HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-30, Page 2• • ^•=7.4^-",•••••+ 'II • a e4.4.4" -••••""' 1•' • t • es, • /*January JOtht Lieut. 11. Gordon Brews of coraMitted suicide by ;hooting eta 7417itITY.,* • fips4,000gook °sumo imumes14.40.440444 , Feteutere who know otty , • Dr, Douglas! t Stock Invigorator 'IS THE BEST 'ANIMAL,* s *REGULATOR * • • el • . : . , 0. • 0 -1 it's gon6 i!oreverv anitnel on a - de the farm, •Bettei than the 2 4 oxpenove ekocig tPoodit. ; .4 •so • - .. .. f , • ',, - • it Full' Fail foil 7fia .2 WE HAVE zinzbrzs OF , SOLIPITEP TINGTIMI)N- • 3 0,8031 EVERY • SORROMIDIX% TdWi- SLUR '01 . , W,S. R. HOLMES': • Mitnrg 4•40000411110***0 -RELIABILITY Oe: 01191ilifit • seesseidisfete EXPERIENCE- Siabs For Sble,. WE HAVE FOR &ALE A QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK SLABS, 017T 16 INCHES LONG SUITABLE FOR RANGES. J. Hamilton COAL Mr. Harry Long, formerle ot-Owen Sound was *mothered la * era At North Battleford. North libridlenek /airmails uhroinate ed Thomas Turnbull, Reeve of Loho, tor the LeOlature., The Nw Brunswick LegislAture been dlesolvel an4 the geoeral efeetton will be held on March 3. • A logger named, Ban Smith was kn. 1ed in hie bead(by a falling tre,0 at Valdez Island, B. q. Eight, other men sleeping in the ohafit'Y 004,,,a.Pefi• Ne *00 e liirecior4 THE BELL TELEPHONE COM- PANY OF CANADA ' le about to publish a DOW issue of the orvigIAL TELEPHONE DIRVOT, ctRY for .the District ot WeStera olitariO, including the Town of Clinton. • Changes of firm names, street ad- dress, or orders for dUill Cato en-. tries ehoeld be heeded AT °NOE 0 Mrs- Co Rumba* LocalManager, „Clinton. • ORDER YOUR YEAR'S 'SUP- PLY • NOW. THE BEST • IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, c* BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID • FOR BEFORE MAY 3Ist, A DI* COUNT OF 40 CENTS )t TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rovviand's will be promptly attended to. • - — lifVESTIGAIE prre,THE MERITS OF THE' CENTRAL STIRATFORD, 0 NT; • It'is the mett•suceeesfui inminese training school ;in Western (.n- tario, Our Commercial, Short-- . ,hand a.nd Telegraphic Departments are in the °large ef.-able,instruc- - tors Of .exPerience. All our cours- es are tborough, up.to-date. aud 'practioirr*IWe have' become sem of the • largest lansine;s training schools, rn the provinee. •- Get; 'our . free catalogue and learn what we are doing. t Commercial schools as ,W11 as ,business men emPloy our !graduates. Studentsare enteding` • each week. Eater now • - Elliott & MeLaChlan, Prin's. • • 050.41erieeta• • ; The funeral 4 •the. late Robt.. ,lifeKenae took -place on tile. 21st' of •Jantlary. Servioe. wa c1d. at No,rni • St4 church o whichha was a meint7 ber for, half a• ,ectitury. Rev, 0, N. • tiazen was assisted by Revile. •J. Green Clintpon. end •BonAmin Nott of town. There' wee •a very great number *ot the congregation present! trout. Godericli township, G.' Leith - to liay their last- tribute to the dead, ',vans, Isaao Salkeld afll A. E. Idatle; Rev: G. N. Hazen 'gay° an. "In Mem- •Ason from Colborne TownehiP, John orlon" address' reminding them ot the Clark,* Col. Young and John Mogan* integrity and cikristale zeal persue4 us. by their late ' htothee, from boyhood The directors held a meeting, alter to rnanhood fle intendi. ,.entering...the Meeting of the society, and, re -ale the Me,thodiet ministry bot :finding 'Minted M.' 0, johnqton ae secretary that •clese attention to study did not and P. P, Bingham as treasurer, and suit him, he later, after,traarollieg for 'fixed Fehrtiary ist as * date of a somemonths v" opened out a Hardware meeting to appoint commiittees ihoene store in Godezieli in partnership! with 'motion with the arrangetneets for the I�z Ker; the firm name being Ker fall faig, and to .fix the dates .of the McKenzie and some years later, the show. , • firm name, undetwent a change, Mi• The