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The Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-02, Page 8
�41N1N11'11 1�Nl�l1l ittl�i1�1IV1R! TO all' o�r ��rsfomea�s . and Friends we �Gsh A llappy and - Prsperous 'Naw Year. C. hOARE, IC EMPORIUM, PARLOR u THE PLACE WHERE YO DQLLAR DOES ITS Dl Y L wnww+,n a e•4•dt•vear Aga•e,•©e;Albt5-sbesglsiereen�e)-ebo°ofait.}!^�mvbA' FurBand Cap's -.29o. .P - o The overproduction ' of one of Ontario's largest to Cap Manufacturers cleared out to us at a small frac- e tion of producers cost and now .passed 0/1' to our 0 customeis at same saving: - a These caps come in tweed and corduroy and ; have a heavy fur lined ear protector and are good value at' double the price, Now On sale at 29 cts 4 See the 75c and $1.00 Caps (Travellers Sam les I we are clearing at • 48ctsr Clothing.: With only a little oyer 3 weeks left in 1907 and a stock of r Men's and Boys clothing more than double what we will carry into a. 1908. Out it goes—regardless of.proflts,.and those who visit this d store during the remainder of 1907 will he the,gainers. Men's Suites from $4.50 up, A Boys Suites from. $1.50 up. 500 pairs Men's odd pants from 83c up. la Men's Overcoats from $4.5Q See our $10.00 mens :Overcoats—to'clear at $7.60-`-;. �! Men's Fleece lined underwear at 85c a suit. • f ' Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes. 0 L a'�m•defira. sbbdb•ite eta-e•ef.s'b64spa..6 4.:bairahos-lrrY' ue'4t We wish all our. friends.: and patrons *a happu- and'.' prosperous New. Year. FRED: JACKSON: CLINTON• " Always Reliable " .gym I++++++4++++++++++++4-++++++++++++++++++++++: J, B. HOOVER. NELSON BALI'. LEADERS of Low Prices &easy 'i`erms We are in a position to alter you good bargains in Furniture. We . are showing a nice line of p PARLOR FURNITURE in 0.piece off it 3 -piece Suites Couches, Morris Chairs and Fiords Rockers also odd Chairs, Quartered. Oak Rocking Chairs, Reed Coeds, Etc. If you are in need of an extra bed rernembet we carry a complete stock of Iron ;Beds, Wood Beefs, Springs, Mat tr, eses, Pillows, Ootne and see theta. • You will find our'�prices right.. We guarantee Satisfaction, HOOVER Fac 73AL��., Furnitur'e and• Undertaking. ++++++++++++++++++++++++44-44+++++++++++++ Clinton Newadtecord all'w�M ler ora.ias � •'tre1„ Mr, Parkeeroatear; Kincardine, cells on old friends in Clinton on New You Can't Coke Ye ar's I?ay. Mr. Norman �'itzsirrrrtiOne came down 4 Your ,R' owl-, taro Pcn. � 2 is t . � a` � t �� erman s Ideal Fountain Pen fitt- with a clip. -cap, The $ clip -flap is a neat piece of t springy steel attached at one end of the cap . of the pen, the other end being pressedsnugly against the 0 barrel of the spring. It .$ holds in much u. .ch the same way as a clothes pin and will keep the pen where it is put, See us about it if interested: 1 W. Qi FAIR CO. Often" Cheapest - ap st Always Best '$ 1� �II� t�iaif�'1m111nuuatuutitttlt�l,\� ,•... _.. tmuU11�i1i. Misses R. Taylor and, W. (lourtice; Toronto, were guests at the hone of Mr. E.- J. Courtrce on Monday. Mr. George. Trowhill is visiting his mother at Brampton this week. Miss Lizzie Trowhill returned to spend the holidays under the parental roof. • Miss Erma Diehl leaves on Saturday morning for Harrow, Essex county, where she is engaged as teacher for 1908. Rev, Father. McRae of Goderich' was a guest at Sr.Joseph's .residence on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Coats of Winni- peg are,in town. Mr. Albert Wallace returned. on Mon- day from the Battleford district . in Saskatchewan where he has been