HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-30, Page 1,g4.1V , •-•• ••••., •7„ • 44" 28t ." 4, is -• • ...r; e it • • ., • 4 ' ""' ' r''','' 6 •1 0.••• ,' • . . • ' •.• ..* 4 • e , .. • • • ... • •••• lc 11 ' ' •' t n '... .> ° . : ' • • „,),„ ..,-.1.-", ' 2, • 4 Whole Number 1508 r snew se,riet co mmeticed last week. 7, 4 • .• 4 is • • it; Perforevinee .•• —We ga1n eitt att6ition4 to our Grade, pf WotChes;',.' ' • • :•-mOood Materiae, Fip PLpx5h sd ,,skeeel$0,44inet.'" • —Ment are combined n iituviligh,Oredp,S,Fidebeik. Our Simla' not a question of:price, but itnalitY• • Like in Sverything. else Qu'airt7 is qirevea in libe. end, Art 0 yen Want a itELIABLE• • •,, 0.4LL .011•1,$.• " , , . • , levier. and Opileig17..Clinton , , • , ._464•1414.4.44i644414.1. 3'hi Royal Bank'of Canada PAYS 'SPECIAL ATTENTION; TOe• , •, SAVINGS. ACCOUNTS Interest Paid, 4 Tittles a/tear Total Assets • •• '! • " $46,3400100', • HEAD OFFKE. MONTREAL. Clinton and 'Brueefie11.4 DEWAR14, Man4gir- ViwOriririi*****111.4141,44"1"1"41,444. 4.444414441.4.4444444444.44.44.44 I Learned 'b - -1Experlence , , $ ,, . . , • 4 • '1' • , Successful builness men. have • lealitfiect..-tou experience *that. it • . . patp0o advertise in. The 14.ewso . . , . , - Record. 11PIPIP.'*.i. 0•1100••••••••••••••••, 4.444.44.4.44444.4.40/ $e4444: 3 READYMADE ORDERED . 44 CLOTHING CLOTRINO Fur Coats I Must Go. 3 Now is ijoUr chance to bug a•Pur Coat at manufacturers ' prices. • l•only Fear -lined Coat, Qhinose Otter Linfirg,.1sTo4 1 Shell Ot. ter Collar, regular $100, foe. .. , . .... $76 1 onlY Pur.lined Coat, Hai lining, Persian Lamb Collar, eg_ ulariK15, for •' 575 • . 1 only,,Pur4lnes3 ()out, Batjined; large aite,"•regular $05,, for - ............ ".". . . , . 2 only Fur -lined Coats, tireolati Mink titled, %regular 1010.90 , for '4145' 4 1 only Coor. Coat, ninety Maiked, regular8$80.POTfdr......... 545 • 2 only Coon Coats, small size; regular 4140.00 for. 48, 535 2 only Black Bulgarbin Lamb, regular *26 • 1 only Black Dog Coat, regular $20.004 $110 1 only Black Hcirse,bide, regular 00,00, for „..•884.� ..e. 8844 *24 Men's and SOUS` Caps. 4 dozen men's and boys °cid Sites In Cape, regular 25e and Saea to clear at.... b.• • .* f01,101. 61444,4V0%06.*144,4) Ali, 0154' "A Square OW ,Every Man." • M RICROOKS Sgegossors, to liodgeot �ros tothitig Store • t GOOD TIMES IN 11/400SyAW: • • , The financial .stringenez is about to Ize.a thing of the peat. A man found ,a dollar .on the street yesterdaY; and intendslooe. ia$ tQput it W• News. c4' IC1441"4. - EDUCAtIVAL 'SERVICES.' • Edtteational anniVersary •ietvieeS a the 11100u:dist churches of Clinton wIll. .he held bn. Sunday, Feb.. 2nd, when" the 'Rev.De. Warner'"of • St, Thomas And, 'Rey, .1; W. Orribara; B. A, of Tome - to will be the preachers, • ,gutfoN, OADIfotS, • . T4e AMIUal'-at-heri10- Of' the ' Ourian AsamiatiOn: will be held' in the Temple blinding on Friday ev- enng "Of' next week. 'Over. one thous- and:invitations have ben' issued. The M. M. P: P.'s, IVIalors. Ged;,, erieh, Clinton, Seaferth and Wingliani, as well as. a nuiither of newspaper Men frord'the cid -win*, are expect- ed to ,he pres,ent • ,COMING., ;• J W.