• There *as an oiler from the Macdonald° el Ottawa of $6,470, and finally a bid of $7,000 by Mr, Nolan of Montreal,to whom the ritnit was a,watded, According Jo< tha. copies previously brought .dewii "everything was regular, Rut the originqi shows • that the 'highest oiler. and • • lowest one were written' by the same hand, on the same kind of paper, signed by the same person with different tiames,and that the aniount of • the highest. bid WAS written. at a different time and with • different ink. • It we suppo4e that the pernons Inteiested in those two tenders had been able to learn the amount of the intermediate offe.e and to have one filled in at A figure a little aboVe it, this is exactly the way the reeord would appear. The trausaction occurred in 1903 when mt. Sifton was head of the Department and Mr. TurrIff now M. P, COMIlliSSI0110r. of Lands:. • 31. • ee.1 On. an, t3rde draft byelawe place( . I le an( te• o • - (laughter. ' • 11 rt • to b • etteee el to tr. Ile application of (loftier Griffin for t.t)1/are (Or $1 Ta ke svorti..foe tto IA it tr.) latt.h4 values have • 41:4• •erf AN' I " iwen set find) than th0se which aro beidg oirtwed for the next • 11*. 0(3 " 1 h 1 inermase reeommend • that 3,100 „of an increase to- Mr. 'anti Mrs.. W. J. All tit, a. the 111 13311 of the council.. _ , daugh ter. •• '• •• REPORT. OF COUNTY ItitOPEIITY • be given hirn, FlirjOVER ALL • Furniture and •Undertaking. miwwitlimwwwwAiwymmoww,wwommwiftwiwoomt•wwwmmwmArommj er: ef'• • Tittibe iCs 86. tyesight'Sp' 9cialists of Toronto, will .13e .#t the Normandie Rotel, Clintoll,.-on- Wednesday, Peb. 19th. If your eyes bother you in any way or the glasses,you are, wearing are nottatisfactory, do not,neglect to havethese reliable Specialists: .examitte them Make appointments now at our store. • W. 'R. -COUNTER * CLINTON Jeweler • Deaths, • cowtrairrrim. i3i4rnam coNTRA(Yrs # • That we' havc. examined the goal, and found evet'ything setisfactory. The heating ,is all that could be de- eired: The entire house has beete teed° comfortable: Tho gooier has everything Clean, and in first class order. We lind Mite innia,tes in the, goal, one for insanity, one tot. ag,. sault, three for larceny and tour for vagrancy. We would reootinterid that the out. side wood -work gtt a coat .1 paint, and the •inside a coat ot whitewash and we have made arrangements with Mr, Paulin 'to furnish tin material tot eueli work, the work to be done by prison labor. That we authorize the gaoler to progeed ,I.with the • 'work when he has twill to do it, and aIso atitharNe him •:to get the material from Mr. Paulin, and to paper the °moo, attle and Whiten the watts, so as to stand Government inspection. We -also• examined the regietry of. flee andlound the same itt good or- der. HOUleTSELL-In Witigham, Jan, Met, the infant soh of' Mr. and Mers. G. • Hounsell. ' "GEDDES-In Morris, 4an. zeth, Mary McLean, relict of the late Wee. • Geddes, age 81, . • GLADIVIAN-In. Exeter, San, 28th, Thoraas Gitelman; aged 80 years, It G I I'r-:-In " oderich, on January, • 25th," Harriet Knight, wife of Joseph 'Knight, aged. seventy-nine years. 1 • " Marriages DtIDLEY-WARDEN:--At the meet, Egrnondville, on Jan. 20th, by Rev; N'. Shaw, Peter Dudley of Brussels to Flossie Warden, of • McKillop. McDON A 1,1)-$A 0 00 N. A MI t the miderice .6t the bride's parents on January • 2R th, by Rev. etas. A. • Anderson, John Mellonald, of Stratford, to Jessie N.1 da.ughtef of Male011n • 1). WetheiSp6on, of AiL.:a Craig, was awarded the dniittact fee the concrete work at Warren's bridge Hensall ; Hall's bridge, one milo north. or Bayficid ; and a bridge north of Whigham, for the. sum of $500. A. etra ti for the stiperstrueture on the Hill itrifeo,, Mitchell, 'were given the on Winghant bridge at $6,5.85. • TRUSTEES APPONTED. The county treasurer's 'statement sheered '$0;808.70 fevitel blot ' year above what was expended-,, J. 1-1'. Cameron, of Druseils. and It. J. Fleming, of Exeter, Wer0,, aPbolitted on the board of county fixerniners. R. S. Hays was appointed trustee of Seater* Collegiate InstRute Ransford for Olinton, W. It'. Van - stone for Witighare, Judge Holt: for Gild -rich, and W. L. Eliot, in place elf the late 14. W,. McKenzie on the Collegiate board, and the Dashwood 'Onion Sunday school Was wade • an entrance examination centre, $ issuer of Marriage Liceifies. Ike litAlt.116.-.116.41v10..etrim IlitAbAppriewNilk Our Large Stock • of.Presh .a-roceries etiablee Its to gill° •eatisfattion to our inaey eustentere, • It you are notebllYing roin us, please • give us a eall, We • will etuleavar to gem you nib-4au:41 ithnviise. ehealleele • D Beaton Ph e 111. Pronipt delivery