HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-02, Page 62161•6•61.64,6.41)......666666•602it
State Of Ohio
City Of Toledo,
Lucas Couety,
Feank J. Cheney makes oath that
be is senior parteer of the firm of Fs,
J. Cheaey & Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo', County and State
aforesaid, and that said Aran will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each and every case of
catarrh that cannot be cured by the
ted cd Hall's Catarrh Oure.-FRANK
Swore to before me and subscribe
to my presence, this iith day of De
ceniber, A. D. 1886.
S Seal.) Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter.
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous sada° s of the sesteni.
Semi for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all druggists, 75e.
Take Flall's Family Pills for con-
Rt v. Charles Smitk died a t • Loudon.
Tne mother • of Archbishop Brucheei
died itt, Montreal.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
&leen used by millions of mothers for
their children while teething. If dis-
turbed by night 'and brol:en of your
rest by a sick ehild suffering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth send
at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething. It will relieve the poor
Kittle sufferer immediately. Depend
event it, mothers, tieTe is no mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea,..regu-
Sates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces
Inflammation and gives tone and en
prey to the whole system. "Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of ohe of the
(iffiest and best feMale physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price
25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug-,
re,i0ts throughout the world. Be sure.
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
ing Syrup. ee
le•ry destructive. fires occurred itt
North Battleford, Sask., and Richards
Lending, Ont.
The second Thaw trial will
men.' at New Yerk next wee.
An epidemic of parunionie, ". grip
and typhoid fever hae broken' Out in
The rich mellowness of the best
Mocha perfectly blended with the full
flavored Java gives to
every quality that de.
lights ated satisfies.
(ear method of roast-
ing develo'ps and pre-
serves eel this rich
flavor. We put it up
in sealed parchment
containere hot from
the roastersand again
seal it in tins so
none of its delightful
aroma is lost.
Ask your grocer for
White Swan Coffee.
The Robert Greig Co., Limited.Torento
'Writs fog the. byeed,etions in South
Mum and Stanstead will be issued
this week.
You may dislike taking medicine--,
but. coughs are best cured Without
medicine, Th? modern treatment it:
lea.tarrho'emie"it isn'A a itrug-it s•
healing Vapor, full Of pine *essences
.and healing haltiaillS. It spreads over
the surfaces that are weak and sore
from coughing. • Every spot that's
cengested is healed, irritation is
isoothed away, phlegm and eeeeetioas
ase cleaned out, and • all sympforea of
cold and catarrh are cured. Nothing
so quick, so sure, go pleasant as C
arshoeone. In 25e and $1 eei.es at 01
It is rumored. about ' the .Vaticati
that a Cahattian Cardinal will prob-
ably he created Within the oext
Lame litotses •
certainly do need Kendall's Semen Cure.
Whether ire from A nrulse, cite Street,
Swelling or Spnvisi, KffeebAT,IeS
cure the laMeness-quiday-,•cOMpIeteIy.
(..4/PAR, SAM' , IVIAy 16tli 'b6,
"I' have used Kendall's Spavin Cure tor
20 years; end find it a titre cure..
PRANK E. Attetee,
Price U-6 for $e.
Accept no substi.
tute. The grett
book-. "Tteatiee
on the Hereee.-.
f ree from dee lent
Or 00
Dr. It Je Wats,
entsetirg Falls,
Cooglue 0064A, hotitte114.04, end ether theme/
1.11111011t4 Bre rynieltly PPI:I.Vol by (Irc.oiw.,
fon (44fitn pc.:, Is:, Ali dregglete.
THEllumAN gcRincE pe
'Part of the 'Rites'of the West In.
• than Cult of °beak, . • ,
That le the Fleet Idea of the Peculiar
Religion of the Negro Native!.
Dread Of the Obeahmart and the Su.
parstition of the Snake Stick.
