HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-12-24, Page 4wish one .a.ild - A.. Merry. ChriOirnas Anda . tiappy. New Year Christmas aud New Year EXCURSIONS' stations in Canada, also to Thr troit, Port Huron; Mich., Buffalo. BleolatoOk, Niagexa Falls and Suspension Bridre, N.Y.., Atelingle Fare . Good going Deo, 24th and 25th, 1908. Returning until Deo. 28-1908. Also good going Mat, 1908 and Jan. 18t,1924). Iterturning until Jan Oh. 1909: At Fare arid one third Good going Elec. 21st to 2502, 1908. Returning until...tan. 5th 1900. Also good going Deo, 28th, MS to Jam. 4st 1909. Returning until 011,n. 5th. For further particulars apply to • F. It. HODGENS, Town ent. ' Mr. W. T. R. Preston writes a sharp letter to the Mali and Empire taking that Pupal severely to tusk for its 'malignant persecution of him. Mr, Preston makes good his charges of un- fairness against the orgao, which,With characteristic dishonesty, presents the letter as "an apology for his life"! The organ's hatred ofMr Preston is accoun- ted for by its inability to defeat or suc- cessfully detame • Hon Mr Fisher who happens •eo be in Rome on public business, recently called upon the Pope, and this cir- cumstance has aroused the anger of • a Toronto clergyman. As LMr Fidler , :happens to be a Protestant, no signifi: / canoe whatever attaches to the in- / formal call. The average Protestant ,.... ••• • ' on a European tour ' would consider it a privilege and 'labor to meet the Pope, or any other celebrity, Even • King Edward •himself -recently, paid • Ins respects to the Pope, criticism of Mr Fisher, or any other man unde• r like circumstances, is• narrow and un- worthy a minister of the gospel. :Church_himes $.• 1111101,10,1111.-ww916.11.11.11,011#11.1ke* 9 ' • WILLIS + • The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held or. Thursday' evening. Papers were read by Mrs. Gunn, and Mrs. Alexander. The young people held asocial meet- ing at the Manse on Monday evening. ONTARIO STREW , Owing to the illness ofMisel Courtin; the clever organist of this church, her lean is temporarily filled by Mrs. W. Treleaven, who is also an accomplished organist. It will likely be some time before Miss Courtice is able to resume her duties, , '• BAPTIST . • IU CLINTON NEW "4,BA Dec. 24th, z' OPENING OP ST. OOMPH'S Cline% OLINIoN 1. miasma seats Olinton butcher*, viith their usual re' eke:. . eefe, )e,"17."4.TAT71.4 enterprise, Will make a eplendid sheW- ing of Ohristaiae meats, as the follow- ing liete will . 11. Fitzsimons & Son 2 extra Anglin; behave weighing 2580, , fed by F Stewart. Stanley; 2 extra heifers welshing 2410,fed by F Wald- ron, Stanley; 2 Mare heifers weighing 2000 fed, by W,Elloitt: I !extra heifer weighing 1000,fed, by G Halms; 1 extra calf weighing 380,fed byJ MoNaughton 8 hogs each weighing 260, fecl.eby 1ockwood:4 lambe each weigheng 1e0, fee by 11. Fitzsbnonsi also iv number Of geese, turkeyeeducks, chickens and e • other meat In remote On Sunday last the blessing and the l temples to the honor and glory ofGed. dedication of the beautiful:law St. Jos-. It did not Wean a mere collection.- of eph's Ohurcle took pine. It was aa y beide atone, or Mortar, or something event of great importance which the t to please the vanity of men. /t had. members of that congregation had _deeper meening than this. Tbey were been expecting and looking forward to assembled for the purpose of glorifying for -some time. Everything in connec- God, and for thesalvation and sanctifi- tion with the service was ot a most in). cation •or their immortal souls. ' He nressive nature and the event was one gave an interestiug account of the ori• which will be long remembered by the gin and work of thechurch, which citizens ofOlinton and especially by the Christ had established, and to which members of Si. Joseph's parish. The he promised his Divine help to the con- ceremoniesin connection with the summation ot .ages. He showed, the blessing and dedication of a church is great part the chureh had taken in tbe taken from the Roman ritual and are civilization a the world,how she had • Services as usual on Sunday, the pastor will preach. Subjects: Morning, No room for Jesus" ; Evening, eNum- beeing