HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-12-10, Page 544, Dec, IlOtht. Ito vour-ompoi.,. \!itias Gifts Right NOW Nothing is to be gained by waiting 111%-- til nc-til the last few days -- but much 't i m e' '"worry" and "money." will be saved you in buying early, and at, Heliyar's jewelery Store ILLLV%R Jeweler and Optician Opposite the Market CLINTON greyes Tested Free • Mr Christopher Ward's Chickery_ kiln Varna, was destroyed by fire cin Saturday last. The kiln had been working daring the week and had been shut down before the fire was discovered. Besides the plant Mr Ward lost considerable dried chickery • BORN. HAWKINS-Iu Clinton, on Dec. 4th, the wife of Thos Hawkins, of a daughter. CLARKE-In Toronto, on Deo, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs J T Clarke, (Editor Saturday Night.) a son. HAYS -In Seaforth, on Nov 26. to Mr. and Mrs R S Hays, a daughter. SPARLING-In Seaforth. on Nov. 26. to Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Sperling. a daughter. MARRIED PRYCE-CLARKE -At the --residence of the bride's father, Hullett, on Dec 9, by Rev Mr Curry, Mr John Pryee of McKillop, to Charlotte youngest daughter of Mr Geo Clarke. CARTER-MaVITTIE-At the residence of the bride's father, Hullett, on Den 0, by,Rev . Mr Curry, Mr J Stanley Carter to Miss Alice 'A McVittie, eldest daughter of. Mr E McVittie, all of H • MOFFAT-CALDWELL-At the manse, Eg mondvIlle, on Nov. 94. by Rev N Shaw. Mr. John Lawrence Moffatt, to Miss Gertrude Caldwell,all of Tuokersmi-� • HOLLAND--COUTTS-At the manse. Egmond- ville, on Deo 2, by Rev. N: Shaw.'Mr Moody Hol land, to Miss Ella Coutts, both of McKillop.. DIED COATS -At Crestline, Ohio, on Dec 6th, Qarah 'Coate relict lofthe l e at Wm. Coats,ofCl C non t �a ed ' B 74 years. ROU rLEDGE-In -Clinton, on Wednesday." Dear, 9th, Edward J Routledge , aged 66 years, 6 'Months and 4 days. New AdVertisentents. House to Hent Coireterfiablo bongs on Mary Street, Clinton, MRS HALL Lost A Lady's -61014. Watch between the residence Sf Mfrs Shannon and J. Harland. The finder Will ha 6uitably rewarded, by returning it 'to the un- dersigned J, HARLAND. ;Wanted at Once. A caretaker for the Clinton -Bowling Alley. State Salary expected, For further information apply to the eeeretary, Mr, M. D. McTaggart; Teacher Wanted, . .Male or female: holding land or 9rd Cla6s.Ce - tiflcate, to tem* in 8, S. NO. 4, township of Col- borne. Duties. to commence on den, Oh, 1900, Application Stating salary should be addressed P, Maedel, &Soy., Bentailter: P. 0.. Out. Wanted _S ,t• letnSalt t .an,... ai Works 111111111111111111011111 Clearing Auction Sale Of Farik Stock Implements And Household Furniture-. Mr T Gundry has received instructions from W 0 Landsboro, to sell by public aucion.on Lot 97, Concession 3, 1.1 B 9., Tuekersmith, on Wed- nesday, December 16th,: at 12 o'cloek, the follow- ingTroporty, vis; Horses- one aged mare sup - Dosed to be in foal to First King, 1 agriculture horse rising 5 years old. 1 general purpose mare 8 years old,1 gsneral purpose gelding rising 3 ~years old,' draft colt rising two years old, by Belshazzar; l driving Solt two years o1dby St Blaize. Cattle=Five good Milch cows, one.fresll. with' calf atfoot,tlie'otbaraare comingin through. the winter or early spring; "1 steer coming two Years old two heifers coming two yeira old, 2 yearling old, young Leicester ewes and ten spring lambs, Pigs -Ten spring .hogs nearly finished. ten young pigs 21-2 months old, 1 brood Yorkshire sow with pig. Poultry --About 70 Barred Rock and Leghorn liens, 1 Bronze gobbler and a number of turkey hens, Imple- ments -Massey binder,Frost & Wood 6 foot cut' mower, 'Doering cultivator nearly new, Noxon drill, Frost & Wood disc harrow, Sharpe horse rake. Whitman pea harvester, snifter, set:; of diamond harrows, ranging mill, set of scales 600 pounds, 6 -horse powerlwith Jack, set of :slings, hay for . ear, ;pul eye_a_d_16 feet °Irma, grind d stone, good lumber wagon, iron axle, wagon, wagon box, gravel box, nay and stock rack • com- bined. set of sleighs two cutters. Mikado car- riage. single buggy, cart, -Frost- & Wood plow, gang plow, spray "pump with barreland hose complete. Spray motor Co Lendon,potato digger root pulper, 2 sets single harness:1 set of•doublo team harness, land roller, bay knife, 12 grain bags, 1 water trough, 2 sugar kettles, extension ladder,atep ladder. Household Furniture -New Hamilton Incubator'and • brooder , complete, 2 kitchen wood stoves, 8 bedsteads, one single. 1 child's crib, •1large bureau, 15 yards of rag carpet, stand large book case and a number of books, round centre table, .6 kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen cupboard,.1•kitebon. zinc. 'flour bin, Sharples' ' cream; `separator. " Loader churn.. butter worker, box for shipping butter, albt of stove pipes, oak cider barrel, 2 long benches, 1 apple dryer, gasoltae stove.and a quantity of dishes and glassware. Bee supplies -25 Standard Langstoth hives with drawn comb, painted and all complete, one bee smoker, one Solar wax extrnctor,and manyother articles too numerous to mention. If not previously •sold, the .farm will alto be offered subject to a reserve bid. Terms made known on day of sale. The stock 'and chattels will be.sold without reserve AS the proprietoris giving up. farming, Terms -All sums of 910 and under, cash; over tfiat amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing ing approved joint notes, A discount of 5eon the dollar off for cash, „W O LANDSBORQUGH Proprietor; T GUXSDRX auctioneer. COVNTY .O1JNC)L Theregular lneetln at the Decem her session was held, last Week. A large nuwber of communications were received and referred to variousconi. mittees. The Special Committee reel commended. that legislation be intro- duced snaking it illegal to run autos on Sunday, and at least' one other day in the week. Dr Gunn made application for the usual grant of $400 given by the Coun ty to " Hospitals, and the Executii Committee reconlnlended .the same on his complying with the provisions laid . down in such cases, By -Law No3,. f 1908, of Hullett, re- lating to a stream inthe township,wae read and reterred to the Road *laud. Bridge Committee but in the libsence of Mr.gMcMillan, the ,natter wag left oyer. It was moved by lilt: Shearer. and 'seconded by Mr Hainstook, that where in any county two-thirds of the minor. municipalities are in favor. of submit- ting a Local Option by-law to their ratepayers at the next municipal elec- tions,all the municipalities of that county be compelled to submit it at the s'une . time, thus eo-operatin4 in. carrying out the provisions of said by- law, andpreventing the isolation, of any one. If this meets with the ap- proval of this council, the clerk be in- structed to communicate with the oth- er clerks of the Province to, get their co-operation in metnoralizing the Loc- .al oc .al Legislature to amend. the License Act -Lost.. Insliector Tom was asked for an opin- ion in reference to the continuation class graduation examination and stan- ding of such pupils. The. Education-. Committeerecomniended that the. Principals of High Schools and Colleg- iate Institutes bee requested to state the standing granted' such pupils on their entering their respective schools, for the information of the Council at the ..January session. The claims of Harrison and Parkhill High Schools on the county, for $127 and e433 respec- tively, for pupils from .Huron, were al- lowed. The Council gave the old wooden bridge at Bayfield to that municipali- ty,tobe used asafoof bridge only,ancl -the municipality to assume all repairs. The County Solicitor, however,; to be consulted as to the proper method to protect the