HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-02, Page 7­­-----­­ .. .... ­­-­­­- ­­ ­ ­.­­­. .... ­­­- , 1. 1. -111111 --11.11-1...." ­ .1- - I 1-11 ­ - I ­ -11-11 .1 ­ ­­ I ­ 1. �.. I".. . . - ..1. 11 � I . . - I 11-111.. -1111 ­ -- - —I--- � -­ ------ I I — - 11 , " I ---- - - -.F.1F.q11T-%-WM­ I . r � 7 . .1 I , . I . .1 91 . . I � I- i � F . . , . � � � # � � . - . � I � . . 4 A � I I I . .1 � . I I '41, . I . I- � . . I . I . . , . . I . 1, I . I I � I I It, � , I . . I . . - �, I � � I - ; . I I . . I 11 I I . I . I � I . . . . I I � fo . '7 i . � � . I I , vontok � XWe%V4­*te%;V" . I'. , ! , JAU-144q 204* 190, - o , . , ­� ---- I - 1-11 .-1-.1..- I.". � ­­ ...1-1-1 ­.­ ­.. I '' � ­ � I 11-1.1, '---.-1. .­­­ 1-1-r-;;;-----,.- I'— .-I ­ ­ - - — - . � -�-;�,�l-..,.;..,.'"'.,�,�.,.�'..'� �­­.­­­.­­ ..1.1 ;_�,; �-;;��-;� � .1 I -. I . . ........ ­-- I 1 F'44— - '. 7�.,� ­­­— I - - ' . I -.- I' � - 1?­�" I .....-I.-I., .... .. �, . 1. ; � � I - I . I I I I � 11 �;­. I'll � I ... I .1. —­­ - ­�­'.­ ­ .- ­ ------ . v�— � ­ . ere lit Ono I SCENE I L. I .A" .1 RNIOXII . -= WOMAM .- I , I M;Tai; p. Xf lselogcz (it otta-%va, his litcle 0, 00-0 00q*0­0 000 . 0, 0 0, * 0 0. . 0 0 0 0 0 10,00 0* vereti, Tae musle-room, wai N QATHERDA .1 ...... . 1." I . . . I ort. � 0o ,4,�.0040 . I , I I .0. 1), XQT4 gart. 314, 11- Coroners. Jury,Holds Husbond Crim�+' . . .9 '. 1, . I$ corner stood Rose's piano, open, and � , � . ron, 'Mr..". liartrick ol lic-0cler and 9 apparently inviting Jenny to its aide. I Englioh Reformer Denounces ColebrA, inally Responsible For Death. % , . I mrs. I'voillaas of Napw�, , NUm., lost 0 ..01dk I . ��itl;i a jgfhl cry she sprang forward, I . tion of Christmas From Pulpit, . a* '10 0 clair Queboo, Pec. 27. ­Th(, cor6nvr's in - their liyes in ilrea caused 1)y accidl 0 OCWO , I 0 . Al q, ,,ohl how kind in your Nely York, Dec. 201-A cable toThe (Ill' . -f ull the bolly of till, 4vt aud, I -�,�-)niylou 0 or EI -191"" ­ h- * . 10 lather,, I most know we can redeem i . 0 1 ,,land, , The Russian A�lllhv YOV!.� S! American, frorwhianchester, Iih­ 1�:* � ,�i wr rtochette, whoso death and I , rvlit' I I, � ' 41� - , , � * it some time, I'll teach achool-any- sale: . ; �� . ­'flt exhillklation has caused . McTaggart Bros 'Or fair"L . I �* -- ,'I- 0 - . . 1� thitil . . r sensation was �.eatvwd "14 4 . � 0- to got it again " great . I . . . The Trall,"Na'.1 ��,' . . , 0 '.. awk 0 "Don't thanic father too ituch " an- Manchester Cathedral yestvrda� v -­ . , o --utment and iio many dif- , . 11 forcing tll,,� Ivv . ­ , . 01 'W n 0, swered Ida, 11 ft. he has nothing'to do ing by the action of SP,wart, 1,� i; -, I , . -�,..iv.i took4)lace yesterday. , tration of'al % ', - A . "i I 0 -ao--hwm1"% ! ('I;,. vild Dr. alloo, who made -BA'4K1,'kt8­ . �, I I I 0 Or * I 0 00m, the famous advocate aud I ind Lai -f.-,,- ow uwtt,i�;r*, ,of tit(, ht(mvieh, ot,tted . 0, , tl�f � with .it, O:Kcgpt giving' it house -r . . . . I . , , I - . . -A,�- �­--�-­-­.. .1 - 0 . . . I I.. . I - /. � I . .. and one quarter'$ teaching 'Vill Pay former,. who until r(,,eu 1V Ivis, .klr)(,r" tholl it, V.-:,�� fu;.,?,.l 41FIec;"wd di'la , � I � , , by I � , , . . 0 . . , . Q I . 0, that bill!" - intelident of the Xun�-liv,"­- "'51! i ursertle, poisonlim. � . 0 1 0, "Who did buy it, tbeu?" asked ' Farm colony. He entered tho oWL.-,R : At 3.30 afternoon tile jury . I 11 jk GENERAL BA,NKING BUS1- �� -- -.--- --- ad oft 6 Fepuvgarld Ida replied- al and prutestvd against 1 rerldered to tile effect that I . .- . 7� . 11111�111 : AuthW of seL4n�. RIvers," ,oTbe Howeste ,ca, tell of the cathodr, ,Kc= � I 11 � . � 11 I . 0 . you just yet. I must have - ng cele- ; deceased die(I of arsoitical polsonln& . I 7 . NESS TRANSACTED, NOTES 1. 0. Etc" . . , the birth of the Saviour bd . . Made In various. styles and, the.H44" ,#Tempetig and Sonshinot"' I 0 some music' Arst. Come, Mary, you brated when there were so many Poor criminally axiministered by her bus, A I 10 , , ­ - . I . 0 like. to play., Give' we my favorite, �, 11� a.t.different pricps, but only O. . 9 iR and starvilig people in England whom ' band, Ower Rochette, wfie is held � FT$ ISSUED .. 0146499wo Gas, Ue,' with variations."' . . IDISCOUNTED. DRA one quEtlity-the best. A 1. -. . I I society could not help. I criminally respousiblo. . .. ,. � . - I plano is bought for 4 lifetime . I I . 11 . I ter, sj40 sat '100g_ , Mary was passionately fond of mus- "It is blasphem.yl'� Mr. Gray shout- ,�, -titer his wife's death Ro - 2 . . - - -a r4ver orrice WAMM, WIM nor rairr 1c,'and, for the time she 'had taken - Ton days , . .- kLLOWED -ON D14- of wear, We Warrant all ; ­�"4 ttv r,au . request. - ,a failuie she has � lessons, played uncommonly . Well. test.o, I . INTEREST . � -you waited Ing over his papers, and trying to as- ed, "and in the name of God I Pro- j� chette inarrio d ' , � .r father . certain, as. far as possible, to what ex- - I Afarceau. The newly-inarried couple SALE NOTESI� PURCU­ anxiously for you��* . . tent he was involved, it was she who . Beating herself at the piano, she be Mr. Gray's unexpected addrPss I(0 immedlatel�. on. o, honoYmoontilp � . . � She was. prevented from saying more came oblivious to all else around her,. against the prevailing social condi. t,) Montveaj� POSITS. , I f .1 . . by Honry, who, with a feigne Rrst suggested the pvIng up of everyw . , ---- -- Harlin-orme d bitte, thing; and when Henry, less.upright and when. a tall figure for a moment, tions, made to the fastilvilable and A nephew of the husband stated , ASED. - - - - - - ­.. VM* nose Of manner, exclaimed, Ella need than his noble sister, proposed' the darkened. the doorway, while Jenny wealthy Manchester obagregaticm, that lie was present during the two . not feel troubled, for I am too-bonor- uttered a suPpressed exclamation -of able t-o*insiE;t upon bet keeping an withholding of.a part, she firmly an- created a treat stir, The service was last days precediTig his itunt's death ' . . m, " I � dolf, You sh . . . . V dan'n 1q swered, "No, father.. don't. I . u�teo, she