HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-19, Page 2A.,$),veRTIsING• FOR ADVERTISING eatiptierty to a settee or ether, tisomente to etimulete intereet tte our Cnotegeled wont Ault • ' Wo ere puitessity. ottiveceente, and praotkie our own preeeete agoainse. we attar eel ate - their arrouoa's- Thisoferlitir will' be Pregnant With pertinent point'et general tntereataS whether you woo, to buy* or,Hile to omelet! or 0111 i strner• oeflea te borrow or iso tense , to lied a ender or ossownorr" sat win • pay mem run theeir aavertieements. That ,Ao the beet proof we have ite eller that It wet b• profitable' tie you asit fuse t our c istestflonaw a eke de it:enamel: ` creeseeenesseosee Hallway Time Table Changes. Cuter Going West 11.07 tem 1.25 p m 6.40 p.m 11.23 p.m acting North 11.04 a.m 6.40 p.m 7 STATION Going East a 7 35 aan 3.07 p.m 5,16p m Ging South 7.29 a.na 4.18 p.m aINTON NEW ERA THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1908. It Was No Benefit, Speaking of the race and creed issue raised by the Orange Sentinel, the Toronto News replying to some criticisms of the New Era, says: - "Mr Holmes should be one of the lett men to complain of the action of The Orange Sentinel. In every issue The Sentinel celled on the electors of West Huron, where Mr Holmes was a candidate, to defeat the Conservative candidate because he gave his vote for the Autonomy Bills. This, of course, was practically to support with Prote- stants and the additional advantage of The Sentinel's pamphlet for diatrib- e:it:ton among „Roman Catholics. He was doubly blest and ought to be ashamed of his ingratitude."- The News writes without a know- ledge of local conditions, for the Orange Sentinel was made to do double duty in this riding in the in- terest of the Opposition candidate. In one polling sub -division only did Mr Le wis lose any votes by it. The entit e, was certainly anything but a help to the Liberal candidate. "His Own Business' There is a very pointed lesson for some people in Ontatio in the follow- ing, as the Premier's religion has too °neva been a matter of ,discussionos- "To discriminate against a thorough- ly upright citizen became he belongs to some particular church, or becaitse An English Members Expenses (The Spectator) IRV/KING INAVRINES Claterril Sufferers Are Nothing But limning, Spitting' and Blowing Machines, Bays an Authority. 11•1•••••••••,,.... Is it possible that in thesedays when cleanliness and sanitary reform is be- ing preached in the churches, schools and at public gatherings, that thoue- • ands 01 people will continue to suffer from catarrh when there is an absolute. ly certain remedy always on hand. Hyomet (pronounced High.o.tne) is a pleasant. medicated and antiseptic, Breathe it in and it will cure catarrh, IV will stop foul breath, watery eyes, ;and crusts in the nose in a few days. " Mrs B. W Wilson, of lohnson St„ "Wallacehurg, Ont„ gays: ,*Yes, we are great friends to Hyantei for the reason that Mr 'Wilson has 'had catarrh Or several years and tried several remedies and doctors, but nothing has relieved the trouble like Hyomei, Bit trouole is from pains across the eyes and a burning or huskiness in his throat. Sometimes much difficulty in breathing, the glands of his eyes • mad nose swollen and the disease made him liteeally sick ad over. He cannot Say enough in praise of llyonaei, and there is nothing that can give better relief to catarrh than this remedy, which we heartily recommend." . A complete Hyomei outfit, consist- ing of a strong, hard rubber pocket inhaler and a bottle of Hyonsee caste only $1.00, and extra bottles, -if after. wards needed, cost only 50 cents each W S R Holmes sells it and guarantees it to do exactly as advertised, • Byomei alto cures Asthma, Broil. chitis, Coughs, Colds and Infant croups. Moro Tariff Talk Francis W Hirst, editor of the Lon- don Econoniist, said to be the most in- fluen•tiat financialjounaat in the world addressed the Canadian Club at Otta- wa. He spoke in opposition to the preferential tariff deliverances of Lord Milner. If protection was good for Canada then, he maintained it ought to be good for Ontario as against Que- bec or any of the other ,provinces. ..He would venture the prophecy that if Canada reduced the taritt ten taer cent. it. year for ten years it •would attract muchmore capital and population. A lower tariff would mean cheaper cost of living and this in turn meant cheap- er cost of production, which would at- tract both capital and labor. Wealthy men and