oyster • supper 'given under the McKenzie taking his • nepheW, VA! asePiee'S of the Woman's Institute, Howell, into partnership with him, was successfully held in Odd Fellowe' and later retired from AD business. hall on Thursday oaten last, follow - He had been Superintendent of the ed lir a very pleasing entextainnient. Sunday School for •yeare but for some The toli10' • ,five in -number, looked 1 But pig moot be well if ion **eat nor Asty'Ll to be Welt t „ . tolthes )foed's eeresperilla *motion leaner * S . e l'en 0001 We it. Immo blood, Peelee s R d R appotivi,hookbo.nerroulnos, the*. tiro. ... . feellee-be these** other signs your mote - 1 tom demands Mood's, fest it bottle Wee. 0 , JI 111 , Alt 00:1"11.1 NbreOr21:11:00.*reti*1 Isoomtwm• w 1 ..*::-:co. . .. torert7:04-147:1114417.74 "1""riral , Miss Mary Corley visited' friends st The absorption 'hy a". numaer ot the ,elf""'"e"..,V111141111. bt4/41611r10.17:144*6.1"Illa Alf , *Ignore ' ' . I Dim' of Consolidorma . *04 oo,"4""trolk-Zeitaatliihot Lt74,74 , • ., 1 1 iot bo wl•beet it. country's st•roegest banks of the ter, efenerao ae, seabstala4- 030, Miss Bell of Ilelstase visited in business of the Sovereign Sank, and usnar of, igegisk..0 xi owl ..,. I,,ondesboro recently. ' , the assumption of its ob1t4ations, is41.r. ,J14014.1elliellim, i. 2,19,04:111l Bersira.Psrt.alle-Imik, Mies Perrin Of Tornbarry visited her i another evidence that a No • great log -iiiti-ar‘ °AT te-a;i4essou—ti..rf-Xise.-7; aunt, Miss Beegough, 1 activity in the launening et banking A.,_.,„'044,4 "*"0".1"1"1•,,, _ Ilorage Solar of Michigan has been $ ekteepelsea is Almost juva,rioly, fol. ...:,,kgrou__,__-.1 isevesrPoivi!se la sold aseryabool., visiting , his mother in this villW • leVed by coneolidatien that, happily, •"'",""1"„„ ., (44`L'al*r• 01"Par4 colY hr whooavhiads baccon Geddes, . jr, , of G'rantQn, in , Canada , usually owe% eh,,,, general e. u• iellooe ce., Lowell, Ill.'s,. U. S. A.. puplic uehurt. In its Short vetoer the •• , ..,..., aiNedr olltalDearkorettaitl,vess. viinsitituseg vhiiiisAgtes_ther Swoovreoiugtn aliatonukarbouoll its capital fleaepetstasairY l'Itc! ue.al' lalert; mbliank .1,,..'inreneitee;Cth%oirrice:pt „ono: Mita Mary Gregg of Detroit is at cause. of unfortunate employment' of len nen ,,, „,,e„ „„„,,,,, , ,_ _.. the home of her mother and very ill, its funds. ItThwae able also •0 secure ''''-'''"''' '"" '""'"*"'''''". a4 4 WIMI°W 414.' Rev. P. J. Oaten of lifilverton, for- a very considerable ally in. the Dresd- laav'' '' Mee"' of Belgrare, has been, Melted te ner Bank, a large German institatton, ' • Ooderich The annual meeting of the West Huron Agricultural Society was bold last week, when the 'following officers were elected : President, Dt. Clark ; lst vim -President, C. A. Reid; 2nd,' vice-presideet, J. T. Goldthorpe.; dir- ectors from Goderich, J. 11, Worsn e, Malcdra McKay and .11, L. Aitken; months he. was Obliged •to give up .all •vaseg with pink and white ear -i church work and sank day by day un- nations on every table, •and the til as the • Rev. 0, N. Hazen said ofembnrs of the 111.7..4, breught their othe Chariots' of •God came for him silver' and china to make the supper and, ; found him'. fatly prepared_ go to • Heaven with them. Mr. McKenzie 'came - to , Godench from , London with • his mother and the other members ot the family and only atirvived by two brothers, George of Whigham, and. Mark of Chicago. One sOn also survlytei Mr. • RObert, McKenzie of Crumb'', Ont.,, who with his Nieto tend Wm daughters attended. the funeral as did his brother of Wingharn and • the following nephews .and other relative ;, Dudley Holmes, ; John Odlain; WhodstOek ; Mathew . Vleten- zie, Cremlin, Mrs. Howell., Brahtforte, Mrs. , Dr. AIME McKenzie, .1, Menkten ; Mrs. Badgewooel; Crumlin and %les good of, °Tinton. Aanong ,the lovely Morel tributes upon the casket were "The Rock of • Ages" 'with wreath threwii iver the cross,. triblite of t• he quarterly beard of • North • St; ,church. and "The , Gates Ajar- with neve *Awn for the third Year Alla his set"... whieh, holds a per than of its cal:ital. . , ary • has been increased to $909.