HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-19, Page 1WM sent to new Uanarlian 6ub.
scribers tom now till Dec, 4 19g91,
' For $1.00
- • nwrassistain Sella
AQIAT., HOWIE% tablielier..
etre .• s;
Mr, J. 11. Camero
presenting a program of
Drall1atiC Selections, .
Humorous,. _Songs,
Imperebnations and
Dialect Stories.
No. Cameron is recogolzed as Canada
Most gifted Entertainer, and a thor
Nozus—Mr. C, Arthur, of Itiiiiikolca,
' visited hie relatives here recently. Our
teachers, Miss 0, A. Sclater, and Mr A
F johns nae been re-engaged fee next
tear. Miss Jennie Dyer, of Toronto,
visited under the parentel roof )44
... week, ldre.- J. Pfeffer vieited reit:Vivi-1g
fl at /Rodin. Prayer meeting will be
held in the home of Mr, 3 oho Reath -
by on the evening of Tuesday Nov. 24,
at 8 o'clock to which /di are earnestly
Driemn-e-The death took piece inGod,
erlch on Sunday of Jean MacGregor
. Stewart. wife of J. Me ROSS* r% ROSS
was forty-three years of age and leaves
a large family, eevetal of whom are
away from home. She came to Gorier-
ich with her husband from Kincaedine
few years ago. She had been in for
the Pestyear,
Faarewgra. On. Saturday evening
the rocims of the Menesetung Canoe
Club were the scene of farewell festiv-
ities to two members; of the club, Coen
Parr and 0. Gartbwaite. Mr Farr has
been appointed office manager for the
Maple Leaf Milling 00., and leaves
shortly. for Brandon to assume his tint:.
his and Mr. Gariliwaitobas been mov-
ee from the Goderich branch of the
Sterling Bank to Toronto.
• BIBLE Sociary--1'he annual 'meeting
of the Goderich branch of the U. O.,
Bible Society was held Monday in the
Baptist Church,when the following of-
ficers were elected: President. 3. H.
Robertson ; vice•presidenta. J 11. Mil -
Han and resident clergy.; secretary, 0,
Saunders; treasurer, W R Robertson.
Rev W Sparks, of Toronto, addressed
the meeting.
SAVINt3s BANK ougtdy deiig1tful evening Is promised,
Clinton Collegiate Oominencement— 1
To out readers, New Era ... . .. 3
How *This%Newcerobes.. , „ . . 4
Chicago & Return, G T R Hod.gen. s 4
A Good Start, Oooper'is Book Store.. 4
Slashing -Sale, Wesiey 'Walker.
Itleilematraet, G 0 Anderson.,....,. 5
Notice to creditors.W Orydone... ,.. 5
Hulled Taxes, W Moon . . . 5
House to Rent, .Tno Snyder..,.......
Notice, W Linder 5
Tax Notice, Joe Wheatley • * 5
Horses for,Sale. Harvey Davis
County Council, W Lane.......,
For Sale Mrs A. J Grigg • 5 I
China, Vir R Counter ' 0
Annual Sale, Hodgen Bios
To Advertisers
CloPy for changes of advertisement
must be handed in by Tuesday. •
night. Small transient ads. will be
reoeived up to Thirsday morning.
Mr M E Stewart, who was injured
in the Horseshoe wreck at Valedorshas
secured a verdict for $11,500 from the
Canadian Paola° Railroad. •
Sale RegiSter.
Farm, farm 'stock. and implements
of W Townsend. -lot 28, con. 2 Tucker.
smith, on Weaneeday, Nov 25, JaSA
Smith, Auet. • —
0' T 1:11',1 htt st t rlel. th •onsands
of el 1 i I a1 1 1.11 ;. 9001 oathe east*
%Ina 11 1.11,J to. 1 ) i 13 it..nd success.
Lei ui V. ytt tt) right start.
w..ite•itt 30'014.13 1, a i elan tosPe_ild
tn.) Itti sic na )1th a with a a. Bauer 1
a ist tient. .
. .
Address W. H. SHAW. Principal.
