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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-16, Page 81 4 8 -‘03,-.,0ik.e.44.44tyeibe~ibe4k..0.9b,01b0 GREAT January SALE I Foto be closed out during the riext two weeks at Four thousand dollars worth of easoabe goods snl* wholesale, some blies These goo& at 1 1 new anti up-to-date and at regular prices are 0 exceptional values :-,p1., evil not permit of teeny q,uotatione but if you will read he iirt Lelow t will give yon some idea of bow we are sacrificing 1 i arf.a „ 0 MEN'S FU i0A,N 10 (.A PS -,..--Regular 759 and $i 00, Sale price t 50c, See Caps south window,. MEN'S LiisTnD BOOTS---Itegular $2 00, Sale price $1 25, In 0 sizes 6, 7 and 8. • viaNis FELT 130OTS—Regular 51.80, Sale price 51.13. WOMEN'S HEAVY LINED SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS...-. Regular $L75, Sale ',vice $1,25. A few of those 51.25 Bleck Sateen Underskirts left at 96c, 33.00 GREY WOOL BLA.NKETS $2.00. 5245 0 4 $1,95. .A few pairs only Men's• Heavy Duck Rubbers at 51.75. CLOTHING . n 's Black Melton Overcoats, velVet collare, regular price $6,50, Sale 1) • • $ 10 Overcoats in Meltons and Tweeds, for Jemmy Sale $6.50, Special prices on all lines of Dry Geode, Clothing and Boots and Shoes during this sale. • OUR EXPENSES are very light and we can 'giveyou better • v slue for your money than you can get elsewhere. Come and see. 0 m • , • PLIjMSTEEL BROS 04$0,0411.4140,041b01540.040e.Welib4KirGivcibagoraKirOvirit.0.04rzli00.00.0011b. • vAarnoww"Aeeovvvve?ofwvvvvvvvovvoNAiwvviokAwuk A Rousing Footwear Sale. • Commencing Friday Jan. 17th and continuing until Feb. 1st when we' will place on Sale our entire. stock of winter goods at Rock Bottom, Prices,. We have no old shelf worn goods to offer. you, our stock is all new and up-to-date. but we must make way for our spring stock which is now owning in. . . We believe a quick dime beats a lazy quarter, hence the following reductions. Men's, • 12 pairs Men's Pat Colt, Goodyearwelt value.$4.50 and $5.00, _sale price ; . , . • .......... , . ... • $3.69 •. 12 pair Meu's Box Calf Bluchers, good strong shoe, value ...... sale price 229 10 pair Men's Felt Congress Light flexible sole, just the •thing . for wearing under Rubber's and Overshoes, regular price ' 51.85, sale price . . . 1.39 • 15 pan' Men's Bal and Congress Foxed with, -leather, Felt soles and heels, renular $2.50 and $2•75. sale price.. :...... ; 2.19 • • Women's Extra Special Bargains. 15 pair Women's Pat. Blucher. some withibeavy sole and same with light sole, regular $3,00'and $3.50 values, out they go at • . • .. . 2.49 10 pair Womell's Kid Bluchers Pat. toes with kid top, a good strong wearing shoe, regular price 38.50, sale price. . .. 2.49 20 pair Ladiks Felt Bal. Kid Foam!, lined with warm red 'felt, regular Pike $1.85 and $L50. sale price. .. .. ... 1.19 All our Ladies •house slippers on Sale at.. .... . . , ... .49 • . , Misses Shoes and Slippers. • 10 pair 1 isses a . at. eat • er toe cap,, would be good value at $L65. sizes 11-2, sale price . ... ..... .... .. L25 10 Misses Kid Bal. Pat toe cap, nicsstylish shoe, regular price $1.35 and $1.50, sale price Misses house slippers clearing at Bargains in Boys Shoes. 12 pair of Boys Box Calf and Dongola Kid Bluchers sizes 1 - - 5, regular price $2.00, sale price , . . . 