HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-12, Page 33- ee-PMEM11,1111.1Ma
Nov. uth, 1908
Auction Sale e Mon Stock
The undersigned will (letter eale bypUblie sue'
tion en WHDNBSDAY, NOV. 25, at omit Wale&
on Let 28, Con, 0, l BlecTiolienertlith, the fol-
lOwing farni ()took, etc., Yief--)1 beeye ereuelit
Al, are °Years oa feel to Glendrse Prince, 1
uearY drAtUght mare, 6 yeere 014, 1 gene purpose
game, 7 years Old. 4 cows. three uppotil„ to
in ealf, eine to &Ivo in tianeary, eteer VP= a•
2 heitere tieing. 5, 1 enter risinge, 1 yearliug
belfee. 1 Yearliog etper, 8 eltring MVO. 1 brood
Bow and litter, 100 young Leghorn Bens, 2 eecee,
1 lumber Wagon nearly new. 1 eingle Covered
buggy, 1 Portland cutter nearly new, 1 eecendl,
liana getter, MABSOY-BaTTfa Binder, set binder
treats, 154486McCormielt drill nearlY new, lox -
on bee drill, FroSt (it WOO Mower, Deorzng rake.
Seutiler, 2 walking Acme, gang Plow, root pelPer,
get, iron barren% 6 -horse Pitts' PO Wer,t4 000 re-
new. &Meg bog and jack,grind Mame hay rack,
etaY fork. with carriage and rope. Fanning mill,
graeel box, Hai:lilt& Menbator and Weeder, Bet
single harness, nearer new. BeCOINI•hentl Pet
single harnees, wheelbarrow. about 10 tone of
lhaY. IL QUentitY of mine erste. ekleboard,, 2
fonageo.extension table, (lining chairs, 5 makers.
2 weed heating stoves, Sovereign range tiearly
new, 2 small tables, drop leaf table. (i'leitehen
centre, kitchen sideboard' kitchen, clock. MHO
set, 2 bedroom suitor). 2seta mettressee and
(Menge, entail dresser, Daisy 'churn No 3. wash.
lee ntriehine and Wringer. Set emelt)** (240
:several lamps and numerous other articlee. Sale
without reserve, as proprietor is going West.
•TBRAle—ilay, Grain, and alt sums of CO apli
u Mier cesli over that 10 months credit on CM'
Proved Joint notes. A straight eiscount Pt 6 Per
eoent for cash on credit amounte. Will0 0 et
-ed for sale at the same time, tbe Farm consist.:
lug of 100 EXECS Of 01101C0 ; o31 ale:trecl but
about three acres; 7 acres in fall wheat; tall
40wing done. Good brielt house. two barns. one
'on a foundation ; bearing 'orchard of two acres ;
:running water. One the best farms in the
county. If not sold the farm will he rented.
'Terms made know on day of sale
Auctioneer. Proptietor,
Auction Sale or Farm Stock
The undersigned will offer for gale by Public
Auction. on Lot 44, Maitland Con. Goderich
-2 miles North of Holmesville. at one p.m, on
THURSDAY. NOV, 19, the foliowing Farm. Stock
'etc, viz: -1 roan heavy 4raf t Geldhie 4 years old
-2 general purpose homes, 1 mare 6 years old in
Mal to Baron No. 4, 2 driving mares 4 years old.
'well broken, sired. by Sidney1 driving mare • 3
years old, by Sidney, 1 driving colt 2 years old,
by Sidney. 1 driving conj year old, by BidneY.