Itonge and Gerard Sts., Toronto
1 I.
The la/pion:tag, Certificates, and Prizes
wen by the students of the O. O. I.
during die year, will be presented,
ThILIrSdOYI Nov. 26,
Adults 4e, IslEgatiren lOc
.1/EA= OF HUGH 140 DERMA —Hugh
McDertaid,eldest son of Mr Angus Mu-
Dermid, of the Huron road; died. atLas
Animas, Colorado, on Oct. 25th; aged
forty-two years. Deceased went to
Colorado about ten years ago and had
resided there ever • since. About five
weeks previous to his death he was
taken down with typhoid fevet,and his
mother and brother went to hes bedside
While they were there he took a
change for the better and they return-
ed home. Just atter their returiebow-
ever, word was received that he hed
suffered a relapse, and passed away, as
above stated. The deceased was a fine
young man, and before leaving here
was very Popular with all who knew
im,and his many old friends will unite
with as in extending sincerest sym-
pathy to the bereaved parents and
brothers and sisters. .
Perfect sight les deter. -
:132, a series Of
scientific tests.
We render fault,. crafly g
A. 3. GRIGG,
ii, • •
. .
Morrish & Croo ..taifthffige g
November 'Overcoat Bargains
These are the days when every- man or boy requiting an Overcoat
. is looking for the beat values and best etoelt to choose from. We
have the most complete etoek that we have ever shown, and valnee
that cannot be inirtiatfeed anywhere. If you Want a cheap Coat we
catfigive you one, or if you want a mere stylish Coat, in better
quality, we can give you one also. ,
Before buying do not fail to Set our Heavy Wu& Over.
coat, new this. Season, Which we are clearing at $7:150
Another big seller *men 'we have jinit received* is hi bet.
ter guano, ot Clot1/41 with extra good trimmings. MIS COnt
Is 'good value at 13, but While they last you may have
your ehoiee for $10)
Do not fall to inspect these TWO SPECIALS before making
. our inchoate of it new 0081 •
• • Awsuttgi,,
„motorist' at .erook
L‘‘ A Square Deal For Every Man
Brisirmss Ortaptem A business
change in Goderich this week that
00048.10118 more than passing comment
is the retirement 'from the Goderich
Planing Mills Company, Linoited, of
the president and treasurer, Mr Jas
Buchanan, sr. The business has been
known as Buchanan% planing mill for
a; very long period, though at different
times the business has been conducted
under differentfirm names, and for
the past few years hasbeen carried on
as a limited company. ' Mr Btiehanan
is succeeded in the Presidency of the
company by has son, James, who
formerly was manager and secretary,
and now beccraes president and
Manager. John Lawson,. who was
formerly connected with the company
has returned to town, and becomes
the new--secretarystreasurer. ---- -
YMCA "AT Borah"— The Gods -
rich branob of the YMCA hairecent-
ly leaselmornaodious quarters, in the.
roonts over the Office of the Standard
Loan Company, sad the formal °inn-
ing of the rooms took place last Mon-
day evening in the form of an "at
home:" The County secretary,Mr 110
Fleming, was up for .the occasion,
and there was a good number of
yining perene.who had been: invited.
Addresses were given by Mr Fleming,
Dr nougat' Pastor of North Street,
Methotliet',Chtireb; ,and by, 0 P
"who.oesupied the chair for the even-
ing. An excellent programme was
given, consisting of solos by Miss
Idenstridge. Jas Thorneon, Jas Powrie
and .Sid Belcher- trio by Miss M Wells
Sturdy and X. McLean; a quartette
by Misses Henstridge mad Wells and
Mestere Study and McLean, and one
by Messes McLean,D.Olark;J*Thornson
and A Cook; recitations by: Zeiss Alt-
kerr, and lilts .1,E Jordan; instrument.
ale by Mies D Edi s and Roy. Ad'armean
instrumental duet by Miss Nairir and
j E Jordan,and a vocal duet by S
Belcher and Jas •Poverie. At the cot,-
clueion of Weprogrammerefreshinents
Were served. Blank fornas of applied,.
tioh for membership were dietributai
and it is expected that now that the
assoblation ',hint proper ecioms there
will.be a largely increased 'interest
taken in the Work of the society. Last
night's affair was certainly a very aus-
picious beginning of the work 14 the
new. location.