Readers of the late Sir 'Welter tie-
sant's eteeel "The World, Went Very
Well Then" may remenaber the sinister
mediciee man, ber. Brinjes, and, the
(Make POO, by illetitie Of which he tom -
Relied every. negro he met to do his
bidding. If Mr., Briujes were alive to-
day and livieg in the West Indies he
Would be a very great.obeah num-the
prophet, priest and king of our colored
brethreu, •
• blaring five years spent in Jamaica,
•Haiti and :other West Indian. islands I
found that Obeab, and yeudoue-both
derivations of the -west African fetich-
ism brought over generations ago le
Abe shave ships -are the real beliefs of
the great majority of the blaelts, eee
neered by Christianity or even grafted
en to that faith: In a Jamaican village
• the ditty, one. eyed, diseased obeah roan
has usually More power time'the par -
pa. 1 saw this proved once in .0 eery
• strikeig niannee • It Was on a Sunday
minding, tied the people were trooping
out of chapel with 'their ctalored min-
ister. The local obeah man was passlag
by arid Mocked thee, The parson
nervoesly attenapted .to rebuke birp
but he threw his unice stick on the•
element and cried defiantly;
"You no go fe • li'lleve Obeah, .yaht
Den pick up me stick: 1 say' himturn
into stealth if yontouch bine" "
. The stick wee left lying on the
ground. • Noteven the colored minister
dared to toe= it, lie had been educat-
ed in a theologleal college, but, he had
not quite' outgrown. the ',superstitions
that ...were leculegted in hie youth:
• The root idea of Obea.hism and Van -
deux Is the Worship and ,,propitiation
of the snake god Obi, a west African,
word typifying • the spirit of evil.
Vaudoue is the more extreme eoem of
Obeah prastieed in Haiti; Santo Derain -
go and • the trienoh West Indies. Its.
rites a e always eccompan e by the
sacrifice of fowls , and goats and In
only too many cesee by the offering up
of the • "goat without herns"-the Mr.;
man .saeritee, usually a young girl .or
boy, Several eases were officially peev-
ed when I was in HaitiHow =My
more never came to light can only be
guessed. • The louely groves and moun-
tain caves' where the devotees ef Vau-.
deux -enjoy the 'orgies of en, Walpurgis
night seldorn. give uptheirsecrets.
There are two sects of Vaudoux, the
'white and the rad. the former, w.hm
ouly believes In the sacrifice -a white
fowls and goats, •is tolerated by the
laws of Haiti:and lth ritet•are as cona-'
monly practiced aethose Of theshurell'a
Belt even . the red sect, which Openly
stands, fog' huinen sacrifice, is seldom
interfered. with. The authorities deo
not suppress it, for their own police -
thee and soldiers stand in aweof the
"papaloi" •mad "mamelor-ethe: priest
and priesteee of the settee god, • ,.
More than that, there .have been Dreg -
idents of Ilaiti In recent years vvho be
neve in Vaudoex. Hippolyte was even
a auuloie' himself:- He beat the blacic.
goatskin drum. In the streets. of the
Capital,to, call the faithful together. to
. „ .
see,lem t senrsel fe'vel.. Another,
peeeirient Geifrard, tried to do his duty
auld staple. =nth°, cult...A. terrible re!
Was taken epee bim. •Efle youug
daughter,. Corse, Was shot deed .fis she
knelt in .prayer before the altar of a
church in Port an Mince. Today -there
Ir a ,temple of the red. sea In the Hai-
tian capital, near :by a triumphal arch.
which Is inscribed with the unctuous
. words. "Liberty -- Education:- Prog-
Under Rritielt governmene0beith1sm •
perfpree teked forms Jess dangerous
to the •septet order •then it does In
but it is none the •lees ,a, con-
stant petele Peril In jarred= and the -
other British West Indian islands. It
le.the shifter foe of religion, education.
and social eilvateeinent In Olden &lye
It worked by means of wholes*, poi.
sorting, and in quite recentdays there .