manufacturers would comein and,it was quite possible thilt in self- defence the United States would have to reduce its tariff. No sane man would talk of abolishing the tariff all at once, but It should be lowerd slow and fairly. This he thought weed soon be done by the United States. For aft- er all was not a protective tariff inCan ada and the t.Tnited States simply a de- vice for attracting money from the • pockets of a vast majority ofproducers of other goods for the benefit of a few manufacturers? Was it not a tax eith- er for the government at. the tuaiaufac. turer? If the conformer knew how much he was paying for the article and how muchas a tax no tariff could with- stand public indignation. The Hon W S. Fielding, in proposing a vote of thanks, said that while nearly all Can- adians were in favor of the British pre- ference, nevertheless they were all glad to hear the views of Mr Hirst. like Abrahaua Lincoln, he has not avowed bis allegiance to any church is an outrage that liberty of conscience which is one of the toundations of American life." Thus President Roosevelt summarizes his opinions with reference to religion in politics and public life in an open letter, answering a friend's query as to the religious belief of President elect Taft. During the campaign, Roosevelt says, he received numerous inquiries on this subject. one letter stating that it was circulated as a reason. for voting against Taft, "that he is a Unitarian and that his, wile and brother are Roman Catholics." "Secretary Tafes religious faith is really his own private concern and not sa ruatter for general discussion and. political discrimination," the ° President says. Ha continues: "You are entitled to know whether a man seeking your suffrage is a man of clean and upright life, honorable in all his dealings with his fellows and fit by qualification and purpose to do well in the great office for which he is a candidate, but you are not entitled to know matters which lie purely be- tween himself and his Maker." The president states that as a matter of fact Taft's trother and wife are not Catholics. Cletuent Cunba, 63 years old and father of fifty living children, was sentenced to thetworkhouee,for a year at Taunton on a charge ofnon-suppor t and neglect of his four -day-old twins. Cunha two days ago reported to the authorities that woman and her new born twins were starving. An investigation showed Cunha was the woman's husband and he as arrested On the witness stand he admitted he had a divorced wife Jiving in New Bedford,to whom he had been married eleven years. During that time she had given birth to five sets of twins, two sets of triplets, and tva-o odd sons, eighteen children. Another divorced wife, who now is in Portugal, is the mother of all his other children except a set of twins born to his other wife and a daughter who preceded them. "How many children, all told, have you?" asked the judge. 'Fifty living,' was the answer, Destroys ihrair Germs Recentdiscoveries have shown that falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Does no/ change the color of the heir. Arormule with *soh bottle y Blviidiotatryour ...tiers tex-1---.11,Tigt Recent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused bygerms on the scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing H do is to completely destroy these den-, draft germs. Here, the same Ayer's Halt Vigor will give the same splendid results. .....sconswesse. to. Jaye* One Ffitiroth nesties" Of course the corrupt practises act has done muchto prevent he spen,diog of huge isum's of money at the actual election. Expenses, then; are, we be- lieve, effectually, as well as nominally, controlled. But if the "ehort sharp shock" of heavy disbursement at an election is a thing of the past, wound- erstand that a new kind of disguised bribery has more than taken its place. The demands upon the pocket of every pliable member are unceasing. His an- nual subscriptions and donations amount to more, perhapiethan ever be- fore. It has been said. that in some cases it costs as much to haye a con. etitueney as to keep a steam yacht or a pack of hounds. But even if this is an exagseration it is, Weare assured, by no means uncommon for constituencies to cost their member between 610,003 and $15,000 a year.. In other words it used to cost a rich man$50,000 down to get into parliament. Now it emits him $0.000 dollars a year for the five years which is the average duration of aPar- !lament. Naturally it isn't easy to come at