HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-26, Page 6• TEM CLINTON' 114111V 111,VA Nov h, i908 S).11011g18 ot eallatlittla Nov•b-West ..HONESTB AP It blGUIsATIONcl, AU, ORM ntithbered seetion of Poneinient 41444 14 f44440,.,0$. *0)1;00110w/4 and 41. le irks ,,ee cepting a *4 26, not reseryed,May lleMeeteeded haply _parson who is the ae bellid:of ia reality, or Any male game la yore of *am to the, estensquo matter - IleetiellPf %OM More Priem) Applicetion f.r eutay Meet be made in atersea hY the applicalt, at Daminiou afande Ageney or klutz•apaev.tor 'the di - $0 in which the lend to sheet% Entry by prom' tattyhowever, be made et an Ageney on percent oeaditioue by the rather, mother, eon, detighter, br0411fif Of ailing of WI humane.; hemeateeder, The lanarsteaderi reqatied to perform the homeetead duties unaer one or the fol- lowing alone; (1) At lawn at menthol residence npon the enitivetion of the lead inantoh eetsr for three years. (2) A. horaeiteed r new, -if he ea desires nerform /he reqoired reetdeuue dui- e by I meg 01 farnt(ns lend owaed (Mete bt, h 03 not leee then 8) Morea in exteetl in ale vi:inity of h s homeetead. Joint ewe, ()cellos. th lead will nut meet ;he tort Aire went (8) If the father (or mother, if the tether is deceased) of ;be non:test-ends,: his per. nutrient reuidence ea terming land owned solely by him, not less then eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vitieity or ;ha homestead, or u ion a homestead eater° i fir by him ie the vicinity, mein horasszeal- er may perform his own residence filltiee by living With the father or medlar. (4) The temps •,vioinity" in theetwo, pre. ceding paregrapbe itt defiae .1 as lamming cot more then nine milee in a direct line, isaalusive of the width of road allowancee crossed in the mea firemen. (5) A. Homesteader ietendin I, to perform hie residenoe da.iee iu aoanda lee wish the above while living with parents or . on farming land owned by himself, meat not, ify she Agent for the district of eneh inten- tion. Six months' notice in writing mast be given to the commissioner of Detnieion Lands at Ottawa, of intention )apply fee p dent. W. W." CORY% Jeputy of the Minister of the Interior. 4.13.-Uottathorized pnalisetioa of this advertitiement will not be peid for. . • IT WOULD MAKE YOU HUNGRY to see our fine assortment of Cakes al- ways on hand. Why bake at, home when you have such an assortment to choose fram, give us a trial and they will talk for themselves. Bakers of homemade bread, the hest to be had. While up town come in and try our Ice cream and Sodesit will refresh you while doing your shopping. 'e keep a line Of first class confec- tionary and fruits in season. . Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs.. • VYS Phone 42 • Clinton - , We Want to Land your first order, because we know that the satisfaction you will derive from that will open your eyes to the fact that you cannot do better anywbere u eise that yocan with us.' You will find that we are not "all at sea" in our business, but thoroughly "up- to - the minute" and watchful of the interests of our customers, knowing that. by so doing, we are really acting for our own ultimate benefit. Q. A. DOWNS, Merchant Tailor, - Clinton, PAINTING AND TRIMMING. We can paint your house or. paint and trim your buggy, and make them look like new. All work guaranteed, and our prices are right. hicIVIATH & OVERBURY Leslie'sCarriage Shop Clinton It. Fitzsimons it Son. We are still in the But- chering business, and are in a position to fill all or- ders for seasonable meats, intrusted to oit.'ca-e. Our new business stand Is in the Combe Block. It, ritzstinon: Sc Mit 76 Clinton dussumall ant arisaimiall NOTICE. Ail accounts duo the undersigned meet be mid fottlewith, either at the atom, or new °tally. W. 11106„Elt, Clinton. THE .f4ONTREAL MELON How TO THE MOST FAMOUS AND EXPENSIVE KNOWN. In Leeks, Size, Weight and Flavor the Fruit That Is Grown on the igliand of Montreal Leads Every Otho - Small Restaurants I n. the United. ritatesm Sell it at $1- a Portion to Epicures, . • The famous Rocky Ford cantaloupe • -the real article front 0Olorado-4s a very humble customer indeed beside that monarch