HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-26, Page 8Five Hundred New Handkerchiefs at 2 for 25e. --deaular 20e and 25e Here is a, Handkerchief Bargain that ought to bring buyers by the score. Quite the best of the kind we ever offered. All sizes, fresh, perfect. Priced at about half their honest worth, We Ladies' Swirls Embroidered Handkerehiefe, good quality Muslin,. with scalloped or loth stitched edges, Beautifully embroidered in 15 or 20 different, , mem= Saturday, at , 150 OlIS 2 for 25e designs. Regular 2.)e and 25o valnes. Cleacorn .• co. People arc Saving Money by 13uying Underwear Here... Peop14 are saving money every day at our . Underwear counter. We are sziling a big lot, of " Seconds" from Canada's best Underwear mill, at - prices- that give you a full dollar's worth for every seventy-five cents you spend. .Sorne have a little hole that has been carefully darned, some are a little soiled, All will wear just as well as if they were perfect. 150e Underwear 39e • Ladies'Ribhed Nests, white or natnral, high neck, but- ton front, soft finish. Just the same as we have been sell- 30n ing all season at 50c. These "Seconds" at per gement 75c "Seconds" 55c These garments cense in cream or natural. The quails • ties are exactly tne same as those we haqe been selling right along at 75c a garment. Because they are branded gel "Seconds'. you can buy them at each.. ...:.... ,, falia $1 and $1.25 Underwear at 700 High class Wool Vests and Drawers, cream or intim' shades, very fine quality and soft finish. Each garment labelled "unshrinkable." just the same as is sold all over at $1. and el.25. Because they are branded "Seconds" you 'no can buy them at each u Children's Garments One-quarter LesS.11 • All sizes in children's garments, 11 n e send- ity and good weight. No room for us to specify the price, but we will lell them Saturday at a straight, quarter less than they would be, were they not""seconds, November Jacket Sale. It started off with a.. -rush last Saturda:y7ii could hardly help it, for. new. Jackets, sellino- at prices like these, simply have to -go. Coats at $5.75 Just a few of these ladies' loose -back Coate. Several made from plain cloths; Splendid wearing garments that have style to them. 58.50 would be the regular priceOK 7c For November Mantle Sale, we mark them at each Vali•1 1.1 Ladies' Jackets at $10 '• •- A popular price, and half -a -dozen styles to. sell 'at it. Garments that are worth $13.50 to $15.00. Every one of them made from high grade Kerseys and Diagonal serges; blacks, navy's, browns, etc. Coats that have right style, and wearing qualities that ar•e beyound question. Youre fl flfl choice of the lot tor' .. 1 Us Li $18 Jackets at $13.50 These Coats are worth from $15 to $18 each. They ' . represent some of the best and MOO WM111811713 styles of this manufacture. Made in high grade Kerseys, trimmed • wish braids or strappings. Most of them, have velvet col- • lar; semi or tight -fitting styles. Blacks or colors -• $13 50 Choice of the lot tar November Sale • • a A Few Better Garments at $16.50 •• ' • These Coats are worth 520 to $22, and are the highest grades we have in stock. No 'two ,garments alike. Only tne best materials are used in them. and most of them are • handsomely trimmed with braids, Choice of the lot ats $016 50 each Two Specials in ehililren'S Cooats1 We have two lines. of Children's Coats: oh the bargain list for Saturday. If your girls want a gcod coat you surely cannot beat these values : Children's Coats at $3.43 Children's Coats, made from good. quality Tweeds:and Regular $4 and $5, clearing Satiirda,y at wet.; Friezes. Nicely trimmed. Dark and light colorings. ' A $6 to $7 Coats at $4.75 Children's nobby Jackets, full length. Garments made from good quelity Tweeds. Friezes. etc.; nicely trim- med, very stylish garments. Regular $0 and.$7. Clear • - 20 Trinnned Hats at $2.50 . Twenty Etats, at $2.50 each -that's what oar Milliners have prepared for Saturday shoppers. There are Hats that are easily worth $4.00 and $4.50. 