-; . ' The decision to dispode of lite busin- _ARE YOU PALE, " r`l AEX7°./ t - Mr. Richard Corley, a well-known •ese rather than struggle along. with iiie.aAansf,ilitaantx.. umnear:,ls ).14.••40hte'odrieisisusiMeta04117it stock raiser of East Waeratiosh, has impaired assets % will he rigerded as • sum of 113„000. The Win collets% of eold" his farce to MT. A. Bradburn ed a **a step, diminatim" as - it doebe.: rOonheeftdelits;ofunneYotlicotagnarrtw 1. gietxesigusett:rilic,,,ir.:ritsvl:o.h,utss,.: Cartwright :township. .for the '' eat% one of. the weak spot e in the enancial • situation. There will, of course is - 200 -acres and is. one of the beet in the no heed for any • depositor Or holder , Plenty of healthy 1,100. lqitozonte. . township. Mr. Bradburn gets Posses' Of Sovereign :lank sion 'in about a..year from now. ' • _ n;,_,.,, ,., le es safe. as if it were iii the Bank Every dollar in the beeles .ciwtody ..ok'o°d-that's why it f 4roS.. iii .. COn-, notes . to worry, kni,aftes• gm*, blood, rich raitritioust ' .... ceetrated form Ferroeinie contains. • . • • •olf England, and business will , "g6 Oil rAte Iftlalitlel l'I'a:t render it untatlint -'2.7-AN NDEFENSIBLE BLUNDER. as nsuat-Toronto Glebe, . ' in .Anaemia, languor, POot* color 'ant' ' NI . ' * .; . ass of. ght. To 'build up., -feel 4 . , • d . vi •• 1tele • - ' Pali' of the reagens given. for the ab- 1 , . ' . .. . • ' penny, , the people's 'popular • weary- rhi:gf.aenrroiorIgr,u;,f ''IwP1. 4nagi,irs$14eint5tt . . • •. a. real banquet. After 8 o'clock p. m. rogation by the Dominion Governittent '.," ' • ' • " • of the postal a reeinent . reeentl oV: . Tito Editor 01 the Canadian Pornitry. •being .ehason as chairenee, he rose and States, was that -under 'the eanie otie 'PaPari tril"a that this paper ;ha's b°". . ' . via\s .• J,(6ine .,. beett greatly. enlarged and la filled the tables were . cleared; Dr. Macklin t'isting between • Canada aid. till United . . •tomplimentect the W. I... oil their • fine 'POstal •departraent . - eer-ee--e,...,-,,....., ............• '''' with all that pertains to ?out! cy, iestli- cooking, 'and. also open, their thought- at a los,e avast eolume 1 of Creited from a pra,otical !sod 'a fatiCy.• stenel- Ml resolve. to form such ,ii, so',31tcv, ae :States, pablioationS Addressed to tulle ..,e,,,„ that to ' which. thay.loh,oi, : .0 it. scribers : in .elanada. This ' 'reasen ••eu.puriun'i. A. G. Gilbert-, ma' ne,, .ttr Dom. street the young in *acid Coohdng, alai would belie more force if the •prineiPic tniOn.':Goverinnent POultry • Farm, Ot- housekeeping Or .,,in, so far as health. Which• is being ' alielitit in 'the ease • of rawae is 'still in charge Of the Practie-, Wes concerned good cooking and geed the United •States Were applied. it .. all I Poultry 'Department. wii:lo Prof. honsekeeping, are the basil:5 of health, caceel But what •. are the facts ? it. :' to-* l'R Graham, Manager of ,the Peel - Program was a .17voehealn rssot1014; 6" '141 ITIL. 'cos*, undei' the "gtilaticnis 11°Iv 'in. ,174:- iic.POtriletit.. at the Ontario Ag arid prosperity. nieely7:1:5:41gthih7, fp6u7ilie'arionnle:ttsvpietomf"Br;tfaualnoce.5lo ..e.SQZ • r'ictlit4'1ral• e°116ge' GuelP11" 113'. 41;":4 of the . Artideal ,• Incubation •and Ag - to do Mama .Darling;" cMoimssp'0..Untimilepet... wmhoi.,prlained.ninsliteornetwonnoawc;:. eCaarxthieadrinferso,ny- WitiLleontd%en,sazt..I.iu...;,1,k i .is, ,...; ' hreohing, department., ,Rev. ,.4.' , N. Williaies,0Se V Eneland'emost not-; .