HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-30, Page 4• 1 W. COOPER & CO. OLINT9N f ' ',poet:411:r 'Eye, 'Sight: Is Priceless. •„. Its a duty you owe •your eyes -that of properly caring for them.. You can't be too careful with Nature's fore- most blessing your eyes. • , Immediate relief a,waites af- fected eyes here If your eye ti are impeirfeet don't de- lay but let us fit you with glasses that. will wake tlaem as good as new. Spectacles as low as $r.00. Blvth. . The mnrricipal council held 'a meet- ing last Thursday evening and re -ar- ranged the Fire Company for t present year, appointing Mr. Sam. Westlake chief and others to the various offices. Mr. Wm. Campbell, who has been a resident of this village for a number of years as agent for firms but of latter years running an office in in- surance and conveyancing purposes holding a sale on Wednesdax ' to sell his residence - and household effects•be- fore remoVing to Toronto where his wife and family have. gone to reside • has it that the delegates of young men who attended the -Y. 115: C. A. convention at Clinton la -,t week purposes holding a meeting of young men in the near future and giving a report of the doings at the cotven- tion. If they do so it will be a prac- tical way of carrying oit the design of the convention. The following parties, • who have • been here on business and also pleas- ure left on Monday for their homes, Robt. Taylor, Portage la prairie, Man., Mr. Harvey Creighton, Ponoka, Alta. and Frank Carr to Toronto •to resume his foriner business. The, Rev. S. Anderson of the Meth- odist church, Brussels, exchanged pul- pits last Sunday, Mr. Powell conduc- ting the educational work of • the eircuit. The amount asked for will be fully met by the • ircuit as their share of the propos 11 sum required by the London conference, namely $31 04. Mr. Richard. Corley of East Wawa - nosh has sold his farm of 200 acres for the handsome sum of $13 000. The full particulars of the sale m e not yet reported.. Constance Mrs. Wm. Jamieson of Virden, Man. and Miss Ferguson are spending alew 'days the guest of Their friend, •Mrs. ,Wm. Lawson. Miss Laura Andrews of Gorrie spent a few days the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. 13. Stephenson. The C. 0. F. had a bee cra Friday drawing brick from the briokyard in Tuckersmith for the ne.v Mr. W. Millson or Cleveland, tfillro is at present the guest of his. mother, Mrs. D. Wilson and other friends. Mr. W. Stanley of Holmesville cell- ed on his. datighter, Mrs. D. Tudor, on Monday. . Don't forget the quarterly rnii to be held here on Feb. 2nd at t.i :•se teclock. A good attendance re- quested., Mr. William Carter, the "poultry • king" made an exhibit at the pouVry show at Mitchell last week and won on every bird 'he exhibited. Ror Mi. Carter to meet with my less success than that to which we have alluded, would be a surprise to those. who know what a magnificent collection of fowl he has. William Weir LeocAtes in a , Railway Centre To the Editor cif The Newt4iecord : Dear Sir, -We have mewed from Saltcoats, Sask., to Melville on the Grand Trunk Pacific, the diviSional point. This is a flew town and the T. P. is building a large' round' 'house and inaohltie shops. The Oct{ is laid'. fifty miles vTest of ben. The ,construction trains are running bete both east • and west every day. The ties are all unloaded her and reload- ed again (\n flat Cara. There has ban tome grain shipped out as well. The past has not been a good year for the farmer as the crop was ' all mad or less frozen. Thit has been a fine winter so far very little snow .arid very moderate weather. . We are all well, Our nest office will be tot the present William Weir, Rilialy, Sask, gillaly is 14 miles south of Mel- ville on the C. P. R. • • ' 004044 Towiyship , A sleighload el YOU*. people ,,from the .1/th eon - spent last TA.mitam,r, ov, miog, 8,4 Mr, CleorgsYtifellatuPst at' '"' Mr. C(1.1 HreltiC ' 401k the' 4,14ilie 4 "f•MISS'11,'.