1 driving colt 1 year old, by Pepe.1.sucking colt
by Two in -One, 2 cows 6 years old, 2 cows 4 years
old,3 cows 3 years old. 1 Thorobred Durham cow
Lady Durham; 1 Therobred Durham calf, 7
.steers rising 3, 6 heifers rising 3,2 steererising 2,
.8 heifers rising 2,5 year old .steers. 4 year old
heifers, 6 spring calves. 21) Shropehire ewes. 1
Brood goer, 1D three months old piss. All cattle
mid horses are in good condition and must be
.sold. TERMS—All sures of MO and under, cash:
over that 12 month's credit on approved 'Joint
motes. 5 Per cent straigbe discount for cash on
elredib amounts, • _
Rheumatic Liver
Over Strulned Kidneys
Vsuseil .filekneso that putzled. Able
pbyslelaus, .Wafi cured
by Vorrozone
"Yfy doctor told. Me I had gonty or
'rheurnittic liver and kidneys,' writes
G 0 lEorde, from Halifax. "I guess
be was right for I WaS a. mighty sick
man and felt the game Wail Pretty
nearly up So many remedies fallen
that the doctor was completely puzzled
As for eymptoras had bushels of
them in the morning a sort of nausea,
Soinetlines the 190Wela Were etnletiPat.
ed, at other titnes quite relaxed,. I felt
dull, and a seiese of weight in the
dbaisctkreasnotcingo;er the liver eves very
Lost 15 pounds inweight,
'My, color resembled a yellowish pal.
tor, and gradually I lost weight to toe
alarming extent ot fifteen pounds. I
looked jaundiced and felt sure I would
r:Then I read of the wonders worked
by Ferrozone and in desperation I
' bought six boxes. At once I began to
mend. Ferrozone must have put up a
peg or two into the nervous system
i for thinga at the end of the month
began to look op Li three months
felt like , new, but kept', on taking
Ferrozone. In six months I was
Ferrozone saved his life
"Were le not for Iferrozone I wouldn't
be alive to -day. I am sure it will cure
any ;weakrress, rheumatism, gout,
debility, poor blood or nervousuess.
My condition embraced all these, 9,nd '
•Ferrozone cured me," Reader, get
• Ferrozone to -day, SO cents per box or
six boxes for $2.50; at all dealers,
Auction Sale tit Stack Cattle
' •
The undersigned will offer for sale by Public
Auction, on FRIDAY, NOV. 18, :at one o'clodk.
p.m., AT HOLMESVILLE, the following stock,
viz: -1 gelding eishig 4 yoars old.:1 filly rising 2,
1 gelding rising 2, 9 cows sunpeeed to be in oftif;
2 heifers rising 2 supposed to be in calf, 6 stock
steers rising 4, 7 steers rising 3, 6 heifers rising 3,
11 steers rising 2, 10 heifers rising 2. Terms—.10
months credit on approved joint notes. 5 per
cent, straight for ea& on credit amounts;
The Annual Sale of Faiing Stoolanil
Implements held by James A.•Smith,
wilt take place on TUESDAY, NOV,
17, at Lot 44. Hayfield Road,. Giedertch'
Township, one mile south of Clinton.
Watch for bills, JAMES 4 SMITH,
Proprietor and Auctioneer
Volunteer Bounty Act 1908,
Warning to Purchasers.
. The Teuthse Companion for
, Christmas
There are three good reasons- why
one of th,e hest gifts for Christmas
time, for a birthday, for -any occasion
when a present isoin order. -
It Never Fails to Give Pleasure
There is something in every issue of
THE COMPANION for every member
of the family. The children never pass
ib by, and the parents are restless mitil
the children reluctantly put it down to
go to bed.
It is Easy to Order by Mail
You need, not go througle the vexa-
tion ot Chtistmae shopping to Make a
present of s THE COMPANION. Sit.
down io tne quiet of r..ve
you.on house.
and 'send the subscription. .MI3 COM,
PANION „Will be delivered wherever
you say, on Christmas morning.
• It Conees Every Week in the Year,
Nine out of ten Christmas prents
•THE COMPANION provides a contin.
.ual pleasure, for it is renewed 52 tithes,
until Christmakecoines again: Isihere
another present' equal • to it that costs
so little—only..$2,00 to enhicribers. liv-
(.3a,nada? .
have loat their novelty by New ear's.
he new subscriber receives Free the
Double Holiday Numbers and THE
COMPANION Calendar for 1909; "In
Grandmother's Garden," lithographed
in 13 colors. ••
Full illustrated Announcement of the
• new volume for 1909 *ill be sent with
sample copies of the paper to any ad-
dress Free.
lel Berkeley Street, Beaton, Mass,
' - •
EVERY assignment of the right of a South
African Volunteer entitled to a land grant
must be by wity.of apeciintment of a substitute
and must be in the form provided by the Act.