the details. We can hardly expect mensberaolthe House to tell us what they spent1; but it is possible that some pest members will be good enough to state in public interest what amothir they were compelled to spend each year in order to secure their seats. Tickling, tight coughs can be sure'y and quickly loosened with a prescrip- tion druggists are dispensing every- where as Dr. Shoop's Omagh Remedy. And it is so very, very different than eommon cough medicines. No opium. no alorformabsolutely nothing harsh or unsafe The tender leaves of a harm, less, lung healing 'mountainous shrub, gives the curative properties to Drs Shoop's Cough Remedy. • Those leaves have the power to calm the most dis- tressing Cough and to soothe and heal' the most sensitive bronchial membrane Mothers should,for safety's sake alone, always demand Dr. Shop's. It can, with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it yourself and see. Sold by all dealers. • Impressed With Citys Night • 'View et have seen the boaeted sights of Europe, the Alpe, the fiords of Nor- way, the 'mine ot once mighty cities, the glories of the Rhine country," said William Anderson in the I3latz. "I have watched the festival of the cherry blossom in Japan. I have seen the pageants of China and the beauti‘ fui bay of Sydney, New South Wales- bunafter all,I believe that in America alone the man with red blood in his yeing, the man to *hone the evidences of power appeal, can find etiough to satififylsim, "I do not refer to the. grand canon of the Colora,do,to the scenery in the Rockies, to the great stretches of prairie, but to 'those sights Of great cities where stream andsteelare kings. "Certainly, I have hover seen any- thing more typhical of progress than the railroad yards of Chicago at night, Has Europe anything more majestie than the night view of the great mills of Pittsburgh and AlleghenyP And Where in all Europe, except in London or Liverpool, is the immensity of corn. trieece more splericlidlyo exemplified than along the ' *rater front at San Franciseo?"-Milwatikee Sentinel. ' Repeat it:.-"Shtioli's Cute will al. ways cute iny coughs andcolds." , Taro CIANTpN NEW .c.ILA Cat:PORTFUR'S tui British Bible Man Nearly Lost His Life In LeWer Egypt, According to the annual report of the British. and Foreign Bible Society, the Ilible-or portions of it -is now Printed in 412 different languages. During tho'past year sections have been printed in Lengua, a language spoken by the Indians of the Para- guayan Chaco; in Lu-Nyankole, the speech of 3 tribe inhabiting the region senthwest 'Uganda; tank in Hindu- . indhl, a dialect current among the Hindu inhabitante of Bindle Included. in the 700 pages of the re- po are interestin stories Of the ex- periences of colpo urs. One eolporteur entered an out -of - he -way village is lower Egypt, and offered his, Oospels to a number of the fellaheen. - He was greeted with the words, "Oh, you liafir (infidel). Do you sell the Bible to us, the true ba- ieyers? A man With a gun canealong and joined the others, "Let ris take him and shoot him - the dog!" they cried. Then they led the colporteur to a latge shed. The lat- ter laid aside his bag of books, and took off his turban. "Before you, ahoot me, let me drink from that jar," The request was granted, . The jar stood close by the man with the gun. As the colperteur, who is roted for his strength, passed the nian, he knocked him devrn and wrest- ed the gun from him. The others, thinking that he would shoot them, ran away, and hid among the tall In- dian corn growing nearby, Shortly after'wards' the colporteur handed the loaded rifle to a company of • men he knew, and passed on his way. STRAIGHT TALK. , Sir Christopher Furness Makes Some Propositions to Striking Workmen. A memorable conference between capital and labor, summoned by Sir C. Furness, head of the shipbuilding firm of Furness, Withy & Co, and also of the Furness line of steamers,: has been held' at West Hartlepool. Sir Christopher told the &legates that it .was itnpossible to carry on the ship- • building business of the firna unless the incessant friction with the em- ployes be stopped. He, therefore, in- vited the representatives. of all the trades unions connected with the in- dustry to meet him to hear certain proposals. , These, briefly condensed, were: First, that strikes must oease Or the • works would be cloeed: " Second, if the tradee unions then:telt they could •carry on the business themselves the firm was willing to sell out at a price