HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-12-17, Page 5FT7110"95
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� -�-.,.-,.�_-.-.Iil.."..�.�-,... . . � .. .� " � A' WAROWE MAM.- " - THE 1,, � ER LACHINE WO � . I .
. . - __ . DA FAdK`*'" I .1
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�* ,011090 LOUIS PAL 11 I . I - � .
" - .1 I . .. I . ... . .. '_ I . I I � � .- Ali I NftU you'know I I Frognob-C000nodlans Are Stealolliy0o`1010- I � .
. - -E � HEOPINE '"on!oro Jax9m R -an'' 'For Member of Arthur !Stringer Severely Consulrgo�Sjlr Oritish. Columbia Hunter's lExciting . I . ' . .
A F . T A' � . . The 14 road, vhere shafts. of izing PWriet Around 9dononto.a. . . , .
I . ; - . I I I I 01 I I � - . . Adventuroln tha_' Roo'kiss, , � 0 . grey . , -
- ,,----, _-O� _� , 1, �, : the Doovotnio.ro Government, 011bort.Parker. . . . I. � � . .
t . . I . � , - �Pronch-Cauadiauel have $A - I I
I , presence of mulon 40", light trees and lie ,so . The n , BaL ' . . 1
#$ . ACT- IN - 1XQUOre Joseph Jaxoe, ,Who V114,1 xr� Arthur Stritiger, be,$ ropeRtly Strxeo thro"P srolent *and growing colo Y in .
MRS. SABAH 0KF1lFLP_. I 00 "' 'he settled. portionoi of 911418111 . I
I Opr6ruii � U .-ot w. or 'Aprop he cool and _,v t - mouton, and A few years ,ago Merin- I � I
' . Xent in tiloo . nited .States l,a . ritten a severe ., ticle Arraigning I$ gq in
. -WAR OF 1019�. �_, � year beeousa of his correspondence who 'Caroadp, faiger." Briti-ajgalQuoelvimll bt this year,' We fol- ,X�oath stately elm%, . . t, Pau . I :
., t he calls.. the - . . vule AX14 0 .1 des Xatis, -were . � � .
, , .
. � a with IQ Account of a hunter's encouro" As, near the river brim upward the thVivini , . . . .�
, , ith President, 1119osevelt' upoilo tile Mr. Stringer has lAtle patient: will � � 7' started and have become I I
__. , T � - 9 i erni ,* sweep . .
. , . � ITaywooA-Moyor-P.ettibone I uude*� the. authorts whol profess to write of ter with a walmdecl bear near 17 e . . a bond. towns. The tide of French I . I
. of the NiagArg is worth rl�produotipn, writos a, CQrre. To.4rch o'erho�d their brauche .
Thrilling Incident ,Able citiT.,6uship" queatieu. created Canada and produce work full of glar- , tion. boo, largely increased , =,%Itz I I I
. . ment In the couutr Ing ittaccu . ir epoxi4ent in Victoria. Bears. have xng� deep . I dud 1les, , north of St. Paul there . � . . '.),
Frontier That HAs Been Almost much qQW, y West ,racies. Sir. Qj%ert, P ker I I . I , aO ra � .
I I .. ' I . 'Of � during the recent elec- is, one of t I he c b"11 so plentiful.in the vicinity of Seeming to heed , . ris.b. of St. Vincent,, . I
. � L n Who .., e -Winnipee , ulprits,, says the writer. Fernie, 'and fiave ve.iltuted �Ao near The mnkmuT or the roar. of waters 'a, now the pal . . � I . I
, ost I s AdventUre of WOMA tibas by -Appearing as a 4ndidate for 118trange,",.ho: declares,, "are the er4 ,, I I . amilies, ,where. a year ago . .
: pluckily Saved You . . 0 is Cana, the settlements, that .many lodal. - : vexo,-V � with 15,0 f . � � 14 4
, .ng l3ritish. Clip- iho btt4�ja Parliament. rora of $It Gilbert Parker, wh . mUmen ,have made successful trips Lashed. b�.�Ahe Storm or lalled, pet- ,ttiere was nothing, - . . I . I I
- I
I-16 ionic to the northwest ogevkal � dian'-bQm and was for many years a sp I But these Settlements. -,lie not far ,
� ukin From Capture .by, American � - in searc I ., . . �
I , .. ago �ud wu put forward, AS school Aeacbeil in Ills, native rmolintry.` into the adjAcaut wountain.s. . h, chance. to rest, - . .
I I Soidlert.-Rowar4elci With 4an4. 0141101s. . 'pendent cle- - I s book, 'The-�Chief FAO� of - big' , game. ... . %, . Where , rushing on, : I I enough north to, suit the F14QUph- I I I .1 I .
. the candidate,of on iride . Thus, in 14 . . .Canadians. A: regular press. campaign, I
� .
. I I ,lent th0ilas arisen among tile work- One -of tbege.exouisiong On OPt.'12 O'er sbelves,of rock, the, rapid$ team � .
, ter,' - he has tWa of his -Characters . . I . I
I ,
During the interval between tl4q,de-. 33 1 . .. I 11, fraged and toss . . has been mode in the French easteen , . .
, .
A- ippaws, � o74 And seerned te. have strength. about to fight a duel, .,,With', sw4rds. narrowly. escaped oliding*1 I 71 " ' . ...
I -feat of -tho-. British --ftt- in appeal to -the voter I t I I I I tahn(d, ilaoss It jr,, thL, hunter Is still irk Forever turning.. churning, witllout� pg-e,as in favor of tile Peace river! .
.4 1 1 Jax6n At; 1'� , o ' course, tha . . � 0 colmr, ;. , I .1 .. I
Is no A4 =ld searbli,ifor passably I � . I ;
5 and the Battle . of Lundy's I.t t two sueh ) from se q . i ", , Ay�iRTeistow:- .
'In, r Niagara fro - tacked both leading political paxti% . comb to ,a pital �taufforiug .v rq loss, - . . 0 court ry, a vagu( -A - - � I
T'ano �uly % W. 10 I Wounds inflicted by .tile infuriated As'vhen'Lw Salle. - . - - . .. try known -to be beyond #abascs � . . . � � .
, , 1814, OU ,n =4 . Put forth a ',statoment h Io a 'Sir Gilbert taltes them - I I
. tier, 'with the exception'"ot the forts, strucU radically, at banudil1ri claimis . fr vel ground. on Bay Co.'s post anA -Animal. lie had, wounded. The Wound- - � J' ,artered' for furs aAd watched, the Loading, and it has,found a respon- � , , . . , " ,
om thlui Hudsc , - .
at the mouth bf the river, wasin POO- � . I named Frioe,. proceeded, a - - . Iudians,pl I I SIVO chord among the sons, of old
sees . ion of the 'invading Amerioan, to goveru�tllo northwest-. brings. them to, a ujoose-yord.,�' Now ed man, I y -, - 'trap 'ers, '*he find kinsmen Among: . ' i , � � I I �
. Mi. 1axons, q.,irldidacy brought UP 1t is Tay. .fixed con-victi6il that the few miles north of here, In the Woods- Deftly their paddles I asthey came to . 0 p
, . . .. . at .
r D,t this time I .. , th haltbr the ol# .
