HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-12-17, Page 1Friday, Jan. 1st 494T4 ---TAW""- 11044346,14•1411.4402491 THE ROYAL BA OF OANADA ENTON BRANCH PAYS !SPE,OIAL, -,ATTNTION ..:R411! .Aitice;toiniting 7ouintond,W.A McConnell.. „ 1 re evisijgeweombes......, 4 mp. Tranindehoper's Store 1 t*, • • • • • • • • 5 aga tliOr :sale Vex 174,01intim,:. 5 4...oueelevsale, ttistop;, ..„. 5 ld,Holmes Drugstore........5 ng Wantrd,Mra Chat; Cater.. 51 nixdays, Colifeb. & Co ... 5 riefl eer 5 Think, The Vti. Fait: Co SF...titan:Page:Ad., Hodgeniiros . 45c Brown. ... 8 To •• Advertisers 00-6rfor0iiIng.Olg of advertisement • must .-be....handed, by Tuesday • night, Small transient ads. will be ' received.up to Thnroday morning. A coieliy, of.634) Germans is t� bela- cared m the Peace River- countrynext spring. The Hindus have rejected 'George, Swayne's Offer to go toBritish. Hon - 'duras, and will remain in British:col- . l'uratna- .1VEr'W L M King has left OttavVa for •Uhiiia, to take part in the Internation- al Congress on the opium traffic. • • ..11111 WINTER. TERM Opens • jitnuary Ith, MORE YOUNG PEOPLE trained by our management than anY ether in Ontario. Gr eat demand for our gralitiatee as Business College Teachers, Private Secretariee,,Oftlee Assistants, eto. The embodiment of the most Expert, Aiodern systems known in Business Eel- enee.,'We invite.comparison. Three Dep- artments. Manned by skilled Instructors, Stenography, Telegraphy • and Conunerellal COurses. • t MaiWourees in all Business Oa. ege and High School subjects. CLINTON tra-INEiS -COLLEGE pea Spinal* Prinelpai. 1144W0111011111 PIMTURS DRA,TH lost Friday forenoon.after a brief but seVereillnees Mr javl Martin of Wawanosh 'palmed away. Mr Martin was conitclous to the last, and bid his wife and family who were assembled at hie bedside, farewell, a few minutes before he Pied Mr Martin Was One of several brothers vibe -NOVO. along the division lino, When Wawanosh was new, being among the pioneers. He WAS a etrong. minded, far.seeing business man, and one who Was fearleso in his denounci. ation of fraud or bYPncrinY Of any kind, when it cameutuler his notice. Ble might also be called • the pioneer Implement agentbr his section.having for a number of, years away back 14 the seventies, acted as general agent for Too Hall Mfg Co of Coheir& He was also an upto.date and prosperous farmer, his farm is among the best improved in the township: Inleliglon he was a resbyterian. He leaves a widow, three sons and six daughters to mourn his departure. The funeral on Monday was one of the largest eyer seen in Wawanosh. which is amide evidenee of tbe high esteem in which the decOesed"was held. A Straornert-I Mrs ingold desire to thank the neighborhood and vicinity .for coming, and cutting end drawing my wood home for Met% It certainly was a surprise, as .t dia. not know or expect anything of the, kind. I desire to thank you all heartily for it, Rullett - • AN 6LDPIONEEILEWNE-On Tuesday afternoeit of last week death took *another pioneer from Hallett in the Person of Francis Little at the age of 85 years, 'Deceased was born in Ireland and Came to this country ever 55 years ago, first settling near Milton AN:int 45 years ago he came to Rullett to make ahonie for ins wifeandfamily. He was married it Milton to his now bereftpartner, Catharine Wallace, family of ten Children were born,three Of these havintt diedsince.those living are Wna in Swan Lake, Mani. Mrs Wro Mills.Winghameand Mary,Frank, Thos. Kate and Jaenry at home. De- " ceased. has been a Conservative all his life and attended the Methodist church The ft:metal took place from his late residence. lot 22, con 12, (Thursday) at two o'clock and interment was made at the. 