. Harlock
IsIoa,M3 —Mr and Mrs liogiz have been
visiting at the hcinie ofMr John Watt,
Miss Lizzie .Wheatley has been spend-
ing e -few days with friends in Londes-
boro. Prayer -meeting on Thursday
evening was not very largely attended
The beef ring here has closed, and held
its anneal noeebing en Friday evening,
Miss Maude McGregor spent Thanks-
giving at home. Miss Evelyn-if:lie
spent Sundav.with feiends at Harloek,
also Mr and Mrs la Govier. •
Tucker/lin Itts •
PABM ()ZIA.NGff -,-4. F. Johns has nue-
chased the 50 -acre farm °Qs K. Wise,
on the atirdn road,adjoieing his other
property. . Owing to theillness of his
-brother Situuel,_Mr_Wise has gone (0
ityeon his form,
COUNCIL —Thei 'Council . met in Sea -
forth on Saturday last, all the mere -
hers being- present, al this MUDD of
the year the passing of ile0011tItS be-
comes the greater part of the day's
business, and at this meeting 033.00
was paid out. A by-laie was passed
anthorizing the Collector to add 5 per
cent. to all &tree Fen:mining unpaid af-
ter the 14th of December in each year,
and one WWI also- past authorizing the
Reeve and Treasurer to borrow the
sum of $527 20 to cover the cost of fur -
Mailing the cement sidewalk in the yd.,
lage of tieucefteld,the entire debt to be
repaid to the corporation by the com-
mutation of the statute labor in the
villageThe next meeting will be field
in Sea:forth on Saturday* pee 5th, at 10
o'clock, and parties having accounts(
against the corporation are reqnested
to send them it, before that date. A G
Steelier, Clerk.
AVMS—, Mit Haney Carter spent
Thanksgiving with her sister in To-
mtit°. Mr and Mrs Prank Moves
spent the holiday at Sarnia, Mies
Kennedy of Chicago, spent k few dello
here visiting at Mr ti Y Orleh's.
Threshing was wound up for the
season last week, here at Mr J. Y.
Odell's, Miss E Johns apent Thanks.
giving With friends in Owen SOund,
Mr Sydney Johns, Seatorth, /Vent
Tuesday with friends here. The
Quarterly Board of Turner, will hold
it biltalflOSIS meeting on Tuesday even-
ing next; a full attendance IS request-
-tido cle it has been postponed owing to
email attendant°, A. P 'johns of
Anburrelspent Thanksgiving at home
bore. Mr and Mrs Herbert °Pieta
@pent the holiday vielting et Port
Elgin at the home of the latter's
sister Me Angus Henkel. Mr Waiter
Layton returned home born Seek hist
Week, having put in a samosa Thresh-
ing in the West.
°VP -70111i."
• •
. Bt.,nnleY
ll0rs9.-11flos Hanna, of Whiftb
WAS the guest of Mrs. Mel:Kenzie,
Pen. Mr. John 111c01ymont, of MeXiis
lop, spent the day witn his parents.
Mrs Smith,of Kinlose,visited her niece
Mrs'Ittithwell. Mr. Alden /miss and
epent the holidays with, his
blonde here and on Sunday delighted
everybody by hie assietance in the
'chow Of the Methodist Church, Mr D
K. Alton, of Lanes, spent few days
this Week With his friends on the L-.'isrr
Line and ard con. Mr Alex Aleigeath's
eale oftarns stook last Week waswell.
attended and good prices were the rule
Mr. William Murder* and soo, john,
arrived honae lastThureday with a fine
herd of store cattle for winter feeding.
tie made his purchase from Mr. Aeries
'McMillan, of Virintechiarch jAU blur -
dock is a veteran in the feeding busi
nese and all wish him another success-
ful winter, in this line. Mr. :William
Sparks, of the Brorison Line, IS again
engaged with Me VVilliain Glen for tbe
winter mouths;there 4391110 ilt-
braCtion for Wiliiam around here, (hi,
being the third, winter with Mr. Glen,
The barn on the fifty acres belonging
to the estate of Donald Rose, has been,.
reshieglectand the well put in good re-
pair T -Mr. Neil McGregor has also lib.
proved his shed by puttiug on Brant-
ford asphalt roofing.