Brit,One hot'July day i . : ilia que4ion. iyh(�ther lie is a Cana. queAtjoij has .in somp Way MoNab C6.'s timber limits, Nyliere sev. buy . .. : 1. . I . eeds', settled -Caua .. .
author in I To ons, , The Fre,nQU -� - I I
Sh officer rode leisurely down ' oral beArs had boen seen ind soon Here were his hopes,. 4 04thol miss! . . I
. � '-dian, or bqlongtq und(�T the United confounded the word 'moosd�yard',with ! I .
Lundy's Lane, little thinking a great . Its of one of ght. with youth's ardent glo.*, Arid . oing their sham In. the I .
dediSi . , - birdi, ,He Vlaln,Pd, It ij equally my cofivio- discovered the trod. tile tri . . . . . . dians are 4 .. � .
ve battle would soon be fouglIlt -States - flag � by I 'barn -yard.' � miles, E�bovo' tile here, perchance', - . transfortaktion. that !a jo fast taking - . I � I
- the dangek when living ill Chicago, to have beell tion that Sir Gilbert ,has nover looked animals, , About two . . ... I � . . .� �, I
under his very feet, vip, be- , ' uch loss -tried Company 5 mill Price came on- three: He dieamed new glories for his woll� place in the far north. A generation �- .
. er was the rils - buffalo ca Upon a moose -yard, m . � illdiag one; , , . . . . . . . . � -
. awaiting him 'born Ili � ,Taxo , wou � loved Fro '' O flour and potatoes were a novelty. . . I I
self, The offic . tweeii Montana and, the ,.Northwest. to travel through ,one !.a. the winter- bear,4, iiricl he shot, lace, , * 0 1 ag "try, and the . . 1.
0 vigilant young Captain. FitzG!bbon, , e *1 " 0 A AR
. ti . herd, ol Beaven Dams, to whom Territory, the location of tile camp I .time, For ,I moose -yard is nothing � which, however� made off Into.- th I ' � I I '. � to tho-Indians of ' l,the Colin . . . I - . � .
to the iht6rnatioual boundary lind, be- more than an intricate not -work, a woods. He-trAcked-the anirtial for, a Long, long ago, - I I - introduction of the first hoise-is,stiR - . ;
. �
6M Americans, with t*o,field Pieces- . fig doubtfuL His fathef was a hunt" wandering maze, of deep tracks, or, couple .of hours,. and. was -about- to Sloul. with-Aiis -quest u-nendedl Well of more � recent date, The hardy � . � I I . .
� I ,
their colors and pavalry, bad suyr('n� I .T. 1111d trader knd hit goother, was a 'rather, of deep gutters, an irregular give vP . the cbase. -%�Ilen, on � entering I � you know . I . I .. pioneers who -%veto settled at Lesser . . . 1. ,11, � i I �
dered the year before through the, ( - -1 , heavy -rush, he *came sud- 'The Old grey Tea ' to not ten years ago, thQu&t - 1. .., . . I
n edu -hole& two feet ai d inore 'SOme uro,derb id vherh.purPle W5 Slave Lot I �
I timely AIVATning, Of the renowned Laura. .1yomail, who had bed ' cated W. sdrie.9 of,trap . "$, giow, I . . �. . . . I ter owit, , . . . I �
I L . Englan ' to the bdttom, And a. (jelightluily odd denly on � his quarrv, not - a gun I . only"of thd prospects of bar I I . . . .
� . ' the fishing. Now., the .
Secord, ' , Jaxbg* , , aiid unoertaiii plam indeed in which length 0oixi him. Re. fired point blaiik- F or there a rill- - � � . the chase and I � . : ... ,
.Ae, FitzGibbon approached a tavdrh Claimed hi�adred. with the . it �jbe Animal, #ixd before lie co.ald. Silvers with Joy and lmsiasy; to meet newspap t weekly, , ; . I .� 1. a
� near the corner (if Portage road lie Afeti Indians, and said lie hAd als9L � to indulge.jrl,combat by sword! Still :, warm. -
. � .
. Welsh, Scottish, English, Fre�n�h .and . . ilbert�ls of its :w4y it struck him a From-dut the wQads an incense the -news-gatherer is here, and poli- , I 1.
noticed a -%N-oman making signals to agau'. Sit G .tendency to, sen- .got out . .11 . 1. , I .
him, but not ending, her Spani-sh forebms, He was educated timent4lizelthe situation lea,ds'hini to 11e.,,.v�'b,low on the head, afid before , an.d,.sw,eet. ' ' -. . .. I I � ties and thiB,crpps,ore-beirog discumcl! '_ I . :. . , :. ., . - 11,'o -
. � ,
compreb So depict .Ills. characters -,,,s inarchin I he couldree . -; While a deep .Voice _ : . � 'in as lively a.nia,nn6i asfin any part , I . . .. I ..., _
� �. I I
� �6nd'tied his 'at ToiQnto. University And as ciated - 9 . . 06r liftagelf t1le.madden � I om the distant . Tlook�_. . f I � I . ..
meaning, he dismoubred I . icln, . , . . , or Ad sprung on him'And in- Comes .i hills, !1 � V , 04 cered . . . � � ..
3 On * ' witb Louis rvief in his,rebell across the -snow in the dead of wifit ed anional h, , . ' ' 91 the country, . - .erY .90 ' .
horse to a chestnut ttee. coming , r b N'rounds with its look, for we % . . 1.
intercepted C�ptured by the Goverroment'troopR.' while.one in4mbor of the band blithe. flieted eibme ter I 16 ' 'long E ;tot.. crops'were at Lesser Slave LAW this'- " . ' . I -1 . I - �4. : '
forward he was suddenly i . it time"and pl c . I
. he psdap6cl into'tha United St4tes'and- ly defies ,�ub-W.O -weather aud - * '� Y"' and: teeth. .The, injured rudn. Mar. it 40 I . a a for . .- . yeAr, and -a cirouit.,6ourt, ,bf justice. . � . � � I I . .L. .
by tvo American soldiers, a horseman . triP t desperatdIvir . � I . . . ,
P,nd riflem.vi. FitzGibbon,.undaunt- liv'ed for several y(_.ars in %Chicago.- In pingly plays a filite. Now just how, L f�o �"i,; to o. thei-unequal collo. . .ril Y.. �.. ;vhieh sit, -here A few weeks AP for . .
� � I . A. I. W. I � " . , . . I * , .,
. I
� May, 1907� lie left Chicago,;. announc- this. plaoid-souled'geptleman, fingered test. .and -though' of pbwerful litiv. . I . . - 1 . - 1, 'tile' first ti�ae, marked thepassmg , of, '. I . I ,;. I . ,
1. �. I . . � I I , 7�'
Pd, exclairned, "Boys, surrender I" I . � - iL rapi�lly becomix 1. � . 11 �Ihe country into thlb'rdalni of organ- 1.
- , ; to join the Ore ' 4 very x,lice problem, when , sique,, NNIf I _Ig exboustw . . . I I
but thoy ini��;,diateiy levelled their Ing. that Ike WNS 90131 � . . e tile stops.18 , ' . . Ail, , , 1. : I , �
. 1 �.., I an unmiftened hand, will . - ed ni -the . ojn�e un- q9W BRUNSWICK - PIONEER, Red society. The adv6, t of the or - . - ` ' . . � ...
It him. Mrs. Defield (Who Ilidions; �. I . . . . � . [ she,* signs wh( animal for 9 I I . ' I n . . ... I ." i �- I ,...
firenrnis a: I . .�,-. do of accloulitable reason left ite prej, . a;id I I . t, I . .