of the melon tribe, the Montreal melon. Precious few Phila- delphia breakfast tables the Mont- real melon visits: The swellest restaurants hotels, e A $ and the eountry honaes andevils las a the very wealthy are the selaces. where it is seen. A melon that costs $1 ft portion is to rich for the ever - age. householder's blood. The Montreal is the kingof the melon. ttibe irteloolis; aize, weight and flavor. It is the one 'melon grown that never runs the peril of striking 3 glutted market, for the . reason that Whatever its poPularily, the acreage on which, it is and can be cultivated is very limited. ' It is truly named, in that, the. only soil in which it growsto perfection is that of the Island of Montreal; and even therethe melon acreage is prac- tically localized to two Posts-Outre- ment and Notre Dame de Grace. There are not more than twenty- five farms on the whole. Island of Montreal. on which these znelens aro grown, and the area of cultivation,. despite all the efforts of Canada's ag. ricultural sharps to extend the indus- try, is becoming rather circumscribed than increased. ci • The Montreal melo is a true home 'body; and steadfastlyefuaes to grow elsewhere, no matter .. at the ine ducements and pettirig-liffered•it. : It is eurieue. that. tbe melon, which originated in a warnf country -- Hirt - dusters being ite birthplaee-should arrive at its greatest- perfection in Mich a latitude as Montreal, but it ie to be remembered that the, Montreal melon is no heaven-sent gift --it is the p.roduet of. eternal vigilance, Tots of hoedwork and an infinite attention, to the oletails of cultivation... ' •The • planting of the seeds is. done in March in 'hotbeds, After a fort- night or so careful insneetion is Made of the plants, and if ',progress eveme rants, they. are transnlanted into otla or •hotbeds. The third transplanting comes in late searing, when the plants area put into what ari known as the summer hotbeds. . ... . • ' Soon after the frames 'around ' the beds are pulled sway and the vines, which: by this' time are Well under way, are left: to faee. .the eontingen- cies of the wind and Weather. As for the growers. •ell devout, Oaths °lies, each nrayers to his patron saint for a hot, dry... eurnmer, which to the Melon merms size and flavor. • The melons are grown in pafehes, ettch !patch' 'consisting .of several:beds,' . divided' from one another by two or. three row e -of pottitoea rir corn. : These Serve es windbreaks to pre- vent the windfrom rooting under the young and tendet.ai/rics and scooping them mi. • ••• ' • The melons begin in shew fair size by. the 'iniddlP of Silly; and netting COMMOTICes. ' Un to, _this_ ti me_ the met- ope are a glossy green. s The progress' of the ne't frig,' which , .. is carefully noted,. determines thr; ex.: act time when .the - Melons should be pieked and sent te market... ' • ' .The growers' take .no chances in this particular, but nim to. rneve their . melons just -eel thee .rinen, the Mont-. •roll MelOn being particularly • iuScel)- ' tihle to 'decay. - • . •' . . TO obviate this ev'erv nncsible .nro- cantiOn••is taken. n nd the' big fellows are handled as if in entton end wool. Every: path Ovnr which the, .inelons are .wheeled in wheellirrews is- •swesnt smooth •and cleen, with not a pebble or obstruction left. A:jolt may tnesn a bruise, and e.'brniee•rneans Swift de - Pay, One can't take ehanceS: in dol, lar-a,portion mel On S. Every melon is carefully 'sherete 'up •with 'small stones on Vint the air (inn. reach it from all.sldea, and.there Wifl. he- no earth, on the ground during xi enin ' Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pouncladay by taking an •ounce of scat's Emulsion It is strange, butit often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going properly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ' ordinary food which he could not do before, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking • SCOTT'S • EMULSIO • Send this advertisement together with name of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World." • • • • SCOTT & flOWNE X26 lilfellington Street W., TOROIsITO, ONT. 0,1211.1116,1•111 T. ATKINS, PREVARICATOR._ How He Tries to Escape the C.O.'s C.B.'s. 