HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-02-06, Page 4•
'4 4 *
Fondy Valentines ..
Cornic yalentples .
Vaigsn'line PosiiCer4s.
One Bullock
Two carloads ot cattle were,deaded
at the stock yards on Saturday
). shipment to ,Toronto that aftelnboh•
t one belonged to C. H. Raid, an'd the
other to W. Dodds, They wer0 sup-
plemented by three carloads bkought
- up on the L. H. & B., but the letorin
arose and it was impossible tolanove
' them and the cattle had to iimiain
:•.% in the exposed cars until Aleieday
•-1 when they were got awey and around
••• by London. On Sunday hay .,,earas
bauled from Fair's farm ann4he
cattle were fed as best could be d6ne,
, but they must hive. suffered stiveiely
• and one of the& died. •F..
in Song and Story .
The people of . Clinton and. • ear-
- 1. n
r who Avail them -
'selves of the opportunity of hearing
one of Scotland's • leading entertain-
ments in thee town hall on l'ele Nth
are assured: of a humorous, attractive
and educational treat. The company,
played eighteen consecutive nights in
New York City. Owen Sound and
Collingwood have just asked for the
second engagement this season; Tim
•members axe : Mr:• Gavin Spence,
Clorlerici% Township,
" Mrs, W. A. Roidliggi$chr.s hetialtery
ill with nnettMOlaiii, at V* bow) of
her brotOr, Mr, Fred. Ford, .
Will. Perdue, son of Mr. William
Perdue. 49 reigned his, Pesiiien
Iteeharrs, ItendOnt- 'ad i take ae the
post tat :firilrAtia POW An the ektY
power ,housa. „
'Norther 'the fee% nor CoUneltior
alum; . Could 'reatib. ,71101meavi11e.,
ivien449* to eAtiend the, imeatuigimsrue
townehip'Cgttneil. r OTtao“41?T Bath -
welt •Walkidover, It .was a
totigh 10 but he Matkaged it. Pone -
Piller Lobb hasbeen v*Sitlug",,•doWn
near StratfOrd, Aik011ed Loline
ville by the ,Iate Naturtlay night
and'remainerl' there iintir the meting
of the counci,l...
1•1, ir'.' '
4 Itglar$0114
pea% has again. tiSit0d
Oprgood. Miss F4ril was,called, hQIIIe
last Tuesday aftek 'a long Ilineela and
wag 'laid to rest fen Friday ,
Maitland cemetery; She Vas very
highly esteemed. by all who came in
contact with her and will be much
inied, by ruany,, She wns a .life-
long member of the Met.h9dist ',.ehnroh
here and a faithful attalOant,-,at the
services. when health peril.iittzdf,,..
- Dr, Holufes of De,trolt has bnert2the
guest of his brother here for . a. few
days.—Miss gobsnes. returned, from
Goderic,h..-Miss Tessie Crooks is
visiting her aeusink 111 Attwood.
—Will Jenkins is on . the -seek.
these days:. •
.West Tuckershlillip;'
a Mr, Abner CosenS' of Winahithr, Sper0
Wednesday in the neighboigodd.- • 4
Mr. Sainnel Bennettof 'Win*arn
called on cad friends liere On' his, way
to §v -4 -f -RT ,
A few the faranera.kpte 44e:busy
Putting;.in their sun:finer:0: ga,pely., of
01; ,
s • ' '
4440, • •• O'Brien urned
lgogeef..IneeUxig on Feb. i3th.
41b.O.V(Intretested please take notice...,
4 '
• 414-4 .
taken • p ;
antet.thetreSults have been announced
Wonderful • things have happ.ened in
this locality.. Women • tell us; :that
their hens have slatted to lay and a
number of men claim: that their :hair
is growing in again. . . •
We are sorry that our city promot-
er ;Mi. N. M. Oontine is rico,v; To the
'altitohes, Of Tha law. 'But . the:, dock is
going ahead tinder the Manage -
tient of Mr. John Laporte. , .