paid no heed, nor did stopped, ushers seized Gray'in the 0 RocbettWs house, and that any , � . I . I �� , : , I engagement, which I would to Heaven ' but do not 8 me conscious of a third per" . medloilto givan to the deceased -was . � made. ,Tell her she, "avo,losl your property, pulpit, forcibly removed him and . ' . . � ' had never been or I son's -presence until. the group ad- ejected him from the cathedral, almost always given to her by the .. - to be perfect in construe. I . .'s our pelf�reapect." - . . V. BRYDONE, � 4 free to- do as she, ple�ses," 41ways vanced toward. her, Ida and Jenny tion and to improve. in"tone . "You' are mistaken, sir," answered cheerful, and ,sometimes loaning upon th I ', a . While the newspapers give cOlurons ! hu -,band. I 1� , . o p1itno . nd the other . - 11 B, RRISTER, SOLICITOR with age, .instead of Mary; '1911a, does not wish to be free, even gay in hispresenoo, fliebad gue- standing at her right,. a little in the to describing -how lovely everything, I Wliou last heard of, Rochp-tto And I . A . weakening, ,as ordinary . ceeded, in imbuing him with a portion I I � is throughout England, this Occur- 1 bi,� ;wcond wifo were Ili Montreal, Lat . . pUBLIC. E"ec. , But. come with me; I promised 'to � , . rear, Thinking, if she thought at all, . . I NOTARY, . instruments do, . . . . I I . he . . rence sheds a 'bright 'sidelight upon ' . st, ed ,to 1wave left that city, . . I I � bring you.�' . of her own hopeful spirit, and $list it was William Biander, Mary . lio i�, .ppwl I I . . eat citie%' roll t,he Oth inbtailt. Chief McCaskill, OFFICE -Sloane Blodk-Cl INTON'; Where the Martifi-Qrme . Passed. through, the storm, .ter, better the real conditions of the gr 11 I . .. , With an. air of desperation Henry played on until the piece was firlished,, - Piano Is. not represented, took his hat, and started with Mary' 'than he could otherwise have done. and then, observing that her coin- in England, where the poverty of. the . has tile ivattex in hanid,.and it is ex- - . . I . .-----------� I 'we ship direct and guar, etl's. Ohl how eager, Mrs. Campbell's visit to the house . turn. people was never so.great. , pected that Omer Roebetto will soon . an . tee I safe -delivery to your for Mrs. Campb .was Okorapted partly from eu partions had left the room, she �. � . ba captured. Roch , ette was formerly * . . . � I . . ly Ella. sprang forward to meet.him, rloo'ty ed and met.the dark, handsome eyes I . I .1 RIDOUT & HALE . . nearest. stiation, in any and partly. from a desire to take away � � of the , Morchant/V Club 1% and burying her face in big bosom,she not of William Bender, but of one HIT HAND WITH HAMMER. proprietof . . . . , 14 , part of Canada. sobbed like, a �hild. I Jermy, who, was quite a favorite with with, a � peculiar smile, offered � . I . here. . - -- 1. Write for descriPtIve . her. . Who'his hand, saying, "I beli . I . . . . COVLVCYa-acers, OommissiOncrsr. "Hush, Blla,AM6 is. foolish," said her eve - I Blood Poisoning Set In and Death . I . . . and insurance hoo�k.let, prices *and' I a chair "Come, my- .dear," said she need no,"introduction toMiss Howard ' Followed. . . ,A MUTINY AT-SEk : , . Real EState . . I * . -he; and then seating her in . . , , pushing I . Agency. X ey to loan . ... ... .. * terms, free onrequest,. I he I . back the short, thick curls which cluo- I except a; slight change Ui the n1ling' ) t * i, Deb. 27,-A vary peculiar . -1 1. . . . on asked., "why -he was sent for?" . , . . Kings or � . .. . red around Jenny's forehead, "You Stuart is ca . ORME & SON, Limited ' , 111. wa.9 lifraid� afraid You might ,te which instead of, being se.which has just on ed 1,�tally was Captain and Officers Used Re4olvers 1C. B. HALF, -- JOHN RID01jT � oTTAWA, ONT. - think- I did riot love you now," an- must go home with me.- This is no Moreland!" . � that of -John O'Erien, a farmer of to.Quell Diqturbance. . _ . . . . . . . I place foi- you. Mary. will go; too," she . ' �----� l . swered -Ella. I , � continued; and � then, in an "'aside" t& I Mary never knew what she said or' Wolfe Island, whose oath occarred Mexico City, Dec. 27.­DetEiils of , - . :. . "I -Gould. not bImne-you if you did I did. She only remembered a dizzy sen- from the direct result of blood poison- a thrilling. adventure An which .,.a . . I I . . � �� . '.. - I ..., � .not," said . H , only. "Matters - have MaTy she Added, "I wantyou to cheer saticto' ,, ' . I . I I . . ' baud?ul ol d(Aterynined officers I D RES. G U N N & McRAS. . . . tip Ella; she sits alone in her r?.o . ­ in ,her head, a strong arm ing. . and a . changed since we last met, and I am passed aroqnd her, and a #oice which , About nine ,days ago Mi, O'Brien well-Imown member � of the British . I .y � without speaking or notici %i . 'stru ' 1 .014 to . Ing in I � � � It colony hold in 9 . � . . . not. mean enough to expect fully, aroused her as i ,called her while working with a hammor, ck libJection an aced . I . . . ,j.R.C*S.v your engagemen . . I any way.". '' � "Mary,'"and. asked it she were faint. the back of- - m , L.R. C.p., , I . keep I t 4� � f , his ,hand with ccmsider� I I choills ti, fill! complo' ent of saij-w I Dr. W. Gunn,. .. "s L . . - . . � . I a � 0 -but .if I. expectit-if 1. wish it?" At t Jenny hesitated, -.-- V en Jdst -then Idi entered the room, an- able force. At the time the bruise ors of tile steau.lship Lonsclale,. who - 1. I Eklin. . , asked Ella, raising her tear. -Wet eyes William whispered inut she bad bet- I . � Clinton. Night . � . . , . ter -go, and Mrs. Campbell, -as the nouncilig tea, afid .asking her if she .occurred the skin was not broken, had mutinied on the high seas, just . , office -Ontario street, to his facp . . .� . I . � n t . 1P, . . I . - found. "Mr. Stuart" much changed! but was ver-, painful. The ext flay r,-�icbed this capi t1l. Wbn�i .911, . , t front door of office or resi- . 4Ycii are .excited: now,"' said he; s,��est. way of bringiing.