• , .: ed with his cornet' solo,, his daughter; teria, R. ••0.,.. it oneeellt• . ed mtperts, writes interestinglY.... each *Iiss Viola, .accompanying 'him, miss There can be but 'one. explan itLei ef . Month on: wary • doings in the . Old Wil Axi,tkeos. recitation,"Miss Virginia, ' the action of the 'Glovernment. • IV is .a Laiid. . r,. H. S. Babcock.; primaen, tWa 'pine, ' • before retiring 'and, you're Themes tang . : . •lter".. was gee !d. Mr. ea . . •mes deliberate. attempt to make it difficult. oe, tr, 2..,. it another,. 'prominent writer. well .. eext ' mornine.,'..ero. gripe • or ', "' Under the ''. Cherrfor y 'Or Pea* to obtain:reading mat- to secure one sOure a and ' breeder on; this paeer's .regular pain no headache and nausea • h • ' 13lostOms Sweet , Marie', and for en- ter : .frorie e*•nd cape; ataft. Each Phase of , poultry breed- yoti• ilia' Dr. lianillion',e,:,Pilla,--they. .I. 5 core • gave "The Land oz. the rinaalo." wirom•another. The Spiri;-; in the case • 'Miss Themtis. accompanied ha father ie the same, : Mit ntag; Poultry exhibiting, etc., is to violentlY • ex . Overed aeti the wa•ees of the .i11%,!71lie"Wbest Y cure .stiehteillaxatiVeknown25cat cally. Pesitieele: ' ' the . ' : . , , cleverly. ' : The , • Misses Warnock . and. PS cd th ,, as at whic ch' proinett . the. are replan With half tone Ti trodue• Clark favored • all with. a,.. piano,dnett... G.overnment of .R.Ustia •t0. eiateine all dealers "Lthiettle t701°15tS" Martin, daughter Mittel:Tattle Beicher'e: reeitaion,', "I'M papers : seeking accets'. to the, lets'eie, e, Peering in the .Papers- ot whiee th • .. anS-ilting* ' 'al:-' ' PIT. up e-to 1-date rIa.t6Ilte istelsi.'fte7•Cente. tiens from lifeof fareciuS birds; 'piens .- .11arvy. Martin, delighted:.gdraeaugthretpoilaliAsi;:•.• . ritaile'.•eiet . to mark out autlairitiet. do not approve. It .is: oeuie can lueve, • it et three Years for $1,00e Per year, but • readers of this paper bweirnt ihwoaerm.,lyne..s..apTiaeoeitnen: stDahnui:iga.71Dkocali.iene::. valent to Saying that Oanartien tit:wens,. e..sd semp.ie. ;.vo•I be sent free . en tep.; require the -guidance of the • C'Snadian plieation to -CANADIAN POULTAY Martin ...atecheoinSpliaarititendotthej.rFiliotwtiee."(ialVItigths2.....Poet-.0ffice DepartMent is. to ,What . .. . shell .or,;, shall not read'. , .. • REVIEW; 184 Adelaide Street,: Wee,,, stone, Cleveland, • 'glee Miss- lienriingy • ter ..on the piano. ' Mr. ..james •john., t!'10ette of the best . daily • liewSpaperte;Ter.mti°' 9:11'" publie.hed in the United . States - is 'the * . • New York.Sune• It is a'Paper w-hich- any to. You" 'follow,ed by another eer.y :intelligent- Canadian cret-en would be -ie, ne ag7in-flie'4Oinell.ve--Grewe Used .. . , . . . parades of the unemployed ,See..• ' The Chicago police broke up • a emee_._ • . • • • aboVe them, tribute , of, the bora "• tit NOWOPEN. ENTER ANY DAY. Winter Term in all 'deletetniente . of the, Central. " BusineeS College,• • Torohto, • offers .splendid. eh aides ' for : spending • e few, months ;Pleasantly , and profitably. Twenty-five •teachers. •Uatalegue free; Write for it _W. H. SltAW - PRINCIPAL; , R. SHAW, SECRETARY, YONGE OMR- RARD. STS. TORONTO w. J Stevenson . . . • . Crearn Separators l. No article on the farm pays the farmer better than a Cream' Sep- arator. When buying, buy the hest that is the DeLaval. I am agent for it in this district. The Cyclone Fencing The Cyclone [Wire Fencing has the two great requisites -it looks well and lasts a king time. Be fore placing your OrPor let me &soli you this fencing and Quote you prices. _ JAS. APPL1RBY. Clinton • Real Estate for Sale, 'FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from chtirch, post - office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for • grain or grass. Let 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh consisting of 100 *res. of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly alf grass. A brick house, a bank barn 52x60, a driving 'house :Axle ,witir a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also- lot 28, East Wawanoph, end eon., directly opposi 4te said 104 27, containing 100 amp OE i.and, 15 acres of vvhich are bosh. On this lot. there, is a . bank 1min 40x60. There are 4 acres of •geed !Jeering orchard on the two firms. Both loM are well fenced! and , un- derdrain,ed. A never failing. spring runs across' both farms. Posseasion can be given at oece. ;Tering easy. The proprietor Is tow past (fie age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. O. PronOreply will be given to all cemMUniea- tions. Feb. 13-08* FARM FOR SALE.