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Useful Xmas
HIS STORE is reaclv.ta serve you with the
best and biggest stock. of 1USEEVLI GOODS
which we have ever shown for Christmas, This
year especially, useful gifts will be sought after
more than ever, and no store in Clinton' is prepared
to show a larger collection of all'iStalaS merchan-
dise which will be appreciated in every home. The
following Xmas list has been carefullypr,ep.arecl in
order to help you in deciding what to give. , Is
-there not something • in the following suggestions
which will help you *0 choose,• '
SANDIRERtiniErs -of every deseription
NECKWEAR - dozens of new designs
W9lIth RAGS -Fancy Silk or Ribbon
UDE or skew comas -Many kinds, Including copies
of genuine Tortoise Shells
ITEM -Leather, Silk, Ribbon. Gold, Braid, etc
ajta,11JCIIINGS -All new designs and colors
RIBBONW-All colors and widths
PA,RASOLS -Very latest handles
GLO stEB-Kid, Cashmere and Wool
LINENS --:•Tray Moths, Dovliee, Shaine, Centre Pieces, etc
GOLF JACKETS -All eolors • •
WOOL SCAR'S -a dozen different kinds •
-Silks, All-over Laces for waists, Fine ,Dress Goods.
Blankets, Comforters, Tapestry Curtains, Lace
Curtains; etc
Also a complete stoch" of WOMEN'S z.ncl
- FURS, in Ruffs, Throws, Stoles', Muffs, &c
r Personal Note -
:Church .Chimes Si ir
• -rs Greig, left. this week for a, •
41%,%.segok.-.B.esmila/VIVII,S11,0110 .visit -to her daughter in Toronto. ,
ST JOSEPH'S Mr Chas Hilya,r-bas gone el:alien:mt.
villeaethere be will spend the winter
with his son. • .
•Miss Emily MsCaffney, of Brandon,
Mani, spent a few days with her sister,
liantain McOaffney, of town.
The haine' of Me. Herbert ,Coolte has
been favored siith a visit of his young-
est brother, Captain...Sydney Cooke, of
Bothwell. •
' Major Shannon; •Inspector General
of the militia Dept, Was here on Tues-
day, making an inspection of the Mili-
tia equipment here.
Mrs. Coats, wife of Mr. Will Coa,th ,
Registrar, Goderich, leaves shortly for
San Bernardino; Oal„. where she will
spend the Winter with friends.
l!diFfs Lizzie Shanahan, Hiillett;spent
the past week with her cousin Marg-
aret McGuire of " Goderich township,
whete she says is one &Vie bestplaces
Lo go for an •enjoyable time.,
. Mr P KO, who has been employed
with the 0 PR:building new stations
in the west, has returned home for
the winJer, the weather being•too cold
On 'Sunday evening a large crowd to continue outdoor, operations.
again packed the church to the doors,
when the pastor preached en "the
Church's Invitation,"and baptized two
men. Three members were received
. at the Lord's Supper after the morning
service. Subject for next Sunday
morning, "Trust and Direction." Even-
ing, "An old love story."
• All arrangements are being complet-
eel so that the new chureh may be
opened on Dec. 20th. Rt. Rev., Mon-
signor Meunier, A.dministratot, will
preside. A number of others will take
part,but it is not yet decided who they
will he. •• •
The pastor will prestch next Sunday.
Morning subject "Christ's cure for
Care." In the evening he will nom-
mence a series of sermons oh some of
the most prominent women in the Old
Testament Scriptures. First charaater,
'Rebekah." Strangers welcome.. .
Educational services were conducted
on Suaday by Rev. Mr. Kers. in the
- morning, and Rev. Dr. Warner, of St,
Thomas, in the evening. •Collections
and subscriptions were on behalf of
this fund. ••
Mr Hill's Sunday' School class will
provide the pregram far the League
next Monday evening in the shape of
a- mock trial.
Rev J Greene took cbarge of the ser-
vice in Victoria St. Church, Goderich,
on Sunday. •
On Sunday, Dec 13th1 the new
Luthern church of Dashwood, will be
opened and dedicated.
Rev 0 ammo and Mr Ransford
are attending ansgxecutive ineeting of
the Synod at Lohdon,
Rev J J Rice, Toronto, a superannu-
ated minister, was fatally hurt by a
street car, on 'Monday.