- . _.___1____4_ � of frost-bito before even.,the a] ' I I I .. y, will-completb1he transformA Ion ',
. had tried to warn him) in�tardly pick . . I � � I . ' * . .wa . , Stampede I . .:� .1 . . . .
%vith. it struak the PY. MALLARD. , - .4A iiie Laurie': could. be Tendered." . �.. wanderedluto the bush�, Pricelloo,and .. .
. . I erson of 'Kent Couniy* aAd. sta'A. I I OP ,. I .1,
ne and A tLEE . A . . lst be, cauld-and-' Mrs.'Janlot Patt , .1 . . ail. early I �
I ed up a sto asket and thrusting . . . . . .. . I I . . uphis Wounds as be , . ' homesteads. . L. � . . I ..., . . '. - . �. I..� - I . _ .!�,.�
. . flint out of one mi C powder in ' I t jotr,44 a To 6 Duck, - -MOOREAVS; NEW SQUARE.. , dragged himself dowi� the mountain, �,-, �, ,' N,13., Ii .107 Yeare; of Age.. � . � 1. .. I . .. . I 11. I . I I � . . . . I I
. . . , � . � . . I . I
. .
up the cover spit Oil th . . � Wild Duck Tha . on. 'L . I . . . . � I 11 0 he was disoo�ered:by. another There'lives- lo -day.- in Kouchibou- � � I I. . T . .. .. , . 1. 1,�
. , I . . . . ,— , .. I I I I CHANGES. .,. . .11 1. ".. I . I 1.
the pan of the othor-thm rendering , . : '. , Flo-k-� :.� . I � `�' 'I" " isisted'hini to the him� ' tacc, Kent 06unty, one of,the oldest- GAME ACT I ., .
, . � . . Site of. Old Ship Fl6ver. Hospital. Sta- hunter, who a�. 1. , .. gt . . : I .. . .. � � .1 - � . I . !.. 'I
leboth innocuous. A desperate struggle - ' o " the . -where voy;ance . was 86 WQmQ)1 in1be province, And, in fact . . � � . � . . . . � I I
�d, which. is best*t6ldjn. : IaT , . ber. mill, I , a con, . . � I - ` � , I
kop find. .4 viild duck. asleep n . 1. .. . . I . . * , , - Amandmeni I-Iik.: .. " - . I I . � J, .1
. now ensw . , .Shore - seems -an impossible *ex,' �. tion' Is Chosefl., -' �, ' I - -enred and the injured man-was.drivert ull'Canilda.-, 2 It is nearly one hundred -six Proyintes Make, . I I � . �.. , - , ..� . I I
ct. . . . I 1. . . � - . 1� ,:. . I I 11
ibbon's own. Words-. . .. . . � _. 1, I �
FitzG1 . ble"'Is a1w S - - . .
'Peribnee, 'but UnPoSsi sy, 'Ahother square has just:beeri com�- Into Fernie and his wounds dressed. and%seven..yeaTs ago that Jaubt' Pat- . Lai�s Ooverning Sportsmen., .., . . h . ,,, .
I D - ' I _ I .. . .:�
"Having seized hold of a rifle And . I . . .1 . . , I . .,
. ee,ented. atme by the two a dangerous word. . I .� .. 1�10eted by, the road, department. of- )y r.. Corgan., .Tbe,man1s Lleg and ter8ori was, born in t6 parish of Kirk- p vind6a. , .,,. r . � .*� .... � � . 1. � . I
tre . . -by the. 1. Scotland. :' �'Six' Of �the Canadian to - � . . I � . .. I
. musket pr lich .I .could . Whiitever may have ,been the imi� I al and -hext' spring will be laid arm had been badly cliewed' inichael, - . Dumfrieeiw-shire, .. . . . . . �
. . ' ' r4 -their game acts'durilig 1908- 1 , � I
American soldiers, wl , � 14rgest. -. walk$, bear, -aw, -� om loss -of , ,jet maiderl i�airie -was lanet POtt0 � , - - pro�- - . .
-wrest from theiii not could . Polling motiie, a inallard; the � .out �ju with grass 'and trees I' d *.tbough yeak IT , , - amended �� .
I . ! The practice is growing in the . � I
neither lind'vIrild duokia, toole a sound -planted. It,blots out.what.haa been 4, blood and the teftible o4p6rience lit the: year.lM rshe- emigrated. to - Cafi� - ieu I I I
- of our iul � McCord ,i through wh � I' . . vinces to delegate'..t.6 the I . tenatt- � - ; .
they from ine, - the rifleman, retain . . east ,of, Toronto I I Ch. he. had come, - it is !
*sleep.. on'* the shdre Ti. eyesore to the residents, of . .* ada and- settled in.,thai province� in � .
ing hold of his rifle with one hand, .. .. I ' ".��e . . overnor-in-council, authority 6,inak(* " '.. ' I , . .I . .
I was surprised to .awak- 11 - locality -for move 'than thought;llo will. recover� 1.� tile j;llarish, of -C.orleton,' With lier,hus- 9 , . �. . I . .
-with th , vi, ant atrftt and the . . alter certain- i . " , 1 I �.
P other and recentL ... I I Z.—_ . . .
drew my sword -the . a quarter of.'- a , eentiiiy. '-.The new I . T. . I �. . . .1 � bax s Patterson,' �110.. or : . � I I �. . ,
attempted to stab me with it iii en; in, the ' hands. of a deliglited ,friend. � id, the late Jame a. Ing game.- Ju B . �, I J
'donee of Wounds; , How Fires"Start... ��. - lived the strenuoiis -lite 'and ofidure I I
He.sh6wed no evi square big'been laid out on the north , . . he ,eouutry: �. yea� this bffi6r .was � authorized. dur- - � . '. ` � ..:- -, � ' I .
. side. WhilPL watching his uplifted Sickness, . .Or, an -diegab - . . )proach to thb. Welling- -What 'starts. the This -many hardships when � . . . , ' ". ". ' 1.- - � :' 1
1 *
. hand with the, intent if possiblo'to Ly khad of iflimx. SIN of - the. or ' ' . foilist 'fiies?�,� � was young. She raised Knarje� fam- , Ing. Ah , e , present year to .set,*. aside..�.. . . 1* . ..: " I .1:
.. .
I ff to deihonstrate the ton I - , _ . . * n, lands 'for. game- . re- ,,. .._'. _�,_- . .... .. � ..., �: �,
receive the point of the Sword in my weariness,. and he soon I lin6st, Idping St. AnVs� . questibn 41its been asked over'- ,.
cept soporific ' Bridge', a ,#n& . .
I I �.
- 9hook " that' 0 1 . Roman. Catholic -Church.': - . # - over. again this y0ar.' - bampetg'.4nd , ily. - Robert, John` and Margaltei.live . 'Aracts. of crow . I I I
. two hands of a woman . ' . . . !� The site durbigl- the ship fever days . � . . . .-, , -an" r. i4:Xouchiboug-illac�*. the I . - es and.. inake the -pecessari regu .. 1.1 . .1 _::,- �
arm, I,saw the . . i wings- '. 1. . . : locomotives, ,is .the .usual. Swe �. . I �atter having sery - th& " -. � . . . - �:, ,'
-his wrist and carry it behind strength of his I ' for , - thez care - o refor. -In Quebec: I I
seize, .� The sleepy mallard.is already h4ppy (if '1847. wiis � hospital -station Of tlieothe'� thtnp'w4icl�.Start : I , , f the: m6ttier; � two, Mrs- - lotions,. the - . - ' . . I
his back, where Oie ana bet OP,tdt. . I . . I I Kee � gs,: reside in lieutenant-gove ,.. � I I �
11111. I ' and contented in,an: opeii-,:pond, fro, . and 'Urs, "Cummin, m6r.%was.authorized- t& � , . .
1, 11 liW of .tile br�vo sisters ' I is Many -the to ,. -are ,for I . . � . . 1,
. pries , .