Special attention is called to Sub.section 3 of
Section 5 of 'the Volunteer 'Bounty •Aet. 1008,
which provides that no assignment of the right
• of a volunteer by the appointment of a -substitute
shall be accepted or recognized. by Me Depart-
. ment of the Interior which' Is NOT 'EXECUTED
FOR TUE LAND GRANT iSSUOd by the Minieter 'of
. Militia and Defence in favor of the Volunteer. ;
C ommissioner.:of Dominion
Lands, Ottawa.
Se tember. 1008. •
Toronto Professor Has Been I nvesti-
gating Relics at Souris, Man.
• ...The Seines, Map., Plaindealer , says
Cur vieitor of last slimmer, Rrof.
elelontgoniety; etitator of- tbe inneeure
Again After a Lapse of Ten Years
Friends of English Nobleman,Who
l• Vanished In 1908 on His Way` to
the Klondike Are Demanding That
Affair Be Looked Into — Several
Maintain That He Is Not Deed.
One of those dramas which furnieh
the romanec to so many of the houses
of the Old World aristocracy is sled
to lie at the back of the deenand
which, bee just been rnade upon the
provincial authorities of British. Cols
umbia to regume, after the lapse, of
.ten years, the investigation into the
mysthry surrounding the disappear=
mice of Sir Arthur Curtis, third baro-
net of hiA line, who vanished in
jute, 1898, with au oInclian •guide•
• while an his way from Ashcroft, on
tbe Canadian I'acifie Railroad; to the
Klondike. Six months later Lady Cur -
tie applied to the courts in London,
to presume her husband dead, and,
although no definite evidence was
produced that he was really dead be-
yond the fact that he had wandered
away from his companions and had
disappeared from view without leav-
ing any trace, the decree was grauted,
and not long afterward Lady Certis,
whose boy, Roger, had thus hem e
fourth baronet, married Col. R. M.
.Brady, of Ilunrana, Donegal, nephew
and heir to the baronetcy of if Fran-
cis Brady, and by whom she has sev-
eral children, •
. The young baronet camo of age a
couple of years ago, and there is Yea-
• son to believe that he is just 'es little
satisfied as are other people of the
fact that bit father is egeally dead.
•Ile is not .living with hie mother or
stepfather, but' is understood to be on
this side of the Atlantic, and it is as;
•surned by Mealy that it is he 'who is
the 'relative. who has urged Abe Brit-
ish Columbia authorities to •res:urne
the investigation. The only other re -
maiming member of this house of
Cutis is hie granduncle, Septimus
Curtis', now nearly 90 years of age,
and who is at horne in England.
The eXpedition with which Sir Ar-
thur Curtis was traveling when be
disatapeared was commended by. Roger •
Pocock, founder of the Legion of
Frontiersmen, and in his book :en-
• titled "The Prontiereman," published
•a, couple of years ago by Gay & Han-
cock, in London, he devotes a chan-
ter to 'this episode en his life, He
speaks emu highly of Sir Arthur Cur-
tis, whom he refers to under the ini-
• tial :"C,". and relates how le, • being
out of sorts, spoke roughly and brut-
ally to :Curtis svithout, any. .reason.
Taking all the blame upon himself,.
Pocock -declares in. his, book 'that he
gave utteran'ce to .. words that could
never be Withdrawn or forgiven., and
that during the same night Sir Av.;
• thur wandered away into the Woods
and was never seen again. Ile relates
that for ten days he and his party
,Senght Sir Arthur Without finding any
• clew, and that thet, their pi -pennons
having .run • out; they were- obliged
to abandon the hopeless •queet: Po-
• cock describes in his book how he
had considerable difficulty in dispos-
.,itg. of the ugly rumors that he had
murdered Curtis, although he certain-
ly did regard himself as =rally: re-
sponsible for his death,, and brings
the chapter to a conclusion by re-
ferring to reports that Sir Arthur had
• subseqUently been seen alive in Efig-
. land. He likewise adds that he knows
nothing positive of the body oe the .