'Union cerrietery, Rev Mr Currie, pastor, ccriducting„ the ger- !lees. The death of Win II Reed, of .con 10 E D Ashfield, occurred on • Monday the 8th inst. - He was in. his 09th yea. naesa-asss WINTER SESSION OPENS'Jan. 4th in &l departments 'of the cen- tral BilSilleSS COBege, Yonge and Gel mini Ste., Toronto. Our Catalogue explains our superior- ity in Bquipmeet, Staff, Meth - oda and Results. You are invit- ed to write for it, if interested in the kind of school work which brings best success. Address W. H. SHAW, Pres. Ordered- IN 9_ r bReagPinade Clothing LuOITISI1 OL- LrOUES flothino ./ U.A.LITY" 011 It's just li Finding Money. Nobody questions the ad- vantage there is in buying e,o) • ' goo& where you can get the best selections to choose from, and at the same tinie get the best values. :We1we in extra welt -as. sorted stock of ovtecoAis this season that means Dole Jars Saved in buying to any man requirin:g a garment of this kind, as w.e have vAlues to offer greater than ever before. this sea r Big Sellers n a re ,at POPULAR, PRIORS, ranging in rice at $1.50 $10 and $12„. We have some cheaper and some more expensive, but these three lines should receive your careful, attention before buying. ' .emon.htetho'..1)(tiC4a•-tittd. the Prices OPNTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY DEOEMBER 17, 1908 OoderIch. Rirrtinwon -A. MD. Allan returned to Goderich Wit Friday evening, hem. ing cone just resently from England, where he wasengaged in floeting'._the bonds of the Huron and Ontario Rail- way. Company, Mr. Allan Says the work of construction will be proceeded with next season, and that engineers are already engaged on the purvey. Goderieh Is one of the points on the propoeed route of the ituron and On• tam RW14 47. Dxa..,ra-The funeral took place on WOW afterOOPNef Afre B 0 Belcher, whose death occurred On Saturday at the age, of lifty.four year& 7.he servic- es wera conducted by Rev. R. W. Mill. Yard,' pastor of Victoria St. Methodist. Charon, in connection with" the Mio. sionary sodiety and Ladies' Aid, of Waif a on OW George Green, now a i which the deceased taok an active n. • resident of Goderich, and was born •terest, until her illness prevented her. and raised'in this • township, field Mrs 1301eher's maiden name was Mary the very 'highest possible eateem. he Oanteloo, and she was a dister of Mr D was a Ann' and invipg father,and the' Quitelon,. formerly in the bakery bus- dein) sympathy shown the family Of loess in -Goderich, who is now a resid- deceased was evinced by the exception. ent f British onhunbia. gra. Currie, ally large number who attended the of Goderich Tp!, is a. sister of the.de- funeral on Friday. It loe a very rare ceased. Besides her husband,who was occasion when two hearses, are requir- also formerly in the hakerybueiness in east one home at the game time, and Goderieb, she leaves a faithy cf three werds scarcely deocribe the sadness of sons and two daughters,. George, Sid. the' situation ; one set of pall-beiwera ney and Harry, and Misses -Hattie and •officiated for both bodies. Mr. Green Hazel. Among many beautiful floral, is survived by his wife, two daughters 'tributes' was a wreath from the Geder., and a son. He Was & COSISIStent mem- icli company. •her of the Methodist church. The be, 0/188 DreausEIBD -A stilt oetween reavement is particularly severeonMrs tha px.egent end late proprietors of the, Green.; being followed. as it it; this week Bedford House was tried at 'the.bmother, Mre..lelin• etetwhaertit county -(Mart last week. • The adieu 2'•, . • . was for the value of certain artleleii :MILLED IN%JiIISEL-D. very sad anew in the. hotel,which Mr. Fred piWiskthe °coned On Tuesday. on