'When Tommy Atkins' has temporar- ily forsaken the paths of righteous-. naps, and finds himself either a "pris- oner at large,", or worse still, in the guard -room, he casts about for an est - °use. It is sn difficult to hit upon one that has the charm of novelty, They have all been used before. • Then there is the temperament of the commanding officer to consider. Some 0.0.'s •appreciate a cloiror, plausible yarn; .but to others, when the stereotyped question' is put "What have you to say,,Guemer Smith?" it is the safest plan to answer, "Noth. ing, sir!" • Probably • his • Offence; or "crime," as it is invariably designated in; the service, is a paltry one, He shduld have -been in barracks by tattoo, not being the proud possessor or a per. • nimiena-pass, and he did' not Manage, to arrive until midnight. • Perhaps, instead of venting in by the •gate in the Orthodox rnan.ner, he climbed the wall, and was detected in • the act. He will be charged with "Absent •from, tattoo roll -call until. .12 . p.m., and "Breaking into barrack -S." • • One ingenious private, wile Was ':tic- :eused of these hideous erimee, caused his C.O.'s hair to stend on emd. by epleeding that he was "afraid to wek- , en the sentry." . • , I A dashing •Hussar,. whose oftener) ;was • a mere matter of. having been 'five niinutes late' for parade offered the following defence: "Sir, •war, • passing the Married quarters at three Minutes to ten, sir, when eomebody in the quarters stert- Prl a gramophone Off,sir. , It played , 'Grid Save the Ring,' • sir, and had to stand tie attention till it finiahed, It •played the tune through three without stopping,- sir, -and eon sequently S.v.as late.. for parade. • And • that's the honest truth, sir.!" • " - •• It isn't ct- difficult' to strengthen a iveakStemce. if one goes et it (torrent - ISS. And th is. is trtiO Of the Heart and Kidneys. The old-fashinued: way of •fleeing the Stomach or stiinulating the • Heart or 'Kel neykeis etuel y wron g ! Dr , Shoop fleet imitated out this eeror. 'Ceti to 'the week nerveS of these organs," sant' he. • Each inside. :organ • ha e its controlling or inside nerve." VS7heol theee rieeves fed 'then these „qs- • glue ..inttst, surely feltets TIDiS vital truth 'is leading druggists eveayntere to disrams.e and. recinnineadDr Restorative: A few days test will sure- • ly tell! SOld by all deelers, • Virhen the Montreal.meten ie „sicked it shows •no sem of •centert with the eerth. Every melon is libeled, and thou are roe,ked erei11v in large baskets holding from ,cight to tWelVe • anieeea Shipments are made exclu- sively by express, it being necessary to land the Relit on the market - as quickly as.possible. • The 'season lasts from five' to. seven weeks. • Despite this price, the suPs ply is in no wey adequate to the de- mand.' New York end Philedelphia being able and willing to teke every melon grown on the island four or five times over., , _• ° PINGO 6111L5 .111111liE • Tells Why So Many %Wier frOns.' Catarrh and Rheumatism. •. A distinguished physician, 'famous for • hissuccessful .treatment of Catarrh and rheumatisin,, kidney •and bladder troubles, states as follows :--- "Our climate being more or ..leSs damp; and • changeable; is , bid for catarrh and. .rhetnnatism, and care' must be taken not to let these troubles gain headway. In addition, Ire states that a great Many Cana- dians are Careless in their habits •and tb this as much as climatic con- ditions is due a great deal of the trouble. 'Insufficient clothing and • improper eating will cause rheumatic and catarrhal troubles in any cli- mate. This eminent authority gives the • following as the simplest and best treatment known t� Sciences •and' to it he gives credit largely , for ? leis Sueeese • Fluid txtract Caseara....... ;4 oz. Carriana Compound z oz. Syrup Satsaparille. loirii*O116164 6 oz. Directions t One teaspoonful aftee each meal and at beatizne. The ingredients •are all vegetable, and have a direct and specifie aCtiOn bri the liver, kidneys, grid bowels, eliminating'alL poieonotis matter from the system., Any druggist Can dise pertse this, or you can buy the in gredieras 4 separately and mix