Rev E Mill. Of Ilderton, (son
of Rev R Millyard.Ooderich), has been
invited to Tweed, Bay of •Quinte Con-
ference, and Rev J T Chapanan, of
Pontypoolahas been invited to Ildet-
• Mrs' R Irwin and Miss Ripney leave
to-dey to , spend the winter with
friende. After a sea:nun of a month
at StLoilia; they will proceed to San
Bernardino,Cal.,for the balance of
winter. '••
With The Teachers,.
Miss McCallum has resigned from
the staff of Exeter school. •
Miss Johns has consented 'to remain
as teacher in the Tipperary school,
Goderich Tp.• •'
Will Manning, of town, who has
been teaching at Moncton fot tlse past
year, goes to St. Jacobs for 10e9.
G.Gordon has resigned the, Prin-
cipalship of the public schools Lack -
now, and will go to Toronto,
Miss Mabel Donaghy., teacher in
St Davide ward school, Ooderich, has
tendered her resignation'. She is tak-
ing a school near her home at Mount •
The Kingston Standard and other
Conservative papers are calling for, a
Conifervative convention.
. .
'Picture in your mind a
lerd of cattle consisting
of 8,300 kids and goats,
407 horses and colts, oo
calves and 488 steers !
Then consider that these
are required every day to
supply the leather f r
each day's output of
Queen Quality Shoes
Prim $4, $4.50, MOO
Complete ranges in all styles
„ 50c to $r.50
- Snow Shoes
$2 to $3.50
And Felt Lined Boots
Kant Krack and
Granby Rubbers
Repairs while you wait
Christmas and New Year
he December ineetingeof the Town
°Omen vette held on Mon 10,y evening.
Soine of the ratepayers of St. George's
Dec. aoth
, Death of Mrs William Vont*
The (teeth of Mrs 00atfewhich occurred
atthe hones of her daughter,hirellIcOal.
itita• at Oreetline, Ohio, on Sunday, re..
Metres another Of the few remaining
apeman all stations In esteida also to Pe- eame of those
wonaina Of mese prominenee. She was
early settlerd of thia town, and else a
UM. Pert Huron. Mich. Wale" Dia k Xi In. St.' Andrew's ward the rend of the late Wm. Coate, what
i Messrs Falls arid Suspension Bria' alSo asked fel` a light soniewhere ork
At Single rare Princess st, ,• both coturounteatione
mull Deo. es lea% Mao good soles eist, sad were ref.erted to the rectric Light Co
ed ae Dee. 0441,1 and with. 11308. Iteturelea
atm. 30.1000. Dertureles uettl Jam 4011, 3809. 1.140 Fitianee0Onntuttee recommend-
ed payment of a Ina:ober of accounts,
At Fare imbue third
until 6th .itiselpes going Dec. etith, rent* ; market sCales. $13,90 ; stock
Good pine Dee. eislia,Vtothoteli, lleturnIns
1908*e Jan. 1st UM. seturcies until 041. Mb.
For further particulars apply to
F. 8. iimanNs, Town Agent.
The receipts were as follows UaU
Election Protests
All the Consersetive seats in Quebec
and Manitoba Wee been protested and
a large number of Liberal seats inQule,
Messrs Fisher,Lemieux and Brodeur
Of the Federal elonseand. Mr Tascher.
%slot the local House, have actions
brought againet them personally by
the conserVatives, Who seek to ,. OP^
qualify the ministers.
The seats protested in Ontario by
Liberals; are:-Nipissing, N, Lanark,
Norfolk, 0 York.
The Oatario gelds protested by. Con.
efervetives are:- S. Ontario, W. Peter.
boro, Ottawa, Welland.
It is altogether likely that the pro-
s tests in Ontario are only entered for
the •purpose of "sawing off" for a num-
ber of others were prepared, one tin
the Conservatives against South Hur-
on, and one by the Liberals in West.