the Lake present proprietor of the hotel; claims Shore read, whereby Mr, Donald Mc, were sold to him when he purchased Kenzie instantly lost his life. With a the business,:hut which it afterwards young mail named- Pickle' he was en - developed did not belong to the yen- gaged in getting out saw loge on his dor, Mr Jonathan Miller who is now own farm, and was endeavoring to proprieterof a hotel at. Carlow. lir ease 'several that had . lodged across Millr eclaims that the purchase price one another. Hie position was slight• of the business was a lump sum,. and ly dangerous: and Pickle warned him, that there was noparticulat guarantee but he thought there was no inairiedi as to any articles, Mr Davis,however ate 'danger, when a log unexpectedly took an inventory of what was in the slipped and caught, him-, across the hotel, and seems to have understood breast, instantly crushing bislife out. .he was purchasing the.. articled on the He was about 45, years of age, and Inventry. Mr Miller, dot up a punter . leaves a wife end tbree'cbildren. . He claim; but the jury reported in favor was a staunch member of the Bayfield of the dismissing_ of both claini and Presbyterian Churoh, a man who Was counter claim, Bank party pays his held in the very highest esteem, and •own costs. ", • whose untimely death has caused The death took: lace in widespread sorrow. MrMcKenzie- also Goderich..Friday morning of Mr leaves an unmarriedreister and his mo-. Joseph &war, at the age , ef a. they,. whe is 80 years of age, both a Years and nine months.: The deceased whorl' made their homes -with him.- had a•ParalYtie stroke.about five years Ha was making arrangements for the' ago and , another stroke a few days kgo erection of a new barn during the coni - she never rallied. She was a native 'ing Opting. On Sunday night :he had •of.Scotland and came te, this country charge of the Endeavor meeting 'at •tvich her parente.when quite young, Bayfield, and it was remarked at the hw• the fainily first settled in the Towiiship time ow ell he conducted it. of Hay. .About forty years ago she was married in Goderich and had re- sidedthere for about thirty years', Ilv. Tukersnlith ing also at times at Stratford, - Point ANOT,Es-The initial Christmas' Tree Edward and Sarnia her husband being entertainment was abandoned thiS a G T R eiiineer. Since returning to year; • owingto the prevalence of Goderichshe lived here for the past whooping cough among the children, mber ram here took in the num Years.' he deceased is survived A large nu by two daughters Mrs Thoe church °Penh"' ;and tbWI OPPOr at patrtek, of Sarnia,and Mrs 111 Malcolm Proceileld on' 1nesday, of Gocleric f Mr W. (). Landsboro. iv.ktmee'r wiNs_ wAGita so.a.,Ajoinii3eibitig Mv largely attended on. VVednesday lest; Landeshoro, we understand, is giv. vise which Was :triett., here at th county court noVir ;being held by Hise. Mg up farming. Mr and Mrs Charles Honor Judge Doyle, was tjiit of Hill , vs Moyes, the -:plaintiff being the chauffeur who was employed by 3 W Moyes, (3 E'crf Toronto,who has charge of the construction of the Ontario' West Shore Electric 'Railway.. Mr 'Moyea is alettrtlfe general Manager of the Huron Construction Company fstd.,, which has -the dentraqt froni -the. railway company Ifiii4kork of-eon- 4310dIEFIGh TOW1101110 • DENIM QV Mn. aim MISS ORVILN;- ,13rlei reference was made last week to the death of Miso Abigail Olefin, and her father, Mr, &dm B. Green, both of Whoop deaths' were looked for, and yet both of Which caused imam oadneos and gioem. Miss Green gay ti up her studies at Clinton Collegiate owing to illdess, and has Peen gradually failing: she was k Most lovable girl, and ex dresslons. of sincere regret at her de, mise were voiced on all sides. Her father had been in declining health for some time, add though there was no hope of his recovery-. the end was not .expected so soon. The death adds daughter 411, Virednesday had a very • visible effect upon . him, for he never rallied from the shock so caused. He Layton contemplate. taking .a trip to 13etroit,the home of the latter's mother , ont•ay a oa 9 . . g M. Sl. will hold their. .monthly meeting at an early date. .. 