our days." ' The pastor will give an address in the Sunday School in the afternoon. • ST ' The usual Christmas service will be held in St: Paul's church on Ohristnlas Day, Friday, Dec 25th. at 1030 m. The music and seemon will be approp- riate for the uceasion. : The annnie Christmas tree entertain- ment of St Paul's SS was heldTueschey evening and wasa pronounced success in even?. Way. The emitting. was filled • with little folks end their friends, and the tree as usual, .vas decerated •with gifts. The entertainniene consisted of naisic, dialogues,recitations and drills; some of the better were very -beautiful; Entertainment began at 7.3e sharp, .and ended about 10, all the little Ones beingelelighted and happy_ . • SALV.A7I0,NaARII.V— Murphy Beal 4 heifers 20 mieaths old. fed by Geo Stanbury, and fed by Wm Falconer af the London Road, average weight 1035 lbs; I heifer le mouths, fed by II Plumsteel, weight 900. lbs; 1 heifer 2 years, fed. by j-GardneraGorlerieh Tp 1100 lbs; 9 pigs, 0 months, fed by Geo audie'God.erich Tp., 1 call, 5 weeks fed 4.11 Plumsteel; 1 lamb fed by P Reynolds; 1 alarab,fed by J Gardner, A large number•of turkeys, decks and geese brought from Eph Brown, 0 Lindsay. Jno Smith, Miss McL Annan and others. Sam Cassels 1 extrellne heifer fed by W Stan; bery,weighing 1010 lbs; e extra fine heifertfed laY It Hunter,London Bead, Weighing 950 lbs; I fine heifer fed by 13. Pearson. 2nd con. of Stanley: two :..a.ota.. Claus • very imprersive and solemn. The cer- I sent her missionaries to the uttermost , fine pigs red by Fred Nott, •London innerly on this occasion Was Performed. 1 parts of the world to carry. the gospel., Road; 1 final:4g fee by Ames Town. by Rt. Rev, Monsignor Meunier, of i He showed liow the Church. was still Windsor, Administrator of theDiocese 1 carrying on this great work and bring- send,Tueltersmithi 1 extra flue wether lamb fee by G Connell, Goderich Tie, of London. He was assisted • by the ing Peace and consolation to the hum- weighing 130 lbs; a quantity of dressed pastor, Ree Father Renton, Rev Fath- an heart. The discourse was well Teas. er Westt , of Thomas,Sa former pas- oiled and delivered, and deserved the fowl from Mrs H Snell of Iiiillett, to- gether with other turkeys and poultry ter, Rev. Father Egan, of Stratford, and Rev. Father Hurley, of Toronto. 'A procession was formed. composed of the clergy and Acolytes. The main entrance and walls being blessed, the procession Went to the Sanctuary, which was ,also Solemnly blessed and dedicated to the worship of God, The Litanies were chanted, and prepare - tions for the High Mass began. The Celebrant was Rey. Father West, of St. Thomas, who is well-known to the peopte of Clinton, Rev. Father Hurley was Deacon, Rev. Father Egan acted as Sub -Deacon, and Rev. Father lean - 'enacted as master of ceremonies. Af- ter the singingof the Gospel,. the pas- tor, in a Jetw well chosen weeds, ad- dressed the large congregation, and in; formed theme of the great pleasure he felt on the occasion at the dedica- tion Of the church which they had been anxiously waiting for. If he had suc- ceeded in erecting a teniple ben- t*. and glory of Grode it was • due itua great measure to theirwiltingassiet• -mice and earnest efforts. He thanked them all for the hearty co-operation he The sermon in the evening was had -received, not only the members of preached by the Rt. Rev. Administrat- his own congregation, but also the cit- or. It was an exposition and defence izens of (Hintonwho had encouraged of the ceremonies of the church. • Ile him in his humble efforts.. Their presence on this occasion was also e guarantee of their good will and amic- able spirit &church of this kind, beautiful in 64;10 detail, was an orna- ment and honor to the tome. He then called Upon Rev. Father Hurley; who had been invited to preach the dedicee The Salvation ArnierWill gold their 'annual Christmas tree and entertain- ' meth in the S A barracks on Friday • evening Dec25th. " .. • , WILLIS . - 1 Next Sunday evenieg the Choir will, Cooper% Factory Burned • give their .was service of song, els- Islated bK Mr W. P Spaul ling who will ee. At a little after threeo'clock Tuesday , Sing "T e (Aft" by 'Behrend• Mr L T . . . morning, Cooper's Planing Factory t.. Fleming will site the , solos in the c wasdiscovered to be in •fiames,amil the! anthem "There were Sheperds." All , . alarm soon brought a crowd to the i are cordially invited. scene,but the fire had gained s•uch ; ' . . , VirEgLEY• headway, and was so fierce that i Tee Pastor:a . subjects for next Sun: nothing could be done to check it. ' daY, 27th, are: a m, •Measurements of• > When first discovered the whole. in- , 1 conscience; pneThird chaeacterSketch ie. terior was a solid mass of flame, and •Debeeee.