Mr, Loins Durand, intends leaving
for the West in the neat future.
One Mail man Was unable to . get
through . on lVfOnday owing to • t the'
state of the roads. •
..:Farmers in this neighborhood • are
not comp wrung' of shor age of feed.
Out fishermen aro waiting patiently:
for fishing to begin. .
The Police • Magistrate
• Clinton Plews.litecord
Efayfield ECAMOMY Wanted Tacker.
The aeXt Meeting of Patel Suffer all Winter
the Wetnee'% Allaith Rut Extravagance at
Institute will bp held on ThurSdaY
, 41-
Rilbrultry Oths: 190$
it i'his ,,Evidenee' ;aid L3ein to
afternoon. next at -the home of M. ottAvv‘ Wb Yourself With. lir. Williams'
- Cure rms..
Jan Whidclon. The Subjeet wili be
"Breakfast. Foods 'andt.Preparing a, The following 'from -Mr. •John'Van.S.
Brealtiast.tt, Papers, eyila be eteen on ford appeared in the Planeur columns .n.lgeter.i, i xrt4raIapf the eciat4a.'
the salajeetlarei.:a apedii intietie4 • :he • of the Nan 044 WANT!) ol sogrogy . nett): .„1Aeraily
0400cw.... •• ApropoS „of the late,..byklegtions, • ninT4ili 44, is Act ti'LF4 te0.1t.t,
• ask for your ZiPinlort on a lifteiternehp4;tk1ng"n04:iPer, Uil rOven the
connected therOwith, 4 iiXutpta: P§P,4's° IsoPTIPCIRJY, ,Icif)914
.hetelhat. in all Township 'Cannty ‘4`44tica )14umat44'4" '
•Coiuioils,, where the farming element Thore,,ii only one thing. ore pain4
*30111ineirt, if not Wholly dormant, ittl than Pcia:ti'Ca 4..gi that . i. tho
the sutmost rigid economy therauter, treatment of it; as • practiSed. 'The
1.4 -es their transa.ctions, euela an sickening 'hOtnt4g the, Ileah is oidy
eXtetiC is , this eeeeomy are covid ,one et the' forms "ot cruelty, crAployeil
scrutiny carried con:1040s ore Ira -
by the old school doetdrs, and all too
qnentiyn.are.,tttteoltraswaredr, etiryvtafer the
It i a'scientjflc lad that the ma-
jority of sciatica cases result from eX9*
pe,sure to cold when the patient is .in
an anaemic or leioocflege-seeartion ' in
witke4dtbe's );1;116a,t6$en' • tis li;.tr,aa'SlitYntr°44.1:aeCtn;
reasonable? • person that a starved
nerve cannot be fed by ' the applica-
tionof alOt iron to the outer flesh.
It may deadenthe eolatie pain for a'
time 1314 it will not cure sciatica. .
Absolute rest is the best aidto
proper mecfleal treatment. Rest and
Drf WilliarnS' Pink' Pills, which ae-
otti osael 1:s tin" ravkeeo: nn7xvob,loodwili.enodu rtehue;.nfec,e4dt
Mr. H\ A. Await is One of Abe
leading merchants of Hemford N. S.
A few. years ago he was a great suff-
erer from" this excruciating trouble.
I -Te says attack was so severe
that I had been off work ,for some
time. The •cords. of my legs vele ,all
drawn. up. and I could only. !imp along
*ith•. the aid Of a stick. The pain I
glittered was terrible. •I was in mis-
ery both day and eight. ttery ntoVe7.