• missing baronet ever. having, been
of the Uniyeesity of Toronto, las been
?gain pursuing his afehaeOlogieal ex-
plerationeamong .the Mouhd Builders
• of the Souris Valley durilig the past;
seven weeks. Last smelter he
ceedecl in' making • a large and, valu-
able collection of the remains, lent he -
ore completing his •report he has
spent another period making exams
• illation of the Souris mounds. This
year he opened fourteen mounds,
three eartheen enclosures end severel
long, wide eatetien ridges or embank-
ments. This - .entails trethendous
.amount of careful . work with work.
Men, (earns :and scrapers,' because the
mOunds are of great size . and contain
Teacher Wanted. hninense 'quantities . of earth.
The explorations on this occasion
mere not so fi totted. of relics, but
nutty illuminating facts were discov-
ered. The professor. added to his eol-
lection a number of human skeletons,
a bone comb made of the leg bone
• t
knif blade Atilt er ow points bone
At Sehool Section No. b, Hallett. Quell.
cation, Second Claes Normal Certificate.
'Ditties commence at New ear's.1YAppli-
caiions to ba sent to WM. 313000L,
Teacher Wanted
' •
For Union &hoot Section, No. 12, Godericli
. and 'Sinnott Tns. 2 class certificate). Applications
receiv ad up to December 1st., duties to com-
mence Jan. 40), 1909. Apply *stating experience.
and salary) to T. H. HARDY, Clinton, P.0.
p.tv.0 Teacher Wanted
PrIa --
For School Section No. 2, Goderieh Tp. hold-
ing flat -or second _class eertifieate, Duties to
. commence Jan. let, 1909 Apply (stating salary)
Huron road (Taylor'e Corners) or Goderieh 1' 0.
Tdacher Wanted
For School Sectibn 110. 16, East Wawantieht
Duties to commeece Jen. 4th,• 1009. State cer-
tificate, experience and salary. Apply to
121/..DOBIE. See. Treas.,.
Auburn, Ont.
Teacher Wanted
Male or female holding 2tid or 3111 Cleage cot,
tificate, to teach in (Porter's Hill Schoen S. 9,
No. 5, Goderich tp., duties to &molested on the
id t of January 1009. Applieations will be recede.
. ed up till the 6th of November. State &lore.
Xersone.1 applicatiohe Prefered.
Our Photos are the most life-
like and artistic that can be
wade, and the. pridea are rea.
stinabie for this class of work
' •••
Photo Arti, • C110011
of a buffalo, an earthen): pipe, n
e s, r ,
knives, bone awls, and. two kinds of
marine shell beads that originally
came by means of trance from -:the
Gulf of Mexico.
The mounds that have been exam-
ined. are situated on the North Antler
Creek at Sourisford and are scatter-
ed gene the valIely for five miles.
Sick Heaeache and relieve all the ttoublee Inel•
dent to a bilious state of the system, Ruch as
lezzinees. Nausea, Dreivelnes_ is Distress after
eatIng,,Paiti in the Side, eze, While their meat
remareatee suecess has been shown in curing
likatleclie, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills arei
equally valuable In Constipation, eurieg and pre-
TenUng thle noyIng compleint, While theyelso
Correct all diebrdereof the footpath, stimulatothe
liver and regnlitte the bowels. Eyenif they only
cuted HEA
'Acta they would be him est priedeesto tbosewto
suffer from this dietremeing complaint; butfortn.
natel y the( r gotidnese does not end here,and those
Who once try them will g nd these little pills vale,
able in se mane ways that they W111 not bo
ling 10 50 without them, But after all sick liesA
Ts the bane of so Many lives that hero It Where
We Maki:feet stem beteg. Ora pills Outoit while
Others do not.
Carter's mile Veer nine ere tory small tied
very easy to take. ()neer two 'enemata, a dose.