Concerning the Ontario protests the
Toronto World says: -"There is some
1 disappointment among local Conserva-
tives at the result of Om labors of the
saw -off coinmittee. Indeed is would
seem as thq,ugh the Liberals had jock-,
eyed their entries far the best pos.
ition. It will he observed that all the
Liberals whose seats are contested had
good majorities, 'Indeed the majorities
in the four ridings of Smith Ontario,
West Peterboro, Ottawa and Welland
wita one of the first and oldest business
men of the town, and came to Clinton
tie a bride 50 years ago. Her father
was the Rey. Mr. VogIer,a missionary
to the Moravian Indians ht Thatnee-
ville, and it w s while teaching school
at that plaee t she became acquaint -
scales, $8.80 ; sale of lots in cemetery, ea with her late heeoehtlA who, in the
$32 work in cemetery, $100,75. burl nn teiszna be se rhea. d got: weddinginishecihi mtourselofo ecu -
1307trame method of aSSO tbe
slated of riding in is waggon all the
wmaosveidnforoomdutehede sttrQeebts4yanadzitetvemosttieoen4
, way from Thaingsville here, She was
always an ardent Church and S. S.
800 plow, manufactured in Stratford
at a cost of $80, big this was after- worker, and an invaluable assistant in
the building up of Willis church. in
wards Withdrawn, and the matter left the services of which she continued to
wItnitthhephowane4r8to°ftitubrecliatsvee,elf °treY'ruditet:me' only a few years ago,and only eternity
take a more or leas active part, until
It best. •• will reveal the large amount of good
On motion it 'amp, decided that the she iteempiiehed. She was a woman
kicelon of James Fair, of $800 for the of 'refinement and cultureibsing an ea -
Mayer was autborized. to lesne cleben- ways carried a Getman Bible with bet.
ex -
Waterworks lot be accepted, The oellent German scholar, and nearly al.
tures for the naYment of 111400, the t °' to church. After he death of her hus-
tal cost incurred in connection with band, which occurred some twenty
sinking the test wells, the price of the years ago,she continued to reside here
lot included
until about six.-Menths ago, when she
The polling places and officials for went to Crestline to live. Bar surviving
bolding the munioilmil elections are as children are Walter in Manitoba ;
folinWsa_'- St Andrew's Ward, Town Robert and Sohn, Detroit ; Char.es, in
Hall, -E A Lappin% Deputy Return- ohieaga ; Wm. town . Airs. 0. J.
ing Officer. E SavilleaPoll Clerk ; St. Middleton, Goderich township ; and
Jame's 'Ward, -- Evaporator, - J. Mrs. McCallum, Orestline, Ohio ; Mrs.
Johnson. .D R 0, Jas. Shepherd, P ; A. B. Manning, lately deceased, was
St. John's Ward,-Rumball's Carriage her eldest daughter. The remains
Shop, -J. Shaw, Do R. 0., were brought to Clinton for internient,
P. 0, ; St. George'a Ward -Leslie's
Carriage Shop -S J Andrews, D. R. 0. the funera taking place Tuesdey,from
Willis Oburch. The pall bearers were
Ouninghaine. P. O. . hex. three sons, Robert john auttWill
Von Lots of Prizes.
ldr. jameg Snell. the well known
stockraiser, wins a. good many prizes
each year at the various exhibitiops,
and his success this year. -as in others
-shows the excellence of his stock the stab& at that place on Monday,
when it can win in competitien with with the remainsof his mother-in-laW,
the . beet herds of the Dominion. He Mrs. W. ()oats, en route for Clinton,
won the following prizes thislyear; he found gathered a few of his friends,
At Toronto, -Aged riun, 'Leicester who thought same one should a,ccom-
pany him as a matter of courtesy. The
Thp, Best
Christmas Store
STORE is making a big specialty of strictly Holi-
day Stock, Our plans are on a larger, better scale than
ever before, with goods and prices that show at a glance
that we mean business,
Burnt Wood Work
. Choice white wood. boxes with
'Choice designs ready for burning.
Glove and Handkerchief boxes 25 cents
each, Plaques at 10, 15. 25 to 75c each.
otMatchherliSnaefseos, photo Holder and wady
Burnt 'Leather Novelties
• Local View Booklets at 25 and 500;
Photo Holders 35e to. $1.50. Whisk
. her nephew, W Coats, of Goderich.
saolders. 50c and $1.00, Centre Pieees
.200 and $1,00. Oushioa Top, burnt and
Y. Middleton and Willie Manning.
colored $5.06,
Quite a number gathered at the church, •
where ,service was conducted by her
old pastor, Rev Dr. Stewart,
When Dr. Dr. McCallum, Ohio., reache
Bibles and Poets .