to he fixed by asses- sors, • Third, if the unions would not buy the firm was willing to admit its work- ' Men as parteers on a profit-sharing basis. Fourth, that a council be formed to settle all disputes, or refer them to accredited arbitrators. Sir Christopher's address embody- ing the foregoing peoposes was a cid and and able defence of the eaPitalia- tic and ail attack on Socialism. His hearers were, attentive. They declar- ed that they must eitamine the pro- posals in detail before expressing an opinion. The meeting then adjourned. • The Adam of Zululand. , This primeval Zulu is credited with having broken off the nations of the universe from a reed which typifies the source of being. The Uthlangas or reed, really represents . a. father from whom the children are broken off. Their explanation of what "brought death into the world and all its woe" is weird and intensely interesting, Unkuhmkulu sent this message by the chameleon: "Go, Chameleon, go, and say, Let not men die r. The chameleon accordingly set • forth, but unfortainately it loitered on the way, and ate the fatal purple fruit of Ublikwebezine. Then the Old -old -one despatched a lizard after the chanieleoia. The Iiiard ran ex- ceeding fast and made great haste, for it bore the message, "Let men die l" And it accomplished its mis- sion and returned to the Old -old -one before ;the chameleon reached its de- stination and shouted : "Let not men diel" It was too late, for men an- •swored.: '"Oh, we -have heard the weed of the lizard, and through its ward men will die," • • The Humors of Ballooning. Mention of Wilbur Wright reminds one of a little anecdote which Mr. Percival 'Spencer, the world-famous balloonists related to hina a few days ago. Earlier in the year Mr. Spencer made an ascent with a cornpertioa near Wolverhampton, England. As they were descending, some miles frotn the spot where they .started, they noticed a cyclist riding along a coun- try road. "When within healing die- tance," said Mr. Spencer, "I shouted to him. •'The man looked all round, but did not see the balloon until I shouted again. Then he did not seem able to keep his eyes off us; and kept staring upwards while still riding his machine, 'That fellow will find him- self in the ditch if he is not careful,' I said to my companion; and I had nosooner made the remark than the cyclist steered his bike into the side of the road and turned a sOmbrsault. And he was still gazing at us as we left him behihd." • • Oysters as Wild Animals, Oysters are sometimes regarded as dangerous, but they are not usually considered savage. A Queensland judge, hpwever, has decided/ that they are wild begets. Baer(' a royal com- mission on the pearling industry, which has been sitting at Brisbane, a witness stated that eight years ago he had laid 100,000 pearl @hells in the neighborhood of Friday Islands, The Japanese stole the shells, and the dis- Mkt judge held that as pearl shell oysters were Wild animals there was no penalty for stealing them. Desecrated by Souvenir Huntele. The beautiful tomb of I,ord Cardie gan, the leader of the historic charge of Balaclava, in the church at Define, Northamptonshire, England, has been 'sanely damaged by' souvenir hunters and the replica coronet which figured inthe earl 's afiniertad hes disappeared, Hon. Frank 011iver declares that if the $500 head tax would not exclude the Chinese, the. government Would raise it as fast as ' the Chinamen's wages had lately been raised. Simular- ly who altho they were British subjects. Were not to be admit. ted unless they had 3200, This was meant to be prohibitiee, end if the 'mount wag not sufficient to he pro. hibitive it would be mules°. RhEUMATISM 1 The New Era IN THE BLOOD Liniments and Rubbing Will Not Cure rt -The Disease Must be Treated Through the Elocid 1 thhltiP:ItgrwSElteas.:PrItitltitt MAO enturri, . . olawrott, i;xitdertasmcoef;ousbioc.50rimptaiyon -$1 chpaerrgeydeaft not Se paid. No Paper discontinued anti' all arrears are paid, unless at the option Of the publisher. The date to which every subecAption is paid is de- voted GU the label. Advertising rateq..Transient aclver. tliementfi, 10 cents per nonpa.•rel. line er filet insertion mil 3 cents per line fer, each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed. one inch such OM "Loot" "Strayed," "Stolen," 0 etc, inserted once for 35 cents, Or one monthfor$1,Counnunications intended 8 for publication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the game of the writer. To insure publication in current ssue copy of ailYertisements Should be sent in early. Contract rates - The tollowingtable Sheitare our rates for specified periods aad space. 