• e, • r, e elmostby the time any onewas on the 1 Mee Boles, the ve'ey efficient leader •• scene thteroof had fallen in, the wallet • •tumbling ehortly after. It is supposed • '-',, the fire must have started from the • engine,although when mirk was closed . down on Mondav.everything appeared perfectly safe. With the 'exception of the boiler room and chimney the "--• , , • -• • factory and its equipment of machine. ry is a total wreck. The building and contents were insured for $e000, there being $4000 in the Perth Mutual and . 82300 in the London Mutual. Sam, with his accustomed pluck andenergy, says he will have it running again by he lst of April. Presentation to kiss N E Herman On Sunday last, just before the dos - 't • ing exercises of elt. Paul's Sunday School, the Rector and Mr. A. A. Hilt on behalf of the Vestry, presented an Address acconmanied by a chain and • • . • purse to Mies Nellie Berman in recog- • nition of her faithful services asOrgan- • ist of the Sunday School. Miss Herman has had charge of the * 4. • • musical exercises of the Sunday School • eyer since the appointment of the Bev • • Mr. 0111113e as rector. Her work has • .• been a labor of love, and the present • was Considered by members of theVeS. • • . tt suitable time to acknowledge in of the choir, will spend the next three weeks with friends in Dungannon,antl. her place as leader of the choirevill be taken by her •• ,able assistant, Miss great attention it received • The Right Rev. Administrator then of all kinds,. John Scruton macie some appropriate remarks,' in • which he praised both pastor and pee,- 1 extra Pet 2 yr o Heifer, weighing ple for their noble efforts. He also in- 1220, fed and raised by Jas Snell, Hut- vited them to contribute generously to lett; 1 fine heifer,. weighing. 1115, fed reduce the debt, which was naterally by Jos Colclough, Goderich Tp. 2 At the evening service solemn Yes. 2,300; 3 extra fine lan3bs ed by Eph wing Celebrant and Fr. West and Fr. • Dodd; also all kinds of poultry fed by ,• incurred in a building of this kind. heifers fed by Rueben Griy,weigh'ing ?ere were sang.. Rev. Father Hurley Brown, Hullett; 3 pigs fed by W Egan being deacoe and sub -deacon re. Mrs T Feat Mrs 11 Snell and others. sPgetuiliding.was taxed to its utmost With r.irite..Teachers. • • capabitee and although benches and . •.• • ehairs Were used,rnany remained sten- Mitis Stanbur has resigned her pose. ding. The ng nag o e c o 01 .1 , 111.11.1 " ilea ••• kee ealee, , 80 fuour Wishes altour customers a very Merry Christmas • 'A cooper' Book Store, canton c't ?,414444.11**********41g 41r Personal Notes 44. 4114' . • 49, visiting in town or going away * see If those lumina velauvea or friends !:gra ii,'Ii`lteggefifPetreltz1744 ,r1++++444444+1444,14461t Walter Holmes is spending a holiday with friends in Cleveland. ' • Misq.Islelson. of Fall River, .Mass., is the guest of edies Wisemen. Mies Lilian Jackson, A T C M., To- t 'eh' fo the horde. s ' Mrs George Rural:pall, of Flint, Mich., is visiting her mother,Mrs Rudd. Mies Taylor of the Public .School , staff, will spend the holidays at Myth. very f the h ir was tiob in Bayfiei , and accepted one in Mrs Joy and son, of Norwich, are fine. Mr. . °see's: Leach, of Lon- • • ' Shannon. don, rendered some beautiful scilos, as also Miss McDonald. of Gederich. The duet by Mrs. Leech and Miss Yesbec Wail pleasingly rendered. Miss Harriet McCaughey,of Blyth parish and choir, kindly came over and rendered yalu- able help and assistance.' Miss Minnie Reynolds. of Clintomacted as organist. is a fluent and eonymeing speaker,pps- sessing good' delivery and impressive