Ment caused me such pain as ,oirly
thoee• who have been tOrtured with
sciatica know. I was treeted • .hy,
several doctors, but , ihey c'ddnet
help me a bit. In fact :almost be-
to think my condition. was 'llepe-;
less When. Dr. "il:s were
• . •
brought to my noicc. 1 got c, hall
dozen boxes. 1 had .sed the entire
quantity -helm 1 feund any benefit:
,But I was encouraged and got a:sec-
end' half dozen boxes, and before' .theit
wore all gone every vestige ef• the
trouble had disappeared. Not . only
this, ,but I was improved in healtli. in
every, Way, as it will be. readily,. Un-
derstood that the '..lchiee siege of:. paitt
I had. suffered halt leftme badly 'rue
,down. 1 :can't speak, toe htghly of
Dr., .Williams' Pink pills. I ,cannot
reconuhend , then).* too strongly : to
other sulterers,"
Sciatica is stgbborn in resiting
treixtinent .and the patient • often .sufr-
ere for years. Dr. Pink
Pills do Mit stinply, relieve the Pain.
They. cute the diseiee 'Caused by,: peer
watery blop'd.: They: aletunlly ma•ke
new blood and have, therefore a direct
and powerful curative &Mot on sheh.
diseases. as , rbenniatism, anaeinia,
general debility' and after effects, . of
the grip. AS the nerves depend: upon
the blood .fer notielshinent; Dr:. Wile
Bata' Pink Pills, are Unequalled 'for
Vere nervous disorders, such :as neur-
algia, partial • -paralysis, ' St. ." Vane
dance and locennotot ataxia. ..es• ' :a
thine 'for the blood and nerves they
are used everywhere 'witu the:: great-
est success-,. building w..:Sted bodies
and bringing the • gloW • to
pale .and sallow ?theekS. Sold by; all
medicine :dealers or by" mail, at ,50e
a box or. Six boxes fo: $2,r,e Itom
The • pr. Williams' Medicine ..-Co.,.
Brockville, Ont. • . •
field Public'School':fer the
January, based en attend:4m*
• mennor.. ant-
d geneprofi
ral eleato**--
.Settior ROM.
King. • •
. 'Parker, -7AInn1e.
Ralaye Weeela „ .
-;•„atie .jree-EYeiyn Pollock, • Flo t.$ obn-
Son, cora ..Tnrster, • •
-.3rd Sr.—M. aggie MoLeod„ .1.sudy
plies to an Alleged *Funny'
'Story From Goderich..
'"The Prince of entertainments., 8,nd .
. . " •• • : • •
• '
entertainer of Prince's" ; Miss Mamie the' folois.hig .1„laA. ,e6,14,i8 to; ,.,/,,dr...
Strachan, soprano,,!' and rifiss -Enid
- cirth • News- for pebliqation. : '‘ :
Newcombe, Gold Aikdalist. ;n Boyle' • . • - . . -
Academy of Music, London. Plan at . SireeTn the., administnation. of
•• 'W. D. Fair's bookstore. ,./, chnission tire the hardest problein ihe magi -
25 centsetrates of our comitty ; hate to solvel
is evidence containing . partial truths,'
such Problem being damning le:its in-
fineac:s •oe those Who come Li . ecu
tact with it Suck.: a coalition, °c -
enured in • the .- fining of one et UM
Goderieh. citizens brought befule me
fOr.sbeing drunk and disorde 1.y. The
seiall (infinitesimally ,3e) in •of
truth - in the "article' headed.' , "Ile
WithdrewAll His Funds" whiele •ate:
peered in your • iesue (1 J",
robs the 'said article of ; P S col, but
not So. in regard to i.eine otnti, . ar-
ticles from your Godetach currtson,
dent. Regarding the article in ques-
tion the fact, of the ease are I The
Goderieh man . was lined $1 and costs
as a commoir drunk end 'in default of
payment s:atented • to twenty-one
days' in jail, c Being a member tif a
'fratereal order a Clinton brother e:
1 alit9 same oril: r interceded 'it his ,ie
half and Paid the fine and •retsts' and
received a clack from the eri--oner al -
ler having exhibited a Depesitor:'s
'Dank Buok • showing a lialeuee •
416fe1dant's favor. Should voile cm-
respendent • be correct •lit hs• st at ...,-
ments CO the prisoier del'randed the
.4k Chain of Colleges .;
-Mr. Geo. Scott -on, Principal of •the
Wirighant Business College was .. in
Peterbore last 'week and fitirthii akithe
business college in -that place. The
Peterboro College has been one of the
most successful: in Eastern: Oeterio
and was tot -many years under the..