at borne by shaking in a bottle. • Many of our readers should benefit thit article. Save the tecipe. A TRAGEDY OF THE NORTH. • Jewish immigrant's Joy Is of Short. Duration. In. conneption with the Jewish eel- onies of New Ontario, a story is told of a father and two sons. The father came out into the bush alone and toil- edbarcl for over ti year to enable him to lay aside sufficient. to bring his sons from Russia. On the day that. they came, he went down to town, in a canoe which he had fully mastered, to meet them. No man wae happier than. be. He figured out that his 'sons, both young. would :stingy double his earnings. Should they Juni to the timber lands, for instance, and eat cord wood, he would be in it poeition.to 'stay about the house. pro- perly look after the ferns Which till now he like all the others, could at best attend to during spare moments and idle days. He planned various improvements and thug pictured to himself his as the best kept farm the township -over.Surely he knew his 'businesses for did not the gentleman froin the 'Toronto Government build- ings, when he wise last there, complf- men him upon his work? •Yes, an- other year and .his • wife and little ones, whem he left behind, would be sent for. • The father and Sons met and clasped in a warm embrace. Af- ter epending a few hours with friends itt Englehart, he told them that the evening would soon set iti and that they had a lonrjourney before them. The three entered the canoe. They had Six rapids t� pass. Fivee they passed. together, the sixth the father passed alone -the boat had upset and with it au his hopes, Girl Slaves In Caneda. This 'Year for the first time at the Great Potlaels in the Northweet, no Inditm girls were sold es Mayes. On previous oecesions they were bought end sold like eattle. Through the Wornen's Missionary Society of the Methodlist Church have asked the At. torney-General to enforce the law re- Iating to polygamy with especial refs erotic% to the Chinese. , One woman, fieurth wife, Was bought for She was 19 yeats of age, her porehas. •er. 90. A Mer, tr) e *".WI m" g Arnie, aw papere allowing Chinamen to repro, sent themselves es parents or guars Mane and showing these vipers bring these girls into a CiviliZea Christian totztetrY often to be sold again. These fonts are knOwn, to the police. fiCAVAI,Rlf GIRLS," Orgenizatlo:on of Mounted Nurses Will . Prove Veluable War Corp*. The squadron of wonted girl nurses, which wes started about year ago by,Capt, E. O. Baker, as an offshoot of his Islington Drill Bri- gade, is rapidly becoming an irreguler force of some importance in the nub. try scheme. The nurses' Nue/iron ,misacuaryllesicotrIpies.FiTrsht,I.AgryNsurristusvesreYseeno- t number about 40 .ofileers and troopers, and there are more girls fired wit3t the military zee.' waiting to join. It iS expected that the .corps will play an interesting part in next year's militerv tournament, A well-known ,:titled lady has recently joined, and has taken rank as a lieutenant. Pesch troop litui two lieutenants, a trent) $ergeant-major, nonscommissinnecle of- ficera and signaltersil The two lieu. tenalits in charen of a treats ere clenghters of the late Col. Greene'', Other 'members of the corps luclude .Miss Cutler, assistant, matron of St. Berebolomew's Hospital end Mr. Wilson, •instructress in Swedish drill at St. Bartholomew's Respite', "The girls are doing splenclidlys" said Capt. Baker to an intervirsivar, "mid there is, no doubt that the corps • will in time beeoree a largo and use- ful force, 1 consider that ,e. body of mounted nurses -who ean ride over any sort of country would . be 'of netimable .4brvic•I in •en enaagereert. It is •not intended that they should be ully trained -nurses, Their pre- Nd.ollvenedei4i a lntorender first aid to the I til the base hospital stiff errives. 