-Slieltliird elOderleli"sPent he 'tou.siu, Miter DaisY Middleton-. .''• • Mt, Robert Hartogof :Steplieir.'iwat the • guest of • ifis.4.ater; Mr. .Janacs Mose; over Sunday. f• • ." Miss' Nellie HickVitta. frientle, A On ' the 9th con. last *Week.' . • Miss • Pearl Hanley' of the LoridiSti Road has been 'Visiting friends 'here'. 2/Liss' Plossie Cote 'spent 4', tew•O1a,y4 last week as the ,7kutist o Miss Pearl' Wise' TUCkerSlillth. ' ,Miss Aphrew • Steip•viiited Miss Nellie Hicks; and Heltnestrille friends lain? week, '• ' •••• • Mr. John Middletelik.'jr. is busily engaged preParing . to hkwild histew• house and has stattect' to. draw' the brick from Varna.' ' • • • A ShropsNre. ewe belonging '6' M. G. W. Sturdy of , ."APPlegrove Farm" gave birth.' to a lamb on Thursday 'of, Oast • Week. This. is unesuallyoetly but. then they , ark•Sbrolii-A..ail good quarters :Anci careful itt*ntion. has an influence on .tho' birth rate. While walking to his bottle on the fitit con, on Wednesday night of last week, Mr, George Mdetgomery -4Upped and fell an the icy road,breaking both bones of one leg .betWeen'tne knee arid Vie ankle,IrCthiS condition he - crawled .on hands • and knees to he house- oc brother-in-law halt -e. mile' distant, end Wakened:the -10114 h't his shouts. Molintspinery driven to ti-oderich,-.'i tleetor, 'aroused and the bones, set: ": 1 ' Miss Hazel Switkeer has. beenivi.diting friends at Blyth., • 'Mr; 4.1 Middldtoirt,:Vr. visited 4rietidp in the' Southern COunfr on Suieray. . •• • ' . Death of ' • .on 'Saturday last 'death. .21.1.4019,11.0 to his long .hoirie.aeo.tlier resident of this ,.to,wnsfu:2, , in the, ,per- -son of • Mr„ ,the Bayfield Read. had. .1.*eit in -PPor health •for .eonic tietCH, and recently un- derwent an operatiliti but it was all in Veir). and he .sank,ipte,rest.: Mr. Elliott was 13O'rit in ,201itity Fermanagh, Ireland, ,soyetity-rfive ago' and then there, he continue -d to live . until 1885 when he cane) 4'0 enn7 ada and this township and bought the farm on. 'the Bayfield ,Aoad whorr.,-, :he remained mail the endeeame: •Was an • honest, „industrious mali and,. wan the respect ot. all Who JrneW him, I -1e Was a =miler of the Anelicen Church and an ,Orangemin.:, fict:-.100k a very active intereet in the Order in the Old Land, Ili pOlitiet, he ,was: .0, staunch Conservative. ' . ' • Mr. Elliott is survived hy. 'ills wife •and. their Seven' sons- and One ter :Alex. in . Philadelphia, :where he holds a responsible • position, in the Wanarnaker store of Clinton ; Thos. • J. on ' the bondon Road; Edward and George who are. engag-ed7in-ininieg--ire--Werid-ite-Nevad , Wilson of Thrce Alberta'; Dav- id on the homestead, and. Mrs; I'red, Whittingham of QteApPelle; fereraii took place on MoudaY eflernoan to Clinton cemetery; the' 17,r ling conducted by Rae. Ur.. Garr ?. The pallbearers were four sots. . J., T. J., David and Wilson and two aephcs, Themes Wi'son and John Careen. (1- Toronto. , • Among the icia,tiveS .frorn a dis- ta, !Jae who attended .were Jamee asun, Toronto, and Mrs. Brown and s,,n Alt -I..: of Fullerton. . •• There isno death; the Stars go down To tie.; upon some other hsire, A ad` bright in heeVen's jewelled brown • . • They, shine foreVerniore, , . • And