'You will. agree with us when you see them. The reason is that we are busy using up he odds and ends of gond trimmings and take thiti way of doing it. 20 Trimmed Hats Saturday, regular ,$4.00 seri, itiNd $4.50, choise Saturday W‘s310 Fancy Huck -a -hack, 50e • • , Fancy Huck -a -back Towelling, 2I'm. Wide, fine, even weave. Three new patterns, rose, pansy and. fleur de lis. nib Extra value at, per yard. ..... . ... . ...... .... ............. Oatmeal Crash, 10e • • ' Heavy Oatmeal Crash Towelling, striped or checked. Quite the best towelling we sell for ordinary use:Special 10C at per yard .. ••••••tb.• ... ,.••••ir”*".•-••••• Hair Rolls 25c • A new shipment of Hair Rolls just opened. All shades, woven wire,' cpvered with real human hair.. Very much. s)gn lighter than the ordinary net-coyered rolls. Special each- Litib New Frillings New patterns in the poptilar wide .neck ruching, "" Clreams, whites, blacks, pink, ecru and' sky; half-a-dezen fl , • qualities, per frill 1,0e to LIM Wide Net Veilings, 50e • • Extra wide Net Veilings, in black, net and brown. TheKiln correct thing for large hats, at per yard .. . Cross Bar Handkerchiefs, 20c , Ladies' White Muslin Handkerchiefs, very fine quality cross bar Muslin, hem -stitched edges, embroidered cornereg)fl The correct Handkerchief noyelty'just opened, each Lub Fancy.work Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c . Lame size colored Handkerchiefs, in half -a -dozen designs, suitable for Kimonas,,fa,noy work, etc. Regulax 15e everywhere, Special 2 for LOU Gray flannel, 25c Extra quality gray Flannel, 'all wool, dark end light Ones shades, special per yard ., Heavy English Flannelette, neat stripes, In pinks, di gi blues and greys. Fast colors, special value at per yard . 1 £2C Guaranteed Tafetta Silk, $1.00 Another shipment of otir famous guaranteed Hitt& Tafetta Silk at Si 00, just receieeds This is One grade bet. ter quality than we have been handling. Owing to a little drop in prices, we are offering it to you this week at $1 00 the popular price, per yard • New Plaids, 25c Another shipment of plaids just in this week, Itegular 85c and 87.10. Half.apdoxen good patterns, good colornigs, double fold, suitable for children's wear, waists, etc. Very ono yard special, per do.t4.41.11,11•496 iii.,41(0,11,1.0*4 • 41 efnot 4414" &VW • . • • THE CtiligTON NEW *IBA 1 1)E4TIT OF W II MARQUIS - W ARM BROKEN. -The little 0 your ON NEW ERA OUNTON', ONT., AM 19.1908 at Niagara causedt 11ef 4111 heartl14.4 6 tic 1 illu) : i al e al'Pe ot 4° di 1)lat ; : 14.115 atAe T. cirvitln: bawlihndenntiletliFteerillill.teat31:11rbditedockwir ardilYste*:illkh:dbdewiu7' - - illness of' two weeks, Death was and had just reached the second step Brown Marquis, agedtarty years,died, old son of Mr Josh Cook met with a LOcal, Notices Prled Armies, E000 and stutter wanted. IsANTEriON Clinton I'QUIertt'S CLUB MESITIISCS-The merabers et the Clinton eouhrs 4&'n, aro reminded that t ere is a meetiat, in the eounell chamber, peitewls,s evouins, at 7.30 seen). Itepariane DR. OVENS,Loudon, Surgeon, Ocu, list, lipirialist, will bo at W, S. lifelnies Drug store, on Friday, Dee, 18th,f Glasses properly fitted, deafness 'Catarrh and failing eyesight treated. Hours 11 to 4 p.M. heAl resided there for twelve Year. The result WM) adislocated and bre hen He leaves a widow and two children. arm. Ile is. Well known as a former Iluron. LIBERAL EXECEIVE:-A meet. loth halag a hrethev of Mr Wesley log of the Liberal Executive ot West Marquis, and son of Mr John Marquis, Ruron was held in Ooderich on Wed - ' of Qodericb, newIay to consider,among other things, the advisability of changing the an- nual meeting frnin June to December. After dlscussionvit was decided that no change be made. It was also decid ed to hold the next annual meeting in Goderich. DEATH OF H. OAUR,-Reference was made last week to the serious illness of Mr II Carr of Wingimin,who while cn a visit here was laid up with what was supposed to be a stoppage of thehowels. He was taken to the Hospital and, an operation performed as a. last resort when it was found that a cancerous growth had affected the bowels, Thlti IWO} removed, bat it was seen that nothingcould be done to save his life, and he died on Saturday, The remains were taken to Wingha,na for