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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-23, Page 6The Ottawa Government 1s eahlett to Tokio, accepting Japan's aSsiltaag';` les in regard to rektrieting immigrae.. Aeln- , , • (FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS,: s Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup hail ',Steen used by millionof mothers for taieir children while teething) lt. dis- turbed by night and brol:en of yetis west by a sick ehild suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and ; get a bottle sot ',Mrs, liWinslow's Soothing Syrup" Pr, child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is nO inistalce about it. It cures Diarrhoea, rogui elates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. ."IVIrs Soothing Syrup" for ORS wen teething is pleasant to the taste, an(t is the prescription of one of coldest and best female physicians and ;nurses in the United Stites. Price, 725 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug.. gists throughout the world. Be mire and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup. @ The Grand Trunk Pale it a • 61- e:toyed a couple of Bos on 1 Inds -cape experts to lay out Prince Ilepire. SHE WEARS LARGE BOOTS. .. Has to acqount of corns -but th,:y can, be cured in twenty-four hours with Putnam's Painless orn i2xixacs tor. Use no other but Putnam's. 's Adam' Faust of Howick township, aged sixt y -five year committee. sui- cide by alumina int() a well. Our method of roasting our perfect blend of Mocha, and Java coffees, develops and preserves the riat essential oil of the berries -brings out the fulness and richness of the flavor. That's why • GREIG'S White Swan COFFEE had such a delicious, appetizing arorna-helps digestion -satisfies. White Swan Coffee is firstsealed in parchment, then placed in tins, preserving its full flavor and freshness. The Robert Grail Co. Limited.Toronto Elm Township Thesfirst meeting of the towsiship illicit was held on the. 14th, all aere Present.. The following were sippoiat- cd officers Mr 1908 • Trod Hess Sr., Vialt„ salary r...151) ,Thos. johlisson„, Te.; $115 iy Lipphardts Aeses>aor, $85 Ohls Sehaell, ,celleetoft $711 Additors, Jacob Haberer aud Neeh Paretekeis" Mrs. go -Az • t 'SanitarySlrtSpectar (past) A. Moon . SenitarY,'nspeqtcir, tWS1) C.411- lifetlical Ica1lt'4:leer, Dt. Mani Board of Health,P. 1#gthion't; ,:r F. Baker, A- Cage, SPeneer, % gess; 'dr, , • - • , ' 'CATARRH .CANNOT BE 'CURED. WIW .,LOCAL APPLIOATION'S.,,ag they, Ce'ssitet ' 'reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh tfl a blood or - t.ceia. stttil,thitial disease, sad in .order 'o citre.„It you Mitet 'take internal toned - US, .gall.S yittarrli ;Ouse!istaken in- ternally,. and 'nets, direetly' on ' the' ,blood . and inuciatS surfaces. -Hall's Catarrh. Owe iS.' not'a, quick ins licine. It wee. ,preseribed by onesof .the .bast physicians in, this country: for years end is as• regular prbscription.. It is composed . of the best stinites known, combined. with the beet blood purifiers t 1.1 ‘' •• th- • ' ' d acting ,( ir,ec y on 0 ;raucous , fleec- es. The :rierfeeti 4.iimbleatien oil . the two ingredie ts is what. prixilteee:sech 3t1 Wonderful. r lts in curing tattasrh, Send for. tes .1monials., free., • • ' L. ,,). CHENEY". 4', 'PO-) .Props., Te1edoe;0&• . • .. ..