ever 'near s, though Unseen, The dear immortal spirits-. tread, • For all the boundless finiVerse :is Life;. There are no dead. Porter'sfrEll Mr. John A. Torrance' returned last Saturday from a six weeks , visit with relatives, in Pittsiierg. •, • • Miss Polly Co* is Visiting her siS, ter, Mrs. DaWSon, Springbank. Mr: S, Hillock and daughter May of Chicago, •are Visitingat Mr,' F: Hillock and•Mr. Wm. Tichburne's. Several from this ,vicinity attended the hockey. match last Friday evening in Clinton and 'reported a hot time after the game was over. . 1V1r. 0, 1VlePhail is attending • the military school at Goderielt, • Mrs, D, Lindsay Wien. very SUeeeSS- fur Sawing bee last Friday afternoon. Mr, Ben. Yoe and daughter spent Sunday in WSvicinity. ' • • • • Varna Mr. John J. Ward has decided to give up,' farming and ill have • an auction tale of, his ' farm stock, imple- ments and hpuseheld fafttiture On the 20th. of February. Mr. Ward IS vieite hig friends In the southern part of the • province, . and may be •Detroit this week., . • The township board of health met on e Mhday with The teeve presiding. Dr: Rodgers the M. IT, 0„ read his report whieh showed that Ire r has so far • vaeeinated 859 • pupils at the schools.At some of the schools in the • western pad. of the township very little if any vaccinating has Weft doneand he-tsecretary was inttructed to iiitoot tattotion to the Act which oalI&/or a find of „five dollars for not ;Complying,. with . the law, Seaforth. The officers of tito,, Agricultural So - clay ate as follows : • e Peesident, J, P. Daly Vlee, WIlflai Charters Directors, D. Potheringham, A. rfroadfoot, J, Clarlin, Evans, .1, IVIeDowell, 13. If • Stephenson, M• Dale. • ' Sce.-Tteasurer, W. 11. MeLeitn. • • • tipltaton 14ewir4.410cor4 Ir. M. Work 141,111.1,0 Undertaken in the Ototintio ef Huron, ; The Y. X. 0. A. convention.,eloSed '32 .4tmericans !and 41. of cithei nittlone on Friday 'hit 'and the Work hats , There are 15 townships , in now been stiecestfulltlattaelied,'dnd tquis 'county: This is a county it doends on 'the ellOrts of thii loval en. There are 11,099 !tangles, leaders ',AS t� whether' the Money lie- 11,483 honies. In refaence to .he the ceSSiiry td carry" on the work will be industrial Me, thbre are $ industries, raised and a secretary placed in the, eMplOying v„ little over 1,100 people. 'field. As ;far as the convention is 41110 diet sports of the county are concerned there is every. indieation !foetball, baseball, lacrosse and hock4 that ;the work 'Would develop rapidly ey. There are four towns that havt and the association officers are very. social ,elubs ; four churches have or- muoh pleased with the outlook. pulsations for young men ;' thero. are four moving pictures and nye cent theatres there are four poolrooms and 60 places wherepliquot is licensed to be sold.; there are 133 chu-rches in Olt county and 82 Pastors,: In his Speaking of the ceuuty work pawl . taken up by Mr. lean, county work secretary of inter, national committee, New, York, be laid special emphasis •oe the fact that in SUCeesSful county work there must aty, be adequate trained supervisionfor *The business committee reported as the vollnktee wOr4erf Vie rnimoY follow' raised for the purpose of Carryieg on we approve ot the plan outlined by 1414 work must be raised SO as not to interfere in. the least. with the the l'Whiejel eelmeIttee' and• churChes-ltet to talcei away from the onimend the organization. of Huron churches , but to supplenient. Then County. some strong business Men, must be That this committee be authorized , /clued to take hold .of the vvork„ Who to raise at.leasl'. 