style,and seems destined to occupy a highplacein the church. ' • The service closed with Benediction. the Divine praises being sung by the choir. The proceedings passed off very nicely, all admiring the beautiful and tion sermon. • His discourse was listen- handsome Church, particularly the ed to With gnat attention and was an beautifully decorated alters with their able.and eloquent effort. He explain- bright illumination,: The offerings for ed the reason and necessitY of erecting the day amounted to. about $300. Toronto visiting at the home, of Mies aemon. Mrs Jas Ross, Ohicagoas visiting her sister, Mrs J Harland, • and other friends, ' . • Miss Jennie Gilchrist, of Saginaw, Mich.,. is visiting her mother, Mrs her home with her. brother, , Mr .W ' Miss Hazel Ker, who has been'Otted- Coats,Goderich, while the latter's wife ding Stratford Normales home for the ' is in Calif.:m:1in for the winter. holidays, • • Rev. F. Swann, Who supplied in On - Miss E L Holmes,of tbeSpetton Bus- • tario St. Church, on 'Sunday, was the iness College, Orangeville, is home for,: guest of Mr. and Mrs. Waemann, who the holidays. - were members of his -congregation when he was stationed, at Bluevale. Mr Will II Webb, who is employed Miss Tessie Switzer, who is teaching near Beechwood re-engaged at a eal. ary of $520,being $20 of a raise, ( • Miss Evelyn Tiplady, daughter • of Mr Relph Tiplady.has been re-engaged for her present school in Moncton. • • Miss Myrtle Phillips, Of Londesbnro, has been engaged as teacher at Brig - den, Lambton 0o, at a salary of $400 a Dungannon trustee board have re•en- gaged Principal Lang for lop at a sal- ary of $550, and for the - junior room have engaged Miss IVIatheson, of Kin- cardine, at *400. , • Miss Norma Sperling has been re -en- • gaged as teacher in the the school she is teaching at present on tbe South liowick boundary. 'The trustees have inereased her salary by e50, Miss Wiseman, Ottawa, is home for thele holidays siEiddanyas Copp, of •Londen: Sereael" is boine at present ' Mr and Mrs Ball (Collegiate) are spending the holidays at Atha , . . Mrs Belcher is in SO Thomas end Me 1 Belcher goes to Detroit fop Xmas e _ Mr McLeod, foreman of tbe Iaoksolt Factory, and wife, are holidaying in London . • . 6 ^ •• Dr WJRFowlereof Torontp Veterin- eay College. wife and family, are bete over the holidays. •„ . Mrs Ilawden was called to Exeter on •.aecount of the serious ;illness of her • mother, Mrs McDonell, in other, McEwan, K arid I GUM] 1.;.}100Ver • Misses Manie Houston, Edna liooper, • •.and A Robinson, ••all pf Woronto, are home .•. Ik• Irlit A Megaw, of •Vernon,B. 0., where be carries on an extensive bud-- • nese, is here visiting his relatives and • the scenes of his boyhood • Mrs D I'Macpheison, of New Liskard; Was in town this week. She will Make in the Wese,has reterned home for the• Mr Bayard Hill was called to Acton 1 Winter • • ' • -• last neek, to attend the funeral of his - Mr J W Irwin and family are spend- sister. Mrs John Burnside; she went ing Chrisemes with a erotheien.law in to balm her usual health. and expired • Toronto. •' ,.. .• withota a moment's notice; 'she was •years old, and left no children. Mise Robelia 'Harris, of Philadelphia 55 Miss Lilian Lawrence,•eldeet daughter was the guest. of Mrs. It. Hennes last Mr Timeapsort the well•knovenlerce • . . of Mr and Mrs S Lawrence, of (ttawa. week. •• eeemeeie of Clinton, has been engaged ” Mr Willeraylor, of Trinity, Toronto on the teaching serif of the city et an le spending the holidays with his human of teodexuaeleft for Winnipeg on Wednesday, and expects to go as f r as Prince Albert', where it is end-, . b e his company mey establish a milt • Winton. Public School • . el Rutledge.....229 M Cook 2°4 initial salary °fetal) with ati i acreese parents. ' . • as they expect to discontinue business •Lois Holmes ...222 Betel Elegies -201• Mr and Mis Fred Alteeek of Hamil- in Goderiele '. . - **ere. - • • 1 Lulu BttileY ......t22 M MeMath......202 of $50a year until she reaches 8800. • Miss' E Delmage, B. A., of St Mary's, ton, will spend. the holidays with their sister of Miss Dell -nage, of Clinton: C91- oldfriends here. • Friends :here will regret to learn . The 