, They rite strictly vegetable And do set gripe Or
!pingo, hitt he their gentle action please auwho
mo thorn
CMS ittz:0163160
lit lit, 'toll :on,.
.IDoes the:
If not, something must be
wrong with its •food. If the
mother's milk doesn't nourish
It, she needs Scott's.ema/sion.
It supplies the elements of fat
required for thefiaby. If baby
is not nourished by its artificial
food, then it requires
Half a. teaspoonful three or
four times a day in its bottle
will have the desired effect. It
seems to have a magical effect
upon babies and children. A
fifty -cent bottle wilt prove the
truth of our statement.s.
Send this advertisement together with name
of paiieren which it aPtleare, Your address and
four cents to cover postage. and we will send
you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World."
• scorr BOWNE
326Wellington StresitW, TORONTO, ONT.
News Notes
e •
Bryan, seat his congratidationte to
to Taft on hie election to the Preeiden-
Dr Rachel $ Skideleleyeer,
ilelplaia advises wotrien to fairibke five
mi mit es after Meals.
Jacob Beton of Windermere was
killed by 'the acoldental discharge of
his rifle, while driving trona
Rev ElVfarshall, who shortly con-
cludes his deed -year pastorate of Trin-
ity Methodist Church Boston has re-
ceived and will accept' a call to,the new
$8,G00 dollar church in MoosejaW.Sil4
• Rev A T Sowerby, pastor of Liollege
Street Baptist Church,Toronto,for the
past six years, has reeeived an urgent
call to the First ftaptist Church at,
Woodstock, but has seen fit to decline.
With an asseesment of three hund-
red millions Montreal has non-taxable
property 'valued at sixty three millions
which is over 20 per pent, of the total
• assesereent. This property is mostly
owned, by the various churches endito-
man"Cattiolic religions orders. •
In a disastrous fire on the farm of
John Smith, near Chatham, ani emu-
. pied by George W Brown, two taiga
barns, with all their conteats, were
emnpletely destroyed, Three horses,
• and several head of cattle perished.
• Loss about KM, partly covered by
Rani;“ Poacher.
No more popular reappearance in
fiestschess cricket this season Could
have taken place than that of his
Highness the Sam S'ahile, a Nawana-•
gar — more familiarly known as
"Ranji.” ' .
• Keenly interested in sport. of -every
description, iii, a particularly good
• shot, and the opening of the sheeting
.season will doubtless remind him of
the time when he involuntarily as-
sisted in a little poaching.
It seems, from his own 'account of
the incident,' that he was driving an
elderly gentiematlfrorn railway sta-
tion to a ."shecit" to which they had
both been invite& when the latter
said: •
'To you Mind stopping a bit?"
Naturally, the Prince, as he was
then styled, reined up, and, to his
astonishment, the old gentleman
enatched 2 a pin' from the, bottom of
the trap, and let fly at a covey of
partridges in an adjacent field: Net
content with this, the shooter jumped
out, climbed into the field, and pres-
ently returned ' with seven birds,
svere flung into the trap. with
• Another, menibet -of :the 'expedition
—G. NV; Cole—a Veteran Miner, like-
wise expressed the conviction th the
prps$. of Vancouver and elseWhere in
• Canada; - that the barn -let was not
dead.. 11O dechired that he had heard
SIrT Arthur saythat he meant to gip
pway from the expedition, and claims
that Curtis told him that when he•
gotto the .Klondike he Would change
hie name. Ge W. Cole added that it
was nearly impossible for a naa,n hav-
• ing an Indian guide to be lost in the
country beyond Mud River, Where Sir
Arthur vanished.
One is tempted to ask What Motives
can hoe promptedtheerelatiVe of the
rnising baronet to ascertain whether
he is still alive.. For if that could
be established, his wife's marriage to
COL 'R. M. 13recly would become; ipso
facto, invalid. and the children- born
of the ,utien, illegitimate. The object,
therefore, .is scarcely one that can be
eobsidered altogether friendly to
Lady Cortis, 4 • •
A id, said that in the remote regions
Nerthwestern Canada are to be
, found. to -day the clews to many die-
- ftepearances, as mysteriously as' 'that
eif Sit Arthur Curtis,' of men bearing
well known names once prominent in
English life, who have in consequence
‘4 financial troubles•e of some tinier.
innate romance, or some .scrape of one
kind , or another preferred to disap-
tem--; etterting- an altogether- neweexiet...