management of Mr. Wm Pringle, who
.did quiet suddenly a, few :weeka ago,
This new college .will .give,,Mr. Spot -
ton one of the best chain of colleges
in Ontario as he already ha4 good
.schools in Winglram; Cljnt�u, Walker -
Orangeville , and Goderieh. Mr,
John A 11.1 c One, who war:. fseeeange
time wilit Mr. -Sjiotton. iii"Vihrrham
:Ind has latterly ,been in cheteel'ini'
:he Orangeville ZeilIege, will" -'s9
ro ;Is chief ;nom merelel".thattelf.°:
itis new school will give Mr, Spot-,
(-me fer each wereina day •itic ;the'
• • • • t
v 3 •t
;•or Arthur \ i•ars, 1:15ter Kineie oi one •who came te his mem „ in 'his
,‘ tees, hes be -censored for the l'bie. 1110 nf: tr`ilible` •• •a• •
• Yoars Trely,
Is met removed • . .
, f o•e„ Dublin jewe
.J. ANDI1.1WS, •
• . Police Magistrate.
/ •
, "VROMMEIWMArkiiialt, bit
Mr. ,111.olirra Cnsft, Voir Half a Cenht
tuary an itipnored rt!esider.it of
• Stanieu, Passes into Rest, .
Mr. ,John Consitt, who beeime,
-resident of Stanley toWnehip •• in
11151, passed into eternal rest • on
January 33 -rd. ".
Ile was born in Yorkshire, England
in September in • 1826 and had time
passed beyond the four score years.
In 134e he Came to Canada and
after remaining for two yeas ---fl
Port Ilepe eaftle 'to SM* t
ship of which he remained a Cone
tinuou8 ,reeident until Ale Anal. Sum.
mons came. „
In 1856 he married Mary ' Jane
Peck, daughter of the late 'William
Peck, and of this' union the- folloWing
children were horn 'rhottiks, Wil -
'Ham and Mrs. William Oofeinall, none
lesiding ia Hay townihip ; yrelin . on
--the farm adjoining lite homestead ;
Annie P.,' at home, and Mary Emma,
In 1901 he visited his native 'court -
I try, accompanied by his son Thomas,
' and returned greatly benefitted in
. Mr. Conant *as one of that
"stiirdy band of pioneers to whom
this county is *so deeply Indebted, and
I notwithstanding - 'tho hardships and
drat/Maas of that period, lie hewed
; from the forest primeval a comfort -
!Able beine for himSelt and fa,.relly.
I Of a retiring disposition, he pre-
ferred the pleasures of Immo to the
• attractions of public life.
• He poskeued a strong constltution
and continued hale and hearty, with
the raddr flush of a, 'Briton, up to A
'few months previous to' his death.
He Was a man of staunch integrity
and the high resptc: and esteem ett,
tertained for him throughout the
community was shown by the great
• number who attended the funeral
; Which took plate to Hayfield cern.
etery on Saturday, January ,25th.