11 -is the report for Dec- ember. *Only the following have taken ' 0 Sheeley: .., -219 I._.en Ntechgerja that s.Mr Wm 11 Davidson, London, Jenpie Beenes..219 E er .....e legiate, has been appointed' specialist Miss Batler left tidily for Hint formerly of Exeter, has been suffering entrance standpinivgisfioornelliemonth:- Ina Trowhin. -218 S Yesbec. ,191 218 F 4 11 Y.... Iv° in mathematics for the Oollingwood • •• Erskine EVa•DS. a is•-• .... ,pollegiate InstituM,at art initialealary Ml'ehe where sir ' - h will . spend the severe pain irom blood '.potsoning in. Agnew..... -88 lerace , . of $1000, with two yearly increases of ' Walker 71 K Dowiere ....211 James Reie.....174 wint.er with her sister. is hand the. resultof a slig.h eut. - 'led Mid remaininin Sr. Part g II. 8-00 each. • . Byard 1:1111....a .87 Dora Barr.......,Fai fie • N. though he is hell seriously ill the worst. • Miss Am Ilamshere of Lagar& •staes 0 Paisley...., ...86 Maggie Easom...68„ Flossie Nelson 121 Addis Jones e is eve past. Falls, will sPend the holidays with her Flellvar. • Principal Hartley, a the Public Dr, Agnew returned hest week front Cob tit where he has been spending a. E Farquhar-- 79 L Greig....e. -08 • • • • • • t s stated that although the trus- sister Mrs W 11 • Missed Part of Exam teee ' s of S. S. .No. 3, Colborne ha,vad- L MacDonald -'79 Earl Squire ,67 caei Emee........iee Doman Saunders.. Yeresed for a. teachet. for 2 months. FredSloman.• ...78• they. have nft hadone apleication 'and School,and wife will spend the holiday. has a great ining future before it,but few weeks peoepecting ; he thieks it W Carlinge.....76 Lizie F zord ell I Junior. m. are to -,day without a teacher for next with tl2eir parents at Wroxeter.. tureens the opinion that the.man on E Pattison • -76 John Ball* • • • • • • -61 --Promoted from jr Part 2, to 2nd book. year, althouch for ' years this school Mr and Mrs Harry Marsh and sop, • & the ground is the chief one to benefit. Manley Shipley.71, • . Division 2 , „, A Pickett..... -229 Nellie Kemp t ....220 has paid $450,•even before the new Act :Detroit, Are' sPending the' eliday at by inyesemepts in. naming stock. jeeksep ..... :215 came into -force, It ig said:that a dozen' the horde of Mr Gep retitle. , A, • t'' th 89 Sask-a- 4 " sch• ools in NVest Huron Inspectorate •G MeTeggart, who has teen attending new homeen that city- of Rev j Ve •Moore . 72 Olive Cote ...........47 at."`"abel Marshal 232 M Gibbings: -.157 Lulu liewe;•• • ••7° Blruer Beneern. • •75 Claude Higgins 103 Leona Hearn....138 The County Committee of the yonng N, Caner' was in town on Setur- has also two sons. settled in as a oone 1-1 Barlabd'• • • • "6-1 MaMie Hala• • • '7° }Latina Argent.188,R Britton.- ... -125• County, held their quarterly meeting of being prosperous and happy with- house businees, and Dr Earnest Holmes zecen issue o e page Master:Broder MeTaggart, son of M L Mennell,.....,.74 G Meraggart -.92 Marks obtainable 250. To DOSS 125. • have , Y no teaceers f pr e t ear. r toon Phoenix contains % picture of the. Senior 3 • Junior , •'Proixtoted from Jr. Part?, •to Sr. Part 2 Se A.nareves .13ollege, Toronto, is home ,. failleClisft°1crilre., l!fisetv?r eg.. Wesleyl Y, 31: G A. for the holidays. • , Laverne Coolt..71 Edna Wasmann.77 Bessie Chowen.225 D Rattenbury...153 . W Pinning .06 Irene Wilkene ... Hattie Greig 191 Aileen Armour..180 . Men's Christian Association of Huron • day. He still seenes to have the factilty Mr J H Holmes, who is in the green • Leona Elliott....,60 L Harland......., George Evans e.178 Fred Grimes.. • .125 'Lulu Connell'...,58 Pearl Glazier., _67 Flotence Smith 176 .toy Graharn...,58 Maucl'Coo .... Missed. exam -Earle Clpoper, • . • ' WTwitchell......65 1 . merlon Gunn.. „to -.Hattie Ceertice, teacher 'vision Lena Holmes.....60 , ' D• ' • 7 performed the duties of Organist for, Mr John Rice who has snacceptably Lizzie McPherson, teacher. .1 • Division p Senior 1 the past eighteen months, leaves this • . I . Promoted to Part 2 week vvitheirs Rice on a shoreholiday Miss Doherty will take charge of the organ during his absence. in the rooms of the Y, M. 0. A. in ,ou oo rnuc manua labor. • . • Mr Gordon Waken- Toronto, son