ClEttraeg.--The leippen Methodi
Sundayelil.seece,estlhuel sAt cur yen stehreyRic
John Kennecly,of Ailsa Craig preach
excellent sermonhe' e. On tTuesd
evening following a hot' dinner w
served in the basement of the &lure
followed by an entertainment in t
auditorium. when the Reve. Butt,
Ceiatralia and Kastle, ofgExeter, deli
eyed interesting addreeses,while Miss
Bonthren and Hart, of Hensall,recite
in their best style. The music on Su
day by 'the church choir, assisted b
Mr, Alden Jones, of Landon, and o
Tuesday ny Carnoel.Churen choir, •w
all that could be desired:
wouuntd ,Insrmum— The *usual
monthly meeting of the flohnesville
Institute.will.take place On Thursday,
Nov. 20th, at 5 o'clock sharp at Mrs.
.Mulhollancrs. ' Mrs. M. L. Ashley will
Speak on "Responsibilities of mothers
to claughters,7 and vice • Versa. This
address has • been : highly recom.
mended. by thine who have heardMes
Ashley give*, And the ladies of this
.vicinity would do well to hear it; A
cordial invitation is extended to all
yehnwoeld like to -come. -
NOTES —Mr Gee, Phipps hi doing
rushing business in turkeysthese days.
Mrs Ladd spent Thanksgiving holidays
at Aylmer. Miss'earrie -Waiters pur-
poses taking a trip to California for
the winter, somewhere, obourthe sec -
owe week in December Miss Holmes,
of Aylmer, is visiting at Mr. George
Ladd's. Miss Sara Teblautt visiting
at Summerhill. Mr. Geo. Holland held
quite a euccessful sale of stock on Fri-
day last:01,0. William'ihaitle to.daY.'
(Thursday.) Mr. D G iddlan has Made
a big imPeovetnent at the Bridgewater
swamp by clearing away the forest of
willows that grow up there. Mr Evans,
who had his foot .badly crashed while
working on the railroad a couple of
months ago, is able to go without his
crutches we are glad to say, "
MISn'The Women's Mission-
ars+ Society held their annual quilting
on Tuesday and Wednesday, and got
a nice box of quilts ready for the Deac-
oness BM* Toronto. They are also
getting a box of fruit ready for the
sameinstitution, Any person wishing
to donate to this•worthy cause will ob-
lige by leaving the Berne at Mrs. Mul-
holland's or the church. -
'To the Editor of the New Era
v -
In your Iast issue of the New Era
your correspondent was mis-informed
when he said that there was a dance
at 'my house on Thanksgiving night.
We bad no dance. an that night, but
would be pleased to let your corres-
pondent know when we do have one,.
which we expect to have in the near
future. Chas. W. Williams
• Winghato
NOTES -- On Monday, Miss Lena":
Awde, a graduate_ ef the Witighana
Business College,went to Toronto td
fill a position which was offered her.
Mr T J Elliott came home from the
West last week; he considers Ontario
good enough; and so far as he is con-
cerned., preferable to the •West. Rev.
G R Turk of Toronto, is assisting Rev.
W G. Howson in evangelistic Work
this week in Wingham Methodist
church, 'Miss Edna Diamond. is. grad-
uate of the Winghom Business Collego.
left for Toronto last week, where she
bas,secureit an i
excellent positon as'
!stenographer, Mrs Jas Reading is
still coal/will° the hose on account
Fleming has wonted
a -situation in a gents furnishing store
in Essex.Oentre, and left thie week for
that town. Mrs Geo 0 Hanna basted
a long period of illness, and is still un-
able to leave her room, but it is hoped
will soon gain strength, Harry Green's
young friends antrsehoolistates will be
pleased to know that he is recovering
lino will soon be out of the hospitai.
Miss Ethel Hall is recovering nicely
from an attack of fever,
iiEEP WARM, I ant Prepared teddliVar ani-
Goticricli Township "
Catm0x-z0ertaitt town bort have
:been in the habit of forcibly entering
the school on the 15th con., fioderien
Tp, and doing in)ildto the school pro -
petty. If this le repeated, they Will _be
Prosecuted for trespass and givea the
limit of the mw.