1 Colunma $175701.6 $6401x10°5 $3215130°O. $11013100° 1 Cohn= 4000 2500 • 15 00 6 CO k Column 2504) 1504) 8 CO 3 00 1 Column 1800 1000 550 2 CO 1. Inch 609 350 200 1 CO ROBT. HOLMES blIshed ovary Tintraday at The trouble with men and Wolnett Who have rheiltuatism is that they, waste valuable time in trying to rub the COMplatot away, If they rub hard enough the friction causes warmthain the affective part, which tem pore ily relieves the pain, but in a short time the aches and pains are as bad as ever and outwer applications in the world All the rubrg, and all the liniment won't cure laeumatisna, because it i rooted in the blood, Itubbitigwon't remove thei poisonous acid n the blood that causes the pale. But Dr Williams' Pink Pills will,because they a.re a blood medicine acting ou the blood, That is why the aches and stiff swollen jointe of rheumatism dig - appear when these pills are used. That' why sensible people waste no time in rubbing but take Dr Williams' Pink Pills when the first twinges of rheum. atism clothe on, and these speedily drive the trouble out of their system. Mr John Evans, 12 Kempt Road, Hari,. fax, N S" says: "About three years ago 1 had an attack of .rheumatism which settled in my right leg and anklfs Which became very much en-ollen and wa,s;exceedinlgy painftl I wasted a good cleat of time trying to get Ad Of the trouble by rubbing with liniments, but it did not do me a bit of good. My (laughter was using Dr Williansie Pink Pills at the time and finally persuaded me to try them. In- ide of a week the Pills began to help nes and after taking them a few tyeeks longer the tronblehadcornplete- y disappeared and has not 'bothered nt' since. My daughter was also tak- ng the Pills at the thaw for weakness nd anaemia, svas also cured by them nd I am now -a firm friend of this medicine.° Most of •the troubles that afflict rnankind are due to poor watery blood Dr Williatns',Pink Pills actually make eve red blood. That is why they ure anaemia with its headacbes and aceacheseand dizziness and fainting pelts; the pangs of rheumatism, and he sharp stabbing pains of neuralgut; Iso indigestion, St Vitus dance, para - I 1 i a a ; lye's and the ailments of young gtrls and women ef mature age. Good blood is the secret of healtn and the secretof good blood is Dr Williams' , Pink Pills. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co.,Brockeille, Ont. Boats of Concrete • The latest use of reinforced concrete is in the building of, boats. Some of these have recently been constructed in Italy, -among them five of about 120 tons eacla for the Italian navy. The first was bui.lt as long ago as MB. She had a double bottom of the cellular type and tested at the Spezia, arsenal by collision with a much larger iron boat having a rum. The concrete boat came out of the tent withont import- ant damage. Conditions for producing iron are.unfavorable in Italy, and as this metaliso important an element in reinforced concrete, it is probable that the construetion of these boats, so successfully begun there, will be carried on and extended greatly in • other countries, notably in England. The London Times predicts that the use of concrete itt boat building will largely take the place of iron and steel. Carlo Gabellini, a Roman engineer, called attention to the advantages of this material 10 or 15 years ago. A smell row boat made by him of rein- forced concrete in the nineties shows no effect whatever of the salt water cm its outer surface, though it has been in •constant use withoutrepair. Pontoons at armored concrete have also been recently substituted for the woodee ones that formerly supported the float- ing bridges on.the river Po. IllineriPe Liniment Cures Bergin Comilla LOCKED IN DEATH. Vancouver Island Sportsmen Find Relics of Fierce Struggle. The skeletons of a slim but evident- ly what had been a powerful panther, and an unusually large, fisre-pronged buck deer, were found by Victoria sportsmen the other day in the rieigh- borhood of Shawnigan lake, They were lying cheek by jowl, Quite ap- parently death had come while they were engaged in a prolonged and des- perate struggle. The panther had cut into the throat of his prey, but in a frantic endeavor to free himself the buck had gored his opponent through and through. That this substantially is the story which is mutely told by the relative