county:againstfuture pos. sible .damages. • Miessrs McDermid and Lane gave al report of'the .proceedings of the Pro- vincial Municipal Association,to which they were delegates. • 5200 was granted towards the erec- tion of a reek up at Grated Bend. The thanks of the Council were ten- dered Dr Milne; -reeve. of :Blyth, for his excellent report concerning the meet- ing in Toronto, , held to consider .the. prevention phrase of consumption, A1- so=to-Warden McLean- for his courtesy*' and consideration during� the. year;. r The,Road and Bridge Committee re- commended that a new bridge should be built between Stanley and Goder. ich Tp, (Rathwell's) but that the mat- ter .ter. be left over until next spring, That the engineer prepare plans and specifi- cations for a new bridge to'be built be-. tween Goderich : and Colborne town- ships, known is Forsters, ` tenders to • be opened at January session, 'That a new bridge he built on the Lake Shore road, Goderich Tp,knownas the Gully bridge The ail' Committee i4eeommended that Effie Ray..at present in Jail,be re- turned to the House of Refuge, where she had been before. In the Jail there are ten inmates, 9 males and 1 female, 6 for vagran cy, 3. for assault,and.1 for insanity. THE OLINToN NEW > .l 1 Mr Duncan'McLeod- and Mrs Mary i Aikenhead in ' Goderich, were ..last . week united in hymen's. 'bonds. You have, presents to buy, . and ' feel that the ` . selec .. tion of appropriate at prices within` t he limits of' articles, your purse, will prove no small task.We have:madeex- tensivepreparations re arations for olilayselling, ' ng; and � the little- tiven®3 of our stock i s , with the :absolute � fairness of our price, combine to make gift selections a pleasure. Watches We have them for. Ladies, Gentlemen, and Boys, in Gold;. Gold, f i l t e d 'and ( nickel cases, and � i at prices to suit your pocket. 1ocks'•° Both ornamental and useful in prices from$l0 to$25 . 0 Westminster Chimes Mission Clocks Cuckoo Clocks Mantle Clocks Musical Clocks. Rings Signets, Diamonds, Pearls and other fav- orite stones and com- binations are at their best with us, .'with a very large stock to choose; from Brooches Bracelets Lockets ' Neck ,Chains Cuff Links Scarf Pins Fob Chains Knives Forks, Spoons Silverware . Cut Gass , Fancy China . We are waiting to ;lease you, with . presents that are papillae and, desirable, and we have the variety that insures a satisfactory choice, . JEWELER ttPTICIAN • ISSUER. OF' 'RAO LICENSES*.CLINTON 1 i 30 D yit' avingPrice on Farnham and Hnrrsem Furnishing Goods at. mi::R.,te urniture Store The lines we handle are varied ; the selection- is inn- , equalledin the County. The prices logy and quality high, -The stock is heavy and pnist be reduced, and a special price on every article We handle will be given. ,, Lrm Chairs, arm Rockers, grass Beds, Brass. Poles, Book Cases, Book Shelves, Be4 Springs, Buf- fets, Baking Cabinets,China Cabinets, Couches, Carpets, Cribs,' Cradles, ' Cots, Curtains, . Carpet Sweepers, Curtain Poles, Mining Room Chairs, Dressers..Dressers.. and - Stands, ;.Divans, teasels,.Etchings, �a urniture Covering, Feather Pillows, Frames .Floor Coverings, Fringe, G -rand -fathers' Chairs,..1a11, :Chairs, Hall Mirrors, Hall Racks, High Chairs, Ingrain 'Rugs, Inlaid Linoleums, ulterior Decora- - tions, Iron Beds, j'ardineer Stands, Japanese Mat - g tin s,: itchen Cabinets, Kitchen•Tables, lounges, Linoleums, Ator,ris Chairs, :. Mirror Plates, Mat- tresses, Mouldings,-eedles for all makes of . Sew-. ing Machines Organs, 011.Cloth, Office Furniture, OddPieces, c es .ianos, Parlor Suites' Parlor Cabinets, Tables Pictures' Quality Beds,V,u s, Parlor Tables,. , 'Q. . Y g Ratan Chairs, Sideboards, Stair 'Oilcloth,. Sewing MacSecre- taries,hines, Students' Chairs, Stools, 'gables,. ToySets, ITridertaking=everythingthe .l • best and • prices low, :Velvet : Rugs, Writing ' Desks Willow Chairs mtension Tables. • "Srour -money cheerfully ,f efunded if goods not satisfactory. .' AllCovering kinds of Upholstery done. ;; in a bigvariety of colors carried in stock. Ssltisfactiouuaranteed. ,. Pictures framed while you wait..