StninnIsO—A 'in7 pleasant surprise
party took place Wednesday evening
at the residence of the Rey W d Dun
bar. The MeMbers of St Jittnes
Middleton, assembled in large numbers
and soon found themselves at home,
entering heartily into amusements of
various kinds. 10 the course of the
teliveenoihnlgeelrofffrtehdeirMinidelettn7 etrgleatib4eerct,
and in a few well chosen sentences ex-
pressed the goodwill of theparishoners
towards their minister, and concluded
by presenting Mr Dunbar with a large
sure of money for the purpose of pur-
chasing a fur coat. Mr Dunbar briefly
replied, thanking the friends most
heartily for their munificent ift. The
ladies who came with a bountiful sup-
ply:of sandwiches Rod choice cake pro'ceeed then to supply the company
Wish refreshments, which all heartily
enjoyed. The remainder of the even-
ing was very pleasantly spent, inueic
and games.beieg freely indulged in
At a late hour the company joined in
singing Auld Lang Syne and separated
for their respective hornets welt satis-
fied with the evening's enjoyment.
• treSen t 4 t igh
' •••••TY•,,,, i
The following from the Exeter Times .
refere to a brother of Mr A ii Carrott
Wawanoshie- I
present' of town, and a former well-
known resident of East 2. wiNNERs
DreigateWan yRearQsabMes bWehetiP, af"restihdeenra of.
..Kirktoo, boa disposed of his practice j
and property to Dr Jose, of Maddock. i
When the genial doctor arrived here i
eighteen years age, Wand nothing
but )11841p:omit and a keen desire for
perseverance and in the latter he suc-
ceeded 'Admirably, Ib a very short
time be Wilt up a, practice that kept
him busy near oust night, but with all
, his duties as practitioner he fcronit
ample time to teke, a deep ititerest in ,
of the village. • There was gever any. ' Koff Kair
everything pertaining to the welfare
thing of importance that Dr Carr's:
name WAS not connected with: • He •
was preeklen tor the St lifitere,Elekton
and Exetee Telephone company and
• 1
.avas also an honorary president of the
Kiriston 4g -der -Altura' society, besides
being interested in other organizations •
The people of Kirlston and vicinity
could net riee the doctor and his family'
leave without showing their apprecia-
don of the high esteem in which they .
are held, and on Wednesday .evening
of last week . they were invited to
,Aberdeen. Hall, u here they Isere
I greeted With it large assemblageof
their friends; .who had gathered to
bid tbem farewell, An address was
rad and the doetor presented with a
gold watch.; his Wife., being given ar
illaratIrtt•POS!ti011 ild',. thS City. of Lee,'
teaservice, - - •• TE`311+116"‘4.111.4111;41111.1114`
The. De has . been appointed to a $
'Angeles, Calif., and left. Wedneeday. • - . - ..
:. Care ul
awlidercebittadere:wiejtrieta Finr.iffloal.fonalrettliya,t0a:3 ' 'But if a Cold catches you. $
.morning for his new field. Mrs , 07. e .! and YOU woutcatch eold.
before joining tile doctor. . ' • . ask as foe a bottle of
,.._._,..„_„.. ,e. # and you can't shake it off, iititl
.. ., , ,
It wasApparently Illegal. . ; Crcdf111 ER110113000
.,:. L_ $ ii
'votes:.%ibetceasitt oil a b,, :ovatho it it'd g.,si e, at till 00 osstk pat fieegw.; 1 i iv.s, :lei; l layot hseol/etiaeosyt tillointogki: tohoiii.
taitY• , .
, yQottweshiecahSte(,)buyldnbaerteitisiwd hflon cihuaevse'l 1 .9- 4- 4d..r'en like it.
;been' ternpoearily out of the riding or Le, .'
who have removed, and unless an elec. I ' ' '• :Purity.
the•Gocierich pepere concerning a vote $.
tion is close _enough to be affeeted by . gi
-these votes, there is no advantage in,.# Baking..Powder.
discassion is. being pained On between I
,6riastsittogitdheelligeuraptleafwteri;,nuoedieositgth.ozuatrae is yhiostiitwit.itri you have ,ii,!swe. used, .k.,,,, .0
said to have been cast hy. a resident of ' , 25c per Pound.
Wtauetbtp. rinatwaastb3to6bilts411411111itysi4annidniatro.• $ w .5 it
the necessity of an amdment to the
oeobion law, _. . ;„ L,_, .'.. I. : : „r: :• . a
The circumstaeces are , said to be ate * ' . :, pens B
follows:.- The Man •in question ownaa $ •
farm On the -eastern boundary of West i. ,
• • ,.