81,84 for the ex"' : will give both their money and them- Pense of organization And the. 004"i, 1 selves to Save the young men. of the ' first year's work, - That a secretary be em lo ed h I After the Usual resolutions were ,pasfied the convention close -d. The ' LaSt ThtirsdaY,Tnotuinca vaper pre- pared by Mr, Stanley Brent of Lon- don, physleal director *of the T,c, 4., dealing with his own -line of work, was read by E. P. Stewart ei London, and A. E. Roberts of New York spoke olt the ' "Social, 'Educe"; tional anti Religious 'Departments of the County Work," and J. R. Board, man at New York on "The County Committee end the County S,ecret,ary. thiruoney 15 secured la bena Ade pledges. • „ following delegates were present *.• W. Lewis' Crediton; t. R. Durant, Bencmniitbee74 f°119win6' he the eeliti2tY millere John Wirford, Blyth, H. , Baer, Denmiller, ; M: W. .Howell, God-. Clinton, James Scott and Fred Hill •Grotterich, etteh.`; T. H. McCallum, Exeter ; J Blatt R. Boardmair, ;New Yo' -k, W. J, • ' ' Fawcett, Brussels.; E. P. Stewart, Mingharn, George spotton and WeI. Greer . , London ; W. Finglanct, Jag,. Cara, Wroxeter, JSMcKfeethe(5, J. Belcher, J.es. Hamilton, (+oder- • . , l• Hensel!, C. Stoneman Siteter, T. H. McCallura Seaforth, George Chesney BrilsSols, J, .S,Cameron • • ich, ; J. T. Wood, •Brussels ; E. Ben- . der, •Blythe,' F. •MoPherson, Chas., Ja- • cobs, S. Anderson, Blyth ; J^i• E. . . Robertson, Auburn, B,, Cruickshank, EBender i Wingthern • Chester Arrestrong; Brute .1 Crtheedtiton,aft,:rnHo.opmeetingiIoitnlansets ; W. 'Y. Hayden, Goderieh ; 3., 4. A . Mr, A* Powell, °The Corresponding F. Blair„ G. A-... Robertton ' W. C. Hunter, Brussels, G, N. `Hazen, G! " Camp . E, Roberts spoke on Boys Ca 7 • , '. and Tioys WorkPridharn, Goderich ; .ECl ." and kr. CUllen 6.7,1 •Bruss21s ; G, L.. Chesney, Seaferth ; Menijier.," 7.n his address Mr. Cullen, Pear, L, ' Q. Fleming, It-. E, ,Auston, the Ce M, 'Copeland, . Toronto ; D. A. county' seeretary, gave some int.erette Exeter ; T. W. Erratt, Auburn.; iv, ing figures regarding the county • 0 sj, Huron which shows 'the great field e3•.c-• GeoPerrithei; •A14. 'inei.lla1111Cacr, il.A.*.BCrr. W. riaght, feting for the work. • • B, , •There are 53,4.89 people in lyth ; E. EHallettSeaferth ; this cone- •er, Gong, Exeter, ; T. s A. Steademn, ty,. 213,816 of • whom are males. There 13ayfield; A. R, ViTilford, J. E. are 53, CanadianS in this county, bull, Blyth. • • • The Rooters From Goderi, ch Who Distinguished Thini- sehles, or Rowdies Who • Should' be Held at Home, ,.. Cottritinued from •,pag&. one. • should rule the. tar would be- yer severe on one. of the Goderich Playexs . • Club Were dealt With ' yesterday bY .the 0, H. A. tub -committee, and thily will not berepeated, for the reason that the offenders are now on the outside. J. Wiggins, the Godorich •- player who assaulted 'Referee Easpon, was expelled, and the Goderich Club y. WaS suspended. ' . The game, the 5core„b1 'which ,stooti and the crowd 'which intercSted an stopped tho game by.. the scuffle which w.ed., there bein.g-about_two hundred Goderieh enthusiaste present,. including, their brass hand. The game .was...fast. trent the..beginning... end att. half time ,Clinto.n had 4 goals .and Goderich 3, ;• and continUed ' ,his proportion till within a few minutes of tithe, when . Goderich tied the Store, making it 8 each. • . . At this point the refere.e ruled Wig- gins; of Goderich, off for foe", play; to winch Wiggfins olgepted and. started to abuse the referee, • and Was backed .by the crowd from Goderich, and