HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-19, Page 8TUX °Lenox Alt om Nov 19t1'1 i,os November le of Coats Qday eve anlnouucO Our Anuusto 1i01'e111ber --we et Ladies' Coatst•,;;n commences on the, morning of rd a ..They're worth the' attention of every lady with °oat buying to do. The coats we have for this Special Novembe.•r, Sale, are new garments. There The is not � � off-styleentire collection. o- Inl . st1the n equality of material in eath_is good. You can do pend da any or all of them for, thoroughly satisfac- I wear. The styles are'the best nand most opu- ,;• Y Yp i >r' shown this season, for the garinents are. the `products of the best coat manufacturers in Canada,'. and re :,resent their leading styles. They are a1- •most equally divided between plainblack and col - tired beau s and k rse with a few fancytweeds. er e.ys, than n 'less the tooo h The prices are from $3:50 �5, actual, aralue in each case. Nearly 75. coats all told, to sell at BA1.GAI.N prices.. For easy sell- ing they, have been divided into these lots : Coats at $55.75 Just eight or .ten of these Ladies' long. loose -back ()Jilts. Several madefromplain cloths. Splendid wearing garments that goodave' stylee to thorn. s $8.50 would be the regular price. For Nov- .eR 75 ember Mantle Sale we mark them at each .. , ; r jading' Jackets at 810.011: . A popular price and half -a -dozen popular styles to Bell at it. Garmentsthat are worth $13.50 to P 415. lively one 'of. them made from high grade Kerseys 'and Diagonal; Sergea. • Blacks, navys, browns, etc. Uoats tbat'have right style and wear- ing qualities that are beyond question. Ready $1 n .OO Saturday morning at your choice of.the lot»for.. tp $18 Jackets at $13.50 These boats are worth from $15. to 118 each, They represent sow of: the best and most exclusive styles of this mans acture. Made in high-grade • f Kerseys, trimmed sV[Lh braids or str pPings. Most of them have velvet collar, Semi or tight -fitting:. styles. Blacks or colors. Choice of the lot for $1350 November Coat Sale s ti * Few Better Garments' at $16.50. These Coats are worth $20 to. $22, and are the • highestrades we have in stock. No two garments g b materials are used • them '• alike, Only the eat i n and most of them are handsomely trimmed with •• braids, etc. Quite the choicest °bats we ever offered at Bargain prices.A ny one of. them : Saturday at $1650 Maker's Seconds in Ladies' Underwear Over 30o Garments go an saleSATURDAY . Saturday morning we start the: selling' Of a .big purchase of Maker's "seconds ". in Ladies' • Under- wear, These garments are seconds for either one of two reasons; first, because. a little', oil. has otten on them from the. machinery; second, : a; g y thread has broken, or a stitch . ortwo has been dropped in weaving. Where the latter is the eason, the garments:. have been carefully repaired, that the wear of the seconds " is just as good krlievery particular as the "first." To.:all intents aidurn oses, this Underwear is as.good though p P as . g it was sent out as perfect goods. It will wear just as well, and when it was laundered, will look Just as well. If we were not stare of .that, we would not offer it to you at any price„ .13ecause •of these `soil- ed spotsP and imperfections, we can sell it at One quarter less than regular price, : If : you have any Underwear buying to do yog,:migh.t as well save Money on it. The selling starts Saturday. 50c Underwear at 37 1-2c Ladies' ribbed Vests, white or natural, high neck, button tront, soft finish. Just the slime ae we have been selling all season at 50c. " Seconds " to :1 p ell Saturdayat arment 1.2 e �.- 9 per g. • 75c "Seconds" at 55c c These garments come in cream or natural. The qualities are exactly the same as those we have • been selling right along at 15c a garment. Because these are branded Seconds " you can buy them 55c Saturday at each • F$L.anl1 1.2a Underwear at 79c 9c�ih- la sWoof Vests, cream or naturalsh shades, . very fine quality and soft finish. .Each garment labelled unshrinkable. Justthe same as is sold all over at $1 and $1.25. Because these are • branded "Seconds" you can buy them Saturday at per ' lge garment ... 