Pocket Bibles in all varieties.
d Special values at 50, 75e, and nE00.
Teacher Bibles at $$.50. Bibles and
Hymn Hooks combined 75c to $8,00,
Ochatmon Prayer and Hymnal 25e to
$1 50. One and two volume edition of
the Poeta in various bindings.
ad , shearling ram 2nd and 3rd'aged
aggregate .2177 against an aggregate ewe, ist ; shearling ewe, 2nd ; flock,
Conservative majority 'of 416 in the I let: champion ewe, sweepstakes and
silver medal
four richugs of Nipissing, North, Lan-
ark, Norfolk and. Centre York, It
Would be, for example, a raore serious
matter for the Conservatives to have
Mr. Thoburn unseated in North Lan-
ark with his majority of six, than it
would be for the laberals to have Mr.
German unseated in Welland with his
majority of 800. No one. hue Much fear
that Capt. Tani 'Wallace could carry a
by-election; but still his majorityof 44-
in Oentre•York is not so impressive as
Sir Wilfrid Laarier's majority of 64U in
Ottawa..J.R. Stratton, it is true, had
,only 350 majority in West Peterboro;
but it looks big when apposed to Mr.
Gordon's majority elan in Nipiseitig,
County•Officials Salaries
One of the matters disposed of at
the December session . of the County
council was the fixing of the salaries
of the county officials . for a period
of five years in accordance with a res-
olution passed at a. previous meeting
ot the-coupcil. This with the idea
of doing away wit larepeated applica- .
tions for increases. The committee b
,appoiuted deal with tbe Matter se: T
cute& infotritation from the other f
' comities in the Provinceas to Salaries r
paid • there,- and selected fourteen .a,
counties as nearly shnilar, to Huron aa m
-possible in situation, size and amoufir c
of business dope and re t d th
w Qua twoexeeptioos the salaries.
paid in Huron County were above the
average paid in these coenties. The
cotnmitteerecominended the Min:ming
increases, however: Treasurer, :$50;
clerk, .850; county engineer $200;
matron of thee house of refuge $50;
assistant matron $25; plisician of the
house of Refuge $50; inspettor
of - the house of refuge $25. In
committee further increases werane-
aided on: $50 to the physician -.of the
'house of refuge, 825 to the chaplain of
the house of refuge,a25 to the turnkey
and $25 to the caretaker of the court
house. The list of salaries • fitianya
adopted by the council, Conapared.
with the salaries previously paid, IS as
. At Blyth )19 took ist for edch of the
following Aged Leicester earn,
shearling ram ; ram lamb ; Pair aged
ewes ; pair shearling ewes ; pair ewe
lambs; best fat sheep, any breed,
. At Lendon-Aged.Leigester ranialet;
shearling :am, 1st and 2nd ; ram lamb,
2nd; aged ewe, 1s; shearling ewe', 2nd;
lgt ; pen of 5 shearlings, 1st : pen
oe 1 ram lamb and 3 ewe lambs, 2nd;
champion rain and champion • bivb,
eweepsta,kes, .• •
At Goderich- Aged Leicester ram
lst shearling ram,. lat'and, 2nd; ram
lamb, lst;,aged_ ewe,- ist÷sheerlipg
ewe, 1st; ewe lamb, 2nd. •
Best fat sheeta•any breedalst.
Shorthorns -Bull calf, 2nd ; yearling
heifer. ist ; heifer OW, 1st and 2nd ;
milch cow, 3rd; ; steer calf, ander 1 yr.
Herd -Silver Medalslisull, 4 females.
I' !If C A At Rome
An informal social evening was held
y the local•Y M 0 A iteatheir therns,
hursday last The room was beatiti-
ully decorated for the occasion with
ed, white and blue bunting,tbere was
good attendance, and all felt very
ixdh at borne, andenjoyed the ex-
ellent,program of music,speaking and
or p r e at refreshmente.
Clerk. # •1,000 3.,e50.