.ence in. the Now World, completely
obliterating their past. Long is the
Ilst of men who have thus vanished
arriong the best known cases being
thoee Of Sir Roger Tichborne, of the
.elder brother of the present Earl of
Aberdeen. Viceroy of Ireland, and IA
theex-Duke john of Austria.
Only in a few instances have peo-
ple who have thus vanished 'reappear-
ed. upon the scene. James B. Roche, •
for rustatme, next brother arid heir of
Lord' Fernley, and father of Mrs. Ar-
thur Scott Burden of New York, was
lost, like Sir Atthur Curtis, .in the
Klondike, while on the way from the
Canadian Pacific Rnilroad to the
Kletclike gold fields. His companions,
after eearehing for him for several
cloys, found a skeleton, which they
rashly assuming to be his, bore with
=eh difficulty to the nearest town,
interred it it the local .cemetery, and
set up a tombstone, on which it long
list of seethes were attributed to ,hbri.
Roche, who happened along in full
life, some weeks later, saw the tomb-
stone, caused it to, be photographed,
and now catries about itepieture itt
hit pocketbook as it post-mortem tees
Siesseeneel of hie eeceldent character.
The cheapest tea to use is not the.
lowest priced. You can buy tea asfew-
cents a pound cheaper that will make
a drink, but if you want an absolutely
pure, healthful, cleanly prepared tea
use "Salada." It is infinitely more
cleonomical than other teas, becia,use it
goes farther. •
•The Official Board of Wingliem
Methodist Church has decided titi ex-
tend an invitation toltev G Barkerof
A.cton. In order for this to take effect
a' transfer will have to be arranged
from the Hamilton to London Contere
ence, and a similar exchange fromLon-
don to Hamilton Cotference.. • •
M. 0. °strum a travelling. salesman
for a Montreal 'firm, was ronbed of all
his clothingana ready cash, about 550,
b3r a raan with whona be became ac-
quainted at Essex,. and eshom Oseruna
befriended by sharing his room at a
local hotel with him, °strum had to
• remain it his room in the forenoon
until the hotel people could, secure
clothing for him. The police have a full
fieserintirm of the thief, and are trying
to locate him, 4
The marriage of Miss Alice Daven-
port, aged 35, to Wm. Toney, 4,5 years
old, 'of Charter Oak, at Richmond,Ind,
does not tell the whole story. They
werethildren together and becameen fe
gaged,but the marriage Was prevented i
by the cbiections of the girl's parents,
who did not believe young Tony cap.
able of supporting a wife, Tony decid-
ed. to make his fortune,and 'Miss Day -
"Aren't they beautireoarIs ‚‚ es?" . . • • ennorthad promised to wait for him.
After 25 years he returned to claim his
...“Ranji" whipped' up the 'horse, and'
remaining bride,
didn't stop again. for the
71.nteHt.Trade IS
pproad Ing
and we are ready, with a,store full of new, cleaii, up -to.
date stock of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleums, etc. Should
you require anything.in our line, NS e Will convince you,
by comparing our prices with others',' that this is the
stare to deal at. Here are a few suggestions for Fall
We are sole representatives for
vthiceinDitoyit, earntdyit.iynosturiairrneetniltsinkiningthoist
buying, drop in and talk it over ,
with Us, Some pianos have roanv .
figfonnr 11 b f egattuedres,feTtTesp,laniouist tatlivee
Doherty Pianos have oll the
good leattives known iCt moder9
science. Every Piano guaran-
teed ten years.
A few second-hand. Organs
for sale cheap,• .
We handle the Stapdard Rotary.
Enough said, The prices are Axed
by ourselves, not by the Convener,
we can supply you with a machine
from $19.00 up to $45.00, '
. .
in ' very quality and size. We are
ve king up -a, big trade in our
ho se -furnishing department. Qua -
'Wined' Price are the corner erone
of our success in this: department.