for, the past few months. He went West during the tierce blockade last spring and his rough experience along the Canadian Northern is yet green in hie memory.He was for- tunate in securing a • good location near which a new line now being . buil t by the O. P, R. will run. Mr. Wallace_ expects to return : to '•. the Westagain in a couple of months. Mr. W. S. Jenkins, eldest .son of Mr. Thos. Jenkins, who has been in Al- berta for several years, is hone on a - visit. • Master Cameron St. John ot Toronto is spending the holidays at Mr; Thos. Jenkin's, "Woodlands Farts," Hur• on Road. Mrs. H. D. Cameron of Arthur and Mr; Edward Jenkins,' B. A. of 'Tor- onto were home for Christmas. Mr. W. J. Ford, baker, Paris, came' horse for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs, St. George. Price of (lod- erich were guests at the home of Mr. Jaynes Stevens last week. Mr. Barry, Salkeld and friend of the Lake Shore Road Spent' Sunday with„ Mr. and Mrs. W es Stevens. 'Mr. Alf. Rance has again returned to his situation in Toronto after Spend- ing the festive 25th" as the guest of. hire brother, Mr. Q. 0:' Rance Miss; Bessie . Calendar 'of London—Visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. Will Harland,ov- er' Sunday. •Sha attended the ball' Flinn' in Seaforth • un Friday even - Miss Edith Dunstriore of Stratford, is the guest of her Sister.. Mrs. Capt: Combe: during the holidays. Mr.'. John Moffatt of Dundas is the guest of his mother in town. • Mies MillyCameron of Bayfield is vie- icing friends in Clinton this ween. Mr. and Mrs. J. Torrance are visiting friends in 'Watford and other: places •this' week'; Mr. R. Nixon Welsh, leaves on Satur-. day for Oxford county'to enter upon an engagement as teacher. Mr. Robt. Maguire of Belgrave was the guest of Mr. G. -13-• .Hanley of . the London Road on Saturday; • Miss • .Anna May Robinson returned yesterday to continue her duties us teacher in .the Central Business Col- lege ufToronto. "after spending the Ohristntas•Iiolidays•with,her mother Mrs. Wm. Simpson. MEIN Edna Copp leaves 'to=day for St. Joseph's Island . where she .will take - charge of a:r•,choot until the raid -sum mer holidays. Mr. E. Vit .Jacobs left Monday after- noon to join 'his wife, and' family who have been visiting ir, Detroit : the -past fortnight, They are .expected back the .latter part of the week. Miss Lucy Stevens has joined the teach- ing staff of the Model school, having, at her request been released from an engagement by the Public school at Leamington. Rev. W. E. Kerr ate hie Christmas dinner with friends at Oakville. Harold and Mai o.mi• accompanied hint. • Mr, Albert t3eeley is in Brantford to- day.Md Mrs. Lester Scott, Toronto, were New Year's , guests. at. Mr. P'lurnmers.. • Mr, and Mr, G. W. ?mile, t•el .'.r Toronto on Monday' after a a few days with Mendell). (;lir rt... Mr. and Mrs. •Syd..Jaekson of Lett, bridge, Alta., are guests at Mr. John Jackson's, Mr. 'Walter Jackson came home•frorn Brantford for New Years. Mr. and Mrs.. J. B. (Campbell of AI ► •• ' ena, Mich., visited during Xmas at the home of tfrM. A. Hooper.. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs, Hooper are cistern. Mr :and Mrs. A. Hooper and son spent - Christmas i)ay at Exeter, their old home, . Mr. X.. lll. Plevyes and fllmily arrived from Moosrnin, Sack., on Saturday • and are visiting friends . in the dls trict. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Gorrell of 0itbow, Strsk,, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. George Lavisr T. A. Wafkee, Miss iValker and Master Taylor Walker visited r•ela• tives in flarriston on New Year's Day. Dr. Thompson had ne hie guests this week his brother, Me. (;•cosh A. Thompson, North Hay, and hie two phew, Charles Murray of Granton. Mr. 'Vii'. H. I1 orit of Karnion rr, B. 0., is visiting his brother, Mr. J, A. Ford of; town rand Mr. lied Ford ofGoder- ink toWhsLip. from Kincardine this week for n couple of days' visit at :the parental hove. Mies Shearer 404 Mise Switzer., milli.' hers at Newedwtie's,° ia,vo returned • to their homes. M. r 4�d Mrs, John Robertson of mon. oriel! visited ,the latter's. ,pother, Mrs. E. Moore, of town. thex were accompanied by Mrs, James Young of Lueknciw. Mr. Bo; t Harland of Detroit is visiting hie, brother, Mr, Will. Harland, for a few days. Mrs.'L. W. Levis entertained a numb. er of young people on Monday even• rn g Mips. Birch of Orillia was the gm. at of Miss Pearl Oantelon last week Misses Winnie and Dell o'Nee1I1 are en- • tertaiuiug a, nu tuber of their friends this evening, Mies Gladys Legg 'of London was the guest of • iss Marjorie Lappine for a few days this week, Mrs. (Rey.) Holmes was in Guelph on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. George' Bunch of Sea- forth were the guests over New Y,`eai•'s of Mr, and Mrs. 13. Kaiser. Rev. Father Dunn, .Parkhill,is the guest of itevgFather Hanlon' today. Mr. I;iugb Grigg, Moleone Bank, Haw- ilton, came home for Christmas. Mr. A. Alexander returned to-dayfroni a week's visit to his home in 'To- ronto. Mts. Grattan of Hanley, Sask., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Cook of Victoria street. January 2nd' 1903 Summerhill • •It is expected that; an e•atestain- meat in connection :with the Sunday sohool will be held shortly and that prizes will be distributed—that as, if present . plans can be successfully work . ed, out. . The Women's Guild of At. Peter's church meets on • •Thursday afternoon this, week.. EDUCATED HORSES Prof. E. R. .Crocker will give • . an : entertainment withhis Educated` Horses„ Ponies, 'Donkeys.a,.ncf Mules in the Town Hall, Clinton Friday and Saturday Jan, 3rd and 4th, : evenings with Saturday afternoon mat- inee. ` Watch •for the big street parade.. Evening prices, 25c., 35c, and 50c. Matinee, 10c. and 20c, : Watch . for the pig Street Parade. o�s & gcai I. will pay cash .'for all kinds of Logs and Heading deliver- ed inthe yard at Stapleton.. Custom Work solicited, John : Ransford. To the E1e011s. o ` Winton LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I am a candidate for the Reeveship of Clinton for 1908 and respectfully solicit your vote and influence. Yours truly, B. J. GIBBINGS To the Electors of Clinton. LAMS AND GENTLEMEN : * Having been nominated for the: Reeveship, the report is being circulated to injure me in my canvas, that Tam -dis qualified because of connec- tion with the snit against the waterworks by-law. , The re- port is untrue. • I am a condi. date, and respectfully solicit your vote and influence. Yours truly, W.. J.. PAISLEY To the Electors of Clinton LADIES AND Ci83 TXJFMEN I am a candidate for re- election as member 'of the. Town n Council' for 1908, and ask your vote and influence. If elected I will serve . the towns 1nterestuio Elie' hest'"of my ability, Yours truly, W. G, SMYTH Fo) Couneillor for 1908 FELLOW CITIZENS : If my year's round of pub .tic service convinces you that electing me again will be helpful at this important time, kindly vote 'for. me and ask your friends to do the same. Heartily wishing you ' a happy New Year, I am Sin cerely Yours. • A. T. C0Q'PER. To , the Electors of. Hoilett • LADIES' -AND. GENTLEMEN ; T am a candidate for:thereeve- •ship:, and solicit your vote and . inflence Wishing you the compliments of -the seas- on, I am, . ours 'Respectfully, "WM. PA.TTERSON..' CARD' OF T.IIANKS.