- • Sold by •Druggists, price .75e. - Take Hall"S. Pettily 'Pills for cone - , stipatIon: The Weekly'''. ,:and 'Empire and The. NeleasItecord will be' sent t4. any' address ilit oae year for only, This is the biggest bargain. of • the seasen, in ,good newspaPers. , Chaneellor Von' Buell:1w y...,starday supported a hill in the PrtISStth St11- ate autherizing the Governeutut • to enforcessthe ,sale ef laiids mn Prussian Poland to the Settlerneet Comoal FOR A HAI). COLD. Nothing cures So auisitly, as the heal-' ling Pine eseeric.s In Oatarrhotime.. It MIs the breathing :organ'r with a healing, soothing vapor ; that relleirea itritation at once. Ordinary Colds arb, cured in t .n minute's: Al.bsolui:ely for Catarrh, and "hi throats txouble .it works like g charm: Catatabosime is a, Remanent cure far "Bronchitis . and throat trolables Not an :ekperifeeta- eot a terriportiry relief -but aseete that's guarantead. Get "Catarrh - one" to -day. '25c and $1.fie siSes, Hon. • Clifford SiftOri 'hag t in tir: House of Commons that; the Government take stepss to assaa Mess • riner.s to secure a sa ) la of sed grain. The suggestion was con- curred • in -'-by. 'both sidea: :and Hon.. Fra.nlis 'Oliver statee sthe .Government had Leen considering the mat ffar sores 1 ac.. • The .Japanesc. hudaot shows _a deficit for the year of nearly $5,000,090. • , • • WHAT • CAUSES "NE.RVES 'f" Most people say worry -they are wrong -the cause is in the blood which is thin, and lacks nutriment. • To -cure "Nerves" rens blood, snsw ind flesh are ' required. You get these quickly by taking Ferrozone. No health brin- , ger is so certain, no nerve strength.e.n- er more potent, no system tonic so :well adapted to the wants of the run- down, nervous or sleepl2ss,. Let Ser - rezone build you up, let it fill you with vim, energy and surplus vigor. It has done this for thousands The steel plant at Sault SM. Marie has. been shut hewn, owing to short- age of pig, iron. Repairs will -keep -'a :force of hands at work. CAUSE OF BOILS EXPLAINED, Even in health there is a large asi- (cumulation of matter in the' s /stein -which if not destroyed,: breaks through the skin it the form df pimples _and .boils. No remedy so cleansing So. sure to drive out boils as Dr. Handl- ton's Pills. They brace up the sySS.- tem, rid it of humors, restore' hbalth, and absolutely prevent swell'ings; phn- pies, blotehes and .boils. Beeauee mild and certain, anyone can use Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers. Established 1879 Whooping tough, *Crotip, Bronchitis•' Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria. Cresolate is a boon to Astfiritatco Delos it not seem more effective.tollr,eathe in a re iiedy to cure disease of the breathing owns Loa, to take tile iernedy into the.stomach? . It curos becanse the air rendered stronglyanti. wide is carried over the diseased surface with every Loath, gvhg prolonged and Constant treat. •.ment. It is invaluable tb mothers with small ek.I • 'Mascot a.OnsurePtive tendency And immediate relief from coughs or fi .med conditions of the throat. • Sold by dryggista, Send poktal for booklet. Leelerifo, mrsis co., Limited',. Agents, Mont- real, Canada. goy . MANY DOWN wtrx PLEURISY. Doctors say the' country, is full Of it. PitSt Comes a Chill; then 'cota a.J- velops-the. inflammation grows) -yon cant draw a long breath -lungs and sides get sore, and, pleurlAy sets A good hoinescur& consists in taking twenty drops of Nervilina every four, hours. Sapplensent tide by Vigorous- ly rubbing the sides and chest with Nerviline, and whenwarmth and cir- culation are established, put a • Ner- vilines-Poroa -Plaster "oVer the. athine spots Nervilinc. Tteatineht i; always sueceseful colds f neuralgia, ani plettrisy.