Clerk of the Peace 1,100 1,100
Jailor ' ' 700 ' 700
Jail Matron' -- 200 2(4)
Turnkey . 575 600
Sail Surki3on 120 ' 120 -
Auditors, each 40 40
County engineer... .- 800 1,000 -
,Keeper, Hogan of Refuge' 500 ' 500
Matron. House of Refuge : . .... 250 XV
Assistant, Matron. House of
Refuge ' ' 150 • 175
Physician, House of Refugn ' 200 200 '
Inspector, House of Refuge, 150 • 175
Caretaker, Courtl House... . ...•505 550
Chanlain, House of Refuge::...•••• 55 1.00
• • Present- :•New '
• • • • ' • Salary •Scheddie
. .-" . • • . . S100 $ 100..
1350, 1.400
John DithutsytoMwilienrieuinpnaini gMfaotrt7trhSe
born 0 1.
Mr Albert Dundee, of Mciaillop, Is In
the field for councillor for the coming
year. ••
InEast•Wawanosh there is not nmeh
stir so far as municipal election mat-
ters. • Reeve Parks intands.to ask for
another year at the headlof the council
In Tuckersmith We understand that
Mr. McKay will again be a candidate
for the Reevekhip. This means his te.•
electioe, even if there is opposition.
In Colborne it, is said the contest for
the Reeneship will be between the pre-
sent Reeve, Mt McEwan and Mr. 3.
Kerningnatia, a popular member of the
Reeve Stothers, Ashfleld, will again
be it candidate, and all the other mein -
bets Will stand again with the
tion of Councillor Styles., There is al
report that J. N. McKenzie is coming
out again, as a candidate either for
reeve or deputy -reeve, Joseph Dalton
and Chas. Stewart both of the Lake
Shore road,are spoken ofas likely can-
didates for councillor.
In West Virawanosh Reeve Bailie will
stand for another • term, with good
chances Of re-election, although we
hear that he will be opposed by Ste-
phen Medd, at present a member of
the council Councillor Anderson is
dropping out, but the two other Mem.
bers of the present council, Mtsars
Thompson and Murray. will try it
again. New aspf.rants 'inentiOned are
Wm Watsonaof Nile, and W. A. Wil-
son.f k •
Things are quiet in Goderich Own -
so fat as Municipal politics are
ceneerned,and it looks as if Rewire Sal-
keld, and perhaps the whole council,
would be re elected by ACCIAthatiOn for sa
another year, The council of this ear
was practica ly a new one, and there
seems to be a disposition to give the
members a second term Without the
tumble of a contest. Of course, the
111411106 of 80/1111 ambitious residents of
President Bartley in his +Veiling re-
marks.extended a cordial welcome to
all, and a hearty invitation to the
young inen present to become members
of the Association. An exceedingly
well -rendered vocal dila by Misses
Reid and Greene was received with
loud applause. L 0 Flezning gave a
vocal solo, lifter which a most able im-
promptu address was given by Mr J
Bamford in his usual pleasing manner.
He exhorted the young men to re-
frain from the use ot tobaccoand liquor
and always to be manly, frank and
gentlemanly in what they did: • A
piano duet by Misses Courtice and
Plunisteel was heartily encored, to
which 'the ladies responded.. Miss
Oleta Ford and Miss ' I Chant
lighted the audience ith piano solos.
Mr Fleming gave an address on tne
progress of the •YMO A work, in
Moron County,reporting a total niem-
bership in the five points organieci
lance Sept the /5th of over 125 which
nuniber will soon be very much in-
creased, He said they expected to in-
troduce very soon,a, junior department'
for boys from 12 to 10 years of age.
Aftee the programarefreshments were
served, for which the Associatian is
deeply indebted to the ladies -who
urnis ed them. The evening con
eluded with a hearty, stirring "sing
song" by all present,Mr Rice presiding
at the piano. •
The Clinton Association is getting
well upon its feet now, has some 18 or
20 members and is making good pro-
gress now. They have a gond comiort.
able well lighted room, with plenty of
good reeding in it, ganaes, such as
checkers, crockinote , and fort, and
music, and it is expected, that it will
be arranged soon to have the rooms
open and acceesible to the members
„almost every night in the week, to
read or play games and enjoy the
mimic. In the Educational work,
mock trials, mock municipal elections,
debates and practieal, talks are being
arranged for, and on Thursday even-
ing heat, in the religious work, the
study of the life of Joseph will be be.
gun, led by the Vice -President Mr P
PI unas teel, . •
mayor of the placn, Mr. Gloucher,
without e moment's preparation, de-
cided to do so, and came along. an act
that was very considerate indeed.