-.10 THOSE who have patronized mo .n my bus- iness the past year 1 wish to re- turn my sincere thanks and their continued patronage is respectfully eoIleited;.--Mrd. ,W. Moere. 1 WILL BE ON THE MARKET, 'Clinton, on Thursday afternoon. of each week for the sale Af meat by the 'quarter 01 piece any sec..—brash W. Powe,1. CORN FOR $AL r,•--I,QT'4"S ' ()RN and iced, d cash ash . ti r will ex- change fox other grain. In satire cases 1 to 6 ;nonths credit will to allowed. ---Drive right to lire clad eft or,—W. Q, Perrin, • i•1 FARM FOR S 1L1 .. -•LQ T 33 ON the 11th con, of '1oderich 'township, consisting of 38 acres, 30 acres plowed, 6 acres in fall wheat. The farm is in a good Mate of cultivat- ion. Good brick house, P, S'r 4(1 50 feet, with stone foundation. The place is about t miles from Clinton. For sale on reasonable terns. For further particulars apply to os; Colclough, Holwesville P, 0, 03.1 PIANO AND ORGAN. TUNING AND Repairing.—The undersigned. • •is prepared to do all kinds >f piano and organ tuning • and repairing, and being a mae.'•of practical experience Is able to. guarantee: satisfaction. Orders may be left tn the office Iota merly occupied by Mr. J, Itansford, Ontario io street, Combo beblock.—Ed. TIMBER POR SALE.« A QUANT' ty .of choice 1lontlook and Bass.,,,, for sale. Will, he sold on the sallau or in the log at the bush, logs to l' scaled before leaving . the premise? For further particulars apply 'Samuel Reid, Varna, or J. T. 1p.4 Brumfield. 014 N0TICIII OF LICENSE TRANSFER. License District of Wrest liurou, Notice is hereby given that C. W. Brown of the town of C1linton has. rnado application to tran.,ter the 11 t coefnse inftoorn ,thke n opnmaiss ethos'inko.he twx• niandie, to A. L. Strode of tam town of Merlin, and that raid ap- plication will .be considered . at • a. meeting of the Board of Licenser Commissioners to be held In Clintoaa at cue o'clock p. m,• on Friday,. Jan. 10th, 1908. All persons inter- ested will govern themselves ac•. cordingly,—A. Asquith, License Iii•. Spector, Auburn, Deo, 24i4, 1907, NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN. that the 32nd annual meeting of the- McKillop Mutual Fixe insurance- ' Company will be hcald at the Sea - forth town hall on Friday,. January, 17th, 1008, at one o'cioak p. in�aw Business receiving the ;lirectors,• election of three Directors and surf Auditors and Treasurer's reports, other business as may be necessary for the good and welfare of the Company. . The retiring Trreotors„ are James r'onnoily, Gt'.or;;e Dale. and JohnWatt, who areelig; ,t for re-election. All are requested tai J. Howard, Clinton. attend. --John IS McLean, t 7 resicient;, • Thos. E. Hays, Secretary. i•••••••••••40.941.40•1100•••••••••••••0•• +si• • j Costo Friends p2 ♦♦l4IIOw**NN.•••••`HMO•Ni•NN.4N4!Ni•••••••••• r %Iiiiier�ns ers:and we wish a:Merry Christmas And a ;Happy. New- Year HARLAND BROS. STOVES & HA'RDWAR'E.• pecial 101' Sat <r a' Offe Cal"ENOING at 8.30.a. m: and continuing until 10 p. tri.;we offer fifteen Ladies' Newest Winter Coats, made from pretty Canadian tweeds, in the long, loose style,- trimmed . with strappings ..and velvet, somte lined'. across shoulder and sleeves, ., in sizes 82, 34, 36,: 38, 40 and 42: Regular price $19, $12, $17 and $25 each; Your 'Cho4e: Aor :the Dag . January '4th, 1908.