or. Clinton, Tuesdey evening, Dec. 15% grand Mrs Jno Rice and son Lloyd, Messrs Blair, McCallum, Scott. Hill, intend spending Xmas • in Galt, and Mr F Waldron London road,. who re. The Teeasurees re,pert showed that Byrne. and Mr and Mrs 'Rutherford., rubber and banana plantations in Oen- presents Toronto • capitalists in large Culletis and Fleeting being present. will be the "-guests of Mr and Mrs $481358 leo.d been received. since Sept. 1 Mr. George Irving, of Chicago, last and oAninbeeliincgalniateirnViTe°wredatboyi:at JP:pees:1:er.. ' 15th. which, added to the balance on vveek visited his parents here, Mr, and• on the pro osal that the Hindus novr ' 1 d re 10 Of hand at tbai Senior • Junior • this sum $642.25 'had been paid out. to go back and vend the winter With Br1ttsh Honduras, says: "They would in British 8olumbia, should be sent to Mrs John. lrving, and persuaded them . 1 • • • • . • •leaving abalance in e reasury o him. W Welsh 77 Cecil Peckett....68 ' the t f OelaBeacom....92 Frank Rice......93 Alex Eagleson -65 Elsie Graelis.....67 not live. there. The! would die. These Harvey Welker.91.Viola Cook......8e. Nettie Glazier -74 Jean Bell.... .... 65 County . Committee was deferred, -till the Christmas holidays vvith his pie. ed whence they came, for which I can Lack Kennedy -91 A •Yesbee. . . . . . -78 Marjorit3 Barge.73 Madeline Shaw..65' the Annual Coneention to be held in ents at the manse, Mr. Alfred Greig see no -reason, ought to be left where Loretta Barge. .8S Annie Yesbee....77 W Seeley.- - ../2 ft Grundy... ... efle theyeare. It would seem that they are - Winghana on the 8th and 9th of Feb- end sister, will also spend the holiday F Cousins.:. ....88 C Thompson . ...75 Agues Fair. - : -12 'Lorne Perdue. ... fie - miry. . • [ 'here. • Satisfied with British Columbia. They. D A Oantelon . ;87 H Holmes., . .., -75 Orville Murphy.71 E Livermore.....60 Mr L 0 Fleming, County Secretary., ' • are docile and industrious and pleasing. Walter Shier ...87 Violet Argent Alex Agneve....70 R McDonald, ...,e8 reported that five places had been or. : In a note received at -this office,Mr. to look upon, if I may say so. and per - Alma Judd..? -.86 W Appleby.e...:71 Earl Livermore.70 Earl Steen... -4. ”57 ganime since sive me, Nee. wing. D Manch. late of the House of Refuge, haps racially akin to us. 16 might. V McGuire.: -.86 Austin Martin...7a Pretoria Shipley(%) W -Milford- - 57 ham, Goderieh, •cemeon, Exeter, and. sae's:- "I am enjoying better health, brutalize us more,but it would be more, than when I left Ontario, also Mra D. humane ter butcher half of. them where, Elsie Finch .....85 May Nickle...,e.69 Ernest .110,11.....69.PearlGould......55 Blyth,.with a tote' membership at pre- than • Mooteeee.84 BellJohnston...'„68 1•' .:-Jimini. sent of 130 young men A Boy's De- French enjoysSunnyAlberta immense- they are and give the test free trans - Janet ary s we ... i LI C a ,. .. 1M RAIL 11 R th M. M th • .. Eartment had been orgailized ittWing. ile We are living comforta.ble and port to the tropics than td send them. Wilson, teacher, 1 Division 4 -Senior . l Lyda Livermore. ..J Yesbec... .. ...... am also, and all things considered, i nappy in our little cozy home. to Central America.11%. . M MoTaggart...97 -E McKenzie .....78 Murray NI 011011- .H Lawren • ... . . . .. ee • the work accomplished, up to -date, 1 . d the prospects for the future were'' 'Harry Shaw....97 Merle Moore /7 Merritt Nediger....Mary Carter • quite encouraging. e r per e a anB. e t d th t O Twitchell.....93 Willie Co6k 75 1 3/(aud Wiltse, teacher P Wheatley....93 11 Managhan.. • 74 I Division 8 there were now in the county, 12 cor- responclingmembers,arid that 22 young Aleda Seeley....89 Jean Bar e„. -60 91 C:4 Wallisi" " ' 'At I Senior • Jilnior men had been tollowed by letters, and looked after. to -the places in which 0 Oaritelon Emily Cutler 85 Carmen , urner. .. 56 lettie Argent II Livermore they had gene,by Y. M C. A.