a free fight followed; diewhich Chief of Police Wheatley was badly cut on the head bY "a hockey stick in the *hands Of one of the Goderich 'men, and many blows were exchanged by the special officers and 'others. ' • Free Press At a. meeting of the Q. .H. A• su'll-eprinnittee • held Monday afternoon it was decided • an Out- come of the row at Clinton ore.yri- daY . night • :to • suspend the Goderieli club and award' the game to 'Clinton, agd. expel for life J. Wiggin,s , .'on whom the blame lot ..sfarting the • trouble at Clinton it placed. The committee -dealt with Wigging especially hard becabee of his attack on Relbree Eatton, ef Stratford.' The cbmmittee look all considerae tfori in „ connection with the a.ffeir, but were unable' to Arrive at • any other • Conclusion in the matfter. • A- part from Wiggins it is understood that no particular blame was attach-* ed. to the Prayees, but rather, to the supporterd ' of the Goderich bin"; Who were present gt the match. d eight all at the time Wiggins 1 roke it up, was awarded to Clinton. • . Referee • Easson's report to' the A, H. A. condensed,. is (The game was delayed for some time during the second• half to , remove a Goderich inan from the toe, which the police had to do. There were'- fotir or five officers present. With 4i minutes • to play I.tuled Wiggins, of Gederich, off for. two minutes, for slashing, and he • refused to . go, at " the same time abusing 'Me with iiisgraeduf langbage. I then increased his penalty to five minutes and took him to the Penalty time -keeper, when he rushed' at• me with his stick. and gabbed me by the neck. • •"The Goderich crowd °eine over. the fence and the general mix-up occurred, several being cut with stIcks, • "1 tried for 2,0 minutes: to clear the lee, but found it Impossible, Clinton did all in their power to have order; but the Goderibli, crowd refused • to leave the ice and 1 called the game. 'Wiggins' actions Ore most ungent- lemanly.At one, time he deliberately tan at a: Man, !mocked him down ane kicked at him." His langtlage Was the most disgraceful 1 have ever heard ia a hockey game, y'rcoomtnend that the 0, IL A, take: strict ineasures with this player and prohibit his par - • Jantlat'Y 30th,, 1908' Growing Girt* • Need. Pink . .trivio•Tuato i ecesktry.. for Their. . Proper 'Development ',and tEnSire ,rffealtli and. Strengtb.'• I - • 1 e • There arc throughout Canada thous, • ands ',and thousands of 'young. girls AO are in a" condition •approaching -I •'fleclizmi. The complexion is pale or sallow: Appetite dckle. A short walk or ,going upstairs leaves theta breathless anid with a violently palpi, tating heart. Readachet and dizziness often' ,adds to their misery, Doctors eall this .anacinia-whieb; in common Eaglisb, means poor blood, There is just one •sure and certain eure foe this treuble-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, These Pills make new, rich, red blood strengthen every *nerve and bring a, glow a health to -Pale faces. Do not delay treatment until you are in a, hePeleas deeline. Qt. • Dr. Williams' Pink PIUS '4t once and see hew *ed. iLy They will restore your health and strength. Here• is the proof. Mts. JoSeph Lepage, St, Jerome, Que., 'SaYs. : "My daughter Emily begen, t1.ose her health t he age tin 'teen years, She suffered front ti ., aI" of iireadeches and dizziness. Her appe4 Mit was poor, She Was pale and ap arently bloodless. She had no strength and could neither study • uor do *any Work, Roetorg? • medictna fait. ed to cure her and I thought she was going into a decline, Sha was in this condition for several 