4'ili1tefren's Garments at One-quarter Less. All sizes in Children's garments, fleece lined, fine quality and good weight. No room here for us to specify the price, but we Will sell them theme Saturday at just a straight quarter less than they would were they not "Seconds." • . . Shaker Blankets at $1.12 1h0c 30 pairs of them. Each double -bed size, good weight, grey or white, pink or, bite bottlers. $1.25 to $1.35 everywhere. Bought under the regular price 8,nd passed alonJ to you the same way., While the lot lasts, q p commencing Saturday, you can ' buy them at perpair $1 r 1220 Those 15C Ribbons ; 18!10 yards is the exact il,uantitywe have to sell. There is still a good assortment left.;, We have sold no better Ribbon at 25c. At 20c itVeuld be extra good value. All the popular abades, Inch as pink sky, cardinal, brown, navy, with dreamt white and bla:k. Heavy, firm weave. Will bow and tie up well. While it lasts, per yard. The Trimmed Rats at $2.90 We continue our sate of'Trimmed Hats at $2.90 for another week. They certainly are extraordin- ary value at the price. We hoiipht the„shapes for less than half-price and have jiad thelia trimmed up. with extra good trimmings.,, 1'#'r' giving: them the advantage of the bargain We'got ourselves, we can et, you ou these $4 to $5 Bats for ......,.. •......... LI NEW DRESS GOODS a Some very handsome suitings bn dur Dress Goods chanter this week. Out of the ordinary run°. Decided. 1y stylish and only one snit of any one design and' color.... $1.00, $1.25 and $1650 per yard .,z ciinrron: - CLINTON N ` ERA i' p4INTON, ONT., NOV 19, 19O$ h., ted ia• err 19011 NOttves. IOrloff ADnle. VANWELON AOSQ Clinton PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY 4G*1 NO(.-•'.Baeket shipped Wedges. days.. Laundry called.Tor and de- livered,—A'DDI KAUFMAN. Itapms formerly occupied by Ii,leattie DR. OVENS,Lendon, Surgeon, Ocu- list, Specialist,, will be at W. S. R. Holmes' Drug sore, on Friday, Nov, 20th. G'assea properly #fitted, deafness. catarrh and failing eyesight treated. Hours 11 to 4 pan. . . • T1tACT SOCIETY.—A Yrreetlnq .iii' the interest of ~e tipper Canada Tract Soelety will held In the Bap- tist Ohurch this (Thursday) evening, to be addressed by the agent of the Society,. Mr Potter, HENRY SWARTS DEAD— Henry Swarts, one of the pioneer residents of Louden Township, died at hie home on lot 21, concession 8, Tuesday Morning The tate Mr Startswas born at St John's and lived in London Township all hie life. His wife died eight years ago, He was a,. brother of Mr George Swarts of •Olinton.. OIIANGES,—Mr. Lal. Paisley, who ; has been living on,the Robinson farm, r loaf. outside off toivn,pu c hased by hint soine•time ago, has moved back to town, and'Mr. Levi Trick, who lately bought the farm from Mr. l'aisley,wi 1 move 'thereto in the course' of a few LOCAL NEWS:. i days.. We .welcome Lai back in our . A CREDITABLE ISSUE. -The God: ; Cnidet ttgsin. eriel Signal of last ,ekiastd an - - dustrlal and commeroiel edition that was decidedly creditable to itself and the business men of the town. It was well -printed, on heavy book paper,pro- fusely illustrated, and showed ccnsid, erable enterprise. HOUSE OF 'REFUGE—Five new: inmateswere, added to the House of Refuge this week; they were:—Miss Huhn:, Dashwood, ; Alfred Sheer, EXC. ter ; Mrs Shields and John Rowson, of Colborne • Thos Lethornp Seaforth TAKEN SUDDENLY ILL—Monday evening Mrs and Mrs, A Carr, Wing - Ilam. came to Qlinton to visit their many friends about town, but bad” not been here long when Mr Carr was tak- en suddenly and ceriously ill. at the residence of IIIrs Miller, Queen Street, sister of Mrs Carr. Medical aid was summoned,end it is possible the afflict- ed etayyl� have: to'undergo an operation, in which case he will be removed to the hospital, ^ NEW GRAIN FIRM -Messrs Angus. Ford lhie makes lite number of in aisles flt, t M:cLeod'and James have v rented the largest number ever in the build ing at one time.