' ith . . - Zed 'States, while four - Others . fi fees from time totima'-for thoilu� - . 1; . . I
foreb-d the sword from . wzxng ' ith '- gorgeously, . colored mo , ho lace4,dea , I)Iazes in nests gotten � x ' . . .. � - , . I 1� � . I . � i
miii's sword atthe ter * * wi . doctors And leiym4n,.w it ij�'true' tli:at perhaps 6ne-half ,�;' the T
. '
Pointing, the cap' . wood ducks ind 'still more brilliant I 5 the wants of the. - -'f . . with her de�, husband have gone - . to .�oorporatioif -of failt and game orgato,rt ' � I - .
Americans. she threatened. them'with . . . in. ministering U . . . . , three4ourtlis of the forest. ores do ' . . �rs ,� which arei .- - . ' : � . _', , I :`i
-eastern con- -.1tany of thegei'noble' ' the "paldee o -the King,'� izations' Such ,,powe .. . .1 �. �
Mrs. James . mandarin ducks fr= the 'stricken victims'. begin ,as a cpa6equence of. the care- 0 I - -nur . I . .. I !... I -
death, while bet sister -uneven bat- :n the. peifl6lTmance'6C 4 , That Mrs. Patterson"a health is ex- becoming 4 rottheir a6ous, . 'wkilei ''' ' ". � I .
I 'Kirby, grasped tb&r a��s behind-. and tinent. Conscioui of the - f some comper .or from - . . . I �., �.. � A 11
. . � * shortkud ,quills, he J Spirits fell " ,. 'Among others, .Mr,.. - logs"eas 0 - O�ptlonol. for A lady of he� yehrs goes they make it more diffidult'fo *'*keep,. - '' . .1
'thus the soldiers � were inade pri'qon- - anice -'of.' a - to . � :1 ,Christian � duty . ' iparhei.flylni. from loconiotives, but . I . �7 1 ��, �. I . � . . ,�,
An Aioierlc,�,n detachment of 150 shows no desire to continuo.his jOur�, 1, who Was at the time. number of.illings which without sayi0gi She regrets that -her track' of ,'.existing Provisions -, insum, � �
- Sohn E, Mille 'there are a . .- at as she'her- - 1,
I . . . - � ,�kbllit�rl ' I - - - � , ,
ers. I Cks ' Ate . Mayor pf Moutreali and,, opir. .- .. i is . failini, so, th ,, . at the � same
V di.e.a yoTdj, . uoy �6utliwgrd., . These'Au r0geikisIf *irooils &fire, . ' ' - .. - �- . :L�_esight ,.. . i time greater fle . . �. .1 � * ., �,- , .
. men. was within one, hun . � . � ts ' �sting in cpav6i ' - set the . . . . f uts it, itis diladult-to make sure '.in -the laws, wMeh is undoubtodly.a.m., �1- . I...
. � . � I. : � . , �,. � ,'I
at a neig � .For moTe . .. . . I i. . , : , , " ��!
-as . . . . I 1. �
istri%te - * Wellinjt&j, and MaCbed , I . I � , .
ffibOTitg, house; but, were. . ,agrceable.migmu , 114 rl�- did bii dutv is �first citizen and,,xiag� than one-third ',of the P and'that her Mem�* mex -thi g. � . ., 1. '...
screened from view by a few young , ient situations. about the lakes ' , is .*not' knowlt.- qlhf�,; , of what shAxleads," , - & . t e.. 0'an' , , cellent n ': " ,,, .�, � . . I
well- iLs along-th8r, routes�to the A�c- fires -tho cauls;a . also is failing an ,ye 'sh I . A - , - �
. " i ' ' b ' icaded-'at ibil .point, . , I sly W 1 In the legislation .of tie year :3. ' . . .1 I . , :. �.
� . �, stroete were� L arn I Wile L . many� . -tile ' . ' i ."' ,1. .
I . Pines. I I L is !lot sk2�19e. t is: r6ineiribered states a marked ..tend , , . . .
Robert Gourlay� (the banished Bri- �tic . coast,, `Th6Jr.;way$. are familiar,. the.lever ps.- t" . 4 � � Converse intenigently, , upon .48" .. . ...... I .
. L . . I . I .L 1. . .
, , :.so that: those. attending : j ' L -- LeLley , , . �. I
- . I fiot 'ailto _ -e- may -smoulder - 1,4r diys if., I " " d ' it citteatims,'a C : to increase- restdctious- (in th ; - -� , - - `
ound, and J. the L city., I?rob . :j. Iii b mt Per.
I .. 0 .1 Aings, An as S liown .
. � .
ton) in a letter `ypar� afterwards, ex-,. thoir.iieStS have -often been f .tients could .. tile - air , if$ too 'ihick � to p, 6ronit, -the I . nirprise .. s . .. I �. o'. � ,.. . '�� ":,
' have been'' �uccesdullY ' , Vlleg" I and: ovents which . reA,IIT I �'� � - -'_J
tion of her deed in their 'eggs ,, ably' t,fie - veuerabl�, Candc . . L of aftet-hunter. � . . - , . . � I �-,
pres admirn - duelisi .- But ' :.t) lo be 5oon- at a dhAtance by the.. ' I the , iflB... C.- I ,, t .116 �Its� ' ' . . .1 .. � J
-Te- r doniesioic ' is the only survivor � of the workers 81110 . . L. 1�*t4tl: i She - has-been a. member.. . makes 'an exoep ion L':
I, � �
. the following manner: `Say, 0, I hatebod Undel . . . !.. ..., ' - in . . �;, _1
le only recoid of '% fine, L forest ojA6er. .. - , for mnf years,. - -ex�ort lawi in favor of e:ipOrt,6f,-- . .,
the Torotito has t] . of tho , teirible daYs. There is. a fM- . I Tresbyterian' church , . io noo . . . .1 , , . . I
. . roic Muse, if you ever �ung ard found L Confidingly , ie .. og,`-irould ,be s' to �t_ wid her faith in the eterikal , . ogical . or . . .
ng in healt* ins'll Ing 41nong the eitizene thmit it wo*d It cal life big �jaiho for ocientifici - iod 1. , L . I
praises of anyone, more degervi )jopriate "'Ch,` W- � fire% ' Wore - movingt *Ong. , she odelisionally lapse's into tL I I ... . . .1 .1'.1.
u d 0: a 9"te of --'do.. , aa.,to .-�a" theL' tinguiall . L � Q6veframm purposes. . 'I.,. .. . I.. " I . . :: ., . �� '� 4 .. . .
aleep and re4 cc . - ; . I .. be * -an.. api. , an L I � I ��.,. .'. , .- '
I 11 L . . , .
deeds of arms than Mrs. Defteld! So . . I. ftsr.,the boroi M&yor aud if' tj�e..'. railroad . co"Apattiez �-'W.tsld the'.ditilict.61 "mi ain ��'fj' a , , me t ixAiceabl� �1�atiiie, -k� V�: .,. I � �. 11
- mostic4tio . ri. . - . _: 11 .. I ..AOLW squ,00rre ft . . . � �c . - IL � .. I I kL, "' ter .tL'ig "you 1XV a0L, The S "L. ; ., .. . I .
prompt so collected, so brave, so effi .., .. I -. I . .1 U0 efficient . spar I . arrer. Is, I � h a - to. litifti vlitik ail your e L tile growlag pop,111"'L * I ' I * .'." ' ...
