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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-12-10, Page 3•'.w
DV. 10th, 11
IT1- .Christmas only two weeks away, it naturally arises • in
the minds of shrewd buyers as to where they can got the
most suitable presents for their friends, Buying Christmas'
present s is one of the hardest undertakings of the vt hole year for the
majority of people, as they, quite properly, wish to give some present
which will be appreciated by em 'ht. , and as different people have differ-
ent tastes,' it is sometimes very hard to make a selection. We fully
realize : that people are more than ever ,aiming at giving presents which will be of . service:..' With the : constantly -increasing demand everyl year for
presents of this nature,. we have prepared for this demand, by placing in; stock one of he most'servicable and attractive. line of goods ever shown in
town, We have. not space to do justice. in describing these particular lines of goods,' but during the next two weeks we invite u to make thisstore
your aim and object in being the best place to get any article in Mens wear,as we have a most :complete stock to choose from, and values better than
we. have ever had before.
What makes a nicer present for "a man than some of
the' following "articles:
,4 PATENT NO 104120 )
The cut shown here of the new East
erh Knit -band Cap is a great improve.
ment on the old style, as it fits close to
the head, and is very warm, but .does
not bind. We have these in Tweeds
•or blacks, at assorted prices,
It is an essential part of our business
to be continually showing uew styles
and colors in Neckwear, for in the Tie
trade; novelty is the secret of sticcess
Our Ohristmas stock 'is complete, in
new novelties.
Banging in "prices at 25e, 50c
and 75c.
This department is well worth re.
ceiving your attention, if you are in
need of a cheap Suit. After a busy
season's selling, we find ourselves with
seyeral broken .lines, which we are of.
tering to sell out; regardless of cost,
.d'ust imagine getting a $10 or $12 Suit
FOR 87.50
We . have the celebrated ."WEARW..ELE--
Brand of Hosiery, made right here in Clinton,
which is recognized as one of the best brands
of Mose ever put on' the market • we have
these in all sizes,. from 6 t 10i inches, which
we have bought in large quantities, so as to
be able too give extra good values at 25e and
50c peri pair.
We have a very.large and Well -assorted.
stock of collars, in all sizes and heights. and OKA
the newest shapes, at:.2 for 25e and °2 for dino
A. good pair of Suspenders is always very ..•
acceptable for a Christmas present. We have
these in sight or dark shades, in different $l" on
weights, at per nair, from .:.25e to' '
We carry a large variety, in fancy and
plain Sox, in sizes from 9} to 11 Blacks and'
fancy.colors, at from..,............. •. 25e to 1 �C
We can show you the best heavy all -wool
Sock in the.eountry for 25e Better line in An
extra heavy Weight at per pair.... f+1,111
There is'nothin
g nicer for a Christmas
present than a nice Silk or Wool Muffler. We
have these ' at all prices, in square .or long
shapes, in blacks and all' the latest plain and
fancy colors. These are now on display and
may be seen at any time. See our BIGI- LEAD-
ER, inall colors, at. ,.•...•..... • .'.•.•..••••: aUe••
Nothing pleases a toy morethan 'getting a nice
new Sweater, for a Xmas Box, They are very service-
able, and just the right thing for romping boys, as
they save the clothesand at the same time are very
We have thele at front 50c and, $1,25
Nightshirts and Pyjamas
Our stock of Nightgowns and Pyjamas was never
as large, comprising some very pretty patterns in
Flannelette and Obylon Flannels, in very nice style
at prices from 500 to
Gloves' and Mitts.