tically good work beteg dune by the
Sturgeon, Cecil A/kr-Med' .• Contracting party, This IR extended
3rd Jr.—Lulu ging, 'rime Ross, to even such petty transactions as thift
Lilian Xing. ' . • liaubtag of, a few cords of gravel to
Number on roll 30, average N.— bad place on A road Or the Int(tingi4
T. IL Brownlee, principal. # of a *few yards of culvert. Agohall
finds any fp,ult with this. It is the
idal Men, who gladly give. uP
their tame, abilities and experience
for the p public weal, and exercise the'
'same' care and oversight over 'the
minutiae of tille•.general work as they
would ' Over -their own private busilf,
Junior 'Room,
Sr, 2n4.—Anna McNeil, Dottie Roas
Willara &tarpon. • •
Middle 2ndi—Kennt Currie, Ernest
IVIeGee; Katie Little• , e. "
Jr, 2nd --Lyall DeAddson, 1)O4 Mur-
ray, Jolt Castles,
Sr. pt, gad.—Lillian ess,, or more so, eannot be too highly
Currie; Frank Xing; ' -Pernmexided. $nch conduct is worthy
' Jr.- Pt. 2nd —Ueatrec Brown, vim- of" all, praise. But these same men,
tner Blair; t those identical personages uninfluenced
. Si; pt; lst.,LCIttretioe Parket . :Bus- bY. change of lime or scene or any-
sel apard,. garlsPorter. ' . thing else unclergeaven but the call
Jr; Pt. lst.:—Muriel King, ,Pthel Of Party,. will Will-poWer a, Govern-
Fowlie, Dot '131air,
ori , 48, .AVerage 35,— F.
M, Stanbary, Teacher. • .
Mont, it notable ler One feature, that,
stands prominently •out, shining with
a brilltuiey ;equal to that of - their
utter corruption, - it is the extra-
-tr gance; the lavish peocligaliti with
Stanlewhich they spend public money. Why
'y Township ..,
• .. , is this ? That, is the, eueStion I ask
'rho': fOIlt)Witir ...aro tbe officers of you to • answer .- in your admirable
the 'Stanley ' DIstriet Le 0, L, : • columns: It is sometimes well to give'
. .
District , Master', ' John Pollock
• things . their right names, and .1
Depitty, George eattt
would therelore say,' 'Why is scrupul-
' Rec.-Secretary,.• D. 0. Galbraith ' eus hone -sty . se,. evident in the. one
blieplain, Rev IiindeWO, ant why are dishonestf, cheating
Fin.-Secreta.ry, LBeatty e , .
and theft condoned, applaiided, up-
Treasurer, JOhn. Reid
held, continued. , in: • the other ?` Why
.. ,
Lecturer, T; I-1. Brownieo shaeld a township :Councillor, a Coune
ty Councillor, be -truthful and honest
• • D, of C., .T. Palmee,‘„
and a Gov,ernment in the aitne cOane
Mr. James Morrow Of La Riyiere, I y the reverse ?' I venture, to say -
Man.,. visited...his ,many friends IrIrc that 0 ilk/ 'keen observer already can
recentlY. • ' • • be seen traces- throughoutthe, various
Miss. ,charlotte Johnson, from conditions of society .'niCanada • of
near Brucefield, , spent a few days the unavoidable reflex actiOn of the
,the guest of Miss Ida Reid' last Week iniquity, that now prevails in high
Miss Georgina JohnsiSh was the places. :
of Miss Mary Johnson Of..Brucefield a" •, • , ' -
few days Met week. •
• • 1
. Miss. Margaret Jane 13Oyee is...the !William ProudfoOt Wints.to.
guest of Mrs: George Henry. Stepnen-
san 'of near Seafbrth this' weak ' .be a Member Of. thi. Legis,
Charle,S H. Reid of Bruoefield '
was in this vicinity buying. eatile last •. htur,e.- .
Week. • • 'At a convention •of West . liukon
,r.elte °Meets of • the Scarlet Cha.f4er .Liborais held
in at Stanley District are as !widows : G.0cleeich riday
last Mr. William lProudfoot of that
COM. in Com.; D. 0. Galbraith town was placed .in nomination for.
the Legislature, The coatest was
. between lifrproudfoot and 1 Cur-
rie of 'Wawanosh, last ear's
Vtr-MG-. Cameron declia,id to again
• take the field, , • . •,
• Excellent 0ome.:1•I, Darrow
, Scribe, P. H. Brownlee . .