1 for R. Adams ; there were 27 barrels onTuesday, the 1.7th- in the schoolroom weighing a total of 8100- ilia ; hew is 1 at the.. church. Prayer Prayer . Meeting and ; ; . . - . Porter's 11111 • that -for a -good load? .- Mrs R Bruce,' of raise - for the, cantata:. will be on . . . the 12th eon,' is in a very preearmus. ,, uesday night. The Sacrament of the inyrEs.4,it zen:i.j..ii.ott of. washing .matitotnedrzpariledseTn4t.ef.aTdanyeroetWpeaosple7a•yrTnshg i i Lord's Supper will be dispensed here in ton is visiting at hip father's. Mr ' Wiri the 'church on .the 27th of .December: Elliott's., ale • and,. mre..,0 3v potter, taxes,' The Municipal pot•has. just be. Miss. Lizzie-, Linklater returned 'last. for struetton, and he employed. the plain-. 'week. MrSS Mair of Byron and Miss are on the Move. '0. W. Holmes and gun to ' Warm up v several candidates. with friends near Stratford. Mr. and :called on friends.. in- Colborne this Week from spending an enjoyable time inaction with - the. work. • The,. action McOlennan of Detroit,' is • Visiting :ail , -, weekl'he is goiogto teach echool. We 3 NO :•Holmes start . for Ottawa this. are sorry toherethat the wifria Mr. . • Mrs Hillary Horton and children, .paid ."tiff to operate an autothobile for • thi; . Nixon of Springnank spent a few dav a visit to. thelatter's sister, Mrs. John . use of the engineers and others in 'con:;- attJohn 'Cox's this week. •Miss Maggie . was for wages. hutMr Moyes • had a Mrs 'TiChborne's. Mrs Morgan an was a moving picture 'shout here lest Eickly, of Port Albert, on Sunday. Mr. 'Joe MeNevin, of Goderich ,was a ' counter claim for damage' to the daughter Pearl, who lave . been visit-. Thos. 'Manning is seriously ill. There caller in our burg. on Monday. Mr, maehine which he cline:led- Was , done tug in the neighborhood,. returned te week f there was a 'small crowd t° see Mark Horton! of ,Rayfield road,•Goder-• through the negligenceofthe plaintiff . GOderich . on Thursday last, mt,e it hut they say it was ferV, good and fah; visited his brother here for a few brothers John. eigi Harry, 'f:oung of . he- have been more. - W. Grainger & Son had it been better known there would days. Cross) which the young people of this .The Cantata (The • Conquering ' Mr Mores also clamed thatpersonally . Dalton, - Of. Kietail is vieiting r he did not bite the plaintiff.- but was .' acting in big Capacity as manager 'cif the cut line i•-•., ,,,a -. • . have ifold to W B Cockburn,Of Water- burg have been practising for the last down ani 4 • calves n er, ;heissHamilton,starting ji;gb ual db 451 r yci oat on Monday evening, the 21st. It: is the coneteuction Company. ' The jury , XMAS Tneir.,n't forget the 'Xmastwo months.,will be given in the church boweVar; rettirnecra' verdict for the tree and entertkiMnent in Bethei missal. • • • .: ' • • • eo.eaby Professor 'Cook of Goderich: •-.• . . _.,_.....: ..._ ' "•' ' ' • church on Wednesday evening 23rd 1 has thought -that, shorthorns are tie plaintifffor $126, the full amount , of that theGrainger herd's., that a good many may donee and enjoy hoped.the weather willhe favorable so his ;claim with the exception ' of one inst. An excellint programme is be- bed kind and • 1 the evening. A silver colleetion will ' BLOOM() RAILWAY -The. . • -.