position of the remains is asserted by those who discovered them. They state that one of the antlers of the buck was projecting through the back of the panther, while the latter's teeth were clinched in death's last agony' where the throat of the deer would have been had not time wasted away everything but the whitened bones. When this report was circulated among lovers of the chase it laecame the favored topic of conversation. Everyone had some conjecture to ad- vanee, and many painted glowing pictures of the deadly combat which. must have occurred years ago when these denizens of the forest were lock- ed -the one struggling for existence and the other for the meat wherewith Ip sustain existence. Some hact stor- ies to tell of similar finds in days gone by, but all were one in declar- ing that it has been rnanyyears since the mysteries of the woods of that • • • vicinity have disclosed anything as , I interesting. Minaret', Liniment Co., Ltd. Gentlemen -I have used MINA.RD'S LINIMENT on my veesel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills a.nd accidents of life [consider it has no equal. • • would not start on a voyage with- out it, if it coot a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R DESJAFDIN• Schr 'Stroker,' St Andre, Kamouraska After lingering in an unconscious condition for seyen days Rev. W. H. Withrow, D. Da who for 34 years act- ed as editor of the Sunday.School pub- lications of the Methedist Church in Canada, died at his residence,Toronto. Repeat itt-"Shiloh's Cure w - ways cure my coughs and colds." Another geeeral election may be necessary in Newfoundland within Mk moriths. The present situation means a deadlock unless the existing tie can be broken by means of recounts arid protests. • Milmilmennewanommeemeloweissewnweemeemseive octors say take Cod Liver Oil—they undoubtedly mean Scott's Emulsion. . • It would be just as sensible 1 for them to prescribe Quinine • On its crude form as to pre- scribe Cod Liver Qil in its natural state. In Scott's Emulsion the oil is emulsified and made' easy to take—easy to digest and easy to be absorbed in to the body—and is the most natural and useful fatty food to feedandnourish the wasted 1 body that isknown in medicine today. - i Nothing czm be; found to take its place. ' If you are run-down Iyou should take it. Send this advertisement, together with mane dearer te whtelt it aware, your address alid foor cents to emu post. and we *rill Bend f ieue'Vonsegete Nods Atlas of the World." acorr a Mott I 126Vellissisiteneet W., TORONTO. ONZ Beware of Ointments for Catarrh • Thai Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely , destroy the sense of sinell. and completely derange the whole system, when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles shouldsbeverbe used except on prescriptions from reputable physi- cians, as the dansage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive" from them. • Hall's Catarrh (hire, manufactured by10 I Cheney -& Co ,Toledo, Ohio, contains no merctity and is. taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and nsucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's C/atarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in Waned y, and made in Toledo, • Ohio. • ' ' • Send for list of testimonials. Rpa- odknde.r eHs saFl Cria La niE ily Pills s Of 00r, Te oo lnescleoi Sold by all Druggists, 75c. • House for Sale Good comfortable frame house. on EingStaP- ply to A. J. GRIGG.- For Sale House in good repair, one-half acre of garden; barn, stable and drive shed, good location. Ad- dreas a W. EIOLEEn sine •Londesboro. Property lor Sale The undeMigned offers for sale two housetl and lol,, 4 acre each, on North SC Houses fair ly conifortable. will be sold cheap. Apply to - MRS. BLACKER Representative Wanted. le immediately require the servicea of a man • of good address and ability, for Clinton and adjoining disteict. A permanent position for the right man. Write for particulars. STONE it WELLINGTON. Toronto. For Sale or to Rent. . - The undersigned offers for sale or to rent his house and lot in HoimesVille. The house con- tain, 7 rooms and wOodshed and stable. together with large two storey frame building, having been used for a chopping mill; plenty of good water and a good garden. Property now °dau- nted by W. Faber who illISI bought a farna let Colborne. For particulars annly to Cad P. POTTER, Huron Road, Goderich Tp Reuse tor Sale Subscriber offers for sale his large and desir. modern conveniences, hot and