'These -would follow the fight- ing line as closely as nossible, and do what they could for Abe men on the spur of the moment.' Wounded men' sometimes have to wait hours before the hospital. staff reach them, and often lives could be eaved by promnt attention. • The 'girls ..are taught to ride- out . berrying their nurse's kit. They ride side saddle, but they -are able to mount and dismount without help. •Arriving at e este° one girl dis- mounts, and nether, remaining in the saddle, holds thefree horse. If, after attention, the Wounded 'man is able . to sit on .e horse;, he is placed in the nurse's .saddle. and: the other nurse conducts him back, returning afterwards to her ,confrade." • BREAKFAST IN THE LORDS: Itis an Oki Function Which Has Had . Famous Devotees. The customary breakfast given at the sopening.of the legtil•term by the • Lord 'Cliencellor in. the •Houses of Lords to about 300 guests isan inati- tution which gos hack to the claye ef the versatile Titoughana For the last • forty years it ha. been held in the Reuse of .Lords,.hut at an earlier dote it was given in the Lord Chencellor'S residence.. If e relic of the times when 'breakfast. •• wee n great Social :mflie• bTlyie7tsni.civen.i. et'•rbink;red.g 1.•711irCan.kfaheIta whnt Thus Mr: Gladstone was it regular giv- er of breakfasts and a cenStant attene e nt et them ' when given by ethers. Of reclent years,: however, the break- fast hasfallen into desuetude as • funetion, .except at the emiver- sities„ where young men are .still found who are capable of oonsuirring- three or four, courses and the while main- taining -a genial, flow of elegant con- versation. • • ••• 'Recently an attempt lens been mode • fn revive the. -hi:eel:fast; Thuseethee. Kmg in 11307, 'at Newmarket, iesned • seye.ral invitations to breakfast per - ties. 'Te our ancestors the meal was • selfil one, of many dishee, of meat, toil i ea a by an elf ' Meta fir • sae all beer, the •ancient eqltivalent of eodtt ;water.. :Tat was not knoiera . and ,e6f... fop . sve.ssonly to found' in • the' n'te • di novel analogue of the neoderri mu- 1THE COMMON APPLE A- GREAT. SOURCE Ur HEALTH The Juice of the Ordinary Apple le Ons of the Rest Things in the World Foe Keeping the Blood Pure. Few people t ---here ar: but enjoy ripe, Juicy apple. But hOVit Many realize that it is a medicine as well as a treat? Apple Juice has a very marked efv • feat on the kidneys, Inereesin* their Power to throw of the waste products of the body, called urea, a•nd thus prevent Itheumatisui, Sciatica, Neu- ralgia, and similar troubles that come from poisoned blood, Similarly, other fruits stimulate the action of the liver and bowels -others of the skin. Combined. they keep the blood pure -the body clean and healthy. To get this effect, however, . one must cat a great deal of fruit, or bet- ter, eat a. little fruit and take "Fruit- als'ersuTt-a-tives" are tablets In which the juices of ripe fruits, with their medicinal value •inlensifled, ,are COM- btned with valuable tonics. They act • alreetly On Isowels, laldneys and Skin and put them in perfect condition ..- thus ensuring the thorough Online, tio'n of all •waste rnatt0- and poisons from the body, Trial box 25c. Reg. ular size, e0c.-6 boxes for $2,50, Froit•-u-tivos Limitod. Ottawa.•••••••••••••111.•MMIMOMMIlifte • Lord Pirrie, K,P," •Lord Pirrie, whom King Edward has created ,a Knight of Ot. Patrick, is the first baron of a creation that is two years olcl, .and the chairman Of the great shipbuilding and engineer- ing establishnient of Meesrs. Harland and Wolff, in Belfast, Ireland. Born in Quebec in 1847, and educated at the Belfast Aoyo,1 Academic Institution, Lord Pirrie ia to -day a deputy lieu.. tenant for the County arid of the City • of Belfast, and he has been High Sheriff of County Antrim arid of Coun- ty Down. In 1897 he wassworn in as a Privy Councillor, and one. year later • became the first honorary freeman of the City of Belfast. • • ' Romance of an "Agony:" The following "agony" arlYertise- inent appeared in an .Bnglish 'news- paper recently ; "Chesil -tine -la sang at. Concert with success "Love •Mo and the World is Mine"; it was to you. my Sahib, I sang, for .1 tinmed, to the east and' thought of Kiplingis' last line in "Without the Aid of Clergy," and 'wafted it to you. •The encore I f,aVe was "When that mie Ship comes back to me." Why did they dry? I did not, because 1 saw •The Ship, and• U coming hack to the Loto of C." Taught: Three Generations. . Mr. WM. Harvey, who is about: to retire fromthe heariniasteeshin of. All; •Saints' •SChools, Crieklewood, ESIte land, has scholars In his school who •As, • -are the grandehildeen of hia first .;;Sos SLASI-IING SALE • OF FURNI FURE!