•Beugough, recently -sate one of his crayon. sketching;„ , entertain- ments at . Lakeside,. Ohio,and :the •"Nows": speaking of theevasion Said • Bent-C.4We,, ;versatile talent 'enables, him to ,entertain in audience .very delightfully 'with, pare clear arrtusernent.., The citizens 'vas- tre of Clinton have .secured . im -.Jot Friday, . Feb: 141.h, St,. Valentine's Day. , ;,' • . . NEW ,ONTA,1.O01 1‘ renewing' hiz subgcriptien• to The .News-RecOrd Mr. Jas.' Barkley. if ,Echo Bay, New Ontario, r writes, 4•.:4t • man in Huron sOeakS".of having. grown potatoe weighing one ponntl- eleven lonices which he thinks is something wonderfuh brie of my nephews weigh, ed a number' of his best ones.: 'and they tiliped the stales' at three pounds each. '.One .and a. half and two pound tubers ' were Mute plentiffil. You can't beat NeW Ontario." TUESDAY'S': MAT}1. •. . • The hockey tearn played in. f-eatorth Tuesday' evening and lest by sisi, goals. to$ three. The game was .hard fought •throughout but the best 0,1 feeling prevailed. our tom, *de weakened bY, the absence .o Clarehee Sheppard, .who has been, • "under • the weather" since-,-ithe Godenteh match, while ..thongii Claret* COPP, andBert John- son olayed-4hey---had--arot--ftill - erod from last Friday .evening's ,game. Howeyer, •SeafOrth won:. the match and the distriet. • • • . Al30urr, THE COIIEGIATE. 'The first meeting of the Collegiate • Canada Club was held. last Thursday ,inkthe assembly room, . • The programme began at 3,39; with. President illeQueen in the chair. The milsicallart ' of the programme con-. slated of • a. piano solo by Miss E. Wilts°, vocal ' sae Frank: McKenzie', violin sole 3diss G. Chant. , The debate on the -subject, "Riesolv- `ed that Canada would be justified. "in excluding the .'0,rienta1s' was decide' in. favor of the affirmative. The af0r. illative speakers , were Mirses Holmes and East and Ed. Tye. The negative was upheld by ' Misses Gunn and. Ker and James Canneron. • • , Mr, Brydone has very kindly of- fered a set of Ward's 1Jnglin» POkiO as a prise for the highest average oil. lish -and History during the '" present tabled •14y pripiV of form IV in Eng -1 e m. Principal Gundry offers 4rritlit prize for, • the highest' average in Mathematics and Scienee n the same form. No pupil will be awarded both prizes. •• . • • , DEATH, OF 11,013T. DOWN'S, SR. On Monday Mr, Rent, Downs, St, breathed his last at .the 'home of his son, Mr. Richard Downs,' Blyth, Where he had been visiting since • about ahristmaS. • • •, • Mr, DoWnS was born hi 'Yorkshire, England, in 1.8,31 and 'whena youag man mate to this country, -.After.a short residence on the Bae Lin Hul,. lett, be removed to Goderich where he Carried on businesst • as. a black- smith. Later he located in Ailburn and after spending some years there he came to Clinton thirty years ago'. He bought the praperty now known as the evaporator and along side he bought Si blaeirs.mith. In •addition to carrying :on ,a 'general blacksinithing business lie manufactured , saw Mill dogs for which he held a, patent. In those days therd was quite a demand for those articles, '' Some yearsago 'Mr, Down.s retired from itetiVe Work and since the death of his wile --he was 'twice married- he'made his home with his sons. About a year ago he was attack' by a,poplexy• and hovered between lite and .death., for some time, but • hie strong constitution tided him over though he did not fully reeover. For • couple of weeks previos to his icath he was III and the end