have bee 6 nota..fek'etties of obeale
met seekleg to do murder •10 the .old
. . •
way. •.•
When lived' in Jamaica; • an 'old
villain, made an offer to •a black man,
whom he thought I bad offended, to
poison me by mixing gtound glass with
ritY food ttafortunately for .him, the
negro gave him 'away, • and he,...eot
twelve months' hard labor and a gOd
flogging. Not, long before an entire
family at 'Montego pay Was PolsOned
by. the same *tiled. Another favorite
trick of the obeah inn= both In Sanaa-
ea and Haiti, is to mix the infleitesi-
mal hairs of the .bambao in the :fetidof
persons who refuse. to bow the knee
to them, • This Iiharly, sets up *lig-
nant dysentery. If the ail:tided •one
remain§ *.contumaelous, , he diet; if he
Makes his peece. With the obeah matt
and gives him handsome present, the
slow process of poisoning teases, and
he lives.
In all crises teed troubles of life the
hegro flies to the obeah Mae. , It the
has to appear at the pollee court to an -
ewer for his Sins; lie eutys the obeah.
Men to go therealso and "fix de eye"
Of the magistrate SO that be Will be
discharged, Perhaps he has been
ttireed out of his office a deacon in the
13aptlet cheper for immorality by •a
white MIllietter, Ite that ease the,
obeah man will arratage for a ehoice
wheaten of the Most powerful
aueli as dried lizarda, fowle' bone e and
ReleveYard earth -to be placed in the
Clinton New
.liois,You, 'Mit' it hi `cerfiltalY's.ianoy%
ng to find dried cockroachee end lire
ode in your whisky and a miulature
Placed proMinently on yeur
when 'you go to bed at night
Even colore4 men of education and
Andel position are often tainted with
• )beahisre, •TheY etten make use Of it
!Or profit and to %creme their power
ever the Ignorant negroes. The mu-
•. Atte chairman Of A parochial board -
I. the Jamalvan equivalent ot our county
ouncile-was sent to. jail for prectic-
Ing Meth only a few years ago. A
prominent member of the Kingsten
•iity ceuncil wns the leading obeah man
I n the island, the pontiff of the cult.
; Ele was so clever that tlee Ptellee; Could
lever catelt him, although he was op-,
poeed to make over i3,000 a year by 1
• els nefarious practices. (ince Berne de-
tectives rattled his place, but he receive
timely warrting and fled leaVing his
•harem of strapping negressest to deal
with the intruders. They beat them
within an inch of their lives and then
• flung them into a slimy pond.
Obeablen Is kept in cheek as sternly
• as possible In the British West Indies.
If it *were not those colonies Would
soon revert to the condition of 'Haiti-
*•eeseutIel seVagery ornamented by gold
!ace. -London Globe.
()nee Farniliar, lt Took Its Departure
• With the Pegged Shoe,
"How many of the fainillarly used
thisgs of ,thepresent day tbat we now
• consider as indispensable," said the
middle..aged reate• 'swill in dile time, be
•supplanted by still !letter means, Apt
as so many :once familiar Mega of the
eget have been?
"You 'take,. . ter instance, the shoe
rasp. Tlaere was a time when no shoe.
Store ceruid have got along without a
Shee rasp. But in what shoe, store*,
would you find a shoe rasp in rise new?
"The shoe rase was commonly, at- ,
&oiled to one end, of a •short counter
• that in Most shoe stores steed at the
front end ef the stere, the counter up-
on which shoes were done •up. It was
cast in the form of an Insole of .a
'shoe, slightly =reed .and havin.g, the
resp :grooves mit •on,,its Convex. side.
Attached to this rasp on ite eimeave
side was a stout --steel rod abouta
foot in length which was set upright
In a stout 'wooden block firmly attaeh-
ed to the connten
"S� here we teal a stoutly anchored.
rasp in a .nearly horizontal position and
withelts cutting face up;. a men over
which • you could .draw a 011601ln ..such
it manner as to bring -the inehle V the •
sole in contact with it and With 'Whicb.
you dould reep thoroughly eVery pert
of the inside of the of theshoe,
.."But 'What did you want to rasp the
•• inelde of the shoe for? Why, to 'clear
It of pegs that. Might be and probably I
Were sticking eP there for in those
days" poetically- all the' shoes made
were .pegged.. The soles were. pegged •
on to the'. enpere with wooden pegs
wbicb, were of • fitment the .Shape and.