�,g We are bound to please our customers. Rent. sables for R • Chairs, a>n�l.'I' ° e -wild also rent our Sanitary-Carpet:Cleaner ' the; DU S-KOT. 250 ietures-prices nearly cut in. half. See " our window for Saturday and next week. They won't last long: regular 50e at 10e, "regular. $.1.00• at 15e. We could not have put this sale on in a'•better time to suit our customers, as Christmas is only a few days in the distance, •and to get nice, clean, new, 'up-to-date goods at the priced they are selling. is a rare chance. We will lay aside, an d deliver when you want the bods".any article,by paying a small deposit. Every article will,have a special price. Come :. and see through our establishment, it will make your heart bound with undescribable joy and satisfaction. • A pleasure to show the goods, • Furniture Dealer', and Undertaker, , Clinton. _Phone 28.' :• gall Day or Night. gypineweleailtr • ,.... •...,.l,.ln/bnunP,H.n.,n.l„l: N ,, ,,.....1 -ERM Begins on Sept, est, Our: old established and : reliable school offers the best facilities for scouringinvestigata sound business' and shorthand 3 training ''Write for catalogue; it pays to e. Cole ge e BritishAmerieanBuslness 9 2 ' 'tongs and. McGill. fits,, Toronto. E. Sale Register.' Auction sale' of farm, farnisto.k and implements on'Dec. 16th, lot 27, con 3 H' Rr 5.•: Tuckersmith, Thos Gundry, amt., W Q L3,udesboro, prop. Farm lot No. 28, con; 0, Goderich Tp, t Commercial Hotel, Clinton, on Dec, 19th. Jas: A Smith, Auctipneer. --i. .'Winter Term Opens JRNUAIBY ,11th • Arange, now totettend the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. • • This school stands today without a sup- erior in the Dominion. Nearly all colleges 'claim to be the best but claiming to be so does not make it so, Get our catalogue. Road it from cover to cover. '.See for your- self what this college is doing and the ail - Vantages it offers W. J. Elliott, Prin. Dor. 'rouge & Alexander, Toronto J. 8. Hoover. Clinton Market Report.: l Oorreoted every Thursday afternoon '' . Wheat (new).......... 92 to : 94 Oats'( (new) 037to0•30 Barley . . 0 50 to 53 Peas 0 82 to 0 Si • Eggs. 0.20 to 0.21 • Batter x -1 0 20 to 0 21 Bogs 565 to 585. Chickens, dr9 picked, lb (. (Y7 to 0 10, Ducks, per lb.,, 0 08 to0 10 i 'Liaese •" .... ,,, • .; 008 to010 jI • Apples, dried..... .... 0 A7 to() 5 • I Arch Scott,son of Jas Scott;Seaforth was exercising in the gymnasium at the Collegiate Institute,when he mics., ed his footing and broke a small bone iin his ankle. Miss Mabel 'Walters •• daughter of Mr and Mrs0 Walters, Huron road, , Go ierieh . Tp., became the bride of '.Chas Bell son of Mr and Mrs Jas Bell, Goderich, on Monedy. • $Tei L'% ANA FANCY DIt%4 SOUS l[II LINERY., FURS and M \TI.ES DO vour xms lluijiug here_ Let us suggest, even urge, an early selection . of Holiday Presentsand thus avoid.the unpleasant- ' ness of brokenlines which, are bound to occur If left till the late season. At thistime all linea of Gift Merchandise are complete and there is an .op portunity for'study and comparison of value which . does not occur later. SHOP NOW. ' Fur Xmas' .Presents There is nothing more acceptable or more Practical than a handsome Fur, our Stock offers many suggestions that will please both the giver and • the recipient, 'We will be only too pleased to show them to you and can . otter you some extra values, Tailored Blouses for Xmas Gifts These blouses have just arrixed ant are the most popular blouse we can buy. LatestNew York styles in plain white linen, figured Madras,also fancy stripes call and.see these before you buy. Orenburg Scarfs for :Xmas :Chey'are just the thing for an inexpensive gift and would be acceptable for Misses or Ladies 'wert:,, colors plain cream, •cream and sky, cream and pink; cream and helitrope also plain •plain• blaok, prices from 500 to `.. , ..... 