was mi. expeeted. • The intention wag' to bring the remaitia to Clinton and hive the, fun- eral take place from here, but owing to the blockaded eowlition (A • the roads it Was deemed advisable to have It go tram Myth to UPS cemetery on the nate Line direct. The int* meld took place yesterday afternoon and in kite old family plot the re. mains, Of this sterling pioneer are now At rest, The servieea were con- ducted by liev. Mr, Anderson of Myth, The deceased is survived ` by one daughter, Icifra. „JoSepli. LawSetio Auburn, and three sots,. Will '011 trOr011.• 41‘41.1040,41.1114.01014041+1111+141***********A. to/ 440thht.4 A. of 'Clinton and Illobard • et , It's agood one. - Don't ntissthe opening chapters. , p „ BAPTIST OtIURCI-L , The Rev. E. Grigg will Ocuoy, ihe • Pulpit Of the Clinton and Base Line Baptist elturches on Sunday. Every - betty' weloonte. . • .THE tf.,,OCAL MARXET,' • Wheall',„ bile to 02e.'. Oats; 45c to 5„ • Peas,, 80 to 'PO. • Bar1ey,...654"to 70e. Butter 22C to 23c.• • Eggs, 240.• to 25e. • ' ' . "LIKE A. LETTER IkEEKI,,t4 • ,In 'renewing her subscript -ion Mr. Thos.,. Campbell et :Paltelirn;`, writes : ;'We *Quid be lest. witnoni, The.,News-Record' which keeps :us poSted in , the' hapPeningt of; he gOgd, Old comity Of Huren, We are having 10VelY vint,et. There is. no need. for fur 004,7' • . 'WARDEN 1VIeLEAN. ••, Mr.• Robert McLean ..of. Goderielt has. been eiected Warden -of. Huron county., The; honor has been worthily •won for:Mr.. McLean is not only a public - :Tinted citizen •Of Goderich, but a,n' energetic.- man who will endea.vor • to advance.; the interests •of the whole county.. • Tim •News -Record. greets Warden McLean. • "••••• • • • • , . WHAT, ROWDIES CAN DO. ' Chtaf Whoitley who was assaulted' by a number of rowdies from Goderieb on •Friday' evening last, i st 11 00n.-6 'fined to his home as the reault a in- juries he received- It is up to • the authorities to see that encoreof the. lay are protected in the discharge' of• their duty- and that the aforesaid' rowdies..get 'their desierta. : • .CARPFIT, •13.ALI,fACH The - carpet ball match, played •latt week between the C, 0. F. and the I. -C. F.' resulted -in favor Of • the f ore r: , as, the fll ollowing score wt showfl , C. 0..• F,. -LG: COO,' M.• Orions, !.- H. _'Glazier, • J. rinch-25. .• . 1: b. f. -J. J. McDonald, W. Walker, ,..T: Graelis, F;* Drawn..... ' C. 0. F,--.1. Dodds', E. Finelf,, j. P. ,Slieppard, T,. D. Johns -ton -17, i• 'O. F. -J. . Cook,. R; A. Bell, .0. Crick JW . ',: IrWin..1.5. , • , . , . 'WILLIS ' CHURCH,' '. . • ' ' ' ' . ".• • • • ,- . • The Yottrig People's (kind met as.. usoat Monday evening, Miss. Ida. Walk- inshaw cleating witlr,-thirsimjeet. "Het Godspeaks to Man, . Ten/ slY.i.y. Next:Monday .evening IS 'to• he a special: evening fOr the young tiei.tple Miss Ida • Lindsay taking the tapic, ..`e`The Young Peoples Missionary 'Move - 'Meet." There is; also, expected .to. be atsheirt progra.M. Communion . day : will • be held . on •Sunday. A. preparatory service wili be held ttheol raw afternoon,' at 2.30' • ReV. Mr, Sawyers ,of' Brueefield• coil - dieting the service. In.stelit of the usual service Friday 'evening if was held Veednesday evening •'instead ' of the' : .. prayer, meeting, Rev, Dr, 'Stewart haying charge.