• . , BUSINESS CHANGE — Mr Linder has sold his grocery stock and businees to Mr 13 A McEwen. of the firm of Mc Ewen. Bros,, (;koderich, who has al- ready taken posession. " Mr McEwen has been connected with the grocery` business for Bowe time, and is. there- fore, familiar with its, requirements. Mr Linder will probably resume his position as a traveller. • t HN SPRING STOCK,SHOW A mating nf Directors and members of the Huron ro County un y Spring tock Show will be held in Clinton Town Hall, Friday, November 27th, to, elect officers for next year, arrange prize lists, introduce new features, .and dis- cuss a change to a later date fop the show, Everybody welcome. Oome and give us the advantage of your opinion. James Snell, President. • NOTHING TO.BOAST OF—M. A 3oynt drevs, probably the heaviest single.load of coal ever drawn in Sea-. forth or eldewhere, the other day, "the weight. being 6,500 pounds. net, . • The 1 tear th t drew this immense load was nota heavy one,• out only an average - team. We Would like to know •who can beat this record:—Exposi tor.. (The record has often been .Beaten right here in`Olinton, Mr Jas Ramilton,coal dealer, has a teem, driven byVIT Marl- ow, been ad ed during'fe pastorate.T ' e' I dh ow, thath as 'occasionally delivered the large grain store house formerly used by Mr W R Perrin, and intend to buy all kinds of grain, fop which they will pay the highest market Nice, Both are eo well known that they re- quire no introduction faom us. They expect to push the business, and it, should help to. keep C.inton; an Al grain market. In the , retirement of Mr Perrin, due to advancing years and failing health,'. the county loses probably its oldest grain dealer. In the halcyon days of the past. when grain . used to be brought •here from long distances, Mr Perrin paid.nut. large sums of 'money, probably more other dealer,but of than any late years the business has been restricted to a limited area. . A POPULAR • LONDON PASTOR IN CLINTON.—Rev. T. T. Shields; of London, who is to speak in the Baptist. ext four nights week,as. church four n h achieved an enviable reputation as a Pastor in Hamilton, London and other places. His great success as an Evan Eelist is welt known in Canada. front ast to West. Going to London four r ation of ears�i o he found a Gong about 250, which., by the force . of his effective preaching, and unique per- sonal work, has been increased to over 1000: The old ehutch has been replac- ed by one twice the size, and later,, ries have been added. and he galleries d t building is now' often taxed to its ut- most ca aeity. Over 300 members ha e• aa' much as .1000 lbs, ! Baptists of Clinton are fortunate in se- . curing this gifted and popular speaker,, POULTR' SRO W-Thel3thannual and. all should.take•advantage of hear- show of. the Huron, poultry and Pet ing himnext week. • Stock .Association. wid be held under I IRWIN.-MCPHERSON..— The .fol - the auspices of the (Gunton branch, l.l.owing.•from the Moose.Jaw Times. of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, t Nov.7th, refers to a son of Mr and. Mrs J W Irwin, of town; A very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized r J • forth .atlSeaforth. The. directors will1 Wday ll ng on M. L noon at A, when Ie slre�WelHt spare no efforts., to_: make t_ his 'one a ington's youngest . stater, Miss Dora McPherson, was united inmarriage to Dr W W Irwin, of. this city. • Rev E J Chegwin officiated. The parlors were prettily' aecorated"with ,: potted, planta and 'cut flowers, and the large bay windowawhere the• ceremony :was per- formed was; a bower of autmmn desires and ferns sent for.,the occasion by girl friends of the bride from her• former Jan. 19, 20 and 21, 3909: It is eight C.ears since the show was last held. in linton, and during this time has held great poultry town, • its , success is al - 'ready assured. The town being con- veniently situated for outside exhibit, ors, doubtless will draw a huge entry. ANOTHER OLD RESIDENE GONE -The hand of death claimed•another Of Clinton's oldest residents Sunday, in the_person of Eliza; relict of the late Wm -.Farquhar."-- Deceased. was -home in. Micbigan,:-P-romptly•at- the one of the.early pioneers of GodeziehI hour the 'bride entered the parlor on the arm of her •b other•in-law .Mr. Township,and. a daughter of the late r g Wm Colclough. Sher was married in • Wellington, to the strains of Loen- 1855, herunion being blessed-: by the • gift of sevenchildren, all of whom servive her, 'viz: ' Wm Et, of Hullett; George of the old homestead; John of 1 Clinton; Mrs.Gummett, Godericb;' Mrs • t Fear. Hallett; Mrs Morrell; Clinton; Miss Ville of town: She is also surviv- ,°ed by flvebrothers and 3 sisters. De ceased was'a coneeieiioious• nielriber`of the Anglican church. and had assisted in the bringing -up -of one of the hest families in the district.. Deceased died