-;� snecessful. j.,nd I repeat that L -. . 1 $.. go( lWW's 131. I . .. 1.
. cient, , L" 1 I 1 )4111s� L - � '' - � � ', Ifilk thL&t,the'adft"J. W lioj6je's�jtegu &S 06,nol6� L� . ' ... % ". .L : L. .. - .1 I . .1.
I . . , , ,� I sodnale. to ti . n eL .~ i�. , . : '. .
.. ,,
i. ,
Sarah . Bloowfield. wij�, of Edward -De- * � : . - Cjood Sbooe, jig, !.n' B 01 . .. .� .The . vro-Perty waa.,�:%6quved -by the Tel ' . 11 � h6tj L;asUdd it it was .11cf, Strong, Con itor . � , . , ' L " �
. . - tL "�Id. b;o ililduodd M,ore - .... titUtion-thilt, had bogiolgIA her through Ua. je 'I'll,St � L.. _ ,
. , Mg. � � :.� . , %
' ,
worthy of f pounds FA year - Cold 'sportsu�S7,1 ; ut least has found �' city.' .at tfie pricb, of �%%OM .for- a - . 6re". fii�, 16* , S . . � . L . of -raiffing i;evenuok -a .g .. , � I I . 1 . � I I
. . . i, .. . . .. I .. L - for .i. . - I .-I . .. ., . - , -, I .
field, is MY I VZoou*er Ialancl thio, , , [t ttle South Side approlacloi than one,h4if.1, In the. -Mee of' light- SO many years ilia iiid,".'XO, is Was .� "luntilig; licenses, , -r,eSid�6tfg. "Lbemg .
. -
. from the Governinlent - . - that On good, sport on . 1, L'' ,sq"rt; on . I ng,.� Dish, has ' 'ealt ..Wl the goodness.ol God." .' - I.-." � I . � S-4ateell 67 � " ': �. '.'�.� 1.
_ . we 'is deposiltod the - nki WIL !! just . established for a '. " '.-'L.." .
detachment of 150 Mtn NVUS SesAon,L _judgi4 from.,., t le., �shi*t but te.-'the. bridie, iihg . 1110,91, OC remov L _� . . . .. 1. I 1. . -Ri4everal , L ''. � . .. ... .. . . L 1 ., 1
American I . vicUrn4 of . ity thah-'fo, pat.the fire out as soon' --- � . % �- 1. . . . . L
to' I "Field - iwd , 1 e boulder to the . . first� lbb". . I . � �. .. " . 1. . I � . I .. .. , � ,
within a hundred yards heightens, . pithy letter, he, wrote .1 4.11, 11 fi,�Z. L . . . I ]"�' aoo-pos"bie aft6r�(�WCQ`jeryL C&teJ6". . I I ' . . . . I � . . � . - I . . L.. L . .71_�:
. ..'' L I - I.. I . : ".. .
le. sall!"...'11 . '. . I . . I . . _ - .. ' Better- *, r .'. , . . . . I . .... _1� I .', LJ.
' '
itoon Victoria.� I 1. . � . . .. I . � ILahor ,09ndkilons, . I 1.��_.' L . I I . I.. . . L.
" . Catch, C ' L �' bwakw -by h6olioleeteed . , I ports to - !
.460�, ,
admiration of our heroine; and when . , elo�odivc Sept. 7th; and twith ' , ' ; , . , : I _ . . -ualoo ere and . - . . . . . . I I I I
L the Painter doft his part hi -Ulus- mloodlnays L 0, 6fty. of '�5,OW I . .W�ila� I 1. I tk . .fur*er,.. ilal&oveivledt: in . . � CitnalcHan -Ex Japan, . . .. '' .�
olowitui .Imd is socid to - be, . Thece'Lwaa. I � I , . . . e
, ,
t achievement, a -in .thirtY 3311168 t�hig . . - I I I � I - .- . I . I . � . '.. ki
trating fier orallan I -jv , The wkale.fisheriei off t6. 0044 4 pora9us�' . . Industrial. And laboi caidit1iOns dur-4 ' . Tin years ago exPortd�,ff'�Ifflk JaPah� . 1, -� L ` . . . . .. . I. L
g piiies in tile) background,i people, over - S,ev�nty, (Ig6r ,ere shot tv6: been pherwmer�&ky. � tiole C"Se Of many Of the`� foris"b"' . ., . October, accordinito tke Noveroll. . . .1 . .
few youal VanootiYer, .116 . to Canidt wale infi4snifioaac" wnouott- , . . ..
1. . I
5tar-sTmo,ugled banner waving L'4,1,d blr6log.fift into ' town from Tight g joilj,,the total oat& have ataxled this, Year, Paittiftlatlky Ing , a . 'Abo , ar,ette I ;ing -to, Ek IiWe- over $W6,000. T"W, '.. . . . . .1 .. �
with. the i successful' 0AI the Like 'her. iome of Th L r G - ' ' * , , L ,, . , , ,
Over them will -indicate -where lay along the -lime of the Esquitmalt, '& I La. much again L as it_ walg .. those. WkIct'j.hoye $Wept Oveir . I Ginerally. speaking Abe: ottlook is, for ' . b _ to �. $jbg OW ", It ttgile_ : , I I . I . I . 1)
. � lr�ad: , Twel*e of those � being halt I I th s. . . . . . . . .
, ' � , . .
. 04K .. . . � , "
'nent." I xahainio Rai I c . 0'+-.' �. - .' - . , - of trade and I I
the detacill ,. nit j. in 1007. The.nuiiiber...ol. whaks..tigmx . steady impfovem,61tt .. . figUrft :Are net vtl* ,lorge thay." arel.- I .
. - ..war Captain doej -44re shot only "ileveliteem, ,le�. ., t ow"Whied . - , . ". . . , ustty , ., ''. I . . . I 1 4, IL in. UW&AIng" L. ' - ..L. . . I I . . I � .1 �. . I I
1 After tile and. Of tht Ex6ell, I !ight. feet 1609, 'is �56- Of' an aggrago, 6 , Seowrits Rirs:;;16.U. . ". .. gon.4al ind I :: pregn,olut . L. -
waited on His I en-cY out, and i Panther 6 valve.of more thah $10000" ($1,0461- I � .. M ghL uiore active fW0f':td' - ' ' L'
000) . . The B e u ' I "liner iVene- , 'Tri stareii bf-�th*fmibled!�&Imifii . anufaetugring,'UIOU . 'Wized' - CanadiaA. . 11 � I . I . , .."