-TRE- sigke4 offers for sale part ef let ad on the .ef• hayfield Road, 1 niii6 south of Clinton,. consisting of .00 *ohs. Geed frame hetet; at- one cellar, barn 36k70 .with earimet hae•emiente Easy J. A. Smith'. 40. FARM FOR SALE,' LOT 24, CO, 2, Stanley, colitaAttitig acre 10 scree Of bush, the. reniaincler hi; Well kneed, undetdrained and in a" good *tate of tultitra,tion. 1 acre .01 or; chard lied ettall WM. On the pee, Mites is a tem atory htfolt Weise With slate roof, firet-elatat farni bowie. .* barn,' Size, 44 lt SO with stone etablitig, Celnent • ei10 14110. Etodd driving house, pig, pen and hen 'Ouse, Twe• never4ail‘ -.beg Thia tartn is Situated - miles from Promileld, 5 from Olin - ton and On re, *id gte,Vel toad; A •• an fly •Ptentitten addtenti 4fori Noll, °nate* P. O. '02 trustees and a prettY, wreath of white roses from, hie son. and .his wile,. Mr. and Mrs. .Robt. ,MeXenzie, Crumlin. The pallbearers: were the board of trustees,. Messrs. lIownitig, 'James Yates, R. .1. 'Megaw, R. •'1401Span, Wil4am• •Acheson, ' " Sandford Stokes, William • .Holland • and J. Parsons Brown who carried the floral tributes' oat, after the Congregation passed around the . casket, filing uut of ,the churcti-Whiln--*:---Atlerns-played:e-the- "Dead March." Mrs. Mcleenzle 'has the ..sympathy of. all Whe, know her, having laid' her son Barrister MelCen- , . If you need. Trunk, Valise or Suit shit • you * • Or • if • ite anything in Sleigh Bells,' FlOrso Blankets, Robes, Etei; we have a Inky stock to °hese from. • , But Harness is our specialty. When you want a set, light or heavy,' Call on us. Our prices are right. • '" Your] patronage is .respectfully soli, cited. Stand opposit,e the market, formerly oceupied by Johnson .& Arm- our. • Albert Mc Bridu pENTRAk, BuskisjEss • 001....LEGE of Toronto has started thousands a young Men apd •Women on thc. ecte-y; way to independeee3;and sue,- ieess. Let us give the right start. Virrite for* Catalogue and plan to sPend*the next, six' iliouths with us. • Enter any time. Address W. 'H. Shaw, • Prinaipal. • Yonge '84 Gerrard SO,: Toronto. ` ° • ."131.TSIIitgS 4CNOVIILEDGE''. • and MEVERLASTING, PUSli" lire• two essentials to siccees. Attend• ' ;Lit/OTT .TOROITTO, ONT, And prepare for firet-class business potitions such at axe open students, Hundreds r sfat dents are golug into goOd pesi- ' tions every year. Let us tp.ist you' for one. We will do et right. WINTER TERM OPENS JAN., 611i, lf,08, Write for cattligue • and see wherein we eXcel ordinary business colleges. Location, col- • lege, eor. of Yonge and Alm:tier streets. W. J. ELLIOTT, PR/NLAPAL NOW IS 'Tilt • TIMPI.-40 PLACE your 'order for leeecIng befere. the. anee hi 'price. tiee . the Coil •I.-Ipring Wire made by •nie Oinadiatt Pence Co. of' which T ant 'agent in this distriet; am also Agent lot the etlebrated Iteintzman Plano - P. P;verts, no* to Ctinthn pst f zie to rest some menthe ago and her mother, Mrs. Holmes, the conetarian oi Holmesville. The Daughtem of the Emeire will hold a delightful entertainment M the town hall on, St _Valentine's Day for the A. 1.1. Pund. ' Born---ln Goderich on Jan. /2nd to Mr. and Mrs.• Abraham Smith, a son, , , still' born. • Mese-fee• Fred. Craigie and Mc.1,ille Rhyans' and party' drove to Nile . on Thursday evening, Mrs. Mereitesli • has • returned to her home at the residence of. her diluglicer Mrs. Charles Reid, -after spending four months at Chicago; the guest of her son, . Mr., Charles Metutosn. and Mrsi Charles Reid have re- turned` from their holiday visit to Chicago ' accompanied by Mrs. 510; Intoeh,' inbther• Of Mrs, Reid. Ernest Devine iS new engaged , at the "Horse Shoe' Inn, Hamilton. 