WavranCith in VVeat Hilton, 'ltail'a,lao .714‘4,44)***,‘Iblisiti•ple,4.W.•
Aisluills!icttlilillg 011,111fet • '
bee Ocrose the road, oni; the. western - • •
boundary Of East wawanssh, in :Emit ......
Enron* , During the present Summer' • • •
he'has been building a new house on • : . • earPet °ail 81* -3-4141e...' '.
his Wert Wilwatitish term', but is said ' • '• .-----
to ,haire. resided in the meantime iia a • ..
house on the Bast Wawariosh farm, games folloW!ng.series of Carpet Ball, .
When be went to rote in the receni-.• mes has been arranged between the
several lodge of tosve,.fdiets trophy to • e ...
:eittiheuethhiseeijegsae sir teoshsa,rewatsakseettai.ttethe to
be decided on later.. All con tests are-. .
oath And '':voted in West Huron, to start not later than 8.45 p.m., and *
• if theefacti ireis-ttrited,-thestrutin: -the viStieg.'411111 is • to furnish the Ref. ' •
a ecrtedo:trienm: gei hi a: *tills. :1:aclIt wrongieili igionl ne vt ,othtiliene wgT,:efteei ' AI! 1 '°0e 1 ''F 11317‘-t3 U4 -0--r. 7Wil-' afiliat:ini olS1°NV':olv9.11iM23, 088.. I. :
W 0 W. in 0 0 F Hall On Nov 30, 03. "
esident of Rest Huron; at the time of 0 0 F in I 0 F Hall on Deo-.3i'di 08 .,„
he election, and had no vete In West A. '0. F. in 0.0.F.. Rail on Dec 12th, ug
Huron. Nothing could he. clearer, if , W 0 W in ID F. Hall on Dec 17th, 08.
he' facts are correctly stated. If he had WO W io A 0 F Hall on. Dee 2/sl, 08.
een living mEast WaWanosh for Only, 0 0 P in A 0 IP HOU on Dec. 21st. 08.:
clay before the election; it constitut. A 0 F in I O'F gall on Jan. 7th, NM
am:ellen: -,lai..likeeeiodwenntedofa East Huron. nig., .,178,17F ininivW0OvIrlitipoOnti 4JaInyznacthh :0.090,
hotteWs aenstaIrifoibrgrilhbereeq:ahijesreest mesar!-nebned:: Clr.iii A ° r 11°1 on
' Jany
jElth °I).
'residence" is wherea Man sleeps :and
eta his meals. That a Man shOuld,
higeaSe Is typtcal of'many othersWhere
en who "have changed- their Place '.ef .
bode eince th a revisien- Of the19071istp,
pre disfranehised. ' - ' • .
We are not referting to this partiOn-
atly for the purpose of .niakihg pond -
al capital, but to point out what we
ave often referred to before--thene.
essity of some anieedinent to theVot.
t's List 'Act, whereby: ,sues cases as .
his 'and siinilar ones will he 'avoided. :t
• .
. s ,,• • 4* • . ' '
'COMMENAIllgNT .--- The . atintiat
oramenceinent entertainment ol. the
linton riollegiate Inatitute will liS I
slid in, the Town 'Hall on Thursday,
ov., 2iltli; at 8 pot: ‘ The entertain,
ont this year promises to: be: of the
ghest merit:. as Mt I H. Qameron, of '•
oronto, has been secured for (he oa. :
Sion, Mr Cammrori is widely known
a dramatic e•ocutionist of greas...
vier, an inimitable, dialect story 'ell -
and 1
. and irresistible humorous voralist,
ere is' eo entertainer on the. Canal. I
an stage to -day Who is his peer. The 1
ends of the Collegiate may .expect al
re treat on the 26th. Read What thelsogemmemeamelfternell
ass bus to of him, - "He bad two. i . • •
°gra:tome numbers, and WAS Pedalled I
A splendid toilet prepays*
than for Obanped Hands Or any
roughness of the akin,
Porters mu
Titacurat Ewe/tour; —Miss. Ruth A.