interment, In his younger days be reeided on the base line, and for a, time lived in town,. where he learned the business of a 'carpenter and con.. tractor. He afterwards moved *to Wingham, where he lin since resided He was it member of the. 0.0 F and A I G. T. R. IMPROVEMENTS; - The I work of relaying the G, T. IL line be. I tweet* Stratford and Goderich has I been completed as far as Iiolinesville. The old 17 -lb rails taken up have been shipped west to use on the Ca T Pacific Railway, and the 801b rails which have beenlaid were brought from the main line near. Sarnia, where 100 lb rails have been laid. Considerable improve- ments are to be made Hohnesville,- notably some reduction in the grad- ients, so that it will be possible to work trains of 20 loaded cars by means of one locomotive, At Qoderich a new turntable is being put in,fted, consider- able improvements are being made at the roundhouse..- BRIEFS-Tuesday,Dee 1st, is Queen Alexandra's birthday.... .. Mr Mehaffsi has -rented the house oe Mary street, formerly occupied by. Mr Jno, Geo. McLennan has installed the Rice gasoline light in his store ' The Bell Telephone 0o., has just issued newdirectoryjd,!it'euicetohreyre;;Ivb. itheriss qi4leitlastlrolli. 0 17 W societies. He was a man ef for a town this size . . .. The . Mee- enoonoedreannode of principle, trio lifight Co, is introducing a new 15 fitheile, and eetemtenjoyedteitythe. He cand'escent lamp, known as the Ttitslk .leayes a wife,three daughters end one sten ; it gives much more light than son. Re was 0. brother of Mrs master, the erd'harY: lamp, and 1° said to re- sr., Albert St., north. gaire considerably less power„..School teachers appear to be in demand this ,ear, for.a rural trustee, whose school is advertising fora teacher,. says they have only received two applications so t far,and it is doubtful if they can secure either of them. Rev. Mr. and Mr% Jolliffe entertained the members of the Wesley ChtlratIQUarterly siffic ial board and their .wives, on Friday, evening, a very pleasant time being spent G Cornish was fined $1. and costs Pol- ice Magistrate Andrews, en Thursday, for having struck Jack Levy with a pieceof ice Mr. has. E. Hovey is all smiles over the advent of, his firstgranddaughter, granddaughter, it having arrived in the hone of Ins son Prank, at Burling- ton, on the 20th.......The two little daughters of Mr L Kennedy, of Wing, ham, formerly of Clinton, who were so recently ill with typhoid fever hat e quite recovered, ...Mr J G Medd, bar. ber, will occupy . the room in front. of the .iiew bowling alley, as soon as it is cornpletedS it will be fitted iipespecial- ly for hiria,and wilt make a convenient „ Owing to a defective engine the morning train north, on. the L. H. B.,.on FridaY, was delayed for a couple of hours until a fresh engine could. be sent to its issistann.....Thes. .Friendship, who has been a residentaif Brussels •for some yearsand formerly of Olinten, left this week for Teeswat- er where he has securedis position : his trade as carriage maker There is no doubt that intim. open air' Meet- ings on a #3eturday .evening -the tion ArinY is a drawing card, and whether :people believe "the old, old story"' or pot, they are certainly Will- ing to give a respectial hearing to the earnests and forceful appeals wade, by some member of the force Mr. Brenner baker, and fainily. 'left Mon-, day for Norwich, where- Mr. Brenner has secured a situation,..... .RevMr. Newcombe, who has been laid up with en attack of rheumatism for the past two weeks, •is, w, .pleased to hear, able to he about again.. :.. Judge Holt held Division court on Wednes- day, but hadonlya, coiSple-of cases. In the illustrated part of the Saturday Globe is. an engraving,showin a, num.