aEtlitliefFii)ie'a11d age of 7t years. She Was `hbr$b° to her Mast resting .place :by Hix grandchildren.. ' - • X:. rill. ,C?,.A. "— Theregular weekly meeting of the local Y. M. C. A. for Biblo'study and prayer was held in.the Y, M. O. A. room last Thursday night. The subject Wee The Life of Abraham' and the discussion, led by President Hartley, was heartily participated in. by all present, and was. exceedingly • interesting and helpful. ;'This subject wilthe'continued and completed this peg and other eastern points. and will Thursday • evening, • after ,which • he at home to their friends after • Jan. there will be some music' and aeroki- I, fist. The very best wishes of their. ogle contest..: OnThursday, Nov. 6th, I many friends are with them. • the study'of, "The Life of:.Joseph"' will .i • dd R E S: h °Count. Council . bogie; after which; aha roes on }3RI F —The y Co will, history and work of, the Y M 0 A will. I'meet at Goderich on the 1st of •Decent- he delivered by L. C. Fleming, County) ber......Mr. J'W , Newcomhe•has in, Every one *ill be made' stalked the Rice gasoline :light' in his welifome, to listen•. to this address,"I store......The price of milk has ad- whether ° he is a member: or not. The vauced slightly this week ; instead of room is now well furnished, home -like giving 33 pints for $1, Re heretofore, and comfortable, and the Association the conshmer only gets 29.. .Mr &At, is ankious to receive members, so let , Welsh has movedkinto the brick house any.ycung mao who intends to identi- fy himself with the Association; put in his application at once. The fee is only 52 per annum. The meetings begin at 8 O'clock sharp. Let everybody be on' time. grin's march, played oy •Mr. Newt n.. The impressive ring service of . the Methodistchurch-was used;. Mrs Irwin is a young lady of unusual social and professional ability, she having gradu- ated from an American hospital in the class of 1905, of "which-. she had been chosen president, anti held' the office forthe entire three years"of her train- ing, and will .be greatly rnisstd by the medical professipn of the city. Her social standing was amply attested to bythe numerous-soeial functions at which she has been •`guest 'of honor, with showers of. linen, handkerchiefs, hand painted china ,and kitchen uteri; sils. Dr. Irwin has enjoyed a large dental " practice for the• past three years, be and his bride haying been engaged in their professions about the same length of time, which has won for'*them a host of friends; which was .well shown by the beautiful display of wedding presents:.Dr and Mrs Irwin left on the afternoon train for Winni. and quite seriously ill.,....idles Gertle Wallis gave a birthday party to her young friends on Monday.....,.The ono plow has been in requistlon al* ready this winter......,A large plate lass window was. accidentally broken glass workmen engaged in improve- ... To & Biomes store....... at Tozer menis A strong Hockey •Club is, we are told,' being organized, and lovera of this sport will see. some good games thie winter.,..... Tenders are being asked for the carrying of the matte between Clinton station and the Post Office; it is a contract in which there is very little money at best.....'. While mak- ing an experiment at the Collegiate,on Tuesday, Master Charlie Kerr got slightly burned in the face, by his lamp flaring unexpectedly "Tag Day' on a small scale, has reached Clinton,. several popular young ladies selling tags for the a Rev Mr Manninh's Mission Church in Peterboro... , ...11), Crawford was up before Police Magis. trate Andrews, on Wednesday, ou a charge of selling, liquor to a minor; the evidence showed that the youth had had liquor and was -under its influ- ence,i Brace, but the ma_Ristratedecided t had not connected Crawford with it, and the case was dismissed". , ..It will soon be the "presentation' season, when teachers and othera'willreceive gifts of appreciation ; while we will be glad to get accounts of the• flame for publica- tion, we will say frankly we are not. anxious for the addresses that usually accompany such, as we.generally have to omit them from lacl'c of space,..,:.. The sale of stock, etc., advertised by Jas A ;lmith,of the Bayfield road;came off on Tuesday, and was well attended; cattle soldwell, • but horses were. not in demand' An assembly is being_, given