1.49 We find it inipossible to give a; debate list of all the 'Bargains - we have to offer at this rousing mid winter sale, if in need of foot- wear of any kind come in and examine our goods and get our prices, it will pay you. Thoreis a reason wby our repairing depart., mem, is growing more popular every day, •NEATIIROS IS OUR BGTTO. • . • Music Department. • •. • Sherlock & Manning org ins and Newcombe Pianos always make a name for themselves wherever sold, we have them always in stockalso you can always get ,the latest popular songs and two • slips in sheet music at our store. • •• • C. I14fiAor musio: EMPORIUM .1 . II utii 1.,L,i. .',..SHOE PARLOR . . THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR' DOES ITS DUTY . . " .... t'1000/NorAIAANWOANNA.ovroVVVVANWNOVV0irr,A0V1ry••••y.vv4. • Stocktaking Sale. Our annual inventory is taken at the first of February and in order to reduce our stock as much as possible we are making BIG GUTS in prices on all goods for the balance of this month. All winter Goods are being sold at legs than wholesale prices. Of course it means a loss to us but prefer doing it to carry the lines over summer. The hest way to know what we got is to call and in- spect for your self. We will te pleased to have the trouble to show you, we're looking for that sort of trouble every day. FREDs- 'JACKSON " AlwaLS,s Reliable " CIPINTON in Advertisement in The NewsikRecord brio Good Results; Clinton News -Record .....,,..4.,4,...........,......,,.. $ You Can't Lose $ Your Founa, tail Pen. Ideal Fountain en frtt- 6,.1. with a clip -cap. The clip -cap is a neat piece of e springy steel attached at # one, end of the cap of the 0 pen, the other end being . pressecIsnugly against the $ barrel ot Mthe spring. It 1 a holds in Much the same i way as a clothes pin and # will keep the pen where 0 it is put, See .us about 0 it if interested. If it is a 'Waterman's . . •-•••••••,—, W.. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest—Always Best. • • 1 •„-1; nip nitunuulasmintim,,, Barrister Brydone was in 'Godericli on Tuesday, • • Mi, Roy Rocla,way• returned from /Detroit this Week. Miss Mabel Lanxton- visited friends in Beaforth . • from Satiirday until •, Monday.. • Mr. Harry Cantelon ie now travelling for the Borland •Carriage Company of Stratford. • ' Mr, andMrs., George Shipley will en- tertain -the thou or, the Ontario Vt. church tomorrow evening. • kiss Ruby Jolliffe left on Wednesday for Philadelphia to again take up her sudzes at 'Bryn Mawr 'College. •Mrs. W. 13rydone has • been the guest' of• her •brother, Mr. • James Brydone of Blyth, for a few days the- past We are pleased"to see our old friend, • Mr. D. B. Kennedy, able to 1 around again. after several weeks ilinesi • • • . . Prof. Glene Campbell, who. had ; re- covered 'soinewhat from . his recent ' illness is again confined' to his Mr. Ada in Cantelon 'has, returnad from Saskatchewan where' during • the past season. 'he conducted a:large real estate business. . MiSS, Annie Larixton, who has been visiting the pareetal: •horne in 'Cedar Va11e • to • ,". Detroit' on Friday. Mr. and Mrs., Imrie Of, Toronto were ' 'guests .at Mr. S. C, Rathwell's town, fund Mr.', Samiien •Rathwell's, • Bayfield Line, :the past iveek. lyrrs. II: Johnstone and :her son, Em-. Merton, Fort William; are visitiag • this week at :Mrs. Johnstone's fath- ' . er's Mr. John Emmeiton's. Mrs W R Counter eirtertained a nuinter of 'ladies' to a; tea an Tues- day • evening, and. • MrS...Treleaven gave one on Wednesday evening • Mr. S. •Davis returned from Toronto laSt week after a month's absence. The change 'agreed- so well with 'jin• x • that he gained eight., poundsin Weight. • Mr.' H. 