-Try it yourself. • • I 6 Mr. Ilawrilornthwaito Introduced a motion hi the British Columbia lag- isleture to impeach Lieutenant...Cloy- erner Dutimuir for disallowing tie: • The French defeated a detachmett Natal Act without the consent of les of Arabs in a tell -hour fight in Mor- Mistletoe, TheSpeaker would' note occo last week. acCept the resdution. T411114411144.4, • • " '11Ffiere all else(fails U Kendall's Spavin. Cure' lione Spevin, Ringbone) SpIint,iood aild130g Sptivin, Thoroughpin, Curb, Capped nisch, espetially if of long standing turd obstitiate-swill not yield to ordinery lipiiiiente or blisters. • KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is an extraordinary reinedy that 8iveS extraordinary results, ft ettitS old, stubborn cases diet many times veterinaries have given up -takes away every slprn of lameness -does not scar or kill the hair--ariff leavee the home toter and smooth, •es • Mimeo, Mete Sept, ere "1 have Wed tendat1'k8pardri Cure for ie years-. told it artier jaded me Gnee:" 3011N meicomk, Unite for noted boos; "Treetise be Tilt llottrin".4othattilligr worth knowing en every tame. SetW free. Mendell's Spavhz: Cure is sold by dealets everywhere at $1.a houte—a tor te. 33 J 6 KCNOALL, CO., tN0$uec1 netts, iftelseter, ti.iS A. ..................e0.4,00.00 0, . • • g n 1 ' '4 Ceuird • January 23r4, 119 0.0000•00-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : Anther of .11Ark:„.RiverS," *Ibis Homestead Oil 41 • : thefillhj;)' ,"TeMpept and Sunshine," Etc. • oor•••,:iir,.••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• toether with Ella, awl' number. est 300401.1Se sottiewhereg, East. She was sten ladies. Being assured thet her born there, X blieve. cap , wee' all right, she resurued ,the , • (No, she wasn't. either," Baia the .conversation by direeting.attention of 'landlady, who for some minutes had these nearest herte Ella,' arid Saying ;been aching to speak, "Not she wasn't in a whisper, "If slie. habil fade ' ' ' •itherl 1 knew all about it. She was in g years", thee; r dclet, know; but. born in England., and get to he quite noes- thing ;she's been, disappointed, it girl before she came over,. . Her so it's no ; Wonder I", and thial)ig :0/ name waa,Aarah 'Fletcher, an!' Peter her own experience with. XT.,' Parker, • Fletcher, who died with the cholera, the widow's heart warmed toward the was her own insole, and all the con - young girl, who, pale, and ' languid. • ;motion she had in this country; but dropped into".the nearest seat, while gelidness Buz,. what ails yen?" she. her eyes anoVed listlessly about the added"' 88 Mary turned deathly White' ' mom. The rich, .IShowy dresses of the while George Passed his arm around city people also ettme- -a i for 1"es. servra her to 'heel) her trehi failing. "acres . tion, and while the widow Marveled at Sophrony, fetch the caraphire; she's their taste in wearing ,"collars as hig Sone to faint," as • capes," 'she . guessed that Mary,st But Mary did not faint, and after feel fiat in her checkered silk, iihensmelling the camphor, she said, "Go she came to sec .everybody so , dress- . on, Madam, and tell me more of Saxe' ed. up" . • . .. . • *ah. Fletcher," ) . And now 'guest . after, gnat. flitted "She eau 'd° WI whispered' the .'dowai, the narrow staircase and •enter- ' " landlord with a sly wink. "She knows ed the. Parlor, Which, With the, .bed... everybody's history. from, Dan :to c'ers adjoining, was SOori 'Oiled.. Ere DeerehebY," . long Mr. , Seklen, • who seemed .tO be, TIlis, intimation was wholly loSi. 011 master of ceremonies, • appeared, and „._.the, good-huraored • hoatess, whe, can- whispeted something to thote nearest waged, "Mr. Fletcher died When the door. Immediately the. Crowd fell., Serakwas smell, and her mother.mar- backaleaving a vacant spade" in. front ' lied a Mr.. -e-; I don't justly venom - oft the ',mirror. asThe bassi humof 'bet his name -s" • • . • . vOicee - died away, and. Only a few . • hum, eliggested Mary. • , suppressed whispers of; "There tee • : !`Yes, Temple, that's it. Be was Look !