„ The change in the management of this business makes it necessary to reduce the stock. With this end in view, every piece of 'Furniture has been marked away down. We need. the money much worse than we do the goods, and, if there- is no other way to convince you, call and see for yourself. Here's the way we do it: PultioS and OliGANs. We ore sole representatives for the Doherty instruments in this vicinity, and if you are thinking of buying, dri op n and talk it over with ue. Some pianos have many good textures, most pianos have some good Restores, but ihe Doherty Pianos have alt the good featoires known to modern science. Every Piano guaran- teed ten years. A few second-hand Organs for Sale che.ap. SEWING IfIRCIIEINES. We handle the Standard Rotary. Enough said, The prices are neted by oarselyee, not by the Oompany. we can supply you with a machine from $19,00 up to 845.00, RUGS HUGS RUGS •RIIGS in every quelity and size. We are working up a big •trade in •our house -furnishing department. qual- ity. and Pvice ate the corner one of our succees in this department. otox10 OS. $4355°0 Itrl'o°n°113-3eeddt: .forfor $32100 5.50 Iron Beds for ...... . 4.75 0.50 Iron Beds for 5.00 • 7,00rryIEBN.edssifooNr..w..A.B. ,E„ ,s, 6,25 E 817:00 Table for e0 1140 (OfIns ,Trigilee Lot! .. 129.500) 0.50 Table for ' ...,... . , 00 8.50 Table for 7.50 COITCHES. The best selection to be found in the Minty. 22 in the lot, and sporeleceinelcIrant sgeeofunt rornr 108 ieen tokl tr280g. A•t. will be given, for one month, on CNYtiche; NOTERTAKING.; In this inmeseh of our business syk"gut ipnagt rips nrsi galls t ;hi riSt:tids"ftaekia07111d No better service to be had outside of a city. Prices reduced to the. lowest possible dollars. We guar- antee satisfection, or no pay. • PIOTURE FRAMING NEATLY DONE. Ali kinds of Furniture Covering in stock. Vesiey. Waik Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Clinton. Vhor e er e all Day or *Night. .."510=211:112011111021=2 110.te, L. AND 11 CS . • 61•15•AVIAITIMMIWIWIGMAIRIUMMIE.11•30,10IIMIIMM.1111:71S... • Stomach trouble is but a Symptom of awl not fulisen a true djsemie: We think of Dyspepsia, • Heartburn, and Indigestion as real d seases, yet they. are erinterens only et a certain specifio • , . g 'Ise.. • Xt wii.Ls tlili iat tilikt lr0 Orreetly. led Dr. ShoeD pre,,tion.of that now:rery.popular Stomp]) Renmily-Dr, Shoop'S Reiterative. Going direct kt the stomach ii.077es, alopil,brimiglit.thet-SMseess • and M.: or TO Dr. ..'iditav and his llestorathin With , SQ1.I)1, 010,0 (114311all r. itt I higb15,.*. vita) principle:no Seen htstingui.e,Mlidishinents uiere ever to be had. For stoma:it di,trogs.: blentun tenet • h d• Railway . Train an a LwCourt. Judg.e.' Sir 1-10ratio LloVel, who 're- eentlee eelobratpd his 79th -birthday., as initial' for his practical; if Inman- :eentional, methods of .dealing out the lam A, few years neo, the,encl. of a; tiring day at Mold. he- had to try. an impoetant •ease, which; had tO be decided that day, • It .was, however, quite as important, if not more so, that his ' honor should net fail tb catch the next train to Clhester, where he •was expected. for further legal 'business. The train left in. ten min- utee, but the judge made up his mind izi fewer seconds. "Coe .with. me," he said to the counsel on either side. A rush Was made for the station, an empty first-class compartment wise se- cured, and as the tram rattled along the larguments were duly set forth, As the train steamed. , into Chester judge Lloycledelivered judgment. . DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Is A RemedyWithout An • &lila! For Couunsi '',- COLDS, And Ali 'Affections Of The 1 THROAT and LUNGS, • 0oughn and Colds do not call for • minute recital of symptoms as they are known to everyone, but their dangers are notunderstood so well. All the most "Iierious affections of the throat, the 'lungs and the bronchial tubes, are, in the begin- ning, but coughs and wide. Too mueh stress cannot be laid upon the admonition to all persons