- bar of sianadian engineers building the Canton Hankow. Railway in China.; one of these is R McDortald, son of Mr D. McDonald, Goderich, and nephew of Mrs W Colwell, of town .. Harvey Davis • hassecured the .Conishergial driving shed as rink, and is having the same prepared forscold•tveather.. . Mr Pealenaif Hamilton, has been add- ed. to the staff. of cutterseinpleyed: with the Jackscas MfgiCe ,• WS makes nifiectittets 'who are kept busy:prepars leg. material for the .celebrated Lion Brand Clothing.......The weatheras as MN 49 rilidSilnirber beavy.rainst bins being experienced on,Wednesday, acs. cairma,nied with thanderandlightning, • -On information laid againstMr. StrOnse,.for allowing liquor to be sold' to a minor, a fine. of $10 and costs was imposed hy the Police •Magistrate... Mr Murray::Arnistrong, of the rail- way mail service, has been transferred from the Pere Marquette to the Huron Hruce branch........ ..Mr. Jonathan Brown has hiatiew.chopping rnill,next to the Electric. Light plant, fitted up, . and commences operations Saturdy, .....The Hamilton Spectator gives a long report of 'a yerV successful hall given at the Hotel Waldorf, in that. city recently, of which Mr Robt, Gard- ner, son of Mrs: Gatelper, of town, is the proprisstor accoiint- ant with the Royal Bank, has been transferred to Torontd, and is succeed- ed by Mr. J.R. Murphy, of Montreal. Mr.:A, H. Goodwin, who has been laid up With a severe attack of grippe and ' Malaria, is improeing........:The W.fe T McKenzie is on' thesicklist • LOCAL, ACCIDENT -Mr John Gellman, of thel4th Con., Ray, broke four ribs on Thanksgiving Day bybeing thrown out of a buggy, his driver becoming unmanageable at the inght of a trac- tion engine on the road, It was nee, easary to perform an -operation on him to help his recovery, and Dr Gunn was ealled in, the patient now doing as well aa wield be expected. 0 o F; AND .W. 0. W. WIN -The first game in the Fraternal Carpet Ball League was played Thursday night - last, between the 1, 0.P. and 0. 0. F.,• in the latter's hall. The game was wen th by, eS.I . , 0. F. the BOOM being 8528. The second garae was played Monday night between the W.O.W, and A. a -F. in the latter s hall. The genie was won by the W,O.W., icnre 80 34. The third garne will be played Mcindity evening next, when the W,O.W, vtsits the C. 0. F. • ' HuTtoN OLD BOYS :- The report as to the position of the Huron Old Boys•Association, which was submit. ted to the annual meeting at the Roa- ms House Hotel, To ro n to, Friday eYeu- • ihg. showed the Organization to be in a flourishing condition,. The associa- tion now bas 350 members, and its an- nual excursion to Goderich and Wing hath was very largely attended. N. Messrs S Wilson, W. E. Groves and E. J. B. Duncan were elected Hon. Presidents; T. G. -Spole, President ; D. StanburY, , Vice Presidedt "Moody, Secretary. ' BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES :-- Among the latest arrivals at the 'Col- lege are Mr. J. H. O'Neiefor the hook keeping L'ourse, and Mrs.0.• S. Hall, of the Rbyal Bank in town, for' a night', course in penmanship. A night class in penmanship -hasjust been started, whichrecites three. times a week. This premises to be a very popular claSsamd severallm,ve already signified their in- tention of enrolling. Mr Spotton came down on a, tour of inspection last week, and also bringing in supplies. Miss Lizzie Mohntain, who has been attend- ing for the past few months, graduated from the stenography course this week. Niii0MEN'S INSTITUTE .L The regu. lar meeting of the. Worrien's Institute* was held at the home of Mrs R R Hall on Thursday afternoon of last week. Thee Was a good attendanbeand one new member; After the usual routine of business veryexceltent paper was react on "Good farm In publiaplaces" after which there was a spirited dis- cussion on the. subject. The next ineeting,will. be held at the home ef :Mrs .Bradshaw orsThursday, Dee 17th ToPics; ',Deserts,' and "Cakes and Cookies" At the close eftne nieet'- ing theloetess served a very excellent lunch Which was much enjoked. by all and for which she received the thanks of the members. , • • BIG DAYFOR THE CHILDREN -- The Trustees of .thePublic SchoolEtoard have q4ianimously decided to ask the tee hers and parents of inipilS of co-op ate in getting up a big banquet ,ntertainment for the enjoyment the scholars. The idea ' is a good e, and an- energetic committee Is • --femivreitro•: an 0 Qrking on the details, and it. is ex- pected that it will he brought of in the Town Hall on Friday evening Dec. 1&h.Foist-hundred school children all having supper together . in one room should. be a fine thin and certainly a most .enjoyable thing to the:children, We wish the coniniunity• all interestecl,succeas in such an under- taking. • • • Y. M. C. A. -The. Clinton branch of the Y. M. C. A. met in their rooms on Thursday evening of last week. Bible study on "Men of Steel," •was led by President Hartley, and there was an increase in the attendance. Arrange- ments were media for theholding of an At Horne in the rooms on Thursday evening, Dec. 3rd. The young men of 'the town will be welcomed at this. At Home. 