Death of Mr Edward. Routledge
After an acute ,illness of- only two
weeks, resulting from • dropsy, Mr Ed,
3, Routledge died on Wednesday, in
eboice•Boxes of Stationery •
Holly leaves Att'i other tasty de
signs in stationery bOX09, a splendid
line containing 24 sheets of paper and
24 envelopes linen finish for 250. Bet-
ter lines at 40, 50,75, to $1.50.
Calendars and Cards
1000 Calendars are here by tile
more and the best values WEI have ever
shown starting at 5 and 10c you can
get a good selection while the 25e lines
are specially good value. Burnt leath-
er calendars are also shown at 25 to 5ea.
each, • -
Greeting Cards
From us you can secure a choice
line ofcardc on which youcan mount,
photos and either have written, or •
print your greetings for- Xmas and "
New Years to mall- to your friends.
Cards only 3e each, with,Photo Cards -
Se each:
Toyland, Here
ghristmas Gifts best. bought now, 'Select early
Carlsbad China Tea Set .decorato4 with
spray:" of delic-
his 67th year. Deceased .was .born in ate pink flowers' and tastefully arranged on ea.ch piece; edges;
Clerkenwell, Eng., and:was naarried to . . - • ... .
Miss • Elizabeth Webb, who survives and handles neatly embossed and trimmed with gold. Thin,
Ohilmin'toniPahMotaltre3h5" yl 8 6e s aThoeanerbeavt°e' transp
arent china finished with a •
ace r
• sresided here eyer since. eying learn-, smooth glaze. 40 pieces: Prices 5 $6050,
dountry, it was quite natural that Mr The Christmas Globe now,.on sale in tubes ready for mailing, 00e.
ed . the nursery business in the old • • •
Routledgeashquid: take up, gardening
ha this. an oecupation lie has success-
fully followed. An unobtrusive, %net
citizen, he filled his sphere, a,nd enjoy -
B oo k. s
ed the respect and esteera of the COM- 0 per s tore
inanity; He was a cousin of the Rout.:
ledges, the large book publishers of
London, Eng, An attendant of St, •
Ohnrch. In addition to his wite,
the following children, survive him: -
Edward Jams, iit the Soo; Williamai, •
at London; George (1,0 Blyth; Henry
F.. of lawn; Mrs A. Wyall, New Lisk-
arci; Mrs W Ramsay, Edmonton; Aire
Rands, Clinton; Mrs E Henry, Malby,
Sask; and Miss M Rontleclge, at home,
The funeral takes place on Satiirdav.
Who will be Warden. I
It Was Only natant' that the meeting ,
of the County Council last week, being
the last sitting.of the present Council,
the question of the, Wardenship for
next year should conae up for private
discussion: Mr. Robt. McLean is said
to have made an admirable' warden
this year, and his successor will be
chosen from among the available
ernis, who May be reelected, that be-
•• the rule, naming those whose
names are mentioned for the position
are Reeve Bailie, of West Wawanosh ;
- ReeVea Pete Lamont, Of , Hay, and
• Reeve Fraser; of 'Grey. Any of these
men would make a good presiding
officer for. the (amity Council. '
SOUTH. CO- J (.3 Rockwell's" New
Sunny nputli 0o, which will appear
in the Town Halt, Clinton, Tuesday
evening; December 15th, is an seicept-•
ionally strong onehoth in quality and
qUantity.'It is known from coast to
ccast andis recognised as one of the
leading coloted attractions of the day
The company is composed of twenty-
five colored people, and includes seve-
ral of the hiehest salaried artists in
their line. Me. Rockwell does not ne-
lieve in netting the greater part of
his salary allotment into one of the
two acts and Allowing the, balance of
the verforniance to Suffer through the
employment ot cheaper ones., -which
always disgust the experienced patron
but he has found that the expenditure
of money for the purpose of making
each act and detain comPlete pays
twice over in the box, office receipts.
