HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-01-02, Page 5anuary2ndR 1S)CSi The 'Clinton. News- ; ord • Potrer s. Hill. .° will Jordan lies secured leo* "near Au4ttrn -fee the 'wieter and left last Thursday for tltp shanty. Mr. John Torrance ,7r. left:' Pittsburg lent Monday Where hw tends spending a few weeps • } Mrs, James 1•i. ,giliott rs titatt,thk. , Keying as fast as Hee rrtaity. Mende. Would like to 'see 'her. Mrs. Morgan of Xloderich is visiting be daughters, Mrs, `p. Bnttle"s.and Mrs. S. MoDougalt. Poisoning dogs setons to he the orde ger of the day, several dying lately ffrdm all appearances of strychnine. Mr. Herman Jones is 'meting friends in this vicinity. • Mr. Robt. Elliutii's gal g bre busy these days in Mr. G. Prrotor's bush cutting logs. The Christmas Tree Monday night was a grand success. A splendid pro- gram was rendered and all had an enjoyable evening. Stanley Township 'Mrs. Jaynes Webster of Luci:naw scent Christmastat the home of her enothEr, Mrs. John Reid Sr. . Mass N. A. Richardsotr is at I res- at visiting relatives in an l around Clinton. We are very sorry to hear that Mr. George Reid; son of Treasurer Reid, is ill in Saskatoon, bask. We Imp to hear of his speedy recovery. Mrs. A. D. Anderson: and children of 'Wyoming are spending. the Christmas _season at the home of Mr. Joseph Richardson. . Miss E. ' Reid sof London is huliday- •ing at her home. Mrs. (Rev.) Miller of Corinth' is impending the Christmas season with iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. i'illiam Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. William Reid of Pay City, Mich., are spending Chrlit.mas at the home of the latter's .l wants, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wiley. One of the prettiest weddings et the year took place on Chris`mas Lay at the home of Mr. John Icon', Ban- nockburn, when his daughter, Eliza - :beth Wanless, was united in marriage to William Barrow McQueen of lied Deer, Alberta. ve The wedding was solemnized at high noon when the bride leaning on the arm of her father eaitered the parlor to the strains of the Lohongrin Wed= A ding March, played by Miss Mabel Reid of Port Huron, Mich. The bride was beautifully sttired in a gown of Swiss muslin with trina- •nlings of real Valenciennes, and car - :Vied an am boqut of white car- nations. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Anna Foote, as maid of honor, and Mist Jessie Reid, a . cousin from Bay City, as bridesmaid. Both wore gowns of pink and white organdie and carried arm briquets of pink carnations. The groom was accompanied. by Percy M. Wanless of Varna as . best man. The groom's gift to the bride was a geld bracelet set with' ame- -thys'ts. The bridal party stood beneath an arch of holly and carnations from the certer of which hung a large floral bell. The room was prettily decorat- ed with sprays of myrtle . and bol. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. H. Sewers, assisted by Rev. James Foote, brother of the bride. Ater congratulations were extended •oto the newly .wedded couple, a most sumptuous repast was served to the 'fifty guests. The friends who came from a dis- tance were : Mr. and Mr,. William Reid, Miss Jessie Reid and Mr. Geo. Reid of Bay City, Miss Emma Rob - Anson of Toronto and Miss Mabel Reid of Port Huron. The best wishes of the community go with Mr. and Mrs. McQueen to Red Deer, Alberta, where they will be at home after the 1st of Feb. 