HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-12-10, Page 8, Everything here is in -s shx ae p.h for r ready�,.witla a stock of seg l ib p Vii. �strxa�as shoppers. We are s le. and useful gift things this g that cannot; but•be helpful to you in your choosing. 4 Come to cls. "now ,stove, any day, every, y, from o till Christmas. We want you to feelfreerd go as_ you wish. YOU are' welcome to come and com to look the Christmas . stocks,. . e. whenever and as often ass you please, Everything ever seeinganl easy� e ytl:><><i� �� arranged for easy buying, but there is no. need to buy unless you wish. • Christmas Gifts in Glove No mistake ever made in giving a lady Kid Gloves. • No risk run insmaI • ing.selections from our stock of re5.. French Kid Gloves: Every pair 'in ,in it •is guaranteed. If you select the: wrong , •size, we will cheerlully exchange them after the" holiday, 'Every • pair in a hand- some box, if desired. • Au r Special Kid Gloves, black or colors, Per pair, .$l.00 ,Our • Biggest. Selling, Glove, black or colors, per pair $1.25 • Au extra good Glove, in black or colors, per pair $1.50'" Long Kid Gloves, blacks and color,, per.pair ?82.1'5• Extra quality long Silk Gloves, blacks, cream's and colors, per pair $1.50, The Ever=popular pular Handkerchief. hof. Better stocks, better •varieties, better values .than ever before are ready for you here. Most of thern.imported direct from; the makers. Sterling, good;quali: ties everyone of them. e n at, • `dainty: Patt ernst _and values loes that make it un questionably worth your While.to do your Christmas Handkerchief buying at this store. • Fancy Handkerchiefs, 5e A very fine quality Ladies' and Child - ma's "Mersiika'•Handkerchiefs; pretty patterns in blues, pinks"and ;mauve,.a so suitable for. fancy work. 'Reglar Cn,: lbc,,special for Christmas, each ,... TheRibbon Store. • This is ' 'the • Ribbon store ' o . thetown,C nota doubt about that. Chrsstr mas Ribbons , are here now. . Every shade you are likely -to, want for the making of Christmas gifts, in plain silk -or satin. Some very handsome satin Ribbons, in all widths suitable for bags, etc, Plain Satin Ribbons. 3c, 5c,, 10C to .25e Plain Silk Ribbons, Sc, 5c. Se, IOe, llge Pandy 141411001444 35c, 50e, 75e and. $1 llhinery.$elling. at•`'Ilfr-Price. Dozens of Hats for you to choose from, at Half their R e a la r Price. The most fashionable shapes 'every one 'of there.. Blacks and colors. All trimmed' in: good . , styles. We r �' are bound to clear this season's • stock to' the, last dollars worth. That is • why, ,. we offer VOL* these 25 or• 3o hi h..class Trimmed' Hats, at':g ; L F.p RI C E. ghrcl•as '..n Bos :, A tastylittle inexpensive e gifts ' . a length of fancy Belting put up *in fancy ' boxes. 0. Each box ':contains .enough for one belt, and we show them in 8. or 10 different patterns , at; per. box Gide to 75c acMcrsilka„ Handkerchiefs, 2 for” 25a; - W o r men s. Urxdecwe Gentlemen's Mersilka Handkerchiefs, a'� very line quality, looks like silk, blue : • w ' and tette"bog aat�. d rs, splendid thingfo �� ��• j bos' use, as well% V ids'` r y Special for Christ-' mas. ......-,. n ..2for Z , 5C ' :.These Seconds ends in • • Wosrlel;t s • Underwear "Mersilka"• iiitial1iandkerehiefs'3• •ors won't last'. far longer than; f' t Ctc this week or nes Extra quality Mcreilka lienh:stitche tat' the.farthest; If a. a , Handkerchiefs; gentlewan's size. all: savin of at Least one-quarter 'Carter• on every. initials in stock. Initials nicelypm. l•, garment iS an nb'ec`t 'oto ought••to get: broidered and good sizes. ;Regular 25c ' J. y each Special for Christmas, 3 in a a supply of now. As `far as the wear neat, fancy bob tor 50�r goes, the teSeconds will last ='' justas Better Hiandkerchiefs . long as the "firsts." ,We are selling . ' Our• at 35c to 161.60 is beyond . 5nc Garments ,because they, are "Seconds" quesrion 'the test weever .offered our customers.. for 29e The designs are new and , quaOties 'good..: The ' prices axe lest/ for the same quality than we have 75c, Garntelnts, becafse they are "Seconds" offered before: This is" sim;ply:because this Christ- :for 55e- . mail let ea ' me•to ua' direCt^fratn Dile of .the biggest• manufacturers. If you are thinking at all of iv $11.00 and $1.25'Garnptents; because they ing Handkerchiefs, you cab make no mistakegde- are "Seconds" #'or 7,00 ,' ing your buying here. • Children's Garments because "Seconds" Oise Part they are: a�1.�1tr►s ANDSl7 M �'GiIFT• • UMBRELLAS: Some exce ' tiU 1 al n .fin e.i gift Umbrella's p els Y a just opened th' iS. Di earl u'n . metal n � ,week. � Handles pearl, g , atural wood or bronze, with genuine gold plate 'or ; ster- ' ling silver mounting. Extra stron frames and tops.'that _i. , . g"will not cut or turn rusty. No two alike in the. . Y entire, collection. All.. put-up In silk cases ll For Ladies, . $2.00,o ForGentlemen ..$2.. 50, X3.50,.• $4 .20 and Belts :and collars- , Qiiite the biggest .stock of gift Belts and fancy Collars we have had'for you to select from. Every one neat, pretty, stylish.. • Of the most no two alike.. Y t alike: 1(,.*thor Bolts, 150e, $1 • and $O. Silk Belts,' 3i5c, 450e and $1,00 ' Panty eollara, 85c, gOe and $1 i'urn•ovrcra, 1Oc,.:13o, 35e, .50a Door. and Hearth Rugs An extra Rug or two never comes , amiss in any home. Dozens Of 'them here, suitable for Christmas a ivin"p. Alt „good patterns, good qualitiesand pleas- ing color Combinations. <h ' Door Bugs, 50c, 90c, *1.00.. and $1+26 Hearth, Banat it $2, $41.8* to $13.$0. • 11 ever, tie" store you will final gift Thin,-. s in abundance 'Ijsef ui articles Mat" cannot fail please Tease ole recipients. zen Make prurselves per real p ui borne 1 ere wljen dole our slopping, pa will not be pressed at anp time to kap. `.. CL1nrronr, r NR. i waNTBID•-•Turke,s. Duos Anti those. An!'n�laked to be delivered between the 11tH ..rand loth. fisbeet prices Paid.+- ,. .'CA1VTOON MM.. Clinton, Mice Livia ton, POW. cor.ltalitr invi