size a oath, except that the ehoe.. peg
wee 'pointed at only one; end. •. ••
• '"In those days.:sewed shoes, which
*Were then all sewed by hand; were
. -rather exPenelee, and they were 'eon- I
Sideted inbee or less of a luxutY to '
Worn only: by people a very cone: '
fortable means or for best. or • Sunday
• . . . I
I 'sap the pegged shoes there Were al-, 1
Ways' o more or less 'pesticking' up In-, •
gide, and the use of the shoe raep•was j
to file those Off so that the shoe would• •
be eoniforteble to wear. ' .
• "A. father mould Come in with his e
.young son to, buy *A. pair of .shoesfpr
him, and • Perhaps the boy *As"too.
•, young to be able to telleeactlee where
1 'the Pegs ...were And when a 'noir of •
1 litiacies had .been •selected for him the •
father was always' =Italia to Say '
the shoe dealer, 'You'llbe sure to• get
out ,all the peat, won't You?' and the '
shoe • , dealer , would - Say: 'Certainly.
. SOO; And* in whatever case 0.INVOS
, the bast thing done by the. shoe _man ,
before he wrapped up a pair •of shoes
would be . tto get . out the pegs."
• •
lainister's Bible for Mtn to Starer upott
when he looks up the text of his ger-
foe. Then, if the °beide Works prop.
triy, the erring deacon W$1 /be received
•Seek to (Age .wIthotit,abitdotitug hie
mreer as the village Don 3nan.
pool ehOdOlete colored Eolatee WARt
11 teed philter to make dusky Juliet
Mull The obeah Mate Will oblige hint
• nos a mon a quarrel With his neigh-
bor? Ile an buy a Vial ft Seine filthe
fixture, end if he sprinkles but a• feW
Imps of it oft his enemy's banana
:splece" or yam patch the erop will
filter and shrive! up. If yott have
o disellarge a colored serventr bemire
etheribt -00 reetebreleltf Will nth tee
be' A jarful tit arr.' plume aro-44
ftglry lightnees can hardly beintppooed
to remain. permanent, and so It Is not
astonishing to find that (luring its 'twin
Journey arouud. the sue a comers out-
llnea are inceeeantly changing, Ara
interval ut few days or perhaps of
a few hours May work wonders in its
diaphanous texture. Its petit le its
00.17 Permanent characteristic-, Indeed
the only characteristic by which it can
be surely identified it it ever returno.
Prom 'all the known facts astronce
niers have coneluded that the nueleua
of a comet is merely a inane of meteors
easily dispersed into small groups or '
distributed gradually 'along the orbit
until eventually the eomet Is complete-
ly disintegrated and extinguished. As
tronoinieril history often Considerable
evidence la support of this hypothesis.
Bielats cemet, diecovered 1.8g0 end
carefully absereed on each return,
split inteeewo Parts end reappeared asi
curious* double comet in 1846. ,Wheit
it revisited the earth In 1852 the two
parts had drifted away from each eth-
er and were separated'about 1,000,000
nines. Since then the comet has disap-
neared, Every six and A half years the
earth crosses the track of that lost
comet, Meteoric showers then rain
UPon us. In these meteors we see all
that is now left a Biela's Comet. Simi-
larly, the great comet of 1882 literally
lost its head by breaking filth four por-
tions, each; of which will spine day
form a separate comet. * Another link
in this chain ot testimony is presented.
• by the chemical composition of meteor-
ites which have found their way to the.a.
earth, compesition which egrees ex-
actly with that of a comet. -Waldemar
•Kaempffert in Cosnaopolitan. •
Preaehme and Practice.
Lard Lawrence, .one of the famous.
viceroys of India, wee an able and
very simPle man, He used to do his
_work inahleshirt eleeeeestaindellseohregee
ed as much as Possible all, state and
cerernoty. • Ile was 'inclined to treat
the natives like children, although he
alimes.strenuously bastieted upon -their
meriting and reeelving justice • Mel
kindness. Loa Mayo went to India to
succeed him, and on the lest afternoon •
before Lord, Lawrence was 'ILO leave for
home he took the inehming viceroy ;for
A drive. On the way he impressed, his.