Herald at Arms,' W. .Elliott '
Treeeurer, 'George 'Beatty
Lecturer, •R. McMurray,
, 15t • Com., A. -Stinson ,
• 2nd Com., T. .Palmer.
The folloving -is the report of °
S. S. No. PaeStanley, for the month
uf 'January. . ' •
IManson, Gordon Mae -
son, Flossie Capling. • '
3rd.-1Wikie Kennel,' Mary • Jane
Meyer.,' Jakie Brennerman and Jam-
es Ester (equal.) •
2nd a.—OdWill Nicholson, Annie
Brennernian, Emma Bechler. •
.2en Oesch, Tohn A.
Meyers, Edmund Oesch,
, Mr. john Newell •was' called away
by the Illnesa and death of hie 'sister,
Mrs. William Horton, Darter, near
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Pneumonia
caused her death. She leaVes to sur-
vive her besides. her brOther, a living
husband and one son' ane,ciiie daughter.
The. Jackson Mfg..; Co. :are busy at
work in their new brick building. It
ia a fine situation and we trust
2nd • .e.—Lorne • Manama Nancy they . have • the Success they ex-
Btearierman, Roy McBride. • • peoted on first coming to our town. •
Last Sunday by the appointment of
the ..General • -Assembly was observed
• at . Ktiox Church as 1ho Young.
People's Day...At the °Vetting .ser-
vice a male uuartette 'rendered very
pleasingly the heatitiful hymn "Abide
With me." There was a large can-
gregation present. Rev. , James A.
Andersen selected texts 'fur both
services, appropriate for • theDay.
Master L. ,Millyard, accompanied 'the.
Quartette. • •
On Sunday, Candlemas Day, , the
Feast• • of the Purification of the
• Pt., and—Clarence Hall, Alberta
Finlay; Ada Kennel, •
Pt lst.—Willie • Mauson,—G. S.
Howard, Tea.oher.
Blake ,
Mr.. and Mrs. Geo, Douglas and
daughter, Irtne„ of Se;iforth spent a,
few days in the neighborhood during
the forepart of the week, " • •
The Corm which visited us last
week belt the roads well ni,gh impass-
able in some „places, and. as a •eon-• Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated
sequence .neither Sabbath school nor in St- Peter's church When Bev.
°hetet' service were held last Sunday. F.ther McCrae blesse1 the candles for
Mr. Geo. Campbell Sr. is at pi sent 1908"
confined to the house and is under 'Me Sheriff, Regi.stuar and CountY
medical treatment.
';' .. • .Autbure,. • .
The .folloWing'. relative
standing. Of pupils • id IJ. Nu. 5, Iru
.cold Wawanosli,. :ler .,Tanum;
ba.;:edon attendance, tet papers. ale!,
grunal proficieney. --
Tith Menro; Milton P14-
feri . Hay 1,'ergaSini,' Lottie 4ac'esoil,
itaipb: Mauro. ' •••• . • :
. • ,.
Sr, tele—Edna Arnistroag, Ernie,
Prefer, 'Marjorie Doyle, Elizabeth
Carter, :Alitton:Plimicett, ltoe Neagle,
• ,
W"csley Actaliechy. • • • .
jr. dtli.-14"„romilda Pfeffer,,, . Mary
Itaithby, Clarence Synitheion, Grace
Plunkett,. 7.,ella Doyle, Ernest Jack -
Winnie Ilows.on, Litura daCkSonv
Jelin Stalker, Bella, Stalker, Mat
lenstead. • • 4 '
Sr, Younghlett, ,Lloyd
Ferguson, Blanche rergirr.m.,.
Prank Robineon; Alft3d, 1cmpe
Leinp; Ruth Jackson, Thomaa
Armstrong, .
• 'Jr. 3rd. --Robert Philips, Pather
hicelltiuhy, Laverne Roblition,., • Earl
Raithby, Jennie Stalker, Vern Sym-
ington; 1 . „ ,
Enrolled: attendance .38,, average' 29.