--see l-'-'0hf My !"were heard; as • rich and erose, and broke her heart the bridal' party took their places. . by thetime she had her.seellud baby.' r The widow, being in the . rear, • and . Sarah Was adopted by her, Grandi• rether 'short, . slipped off her shoes, mother 'Fletcher, who died,, and ' she. and mounted into. s Chair,' for a bet- • eame: with - her undo to America." ter view, and when Mary appeared ."Did she ever :speak •of her sisters?" ,-. she was very nearly- guiltyin. place ofof an ex-• . asked Mars', and the- woman replied ' Clemation Of surprise, for' "Refore she got .cre,sy," she - did. One the, "checkered silk"'• was an elegant • of 'em, she said, was in:this country' moire antique,' and • an expensive ber.. : somewhere,„ and Vother, the ' one she, theof point lace, while, the costly - remembered the best, and talked the bridal veil, which. 'swept the floor •atid most about, lived in England. She' fell lo sett:folds on either 'side of her . said she Wanted to 'write tri'em, but head, was • eonened ttt the.heavY her uncle, he hated .the Teinples; So braids • of her heir by diamond fess.' he wouldn't let her, and as time went • tenings: A -diamond nealtice encircled on she kinder forgot 'ern,: and didn't her slender throat, and bracelets Of know. where to -direct, and after she' the same shone upon, her White round took crazy she tureer would speak arms. The whole was the gift Qs ' of her side* ..or ,own .that She -had . George Moreland, .who had claimed an:" ' • ' • ' . ' the privilege of. selecting and 'pre. • 'Is Mr..Furbuen buried near here?" senting the bridal dress, and who felt : asked George and the •landlord an..." a pardonable pride when, he-savis limv . swered t• ' ' • • • ' s. well it became Mary's graceful •and "Little better than a stone's throw.. rather ,queenly .fottin,• - . . : I can see the very tree from here, ,and . At her 'left' etssed ,her bridesmaids, • Maybe.' your younger eyes 'can make ' Icla and JennY, While atGeorge's rights out thegraves: He Ought to have a., a good fellet." gravestun„ for he •urtie ! .svere Mr. 'Elwood and William Bender, ' the latter o'f when) rooked on calmly . The new moon was shining, and while the soletrue Words were spoken ;Kart; ' ' ' which gave . the 'idol of hiaboyhoodcould plainly &Exert). the buck - another, and if he felt • amomentary eye tree, and: the two graves where. pang when he sawhow fondlythe •newly -made lesband bent or Morning bee ' his "Willie Mad Willbeen Sleeping. Theie's. fatnexther'? had long . :.•, yelling bride, it passed awaY as his . fore the sun -was Up 'Mery: stood: by • . ' eye , fell upon Jessie, ssvho, .*ae tieav: '''the mounds Where oftenin,yeara gone :clearer to him, if tploseible. than: Mary ' by SallY..Fusinish had. seen the moan tied eversbeen.••• s - - • • a . • go down, and the stare grow Pale in • • Aineny. ' the first . %AO' •tonaratulate the corning day, as she kept. her tire• "lb's. Moreland"' was Sally Furbush, . less watchssever her loved and lost. followed by Mrs. Pethins; who -Ale. ' -c-C7illie was In3" eettsin-Yeu celle- Sp-eredste George that "she kinder had 1r;u-said7Mal*""ettng-her4eet-uPmi a . tuition how 'Would end t! Svhen, , she , the bit Of board which • stood - at. • the . first OW hire in the' schoolhouse; but head of the•-fittle graves. George un- I'm:glad :you've •tot: Min," turning to cletstOod-her wishes. and :When they% l‘faeYsfor it,•-eitsier Bain' in • left the place a handsome marble .slab 'the city, than 'keepire .school.• You'll . • Markedthe spotswhere•the father and have a hired girl, •S wessepo his infant 'don were buried. widow made herself , -arse ueefill in henda- Word, Sally listened while. Bewildered, • end linable to,. compre- When • supper was annotinced the • waiting , upon :the table, ;and aseink Mary . told her of the relationshipbes „be:helped 49,, anything ins them dish- • .eie. sherd tween them ' • but. the , roiets• Which for, Years ,bed iihrouded./her 'reason Were . some of the Beston, ladies; es," • ,pointing . to. the finger .. gladsee,' toe. dense, to. be soddenly.