$3 50 Tron.Becls
4 50 Iron lieds for 3,10
5.50 Iron Beds for . , ,,,,, 4,75
0.50 Iron Beds for , , , , .... . . . 5.90
7,50 Iron Beds for . 0,25
$17.00 Table for momptmopppmpopm$15.00
14,00 Ta,ble for ... 12,50
10 00 Table for .... 900
9,50 'rable for . . . 809
$ 8.60 Table for , .. 7.59
The best selection to he feund in
the county. 22 in the lot, and
priees range from $0 00 to $28 00. A.
special discount of 10 per ewe
will be given, for one montheon
In this branch of our business
tiverything is right op -to date, and.
Iask our patrons as to satisfaction
No better service to be had outside
of a city. Prices reduced to the,
lowest possible- dollars. We •guar-
antee satisfaction. or no pay.
Alt kinds of Furniture Covering in .stock.
four. miles of the jciurney. What, he .A remarleable • project which seems
thought daring that time, he alone i.ncredits,hle ekterealizaticin is outlined
• can tell. 'by A B Exellt who styles himself
"General Manager of the Anglo -Can-
, A druggist can obtain On imitation adian Lend. Grain and Stock Com.:
pany which was recently incorporated
, ti
Toronto house at a very low price,and at St Pierre; South Dakota,with'.
have it labelled his ownproduct. • capalization of two and a half millions
This greasy imitation is the poorest•
and ith the
one we have. yet seen of the many that colonizhig fiavoWed intention •ye hundred thousand
land in the Canadian North
every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried
westandold working it entirely with
to introduce. ' • •
'Englieh labor, tas a single 'enterprise,
Ask for- MlNARD'S and you wi I get
it. , • •. es .,-, , _ Unteomparty hopes s to establiale itself
in the neiglaborhciod of • Vermillion.
°•. =•nting • Ogg meat.
Prospectors returned from the nevi
Inge,nika, gold fields in British Colum-
bia report having met with -the great-
est 'hardships . for lack of food. Aftet
tete 'months- in the wilds one party,
returned and said that it, was found
impossible to get food of any descrip-
tion et FeeteGrahemeealthougli a stay.
of 17 days was made there,. during
ivhich time the Men hutted moose;
.in fact; they lived on game all the
time they were out. After exploring
the country , at the headof the Stikine
end' Laird rivers they .struck for Me- ,
Connell creek, where they found 25
• men in the •carnp who were getting
•. out about 510 a dee.- •
• It is deep digging here atd• bedrock
has notyet been reached: Food teae
seerce and the Men on the creek kill-
ed the dogs,. over 100 dogs being sac-
rificed for food. Watson and party
gettingrid. of -teen of their own..
"Black Rod's" • Unique Experience.
Admiral Sir Henry Stephenson,
Gentlemen. Usher of the Black Rod,
• once had the novel experience of be-
ing on hoard" his ship during itnius.
tiny and knowing nothing whatever
abut it until it Was all over. He
has. been unwelle for. some time, and .
one day' he was surprised to learn
• that there had been a mild mutiny on
boiled. He. immediately sent for his
flag -captain, Prince Louis of Batten -
berg, from whom he learnt that there
had been, .dissatisfaCtion among some
• of the Men, but of a trivial nature:
Tt appeared that there were certain
drastic orders, to which the tees ob-
jected, but Prince Louis got wind of
the small insurrection and nipped it
in the bud by his firmness and tact.
Thoughtful of the achnirarssiel-health,
lie" had kept- the littleedisturbsinceeto,
himself it order to. spare him annoy --
COI's, Cotton Root t ompopmik
The geese I/textile Tonle, nod
only so ro effectua.1 Month'',
Regulatoron wrath Oen
deoena, Sold in thrly3
of strenath—No,
lo degrees ettonger g:12
for special eases. b my balt.