'months when neighbor advised the use of. Dr. Will.: hirns' Pink Pills, and I decided to give 'them a trial, it was not long until an improVenient was noticed. And the continued use of the pills eor a Month or more _ coniple.tteiy cered her - and she has Since enjoyed the best Of health: feel sure that Dr, Williams' ' Pink 'Pills will cute any case pi thit: ; . •, • Dr n) Willis:ma' Pink ' Pills will cure troubles dee to poor and watery such as • •rheuma,tiiin, seiatica,: indigestion, partial ',Paralysis, St VitUS ilanee and the ailnients that Make the Jives ot so many women miserable. Sold by all medicine deal- ers Or by mail at 50 cents a box or siX boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wile Hates' Medieine (,9o, Brockville, Ont. ; GIANT TRTPLETS ."Curreney" "Bobs' and "Stag" Chewing To- bacdoes, in big plugs., qqality always the same. , • . Zurich •Mr. N, M. Contine had a lot, of St, ..IosePh 'Ilherature broadcast last Week, . It gives an insight into a sort 0! of mystery .• and. shows • that many members of the Commong, inclucltng „the late John McMillan, 'gave ,he dock their support. For Why it is. Somewhat hard to tell_ • . • " „. 2- A pretty wedding was celebrated at the boiria of .the bride's parent ge Mr.« frs. John Sheppard, tiensall; .on January 22nd *hen • their .daughti,-,r,: Miss Christina, was united in marr- iago,...to...Mr.....Fra.....„....M11,141e...:9.1.;*ZilriCh. Rev.' "Di. • Medd of Forest -perfOiiiied the .cerensidnY in, the presence ,of- only' the immediate . relatives •Of the con- For Quality and, Quantd.ty, ask your dealer •- -for- • tile new •big plugs of Bobsv• 'Stag'' 'and "Ciurrerney" Chewing Tobaccoes. • The mane' *friends ef Miss, McGregor, are pleased to welcome her hame' again and rejoice in• her restoration to good health. . • ,, All are pleased' -to note that • Mr. Alex McBeath and 111r. Thos. McKay areipproving• after their recent , ness. ' • • . While out driving one evening receet-, 1Y, Mr. McBeeth had the " misior tune to have one of his best horses fiat on the ice and break it's. leg. Mr. Chas; Dinsdale got kicked by 'a • horse .on the town line .one day last week. He .was kicked en the arni • and side of .the• head:. It was a close • call as he didn't recover consciousness 'until he was takeh to the door's office in Hensel'. • . • , • A Safe Medicine tor All Children All the •so-called "soothing" syrups and meat .of. the powders advertised to cure the eihnente f babieS and Young children contain poisonous Op- iates, and an OVerdose may kill the child. Baby's Own Tablets are absol- utely safe. • You. have the guarantee of 'a government analyst to the truth Of this 'statement,• Elliott for the never ban babe and • the well -grown child. The Tablets positively cure Such ail- ments as colic, sour stomach, indi- gestion, constipation, diarrhoea. and teething troubles. They also cure Simple fever, breek up colds, prevent r0311) and destroy • worms. Every mother who hat • used this medicine. •prei-ies it highly. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail et 25 cents a box from. the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 13rockVille, Ont. • . • • • • Winghani* An important business change took place hero fast Week George C. Han- na purchased the stock of Hamm, es Co'. and also the'tfoek of Miss Little, milfitnee. Mrg, Hanna has purebeised from kleorge. Hanna the miff block • which Ve ti�W OaQUples and also the building immediately South. • • The Turtiberry Agricultural Soeiety haat weak elected its offieerS as foll- ows for the current year.: Rom Presideni, ;:lohn Elston- ticipating