• officials; Albert Shier, -81 Mary Levy.......56 Bobbie Shrink..... A Geniis and some of these had become mem- L Mitchell 80 0 Johnston ..... ,56 N Edmiston... ...:.A Glazier. - ... ,.... bers of the Association lathe places to A. Nediger • 79 L Nothing • -46 Eva Sacobs.. .... ...0 Meletyre......... which they had gone, Aeollection on behalf of the Sick Children's Hospital; was •taken up in the Sunday School last Sunday,which will realize $50 as soon as all returns are in. Opnsiderine that no speeial, effort was made, this is a generous contribution. It is expected that Prof Fella, of Toronto, an expert organist, will pre- side at the organ on Sunday next.both morning and evening. Mrjohn Moon now a member of one of the Toronto choirs will probably 1.61ider a Solo at elle of the services, while Mr Norman jolliffe, the well known and clever baritone, of Toronto. son of the pastor will sing ab both morning and elening eervice, The Christmas music of last Sunday will also be'. repeated ,by te- • quest. a angible manner her long and faith. .1, DOTES •- Mies Luella, Tichborne of ful performance of het duties tisOrgen• Stratford is epending her holidays' at POrter's Hill 1st. D McClentan returned from The address was read by the Rector bokue. the West:on Friday, Eaenest Vander, and the presentation was made by Mt • Hill. The gifts consisted of a peen of burgh who has been verY nick with gleurby and congestion is getting gold and a %old necklet with a cross were in a dainty JewelBag: ettere Mrs Stewert McDougall is also pendent. 1. e latter chain and cross) •on the sick list, The Public Soho° examination held on Thursday proved a success, a large number bell* present, tonna were taken trout one to three by a number of teachers, after which a lengthy program was. given,consisting of read- ings, recitations, dialogues, drills, choruses soiree OpeecheS and etc. The • To Miss Nellie E aefirlati children'deserve great crediefor the able ilway in which they aid their • • , Dear Miss Berman, We. members of the Watery of fit Nuys part. At the close of the program, a Church, knowing with what Watt+ you have pleariing feature was an adaress to the for the past seven years discharged the duties teacher with a beautiful hand'inirror, Miss Herman was teken completely Herman responded for her. thanking , the member& of Abe 'Vestry for their •1...... 0,1. IDS sister took in the MUSICS). services of the Sunday Sebool, The, address was as felloWS:-. by surprise and her brother, Mr Fran kindness, and assuring theto of the .. . . . of Organiet of the Sunday School, desire at this , -• joyoue season of the year to express to You our , appreciation of the services you have rendered., Your kindly disposition, your wInitunieee at; . . . all times to advance the interests of the Bundair , School, and vein Uhlrearied atteutiori in the , . ernidtict of its Muskat eterelees have creamy- ,, contributed to the Prosperous condition in - • A Whibh the School titds itself to -day. Ura • r ' I) ta ' f thi 0.1,.• a - • ' given by the scholars. We also think that the eysteniatic, business like way in which the wheie afternoorts pro- gram Was conducted, the excellent order kept by the Children refleets greab credit upon our teachet M1S8 Jamieson. We are sorry that another pa MI a Blight ;nark of our &aeon, and we Change of teachers has beeline needs • Pray God that if it bailie will you mar long be earY• but we are sure in this ease that slimed to lead BIN praises in the congregation of our 108e ton be , other.. people's gain, reeele. shine yeti ever/13108112g and all the Joy of and as the coming teacher Miss Shaw leo/whine festive aeatoni we remain, dear eOines very highly I eeottanended, arie youri tory faithfuo. trust that no serious i lose will be sus. elt et the VeOrY, , tained to the schoo . c it aerate. motor at T Renee, T n 301titilott • Mr Robert alunre editor of, The ChurthWardetlri ... t.. • ' EBERT A illfitt, Veatev merit rat Agin Titnes. is !lead. „ Gladys Cook...;92 Helen Rodaway..87 F Lorne West 67 The matter of Incorporation of the Bobt Stewart, of Toronto, will spend poor fellows, if the ; "Cannot be return. • A Walker... .... ...Geo. Walker Junior. ' Harry Rance •Eitel Johnston.. The financed budget for the year 19,9 VMS estimated at $1800. • Olive, 0 Brien......Alice Fluker...-m . 