1Vir. Albert Johnston, youngest son of Mr. John •Johnsten, hat been sent New York pollee have teized. :Urge, „ quantit'es of arms ' and ammutiltio* and $800,000 in. counterfeit money in- tendmi. for the rebelt in 1-0.34fil- , LIFE WILL BE SHORTENED', Those who fail to ebserre, the tut- damentat rules of 'health, "hspecially- those 'who neglect conStapatione-wile hive short lives. Costiveness '•rusin health, destroys,•vitality, w-eakens the blood, causes dxspepsta, .nervounnesu ineomnie. Why not use Dr. "Heittil- tonft -Pills' and be Take one Or pretty Vocal. solo.. Mitt Ricca '-Cous:, --a th better of reading. The libeeria-. ialist auspices : - ; Ins Made her *but as a Soloist . and tion Pri" " is $6 a year '11 'tit° ' l'A-6tad* ... ' : ' :.4 .''' . , rendered. the. ntertty ' song ., 'Where the States.Wae. formerly $6 ce • morning., Glories e,,,,,,ine•!1 in. a "ex: dim readers as, well, but louder ;-11.... AS 'UNEXPECTED AS BURGLARS pleasing manners 'her. young %tater aep, new postal arrangements the cost is ' That's the way , sranipse coMe- ing as ' accompanist, Mr. j, ,En§t. $9, The Breeders' 'Gazette, t , f Ch;C-.: strilm withoet, warning, . Nothing, so - Djoyrkdea. naeeteamiIte-haiSt: A ' , very' p 1 eaSent . atnalt PaPe•r* comic songs ,..eifss agO,, . _..)._, . oneionubAtenidirticat;lieitbir!;1 ;1 1. i!, t,:!1 . .....stliities.:0a ifneswtanotolyp r, elinie.:sirw'oeotaseriN,viervvii,laitt evenine was:. then brought . to a2 Close • by all singing the National Anthem, cirft?frilir.Petif'siTarlrivaalcilti761t431:vsitth°e4kilit.nfet Ittia011:: !Ilinal'I'Patillsrn'isis:-Nreeqrvili[leiliu b°19.6t(iall'.1.Jt't;:thlee" Miss Skimmings • pr3tiding. at : *the. ' -. parts of the coe;inente, To 'the ..:'...el-- eemfort to every family, for a Stone: piano. , • . • ken reader th,e cost is $2 a year ; to ach and, bowel derangements it is an , • , • the Canadian, due again to the ' ab- absolute specific. . Guarantom to have ' Mr. .Reginald ...Smith, . who has . been.. rog,tiOn . of the old postal • agteement ' at, :Meat five time the strength . oi ill. of bronchites at Saidt Ste.' Ma.rie. . . by our' GoVerninene • it is $3. Ani any other pain, relieving reedenne,-- recoVered stieficiently, , to ' corne:to bis .What is •• true ' ad to Comparison be- perfectly safer' pleasant, and • useful .home r' the residence of Mr.. • *Area ee,,e,en cost and postage; in thesepaecs for .external. pales too. For a re. gmith; Where he •is no* recuperating is true isoasregarde •the' New Yoric-liable household rnedioine-case Nervil- .001Wvgedfillfortnonlas bNigal.t.T•cnba:4o. attack efka . reOutlook,Outlook, New - yorkienpetetoabpidio.,it,htonnestiee,'2Susepptii)Costt: tshoahit'sevnrylvssileerryt.r... Lar- dr,eds Lei other excel typhoid fever that he was able to ''go- welch had 'a large circulation in abee , • .. . „ Manufacturer. and Retailer. ANNUAL FUR SLIS to Toronto, to Bette up tife affaqs of country, and through. which. our peeple „, , , • • . ' Have .bee-i,i for .411 Ai a his son, the lity.:Dr. Maier Nnitc.l. ere • beingbroadened and the. calASe . Sta,tisrieg issued by 'Lloyds •• show 01 ousiness. - , . .elpim, in." ted. : from. .on! Method On Saterday we found in oar mail of inteenakipeal brotherhood strenP.th-' that there aee 40';000 foreign sailors ' - a . beautefully written little note, 'with .eaed.' ' ... • ' . • • tempesied on:British nienchant.'ships, * WE Oo NO'r Cut on eitortioQater Mits. Oral received the prize e. r being like restriction is now placed on tho. ' . • ' purple' -violet embellishieent,, from * Equally. unfortunate it • is that a.1 • ' ' .. .. . tteeitiiiii)t.fcihre jilorger'sl.Toowf.113." .8e.t18." to. from us a pretty little hand painted circulation