'After the rendering of a good program, light refreshments will 'be served. • Because of the Clinton Colle- giate Commencement Concert the meeting next week will be held on Fri- day evening instead of Thursday even- ing. The vice-president, Mr. Percy Plurnsteel, will conduct the Bible study A number of genies have been put in, such as Crokinole, checker, forte, etc, and the rooms will bo openfive or six nights in the week. slallakill11111MAIMUDE1201OtW rd. -AL& P/RST DAY;`Pie,oRifie- Nov. 26th now We believe in doing things rather than talking; we don't claim to have the largest stock in Canada or to give you the bigest bargain on earth, we simply main, tam that in WALL .PAPER We have to offer you a great advantage in quality, assortment and price, SIX MAIMED DOLLARS wourcii of it bought.at rate on the dollar. Its here for your buying at flalt,Price in some cases less, an opportunity seldom offered you, see our 25c. Remnants, bigger and better than • ever. The W. D. Fa4r Co., Often .the .Cheapest. - Always the hest. TsIVZSEZIMIENSEEMEMMEMIEffailMilMEMINIERMSWIMELIMMIIINIESO 41./..1W1 PM- `4,- 77:44Ave ,6,2702/ezvi. • -or'''. sews,. .s...,4000s, $4 $430. and $5.00 You begin to feel cotnrort the instant your robt enters 'a "Queen Quattv" Shoe. When you find just the right length and width, it is like a soft gentle caress :of the whole foot. Try one pair and see for yourself. FRED.' JACKSON. - wo Hour Sale of Black S tteen RietticQats Pit 98c Warm Knittop. Petticoats . • far $4.5o This wilt be- glad news for the • many Ladies who ha.ve been waiting for a big bargain in a strikingly pretty black Satteen Petticoat, worth in the regular way, $.5o. As the quantity is limited, we make the event a Two-hour Sale ----from 2 to 4 p m., Saturday. ' Red Flainliellined Petticoats for $1.50 • The New. Idea hleatherbloom Petticoats, $2.5o up. Flannelette Night Govvns for 75C. Flannelette Night Gowns,of very fine quality English Fla,nnelette, in stripes, pink blue, .etc trimmed , with Embroidery. Special -price- -7-5c 35c Ladies' Underwear for 25c Ladies'. Winter-weioht Vests, extra quality yarns, trimmed with Rib - boa open *front all sizes, rev, 35c Sale price 25c • • 123c Factory cotton. for .loc • . . Factory Cotton, ,74.o in: wide, fine round thread, 'extra Weight, best valuewe ever offered at xeic, for* two hours Saturday afternoon To go at '10c. 20 per dent.off Top Skirts .• • Your choice. of. our :range of,. top Skirts, in black, blue, brown, green,. ;red, 'or fancy,tweed„e-hour sale. • 20 per cent. off reg. prices. Tarr' g in La les' Coats emmnealo•Neor Prices Ladies' grey mixed and check tweed, Winter Coats, trimmed with green vel- vet, gilt buttons. This season's cut arid style, lose or tight -fitting, back, all sizes. Regular $15.6o • *.° Sale. price $11.00 L,a. dies' do.rk grey. Cheviot. • :winter COats; trimmed with black Military Braid, a very natty military, effect Coat, regular $1 2.00 . • • Sale price $8.00 Ladies' dark brown check Tweed ,winterCOats, green velvet collar and cuffs, fancy buttons; full backs, a very. servicable Coat for wear and appear- ance:. Reg. $12.5o • Sale price :$9-.00 Children's light and dark. grey. Goats, velvet collar and. cuffs, all sizes,. reg.$7.5o for $5,00 • . •Children's brown check Tweed Coat; self dollar, buttons high, loose • back, dainty trimmed -20 pet' cent. off. . • MILLINERY P ' " Saturday we will put out 25 up-toithe-miuute Hats for quick selling. These Hats are worth. in the regular way price 1511.1 b $2 00:ptoasi.50.00. While they .1a.st, :our closing SEE SAMOL,1E$ IN WINDOVV! •4. iss eanteiono • 1