- eleared ' which now for the fleet:time, appeared ' away; and when MarY. wept, winding. in Rice Corner-!Th..'half-suppressed- •her arms ar6up-d her neck mod' call'. mirth. ef the ladles .convinced . the big her "aunt;". ,and• when the blundergent. Mrs. Campbell, scarcely less bee eles widoW that ehe'd: and perfectly disgusted :with "new- wildered than Sell* herself came for. :' , tangled fashierie, . she . retreated into ,. ward, addressing her ae- "'sisters." she the kitchen,' where she found %things e , turned't(•Ml,sit' asking to hr endnher na,thisper,yuaTham4tthen stars, she could, if she liked,. eat with "SPY?" her fingers, and wipe them on her pocket handkerchief !" • • Soon after her engagement Mary h ead asked th Sally. should .go' With . • her to 'her city home. To this George ' vvillinglY assented, and it was decid-' NATURE'S MYSTERIES, .,ed. that she sliduid remain with Mrs: ' • ' Mason until the bridal party return- And theLittle That Man .Really ed item the %western tour they were , knows About Them. intending to take., Sally knew nothing ; .0eized the opportunity scime little 'following. the wedding, ;when she was next to a great physicistof asking him told that she was not to return to the . • , poorhouse. again, a series of fumbling questions on the "And. verily, I have this day met subject of modern theories of Matter. with it great deliverance,". said she, Per an hour I stumbled like a ehild, and tears, the -first shed in many a supported • by • a strottg. hands In •a dim year, mingled with the• old creature's . thanks for this unexpected happiness. and unfamiliar world, a.mong the mys- . terlous essences of things. I should. like to try to repeeduce it here, but have no doubt should reproduee it Il wrong. Still, it was deeply. Inspiring to look out into chaos, to hear the rush and motion. of atoms moving in iast vortices,. to learn that inside the, hard- est and most • Impenetrable of subs stances there was probably a.feVerish. intensity of • Inner motion. I' do not ' know. that. I 'acquired any Dredge, kuovviedge, but I drank deep drafts of wonder andiawe. The great Irian,. with his minted and weary smile, was lafinItely gentle and left me, -will say, fax more conscious of the beauty and the holiness of knowledge. L said soznethiiig to him about the 'sense Of 'power that such knowledge must give, .e.e.h,"• he Said, 'mach of what I have told you is not ' proved; it Is -only suspected.' We are very much Art the dark about these things yet., Probably if a physicist oL a hundred years hence &Mid overhear inc he would bo amiteed to think that a sensible man could make such puer- ile statements. Power -no, it is not that: It rather Makes one realize one's feebleness in being so uneertatn about things that are absolutely cer- thin and preelse in themselves, if we could but see the truth. it is much more like the apostle who•said: 'Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbend.' The thing one 'weeders ails the evarage of the Men who dare to think' they know."-Put7in's,.. """""‘"'"',o1 41, Too Broad a 'willsteVe got a fellow in there that won't whit on nits again, not numb," sixid an Irate CUStOlner, as ho emerged from the dining room and slapped his money down on the pay desk. "Vitt not trilogy," eentlnued the customer, ',end don't mind giving tips, but when it waiter hangs round till a follow has (To BE CONTINUED) of this arrangement until the morning vvhile ago on finding myself 'sitting As Mary *as leaving she whispered in her ear, "If your travels lead you. near Willie's grave, • drop a tear on it for my sake. You'll find it under the buckeye tree, where the tall grass and wild flowers grows," George had relatives in Chicago, and after spending a short tizne in that city Mary, remembering Sally's request, expressed a desire to visit the spot renowned