ef •Canadian *papers in the BEWARE. OF • . • • • _WE 09 NOY Pal(ehst'mars tn- k-eatv. . ,n China tray, ip fprin of it •shantro& United States Fo to Port1a.nd, ' Oregon, .hy th,is firm i ri Canadians•i - HCopAiNE mEDICINES. grHadwa :intho ;rhofftst btoeritHirves Ivi ,itZet its,tiateldati executed by Miss' K. Gram Polley luringhi th United State '. ' * • * Seattle, Wash. to look after ' 'lleitim„,..1.sn. -oral .t: m.ved •the prize for .bein c i t were en- . Thousands, of , Drug Fiends haye been to any .obtained elsewhem interests thete; . first- in grammar at . the last En- at he same price which is eherged . throtigh Catarrh snuffs containing bl f t e their' ' WE Do show the largeat. stock • le• . . „ O home 1* r-cr started ., ori their • downward Courte .. •fiint son,' Kenneth • . have been . the* -_ Mee. Clarence. Eugene , Allen and, in- *trance examination, and also *won readers in Canada. As a result . ', of this habit forming drug. If 'yeti set- London ' . . . . ' ° gueets of Mrs. Tett, •mother of Mem Victor i,eauristen's . prize, e , gold Med- this privilege alnlOst. every loda-I-Dap- • fer from a 'cold, sneezing , ore Caterrh.:- kinds oEfI'Fear'degeolgrnmeeenitiellol'irge'teli'reweint I al, for proficiency in all,•brancites. . Aloaleipitadiinirin:natIstiarsr wnitinii.atii• livillougb: in progress • . • Last Week., . revival. services wer3 dreile , of readers ecreas . the border. treatment' lite Catarrhoxone, ' It hrale ;et .4n Canada had from scores to hun- don't • tete. a snuff -Us , a sensible es. • • , • in ' the Victoria street These papers kept up in • thl hea 4,74 of • ' wir ridstanclpy tthr word. .: by with their , young son of Windsor church and this week. they are home the wanderers. the loVe. for ti'..e oid and soothes gtibyringIns ..rBerlioenichaittis once, . ere the.. guests of lifrs.-E. 0; and Miss are being Carried on in North etreet home, and were ' as well Weekly inee-1 throat trouble no. doctor can do bet- If yea approye of this enroo . . . "Graham; mothe1 •and sister of Mrs, Willoeghby. ,, .. • : , church. - , • . esengers of Peaee to the nen,' * friefile. ter than eresetibe Catairhoeene. Try - you. . . . . . . . . and see what. we can do for Mr. W. Elliott of the staff of the Joseph •Fellows has e;,;;ea up, Made by these ele:Canaellans aa 10•'ite.-•ne what, wonders it Works -.whit the meat. market he carried oe for other Side. Te -day the postag,. ., 'Toronto News was the guest of his.#' some mine. while he ..oran iii. busin. Canadian publications rent" to .t Id:all power ait__poostess... inhaleDiffercentt from the • 'Write . for ,Catalogue.. arrhozone parents last week+ , : . -. ess he brought.down the oriee a meat' United States . °an . Aire.: Ale.X: .0raigite accomPanied her but how that he hat rAtire4..up hal substripuon price, and there hag been • „ tam t to half" • the*: Sold in 25e. and $1.00 . sizes by . ati .• ., . ROO; 190 Dundas Street , , son,. Owl:, Alek. Craigie and hth wife a venoletale caecellation, .of subscrip- I ' tions in consequence. • . • • . . !dealers, ., s ' e. - ' • . Lond, -One of the. inoet ihdelensible blunile .4141"146.:"Ill'Ibilfrilb"lbA""belf6::"6116A1116.146"416.1111Vill6livillb"16"#6.11"1116... $ U Big Sale Enusoaturo: ag, $ ers of the Dominion Go -Imitation,. was . T ... - " r i o 1 . _1 • , • in the Abrogation of the lat.,. postal hn ..... with the -United States -a convention .which made' alike for ihe Weeks s ago and will remain in that 1Vifs, Ed, Cassels *WU taken to the Cleeeland, two gene the4,prie•e again. , •• : ... on their return ' to Oak for twb or three months. 0 • hospital. On Sunday to ',Vero ad Mr. Harry Stowe, Who has been out operation for some internal trouble,. Little Iii* Helea Howard is, int - of town for .some Weeks bee returned ting rapidly after undergoing an i°At%e•Kap4ediwaahlinagI°ptecit' proup at ow Operation at the home. Of her grand - Post Office., , • . IS a, letret from Mrs. Arnott, Red; ' - Tammy frac, Tor.. the'maintenance of,good relations with) r. January . 