'if. bewart, barrister,. Toren - to, 'brother of Mr, E. H. • Dewart, Manager of • the Clinton branch of the Sovereign Bank, IS campaigning • in the Liberal •interests in South Huron. • • ' Mr. F. G: Wasmain who' has been vis- iting at the Parental home in • town for five weeks, lett this morning for Benton Harbor, Mich., for a short Visit. On .Monday he goes to Chic- ago and a few days- later leaves for Delhi,' „Texa' s but los 10titnate des- ' ttnatlion is Islew 'Illfeicieo. Ile repres- . eats . a • big Chicago ;house in .• that part of the Union, • 1 7 • Blyth. ••• • The Weekly Mail and pnpire end The Nows-Record willthe sent to any address for one year for only, $1.25. This is • the biggest bargain •;I the. 'season in good newspapers. • The L. a: L. District 01 Morrisheld its annual meeting in the Orange hall, Myth, on Tuesday of this, week. Af ter the business Of the past year' was settled the following officers were • el toted for the ensuing year • District Master, • A. If,' Robiroon, • Myth .1 • • Deputy, Wm. Nethery, Belgrave Chaplain, Rev. W. Hartley, F3lyth Seeretary, Charles Stewart, Londes, • koro •• Pin.-Seeretary,.Wm; lVfotlroy, Blyth Treasurcr, 'Matt. Bruce, Londesboro D. C., A. Sims, 141yth Lecturer, Robt., McCrae, Bagrave • There was 0, large delegation from all over the district. Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt has been visiting at the home of her daughter in Cita- ton, Mrs. T. 1VicKentie, Jr. ' A few days ago Mrs. 4Rev.) itarhey fell on the ice and cut herself, OAUS-, iii her considerable pain. On Saturday Iast Mr. Ed. Watson made another ibipme.nt ot cattle from the C. P. R. rattle yards. A number of our villagers aro at Goderieli either as jurymen or parties inferested in the proceedings of the Court which is 'in session this week, The trustees of the Methodist church have of late installed a new lighting system in that church, the Flpworth League contributing $105 toward the expenses. Hon. Mr. Fielding explained the now French commercial treaty in the HMO of Commons. arraaaVen January 16th, IPQ$ ".....",...s.frano 'ur Coats :at Wool Blankets • At Big Savings for Saturdag and IViondag onIU. The following list of cut prices are for Saturday. and Monday only, and without doubt they are the biggest bargains we ever offered. We have a Reason for it and that's .ours -the benefit is yours. Come early and often. We're here to serve our patrons • $3,75 Wool Blankets 2,75 9 pair only, White Wool Blank- ets, good large elm; pink or blue border. Regular 375, price for„Sat- urday and Monday only.- ... , 2,75 00 .5 Wool Blankets 3,,89 12 pair only pure Wool Blank- ets, white only, with pink or blue border, beautiful full blankets, large size. Regular 5.00, price for Satur- day and Monday only, . 3.89 • $6,50 Pure Wool Blankets 5.00 10 pairs only, pure Wool Blank- ets, beautifully carded. big full size. • Regular 0.50. price for Saturday and • Monday only • .... . 5.00 Flannelette Blankets 82c - • 25 pairs only white or grey Flannelette Blankets, first quality, •Saturday and Moaday's price will be .82 Men's Brown Calf Coats $15 ,5 only. Men's Brown Calfskin Coate with -self or black astracnan • collar, good big coats,- well furred, all sites,. If you need a Fur Coat'• don't•misa this chance............ •5.0O Men's Coon Coats $55 •• Men's Coon Fur Coats, long fur. ' natural color. well lined and good big size. Regular 65.00, Saturday' and Monday.„ . • 50.00 • . . $20 „istrachau Coats 13.00 2 only, Ladies Astrachan Coats. sizes 34 to 36, a splendid coat at the regular price, 20.00, bought from • • traveller's set of saapples. • First come gets the snap at • 13600 $25 A.stralhan Coats 20.00 3 only, Women's Black Astra- chan Fur Coats, good glossy color, ' sizes Wand 88, satin lined, full sieeye with cuff. Regular 25,00 for. 20-00 $45 Astrachan Coats 32.50 4 only, Wornen's Black Astra- chan k fr Coats,well furred,' whole' ekins, berit,qunliblack satin lined, sizea• 34,15, 38 and40. Regular 45.00 for 32+50 • 00 .4.strachan Coats 36.50 6 only, Women's Black Astra- • chan and Bokaran Fur Coats. with natural or sable collar and reveres, • made from whole skins, good close curl. A. guaranteed coat, sizes 34, 36, 38arid40. Regular 50.00 for.... 38.50 • .• - • • -.• $50 Electric Seal .Coats 30.00, • .4 only, Women's Electrie' Seal. ' • •• Coats, sable collar:and reveres. best quality satin I inedt sizes 36, 38 and . 40, in box or Russian blouse . style. . • with silk .cord belt, a. very natty . coat. 'Regular 50.00•for,-..... 39.00 • • $55 Bokaran Coats 38.50 4 only, Woman's Bokaran Fur , Coats. sable collar and reveres, best • satin lined, :semi.fitting or Russian . • blouse style, sizes 36, 38 said 40. Re- gula.r 55 (X1 for. • .. 06-150. • • • • $75 Bokaran Coats -60,00 • • • • 5 only, Women's Bokaran Fur • • Coats, two styles to choose from, made from whole skins, tbest satin • • lining, sizes 86, 38 and 40. t• Regular 75.00, for, . • • 60.00 Lace Curtains • Regular 50c Curtains for. , Regular 75e Curtains for.. .55 Regular 1.00 Curtains for .79 Regular 1,25 Curtains for 1,00 Regular 1.50 Curtains for 110• ' Regular 2.00.1Curtains for 1.50 It is impossible to describe our stock of Lace Curtains, but few prices quoted below will give you a,nfidea of how we are ;ping to sell them; Men's Odd. Pants Men's odd Tweed Pante in stripes and checks, space will not permit of descrip- tion, but the following prices ought 'to clean them out. ._ • Regular 1,25 Pants ,• .9FP • Regular 1,50 Pants... ... -1.20 Begular 2.00 Pants-. . L59‘ Regular 2.50 Pante.. . .. . 2.10 Regular 3.00 Pants • 2,65 • Regular 3;50 Pants 3.00 --$10 Men's Coats 7.50 . Men's Black Cheviot and grey cbeck Tweed Coats; with or without velvet collar, style.' Re- gular.. . • 7 20 , ' • . . • • • $7.50 Black COats 6.75 big loose coats, well made and trim. Men's Black OheViot Coats, good med. Regular 7.50 tor- 8.75 BOys Coats at Cost', Begs black and grey Cheviot 77-1 °oats, nobby styles and new cuts, well made and trunmed. at. ...COST PRICE . • 'N. . 50 Pairs Boys Pants 50 pairs of Boys Knee Pants, • lined throughthit, made from Scotch • ' Tweed ends, from our. own tailor • • shop; ad sizes. worth 1.25 to 1 75 for .98 '1 1 • e Still Have °me ood yles In oats. w Though we have had a .wonderfully . large trade in Women,s Coats this season we still have a few good 6tyles in Plain Cloth, Black and Fancy Tweed Coats which .we are clearing at remarkable low prices. If you . need a stylish winter coat buy one now and save to • .4444/411/444.4441.444,!4111OHI444.14.4144411441.444414114.41.1.0111414• .14111141414444.4444446* 44• alikoiniminoweimre Irmaftommomernmormi•imiummenlailaimi;MINfteger4rime Ladies' Reacip4o4Wear - Garments k• AA 41-4/&L ik Ail A A•. • Dry Goods and Millinery