- '0NTAR,I0 ST. pa6Ficti. , .. • Educational 'anniveriary. -- services will be held in Ontario . St. Church .next Sabbath, At lif a. m: Rev, J. W. Gre,ham B. 'A, of Toronto ' will preath. The &ening service will be. taken by • Rev. • Dri Warner, 'principal' of Alma College, St. Thomas. A lib- eral offering is expecttd. • • , . '.. Monthly . fellowship' therriee froth ll to 11 a.. M. next Sabeath. ,' " • , • A ' most .intereiiing address' on • the "Evangelization oL Africa" was ,given by Mr .• 0. S, Hawke -on Monday &- ening.' Mrs; Gibhings, Miss Gibbing and Miises Wiltse and Dowsen • , con- tributed 'pleasing duetts:,. • - •. Rev. W: E. Kerr . preached :en ,"Blas- phemy" last •Suilday everting, The Epworth League is taking; bola, of "The Jean Valjean." •story enter. taintnent with an enthusiasm that, will insure success. Everyone • sheul& hear this most fascinating story told by .1f:qv. Dr.. Cleaver in Ont. St. church. on Monday, Feb. 10tit. GOOD TIMES ? ' '''' • ,,,_, . Mr. Frank Wilson, formerly ox town but now filling a goo& position • in, Hamilton, 'in Writing to The ble.ws- nec"Wtirea d. grt,b Y8.4,1'ng a very ;pen :and• 1 mild winter here this year. -,We have had Sleighing two or three imes and each time it , has gone within a 'week. .We had quite a' snowfall ' last gight And in the sectian of the city • in which • 1 Am located we have odd •sleighing, ,, .„ . Business is almost at a• standstill and has* been for some time. Tho fin.= • ancial •depression. • has thrown thous- ands of men out of emPloyment, The Deering works whith generally •em- ploy . about 8000 men are now efnploy- ing 'about :• as many Inindred. .The Westinghouse %Melt employas many are now employing only about halt the number and working four -fit- • tits time or 8 hours nor day tWo of the „latest industries in the city. Smelter industries suitor in thesal proportion. fluilders and contraotors axe tied •ttp, Real estate sales ere, few and far between. In foot it is I all 'summed up in the yeti suggestive wet& Of a Dago whom I talked with one day last week, he said, “Dig factory, no money; me no work, no work; no money, no buy shoes." • Consequently business is fiat. • And yet Hamilton is not as WHY off as Sonie of ottr Oanadian oitie/ front: • the rcpbris wo hear and it is certain • that 'Weare better off than our, sister cities across the °order." , DOUBLE DUTY.• While Chief Wheatley is alt for reasons whiCit• ere .elsewhare ex- plained, ..Vonstable Welsh is doing, the. Work ot Its office- ',and thatof • tilt Vhiet 41,.S • WeA4 aoStable. W'elsh Alwaye OD. the WON, wben needadv 4 tElt4700•Sr 4NIVAI,W •• •The 'first °arrival Slf uto season Will take place in tttp. rink On Friday ening - of :WS" week: A good list of ptlzes:- has Olean arranged for " and Manager Davi is -inaking sueh arran- gements as will 'ensure a sueeeSs. The band will: • be In attendande; ' NEK/iy .catatOkf, ,„ „. , .4dheational 'anniVerSary'. 'Services next Sunday, $7b. 2nd. At 11 a, re, Rev. Dr. Warner ot St. ,Thorna,s will Preach and Rev. .J. W„ Graham B. A. et Termite ;will preach at'S p. m. 'collections and subscriptions will be taken' in, behalf of The 'F.IdiictUenitt itir are'weleome: • 'A NEW FIRM . • .• „ • • The store lately : 'Occupied by Miss •Cantelon has beers leased by. Couch 41 • who. will open out . with a, • new, stock of fancy, arid staPie. dry goods on, the first of. March,' ple •tnembos of' the new finn a,re Mr. percy Couch arid his sister, Mrs. Ross, . who enjoy the entii•e centidence . of. the normatin- ity, •They have both bad...an es:tf.viled experience in the dry. goods. 