25th. 1V1r Vir' ark and broadening of human keowledge end - A parents IVIr. and Mrs, 1VIelqurehie. . ley, 13. 0 , she sage. the Winter is very n°11110nk uruen/Vidnn*cnc:117int,etpre (;10-ewupiyizrectyd, our neighboro."--re.ek131 8". • mild' theie With scaroly any Snow ,,, 4.,.., , • IP. 12:r per cent off Felt Shoes. • 10 per cent air all Steles and eirery one seems to enjoy good 'harries lUntY ' Thilater' 1/4„F" Walt ' . 124 per cent ofr Heavy Itithberg. 15 per cA nt off Clothitig health. The.earrip, she says, is very IS IL C. P. R. 'et).1"illethr' • ' , THE SPIRIT OF WINTER. 10 per cent off Groceries. ' Misses.' leek eta halt peke " dull, but the Great Northern Rail- IVfise Etat Yule, who went with ' The Spirit -. Of Winter is with us, lour ItuffS, Stole,, Caper isle% Boas Stanflell'F titidervomp at eileh Children's Inekom hem than cost 14 pee eent off Overshoes way is making great progreis and Mende borne weeks ago . to Kaneae making its presence knewit iri Thiany o and allstneriollpoe Piners.rit a big • :---- 61,00, 1.25 arid 1.3,5. ' 's g 0 will, soon be finialled to Hedley, City, , IVfissouri, and who* ittcluied dlifereat avays.--tometintes. by oe,,•,, ry e which will make things lively, Mts. to spend her of/Hitless holidays with sunshine, glietening SnnWS and , vane.- # igi5Wrapperettes 9ic Arnott • was a former teacher at her mother and brothers, was taken times hy driving windand blindin '1Vittitlatulville now Saltford. ill on the eve • of her leaving the.. storms. To many Petiole it seems The Centra'l bakery has been. hoeelit city and had to be taken. to the hos-, to teke a delight in realof floral end Dresden pattetrue pet• yat•d flic „. 20 ;skeet* Aosaricesti Wrapper 010the in and dot i cleulee, T' ----------------- by Mr. Retry Stowe. .1 pital where an operation was • per- ing . bad things worse, . fors formed from which she is now re- rheumatism twists hardor, . twin - covering. .. . r • ges Sharper, patent beeerneS 14 more i • Cure for Weak Lungs 1 .• ...b. 4...• r.....m. a ....4........o.a.a..1 I. -. liehoying, and • the many eyfriptont of ; setofula are developed and aggravat- I "/ have used your,Psychine for about 1 ttElwAttE Or SUBSTITUTIeS l ed. There. is not much poetry in this, eolicut roniely te,t Puenonoula tlia weak , a substitute for Patnarit'a Corn Er- • .dcr, that more ,people don't get rid $ sit monde, and have found it an ex- 1 Greedy deakre endeavor to Ilan on but there ii truth, and It is. &Avon- t lungs." Itniinui sonnon, -e' ateWou; (ranter. insist on "Putnam's" only Of ilicie railleente. The; merlielne that ' Ora, April .15, 1007. „ 41' . I ...it cures, corns and warts thorough- 'cures iheni-HoolVe Sarsaperilla-he “Payekatits eis ohe of the best lima- ee Tho imitation may fale easily obtained and there I; abundant* ' eitieg on the market, and tor ell thrent -'' proof that lite 'cures are radical • and and lung troubles is unereeiled."--4 .1 . .......,,,....4........04.........140.4140.1. , permanent. , . Pnetimenta, Dronehitis, (*.loughs, Colas Major Count Johannes Lygar, whom .. ..........,..................... troubles yield to Psychine. A.t all drug. of flit ICaisces carnarilla, has been • The Portuguese Government hasSueeessop to iVeltinnon tt Co., giItti. ....1, ( $1,00, or, l''. T. A. sentenced to 15 months in prison for earthed a plot to therthrow the Ilion. . Siceutn, earalted, Tercet°. abusing lile authority, amity., and found a, roublie! t446.46,0.404.4.4‘01.446,"40004,440.404 Word from man who hue teated it. I mid till throat. lung and atomaelt- Ilerr Harden mentioned as a tnetriber 50c Whiter paps c to 05c, to clear at 20e 70 Winter Oepe, hi heavy cloth, with poll do e. worthfrom 40a $, No goods punched ortticketi. No goods returnable.. 64k -s.. Cash. Pald tot allttihr and tiggs. POPLESIONE gdp• GARDINER 4 1_•••••‘•••••••-.— • BLYTH