A nicepair of Silk, Wool or ` Fur-
lined Gloves or Mitts is a very accept,
able kind of present, as they are service-
able, cinnfortable:; and• a : requisite, and
something most men never . have too
many of. We sell the well known
FOW NES' Glove, which is a guarantee
in itself that the line we sell is good, as
these makers, have aworld-wide reputa-
tion for snaking only the best. Men's
'Mocha Gloves, wool -lined, and extra
good Gloves, in all sizes,:
Our Speeialat•......,•.:,........•..•......$1.00
Real, genuine Blick, a great wearer..,. 3.50
Fur -lined Gloves, in Mocha or {.Kid, at
...v,=,.....,••...•..$2.0 to $3.50
Men's heavy Mitts and Gloves at per
pair, from. a • , ... • ..... , 4 4 ..... • 50e to *2.00
We.bave also a big range of Wool Gloves
at..................... , ....25e, 50c amid Tse
- ' We are sole agents for this.•.celebrated brand of clothing,
' :which is being sought after more at the present time than
ever before, owing to its style and durability standing out so
prominently above all others. We have these in all sizes, and
nearlyevery price you require, ;
'We, have die' LARGEST AND :`BEST Equipped Tail'
oring Department ' in . Western Ontario, employ only skilled
labor, and owing to , Our. large output, can give ' you the very
best Tailored Suits, which are possibleto procure, at the most
reasonable prices. Our stack is ,large and . well assorted: Best
of Trimmings, ;and workmanship guaranteed.
When looking over our big range of Overcoats do not fail
to see the "1VIU TO" Coat, which has the uew combination
collar and can be worn, in either of the styles shown in Out.
Before buying elsewhere ask to see our two specials at
$ 7.50 and $.i D.
We have bought freely in this line, as
every season shows an increased demand for
this class of goods, especially in fancy colored
Silk Handkerchiefs, for Hen'f wear, as these
goods are greatly in favor. .Plain or fancy.
colors, .at from 25c. to, $1.25.
Alen's and Boys' Shirts
We want t`o remind all. ' Shirt buyers
that we are sole agents for the well-known
W. G. &. R. Shirts. This brand.. is well-
known for its wearing and washing qual-
ities, which should in itself be enough to
make every Man ask for this particular
brand We have a great number of these
patterns in "Coat Shirts, which is a ,great
improvement, as it is puton same• as an
ordinarycoat, no pulling on over the head.
See that W. G. & R. .is marked on the
band of every shirt you buy.,
We have these in a great assoitment : of
patterns, at. fromc to S2.Sr► . •
See working: skWirts at 50c,.7ea5cachnd $1.
Underwear , • .
There, is no garment a wears
that he is more particular about, than ' his
Underwear. . Rightly so, because both
.comfort and health dependson the selec-
tion.he makes. We havegiven this de-
* partment:'a great deal of attention, and
have succeeded in securing what we . be
,lieve to be the best values ever shown in
these parts.
Heavy Wool fleece•11ne Underorear,
per garment.50c and 75c..
Watson's Health :Brand at•.... 7..81400
"Tiger" Brand, . good weight's/id a
.l"erV gcott wearer at— ... 81.50 and 81.75`'
"Wolsey" Brand in tine wool, but
-good weight, at from—.,.$2.50 to $3,09'
Iiouse- Coats and
Smoking Jackets
33eautift>tl new ' designs, in all . the
nicest colors, in stripes, plain, or over
.checks. Nothing more acceptable° for
a Man, at all prices... 'from
$3.00 :to $x50
Fancy Vests
Travellers' sample, insome very pretty
patterns. We can saveyou from $1.50 to
$2 each. on these. Regularly sold at $5
and $6, for $3,50 and $i.00
Toques J
Every Boy and Girl wanes a nice
warm Toque for Winter, and there is no
time when it is more acceptable than at
Xmas. All' the best colors at '
25e and 50e,
, o :
Iac's zreit.S/oyx .. x
'When buying'a pair of overalls do
not fail to ask for the "RAILROAD
. SING,', as .they carry a guarantee
with them, which insures good wear
and satisfaction. •
,1,4, JurY
We have paid extra attention in
selecting our oyereosts this season
and ha'pe the heat values aver shown
by us.
Our Trade Winnetilt„ •.....ffiT.��
Another nig Leadet
PAAN'0Y Twntns, at s3,50 to $0,5t) "
WV'S dDb SILLS, regularly sold. at
form $5 to $5,50 clearing at 83.50
b%t LXTRA GOOD cioA 7', in dark
shades and latest style,at.,$5.00•