1 .isiness and wilL no doubt, command a good share of ,the trade: . . "LIVLE LOCALS,' ' •' 'Mrs. G. D. McTaggart entertained On 'Tuesday ei'inuing, • • The South: Huron' County .L. 0. L. meets. In .E.Xete,r next Tuesday. A number, of • • county councillers Visited ,the House of Refuge on Tues- day:. • • . "Scotland in song and, story'? will be givenin the town half on • the eyening of -February. 25th. •: A coii-cert will be: given in the town hall this..evening • •Iinder the auspices of the' fife and drum band. . . • .Mr you. .Downs .arrived from Tor- 'onto- on Tuesday 'evening to attend the funeral of his father; the iite Robert Downs Sr. •' „ • • . • The regular nionthly meeting of the W 0 T 17. will be held it the home of Mrs. A. T. Cooper on .Friday al- terneee .at 3 o'clock.: • • Mr. -j. J. Ward of ;Varna was . in town 'on Monday :on his way to visit in, the--southern--,part,..e •et ce on but siness and pleasure ben. • . An ,94,1tr,9_11,,.Boit Who h, 4-.4 ' ''.Tfi,iCtts1 Of (fic.; , - ,,. ,•..1,r,r: )1:2' , irlqet, 'Washingrpf, • 1).. p. Jan.„ 0,....T. C. IConnell, on, yk,,.,ttu,,,,InuetIirOnlinelkt farmers in lIarktiltettrl•pOility;I' t• North Dakota, andk..wh, .;stend# nileb., of his time in .cflinefPO*143,21441...fecn i Washington tor the past tin days ac - comparted by Mrs: Connell. Thereis probably . no man. who ,-visits the na- tional capital better knoviol and i-nore Universally liked than 1V1r, Con- nell. , President Roosevelt knows him per- sonally and ,every -time he meets him always stops and chats about North Dakota and tlho days when the presi- dent was a cow-puncher'on the' vs&i- ern plains:, - ' • Th e other day Mr. Connell called on the "P.e.41V0elivAl9 40Unediatelv. recog, nizerf Ithfc 'and .innutied'''afiartV con - tions,in North Dakota, adding that ho was always interested in North*.D4 kola sand North' Dakota, Tole.' - * ' c'ci understartO,'” said Mr. Connell addressing 'the preSid40), ';:: !fth4 You have tome 'fint .beirses." "The •bet .iii tiiii:• Pitt '.4Oi ' the 'coun- try," -replied the president,_ "and I want your jinikinent- as fcit Ailior 'qu41.- ity. 1, Avill,dpprehoi if: cr,roti: ,wiil .ste0eyer AO. the stable ' antit'IOok.theni ,over and tell 'ine '1,-yliat.a,NOrtli;001•Cf42, 'man thinks of nom ,anirnats,. t" - caning a ine'ssenger, the president directed WO Mr: Connell be shown his ;fancy , Wedded ' horses. •Aocoropanied by the messenger Mr, !Connell Went to the stables and -there perscmally tri- Sneoted.the various aninials, ; • . • . .When. Mr„. Connell- entered the pres- ident's office the second' tinle the pre.. ident inmillsively inquired." :: .-. - "Can. You beat those animals in .N.ortir Dakota .?".:. , .. .... ; .. ' -"They are mighty.. Anel" said. : Mr:. Connell, •hut -•---i . .., • • ., • ' . • ' Here, the -President broke in 'with the exclamation ; : • ..., •-."Of. course yeu would add a but oi' an 'afid,' or an 'if,' and I am not cer- tain,hut You, are 'right. They: de, not . . grow any finer stock than they do in North.t,Didtaktr,i i...•'''_.„. •,_.'• -,;.•,•'' ..„:.• 'i: :1: '• : .-Yourit;v:Ifeace right,?'