Governor Gore and. Teprosented her was do,w 'e,d with',buck-shOt li�. E. -J..' I .The, e�rt of
. - L
. F itzGibbou n. . . . . lu - F nne , L , t mad . watod' libi the vIMP Aw � , : :,.L I "'L
. -L L -,an und , bax� jr, September was - chl Japan i'AW' , . L ' . � I
coroddet to hi�i, Asking to have her . Cameron'.Ji re&!.dentberi�- .1. . heron.earried ag p6rt�csrgo'5,000 bar-. Dtowaonei, . tile Z"i'TDOO of Q� I I cautjion, Lu;oibering' rehiained Japan . by - Hou.- Sydney- Ymbor 'five. I . :-, ,
. cc Frew farth .. the , islaiid, ii�Y- P aoiiboid spogois i4ieJA,4s supposed by . aI:.minjn1g'jesJo. actt..Ve . Lan in . . .. .. -to. .W 000 batmelb,, � ; . I .. . . .
rewarded. The governor recQmpmded' I er up . Tels .of whale oil Consigned,. to GhW;i to" L dull. 06, th ' ' .years ago awuAte . - ro& to ., , , , * L � .., . _ .
. make a vrant .a r6und Alb�mi, TepOTt'S come that t1le l4est An4e Wpml6W ever hay.6'. as its habitat 'ths , Queft Okftt ral labor� - $I- AW; . fishery P c I. - � � . 1,
the Executive Cou"I to , are . oos t�ljck. " '-fliao L I have- gdw, the It of L ", l4tte grollo of istandfi FraukLL Xer- September. in cit%s the gone I v�lued .at' 00 - - L.
of land. and an order was olocordinilY olloiler . I . ., . V * made'. - A :rentarkable feature � moirket, was well supplied... Therewas thanksAo Jap"iae.64terprioge in BTR� '. .. . . � ` -1, 1. . I . . I
.t&aWd no .fink � I 'nximber of -'*-I- made, evorator of.tb* Br*sh c4tunkh" I . to two, gir . L I
made for four hundred acres trOM . ToWson, th,an on an- . Lt's hunting'is the I,War l6onstric ish ,Co,hambj&, MQ,Ufttjug` L . .
&1bot Settle- -seuver. Island, aud tweetY.1-POikkud Y'al - hat ha*;r. been'oap4ar- provincial'.museum, ldit re�eiglOy for marked activity injai, . . I . I .. .
the beat laod in the T .. oAlt bottoms t . 1iou. .. ., .. .1, L ,some years,) $8KOW, the foresilol. (if L 2 ' �. . .
W . . .., . h.ai are4o"num,ers"s On P), M jk;su, tite north' on iffie -S0avaet'AM*- He I L. .L . I . i
ment. . L . 'spring as , I ed. 1V the Kyuqtwt stotion MAN, I 11 . aly -four labor dis-' the , siand- provilolee * a 969A *=d*0a,X.. ' I . I
. , tl paoaled by Saonuel.Whi-t- There were 0 �.
wards a son truhs, that -ey erovAe�.no. �O�eRt-, - ' I - . L
Tweaty-seven. years after mi dfJ'_th1Td.of the tlake has been .00m. "will'be meow � I h a decrease: worth'$69,666 oi, $%0,000. .. . �. . .1 I . .
of eleven . the L*AM hAj as,"t4int i -tile . . - " , , " � , "
. _le4 &1611f, ft I _ and it it'haped tea d Aring mont .
66" -4"-y 1, SSW fo#r prised of this I 16 # �V* I
of the same Mrs: Defield took up &M% in a �Yeft, -, . L speoliogs; *11fol aecese" 'aijol� Of 18 a$ CoMpMeQj wiAh 06D.ber; 1907.. signifiesmot, log the, oiiport, of Ci�wiaw �
,under Wil- fotest hig , Zwo ilk . �. ..
, ent. . hwAy Y I , ., family in tud, - tkA Ill ti W. wfla . I I"i"iti 4 '04s"06art-, - , .
largest of go. feet, Ltd,ot SOW$ %pel number of
against the Governm , - - of blue I'Asif tile � whale - it Throe were se#4ed, The conLolonaeoil. W& 'sk e� L 1. . .
- i4 was taim � Aajl�sA hundreft . te; from 70 to I Amen of ti* 80oinaQ ' . ed onty. , altior banads Jolilild it%, A . � . .: . , . I
liam Lyons Mackenzie 1� . . . . aVejiging nA. T.h6 I*IR ist - employes 4-fiegeted was 8,51a, and the . . : �".
. I I . � D- ,
niliffl;'lhaar tres- ted'�'wa grou" . 'Ll I 1� -L . I a front -it exig". 4iil be IQU . .3700. *6119 I ,itaijol . and L - . . I I .
in arms at flie. Wind . I . , Jh length And*eighlng anywher OtLof the joaloialoo is biMod loss of working daya I � treaty beimeloot G904 BI I �. ". :
IM8, with the ro�gs Wh6 � , ------- � ,. I , ffi *tal,im. � r�soh of those raam-; 'the' . misoto66 W. .tlaal tkoan iti,44141 . .
� . I . . . , tke "Coy the nionth industrial idoideuf* '160. �Joipazt ist IN , - itft� - ,
Cott., in . . Whitney%,* Rear"tj"G: ' L . . 70 iv . i6ry of a fragmentao I I I . I . . I I I .
I crossed , f I rom OpdeasburR and was. . . I . . .'' ' % nNals jig Worth.�Wut $,S,W. ' ' A 0()�Aole U . tkv dew$lp. 6 , . � 1111^ - ': - . - �.
Q condemned -to suffer death, as it *hiia4 ii Oft@ of years ato� when Mie - whaling, Indus. 6�� and one horm, fAA curred to VAI worlit P0001 ,70 01*10h . p0iQ111510" - Cmwooitial' 00 **= - .
. Of Ift4 �1, . ' vow4s, IvAid. I I I � I � I , . , . . too . I . .
. Ok James L �' 1. . cowpot& ,usainsk tho; I . L
. 1.
. ... &W� pVo[uiue4t med 'Still I riding th* , ited in. these waters, the U" dt 6o sklin by'a.'-g"emaft whe . . . 1. . I A tho -T � j,: fW . I .. .
i traitor, Col. FitzGibbon with Up 6 ,. . . eel .tty w" sts, L Thev4vm� . . . � . ., e6ds in I I L L .
Alex.; Hamilton. Sheriff of - " . kes,ioure; ]Rp takes a r of. epho�y . was hAzarded - by: ,experts so* * it V*rral litorse" I I 1 g . I I � W OW 1. . .
the Niagara bieroloolo for P. 1. I I Rh -1 I . .1 � I I . : L L � .the. fooleaw JIM . I .r .1 .
. . 4 . 'Uwe I
district, eled Mr. David Thorbu=_- lie vggsftd-� that . the�mammaig w9uld become ex- .Setom ios hia efte&sSion. ,&AV * dOA61111L Met Him, Before. . tb* A ef the'- I&WOr-tat"a'- I
delight * P Xyliag wi . ,*$a get at '94*0 10 *& story going. the ro�wdx of 10YU19 pr,e,W4GtW1.,11a,Tifi4# . .1 I
syed His Excellency, Sit nother of L the Prentie � t saer�.Rr�oupllv.of magona. Far " noind of 'tho, rkh*r.QW of tho - r I , .. I
M.P., pr t 4in ,A -to walk dowl, It's . froull this proying the be.", �he) �(�� Hunt W4 Lieut, ,logUgh pco", �auaoi,miag - Dr. .14, I � - . I . . . . . I
_ ,
, vardon .he son ohjOroo, t r havie, - iftt I* 4 , .L �.
George Arifiar, to oo�ftoageoouooutog is You" *e. F . I
coadderst,on of tIle former good �du. s4Wt -tiid look -in the UtOtb *ind0W6-:! grown mots numerois each year. Bialog, focaiaoriy� 04 II.M.S. Sheftorwaioft;: -gram, Bishop (A lcondoa� who made , . . I . .. I I
. I . I_ . - I 1. I I . , 4 wb tile &mi" and a, I i4votmeWs', '.Jbk*4 ' . . . . .