*bei. to a de- At, tbe tea -table Mary sat -opposite . it was appa4ntlybetter, , ' avrivocl at thb port or Salina., Cruz . . . I calls a . I � - said, "Mr. Bender will Oblige G;�rge, and every time she raised During the weak following Air. sl�o was mantled only by her�officers, '. . t;Ty street. 1-1 ­ I , -, If fl "but in a few days you'll thank me 01810u, _ - ­ d - --A -'by-: coming t , ,'�',- she ._" ' I . . . I.. - . . de,xce, Rattcab ­ ­­ ­­ ... ­­­­ -- ; - - 1-1. � - � ­­­ -fw. iffir -eetaiorr. -n-w11iance-wi-th-'pov­-me .,(.>..Xa -consented, �w abe-met-his fixed upon'ber, O!Brien felt poorly vl, -i li.Mnsulta, tb�i crew being in irons. - - . . . I - .1 erty could be. productive . of nothing veiled, -passed - ihibuili . �riiea . ";o late to $AVG ' -\ccording to the. ca i I . k . I . . and closely it Yen"expression so like that O'f'tbe. tion.waer called, .�ut . ptain, quic -ac- . . Univers! I I but.urthappiness.to you; and while I the crowd t . I in the golden locket which, his life,- Slowly tl�e loruised-part-hfO ti,,; - )on the developnient -. .1 . I . - - . . . . n was taken ur drew back and,ceased sbeaking, ,for . � -1 :- � thank you for yotir� unself,�h love I er she was. know :wa she - still wore that she Wondered. she - become ooisr)4.4 .and ,it was all ot the first signs of mutiny; and. as- . . . . I . office hours at liospita :. [ cannot . accept it,, foi - I am Optex;;1ned whore'v ri. Jenny .a, had not befor� reeognized . George through his. sy,t&4 before medical aid i FAited by Ili,, -under -officers and a pas-' I .1 ­ . . 1 to 3 p. in. ; 7 to 9 P. M- � . . I beloved. Arrived at Mrs. Campbell's . - .� . . . r%'- 4, shall d in the Mr'. Stuart who had was-summonrd. . - - . . � ­ -11�- " IiD , that,. so .long 'as I am. - podyp -1 they' found Ella, as ,her mother a . , 1 senget, A, W, Donn6lfy, all of whom � ". . . DI. T. T. VeRae, ty of ,roronto., elo-�r, who. instinctively picture A * fl, 1 4" H I h d ' Moreton - �- ---� I - .never marry; and the soon6r you for-. .. id - . --; , - one -in her I , so puzzled and.� mystified her, After Mrs. - Orford, All imhli" * ;111!., I sev, were heavily armed, tliey mounted L �. sal , sitting al room not I , 1, � .­. � e been aP get me the better, for,- Ella, I am not i 6 supper. she had an opportunity of see- oral months standin-, 1: � - 00k: 12 the 'bridge -and' covering the discon- I , pointed agent 1: weeping, but gazing fixedly down, th I � I " -Harris Cow close - Aur love;" . � I. � . .in why Geoig� was -so much beloved. capsuls].of morPblbe,ve�A,�t­,�n­ In an ,tented,crew, forced them into sub-, . L for Ulu : !�Iapsey -. . ThMugi of yo ho I . * 'r — . . . exx d -adieu he left her;. street, as it expecting. some7 orte,, w , � .at home. Possessing *rare powers o al' then bound them. . - * � . ,--DR. , - W. SHAW pany in this d4strict and will . th a Got - did not. coine. . I. f effort Vo �nd her life.. -Medic. oid wap jection,'The, officers . . - - . . , . and when, half an hour afterward,. .. -conversation, he, seemed to know eX- summoned quickly, and slie�may*re, hand'a 1), . .. I I � 1. keep. -on hand a conlrolete list . . In reply to Jpnny's. anxious' inquit-, , nd loot and kept them in ca I ­ , . Mar . d the parlor obe foutud. her 'ies. as to what. was the matter, . M I ,ry . . actly whal to say,' and when to gay . he we,-, 'deserted some time il were deltve�ed io I #.- � . . y entere c.ovdr, .8 tivity tint ,' they . .. -OFFICE- of supplies in. -My str' &I � , ago by her husband and five c4iffl,ren, . authorities. ' - ' - . . . . 1. , PpOS-! ' -siste - �fy I f *rankly tolil. 'all, and then , Jenny, it, ind with a kind. word and-.pleaw . . ­ - . ' - , I � . " pi, ,,Ing upory the sofd, perfe Y . the � port Ito the, Molsolis Bank. - . .. oii6hiet� except wlien'-a trevior 69, a)at smile for all, li� pnerally, man-- and was heapiitg house for a in liil on , The Lonsdale lis one of the Mexlr' , - � . , RATTENBURY ST. EAST, 11, in i . 11 I., . ..� � . liners naid Plies betwe . � ' ' folding- her . arms around- the ybunk e aged to make himself a favorite not- Viptoria .street, . can Pacifi on � '' : . . r. am also con-tiritting. We aliguish shook her sligbt fraine. A few. girl, longed I -to tell. her -how unworthy, . . I . . G w6it C ' 11 ... t . - -�, '. . . I. . " � .o-��, I - flour, feed aud seed grain bus- , Words explained all, end taking her. , � I . withstanding his propensity. to tease, . � . � I . . . � . . .. . . Canada -and .. Gast polt s. . . I � . I . .. . � -CLINTON. . was the object of such love. .But which would occasionally.. show itself ' . - 1. I . . . . . . . . iness and respectfully sqlici+17i�`.. �. be�ad in hor'lap Mary tried to, soothe . . I . .. I . a . . . � . . . .. , Henry was her brother and she could . NOT THE REAL JQHNIL.�. .; I ' .. � . -of your ,'patron;. her, But Ella refi4secl3o be comforted; A. Softly,,caressing Ella's. cheek she ,in 'some way or 'other. Duilng the . I —.... . .. .1 I I I STEAMSHI.P'AQ,REEMENT. , I.. I . . . I . . .- � .a Continuance ­ � e 6-1�%o- prefer -being n( . . evening' 'William Bender called Eind * - ' . .. . . . .. -- . � . ­qucl as'ghe .se me - wbispered � to � her of brighter . days - , *Fighter'is. ,.Namesake Murdered at I � . � . . . ' .... � . . . . � age. I , . . � I I., . . alon"'e, Ma'r'y ore long left her, and,bent which 'perhaps .wou.10-come. I . . soon after Henry Lincoln also came , . I . �Oton, N. Y. ­ � Aust' I Arranjem6nt - For,' �... � " I . . . . a Binghan . rali'a Has �New . I � . - I . . . , - 1DR. c. w. THOMPSON I I her iteps- toward. Mr. Lincoln's dwell . , The I ct iri� ,frowning glooruily� ,when lie sawl . . British Service. . . � . . . I I � I I I that it was his sister�Henry's- sister . Bingbarripton, N., Y., Dec. k. -John . . . I . 1. ' - . . . -1. A.'.. Fordo .. ..- . 14n -g-, N-vii1ch presented a- 'scene. of, -opened anew the fountAin of'Ella's how near to eich. other, were William, .L.' Sullivan,. a s . witchnian employed . I --'Dec.-. 27�-m--Australia 'has ­ . . I - . . us�i , .The next day was and his 'sister, while , he jealomly . � Ottawa,: . . I . , .. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . . . . . I . strange conf on . te4rs;- and. she wept fo� a -long time'; , I them, still kee ju� An eye on . the Erie at Susquehanna, Penn., made a new- steamship arrangeinent' ... - I - . . . — .the auction,. and .1nany people of both but it did her jo�d,. and for the - reZ watched . pi .was murderedat:noon yesterday by . . . Special attention given to diseases � . . I . . ed -upon George and -Mary, the- latter of . with j1he.line now plying between that - - I I L . sexes -had assembled. to' examine, and mainder-of the. afternoon she seem nknown strike-brdaker. Silllil�4rl ColorEy a re-� of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. -I ... whom .remembered her young sister, an -u 'and Bfitain.- according to, i - . ., . .� e cbeerful and . I 64ot in the ear. The ball passed. port received here yester4ay ftoin Mx- . . . � ' .- I , find fault with, the numerous articles 111017 .1 inclined to con- . "ted.him �rith unusual cold- was s - . . I I - big remov- . , I .. ... I . . I and. -tiefl, - . . I - . . .. � . L ;- Of furniture .which were bei :� . ,�ersq- iL . . ... L. last, complaining *of feeling completely th-oughAho skull and� .1 . . -Office and Residence— , i_ . . . . . . . -rooms. , ' � - ness. AA i T41e Ross, Canadian Tiade Qo%imissionor` . " ed to the i�icticm � ' ' , I I , L , ' The ne%xt daywas the auction, .and - � -blue " be, -it the injurbd mam lived leSS than'o,ii-bour, at Sydnej.. Tho.now ar-,cilgement.is � . "TH. CLINTOLI. - i . 11, I Whore's.'them. silver. candlesticks, ' ' i . asked Ida: to'play, ' - . 1910., L . I . � . . ' ' ­ 'te 'fig.-tOward' ..the: for.a periodLof'teft yeaXg from . , HURON -ST. SOL . - ., L .. ... I I ' - it required thq persuasion, of. both The man who did the sh oting esco;p- . . 'time ed., L� ' , , , P., � I .. ,L sittin n ,, , L . I .L .;, � ..& . and that.eake-basket that cost up%rd6. . Campbe,11 and Mary .to '.keep Same -od his sister's . . 'is f or a fOrtnig . I . �11 � ­ . . . . . - - , . ' I ' asked- on L Mrs, Oi .. rnusic400m, -wheie sto I � I ., . ­, L htly'servic6 as at . 3 doora west of the Commerct!ll 110t'81* ' , '.. 1, — .01f a . hl�dred dollars?' , . e , Jenny . . .. .. . I- . If JaXg_ L,_* "; 1. - . . . I I I — "I' fussy; vulgar4looking M woman, .,peer- �. front ng, she knew . -not, piano. "'Upon my word," said. be, . .1. . ,� . . Its. L I . . I . . present, .bui'the bop.16 -Eirci to be , . . �'� ': . ppl�. . . . , , I er . . . . I I and ' I and. take one more look at the . and. he drummed.'.a fe*'notes of a Hami . . execution uired, With amp e. c6ld'stOr- - - I I . . . ither herself, but anywhere to'�be Nthis looks natural . -1,000tons'arld'17,,kri ta- I I t , . . . . . irlg.�irito .dlose'ts and. cupboards, . whi . . Who bought.# . Stinfleld,Awa Execution -and faster, I I . o. . . . L ' . . near being req . -DR. F. A. AX6N.- ! ' 13EFORE AND 'AFTER, TREATMENT. I even lifting trunklids.-in her search.. dear old furiiiture, as'it, passed. Into I . . .. ... I . Iton, 'Dec. 27. -.The . . There is a ape" I . . . .. . ,. . � I . I . . I— ­ I . — 94'1- * L , I . ,.. -about age facilities. .. I I , , , -III want some such things, and if the hands of strangers., At last Mrs.. song. * � I. I of -Jake 8unfield ivill take Place ' at� as a. n6w. feature.- It is'. .. , . . . . I . -r . � "Mr. Moreland .bought it. 'Wasn't . .freight .r , , . . I C�bnadiaxi I DO# * they go'foi half-price, or less, mebby . I I 8, o'clock this morning. Hangmau Rdq- I . � (Succecsor to Dr. Holmes.). � !e.r1n43 � Campbell - promised, that '.black Ezra' � he. kind ". s .- terday 'aftt, m, on And pro,yided. that .on, butter not -More . I . ... . . -is an ab§Qh,tP,'certain-cure f�r 34czema, Xcne -srael' .1 bid- but -don't,.see 'em.. . " p aid *Jenny; who all the c1liffe arrived 'Yes .. Specialist. in Crown and Bridge Roseea,s .ttvr, � pim .6rip, I . . -4il. ,1; I who', had,.acabiripanied 'her from' Chi- , --trying for a chance 'will * th,ln a- cent a'pound rnit�'be charged M . LIM .w lit 't `p hid `6m." I evening had been officiate, Dean Maboriy.-�Las been . .1 . . � . � r er�u ,,Nles, ill , ackhe2ds', Ringw I -ally . it n6tmore . . - . I Itch Seat I -lead Itching riles; ulceit, arra ,4fy've .. .r . go.and: report faitlif than $14.60' a work. SW and aff cutaneous �nd facial blemishes. Mary was j'!� t'in time - th; copee,.should I leor , ing sevend hours each. day. with I . us -to bear is all, the prooeedinp.* afid, then Jenny , to tha;nk C , g'q, but now wheii she spend! . and on frui Idy is -� . . � . Graduate of the Royal Collegd s been thoroughly and successfully tested ' m!Ddestly replied that' . attenipted to 'do Leo' he -prevented her ton. tiew , subsi rot 56,000 . . . of . remark, and she . consented t6-rernain at, home., thoukh .L ,. . . .., theconderrined hyan, whe seems to - I Thid I . $8, � � . . . Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor In hundreds of so called incurable cases. . Mr. Lincoln's 6reditors'had goiterous- by saying:. . . .be losing his neive. Mrs. Radzyk the - a year, an. increase of $250 000� . I graduate of University of Toronto It is euti'rely* unlike an K ot1fer. pregaration, ented hirn with all the, silver. � 411 the day she seemed -restless and. .10h I don't. don't, 1. can imagine' wife.of the murdered man, when I told The sailing'of the new gi�amer,Pen *. . : - ­' I-. I mixture or ointment thgmt as been sol or pre- . ly pres . onderixig how long ) , - -. �o Vanc6u-� . impatient, w pefore � . , - . Dental Department. Graduate of the cn� . which .was now at Mr. Selden's. I. Uncle � Ezra w.ould return; anAk,i then tat yov wish -to soy and I hate. to be. - that. Sunfield wobld hang, .said - "My. ,, 91. Ruthven, from Sydney i I � . , . I . s . f! applications viitl convince that is has I ahe wom, stared ini rudently at . . heart is br�&�n.". Sheriff Mia&to� I . been cancelled., The bold I . . . Chicago College of Dental Surgery, wonderful medical virtue and intrinsic merit. an P . weeping as in fancy she saw lithicle thanked. Rose and. 