Said by' stil dugg1sts, Or sang
pai(i on race it of
e muliphlet. Aisdrele
:`.,12•5is in iltlet11101110, UM. Varese* w
Milnardss Liniment taros' Colds etc.
Ati is well known, this troublesome com-
plaint arises from over -eating, the use .of
too snitch rich food, neglected constipation,
lack of exordia°, bad air, etc.
The food should be, thoroughly chewed,
and never bolted or swallowed in haste,
stimulants• must bo avoided and exercise
taken if possible.
A remedy which hat rately faded to give
prompt rilief end effect permanent cures,
oven in the most obstinate cases, is
• It acts by regulating and toning the de,
fgeetitre organs, removing eostisteriessancl
increasing the appetite erid•restoriog health
and vigor to the system.
Amos Bawler'Oold River, NS.,
writes:—' wee greatty troubled with
dyspepsia, and after trying /several doctore
to no effect I commenced taking Burdock
Blood Ilittere arid r think it is the heat
medieine there is for that complaint."
l'or Salo at all Daggists and Dealers.
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Clinton.
Phone or Day or Night.
101 ONO %VMS 1604111110110401111".10Y1,1
• Happy Thought 10 sizes
Pandoaa 4 sizes
• Huron Corona 'and Magic •
. . .
After suffering eight years,
thiswoman was restored to health
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Bead her letter'.
• Mrs. A. D. Trudeau, ArnpriOr,
Ontario, -writes to Mrs Pinkham.:
"I suffered: terribly .from edgers:
tion of the feminine organs for eight
• years. 1 tried four doctors but got no
relief, and thought 1 would have to die.
• "One day I saw an advertisement of.
• Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com;
pound in the paper. I sent for some,
and before I had used five bottles 1
was entirely cured, 1 hope every suf-
fring woman will take my advice and.
use Lydia . E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Comp.ound," • • e
• For thirty years Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots andherbs, has been the
standard Lrefnedy .for..ieraaleilis
andhas positivelytured thousands o
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera.,
tio/1, fibroid tumors, *regularities,
periodic pain, backache, that bear-
mgdown feehng, flatulency, indigos- ^
tion,dizzinass or neryous prostration.
Why don't you try it?
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs,
rinkham if you need advice about
your siokness. She willireat your
letter in confidence and advise
you free. . Because of her Vast
experience she has helped thou.
Builds. Address, Lynn„ Mass.
oal Heaters
Radiant Home With or without oven
McClarys Famous,- ;a sizes
Belle Oaks 3 sires
• Albeta 2 siSea •
Acme Jewels 4 sizes .
Dandys and Royal Oaks
Stove Boards and Oil Cloths
3 kinde of coal sifters
1 car of Charcoal .
/14•011110111i441110 titeerartASIOS111.
R Fitzsimons a Son.
We are still in the But-
chering business, and are
in a positron to fill all or-
ders for seasonable meats,
intrusted to .cu: care.
Our new business stand
is 'Ip the Combe
R.litssisons & Sim
mible,76 Clinton
401.0.10.' mot mu
i2A z Jewelry, •. ci)
PA Watches,
Clocks, etc.:4
LINE OF :".j
---t4 -A F
Our Millinery is so superb and so cheap that thers is afl iramense demand.
If you have not seen it. Do not delay. You want a nice hat as well as the
other lady. This isSthe plaee. We can give you good value in. Dresp Goods,
Wrapoerettes, Flannelettes, Lining, 'Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs,
Prinks, etc. Our stock of BOOM and Shoes and Rubbers is very large and good.
value. We have a good variety of Hardware. See our Rohs, Rugs, Horse
Blankets. Whips, Shops. Harness Blacking, Soap and on. We have Coat Oil
Linseed Oil, Separator Oil, (only 100 a pint) machine oil, etc. Produce taken in
excuarge or cash paid for itlif desired, .
Oct. 6th, 1908 R. ADAMS, Londesboro
lyiattress and Wire Springs.
We sell ai very. good Mattress and Bed Spring for $5.06.
We have better goods for" a little more money'. Iron Beds,
strong and durable, from $2.5o np tot $15.00 each..
Chellevci Blyth