'Stanley Township A. rousing Christmas gatterfng fend ereuuion was bel4 an Christome Day. a• ' b residence of Mr. and Mrs. e elustofr of the SeubleLute ,, ;vy hearts were made glad ", , '.o of the"ftnesv Const- liras' frees tent was ever seek in thin, eeette, trlausi reeleaaih'ered every one bothh cid grid . young. The follow ng 'were preset to eo justice to the ybe turkey and other geed things' that Mrs. lZu lei Lad pi.ovidi d for the" oceaslen' : Mr. and Mrs, W, Harrison and youngest daughter, Katharine, IV Ir. and Mrs. Murdoch Ross and children of Bayfield; Mr. Mrs. P , 'Cenney of 27 Cott - ate. Grove Avenue, Detroit. .. flare program was rendered snd a very pleasant time ' was spent Lv ere and all, Mr. and Mrs. Kenney 'will spend the' 'balance, of the year with .their friends here, not returning to De- troit until he 7rd of; Jan: Their many friends here wish .hem a happy and Prosperous New Year. The News -Record and 'the Weekly: Mail • and Empire .willl be sent to any, address until the end of 190;3 for only $1.25. To new and old subscribers. Mr. Charles Johnston, •Cho, spent the summer on a homestead ='.ear Regina, returned to tlie home of , his ather-yin-law, .Mr, Joseph fleeter, be- fore Christmas, . Miss Clara Richardson of Clinton has been spending her holidays at the home of her father, Mr. Joseph. Rich- ardson. • Miss Maggie Clark' of . Clinton has also been spending : her holidays at her home here. • Summerhill The fanners Institute holds its first meeting on Thursday of this week .; in the school -house. Messrt. W. H. and E. Ball are vis- iting their brother James in Chat. ham. • Mrs. 'T. J. Lindsay' and family. are visiting friends on the 'sixteenth. Miss .le. Butts is•. spending her holi- days olidays under the parental roof. Mrs. 'W. H. Ball and. Mr,.. td• Ball. visited Goderich:friends,,. last week.,. • The Ladies' Guild meets at Mrs. Tyner's on Thursday Jan.' 2nd. Mr. Geo. ' Hillis making Prepara- tions for' raising and building a foun- dation tinder one of his barns: The annual meeting of U. S. S. No. 12, Goderich and H:ullett, was held in the school house oil Dec:` 26th re- sulting in• the' election of . Mr. T. H, Hardy . to,' illi the vaccancy' uccasioncd by the reni'gnation of Mr. R': J. Drap- er. Mr. Charles . Lovett, Whose : term. of office .had expired, :upon the •earne?t solicitation .: of' the "ratepayers con - seated . to re-election for' another term of three years. .• The warden, ,of St. Peter's church. are in receipt of. a, a note.froin Miss Kittle Lovett , of 'Carnduff, :Sack., , a former resident :of ' the . Base Line, conveying the seas'on's compliments to hermany friends 1iere, and also enclosing a. very l'ibcrel' contribution' for the service of the church as: has. been her custom . regularlysince tak- ing up her . abode in the. West.: Many' thanks. •0•• i•ati•i•4•4i••••,ov,••.' • • .•,NEW ..TERIVI,. es • From Jan. end. Enter s • any day for 'long or short • • course. New . Catalogue • to ready. Write' for it if your; A. • have any, idea df a college i • course. Address W. H. • • Shaw, Principal,, Central i' • Business College, .. Toronto. • • .. • eli••••••••••••••••••l :i ++++♦ ++++++ +++++++++++t+++++++++ The MOLSONS BANK. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1855, Capital paid up $3,305,840.00 Reserve Fund' $3,305,840.00 HEAD Oi-FCE, MONTREAL DIRIECTO S:li WM. MOLSON MACPHERSON .. President S. H. EWING ..Vice•President W. M. Ramsay, J. P. Oleghorn, R. Markland Mohler), Lt. -Col F. C. Henshaw, . Wnr.