- Work On instrumentat music by- Mr. and Mrs T ' Op the best he has seen. , - . . linbUrn - , week's wages in lieu of notice of die- ing provided vvhich will ' ccnsist . of , . . .,- . be taken up. the Ontario West Shore Electric Rail- A McDonald and other talent will be ENDiG-Opening Servicee; Of °the. ' • . . way word Goderinti to Kincardine is utdised,both foreign and loeal in read-'• Baptist vices nThlirCifite°rnn Sundayo onan eafitd jeenr A. . . StailleY . ' A. PIONEER'S DEATH—One of the few remaining links that bound •the past • progressing. The ' necessary concrete Inge, recitations, dialogues and etc. ing 'at 7. Preachers. Revs. T. W.' Tues - abutments EttPort Albert are in course Come •one, ' :come all and spend ' a 'Charlet:worth and W. Raithby. B, A., with;the present. was. broken on Tpes-. of being put in other work of this pleasant evening. with. 13ethel Sunday day by the death of Mrs Abigail Stew-: natureis 'ming laid out.. • Negotiations school, • a small adniisaion - will be ing, for which an eficellent prpgram of Sapper and concert on Illonday even- ,. . art, relict of 'the late Jelin Stewart, of are in progress for the securing of Suit- charred.. - • ' the 5th con., in her .73rd year. • She able, premises in Goderich for the biertd • .: -- vocal and. instruniental music has been . ,, • experienced a. stroke of paralysis a been crosed yet: The preliminary Weak -... -•:- , prepared. , -. . . • She was formerly a Miss Tweedie, and 'efficeirpf the Conipany, .but havanot, . IloknesvIlle ,„ ,_ .‘,. week ago from which she never rallied in connection with the Maitland River iar-oroteritite :- On Tuesday. . last . the for the Methodist entertainment have, ANTERTAINMENTz- -.Lae committee . was raised near Smith's Valls, coming the power for the operation of he monsters held their Annus' oyster. at sortie expense, secured talent for. a g7 with INV deceased.husband,on the farm Power Company, which is to supply west on her wedding tour. arid settling . reed, is a,ise well advanced. It is 'ex- auppee at Mr MUlluifiarida,. and. a very first class concert, on Dec.23rd. Thou b ,on Which she has since resided over 50 pected the bonds of this Company will pleasant eiiening was spent. Quite a 'disappointed in eventnally secun number were .present, and. all wereyears ago. The whole township was be floated thortlyt either in New York more than pleased with the accommo the Wingham quartette first stated, a wilderness, and her experience was Or Boston, . Specifications' have been dation nrovided, having spared no , . • have Managed to obtain the servicei that of every woman who went thro" -prepared for the electrical machine?. 8hristaias falling -On the next night of of the 'Clinton quartette, of Well a pioneer's hardship with her husband " needed for the power honed. but it s ' .. ' . aine to have everything satisfactory; known reputation. . Mr. George W. in helping to hew out 4 home for them. probable that a telp triSwitzerle,nd will Pearson. vielinist, will alsObe present.' selves and family. ,She was a Presby• be necessary before &contract is closed regular ineeting of the Ceurt it has The elocutionary part of the program . been decided to same on Tues- y Itifit avrtrude L. terian, and a woman of strong pomp - desired. • The building of the 30.foot ern thetnselvo accordingly. will be la NoTES.