'I are ,particular: .. is ver, has I . Honolulu and ... . . i 1, '!Now,. '. IrJieuds, - and -it afforded me a' g.reat too ill. to be and his deputy, ha to calrfy .0091 to . It is made in -Canada-. A good hon�st Cana. -bet. a: moment and then - i5av - . present, � I I . . . . . ' - what I cill downright. ebeatin'. - dd know - little' � . . . pd, -will take' his .place. Chicago. . after article disposed of to those 'who 'bring a return cargo of-Juinber, from- . . than preparation. that's , how to prize it. I .deal Of pleasure -to purchase it for Major. Zedld . . . .. . . . . . � . I I . ­ . Will be at the Commercial hotel Price one box VMy r-entsi or five' boxes .TWO ' wot '! he -added glimcifig at. his .. . . � . . � Biitish'Col�irnbid... � - : . . � " . . I Bayfield, every Monday . from 19 a. M. Dollars, ­ . . I , .. . . What business'. has poor. folks. with do Abbut five o'clock' -Uncle Ezra came her -but,. st'be e�ctised 'now, as I' .. � . I . . I � . ­ I - I . I.. ----- �. . . . . . Mailed to any address on receipt 0 ce. . much - silivet? -Better pay: - �heir debts . . watch- "I mu 'o . . . . I . .. I � :. . I . . I � kg, 11�ug- .. .- rorn Ida, say- ard. Passing Confederate. Bill,- , - * . I 41 - I to 5 P - in. Sold and recommended by all lga=* . fust, That% my . . I I L . 1. . home, brinjong Apoie I to call upon 'my .W . � � ... Entombed, But- Had, a., Feast. , .. - �, �. -. creed." : ing that'the carnage. would 'soon � be I 4uebec,. .4D6 . � . . . . . . . c. 21.­-Detedtive Tom . . . � gists in Canatia. ­ '.: , I . . I ' fu . � � ; that?".- asked Jenny, and'. . -v-: Dec.'27,�Three miners, I -- ,, Pamphidtfrietoanyaddress. ,` - - . . . Mary rned , away in disgust, but'. round for. � Mary and J"enny, botb of , Geofte rei3lied' th%t it .was a I Miss. .Walsh effected the- -akrest oi tliide. . MY, Ne ., . , . I � . -- MauiLfdcturqd'au4 sold by the sole proprie- 'not until- she ''board '. the - .1 woman'S ''. I . . � . , bed in the -Alpha sh �t ate their I \ I . . . tors. . . �. . .. .. .. . I . . . I '*Don't. mother : whom must .surelyvoine. os'there was - . - , � . .. ' ,. � ' . ' . ­ �. S,,,�edes,who gave their names �as.'Mat.. witorn inner, 1;000 . fe... b,olow.the - ,� � - J. LEWIS THOMAS. Th.b:TetterIpo,'bh6MlC&I'Gi .� a. pleasant .sur I , Llx,l,r :IS,,�Ur, - Hill,. Hack Kullis and Ed. Hill, .on . .Christmas d I . I I . . 1. . ,�. "�l iss H&yia-rd�M --!Campbell's .prise awaiting theni. X I - TINIVEP TIN' t;2 , -11. - �. I I 1. . rough the ., . . . I that'&, M ts. - :..(,ON, . . I ­ � ,.iurface ,of the earth.� . . I . -Win sar. Ontario. . I . I e, Mary.vi4s reading.1his Jenny -1: �. ,; :: :1: , . '. - �*. .; : � '. the chixge of passing, ,confederate -$10 .1 � I . . 0. I .. I � . 0 t , - . ... � : . - , I ' . . . � . ..� i ' - ­ -' ent turkey, � . . ra.:! � I . - ­., , ­ . . six -i civil Engineer, Architect, etc. . . I .W Gie 1 I , . ­ :: ` , , . ­.. , . q - I r I � . I . . . .. I � I niece, Q hich ,the mother, i�plied. * . qu�itio Uri 'i � � : . . , . . ,ter piP6 wor . . I . -- . I 11 Wea.erly ning �. 'd - . �: ,­ .'.� . .:: ; . 1. .. -... , . .... .. I ' ' nch *Wa, . . . pa- : . . I . � . . . � . I.. . ,ie§- for that? -Glad I , l , .. ­ 1. I . I. .bills - ' k- - h Ere * crariborry sauce� oyste a 4e# , . � 1. . � - .Wbo Go , -regard tbAbb sale, which:he sai , . : . ­ Th,6 men ,Vere ta. en in c ar, -3.0 .. I � . . . .1 '. � . .. .1 - ­ . I wall, ,with I . .. - , I . I I . I .... I . I . , - ­ - � ., . . ,:, � , ­ � ­', _ I ­!: . '�,­ � 1:. .1 . RG . . ,��. Upper erust ain't it ') g . �. � flate Dominion Department, Pub ­ . Yin her a,*good'.., . � ,owt 1. I . : �.' , . . . � .. .. g � , on , � ' . I I mV.0 uncommon, we , goin - . . . . I �. . . I � � ­ a house on St. 0ecile.,stfeet, which cies. ­ . e I ask . 4 that . . the .' � , . . I - I . . no.,bettqr than I ,be 'I . , � :. - 6 ekoned, "to a tall an -.� Or'�ST,RA ONQ-.�. . had '6nteied on Saturday filght, 'T . Walks.) a - ' I �.. ,chiefly,..he rem' d :- NEWS I .... . I . . - I be entombed ' In n , I . . Pa4sa-lig th . � A , I I . tough the halli-,w .. - -to n.. -kept, : - .1 . � .... I �� . I . : t I . work b - -8 O . ed -I �rlg enart - . heib se.v' . dough. ,.' , , , . , ' .. ' * . mighty good , old chap,:. wh6 . t fore refreshniernts,orte . -Tv� , * . I 1, M k I � I . , . . t 1. . - 1. in payrnexi­ i I ' resdile ' o.. e and en� : , L Consulting Engineer for Mun- I . I . . . . . Or4l 'other women were examining bidding up and up, till he go em, � 136y Butglir Serytenced, - Two Men *..of' the- txio, tendered what was pur.' fo'r the.. rescue -' o . .this � : . : . � � . - I " * , . h I I I . I � . CALIFOAXII.A. � ' ' * . . . ,�,add -depreciatfrig. M�s. Lilieoln%--eo�lt- ab6ut wbere'they isfiould be" Then ', , Narrowly Escape Dea6. �' �.%' ' rte�l to be .a $10`bill, - but t joy,thoir. Chri. a in , , but � . .. I I . ... . . . . . � . :� "half , . ' . 1. .. . . 1. I . .. po � ' ' L" ' 7. . , icipal and Cou, .1y. daipeti, PrOno - - them one else to.bid." � . . I . ' A .'� . nty Work, El- - . . ullbing he'datop for si?me L . . to be c6nioderate curPe CY. the . . I 2%.1E1NIC0 . . . wa3 ... -Who was be;.P11 asked , Mary, - Stra.tf6rd, , '. 'Pe,c. I 2s.-Anthorly - , Out- . . . . ... � , men refused to do , Con'VoMr! . I . n one 'wire. I . I N . . . .cotton -etc.. Diary made her $"n 13; . - . com-.' . . I ...1. . . . . I tiou is edritied 0. Ph I I ., '1* .%* . . , ectric Railroads,. Sewerago:and I FLORID. . I � Alig. forward iin .. . Oys convicted. of I . i n. . . . I I . . � . . . .stairs 'where in a. chamber its yet, 1�� d joining Jenny. .. Steeves one af'the b * th.,it escal�eil.desi . . .. I .. . . Aem.9 Wharves, are the favotit . . Jound Jenny,'- d ith . .� I . . i ' � Raised T g Escort. I .. I., . . I .. 11 . .. . . Waterworks Sys I e I .touched 'she- - I "Dun know, miss; never. seen - hirn " 'WholosZlc � buiglaty. in this� c4y, was I 9 . I . . . I ­ . I .1 . . . I . ­ I I I. . I Rc­e�fjrced con- IWINTElt RE�4.rus- I her William Bender. Mrs, Tnincrl�n's . ie " 8sicl.. Uncle, Ezra "but he's got Ycyst�rclay sentenced to .. tvVQ . years in.. I p6rV Dalbdu�je. -, . Dec: " 21.' -The.. � . . . - � I � I . . , . . . Bridges and � 'aN�Av, :And bfO , ' . �. ip' ' ' ' 'i" are issued . 