•C. McIntyre: • es Elliott. General Manager. A. D. Durngord, Chief lnsoector and Superin dent of Branches. W. H. Draper, Inspector. W. W. L. Chipman, .1 E. Campbell, Assistant Inspectors. • C6 BANK DEPARTMENT Deposita of $1.00 and upwards received a d interest a lowed at 3 per cent.from date of deposit, compounded 4 tunes:a roar ECIAL ATTENTION given to all branchea of farmers' buainena. Sale ro s cashed or collected on favorable terms. C. E. DOWDING, Manager .. CLINTON 4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ••Ilk,411101►',r.411., 1404111rAlves, vr► • �BIC Sloci Reheiill SALE sih Comtfnencltlg Saturday Jan. 4th and Ending January 25th. $. The big stock is now at your disposal We have cut Oi the price ()fevers? article in our stook, No reserve. Everything #0 must go. • Come. :13uy, Save. Make .money. None better, • None'so. low. 'ibis will be your opportunity to• buy goods et Sact'ifleetl Profits, 1 1 0 H 0 Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs; PMPLE 1'H :E CARMER Successor to McKinnon ckt Co��J it, • ~`A •r' +si. +5v v.ra:'N �w aai wii �i1a • TwAthi PoRaz \012) a,. BUT NOT inOutofBiiess wERTY thousand d dollar's 9:Pth,of Dry Goods to beg earedut ob7 the first of FebxuallPOST- TIVELY NO RESERVE, Sale starts Jan. 3rd and continues until .Feb, 1st. Regardless of other' sales you;.will • etmore 11 our honest dollar here than elsewhere. We :have a reputation utation fair. the best Dry Goods, at. the lowest rices HONEST DEALING AND •FAIR 'sROFITSihas been our motto, and ...v� prices, and it . well. No inflating of of :old.,here. Allgoods inarked'in lain figures with selling we fiwears... g prices• p g out prices rnarked in red pencil. Come • in the mornin • Possible. if will have indreased' staff :: f clerks Y0.4 Flannelette Blankets -5:90 `Flannelette Beinkets in white or'grey,first quality Regular $1' fore . .79 11,4 Flannelette Blankets ,, , . 1.10 12.4 Flannelette Blankets . , .. 1.28 $3.75 Wool Blankets 2,.90 Wool • Blankets with blueor pink borders; good big size, our • special ee 3.7b, sale pr ice . 2.90 $4,50 Wool Blankets 3.50 Pure Wool: Blankets,` size 60x78,• an'extraheavy blanket.•e blue and pink border. Regular 4,50 for.:: 3,.150 Oyler prices at like discounts 150 Apr..on Gingham 11c. • Blue and white Apron Gingham with or without border. very wide. width: Regular 15c for •11 Yard -wide Flannelette. 8c ' soe yards of one -yard -wide Flan- nelette, good weight and quality, worth to -day 10c. sale price .. s .08' 25c Ladies Woolen Mitts..190 Ladies Wonlen Blatk Mitts, fancy; knitted long cuff, all sizes. Regular 25e for .. ,..' 19 50c Ladies Golf Gloves .39c. Lrdies fancy knitted Golf Gloves in black; white and grey, all sizes• Regular 500 for $1 Ladies Mocha Kid Gloves' 79e Ladies Brown Mocha Kid .Gloves wool lined, splendid wearing quay ity, all sizes. Regular 1.00 for.... .79 $126 Mocha Kid Cloves :98c Ladies hest quality 1Vloche Hid Gloves, heavy weight, fancy wool lining, two dome faeteuers, all sizes. Regular 1.25 for.....,.,... 50c Ladies Cashmere Hose 320 250 Boys :Worsted :Hese 15c Boys,Blaek Worsted Hose, good • w heavy eight,t-•ize:t, i-iegular 25c for ,. .. t , E.! 10 dozen Ladies fine ribbed Cashrnere Bose, heavy weight; seattileav feet, shaped ankle, nil sizes. Regular b0cfur.......:..... .32 50c Worsted Hose '32c' Boys Black Worsted Hose, dou- • hie knee. extra goodheavy weight, all sizes. • Regular•50e for,' 25c Ladies Leather'. Belts 15c Excelda Handkerchiefs 2odozen Excelda Handkerchiefse • polka dot border, good size, . Reg- ular 15c, sale price 3 for, ..... $1.25 Ladies Umbrellas 98e Ladles Mercerized Black Uin-. 2 brellas, fii,nee: handles, good wear-,: ing tope,:•patent runners Regu- lar.1:.2c tor:: • Ladies Leather..Belts in black brown and tan,• with fancy buckle. `Regular 25c lot .15 250' Buster Brown. Belts for 15c Chi:ldren's"j1ABuster Brown" Lea- ther.Belts in.blaek, brown, white , and red. with "Teddy Bear" buck- . les, all sizes, Regular 25c for....;. 