14 . , • The following are proMoted to the elm Committee is arranging nex. '17iird Book. Total marks 650, , George Shipley... ,Francis Yesbeecellent program for the Coriventaionin .1 ' 0 A Tl-' Houston 543 Sadie teteep......472 , •• ayor, teacher Winghana on February .81h and Oth, Elsie Cousins.615 L Langford.....440 and are looking forward to a largely 3 Watkins 502 R Leppington 4..446 griorvirase..............A.r......• .attended, and most successful conven• 1 A Orundy500 L Edmistori,. , ..419 The Clinton Knitting Co, , Hon in every reepect. i P,,Lawrence....401 D Shipley.......419 . Willie Gould...474 0 McCartney..,4l0• The business of this enterprisi- ng Co. 4 'PopularMajorits,t4 ,I,i()‘00 Por 1 is developing so rapidly that it hes been decided to add ten new machines . 1.atirier : • 1 to the equipment, in order to meet the The Clerk of the Crown in Chancery -I demand., It has also been decided to has made public the following figures' carry a full assortment of the various as to the popular vote in the rocentDo- lines mannfactured, in Montreal, in minion election. The reports for Brit. , orde.• to promptly fill Orate from the Mb. Columbia are incomplete: - I Maritinie Provinces, which, territory Province; Lib. Con. 4 will be looked after by two represent- atives of the Company. As SOM1 .as Ontario.... • • •.• • • • 4224.821 236,019 arrangements can be made travellers Quebec . • . • .. 0, "e C '158,893 129+164 will cover the West territory that has Nova, Scotia . . . . . ... 48,43k • 47,015 not been Covered hitherto- Rho bust- New Brunsreck.... 40,116 84,945 liege in the head office hero has grown firainnieLEadr.a.rd.I.s..... 2814-100g 14,280 , 31,890 so Much that the serving of a second Stenographer have been tietessaty,e,nd British Columbia • ' Miss Steep. who is engaged hi Mr (incomplete)" .. i6 -3,514 5,403 Rance's office, has been temporarily Alberta............ 1 10 2008,505 assisting Miss OW!. (Mr Renee hay. SitekatcheWan...... 27,221, 10,883 . in kindly "'Mined" her for the time being.) After New "rears Miss Hattie Totals . . . . .. ......574,350 542,085 Ilc llowav will take a pernianent place The popular majority thus would be in the office, as assistant Stenographer 81,011, lees the Oonsetvative majorities We are gate outetowns.peopie will be in British Oolutnbia, The total vote glad to know of these evidences of the Was 1.111.001,plus the British Oolintibiti, growth of one of the towns indeetriea, figures. which protedites, still greater develop. In IOU Sir Wilfria's popular naajotity Meta. • WAS 48,708. • •' On trial 'Failed (Jail Argerit....358 E McDonald ....330 Lorne Deeves..345 E Iloitzhauer..840 Missed some exams „ • Bert pewees C Oraelis .......... Clara Chidley, teacher! • Division 5 Senior Junior Petinybaker..83 Rya Carter. 00 it Oantelon ....Si 0 Beaton...," .87 Irene Oole,....,80 N Xennedy 83 Mervin Elliott..70 W Blacker 83 M ..,75 Winnie Draper. 79 D Stephensdn. ..75 Percy Ladd 78 Poster Copp,. ..60 Iletbie '&K00107/ 13ernie Hall.... .65 May Rutledge, 74 tlit treets • • • bat Sisk& 13aities. a • • •10 W .Toe Neligm 65 • Ludy Stevene, teacher.. Divioion 8. -Senior The 'following are prOmoted to the kiebond Book. Marks obtainable 250. To vase 124 t L Harland, • :0 280 Ni eaving Towp Safe • • , • f .OUR GREW LEAVING TOWN SALE is 'still in full swing, and Dry. Goods, Clothing. Roots. and. Shoes are all ,,betfig sacrificed.in order that December may see Our whole stock turned into cash; Read the few' price reductions below, as it will give you some idea of the money you Can save ' by purchasing here during the balance of the. ioorith . , ri to 75e Deese Goods tincl.Silks, to clear at .. 42e $1 Sateen Underskirts, to clear at, . . • 120 Oxford Shittings to dear at fle $3.75 Wool Blankets to clear at ----------*2.00 Men's 100 Overcoats to clear at...... Meles 812 Overcoats to clear at...... .. . . . $$ 00 Men's 250 Sox to clear at ........................20o Ment 25c Braces to clear at.... . . lIen's 25 and 1350 Ties to dear at,....; ........20c Men's rke Working Shirts to clear at Men's 506 fleece lined and Wool lindervvear ..400 Women's Pelt Sliopers to clear at..." . .. • And a full range of Dry Cyoocls,- Men'sand Boy's e Clothing and VurnisInngs, and our full .stock ,pc Boots, and Shoes to be cleared at cost. • Terms of Sale Strlitly Cash; hinistee• Bros.