1) Gold, s6rutiui2lil'l�,eyes'w6fi I . Kin I rY.. . yesterday - 4t; A ­ - � � I Round *t'ri . tit �cts y 1, ,,,,i­inp,d , heap§:of money, .for w9en he paid for . gsthn: Peniteniia' . . wrecIfers were at, work - at 9 P I . - . : . ' ­ . . ., . creto. I . Mr. Lincoln ,00rdidlly - i " 11 bills : , A. peculiar accident happened 'in the sunken tug Escbrt, and .m. . . I : . .the Grand Trun� ' 'Rail -way Syst,.em , 11 ; rig 11J.11 thb pianner, he took Out A.roll of 'between Stratford returned, .having raised the -tug ancl' 11 I � . . . . William to -'his -house, te . my two fists 1�' - � the parlor cafe car fW - M , giving ch o I ce of all, the tost route",- . ­%ar *about big �88. , Land Lqolene'pipe OtK- VALUME E ,ICAL . . . . *220 LONDON, returning an- Of his ollwri accoid where his claughtez . . �,G6&rkh.. A,Zs towed her about a quhrteT -of � a mile ' '', . L� - . . 1. I. I Phone ONT. going one. way' - foitild. -Many a tirno. in -his "Then I the Piano' is gorke,� said � L L , ", - to . . I . 117, ' . ' ' � . , % , . .-, and, . ,ukion slarhmed )rt. They had to* lea'm , .. I . . . . I . I. . , . Willia,n ,Jerin)� gadly� ask6d.'. h ' ' - ploded, and th b. , _�o. eloeer Pc . 1'��. . . . fo OW . r 7 ,ok and tl " I I . . I -�s had . . . Ing - her -on I � . - other, .ake . . . the' door,. Oc e . mcount' of th . , . I., . I . I . P .. , I f -- . C ­ could. be ,ary . while: MAx , . I' � Le-heavy.964-tb4t' ' �,� PR .5 PTION, , Full informatio, mo be ubtained life r M . . �ch it brought. - :' .y� 1, . , .up and. ,. . : . .. . � I . . 4 I . . . wished that % he was'- rich, I but never . ran I I .. porter inside. . Flames. sprang was, beginning'to roll.. - ­ . . . . ; . . I .. . I. I . I. . I I I I - . I . . "Three huridi-ed. dollars wa " men. -were . 1 . ­ The . y 'will" I I t . in the - hext I I .. I , ' . . ': " I . .� . . � . . . . re urn aga . I . . I .. I . AUCTIONE ER -J AMES SMITH L1- from' .. . - . . . . 9 the . the t n imminent - dan- , . I I . .. I ., , . . I I . tied he f6lt-so inteuse a .longing for. . last bid I heard from tha:t young fel- kej 'of a horrible -death. By breaking � favorable'day, and will,pr6brbly land 1. . . . . � . l . I ed Auctioneer for the County . . . . . . . . . . nny sat ,,"I , -and. somdbGdy.wbo -was . biddin' i the door of the kitchen . harbor the next trip. . - ­ Recommended by a ,111-khoWh - .. I . Cens —­ ' ---. . . . money as he did when Je er, - when - I . 11 I - , ,I '. � . . Led to . I . . � .. weeping at,h% side,,, and..starting at ; , tw - - OPeX ed to ge I I . , . . .Toronto Dpct6e,,. 1, ose Love - I , . . of Huron. All orders entruS4 . . . n . him , said. 1was - more'n toed they matlag, t -her in the. I � . ,_: . ., . * - . me will receive. prompt attention, eve4 riew sound which esome up 'froM . ag' JA . ­ .. I I . .. a,'.' the fire star , Ili �. Hu ani is Or ater than: . , I - I I sell either by penentago *or TDORIGH100flulualFITO . wuth, away. Their clothing was, badly burnt, Budding Revolution WiPped. - . I lor. m ,ty I . . . .� � . . . . , . . . wit . . 1. I I . the .rabble berlow. the * r, - 'It wasn't either " sp6ke'up -Jenny, I badly. damage,d' and was ' Washing�ton, 'Dec� �1.-­�A cablegram St Pro -b � I . I I � : * . � . . �.. �'Qh, Maiy, Mari r, she said,: as hun- ' The car,was , Jiis Prejudice Aga n - I per sale. Residence on the Bayfield -rat , v - take I ; . .. . . pkidtary Medicines." I � I � .. . lns�iangolumaa ' * ' I I "to�inorrow, ,her: spiritedly, "it i3ost U f. 0. I bit," rl� to..Toronto for repairs.. .received at the State Department yes- , . . I Road, . nu: . latter entered. the room died, and it's never been h rt a I -- .� I * . . . ... I . . . I On.e mile south of Clinton. , . . � . . 1, . I nd I shall c ' ' . . . . t�rday from its representative in : . I . I .. I .. �. . I . . �� � . everything will be s�ld,' a* . ' Mr. 'Bender boughi that little Halifax�Scti�ol 01`056d- �� Quito - the E-buaAorian ,capital, is 0 ' . . i I . . — -Farm.and Isolated Town Property-� . orne­ IVa dread it to,lbe, . � Uncle ; - - . I . . �'Tho follOwl-, v�fy aluable ,pro� .. � . . - ,.. , � I in oftimen nd su&,ess- "I . 41 ------- . 11 �. have no It .4 , . , fiddle, of yourn,". coiAirtued �8.­-Compton Ave : At revoili- , I 1� . . , 'WI 1. I - I s6ription, by i , 4 1 . . ra,* W a pec bui d- ..-quell,cid,- : -�Only llistlrcd�­ - �, - pObr.'� ' - * . . EZ uliar �wink,. �vhi6h,%, 'Halif&x; Dec.',. nue thd ;ifect iiiat an attempt t . , . - I. � I Mary -know that from bitter - ex- . ' all. eight-roorn(ld .1 by the arrest ifui,physician', will be apprcciatoA*by .. � . .. -'TIONEER.-GP,OR- . -OFFICERS' . . 1. �k's cbeeks, , Public school" tiont there ,as 11 -',NSED A'U( . . � I . I brbught-thid -dolor to Jonli � I . . .1 ..... . LICI * ,r - -Ared'Pum of.General ToraL formerly Ecuadorian - - ' ' . I I -,resident-, $e­aiarth P.- perionce, and sitting down by lip ' ' L Ing, accommodating six but t., ME ff ering I rout fA grippe; ­ I - . .1 : ge Elliott, licensed auctioneer for J. B. McLean, I . while' Mary exclaimed - - j, he minister to Great.Britain, and twon Y '. tilywhoaro-sti , I I County of iluron, solicits the 0. ; Thog., ' Fraser, t Vice -President jroung friend her tearp flowed as froe- , t#Ohl- I'm so glad Y04 can ..have, . pils, was gutted by fire -.19 t night, T Ad, cough, - Pneumoniq, ot atly � .. .. . . . I owed. f or . I "If - j, " , will be about $20,Qft�-r�th $9. dher, ntej -do,T�' . . . . I � the - ly. as Tenny'.s had � often 11 . , r Eig in. , ! " , loss � _, 5W 'of his a 9 who.were charged � C( , stomach trouble,, or run n � patronage of ,,he public for buSl- Brucefield P. O. ;.T. E. H&Ys,� Sce. her in the gray.old *oods netif Chi- _yoW Lngla tt . . insurance'on tile b,uilding �Iid $1.250 with.' attempting to. . overthro'ml. the lung or . . line. Sales c6aduct0d Treasurer; Sollifoith P. O. . * 0 'the conversation � was Inter- sy�telil, as it is .a certain cure, and "' * . � I - I . --there was 'rupted 'by the arrival of the i3arriage,. on the furnij . . will S, vo many IS -doctor's biffl. Tt is . ness in. his . 