in any 0. It A. games." President, W., J,Mail "Currie 1, andImpie tooting of 2nd Vvi jecte, , 1) 13, uliotta ieleron. the O. IL A.. sub-cominittee yesterday d afternoon it was decided to suspends Directors, .V11,; J. liender8Onc the Goderich Club, award Friday's l'Vfaxwoll, J. A: Moeton, •Oeofge game to Clinton, and expel for life Cruikthank, W. S. Thiklater, George J. Wiggins, • of Goderich, who attack-, Brye,e, L. fl I3ossmnn, P. M. Midler - ed the referee, Doh Plasson, of Siratson. ford, and ineited a riot.. • i • Auditors, J, A. McLean and R. Gioho disorder and rowdyism Currie. sot ping at Clinton last Priday •111A11 Sm -Treasurer, TT. H. ItAtiott by a (*Merle!' player and the f.atep • The Fall Flit will he held on the fnliovvers of ' the Goderich. Hockey 81th and 85th of September next. • • "rat eke- tracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Mantle Will. settle down in this *Mae,: ,Mr. John, Consitt of the. Tarr 'Line,. StanleY, and one of thepioneers ot 'that township : died 'verY'euddenly on Thursday morning • Of last Week. 'He had sat down to brealifgst', and while, in the act of eating he passed -away, Deceated had been ill for some nioaths. He was ' highly .---espected throughout .the whole opmintuiity for his sterling integrity. ° • Mr: Arthur Stephenson, formerly cif Stanley township but no- of London was in Zurich last week endeavoring to organize a edUrt Of the, Canadian Order of Foresters. . , . When Take .�ld• .One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not •until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to askyourdoe- tor about •Ayer's Cherry NO- ft:wild If he says, "The best thing for colds,". then take it. Do as he says, anyway. -• . wublith oUr fidlutd14 .Wo banish altuthot • Troia Our modtrdttoo. tiers. Wrtlioret Rrtekt° dootor . When the bowels are constipated, sonouri substances are absorbed into tlie blood instead of being daily removed from •the body aa nature intended. Knotting this danger, doctors always Inquire about , • the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. ....74e04• by tia, J it Am ea.. Lowell* mass. ---4 • ENTER ANY DAY . Our inantigenient trains more Book- keepers, Stenograohers and TelegraPli- ers 'than: any other in Wettern, Ontar- io, No extra ,charge for two courses. lVfost eminentlyqualified, instructers, Other e,alleges engage' our pradtmtes as leader:4. • Individtutl instruction. • MAIL COURSES ft Matricidation, CiviXservice, Penmanship,' Shorthand, Bookkeeping, etc, •. •Send a postal for infoiviation alyout CANADA'S GREATEST ,CHAINiOP HIGII-GILADE BUSINESS COLLO- ans. BusinessOolle e Daniel h. tlby, Viee Principal. ine • Iomdki TabIci We have been busy taking, stock. Counting and listing everything that is in the store. Everything we found for any -;reason whatever...840'4d ‘lot be here, has been thrown 'out to one side, and willgo stn nine tables Saturday morning, marked at prices -that mill make the selling a positive certainty. We are going to call •them . -KLONLOYICE, TABLES because each and everyone will be a veritable gold mine for every buyer in search of bargains. There will be all kinds of things Q11 each table, but not much of any single line. From all over the store we have gath- ered the supplies. Every department contributed- its share. We cannot tell you What you will find on each table, but each will be numbered, and you can take .your choice of evbrything on it for one price.. Table No. 17-01-49i0 for 50 Table No. 27-.eholee for Op. Table No, 3—Choice for 15e Table No. 4—Choice for 19p : . Table No; 6 -"Choice . ilrable -NO. 5--Chciiee ffoorr 2505: Table No. 7 -choice for 75c Table No. 2.