as the burial place of "'Willie arid Willie's father." Ever' ready to gratify her slightest wish, George consented, and toward the close of a, mild autumnal day theystopped at a small public house on the border of a Vast prairie. The arrival of so distinguish- ed -looking people °aimed quite a commotion, and after duly inspect- ing Mary's handsome traveling dress, and calculating its probable cost, the hostess' departed to prepare the even - Mg meal, which was semi forthcom- ing. When supper was over, and the family had gathered into the pleasant sitting -room, George asked if there was ever a man in those quirts by the name of "Turkish." "What .11111 Turbushr asked the landlord. George did not know, butthought's likely that might have been his name, AA his son was oiled William. "Lud, yes retorted the landlord. "X knowed Rill Turbush well -he came here about the same time / did, he from Masseehtteette and 1 from Vermont; but, poor feller, he was too weakly to hear mueh, and the first fever he took finished him up. His • old woman was as clever a creature • as ever was, but she had some high notions." "Did she dM too& asked George. Tilling his mouth with an enormous quid of tobacco, the landlord 'Ma- tinued, "No, but it's a pity she for when Rill' and the boy died she went ravins mad. and I never Mit so like &yin' no I did when t 1300 her a .tearite her hair and gob?' on to. We kept her a spell, and then lief old man's';brother'e girl came for her and took her off; and the last I heard, nearly finished eating and whistles 'Do not forget me,' I think It is about time the girl was dead, and she was in the laornethIng was done." -London WO - `4. 1.0-100. • THROUGH HOLLAND, A Day'. Travel in the Wind of Wind, midi and Compile, Xiere e pretty deaeription of a • dare travel through Holland: "'At AM- •eterdant I left the tralu mid hoarded a Wet hound. for the Helder; the. north- ernmost point oe north 11911eled, Where the lest Wolf islaiide, curve round to "the hcirisces, lookiag as if they had been aPPOinted ocean outposts to Trieelatid, Tbe voyage might take a ' day, but what of that?, There is onlY ene way to travel In Ifollancl-,by • ter. The boat glides, through tbfr brim- ming cartel and Pesetas the clean towns and the' many'wln4mflls, X4fe per, passengeraud cargoes come and, go, but you are no longer. et war with, the world or ill trouble With it, YOU mareerad..sapyee, tawtorarp,p1411 treks:roma, fiet,,UMR: tent merely, to be nueying through the Moist.ancl Iun1nous air. When the en, virons of Arnsterdarnsare left behind • and the water side houses giVe.Place to • the reeds that bend as the baekwash. overtakes them and the f aitoriee fade hate vast, bright meadows, the spirit of this Ian ct wrested. from the sea, obsesses- the traveler. I forgot M count the windmills, Was Indifferent to the (locality of the hut Where Peter the • .greet stildied shipbuilding and -"wile content with pretending to choose a habitation from among .be dwellings whose gardens are washed by the was. • ters of this great NOrth•caual. . • "We •passed through Alkmaar; on • °pa', elde. Ditch farmhouses, , compact, four square, stretching in an' endless. line along the waterway, 911 the other ;side the ,meadows, an& beyond them, far! awitY, -the sweeping line 0 the dunes. They rise .above the North sea, , and dit their sendy eider; and heights men are forever on the watch -against: the encroachments of the ocean; ',They • plant the shrub called helm that binds the sand together, Making a bulwark' against the rage of the WAvee's 4God m; gave us... the, 'seas •••,W.e ins'ae • the shore,' says the Dutchman. :These. /hewer' fruitful and pastorel: meadows that -outstretched as We • glided north-- warwere once: submerged la water.' The fight'against•the nee never 'ceaeis, As We preyed. northward • the three . .great dikes loorned out. I gazed out at these bigh• butwarke, patrolled and: Watched by- .day and by night, tuid• • mused on the, legend that at Anister.... dam there is one master key a turn 'of whiair in ...tunas of peril fibril foreign invaSionwill disiwn.the htnd again • "Awl is I inused there swept past a barge. The ,,great sail Was hoisted. The- fandly,,' a mite of the 50,000 canal population who live' out their lives on these thiatiog, houses, were gathered reined the tiller, 'where myniteer smoked and eteesed, •The -barge is th&sYmbol. of this sea coaquering 'people. DOM the Helder Llarided. Beyond:le the fort,' with the. frioge of !Mande, chtpoSting • , . Friesland, the 11Shing fleet mind the gun-, boats, end the channel °between the, ..mainland :and ,'i'exel., Opening to the wort As crossed . the beidg,e 'I FL the )* 6'S; , t sights. Tbeye Was no Piss, rio shouting, no spilling Of Wine st.thst lainich: The barge moved froin;- her cradle, shot downward, tciok the watee. itt arush, pretended to capsize and, all_ • arbnce acquieseeds-B.heslitallooMIsh r master.", 0‘0411101.014. D. Cf. Biekle Made a business trip to our village last ark, Rich. Reid, one of our daims, shipped a canoed, Of cattle' to Torolitia last week. J. 0. Wilson, on of the lat,e Chas. Wilson, has been spending a fpw days - with ^.friends hero. 1Vilsaeg Cora end Edith Roberts visited friends in Goderieli on Satur-; day and Sunday last. A load of or young people paid a visit to LUcknoW rink on Friday Hight. last. All report a good evening's sport, • Thinglar1401); • T. Ws Little hu disposed a preparti here to Roht. lifolCosige, have not as. yet heard what Mr. Little's intentions are for the future. ReV. W. A. Sruith will" be absent • on Sunday conducting missionary ser- vice,s on the Deride circuit. The loin, ister from liervie will take Mr. Smith's work here. " • Mai Alien, who for a number of Years has been farming 'In North. Dakota, has disposed, of' ids interests time and is at present viaiting hie brother,4T. G. Allerisof our village. AS ti FOCI LONCIOil ..Inclia Pale Ale Brewed front se • lectea hops, choice barley malt and, pure. spring water, with the utmost _seam Bottled at • :the brewery depots to ensure proper . ha.rulling, That is why Labatt's Ale • is equal Co the fin. . • -est, surpassed by • pone, though it costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods. csionommisommeiminammob. Seeds of this splendid new 'Tomato are given away free SEEDS FREE We Want everybcely interested in gardens • iogto write for our New 1908 Catalogue, which is one of the most complete seed, - catalogues published. To ertch inquirer we will include absolutely free a package -of seed of oursplendid new tomato, 'Canad's' Pride," or it preferred a package of our wonderful " Cariadien Gem " Turnip or "Santa Rosa " Poppies. . Write to -day and name yciur choice. • • . Parchl& Hunter Siecl Co. ' Ltd: London, '• • with its tense interest in the trues, the •tariff;the railroads, politics generally and political peesonages, the Review of Reviews Will be deublyr valuable to you. • . THE AM 1111.11CAN Ar...." REVIEWS 41417411111 ALMA", OHM', • ' Manufacturer tind Retailer. Tho Revikw of evIews offers busy people an education in current events that is con.. vise, comprehensive and authoritative'at a minimum cost oftinie, effort and inoney • , ALL THE MAGAZINES IN. oNg 11 With Dr. Albert Shaw's monthly "Progress of the World," with the cartoon history of the month, with the timely contributed articles on Just the queltion you are interer.ted in, with the gist of the really impor. tent articles of all the other 'maga• . zines of the world served up to you. and reviews of new books—one can keep intelligently up 'With the times at a minimum cost of 'time. effort and money. "VV WANT