Shaw, of Colborne, has been engaged
• for the school here for next year, -at
salary of $400 a year. Mimi Jainiesere
Who Imo beep here for some, time. and
-gave good satisfaction, takes a school
nearer to her home at Londesborm
Wings— The chosen friends iutend
having a fowl supper at Sterling Me -
on Tuesday evening Nov 24,
all the members are cordielly invited:
a first class prograulme is being pre.
pared. Mr 'Frank Pieria :visited in the
neighborhood this week. bfreLindeay
returned home on Saturday, having
spent two weeks in Colliorne.'"*
NOTES—Mte Wm Logan is seriously
ill with typhoidfever. Thos Laid-
law has arrived borne freer the west,
'Miss Small, of A.rthur, is visiting her
brother, Rev. Smell at the manse this
week. The Lord's Day Alliance met in
the Presbyterian church on Monday.
evening and elected officere for the year
Dzkra--*There died in •MorriNon Nov -
13th, Mrs Grace Scothrelict of the late.
Mr. Wit, Scott:- Deceased was one of
the •oldest, respected residents of the
Community. She leaves four daughter0
and three sons. The funeral took place
from the residence of her sou -in-law,
Mr,Robt Cockediue,in.Morris, on Tues.
day, Rev Mr Small condticting the ser-
vices at the house and grave. .
• That annoying cough can be
speedily clued With a few doses
of this preparation.
Both Positively Guaranteed
13rilefaheli •
NOTES—Mi,,' Mary Broadfo4t4Visited
at the home of Mrs Alex Ross, Cargill,
-last week. Mr. 5. Steiner of Rat Port-
age, is ill of typhoid fever. Albert Pep-
per has put oat his sign for a.barber in e
Mr Snidpes shop ; he should have a a
good businesein this place. Malcolm
McKayhud wife visited at the home. Of r
their mother,Mrs Fotherieghlim,Tuck- :t
ersmith last week; Wm. Murdock has
bought a drove of.cettle in Bruce to t
stall feed during the winter. Graham b
Bros have also brought in a mimber of a
cattle for titan feeding ; we trust the e
prices in the spring may be good, as n
this is a. large outlay, and a great deal t
of labor in the enterprise. • ' c
• . Cast UMW al110101
area vote somewhere is admitted, but
No'rxis-1-1 Solar iii engaged with h
David Scott, jr., 'at present: Albert
Walsh is hired at Sand Morton's for ""
the *inter. Mrs 11 Deusliaore is still a
Very poorly: we are Beery to hear. Mr 'tv
Will Rail of Hamilton visited friends ,
around Westfield last week. Mr and '
Mrs Jas Nc;ble, Oth line, • have got fl
nicely Settled in their new house. ilr
Thorapson'a handsome new • mansion _c
at Doianybrookis neariegoompletion,'
and is fitted up with all • modern con-
verdenees. 'Alex Scott. .0th line, dis.
posed of his driviiitcblkalso o sucking
• colt to Will Henderson of WI/ignore*
last Saturday, at good prices. Messrs
McGill and Rath. 5th nee, had a very
brisk sale of cattle and horses or/ Mon-
day; Thos Gundry Goderich wielded e;
the hammer:in his genial way. .
Comity News. :
Mr Thos Brown of Blyth, sold his as
, •
valuable 200 acre farm on Wednesday V°
to Mr Geo Snell, former 'blacksmith "
at Londesboros, The -price • was 38,600 ,
which le chea,p for this property. pre'
session will be given about New 'Years
The fared has been rented for seven
1:rues.atr IbpO I kr. elide 1.0 re t t, *hese time 4 a 1.1;
A letter . from ex -reeve Henry
Mooney, of Weyburn, Seek,' forineriy
of Norris to a friend states that be
has 10.000 bushels of wheat this year
and 7,000 bushels of oats. Harry
Mooney, the former's SOnr hail 5,000
bushels of wheat. At the prevailing'
market price wheat is not a 130,a crop
to have. Messrs Mooney have 400
acres ready for spring sowing,
arty on Wedeesday morning, Mr
.RUSINE48 coLLEg ,
Moat. modern add papellar" Business
School in Western Ontario, ,Widely ex-
perienced, broidlY • educated, strinpa-
biotic, attentive staff. The Synonym at
success. Graduates eminentiy success-
ful, The very essence of modern, living
business methods. .
Stenography, Telegraphy
and Confinerelal
Preparatory course for •tlacste whose
• education has been neglected, •
Mall Courses, anYsublacts, for these
it ho wish to study at home.