81.50 Fan oo c� .G ds for X�as' "We will be please,to have you call and see our Fancy.Good;t,. .for Xmas buying. We can perhaps give you a. few ideas for • in- expensive gifts which at this season of the, year is sometimes hard to get, call and see them. whether you buy or not, Make this Store your resort for Xntas Haying.. We •are anxious to please you. EVERT C 9 URTI Y ANI) ATTENTION` AWAIT S YOU .HERE: Mr Lawrence Dobson, one of the first settlers of Grey, passed to -his re- ward on Friday last.• He was in his 86th year and had been a resident of Grey for upwards of 55 years. Mr Thos Dickson, of Seaforth, the well-known importer of Clydesdale hor3es,has just sold; to Mr Jas Bryydges of Grant, Mich,, the imported Clydes- dale colt, "Oliver Cromwell." I Miss Gladys Thompson, daughter of Mr Jas 13 Thompson, Seaforth, fell off I the steps,' at the Collegiate Institute on Thursday and had the misfortune to break two bones in her left arm. Some idea of the value of the poultry delivered in Seaforth last week and shipped from here' cin be gained from the fact that Messrs McMichael & Scott paid out $4000 for poultry in three days last Week. • Meson Balla We Refer to Furniture now in use in many homes to prove its quality. People always like our furnituremore and more as they learn its fine Wearing qualities for actual service. CHEAP lothot TU'RB MAY LOOK G Ooh but it's use that brings out the real quality., If' you need Furniture, buy it here, where attractive ap. pearantee is matched by equally at- tractive honesty in construction, That such furniturc'is the cheap- p est you will agree after you have used it and teamed its worth. e U 8) 1 ANWWWWWWINWWWWWWWMENUMWEVii M COME TO US FOR YOUR L ma . resents ,We are ready with a big stock Bigger • and Better than .ever. Handkerchiefs,` plain and fancy, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 127, 15,'18, 20' and•25c each. Ladies'. Collars. at 25, 35, 40, 50, 75c, $1, 1.25 and 1.50. Ladies' Belts at. 25, 35, 50, 75c, $Land 1,25. Men's', Fancy %Ties at. 25 and 500. Men's Fancy Shirts at 50, 75c, $1 and 1.25. Men's Neck Squares, in silk, Linnen and wool, 50, 73c, $1 and 1;25. Men's Gloves, lined and unlined, 50,-75, 85, 90c, $1, 1.25 and 1.50. Ladies' Gloves, cashmere, woollen, silk and'suede,-25, 35, 40,.50c. ' Ladies' Kid Gloves:$1'and 1,25;' Children's Wool Clouds at 25, 40 and 50c Ladies'' Fur Collars and Stoles at $1,1.25,1.50,1.75; 2, 250, 3,.3:50, 4, 4.50,•5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17. Ladies' Fur Pillow Muffs, at $0. 7, 8 and 9 Ladies' Fur Jackets, $30, 40 and 50. Ladies' Fur -lined Coats, $50, 60 and 75. Men's Fur Coats, 20, 25, 30 and 35, Men's Fur -lined Coats, $50 and '75. Ladies' Cloth Jackets with fur collars and quilted lining, $20, 25. Felt Shoesfor ladies, $1, 1.25, 1.355,.1;50, 1.75 and 2. Felt Shoes $1,25, 1.50, 1.75, 2 and 2 50. Children's Felt Shoes, inall sizes, made by the Hamburg Felt Shoe Co. • POPLESTONE' S GARDINER Terms Cash o . Produce B � Tei r odu LY PMM1 !''MMMMMMFMNIMM %4 %% Practical Christmas and Holiday Gifts. N P Teapots Coffee Pots ". Tea Kettles ,tCrumb Trays " Cuspidors " Syrup Pitchers " . Child's Trays Sugar Spoons Berry Spoons Tea Spoons Desert Spocns Nut Crackers Knives and Forks Carvers; in Sets Pocket Knives Scissors Child's Sets Regal jugs •Princess Teapots Fancy Hanging Lamps Fancy'Table Lamps Carpet Sweepers Skates , Hand Sleighs Nothing more 'appropriate and useful than any of the above articles for ,a, Christ- mas or New Year's 'gift. railarearlwarairawmanririalwariamirl arlatid Bros., STO ES and HARDWARE