REPRESENTATIVES ifievery community to take subscriptions and sell our book offers, Lib. • end commissions and cad! prizes. A fine chance to build tree pets Inanent and profitable business in your home town: Write to -day to TUE REVIEW OF, REVIEWS CO 13 ASTOR' PLACE, NEW %YORK At,exiemo.a Persian Lamb Specials We show the largest ageortmentsof Persian 14sdnh Jackets in %Teeters): Ors - task), and at prices 'that only Menu fa e- t iteers cati etseupete with. Personal at - 1 (melon gijoen to selecting, making and fipishing. Every garment guaranteed s represented, • Persian Paw Militeey. fanei brocade lining, hest hi -aid • triunning, size 30, Persian Paw Oriental Mink, collar end revers. good satin lining. 'silk gitellessize 34, ado, Persian Lamb-, long revere, brilliant obi', good satin lifting. fancy girdle, izrg; 84 and 30. $00. • Pepsine] Latnts sable collar and re- vers, best satin ining, fancy silk girdle, size 34, $100. • , Persian UMW natural mink 'collar and rovers, best Satin lining, small glosey earl, fancy girdle, size 84, $125., Ross 190 Dundas • Street London,Ont.-- • • The mail stage ,from ,Little Current for Manitoulin Island points, went through the lee. The pe,se#gere and mail were °saved, but horses and stage were lost. 'trainable- SaniFies Free • "1 hive5 used yetis Coltsfoote Expeo- torant and ifind 33 satisfaetory in ases 0 eroupecolde or eoughe. 1 hey() veal it ever Brace I got a trial bottle, and have reeomnimided it to everyone' in need of it. Youanay use my aa1110 and address for testimonials if you wish, Hoping it will benefit others as it had done my ehildren, 1remain, 1VIRS. AGNES COMBEILP 1066 Prauces St., %London, Ont. Coltsfoate Expeeterant is the great- est eough end throat euro in the world. It is the prescription of a renowned specialist. , /a order' thet every family may prove it unparalleled inorit5 'we will send a sample bottle free to every- one who fiends us their name and ad - (Irma and mentions this paper, Van be kid at all druggists at .5e. Send your tame to -day to Dr. T. A. Sioeutn, Ltds, Toronto. Send fer !tree Sertiple To -day. .NelifSE feet)r . ing List for 1 ',.M.u.Oh good reading for little money.. .The News Record and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year.. ... s Weekly Globe ' 1.05 Family Herald and Weekly Star.; .. 1.65 ..• " Weekly Witness.. . , . 1,80 " Sun , -1,75 " Free Press..., 1,76 .4, Advertiser ' . . 1.86 Farming; World ..... . - .. 1.50 Varmet's Advocate and , • • Home Magazine 2,25- 4 Daily News, Toronto • . 2.30 Star . . • " •.1,•••••••4 . ;•• 4••'27.30 * Globe Malt • " • 0 4 25 • • • • 'World 1 ‘.‘ 250 di Saturday Night 2.86 44 • • t Free. Prees, London ..... . . 3.25 44 Free Press, Evening Edition • ' ...„ '2.0fa 11 41 • 14 6. 94 44 at tf 44 • • If what yoU want is not in this list; ive an supply it at less than it would cost sending direct,. • " In remitting, please do so by Ampress Order; Postal Note or registered letter and address. MITCFIEU, 4104, THE NEWS -RECORD, ' 4anion Oat as. Newspaper 'Sartain ihe News-,Xteoord • --AND- , lierald'and Vizeeltly Star}$1•05 OP MONTREAL The Isfewesrtecord will furnish you with everything of interest In thie Meal territoty. Eveey home itt thie dietrict should receive the local paper. • The Tinnily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is the aeknovoledged hest Family and farm pnptp itt Oa outdo. Its'etegtrilicent news servite; it numerous imecial departmentits int0rstIng magi -Mine features t' te groat sot. Isis and popular shoe() *t(lrf#'l,a,kp It the greatest dollar's worth to be had. the eottibinetion of The Neivs.iikeord arid The Family Ilemld and Weekly Star provides rite great:telt attiottnt of wt*olesonie fiunily reading an elieble hetes feom all parts or the world. Send your subscription to inan,:anws.itncovoi climrox, ONT.