bya number of young ladies in the Pastime Club this evening, :..... on ltattenbury. St., two doors 'wept' of the one he formerly occupied,.. , .Will Manning, who'is.teaching at Monkton, halo tendered hie tesignation, to take effect at the' end of the year ,:Mrs Albert Turner is . confined to her bed; 'EASE' TME F/RST SAY $4, $4.50 and $5.30 You begin to feel comfort the instant your feat enters a "Queen. Quality" , Shoe. When. you find just the right length aid width, it is like a softgentle caress Trypair the whole foot. one and see for yourself. FRED. JACKSON. • We believe in Going things rather than talking, we don't claim to have the largest stock in Canada or to give you the bigest bargain onearthr we simplymain. n taro that' in w WALL PAPER - We .have to offerou a. great advantage in quality, y 'assortment and price, SIN. HUNDRED DOLLARS WORTH of it bought at rate on the dollar, Its here for your buying • at HaIt=Price .Int some Gases less,. an opportunity . seldom offered you, see'our - 'our 2.5c Remnants, bigger 'bi er and better than • ever, ... . Fair 1 The W. D. FiC o • Often the Cheapest. Always the Best Aroaffi. Men's Winer boats Ladies' Pinter �oa�a, Children's Coag and Ful 5,000 Stock of fog Men; : Womeri and �hildrex�..: ` ur Ruffs and Stoles range Fur lar e a a showing We are g g Ruffs and Stoles, in Sabte, Isabella, Fox, gtyl Mares, from mot; Jap$5. Mink.O0 . uLpinx, t0 etc A.lt new $35,00 Ladies' Fur Coats: n and Astrachan, Bochara Electric Seal Fur thirty - SixCoate, ?simian Blouse and Sacks, s, y... six i all. Guaranteed' for one year. Clear- n ing theseat .....—,....15 per cent..discOUnt.,. ,, ... Ladies Fur -lined, Coats' Ladies' Fur - lined Coats, "in , great variety of styles, all new this season: • 'Mink and Sable Collars. Best quality Beavershells, :50 inblack, blue, green, tan and brown ... .00 . to $100 , 0 0 from.:...... ..... � u , I . Coats Beaver Co Ladies Be You will find the very newest styles in Ladies' Coats here. If youare contemplat- ing a new Coat, don't past this store We' can' fill your wants. . Prices run from$25.0 ......:.:.......:'.......,. $12.50. up to . Children's Bear: skin. Goats Chilren's Bear -skin Coats, ' in . cream and red. several very pretty styles to fit all . Pricts to suit all purses Dress Goods Bargains. Have you seen our range of .Pure Ear. ris .Home - spun Dress Goods. 'There are still 15 good desiggns and colorings left, to be cleared out less than cost. • These are 5i and 6 yd ends; Nb two alike. Regular $1, $1.25 75p and $1.50,. All to go at per yard.... ..... t ls Ladies' .Underwear 1 Ladies' Fall •.Vests—Penman's, Stan-... '' field's; Defiance Turnbull's., •Health Brans,, letc.. Our stock is complete . in all ' these 50 : lines, at prices that are right, from.25e to $� r .. • ,MISS CANT'r ELON ThePlace 'to Buy Millinery. We are now at your service, with lowest prices and newest goods. All Iiats Reduced. Special line at a greatly reduced price, for Saturday. 1VIISS CANTELON U RDAY SPECIAL oc Ladies' Leather Belts for ' 39c 25c Children's Buster Belts 5oc Ladies' Collars 390 25c Ladies' Dollars I.9C c Ladies': Vests • 29c 35, _ pairs be Cashmere Hose for ....$rx oo ,.3 5 big cards Mending Yarn,' colors brown, natural and black, for..... sc 5 • oc Bath.Towels for 35c • 35c Bath Towels for. 25c 2 25c Bath Towels for .19c 12ZG Prints for.::......... • hoc 1 ums'.for 4oc oc-Lino e s .l colors ..hoc • >< c Ribbons al 5 ,. 19C if Coats, $17.50 $2:00 La , • $ only Men's ..brown Calfskin Coats, natural or Astrachan Collars. sizes 88. to 44, 44, regular $2500 and $80.00..Your choice 0 for.: • • ... Men's Coon Coats Alen's Coon -skin Coats, long, ;diose fur, perfectly matched. Thebest value we have hadin years, C 0 me"to us' for a •Coon 0Oat , :. we have values that can't he.duplicated $65 00 • from $50.00 to _ r Men's Winter Coats Men's black and Oxford 'grey . Beayer and Melton Coats .the. very newest:styles, $12.all sizes, from....... • • •8750 up to Men's ,Fur Caps Men's Persian Lamb, Beaver, Marmot and Bokaran Caps, in military and Artillary from $5.00 up to...wedge shapes, all sires and qualities.$15,00. •.........• .. tp vY Men's Furnishings. We carry-. a ''complete stock of • • Men's.` Shirts, Collars, 'Ties,. Braces, Sweaters, Cloves, Overalls, Pants,. Night Shirts, Working Shirts, Smocks, ' Hats, Caps, etc. .. w •