cold water Mi- stake and down, with bath; hard and soft water, large stable and driving abed.bearing fruit trees, ' able hones on Huron Street, furnished with all Also half-aore lot opposite McKenzio'a Ing 3. W. IRWIN, Clinton. Farm for Sale The undersigned Offers for sale h1s;farreof$100 acres. being Lot 29, Con 2,H. R. S., Tilekersmith Thi in a good farm. in a good state oil cultiVa. ti3n, Mid in a first clam locality. There are good buildings on the prePerty, Tho farm is offered in one parcel or will bo gold in tylo parcels if de- sired. For further particulate apply to L. sToxs., 406 Christina St, (10 Sarnia, Ont. is Farm for Sale or to Rent, stieserlber offers his farm of 1364 notes, being Lot 88, Oen 8, Base Line, Minns The farm Ca in a good locatton, being temiles from School, enurch, Pest Office. and storo ; the Ian d is Coed Isell, hi a good state Of cltitieetiot l il trall.Wat- ered ; there is a never filling sertnet'ai the town 11 1* fairly well foneed, end has good buildiliga thereon. There it alto a bearing orobard out coral. For particulars appleet farm to • wALTErt Melte 13tuatatirldi1P. 0. barn tor sale PROFESSIONAL Nov.19tho r9e$ For eels that farm of 120 aerie, being late qa-84, jut coo., Ooderith township. Ood 4=Z11: rt*ongeorliv:it;14°,:i B+gainau OOLIOITOB Aar' W, BRICOONB, R1161410. ETO. eMiNTON IRIDOOT HALE CONVEYANCERS, NOTAR/Ofi COMMISSIONERS. MONEY TO LOAN. , 40EiN 1111301:11! uriv Oroherd, elearefibm *boat 25 sores and In geed state of eilitiVatiCal. Soil rich clay loam. Reasonable terms *omit perobas. er. Apply to 0.J. Willis, Clinton; Out. Farm lor Sale, Proprietor offers for sale his faun tas the Maitland Con. Glederiola Township, Lots 77 end 70, eiltutted 1 1.2 ranee trout village of Holoseeville, church and wheel. The farm contains 238 sores of oboe* best a good frame house and bank barn, 5 scree ot orchard 'anti '30 sores of good maple bconland. The farm is traversed by it, run. ning brook. This farm will be sold in a block or in parte. Apply to ALEX BAEOUlt, Holnsesville, Choice Property For Sale The undersigned offers for sale bis choice garden property of three sores situated in Gorden Survey, Clinton. There ie a coin - tenable house with stone oellar, on the place, with stable, hard and soft water, el kinds of fruit Ireful and in good state of cultivation; will be Bold with entire outfit, on reasonable tenure EL JOYNER, • Hrise or Sa,!e On Meple St, one half acre 'of ground, good fruit trees and other email fruit. house, in good condition, angle to W,W. DIENS. Mouse for Sale. A comfortable frame house :On Mill 8*„ containing 8 bedrooms, sitting room, pan. try woodshed, good cellar, hard and, soft water. One-quarter acre lot. Will.be sold obesp. Apnly M NEW ERA. Office, or pd1le HENRY FOLLAND, Clinton. House for Stale • The large cottage on Queen street, be- longing to the estate of the late E. Holmes io offered for sale. The lot hi one-half sore, with bearing fruit trees, hard and soft water. A bargain. Apply at NEW ERA office. Good Frame House lor Sale or to Rent Subscriber offers for rude or to rent Ms large and comfortable frame house on Huron Street west, containing 9 rooms, with bath room, closets, wash rcpm and pantry. Good cellar Ana furnace, also good stable, J. B. LINDSAY, Clinton. Farm tor Sale. •A first-class 200-aore farm in West Wa- waned], Lot 27, Con. 5, woh 175 acres in good stem of cultivation, well fenced. well watered, geed orchard, large, bank bern, good house. Postoihne, blacksmith and store at corner of farm. Convenient to school and church. i3i miles from church aiicitistation at Auburn. Terms eel. W. A. BARKISON,aLueknow. Fain' for Sale or Rent. ' Farm Lot 32, Con. 9, consisting of 100 sores, in pea state ot cultivation; 10 acres of hard wood knell, large triune honee, barn 4075. with wall undeenestb .drivina filled 40.2120; two mamma well watezed and fenced. Por further parlioulars, ttp- ply to MISS FANNY JACKSON, Rattenbury Si,, Clinton. Blacksmith Shop and House for Sale or Rent. . The undersigned offe- rs for sale or to to rent. a Blacksmith Shop and °refit of too'sa doing a good basinesa near Pine River. Also comfortable house and bait - acre of land. Owber's only reason for While is that he wants to retire from business, FRED, G, LO.FFT, Pine River. House, to Rent • That oommodione dwe- lling on Mary St, 10 rooms,eleotric light, 'good garden, choice fruit trees, Apply to JOHN RANSFORD, • Farm to Rent. 70 acne in Hallett, good buildinge and la id, ; in gtod condidon, possession any