--The funeral' of the 4 months many warm personal friends. She as machinery- of special constructionis pay, the 22nd, and members will goy- Hart, of .Renson. ' , - . ality and convictions, having a greet dam, it is said, be started in the spring NOTEe-yke Forester oyeter suppe . old child ably and Mrs M. Armstrong leaves three sons: Adam, °tithe home- dam, the work gone ahead, with in time W„its c. kgrAind._ _. success ,149b Thorsatot took place on Monday, . cenducted • by stead ; John, in Goderich Tp. ; Charles I Rev. A. E Jones. interment in Ball s in ;louden. Her daughters are: Mrs X to supply the power for the road; Ne, . night; eeerynorly going away well gotitttons are also in progress for the pleased with their evenings entertain. ceinetery. Mre Wm. Pollock and two B Green, Goderich Tp. ; Mrs W Glenn, sale of power in places °aside of God-, Inept, Don t forget the Public school children, who have spent several Stanley; Mrs D Ross, Clinton, and Mrs erich. : . months with her father, Mr. Willard,. Parks, LaRivetie„ Man. Besides these returned to Flint, Mich., this week 4 and some Other relatives, she leaves • Mr„Willarcl leaveanext week to Opend twenty-one ;grandchildren to reseUrn the winter • with his son Charles, Of the logo of a kind and indul ent grand, Haitillton. Books to the amount Of narentt ldhe was left a widow or 1809. aboilt $40 are to be added to the Public The remains were interred in Baird Library shortly. The date of the „Knox Cenestery on Thursday, Dec 171h; . • S. S. Christmas tree is yet indefinite. Werra - Mr, Richard Jennison. has 1 Mrs Sas. Medd leaves on Monday for a been ailing for some time, and is still visit extending over the holiday Settann unwell; We hope for his speedy recovl ittaceig relatives at Fairview,. . near sty, Mr Charles Stewart, of London Peternoto. .Methodist gervice next was visitinghis motherduring the first Sunday evening is withdrawn foe, the of the week, but returned again On Baptiet opening. E. Krenling,Water. Monday. leo; is at, present 'dotting his Meter, Mrs George Denstedt. Mies timing, Krehling id the [omit of her dentin. Mrs. Geotge Denstedt. . . •CITURVII ,OPENING ST. JOSEPH:S. CHURCH. The opening of the handsel)* new Church of St. Joseph takes *place Sunday next„ at 10 a, m: It, promisee to be a special event in Catholic circlesThe ceremony will be performed by Rt, Rev. Monsignor Meunier or Windsor, A.dministr or of the Diocese of London. He will be assisted by several priests, especially the previous pastors. Rev. Father 'Vilest, of St. Thomas. has been invited. and. promised to attend. The sermon on the occasion will be preaelied by Rev. Fr. Hurley, of Toronto, a Professor at St. Michael's College: anda prominent preacher. In yiew of the general interest taken in the important event, a description of the building May be of interest to the public. It presents a very fine and imposing appearance, and from an architectural point of .view credit to the town of Clinton, and a beautiful inonument of the zeal and generosity of the congregation " of St. Joseph. It is of Gothic ikesign, having'a fine tower, and large vestry. The `bricks used in the building were supplied by the Milton Pressed Brick Co, The stone trimmings and ornaments were the work of the •Uanadian Art Stone Co, cif Toronto. The coursing stone in the basement came from the Thames Quarry Oo., of St, Mary. Inside; theapruiarance is chaste and elegant. It is stucco fiLished, with black ash and cherry trimmings, finish- ed in the natural wood. The nave of the church is ample and commodious and the chancel pleasing. The seating of the church was supplied by the Valley pity Seating Co., of Dundee. The gallery for thechoir is large and convenient. A fine new Doherty Organ has been installed, through their agent, Mr Wesley Walker. The eleetrle fixtures were installed, by Mr. J._ Stevenson, and were specially made by -a Toronto firm The church proper is heated by hot air, the furnaces being manufactured by the Western Foundry Co„ of Wingham, and installed by