-"sii&-liar,'•t.Ten- nell,'". and I 4.191etp need tosay any- thing more to you on that Score." While there 'Mr, . Connell .V.sited ths National cemetery. at. Arlington at the request •of -Professor.. Colaof thethigh •school al Hantiltorf and looked' un the, burying' ground of the professor's fe:.• ther who was an officer, in the Civil • • Mr. G.,,Denatead and Mr. W. T. Rid- dell have treated the interior ,of their stores to a good painting. .11.1r,..Den- stead's store lookS 'exeeedinglY:bright and cheerful. . , •• • . • The annual meeting • of the •Anburn, Association Was held. on Sa.tur- day evening and the following officers cleated': • , . • . Captain, Dr. C. A, .itewson • • ,Treasiirer; Dr. B. 0: Weir, .• • Secretary, E. ASquitb • r. The, inembers decided to held -their annual oyster supper early in: Jan- . nary. • Mr. • Ernest 'Robertson attended "the Y. M, 0.,:...A..,cenvention in 'Clinton last Thursday., • • • • , Mss Maggie Snail. who his ben. visiting friends ,hart; returned • to her home in Toronto on. Monday. • .• • A number of our. young people form- ed 'a ekatfng party to 'Myth last Fri- day evening.. • Miss MeCurnmins of Blyth spent. •a, few days last week with Miss IJAttie Ferguson. • •• . Tbe Auburn Honst has dosed its doors • to the public. Local ,Option people, "It's:up to . you:"! New Astvertoonepts uotion Sales -T, Brown -0. •. r„4. Great Sale.-Newcombe's-0 9 Klondyke Tables-HodgenS,-.4 •' • SOteial PrieeS-E, Jacobs' -5 • 'What YOU Save;;-Vred: JaCIE5OW"5 Tenders Wanted -i -Jas, OaniPbell • .4'7 Stock Invigorator -W. S. R. Minna 'V• `A. r•-; .4•4' .r; Bayfield • Arr, teilliain Sturgeon, 'Who'his been .in rarettort fOr the pAst-three months ';';• returned home last. week,. v Mr 'Wflam Tippet • of Billings', • Moiltankf.ze the -• griest' of his Parents, Mr..; and ;Mrs.. John Tippet. • „,, diss Ada Roua,tt of London spent a few'. day's under the parental •tool 1t. rni,re.eYe,t aitended ' medting, Of ithe rte.sji cduncii 't ofia orio tide Wed. Mrs: E. Elliott and Mts.. Cowie are , conlined JO plielr. beds :this 'week with an !attack •01 'Pneumonia. • Miss Clara Erwin left On Wednesdayr , • forf.;Derlio.cto taka.a..,posittenc e 4, 7.he. ball given V the L 0; F. in; the -town hall on Friday evening last ‘' was Well •- attended,- The rnusic w‘••• • thraished by Mr. and Mrs. McDon- ald of Porters' Hill Everything passedoff nuietly' And . " report a good time. „Messrs. )1, Willtains'Afia E: yMogut.i.; of Zurich attended' the 'ball; on Friday evening last. • . The Weekly Mail *lid Empire" and, The NeWs-Record will be sent to any". address for ,one year; for only, $1.23. This is the biggest bargain , of Alla, se,asen ingood-newspapers, c • 'Brucefield. „ The Mini friends of Mr, 7.teit'e. • Henri will be pleaSed•to hear that:she is •on the mend •After a -severe cold. • • Mr,. Henry Smith, an emigrant out• • ' from England, heif,inoVeti. house, opposite the tiixen IIQtel. ; J-• H. O'Neil' has gone to Toronto • to take a course in 'the Business,, Cot- lege•thete. - •. ' • ,• The many friends of Mr. J. T. Reid . Will be pleased to hear that he is able to be around Once mixt. biter' congregation held a Meeting • Friday, Jan. 24th to decide ' about building a. new "church. ,It .Was , de- cide& in favor of a new church.. • „Mr. Cbrinell has been spew mg. • good deal of bis time at the capital With the Grind Perks and North Da- • kota people, particularly with Maier ii-Iamilton 111r..'