tine. W. BRYDONE, tt • Clinton, Portland Cement All orders for 'Portland Certient prompt- ly filled. Sampson Bland Portland Cement tne beet in the world. J. A, HAMILTON, ooal dealer. Dissolution of Partnership. —a -- Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, as furniture dealers in the Town of Clinton, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. • All debta owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Wesley Walker, at the former place of business of the firm, and all claims against the mid partnership ere to be imeented to the said Wesley Walker, by whom the same will be paid. WALKER eo Dated at Clinton, Noy llth, 1008. By WESLEY WALKER and HUGH nose. To the Public ' Raying opened a Butcher Slid% in Clinton, Rituated in the More formerly occupied by Mr. W. T. Smith, Isaac St. I solicit a share of your Patronage, S. CASTLE, 'hone 9.0. Tame Ht. $1.00 pays for Tan NEw ERA, to new subscribers, to Dec, 31st, 1009. Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in etock and sed at the lOwest possible price. °Mara may he left at Davis & RoWlatid's Hardware atore, or With WO J. Stevenson, ° At EleetriC Liam Mint. 0, Bi HAL* •1111ediAga1, W, THOMPSON jiolan, Surgeoz0Ete special/attention given to diseasee °(the EyewEar, Throat, and Nose, Office and Residence, Two daara wee% or use Commereial JINN) llama SI. Dr. W. Gunn Dr, W. Sloan, L. C, P., L. R. c.1,. "AMP Office -Ontario Street, ()Linton. Nicht calls al front door of office or residence, nattenburr Street, Office hours at boapitah-1 to 3 p.m; 7 to 9 p.m DR. J. W. SHAW. , PHYSICIAN, SURGEGN. Acconcheur, etc., office and residence on" tenburY st.. onnosite W. Farran's residence. 1)1iit. F. 11.1XON DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Elohnes Specialist in Crown stud Bridge Wolk.: Graduate of the /loyal College of Dental %Saw, geons of Ontario. Honor graduate of Universay of Toronto Dem tal Department Graduate,of Chicago College of Dental Surveys,' Chicago. Will visit Bayfield every Monday, • DR. 11. FOWLER, • .DENTIST. Offices °yak O'NEIL'S Mere. Spooled care taken to make dental treat- ment as painless as possible. • .Miscellaneous. TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, • iJ SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENRES No witneeses reonired THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction tea. GODERICH ONT- .a stem ewes a special!), t)sc et s at at. Nsw ERA office, Clinton,prt,mptly attended' to. Terms reasonable, Farmers' sale note discounted G.: D. McTaggart Al, D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros, BANKERS ALBERT ST CLINTON t.eneral Banking . Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued: Interest allowed en deposit°. The MeKillop Mutual • Fire insurance Co. Etarm and Isolated Town Props erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean,President,Seaforth; Thoss • Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos. as Hays, Secy. Trees,' Snafortha DIR.ECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; P JOWL Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech... • woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben - newels, Brodhagen. Each Director is inspector of losses lot his own locality. AGENT& Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, 11 Hinchler Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond., ville; j. W. Yeo, Holmesville F. W. CUTLER 9, Painter and Paper Hanger.. All work guaranteed.. Prices :reasonable. Residence nearly opposite the Collegiate Institute, JACOB TAYLOIR eutcrox Fire, Life and Accident: Insurance Real estate bought and sold) • Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door to Newt Era. mcom • ..rawaemam,....' • The Myers itilusieMethod Ida G. Holmes,. Teacher. The Myers' Music Method, for begin- ners, Provides a thorough preparathrarr course in the rudiments of music The - lessons. are conducted 0n9tindergarterit models, and include practical Piano, teaching, making the study pleasauta and interesting, Privese ketone oleo giveo, and paellas prepared for the Conservatory /*afar nano Shorthorns lor Sale • 2 good young beheld and 12 mamba shed by Duke of Richmond,and bred frow good coveeprices to snit the "tilnea. Also. t quantity cE good seed lattice. n wism Clinton Ro, Shorthorns for Sale. Sonia thbro-bred Shorthorn Hulls and 'lettere for sale. fibril one to three years old, JAB. SNELL, Harem•13artoii Fenn, Clinton. Repeat it:e..."Shileh's (hire will al, ways cure my coughs and colds," 1