00poe poorhouse. Just the I rd- ihitigs. .The'jiifiitOr8WerG . Government. - ' . . . 'l . ,. I n I tho'clay . . I.. . . on percentage - or so much per sale. � an unusual movement in the yard be- Which came for thd young ladies, who 61eining the building, durinf� . ,, . s . ... . . -­ . EllmoSt a: c6rtain prevontiv6 as---,delI:'-'­ , � . . . � . All business promptly attended to. William Shcsuu, Seaf6rth ;'Job and looking from the window were soon ',oil their way to Mr. Sel.a and the fird is supposed to haVe ang", . . , Safeguard F.or.-Submarines. . � tr%yb(� - V in ' . . . nt I ,it , oil feel that you are t4a 9 .. . '. inat,e . a fire in the b"eme .; or- - colt! ,or- or -itching .. ' I . , I -George Elliott, Clinton P, O.,--rc� Grieve- Mplifirop ; George Dalo, Sci-- ' saw that Oft' were _ carryfit , ing what the. sur- . .d from eat water. The . Paris, Dec. 27,�Follnwl.M plab *1 'bavo ebilly fc-.4,'.ng I . 1.� . It 't . I . 1. . &W% Mary wonder eiy used to b -vvy ­1,rc,cur. 11 I 3ayfiold Line. 58 forth ; lifin �Vatt, Harlock ; 4 ofin J I ano away. � . I . . ise wasi and Jenny hoping William: which tb, ate experiments to prt of tho body or'bead, Pr, . I .� sidence on the, i . I 11 said she. ' .pr school had .been closed foi the holi- a - in any art . ! . . . . .1 . agan ,, Jam" Evan - t7��p 8 is worse than all, Id, call in the evoning,At the door . . rence of aceident .to subuvirino ves foel,weap - ed, dizzy, unfit for Wor1r, . . Bennelvie.4, Brodh .rh - won . . it, tir . . . I . � . -Tatues Connolly, I '�Ifthey only hilow how unusually , days, I . . . . . - i of Navy ha4 issued ' Beeeliwood.; ttrwthhet-t they met Ida, who was � . 7 selso the Minister pain in the bead or bapic -of the tieck., - - --- . I I . -� marines . .. .. - . . � 110irnesville. : . , ..'4 to me. or how dear it will almost too much so lor­tl.W:� . I I � Orders' that all -sub ' i 'bb AtWd do not, neglect those dangerous �ymp- . . . Merry.- . ry 'I I 1, - ble, telephone buoys, . I . 1 50 YEARS' . I ' . . She could not. finish,, but - Mary Occasion, it seemed to Mary, as' she . . Counsel Danow'Ve .. I twii;" but-selid irilmodiat6lY to Your -AGSNTS- . . .. . knew what she wouta'aay The piano . � dispirited -' t,jiS6 Idaho Dec.'. 2& -Too . ill 'to .which, in ease of - accident.; will pre- ' it d , et a bottle O! Psyciline , ') , "� , glaneod at Jenny's pale, dr(iggis an I I . ' . urtication.. (pronounced, I ot .. . . ERIENCE arlock �, N.. Hill- belonged to Rose� whose' name was ' i Ck ) � I I IEXP . Robert .Smith,, II I � o clitinced stand �hile S' he jury,' vent the. - cutting off comin. 'h M r n . , --;-� I - . , I - - I I I I I � Ind". - I �le's'ill 'u I lisi tfo t I J-Xo t all � , 1� i I I , - � I . . I. I - . . - TV a I a 9 4 I'T ( 11 I �If e ��ir e " T n I I CR., . . W. W I I face. Aunt M rtha, too. *h peakin to . . . . ,fi , and prepare as . .. I engraved upon its front, andwhen. she�. hand I ' t the * th. the qurface*..' � . lowa , ': � " . 1. � I . .. � Cummirigs 11 Clarence Darrow, chie emnsel for i . 0' . . chley, Seaforth ; James to cross.-Ibe hall, 400k Mary's ' . fol . I I E imondvilld ;..'-J. W. Yeo. Hoimcs�- wag dead -it would frordthat fact be o]g -Warmly as if she had riot aeon, her ttibono trial, sat'in . . I . I "Psychino, 2 teaspoonfuls. . I . 1. .� . I ' . 11 . I I . I I . I. . doubly dear to the sister. A stylish- � then .with her broad. defence in the P & lie t Animal Trainer Drops Dead. . 1(8h'�rry, whisky or Water, 2 t6a- . . A ''. for a year, and his ch%�s E!lo n is ease. . I I � iforl li ed hi 1; Ville '' . looking carriage now drew lip. before hite capstrings flying back, she re- spoke times and never Xansas City, Mo.', Doe. 27 -William . . . . . . P�rtics'dosiroilg 6.egOct 111,811tan * I at poonfuls. '. � I c" the house,' from which Mrs, Ownp- a - cow�ersa .. led of the latter tan, be mailb - . or ttansaet other business will be bell alighted, and holding up her long Paired to the kitchen to .give orders raised his wi*-, 6,150m . . . t'04- Bell, all animal trainer,'known to air- ,,Cl;ol , . 10 . --# concerning the supper. - al tone. - , . cus men throughout tho mWitry, drop- according to the Judgment and pre- . I I . TRADE MAWAS stairs, left bub * ped dead here Wednesday night. 64 forenco of the paiicnC MSIG promptly attendea. to on applicatio skirts, as,cended tfie and knoekw, , Mary did not notice it t1l Darrow's atatiffirlent, made it evident �, I No '. ,Lnv of the above officers addressed ed at lenrky�s door.. . I . Ida ,P the same Ii as Bell was. known. as - -cl and take regularly I ­& - to . � . be afte-wA remembered th +i,.t to a af -at degree n?e heart di c.. Mix thoroughly . . . 1� �, %lutlyn— may --to their respective . postoffices, Losse "Permeelyj:" called out the old Wy .1 emo-d quite anxious about 'her ap� of'defortoo would 'be followed as in dollexas" and was 66 years old. He bef,r, eaciv, mord and at bedtime." � I Anyon@ sending a sketch and descrigilon I . q , Lsoortain our opinton froa w ether an who had been disappointed in .ber 86 . the jOw mon who could - - ion has,been used in . ,� i tj n to P bly ela WMC=MUtl 66. 'director who UY& palckly i I inspeded by the >r following, her to her the Haywood trial. I � . was Ono of This pre.9cript [y , ir 0 patents 0 P6aranc61 f( "You 10 - ------------- � - I ocyntrol "It4jah", the housandg­bf oas tl lyo=n candlesticks dontr 0� al. lil ' search for the silver ok tired, . I.. . . . . famous. mankill- t es and has beef, ab AV, tj� 4 at at � 11 IV . oncy or w.uring Men" . . I "wasn't that Miss Campbell? wall room, she said, awhile, ' . ' I . >1 w 7 f( .1 rm froo. Oldeat n UP () . L 21 ,t4g talcon Nro�lgh MU13n & o. reed" . I ' Mary, Sit down and rest you�, John V.Aith Rev-d's, Suicide- or elephant, universally successful that rt i � invabor , Pato I . she's gone,right -into one . ��— . I - *V,.Wl nott'o, without Oliargo. In tho I Here, take my vinhigrette:-Ahat Will .. I I . of leading physidians re,,., . v -pra- I , I rooms wl,­w 'Vother eal, "' tel , London, Dec. 98--411 it letter - icouenalist and Author Dmd- I their pra .m for . I " . � I went left . sci I sclenfift J180"N - .I �­.