.doctriee of kindness. very eumbaticelly
and solemnly on hie suceessor. • Lord
Mayo thanked hint for his belpfel . ad-
• vice, and they. returned in dee course..
to Government House, ' The syce,, or
• footroan, was slow and awkward in
opening. ' the door . of thee =Maga
whereupon. Leal Lawrence Jumped out
. .
in temper and gaVe his ear an un-
mistakable telt. Lord Mayo turned to
the•viceroy's. aid, with.a
"My first practical lesson in kindness.
to•natiees iseindoebtedly an :odd one,"
he' whiepered. • '
• • • 1' • '
• aein. Enerny'e 'Courtesy.
When the. • .crusailers under • King.
Richard Of Englaett defeated the Sara-
cens, the reultau, ,teeing his. troops fly,
'asked what was. the, nunaber of the.
Christians -who Were Making all this
slaughter. iLe was teed that it was
only King :Richard and hie men and .
that they. Were :all on. foot: • . • • • '
.‘Then," said the seltare:"God .forbid
that eech a noble Yellowetetiliag Rlch.
mei:Should merch on. foot," and sent •
Among the busts at the ?Melo, says
. Paolo Picea In the "Vita, is one a the
poet Vincenzo Monte which has a.euri-:
out history. • The portrait bust as
origleany that of Vittorio .Alfierl, a con-
tenaporary of Monti's and his sworn
enemy. Alfieri had gained fame as a
writer ef tragedies. Shortly after the
A.Ifieri•bust had been placed in position
the writer gave • offense to the VatiCart
by one of hie 'works, and thebust WaS
taken down and put in the cellar. In
• its.place cute a bust of the t AleS.
smith° Berri. But Miele hortore weru
not lasting, and it was only A short
time before the. composer Bailinl re-.
placed, Berri. • The bust in the cellar
had not be= forgotten, and when Vin-
cenzo• Monti was•narned for the honot
the old marble Was brought forth, and
with 'file and chisel it as Made over.
The normal nose was eonverted into a
most peculiar organ, which still shows
the scars of the operation; . the hair
• was copped, the bushy eyebrows were
shorn, and the cheeks were rounded,
and so Alfieri becatne and still is Mot -
ti -rt 'nreof that . monumental marble
and bronze are not eteveys truthful,
• A Plume of Fairy Lightness and Eves
• Changing ,Dirnensions.
A coraet is distinguished usually by
• a. nucleus, by an envelope called the,.
coma, which, surrounds the nucleus, •
and, last, by its luminous tall stream-
ing behind the nneIeus for perhaps a
hundred million miles and more as the
coraet swims toward the sun. Ocett-
pying a volume thousands of timee
greater thee the sub; the question net,
tinily arises, how ean 01 body with se
vast an appendage sweep throtigh the
solar system without deranging every
piettet? Portutately for the presetva-
tion of the solar System, a eomet, so
'far from being a compact mass, is of-
ten transparent. Stars have been dis-
tinctly seen without perceptible dinti-
nation of brightness not only through
the tail, but even through the ntieleus,
-etrueture the tall is a gossamer a
molecules to ghostly that in compari-
son the filmiest of bridal vette le
coarsely dense and the thinnest haze
thathovers on the horizon is tut itn-
penetreble blanket Indeed, the earth's
atmosphere on the elearest day Is fat
denser, . Hundreds of cubic miles of a
comet's toff are ornlintelv MetWeleriteil
el .
him A noble charger. '
The messenger took it and said:
. "Sire, the sultan sends you this
charger that you may eot be on foot."
The. king was as dinning as his•ene-
my and ordered one of his squires to •
mount the horse in. order to try him.
The. squire .obeyed, but the animal
proved fiery, and, the squite being un-
able to hold him in, be set off at fulr
speed to the seltan's PaViliee. The
sultan expected he had got King Rich-
ard andwasriot a little mortiCed to
.discover his mistake.