..1:11ktesiii "priva,te seere, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Xing of In- gersoll sPeat ,Sunday with the form- er"s parents. . 'The iea meeting held -in Knox enurch on the evening of Jan: 20th was larg-. ely attended and in every waytwas deeided 'success. Tbt ladies of . the congregation showed plainly by ihr.* good supper provided that they . are second' ito none as Obits. By eiztit (Meek the large auditorium was fined to the doors. ' Many people .were pres- Mit from Blyth, Godericb, Dungannon and other distant points. Rev. Alr, Small of Blyth acted as chairman with him on the *germ were Rev Mr:' Smith of .13eachvtlle, Rev. 1VIr. Hartley of Blyth, Rev, Mr, Jones ot Auburn and Rev. Mr. .Leekie f deshoro. The alcove was occupied by the Blyth choir twenty strong under their leader Mr. Joseph Stalker. The audience left, indebted to the 1?-lvoi people for, the selections sung by the ehoir and the solos given by Mr. Stalker and Miss SuninArs and the recitations given by Miss Verna, Ben- nett. Mr„ Sinith spoke for a lett mini'y lles 00 the craze for lublicit, through the press. We begMr. Smith's ,pardon for even Mentioning that he made an address. Mr. Hartley gave Pithy address on ohaiottx, 1).)invog out to his audzenee that chara,cter the only wordly, thing that we take with" us i when we depart Mr, Jones spokes On" ot, 0404ant make good citizens of, foreigners own- ing into Canada. Mr; Lets* gave a humorous address on "Its' the Lucki- est Thing on Earth , be Dom i• Scotland." The sooial an Tuesday evfting was also a marked woos and with the offerings of the Anniversary sertfees neatly $500 was raised to. ward paying for the sheds, ° The Wen ekly Mai and Empire and The NeWs.Itecord will be sent 14- Any Address for one yea for only , This is the biggest bargain of the season itt good newspapers. 48 tarr to genatOr Egnsbrough, and Mr; Farrar, -private,seeketary, to Me - Cumber. has ree.eved: Many courtesiei at. the ',hands . Of ..the? delega- tion," : • ; - Mr. Coenell tti,wliont -the' s.toii,e spatth in a •Grand Forks paper: refera• ' is an nld I1uron boY and a ane -time : resident of Goderieh anoen ijai, an 'nonoa doisriarot: five years Ise for the West. I -le, • aeconinanied• by Mrs: is now litre on a visit on. •their way. home ftbma inenth'S visit in Wash, in,gton and tile Eastern .States. hey are the guests of their brotther-in-laW Mr. John • Johnstone, Rattenfiluty• t., • and will•.reinain here for a 'month • or se'. Mr: Connell's 'old associates are Pleased with this oPPorthnitz • • of again. ometini him.: He is an. uncle ol George and, Jelin Connell of Goderich• township and . a. brother of Mr. . D. Connell, Clinton. , -• .; Loicion RoAd. • Miss Pearl Hanley, after a .fort- night's. visit With goderieh township 'friends- has returned home.- ' • . • Mr. J. Shipley had a wood bee on Thu' -'ay last and succeeded in ;get.' tint: 'year's supply cut. • . • Mws Edith Jennison left on thins - day 'last for • London to .resume her - duties' there. . • , , : Miss Flossie Cele .of GOdericit town-.• ship 'returned on Wednesday- la,st after • • • Week'e.. visit with her friend; MisS pearl Wise. , Mr. Robt. Raney has been on the . sick list and is not improving as . last as his inany friends would wisli G, B. Hanley is busy drawing • stones frOm Mr.. Le. Peacock's • of . . Hullett.