Harland Bros. The carpet, etc„ were bought from Messrs Tozer & Brown. Altogather the work reflectsgreat creditto both the pastor. Rev. Father. Hanlon, and his • generous congregation, The building was designed by Mr. W, Ireland, architect from Stratford. Mr. Thomas McKenzie was the contractor for the entire work, which is a guarantee of its work and excellent finish. The brick work was clone by Mr Dan Prior ; the cement and stone work by Mr. H. Hill ; the plastering by Mr J Gardner ; painting and glazing by MesOrs. Copp and Kaiser. The memorial windows have beendonated, but will not be ready for at least a couple of months. There will be a big attendance at the opening, and all will be made welcome. The evening service will commence at 7.15 p.m. Vespers and Benediction will be sung and a special sermon preached. A specie offering will be taken up at both services, and no doubt the collection will be a generous One,as it will be in aid of the new building. Rev. Fr. Hanlon. who was/instrumental in. having the church • erected.,and who has closely watched its progress,is to be heartily congrat- ulated on his success. • . /..;01101••••••=r , . Londesboro NoTes-Nixon Bulger and his son John, formerresid4nts. of this place, spent ft few days here; the former lives Constance •mEr se her Hot Water Bottles °ham- s NoTER--Mret Eispler, of Kinistire ,,Olikciviteapsirtsesni ato t, anyi,other things th parents, Mr: and MrS1 W. Dunlop, and. s resentseekers, ask., is at present the guest of her E1IF YQU NTEND, Purobaeing a Christmas Gift for Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, • or anyone else, dear to yav. We cordially invite you to inspect our !stock of pretty. things and . wish you to feel that yoo, are ' under no obligation to buy, and Oa we Perpir saoroeasReasonableawoyfor. you, W.A. NicConn 011 • Bun,- C.P.R. Telegraph Agency • SlunnterhIll ENTERTAINMEIVT-An entertainment will be held in S S No. 4, (Nesbitt's) on Tuesday evening!, Deer! 22nd. The program will consiet of dialogues, reel. tations, vocal and instrumental mimic. opular Presents at ()pular' Prices4e-- lio' pouches, Cigars nd Smokers Supplies, / EOM , GENTLEMEN Military Cases and Brushee Ebony Hair, Hat, cloth and Shaving Brushes, Razors and Razor Strops, the best Pipes, )/ . FOIL LADIES $Dressing Cases in Ebony. Alanioure Cases in Ebony, lliirnits. a _fine assort- ;. Bmre4nath es Hair,mamaHnaat g, s , C lando t hp oaonkdo t Bonnettooks. . Perfumes, our stock a /Inas perfumes is unexcelled forehoiee odors and beauty $ of Pa.ekages, $. , • FOIL.THE.EMILDILES get's, Rod*: 1 in Manitoba and the latter in British other friends. Mrs. Donald Weir and house and lot of 0 W. Holmes,opposite parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Britton. • Columbia. Mr. Lyon has bought the childrqn, is at present the est of her So • tne Methodist Church, and inovel into Mrs. George Stephenson is at present it. this week, Mr George Longman has laid'up with rt.'very severe cold. Mr. ' Phna B taken up his•AOOMM•Lendesboro 0os. .A ems jr, does not improVe . .11annioetnrind 431!1 lot • week. A meeting of the shareholders ) very fast. R. Clarke was last V.OFk in of the CrearneryWas held on the Nth, (a.iderich. , and they agreed to go into liqindation ' as the company is in it poor financial - • Leentirn state George Crawford -hauled on NOFFS--.Thet Auxiliary of the W. F. 11111111111.".... ROMS DEArit-The death of Robert- thin came as a shock to the people of thig vicinity, as he had only beeneick for a couple of days. Mr Yuill passed away onSaturday in the 61.t year of his age. Ile settled irdlorries number of years ago, on lot 18, con 4, where he built a beautiful home. Two years ago he was a member