• ,
Snakes With =Toothache.
The snake tore .about its. cage in A
frenzy. • It lashed -the glass viciously
with its tail. •' ,
"That's Zee's way o' sweatier said
the keeper. •"He's got toothaehe."
• "Toothache?" .
"Sure. ,Snakes suffer terrible from
1 toothache. They're so reekless, ye see,
:•etrith* their fangs. They jab 'em Into
anything -shoe leather,. -wood, foe
bars. Tbey take no care of their fangs
at all. In fact, there had oughter be a
/ snake dentist to give his mates* lee-
/ tures on fang hygiene. Monkeys suffer
• from consumption. Consumption, too,
carries off lots of our deer and ante-
lope. Camels in captivity are subject
to the asthma, elephants to rheeMa-
Dem,' tigers to indigestion and eagles
and vultures to inelanclaolia."-Cincin-
natl Eneuirer. ' •
yainful Incident at Trial of Former
• Douma Members.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 28. -The trial
yesterday on charges of treason of
xnembers of the first Dounett, who
signed the Viborg manifesto, calling.
upon the citizens of .Russia to stand
up for their rights, was interrupted
by a painful occurrence. M. taini-°
egehwili, who was taken into custody
last June, tried to address the court
as the spokesman of the Social-Derno-
crate. Hardly had he begun speak-
ing than he fainted from weakness,
and his , body hung limply over the
railing of the prisoner's pen. Itaini-
sehwili has contracted consumption
during his confinement. Since the be-
ginning of the trial he has been
brought. to =tart frorri prison in a
carriage every. day.
Health of the Province.
Toronto, Dec. 28. --The • returns to
the Provincial Board of Health from
739 divisions for November give 2,070
deaths from all causes, making it
death tate of 12,6 in 1,000.
The reports made of contagious die -
eases show smallpox, scarlet fever,
diphtheria and measles to have been
much more prevalent in the province
than for the corresponding month of
1906, but happily of a mild type, as
no deaths were reported froth small-
pox, and out of 444 eases of scarlet
fever only tax deaths occurred, and
of 3384, eases of diphtheria. 81 'deaths
were reported.
Typhoid fever caused 73 We deathe
for the month, with 81e fewer cases
Telegraph Companies Retrench,
New Haven, Corm., Dee. 28. -An era
of retrenehment in the telegraph busie
nese in this state is expected to dawn,
with the coming of the new year,
and elreerly big changes are planned
by the Western 'Union and postal
(tom panks..
Jannary 2nd, 1190
'..iverpool and OhiCaielteWheat Flettieell
010$0, Lower -Live Stock -
Latest criotations.
VritlaY Dvening, Dec. 27.
Liverpool wheat futures closed, to -clay
eiee lower. and Own 44 up.
Chicago. D:uwhetrr-
, d I=,aaggcort
4 D g
Winnipeg Qptione.
Veneering ere the closing nuOtateene
Winnipeg grain futures to -day
• Wbeat-Dee. $UM asked, May $444%.
Dats--Dee. 44e4c bid, Mei 51%o..
Toronto Grain Market.
Graf n -
Wheat. spring, bush
07 e.e,
087 ....
0 97 • 1 1, •
Wheat, fall, bush
Wheat, goose, teeth
Wheat, red, bush
Rye, bush, 0 83 ....
Peas bush. ,,,,, 0 Se .
Bucl6fieet,bush o 6 a
Barley, blieh, , 0 70
Oats, bush. 0 61 15 a
Toronto Dairy Market,
Butter, dairy, lb. rolls 0 27 023
Butter, tubs , 0 25 0 26
Butter, creamery, lb. roils,. 0 29 0 30
Butter, creamery. boxes 0,29 • .o 30
Eggs, new-tald,dozett.„,,.0 30 ....
ngge, eeed-storage, dozen9 22
Cheese, large, ib 0 1.3%
Chose, twin,.. ,, . 0 13%,
Honey, extracted. lb 013 0.13%
Liverpool Grain and Produce.