• He intends raising a stable in the .near future and is taking time by the forelpck so that he witi not . be mitred in that season, • . . . How does yeur subscription to The. • News-Ree2rd stand?' The Rooters From Coderich Who • i• Distingulsbed Themselves, or Rowdies Who Should be Held at Hoilie. •• The attendance it. the hockey match intermediate 0.11. A. settee was last Friday evening Ivas only equalled played in Clinton last Friday night, by the capacity of the rink, Had and resulted in one of the • mOst du- thcjre, been .room there' would no graceful rows that ever happened it a doubt have been a eouple of hundredhockey niateh. In the last half, with more speetatorSbut a minule to play, the score was The game was well contested and even, 8 all, when Referee. Eaten call, • close with the odds much in favor of daeGoderieh player, to order for the local team when lNigginS of God- eross-eheeking, Wiggins gave the refer- erich for being Warned off the ice for ee some back talk and was immediate.... fowl play abused and assaulted the ly sent td the hoards, 'and this was referee. This ' was 'a signal for the where the trouble began, Wiggins Gbderich "rooters"' and about 100 of struck Eason. and Mien' the whole theta crowded on tile tee an 1 for buneh of Goderich rooters jumped .on halt an hourpandemonium- rel,gnedthe ice,' and a hand-to-hand fight eat - Time rooters--ditimkei rov:/diee rain- sued, *any ' at Clinton's prominent er,--atdaeked pOlicemen With citizens; tried to mann:, order, • but stieka. Chief Wheatley ' was Suirthind. without avail Goderieli were a ' sore ed, knocked doOtICAnd $o hetily cut bunch and wanted revenge, for the and brnised that he has since been game was wifely against, them all the confined to his Ironic; The attaek up- way throngli, It the Mix-up Chief ot on hirn had every alMearanee of .being Police Wheatley was atruek and bIs premeditated which .makes t ail the WA' badly fl rbs tru bruised the se„e worse. It 'was a disgraceful scene stood 5 • and another Streit incident will kill to 3 in Clinton's favor, and they- totkeY in this district, It is tIli to played a muck superior game of book. Goderich to clear its kea.a of the cy all the way through, and &inert rough eleinent and letch tr, (Acre shot after shot on the Goderith goal' that heote and bullying.ate not coun- in both halves. Tilt, Sailors brought. • with Mein a large number of rooters, teftanced by decent people. accompanied by a band, 'and -were' The,linc was as t01141WS: knatitil to Win the ganie, for if they Goderich-goal, 1Viclvor ; point; ' Me - /Ira ; cover, Belcher, left, lvfoIvov.; wtho6rimthue;egiainfisettitlatatcheavmenoinongolitp, A:3 right, McLean ; centre, Wiggins; rov- had the game goe an the henere erblillnettitrg.oal: W. Johnston Point, would certainly have Jaflen to the Ffe,P;P r;ight7,alioorile°;lieeretnI4e,16Bnerr rohtnn: 11°Tnihee areal Press rePorted the pine son; rover, C. Sheppard. • as follows: The game of hoekey play- Iteterce,'IL Easson, Stratford. ed in Clinton last Priday, night has The city papers. reported the' mateh Wright disgrace to the game that asfhoelloGeale c WI:ber is sincerely regretted hy the lovers of T 'rho return match pure sport,' and if public opinion between Goderleh and Clinton in the' (Continued on page Ave.) •„ • • 7,74-7