—A.. F. Jahns, Teacher. .
Sr. 2nd.—Gordon Har-
vey McBrien, Willie Carter, Arthur
Letup, Norman MeBrien, Edna Rob-
inson, ,flenry Taman.
Jr. 2nd.—Effie Stoltz; Thin-
kett, Men Philips, Ada Stewart.
Pt. grid.t-Ilerdie Perguson.
Sr, Pt. 1st..-Arehie Robinson, Mr
titalker, -John Stewart.
Jr. Pt. Ist.—Lewis .Rutly, Graham
Symington; Leonard Yungbint, Vteior
YungbIult, Georgina Beadle, Laura-
Illacitman; . Dr. Jameson; Premier of Cape Colo'
Ptirolled attendance 22.«••••CliZra, r ony, has resigned owing- to the defeat
Seiater, leacher. (4 his party at the polls.,
Treasurer • went to' Toren:to last
week to, evidenee • in thc charge ot,
uautt. preferred against „Narcisge
ttine, 'of Kt: Joseph:* • . •
We-. learn that Mr Cogswell, of
Toronto, formerly of Lunenieiree N.S., •
Ilea been appointed choir mater and
Organist of 'SI, George's cherch, . •
Hodgen's .. Bros. Made, last week
lboked • ',briglit amongthe stores
by having lovely plaid silks: in .
el their windees. • • • •
• We are glad. ,.to know 4.hat 'Our
worthy ei t izen* • Mr. Itobert McLean,
is now warden' ot the, eounty. '
•• read with .neich interest the
better ' from Mr, .Tolni -Ran ,ford of:
.01,inton which ripeeared in the. Flare.
eur cbluinn of 'the Mitil and Empire
of Saturday hat. DoitlytteSs The
News-Becord will reproduce, it. • •
Baby's Own Tablets
A Little Life Saver
'Baby's Own. Tablets have saved
inany a pieeious little life. There is
no other medicine for thildren so safe
and sure in .its effe,ts, The Tablets
eura stoinich and bowel troubles,
teething trouble, *troy worms,
break up. 'colds and prevent deadly
croup. And you have the guarantee
of a government analyst that this
Medicine does not contain a particle
of opiate. or 'narcotic. Mrs.; J. Ler-
mem, Log Valley, Sisk., says
ara great believer In Ilabfos. Own
TabletS. 1 have. used them on triany
&cashing ah d kuow of no medicine
equal to them ,in oding Ott conimon
ailments „of ,bables and youNg
rei." Sold by medicine deakrs or
•rj?' mail at 25 cents' a box from The
'Hr. Williams" Medicino Co., Pock -
Ont. , • • '
t • •
...For Quality and Quantity ask your
'dealer' for the new 'big plugs of
''Bobs'" "Stag" and "Curreney"
•Chewing Tobaceoes.. . •
The shipbnilderson the Tyne threat-
en a' loCkmet , affeetin,g ewer 30,000,
men unless those on strike return to
Work ithmediately. • • '
bids On
t e est
Ask your doctor the medical
name, for a cold on the chest.
FJevill SlYei‘t'iBs re°venrc sheirilios"
Ask lifmt;s.
Lastly,' ask him if he' pre-
scribes Ayer's Cheiisr Pee-
toral for this disease. Keep
1 in close touch with. your
family physician.
ptt131.014 our tormtoag
▪ VF.3-itirsica raleohal
ftora mettictitiOs
ziers lycoi.,Tgaroltrto
•' doctor
When you tell your doctor about the had
taste in your mouth, loss of ippetite for
breakfast, and frequent headaches, and
when he SdaS your cOated tongue, he will
Say, "'fou are bilious." Ayer's Pills
work well in such eases.
9,...-41zsactb3va. a,yilt
• Teachers'
,tif wide expender°, bread scholars:leo mid
•untiring energy. e Mtoloyed, by hayms bItilt
nun eurriculum unanroassod itt Cenkde foe i
thoroughness, system and aetual business
RED COURSlographytstenography
tvid Conenemiel.