LIVERPOOL, 'Dee. 27. -Wheat -Spot.
No. 2 red western winter, firm, 7s tieed.
letitures steady: Deo, nominal, March 7s
111/44, Alay 7s 10%d,
Corn -Spot, prime mixed, American,
new, firrn, Is 4efide Prime tniXe4, Ameri-
can, old, firm, es 68. Futures dull; Dec.
nominal, Jan. es 3%d,
Lard -American refined,. In pails, dull,
42s 6d,
New York. Cain/ Merkel
NEW YORK, Dec. Z7. -flutter --Steady,
unertanged; receipts, 6990,
Cheese -Firm, unchanged; receipts, 2243.
• Eggs -Weak; receipts; 11,715; steteesenn-
sylvania and nearby, fancy, selected,
white, 34c to .36e; good to choice, 28c to
s„e; brown and rnixed, fancy, 28c to 30e;
first to extra first, 25a to 26c; western
first, 240 to 243c; seconds, 22e to ewe.
Cables Easier -,-Hogs Slightly Firmer
et American Markets.
LONDON, Dee. e7. -London cables are
firmer, al 10c to 12%e per lb., dressed
weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at.9%c
per pound.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST BUFFALO, Dee, 27. -Cattle --
Steady; Prime steers, $5.25 to $5,75,
, Vole -Receipts, 300 head; active and
25c higher, $e to 19.50..
Hogs-Tteceipts, 1500 head; fairly active
and a shade easier; neavy and mixed,
$4.65 to $4.70; yorkers, $4.50 to $4.65; pigs,
$4,40 to $4.50; dairies, $4.60 to $4.65.
Sheep andLambs-Receipts, 7000 head;
active and higho; lambs,- $5 to $7; year-
lings, $5 to $5.50; ewes, $4.25 to $4,50; sheep.
mixed, 42. to $4.50; Canada lambs, 36,e0 to
$6.65. .
New York Live Stock.
NEW YORK, Dec. e7, -Beeves -Receipts,
2295; steers opened active and firm to 10c
higher, closed easy nt. Wednesday's;
prices; fat .hulls and cows 10c esigher; bo-
logna bulls steady; steers, $4 to $5.60;
hulls; $2.85 to $3.90; choice fat bulls, $4.20
to $4.40; cows, $1.35 to $4. Exports to -mor-
row. 700 cattle and 5900'quarters of beef...
Calves -Receipts, 78; veals steady: west-
erns firm, quality considered; barnyard
calves .nominal; emcee, 37.25 to 39.50; culls,
$3,50; western calves, 33.25 to $3.60.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 535; sheep
steady; lambs 25c higher, but selling
Slowly; sheep $2.50 to $4;50; culls, e2;
lambs; 36.10 to $6.75; buyers offering $7
for best. ' •
Hogs -Receipts; 4167; • nominally lower;
no sales, -
t ,Chicaeti Live Stock.
CHfCAGO, Dec. 27.-Cattle-Recelpts.
3500; market steady steers, $3.90 to $0.25/
cows, $3.50 to $4.50; heifers, $2.50 to $5.25:
bulls, ,$2.60 to 34.90; ealees, $3 to $7; stock.
ers and feeders, $2.40 to 34.60.
Hogs --Receipts, 22,000; market .10e high-
er; choice heavy shipping, $4.0 to $4.70.;
butcher', 34.55 to $4,65; light, mixed, $4.20
to 34,35; choice eight, $4.45 to 34.60; pack-
ing, 34 to $4.50; pigs, $3.75 to $4.20; bulk or
sales,. $4.55 to $4.60. •
• rd- Oven !Puce 15reVe.'
• London, Dee. 28. -The consistory
• court. yesterday granted permission
for the opening of the grave of T, C.
. Druce to determine whether or not it
contains a body. ora roll of lead.
Tbe actual date of• the exhumation
- is being kept a • secret in order to
avoid Attracting a 'crowd, but there
is reason to believe that Monday or
Tuesday of next week will see the
myetery , of the coffin eleered up.