affeeted by the insidious eviler -stages of throat and long dittease, as failure to take hold at once will cause many years of suffering, and in the end that terrible scourge.of "Oonsump- Cm" Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is not Sold as a cure for consumption hut for affections tributary to, and that result in, that disease. It combines all the lung healing virtues of the Norway pine tree with other abeorbent, expeotorant and Soothing medicineof recognized worth, • and is absolutely hermlees, prompt and sa,fe, So great has been the eisceess'of thie . wonderful roniecly, it is only,natural that numerous persona have tried to imitate it. ! Don't be humbugged into taking anything but "Dr. Vtroods." Put up in a yellow *rapperthree ainit trees the teade mark; 'price P.5 cents. SS a breath :01,1.4401,1wcomplexIon. try Dr. 1-1hpop'$ 14:4ive7-Teiblert..5 or Linuidanct see ter sour- . s. !resent it cantina will de. • Wo 'sell and cheer.. „lady neon:uncial • " . • Ira 0o s .tpstorative mt. At I d -by "Ili 'DRUGGISTS" • 2qn wvf • Happy Thought .10 i*izes • Pazidosse.:4 eises• • • . Heron (Serena end Magic al eters Radiant Horne\vith orwithout oven . AleClarys Famous 2 sizes Bella.alks 3 sizes • Al betta • 2 sizes . Acrne Jewels 4 sizeS • Dandys. and Royal Oaks Stove Boards and Oil Cloths. • 3 kind S of flo.al sifters 3. ear of Ohategal STOVES and HARDWARE "4./4 ASSOSAtte +0$ 7,.“ ?f. rt I • •• 4. 1 • Christmas Starripi A Million to be Sold. Before Christmas. Every penny from the stanips, after, paying for printinie- and distribution, will be:deed foe the maintenance cif poor. patients at •the MUSKOKA. FREE ROSPITAL Iron, ONeUmP Tiv_Els; and for extending the fight against the dread White Plague. • This Ohristmas Stamp "Idea was started in Denmark about four rears ago, where the eash returns have built and financed a Consumptive Hospital. .A. year ago, the Red Cross Society of Denmark shit' over 400,000" with the co-operation of stores, churches, clubs, and boys and girls. In fact, everybody helped. ID thia pop- ular movement, and this year' their National Red ()foss Society is selling the seamps all over the States. A STAMP FOR CANADA The neat little stamp in red and white, like'abOve cut, and selling at one cent each, is published by the National .Saisitarium Association in the interests of the lefuekoka Vree Rospitale The stamp 'doe& not pay postage, but may be put on letters, packages and Christmas cards of all kinds, and will bear the happy Sea. son's Greetings everywhere. Willing workers all over the Dornin- ion are organizing little bands for etatine selling. The hospital board is hoping that over a million stemma Will be sold before Christmas, and the work for the consumptive peer freer' sea to sea will be gteatlysteengthened. Other interesting information may be obtained by' writing Mr. j. S. Robert,. sore Seey..Treas, of the A.ssoolation, 110 Xing Street West, Toronto. t. • tn • As a gift for Christmas, Ch-na is always ap- propria.te and .pleasing. Our China consists of 8: • rx4 japan and Saxon manufacture, imported direct. 0• We havesomeexceptionally handsome designs. -We Shall be pleased to show these When you 'call. 7' ina • 0:J FULL LINE OF. : Rffl3UMATIC RI NOS txt • 1-i WJ.IL COUNTER .t1.1 JEW..EL.ER, CLINTON BUSINESS IMPROVING'. 1 Our Millinery is 80 superb and so' cheap that thers is an immense demand. If you have not Seen it. Do not delay. You want a niee hat its well as the (other lady. This is:the place. We can give you good. value in Dress Goods, Wrapperettes, klannelettee, Lining, Undertvear, Hostery, Handkerehiefs, Prints, etc. Our stock of Boots and Shoes and'Rubbers is very large and good value. We have a good variety of Hardware. See out Robs. Rugs, flore Blankets, Whips, Shape. lifirrieSE4 Blacking, Soap and Oil. We have Coal Oil Linseed Oil, Separator Oil, (Only 10o it pint) machine oil, etc. Produce taken in exenange .0r cash paid for itlif desired. R. ADAMS Londesboro Oct, fitle 1908 • Mattress and WireSprings.. We sell a very good Mattress and Bed Spring for We "have better goods for a little more money. Iron I3eds,, strong and dura,ble, from $2,5011p to fts.'oo each. . • J. il. Chellew, Blyth