Voter any time. individuel instruction.
Gradttatka itasikgett t.0.1pM4fOng.
. „
ale vacation.
MAILCOUSSedin taartaagol, DookkoopInK,
Shorthand, Pcienatiehm,eto.
Send a pootel filo information abent
DANIEL la alilY,Vicc•Peincipat
OW, SPOrreet. Principal,
re 4r
: • • 1'
• ' .
rl .•
IIE "I<Ion,lyke" Tabiee.bavebeen filieup again.
Thapite of biggestatorm in yea:rs they were
, busy spots 'last Saturday. Next Saturday they
will be busier still, for the bargains are even better
than they were then. • Every reran\ant,, every odd lot,
every broken , everything we faunwhen taking
stook that should net be here to -day has been put on •
one of the Kloridyke Tables, We have not paid much
attention to what they cost but have simply put them
,on thetable at the price we thought would surely sell
theM., , We could not haveetruch a better name than
"KlonclYke" for these' tables, for buying anything off
them it just about as good as finding money‘
There is a little of everything on eanh and many
and many money -saving bargains for people wit() look,
then) over. Hero is the list : .
Any article on Table No. 1 for Sc
' Any article on Table No. 2 for 10c
Any article on Table No. 3 for 15c
• 4
Any article on Table No. 4 for 19c
Any article on Table No 5 for isc
Any article on Table No 6 for jsc
Any article on Table No. 7 for 50c
Any akicle on Table No. 8 for 75c
Any article on Table No.9 for $1.00
Any article on Tnble'No. 10 for $1.25
• ••
15 Coats to Sell at $4 75
15 Lathea•Coats still to sell, .A11-Twatit-.----211-1t-
this season?t, good styles., Just the • last of the fall
and winter stoek.They must be sold for we won't
put one single, solitary one away. That's one thing
certain. The cheapest was $8.50 and the 17.00. Most
of them Were.$12 and $15. _ Commencing Saturday
morning youtake'yoUr choice of those last 15 for only
Four Dollars and Seventg.Flve Cents
You get your money' worth if you Only wear
it this season. - - • •
ChIldreti's:Coats $i.00. - •
6 or 8' Children's Coats, Mostly small sizes, bktes
and fatie3 tweeds... just the thing for little folks,
• clearipg.out at your Choice of the lot for each $1. '
• •
Fmbroidery Bargains '4
It is getting tithe now for Spring sewing: These
Embroidery bargains. just came at the right time. :We
- have a splendid 'stock and the values make every yard •
bargain. . , • • :
Embroiderg 3c
Hund,reds of yards of SwiS Embroidery, made on
good strong' cloth, Insertion as well, assorted
widths, extra, special value per yard 5c.
'Fine Brilibroiderg Isa
. Fine Swiss Ernj)roidery and insertions. We import
- every y4tid .oursel %TS di root frOrn the maker. Nice
patterng, regular `2,90 and 25O *values, 'clearing
• them out at per yard 15o. •
• •
Ver g rine Embroiderg 2t
• •
. :Extra ehoiee Embroidery and Insertion, handsome
designs on muslin and nainsook, direct from one
• of the beSt factories'inSitzerland, very ppecial at
per yard 20c.
Lace —p Yards for 10c
e r trimming,' Insertions to match most Of
300 700 yards of Fancy Laces. fot dress and un-
derw'thew 'Very strong weave, assorted,patterns, spe-
cial for next Saturday at 3 yards for 10e.
,Good.Englisia Cottons
We will save you Money buying Cottons. They
come from one of, the best Inakers in England, the
finish is exceptionally fine and- the weave strongand
even, 3 prices, at each better value than you will 'find
in any Afore bercabnuts, '8c, 10c, I 'AT,
041 er101119
1i-hike7 tiCiiireit'**"ki
0 •