This explains why the Sunny South
Company • always gives unbounded
satistactiop, • The performance is one
of the latest, breeziest and funniest,
interpersed with several . high-class
specialites of the better class and
brilliantly illuminated with bright and
SAD DEATHS- We sincerely regret
to hear of the death of Miss Abbie J.
Green, aged 1$ years, and also of. her
father, Mr John B. Green. of Goderich
township,aged 48 years, which occur-
red on Wednesday and Thursday of
this week respectively. Miele Green
was formerly` a most popular student
at Clinton Collegiate, and Mr Green
Was held in the highest. esteem.. • The
double funeral takes place on Friday
• ' so
Political Poiaters
The ilifigaton Standatd, bongoes.
ive, fevers the abolition of custonos
oases between Canada and thellnited
A. traveller injured in a railway ae-
Merit in Minnesota. en Alonday Wa
istaken for Sir Wilfrid Laurier and
a report Rent out that it Was he, but
the Premier was safe and.sound Ob-
tawa, .J
sparkling music that is haunting in
the extreme. Prices of admission are
25, 35 it 50 cents, Seats HOW on sale
at Fair's book Beare. •
County . Clippings.
The slaughter beluga of Johnson do
Martin, --Henn% was destroyed by
fire. •
Mr Xruse, sr., of Egtriondeille had
the misfortune to fall and break his
A little daughter of Mr Geo Sipes
Seaforth, fell arid broke her arm a few
days age.. • •
Geo Richardson and Mies Mettle
Green of Port. Albert, were married
last week, - •
Mali Graham, Blyth, had to go to
Toronto to undergo an operation for
her eyes.
W Metwan. Hensall, sold St flag
turkey hi town, hist week, *which
weighed81 pounds and brought $3.
WA 11arrison,West Wawanosh,bas
disposed of his beautiful ham to Wes.
ley Farrow and W J Parks for 07,500.
Migg Margaret fielen Deane and Ias.
Maurice Bowler Ashileld.were married
Wednesday morning Nov 23rd, at
The Eingatort Standard, is calling
the township are being Mentioned in
Connection with a contest should any for a general contention of the con. R
take place but so tar there bine. inda -rents% of the Conservative party to -
cation that any of those named will discuss policies bosh Oattsdian end p
tusks an appeni to the pulls this year, ituperiul.
Miss Gertie Caldwell, daughter of
oim Caldwell, Hensel', was married
ast week to Lan Moffittson of jut,
Moffat, grain buyer of lappeth
"Onlifonday the little daughter of
obt Anderson, 13ruitaele, received 4
sok In the etomach while playing with
er elder brother whieh almost proved
What better remembrance can you
give your friend than a pair of
• b
You not only offer him many days of com-
fort and satisfaction but also teach him
If that instead of being necessary evils some m.
shoe are sources of pleasure and content-
ment. And every. morning ..through all his
after life, when he puts on. his "WALK -
MEW' shoes he will think kindly of you.
We have the Soebel Niekle-Plated Shoe Trees
for both Ladies and Gentlemen's Shoes. Keeps
them in perfect shape. Price 75e per pair
J. Twitchell &Sons
eaviog Iowa Sale
in full swing, and Dry Goods,' Clothing. Roots
and Shoes are all being' sacriaced in order that
Decerriber may see our whole stock turned Into
cash, Read the few price reductions below, as it
will give you some idea of the money you can save
by purchasing here during the balance of the mConth
50 to 7503 Dress Goelds and Silks, to dear at 42e
51 Sateen Underskirtg, to elem.. at ..... 09e
12So Oxford Shirting& to clear at. . On
$8.15 Wool Blankets to clear at, ........ .*2. 90
Men's $10 Overcoats to dear at.....
• Men's $12 OVer000.0 to clear at. 00
Men's 25e Sox to clear at •... ..
Men's 25e *aces to cleat at, . .. 20e
Men's 25 and 35c Ties to clear at 20g
Men's 50e Working Shirts to clear at, .
Men's SOc fleece lined and wool Underwear 40e
Wotneres Felt Slippers to clear
And a full range of Di, Goods, Men's, and Boy's
Clothing and Furnishings, and our 'full stock of
Boors and Shoes to be cleared at cost.
Terms 01 gale thrletly Cash.
lunisteel ros