4iftei thO 1AP4,11 his L I . I I I - , . . ,b f*uiid.tlrzok4. Of . � * * @"at , . . . . I r .
duct of his mother, and . 'baps 01A J*- - .. , ,iieh Q6 fa;VOj&b14e .impreasioh im Can- . "
I of some months. a pardon was - grant- 'T smu"Went is .pet . A Ish Sttward. . . .1 shed. AnOet 1upon. the'loodoosima. 01'a, on'bis'receat TM**t , , L , . . .70woh J*fiWMft, Arneimilwi': . . . .
. liberate, but anyone seeing him M,Aolt ' , Lavl . A" , raet,w who died a ewapk of 7"", agd- - ' . .,
ed. of many thriffing I 1�0. I � be 96706 Of the keen, though. ul�� . . 11 'of tls�'bfirkealtias L'Y�r_ visit tlwra Dome ye-sors ago. Mir. Ker- Lord ,Salisbury,, As, is vietl known, . was ili�; iva�si of s. joke "i*, W I . . . .
, '
I Sueb is. one .. '. L - oonoog4oka L delight wh" he Qwa ilk Tbpe owner of Victoria, 0,C., did mode hex loak6d. for a specivaeu 401F . w". a:- ivery, absent-minded moioA, ilild its �aoogne -in, Momiirf"L It isL m*ve- ' r - . .
H I I etol; G.. GTigt� 9, .1 maoiy yo6rs and believes; that b[A Prloll� . .
dents littie known, and in Marky OR"s . . his lonemory for faces Wag iust, OOtA . ~ 0A an in the'-draiiam - , . .
Occurred f)l ! r Ong- " - ,tho past6e. The general, public N ong retain tile setvicleff of, a-riew, ,will be suaceelg&l. . 64 .. ,
" , , " 1 6 A � . I I .. : .
entirely forottlen, that . not I ent tour I I .. as bogod .�000g King VAWaXd's "i "CoiliUA. O""lle la 8' .
pl�sbibly not aw*ro that Sit J'aines is a"Lard.et*aged for'the-vese I t'Slan, . . seA tole him -in the masteoi�aft.. Mr. 1.
,the Niagara frontier one fimidrod, , . he � vsr Wkelo*Ape" . ' I Now, on.ono,odeasion. when both.the .. 1168 W,m p0nWX*gl out .to . tIoe "ierAkW . - . - . I .1
-r YQ��r pow- � okil $Uth'Ority 'on the promiaeut, lilen Francisco i6iiie timo ago . W 0 Si- : Looking 0 Bishop � of! London - and' YArd Belie- . ' I
year% ago; when year &LtO 14 wom�i of Uv&nd, esP06ifillY mon PhImer, tile rieW1y-oMP1VMd Of A promir*nt visitor to Canada, a ' .actor whoje.the lee P4we ��St" ,
erful invading armies poured into this : OR metv. Of the homo tlio L -WVA orolered I . . bury were vWting..at S*Adtk*ham� , on Doolikiian square ohniog, U16 oat- . -.1 I
. coantry; when the border was tdift upon, the $t&tG,% . .ogi,,maatad barkentino . short thile ago Was OX-PVOY066 XAC- the foruier- oboe L med thoot, the Premier ,.ulval of tke prdv4aus v4o�er 08644). 1 I .',( ,
than . - He 'paseea mu . itipt..Delano1o,provirsion the vos- I I
eight battles and on- a4imvilory oh of big SP&M by 6 A Maywe, AyvWdre, Se0flasw,
by no less igh. 'news- si . _foya& L of '61'ght mouths, ho shall I - did not. Salem .to recoguite !him. Ilia -00 tlik right Mr. Jefitao" "N X I "
I gagemeirts fought from Niaw-a. tOL iolime IrA r"as tile Ehg1 . I for a , I who how Won. in thoi Doanimom On a I Lord eo a - I .
_ into progooletAcationa were corroot.' building ,whiek he WAS told wele I .
toreW . 01 tW1 papers &64 6180 set& an insight gav*' the mst;��r 00ni'derable Study ,trip round the world. . Mr. MWAA11 Salisbury knew the fade, �oit Just ' g
Fort Erie, (Ind the -Ad UjUW . State& - politics, by , reading And finally ordered lot the use of t1m - is ho'*d of tile largo- imokoWt, firm of I . L Methodist Ant&, and on theo. 194, tile, ' I I I .
, eneiny destroyed P-11 the towns ,% I .beriodioals from aor,645 crew the folling., 'Four hundro,dabd , whom it belonged tO4 heg co,tildn't Roma, Ntbolie Cstikedmal- And 1, I i .
I .
villages, - with I -very lV40'uW ��Tom Papeo wl . I Alexander Ja*k & Sons (Limi'48d) MA . � I aked, 'theral *614" & I
I I ,
11 oqueen�ton to tht Awa and the IiU6. * . I fifty barrels oi beef, .200 barrels of. is 660 of Soodand's boot known 11�e;. think, . OU I-* he Tom* I L
, Falls, Chip � I rL .� . n." Mi. 1,eff'st- I .
! Fort Erie--wlien death anT Z014- - -.. " L pork, 1.00.quart bottles of Wine, 100 He has aWays takew"a Wry grog 1n- ,,I've .met that man . bwre, 1, 0= botv,eeu tklft .- I I
reigned - alone. In . I �kots of Work In West. poulidoo.of peppe'r, 300 �olarods' Of Salt, terlsoat L Ili floormift, i's ready W do knbwl" ,declared the Premier to hio, son Was iliterebw ift MOIAMIJI� art" . .
tion and .ru'in I -of potuW60 dolwaltions . The, omwass" of Corotwu, -
0 ' - 400 batig i and 100 pqUAde, Of . e the ".k TOY61 U044- - I S,Vlkr,y C _ .. , L
. 9 baud-66moo Rev. .J.' A., Bowilifiloic Pr,e4brt� almonds. ol in his power Vulsk i _teat�' . .
strong contrast are to ��Mortous oovq- 0 at the imin, Salted The item of 15axled easier for t4is farmet by produaWg. .,,Weil, I Should think,yod -have,"' Slip, .. . .
tbo;iled Xing F
cities and townsc,ah , reprosenWAivo - 'dWard, , seeing, that I ly � . I � .
.1 I laaacapo # boeogy, to tho.ogast6ta og,lmoudog, when it fell und,or the cap, new ftmelioinvty aud impl,omeuts. Mr. I I . 1. .
, tryside, with the ri fiae tewroad r igration Of I I
' presents I alAd $%AtA pr , inceo 'from a t4 W&t as fo* _As tain's eye, -furbished the gaiety valve Marshooll Will visit Australia,'%ew 101111 twAle him Bishop of LondMI I . I ' I
. , its beautiful fatnu aw L for an impanding attack'of SPO,*XY. Zogal,elnd India, Aft'd 14",4"6 b6floro ft. L I I I .. 14,.' . � . . I HLUntor apood" Wolwt. I I I
" dens. lasteiraft. xr� BiDwwaro -went Ott for , - L . . . I . . I
L The'sillowar-d Admitted that hii lknit0*1� i W _ Se�o&tW. L I . . . I A Ga"Ijol *of Hull re .
tw purpose of looatitng married Cott. tutnixolg . C.P.R.'s ai*mh. . Thomas , mutir hog I
",Orchards -and vine -,dad 161h; i'tiVation . � Mgo of supplies was bools,Nl latgel)r vp- . . __ L _.."_..,_�; .. . .