- I I �. -- I ,,! shouldn't uonder it Mr, Lincoln's revive you." Then as Mary Was ar- by John Xeith P,, -,id, the Canadian. ribe 'Psycliffie in ' � I .g inging her hair, sits said: "Just Puff I 'boms'L . Paris, De6..'27.—Tbe do,jth is all- ant ro troubles, or any rust� inuotrated wo�way. TmrJ74 # " , R best things 'was hid there, for they P nicide in III . -of the aboi I k band0TnOly im ­ . out thiA side a -little . more --there, Who m0mittect 81 eph, cvruoly, the do�wn, wasting or oonatitutionai diffl. J�m ,ME, - - keep the door locked." - . bury, he'referred to, his dgpmxlbn noun-ced Of J01111 108 I I 1glo of anysclentUll d1rnal ,. dy . ear fn urmontb3JL So dbyall Inewad- - -- I that's right. Now tftrn round, I want . oulty. It is the moat reliabTo And 0 , Accidentally Mr. Lincoln ovetheard . and to' his son. Giving evidence at journalist and author. . I � 3@111roadW4,New Yqt —TIME TABLE— "' , felt to a - how you look." .. ed . ­ villnuble home remedy. � It t6nos. -up . . 0 & 1. I I � this tepriark, and in hils heart he � o V' asked -Maty, fae� � the invest -a -witness ,said deceag ��­ � 0 L, r St- WaAWMton.19. " ell how d . gi4iug a feeling of ur" that his chojoeqt tr"suro was indeed / �,i ,( i had expressed a hope that he would I � Huge, AUlned - Monastel. the ofitiro systom� Trains ,vill arrive 41 attl ficl),t!t , irig�l 6boZtt as Ida directed. . a 0noqs.and vigor, adding nranv - � there. His wife,'from whom he'�na- recover from the effects Of the poison Algiers, Ded,'W.:—Albort Ba lu, un- Yotitlift .. . s followsl'. �� I ' you'll do" returned Ida, '. ' the historical years to -the life of those, who use io. � � �. . — from Clilibon, station a, for his son's sake. The'verdiet, Was, ,16 vision � . . turally expected 'E;ytn�athV, had met I tioss As r Whose - super -�d city f,Tim- ' him with despo -9 - Henry Mcoln was right, ,,Suicide while of unsound mind . researches at the ruine ,, years ngo X was almost a, %h wtect"al, - . and bitter , lysleal � � UFF,ALO -AND Y iiouneos was snaerhig with lung trou le& Friends *%x �,ndin!,, Pw I "i To 40 Al ---------- � gad .are being qollAud4 an 0 , ' 9 "I ' 0 I GODt',RI0IX DIV. � 4� �-, with � car6w wh e a 'd that this blue merino, ' , . I Going t As t . 6.622 A. In- words, mproachi,of, Ar and lition eollari was the most be6onl- I -he discovory. Of a large moiiastery tielftlibott thought I would never got lretb&. . ,' . , it I I . ty leasbess, and sayiiigo its in simil Ing dress you could wda,r, but You look 11 'Fire Ot 5trifato. t, yards, But- beftall to de8pair mygelf. Using faith lit mt . UPPINGOTT It I 7.3,61 �Ie i. circurnstaitces ladies too often do, that I - t'ast night ,covering 11,MO .,squatb physipinp I proeured anotb6f one who teftr& � . I well in'anything, you have so fine 6 I lluftalo, Ded. 28..—Firo , -a stian basilica. The mp,nd�(1tbe%vqeo1P.9YC111N& AWnsfult0listlit . : 3 IS P- 1A, r0shb had foreseen,it from tile fitAt .f $0 1 1 th I holegald' rolinding, o0hri , med to � . . MONTHLY MAWaINk :11 11: - I - I . . did s50000 damage Ili I j,'i'Ohigan ­�jonjtstery noloseB four phetpelo 6, be 011d, deAtIriptiOn tho effe6t It had, I A" 5.20 p . m and that -had he followed her advice . orm' ft�ln'vltlieverydodal Ifistdoof two wookal-om � � I - ?". "Don't believe all her flattery," said � produ�� market at Elk And eq . , have happened." . and cloistor with well-PrN"I'Voti Colt%,. �uj LbIO to ttttOnd tO ty houiKswork Amin. Thors �i A rAmow LIl9.RAAV . Going West , 11 01 1). m. 'twoWd tot Jenny laughingly. "She's only Gom- .1 sir&ta. D. M� Wattle's & Sons round. are no symp or(onlqutt� I I Henry, too, scomod callous anct in-' t. a Christian bfurying-g . J f.Aon 4WR m6 now." ' � 1XI P. ill. ilig your tall, slender figure with oleA�on jQ burned Ou I . t(TAIRS, 11UND ON - � 6; - ZI I . z 1,1,cker were . ­� ��� . . . 0 . I grab" to it .4 difforent, and tbi� 'father slotic found LT .­� I .. st. Yichtt MO, . 1 23, .. I , The Bed h Went lit � 1 6,40 'P. comfort in Jenny's words of love and little dumpy. me; but I'm growing I p Dead Section Man Had 0,0 tot bad bton 8nftorhla� trom U% arlogg, U'' L . 12 06M puma NOVILLO VtA'NLV I I 91, tf. � 11,11 P. lit. I MeL t, From the first sh thin—soo.p, Mria she lapped her dress I ,Cholerals Ravagos. . Chicago, Dec. 26.- - M1104 with KOM I urkg,q were Nveak and I had 16 tougli, but WOW:: .. . % incour e n 0 Vo k . U ' 104 ' ) A' T � ' H A The B%f M y I ' I "L. "L " V' .n! Mo in i IN00' LZTIC t y Soo � I 11) I I ;1 � SmORT ST0,1011198 ANO = bravely by hint, refusing two or three inches in front, ; (,(%,), . utts, it, U9114 0 . 0,Fn a V 'had s stalltinople, Dec. ,29.—The chol, �owed in tho, linill" "' 1;9 N r dored MVP I MANY 4 �010 ' ,,a )me,. now, let's, go down,,* WA , of D . Pr � ON IrIMELY 11*60108 1-20NDO'kt, HURON & %U,'C��11 *01, u - ent. cuspal . _ , .. IPSAPr.RS ot I � � thf, parvinis to Mo so years old, Who. was to leave the house 'ntil all was over c �Ou to , "I',' . ,.,k,iniittingl,treatraVAgesamOng eont. This W48 the, I,Itq av! he, Out. So n" c . South Vl)o 'L. m, - " Ida "and I'll ifitroduee, ma, the deaIlls, al, Bhlert), llfflo Caft bb Probli $2.1 1 � I , Going � r," V9AA ,V 98 vri, A b6o I and mIAny 0. "Ary night, when the - $ . . t I 1�6 t - It groat oity was huahorl and still, A — , 1, $9,80 'r rS V1 4.23 P. In Senny's surorim Arat'.11, "MO(IWA And 14mbo, averaging ploy on band by the Chi- Psyc red from any N 6 0 ,#140 0 NTINUCID t adL lAn—Amq -the V,,$.V. thev IN11. 11 V,.e(,C& ed its a sedti 4 STO "I C11 16 —.*.it A . rmilway. , � �, or I 4 ITSFO 1, I U30 a T'l a &y., -' ongo and Xortbwovtorft ,druggiot at, 50o. &fta $1�00. It is & *ary t,vtnv .UM , . Going North - M light hAd,1104mod frM the ZLOAAWOM 'L . . L . h. UM1JCF1 06M1*LZT9'1N ItSIMCLr 11 it q.35 P. ft). I I . � , E, ­­. L- ­ ... - I 9%11%AV.N1 .1 I .1 I I I I . I . -- � I I 1. , I � � I . . 16 . I 11 . . . � . L . . I I . , . .L L I . : . I L I . I I I I I . . I I . . . . I I . . . I I . . . I 11 I I � � . . I I . ,0 . . . Q - . . I I I . I . 11 . . . . I . . I � � I I , . — � ! 'L