15 • 50c Children's Toques `39c Children's Fancy Woolen Toques.. full length and half toques, honey- ' comheknitted, all the popular ce1 orings. Regular Mc for ' .39 .35c Children's Toques 290 .. Children's fancy 'full length or half Toques, honeycombe knitted, all the.popular colorings. ' Regu- lar Syr for...:...,.,, 99 25c Ladies Linen Turnovers 12 Ladies pure Irish linen Turnover Collars, fancy edges of 'silk, sev- eral pretty designs. Regular 25c, sale price 2 fore.:, .2 fs. $2.50 Ladies Silk Shawls 1.99 Ladies creampure. sill; Shawls or Fascinators, several, pretty weaves, large size. Regular 2.50 fur..,. ..........•. . 1.99• $1,50 :Chiffon' Neck' Scarfs 99c Ladies Chiffon Neck Scarfs, tbvo yards, in white and creast. Regis- ter 1;50 for......, .. ... . • $1:25.: Underskirts 98c' S 100Prints 'for '8c Ten pieces good heavy Ducir•.. Print, fast colors in light and dark., Regular 10e for :• • . , 6c Toweling for 4c : l00 .yards. only, Honeyeowbe ° Toweling. Regular 6c, :sale price. . .04 8 100. Wrapperette foir•5r, Tenieces Wrap erette, all good • patterns;. worth $c at•the millto- day, o - day, clearing there out at the yd .05 Ladies Black Sateen Underskirts, 10e .Toweling; for 8c four rows 01 frilling, dust ruffle, 50 yards Crash Toweling, good all sizes. Regular 1.2e, sale price'. ' 90 weight, with- or without colored. Traveller's: samples 25 Traveller's Samples of Sateen Underskirts, 25 different styles and prices, sizes • 40 and. 42, only, •$1.26 Sateen Waists 98c' Ladies Black. Sateen' Waists; three styles, new... this season, ell sizes. Regular 1.25 for border :Regular 10c for...:. 12i'c. Toweling 10c 50 yards good heavy Crash. Towel- ing, good weight. Regular 12eu for ..10 - Lace Curtains It is' impossible to describe our stock of Lace' Curtains, but few prices, quoted heltew will give you an idea of how we are going to sell them: Regular 50c Curtains for.. .39 Regular 75e Curtains for.. ,55: •98 Regular 1,00 Curtains for • ,79' Regulaf 1.25 Curtains for 1,00 Regular 1.50 Curtains for 1.10 • Regular 2.00 Curtains for 1,50 $2.50 Silk" Waists .1.98 Ladies white Jap wash Silk Waists,prettily trimmed, several • styles. Regular 2.50 for 1.98 3.50 for..,.. . 3.00 5.00 for . .. 4.00 W5 + 15c Flaneletteellc Egtra, heavy English Stripe_' Flannelette, "in 'all the popuher • coloring's and white, 32 ineties. wide • Regular 15c for..., ....... • 15c Flack Sateen 11c �. Good heavy Sateen, 27 inches wide,in black, bite ere in blue.i W pinkyellow, re, etc.' nRegular Given Away Free To the first 200 children that visit this store during Sanitary we will give a pretty picture handkerchief to each one. . 15efor.. .,... ,....,.....,.. 121c Prints 100 • 'ren pieces gond English Print, all good patterns, fast colors,light and dark grounds. Regular 12. c "fair ,.......,.s • '0 35c Ladies' Vests 25c Ladies winter vests Natural: Color, triintmed. with Ribbon, reg 85• sale price .25 50c Ladies Vests- 39e - Ladies Natural, and Fleece Lined, winter weight, all sizes, reg'50c for 50c Table Linens 29c .11 - Pure Table Linen, Wide, good pattern. leg 50c for, , ............. Reg, . 3 9 Reg. 75c for e$. $1.00 for . 9.79 Reg, $1.25 for. 91,00 vests .39 $7 'Ladfes Coats 4.75 Ladies Black Beaver Cloth Coats, .11 , web made, good style, and peryfect fitters. Regular 7.00 for.. .. ,,, 4.7'9 Black Beaver Coate 12.00. for. , . 8.00 Black Beaver Coate 13,50 for., ,. 0.50 Black Beaver. Coats 18.00, for ... .13.00 • All Children's' Coats (narked at . 0 .cost and less. Aellamemailaummememermimimmilmioloi kke 411