Individuallnstruotion-Bitter arty daY.
Write for handsome catalogue.
ClintonEainesseollege it
Gao, spotton. principal.
Fleuty# for 36„, years a respected
quantity Of Vornace, Wove or Chestrnis Coal to
itizen of AN/Ingham, and a former
any customer In the vielnitY, at a reasonable
Price. Coal sheds at the station.
• THOMAS 1.1ILLBR, Coal Merchant',
NoTEs—mre James nieley retur,,,ed
honk; last week, after helpine to care
for her friend, Mrs BiddleOombe, Clin-
ton, for a few weeks. • Mrs Wm. Lyon
and her childV811 Spent Thanksgiving
with her sister at St Thomas. Nes J.
Tamblyn returned. from Leatnington
Tuesday with her little adopted child;
John wears A SMile, ile has got a girl
• at laat. Mr Petters arrived frornMonk-
ton on Tuesday and took pOssegsion of
the hotel ; the travelling public and
• Others can now get acconiodakion at it a
yety reasonable rates, George Long- g
man has purchased a house and lot h.
teem James Pipe, and will come to re- t
i3ide in the village before Olitietmas.
uttou slaippe est of oats a few
days ago and expects to ship another
this week, Messrs Watson khipped
bolo on Wednesday. Moon loaded
it tar of potatoes 1 t SA
proprietor of the Advance, passed the
bounds of his earthly career'. Mr
Plenty was an uptight ind
citizen, a meither of St Patilei church
and of the Masonic Order, Mr Plenty's
illness WAS caused h), that painful
disease, cancers but he bore his miner
ings with patience, and expressed to
his pastor, his readiness to depart.
His age was 70 years, „
The petition for a local • option by-
law hi Goderieh is now before :the
conned and no 'doubt it vote will be
taken at the January eleetione, In
the townships of Astifield and Morris
e nailer stage has been reached. Re-
ardihg the prospects in teeter The
dvocate of last week saki "Prom
emperones headquarters it IS persist-
ently reporbed that Exeter to have
a 10041 option eat/maker; this year. No
aetion has been taken here as yet." In
Blyth the eatapaign has been postpon-
ed for it year, .
turday, The
annual meeting of the Bible Society
Was held on Monday night but very
few attended AS tkitt night WO. very
stormy. Messrs GoVenloek and Gard.
inerof Seaforth, are shipping hay (his
$1 pays for the New Bra, to new eub-
scribers, to Old Dec, 1000
Balanee of the Tear Pree
116Ve eubscribers to the New Era will
receive the paper for the Valance Of the
pretierit year ff eel- One dollar paying in
full till the end of 1000.
eine tunes. —(TorontO Globe.) "The
niost refined and delightful of enter- ;
tainers"—(Mail & grapire.) "Re is un-
doubtedly the best in his class to -day."
—(Strathroy Age.) "He .is the best •
vilait:,(1 VArileettet;"/V
"Surpassed any one who has ever. vis-•
i ted our town."— (Collingwpod News.)
"At the top of his profession."—Belle.
Ville Daily, Ontario.) "HO was down
. for five appearances, but responded to '
'fifteen encores." (Sarnia Poet,) toXept
the house convulsed." --- The News,
Saginaw, Mich ) "Takes the audience '
by storm from the starts" (St Thomas
Journal.) "Mr .1 Cameron,of Toronto,
AS an entertainer, is in the first rank." .
(Scottish American, N. Y. (Jity.)' "A
peinee among eetertainers."—(The Re-
porter, Ilincatditie.) "A prince of
story tellers. and a clever bUMorOuS
vocalist"—(Dettoit Newts) "As an in-.
terpreter of Scotch humor he is hard
to beat." --(Stratford Herald.) '
If you want no tincer
tainties ott baking7clay use
our Baking Powder. ,
It is an absolutely 'Pure
Cream of Tartar Powder,
Oniy 25C a pound.
Es- Hovey
Dispensing Ohentieb. •
incorporated 18S6 .
etipltais • $303721,000
Rest Fund, • $303140000
Hag 66 Iltinehes in era, and Agents and Correspondents lit ilk'
the P Cities th0 WOird.
A.\:iNGSat alt Branches, interest allowed at highest current rate,.
Clinton Branch, C1 E DOWDING. IVIallag"tt