, powt,r of 'Plos who have redlently inigul Ud I I -4 years, 1M to. 108 them A hair-raiging exp6riogrtoe Wi& ViOlVOR I
ou �&njlda .for t114 Wii-A&, An, was on #A acleouuttof the supplk� niedjA -In tht,bi Roar Balkato"t Que . .
. On which the L to ral Studenft'who Collect Souv*ftlts, *44 an, iiwoa" in the, oquipment"Of .
lies, ' Lby theL battl*oghip fl;Wi wheh it stilod "That OW souvesiOr habit bee toikea Being I pwaaea by 'I, PAbk of Oighi, . L 1. .
',A V"itable land of frUita and flowers, suclo"Elffil in Pl"U9 All those )1e (k- Irom the k1lantic. ooimt.' The Gri- go a otroft L I the C.P.P. of 660 loolawatliveg, '842
L * circlet is L & �
,by historic memories Ared. The Wulorg in ther West �AV6 he Wid isk univeroit" I by flight �
Hallowed , . . sailed with. "othbr ateword'alid t witnessid, by' the' fetlowing 8&6 ot skepift caft said day, oowhea,. atid wolves &'Ad AD DO Ogexlliaoe 61" 1 .
He,Avt..n,gi Wit -at a goodly ptbgPokat 'Ik.bArly all had a.ptopogrOUA "Moo, L wools oano6ilsd, M190 fre4fit can, .at- at Vpooxima,te . Imposoiblq, ble'J%&'Atol VA, f & * � I I 4r
, - inor's magnikent order fAdU 11 say* the "dorools' paper of To,
* I *Ad, wort Prepood to ofillpl6ir C, 'Z L Un . ftot of $* 00 Wo. Thia it equivalent Bet*". tuey o600llAclo" iA'00 kiiwber ,
. � tdog ar;uftd, 11010,this wintoW thtn U#jlal, SOL it is I I .1. 1. . r;J ivoraliiW, editoi$iAlly. "Sace to one T' e,e" thtlm- working Rk" the two leadmi alad. the **ft* I . .
6f �'9prc' and dales and woodA - auld L I .
hills L I I Ildron. the beginning Of tk6 431 term the � frightwed and wapa lots . , L'
lawns and spores, . 11ft" employment:wfll be fowlA kor ! * Drooma of, Chi I get, bat every two bk,ame. ':
'. '10ft d%"' oat pogeoseft freight 661111a eA I
L au airioc it. , , Mr. *nd'MVS� Jolin Creamor, fa4h#,%r I dluting-h4l hm 00 fAr lost tW0nbY 11 dep anol fourteen wh , th6 b%wh. I
' Welvaa Sri, r;plertq W b0_ U%M81AAW . I
And glitteti,19 WfM hAd �. gild4gd 11 � '", . diailft knirea, twetitYlIAT66 mu'll d* 'A;ArhW the e0mos perw U Aix . . ;
. -wid inothor of the two ohildt,011 who �
streauts.", - - I . for" and lour ttaspootA." ,� . and 56rosisuA tot thi's sc� .
I , I 0.1 .. . A Valuobloi Otto, I so. in,"Wrioualy from I . 11011116017115 �,
. L disappoardd � .r, l�_�, ; "*" 1. I � . I., . - -'-I-..- � .1 . I $On of th6yoehr-, I 1 - . I 1�
L Ocean Tarlff StatliAled, News from, 01*oquet,. U.C., records . their home tit Spelloe SoOkment 0014 . !, Lett O.T.P. SWv6V', . . I . I . . I I
Last �earls total wdatbound 60#9 �. I ,AI ,of the sv*aling schooner Suriday sov6ral years 696, iro AOW Tito 100atia A PtoWandon at 01. oltitout, I L
'f h the arriV . _ 4 of the WoAtt lint of *6 . .
traffic 46m Calwla was 994,000 OL r Th6ftlas V. DaYAtd, the top lift& Of livillf at Roxbury, Xa`#� Tro et let- Grand TrtMk P06fflt bL-tw4n, Eldb"- AtkitiOM T9WWft,' FrQrAMILO , I Big OAW I ,; L 11
all parts, but, ulo, tpt dttte tht',;Agaros the sealing fleet. with A catch 'Of OW ter to hat alogto6r it) Sackvilltv, X.13.; re- ,*It, aild ptinoe nup#et h" b6ftL 06ft. owh*j , I Df. 3�ogrr*% of Davogotl cft*�'ralw&
L , � b#A pto,�Wt OW df the, old -
are Only IKOW, T)fs eastbounil iftf- sea ottor And 406 5841 gkiug, *91%#d *utly Mft Creaftet Sol t 114hu I*", *6 L _ - & pegown Tetvitoty, wai4 a visitor to - vandolf" . I
'ad 960flY, eat pi � Oefttty. LIU I
,1440,11 la4ety, platod, It'has 66041 Wmevt iA ONOW44 in *1
'L $0 =1 I %tat" wat the *tovto .
.A OWL Sho lost two of her bsort At"InQ of the .
fle to Canadu for All ports *as 66,000, at *yet . , r years. &irvay PO4M 11111O. efekb1bod of sftq lows4ou 41 atioa (it age to .. .
is A, tOtA it, , Ott George in opos. - Id I.,
trom In har d" ,th6y i from " tApritory, ilik Y660
�. and already 016 year th6o' i V tit ril *Atots, be, He i�~ to think that wo will U186 tu the Vi6io .. 1. 4 tem U 0" �
Of 0,0M. Theg Dominion fiftMi9fatf011 ,OWOPt Overboard, by a sea $hip= of 6how. That Will oftever bo,, X,$OA", . 4_0_66-4d Ativeo K wl-lobe.�'p,W.0" ,a e:xcosa of IsAl
. * I . Ut�#Afal 0olutdWA totipAi* the " ott t, a - fdww., I
" bound t4 Beht- They xe#m to �4 able 0 lk�d:iyoky- A 6 - . -
� It - ing Set%.- U" of t1le bit forde iiot 014 11AW, 4t.4"Glue hat &J46'a. , r $"_ _ � 4
pak�y is, held,ft"tkaib 0 for the ro whwy the gellookler* . "t b#At ,tho?IA." � I 1. .. _*,� -.0 . . - " . . . . . .
duotfob, . .L .. . I .. I - . ,.�. .- " ._�. I . .. - ... 4 I I " " . , " � . .
11 I
h Ist, W - -
� I
G !S5 lool,"IN �
11 I i I
11 I 1, I
I 1�'
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'1' I. I
I I � I.,
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I I I 11
I .11 I
.1 �
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t 1, _, ,,,- -.1.1.'11�1.11.1 . ,A . - ,4.'-- . , 1.��.__ .. � , . I . . . . � I , � . .e I I I . / . I . n L V I � I ,
(I , . .. L I "I . . . e, . .� I I 4 - I � � .
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I � I � ,,, I 111111111�L_ A",L__ - Ar __...�&._l jwftaa"� 7- � ..,AjJfid01jft_J
L- - __ " 1. - __ I .1 I-,----- - __ '_.1-1 _1__.L__1 ._.,.Pmg�� - - 1 ����������������i�������������i�iiI __ � M