Of theliforristownehip coun- cil. In religion he adhered to Mertes- byterian Olitirch,and in politics he was a Conservative. His vidie nredecertied him about seven years. He leaves to Mourn his loss two sons and three daughters. examination on Friday next. Mow atria Walters left for Ottlifornia on Tuesday morning. Mies Susie Acheson was at Brucefield to the church opening at that place lest week, Mrs Mulholland Jr., of tiluelph, ls„visiting Mr AV Mulholland& The soda!, after- noon held holt iharsclay by the Woman's Instittiteat Mrs W Jenkins was a decided success; there was a good attendance, , ItiteOur --The following is a report of the pupils' of S S No 8 for the month of November bailed on regu. levity, good deportment and general proficiency: 5 Emmeline 11-011alad, Lizzie Bedard, Will Carter, Percy Munifthge, Frank Williame. Sr 4. -- Lorne Jervis, Walter Melton, Lorne MeCartne , P OlIddon, Art Farren. McCartne 1, Ella COOknigh, Ernest Albert rooter, Norther% Holland, Charlie Lattle,‘..Jr 4 -Joseph Palmer, Lottie Layia, Delbert littlier. Sr 3 - Stella Nelson, Carl Moir, Clarence Connell, Frank Jenkiti&ArnoldAleock Edna Farrar. Jr LaVie, Carter,0 Holland. Sr 2 -Elva Proctor P Palmer, Verna Jervis, Stewart Matt, Roy 1101101inthl, Alvin Leonard,Lesliti Huller, 1.)aniel Glidden Milton Holland, Leslie Jervis. ()Often Prector. Pt 2....Dianehe Nele0n, Fred Salborne N0T03-M. SehWannthad the nuefor, tune to tete a very valuable horse last week. Mike Ohler is suffering consid- erable inconvenience from a sore eye. S 0 Dumb is On the sick list; 0 R For. riter entertained a eleighlead of young people on Monday evening last. illtee Mary Blake is visiting with her sister. Mrs SchWenZ, Miss Edith Divest has returned hOrrie from extended *bit In Zurich and Claude htitch. hOme was the Deene Of a dancing Christmas Gifts in Ebony. Ebony Oleth Brushes $1 to $2.60. Ebony Military Brushes, 0150 to. $3,511 per pair Ebimy Hair Brushes. 75e to 63,00 Ebony Hat Brushes, 50c to 411,00 Ebony Bonnet Brushes 75c to $1 Ebony Miners, ....$1.75 to $3.00 Ebony Nail Files . . .. ...30c to 40c Ebony Nail Polishers..25c to 75c RE.bbeonnyY Puff Boxes Zxoemsb and Miner Ebony Manhiciwe Sets J. E..11ovey Dispensing Chemist. Otttigantion NOrns -Niles Eichards, who for two seasons has been I Walkhortee inliliner left on •Tuseday for her home in St, Mary's. Miss Roberta spent Saturday In Goderich. Mts. Plato(*) left last week for St. Marys, where she will ili spend a few Weeks with friends. The English Church. Christmas tree is bill!. ed -for Priday night Of this Week, On Wedneeday night Of nest Week the PreihYterian Sunday 8011001 Will bola a Christi:ass Tree and entertainntent, TheAfethodist Sunday School will gift pelt/ On Friday evening last. If it be Lexie, we, Ameek. pt Brune a'aohaetit iii.the A. cultural Hall on not out of place we would like to ask Holland. , IsT6 on roll 42. Average 00. Obtletntal night. our poet for another contribution, N W Trewartha, too, her. • hif good, Ch ristni-as Fruits Dont spoil zoii Christmas Cake for lac of fruit, when - you can get 3 lbsnew selected Italaitsatie 13 ” " 81 lbs Uld • '6 " 230 • 3 lbs Cleaned' eartants..25e .Neiv hnported Peels Orange far. . ...20 per lb' • Lento* • . CltrOn Shelled Almonds 35e. per 111 Shelled Walnuts 34 per lb + W. T. O'NEIL THE RUB GROCRIL AO.L...8 ON A N K .4" Ineoniorated 1E45 eapitai, 1 1 • $0,500,000 . Rest Fund, p. $3400,000 05 Brainchos anada, and igeniff and Correspondents In elk the Principal Cities itt the Weird. : A GIONBIt#.14Nn.InVotialNIOS titosAtop,• §,A,V1 N G .121.6J‘i K t? g‘P A RTME , at altnranehts. Interest &IOWA At hlgbat tgittent r044, I theee promise to !Clinton Branch, •' 4C. E, DOWDING, Manisa: •