- Choice for $1.00 Table. No. 9—Choice for $1.25 You will find some of the biggest Dfy Goods.bar- gaina yoti have ever seat in town on these KloRdYke Tables Saturday and next 1470k. . • A Big CoaL,Dargaia Saturday. Any Tweed jacket $6:25 • just about 12 .or 15 radie,s Tweed facheti left in stock. All are this season's garments; correct in perfect:in fit, Well:. tailored .from first-class "material. _VVe are winding up one of the best mantle seasons 7ve ever had, You know lbe neber carry':a single garment over, and to inake,sure of the selling Saturday, offer --you-your-choice-of-these-lastLI 5 for$6.'-25. Regular prices were $f2,.$15 and$ I 7.50 . - • . Some More .Saturday Bargains - .: We areat it every day, and ' keeping ` I.. ing sale.- .bargains.for.:Saturday..hoppers at this retir- people who buy are getting Dry GoOds . cheaper than . . . any 'Store can or will sell the goods for.. You know. the kind of stock we handle.. Nothing. better Within your reach. It is all Fiellin:',4k bargain. prices. . Here are ' the specials ;--.,- ' ..- . . ' . VVaistiaga and Tweed DressCoOdis' 20c Fancy Mohair Waistings . in assorted' colors, also Tweed ' Dress Goods, double fold, various weights, suitable for skirts ,• Or f nil costumes, . Regiilar 50c: rind 35c, special for bargain • days per yard. . .•. . . ... . . . . . " '‘,.` 7c`Tweed Suitings 35c.., -... 200 Yards Fancir Tweed Suitings, light and 44:lark shades, '•• ' double fold. will make. splendid costumes, • They were 60c - and 75e, you take your choice of the lot at per yard .. , . . 20 . 35 Rain Cleth'Special at $1.05 Extra qualify Showerproof Cloth, our own direct impoeta • extra' wide, guaranteed showerproof, grey and few's, - regular 8150, makes splendid rainy day skirts, elearing at 1per yard 05. $1,85 Black Dress CoodS 750 - Fancy Black Dress Goods of various kind, Canvas Cloths, • etc., a gathering together of Several lilies of high class mee 7 c feria's. Regular 81,15 and 1.25. per yard., 4 I 1 • One Yarci Wide Taffeta Silk $1.05 • Extra quality Black Taffeta Silk, fully guaranteed, name woven on edge; full 36 inches wide, suitable for either coats 1nr . or full dresses. Regular $1.50, special per yard I 21.1U IColored Taffetas and Leuisinne 48c • ' • Genuine Clearance of ;lain Taffetas, Louisinnes and Pailette Silks, aleshadeshe last lines of that sold at. 750, 85e and .00e, alt gathered'together and out 'On the ,.bargain' table dt A 0 your choineper 'yard. .... ........• .... Black Tattetei' 88c ' •' Very heavy quality Black Taffeta Silk, every yard folly • guarantee , our staiidaid 81,25 quality, cannot be nought for lees than that price auyvehere, two dresses to sell'at pet. 0 0 yard ...... . . .... ..44•61. ei ...... . • . • . • • • • • • • 1. • • t flai • • 04.1• U `350,itibb011118,100 2 • . ' 150 yards Pitney Dresden Ribbons; 4 065 inehos wide, dark 1 ft cororings. Regular Me, choice: pet yard I 0 t • 'Bab') Ribbon 2 Yarcia for 5c , • ; Hundreds and hundreds of yards .Pnre Silk Baby Ribbon, , washable, plain taffeta or melte. 'Regular :=Ic a yard, all al C eolors, to clear at 3 yardsfor....,.. • • • • • 4;., • 43;00 Lace Curtains $1.00 10 or It pair extra quality XOtt Ingham Late Curtains, new , 1 nn designs, *eey 'stronget. Re , ngblar $44speel ,00 iti per pail , ,.. I .0 U , PlooiVilcloth 20o. Squit*e Yard •tO0 sq:ite iiiimii. Pnglish Plooe bileloth. 41005 litd"flornt • patterns, good heavy weight: sold ut,2:ie. and 30c the coml. , 2 try over. speeirti per square yard....,,,... .;.. .-,- .. 4 I . # • • ens ros. • qi,r4vronr,01141' 6 •