. --
Victim of 1-lighwaymen.
New York, Dec. 28. -Hugo Graff; '
taug, a collector for the Prudential
Life Insurance Co., as foundin a
dying condition on the roadside bee
tween. Elmsford and 'White Plaine.
He had been shot in the breast and
, A simple'aed effective remedy for
• They combine the germicidal value o1 Creeceene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm.and lico.
rim Your druggist or from us, 100 in eternise.
immune Maze Om, Limited; Agents, Montreal. ecsx
oss'• Furs.
Manufacturer & Retailer
This ia a. season of Fancy Nook
Pieces, Thrtaw &fiefs and Muffe. Our
ranges is very exteneive eeineasine ail
the latest nnveltiee 17 letteoll
Natural Mink, el ilerien Squirrel end
Alaska Sable.. ,lust twolines ore-
qttottcl here, but they will give an idea
of the eplentild vet tie w A offer.
Natural Canadian Mink Muff (two or
tour stripe) $28.00
Natural Canadian Mink FancY Neck
Piece Two stripe) $25.
Persian Lamb Muffs (snialt Messy
• curl) $14. •
Persian Lamb •Fancy. Neck Piece
(small glossy curl $18 50.
We inake n epecleitY of Ordered
ire tentinte Of all kinds 'Mir or Pitt,
Lined, ,
Wtite for eskt ningne and price iist
Ross 190 Oundas Street
London, Ont,
the u
cough 4.t. cold CURE
Get a bottle to -day from . your druggist. If
it doesn't -cure you QUICKER than anything
you ever tried he'll gii7"-Ne you your money back
shilows is the best, safest, surest and quickest medicine for your children'coughs
and colds. it has been curing coughs and celds for s4 year. All druggists-
soc., and $1.00 a bottle.
Seeds of this splendid oewefonsafe
• aro giyez4 /way free _
We want everybody, interested in garden-
ing to write.for our Iklew 1908 Catalogue,
which is one of the Attest complete seed
catalogues published. To each inquirer we
will Include absolutely free a package of
seed of our splendid new tomato, 'Canada's
Pride," or if preferred a package of our
wonderful "Canadian Gem' Turnip or
"Santa Rosa" Poppies. •
Write to -day and name yourhoice.
Darc4 & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
•- London, Ont.
Undoubtedly the, hest brewed on
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards of the world's greet Exile,
bitions, especially Claceste 1893,
where it received ninety-six points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any Other Porter in the •
United States or Canada. e
Iie ..1%etts'illocOrd.
Much good reading for little Inoneir'.
The News-R,ecord and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year.. $12
46 . " • • Weekly Globe •
Family Herald and Weekly Star • • 1.65
6. Weekly Witness • , • . 1,60
" Sun •:.. .... . . . ... . .. .... 1.75
66 " • Free Press, . . 1 75 •
FaN''orld- ' 1.50
Fermet's Advocate aud
Rome Magazine 2.25
Daily News, Toronto 2.30
Star " . .......... . .. . .. ....... 2.80
Globe " . .
• . . .4.25235
31. 54
44 •
Mail :
WOrl• d
Surday blight ••••
Tree. Press, London •.
• Free Press, Evening Edition. • . . •• ?75
If what you want is not; in this list, we can supply•
it at less than it would cost you .by sending direct,
In. remitting, please do so by Express Order, Postal
Note Or registered letter and address.
ewspaper Bargain
The News -Record
Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.65
. The Nes-Record Will furnish youwith everything of interest in this
local territory Every' home in this district should receive the local paper. •
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is the acknowledged ,
best Family and farm paper in Canada. ' Its magnificent news service; it
numerous special departments.; its interesting triagatime feature', its great sei
• leis and p.opular•short stories make it the greatest dollar's worth to be had,
• The combination of The News Record and The Family Herald and .
Weekly Star provides Os greatest amount of wholesome faintly reading tett --
enable news from ail parte: of the sVorld.
Send your subseripdon to
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