HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-12, Page 2flLE OCIECTON UWToRA
No r.12th, 1908
, .41114!
• -Landlord's Laugh..
He has. no more use for his
"To Let" sign.
He used our Classified Want
Ads, and found a good tenant,.
0.11.444.41v4uv w wows"
Beltway Time Tabie Changes.
Cutirole STamott
Going West Going East
11.07 1;,,„ns
1.25 p m 7 a5 rom •
6.40 p.m 3.07 p.m
11.28 paaa 5.15 p ui
Going North Going South
11.04 a.m • 7.29 it.m
6.40 p.m 4.18 p.w
THURSDAY. NOV. 12, 1908,
The Cattle Embargo •
The old question of the battle em-
bargo will not down. The farmers
of Lanada want a market for their
stockers and more especially is this
imperial protective measure a source
of dissatit faction, because agricultural
journals overseas still insinuate that it
is disease in our herds that keeps up
the discrimination.
The Scottish Farmer of the 104h
inst., quotes our contemporary. The
Farmets Advocate ot London, as
lending to the view that Canadian
cattle are diseased. The Scotch journal
referred to calls it a tzlelighttul
dote' to Me stuff that has been ap.
pearing in the 'Coronto papers, and
tries hard to niake our Canadian ex-
change appear as subscribing to the
doctrine teat our Canadian cattle are
We do not believe that the a.dvocate
for one moment wants this opinion of
our cattle to go out. Any journal has
a perfect right to adviocate the feeding
of our cattle here,and thereby to de-
duce that the embargo is a good thing
for Canada.
in b11011 matters there are honest
differences, and we submit that be-
cause it may work out sonaehow to
our final good, to have the embargo
maintained, yet many fail to see why
we have to oe given a body check in
order to assist. a later growth. Our
farmers of these rougher counties
would become richer and the country
would fill up with a better class of
settler. At present they cannot
hope ever to winter feed cattle, and
the argument that they should feed is
all rubbish. As it is, conditions are
most unfair to Canadian cattle feederii
and then we have reputable journals
standing. up and crying; **unclean, uu-
c.ean,' the injury is ail the more in-
tense. That the Scottish Farmer has
enlisted 'The Farmers Advocate in
such a role -des not add to the dignity
of the argument
That our cattle are as free from
disease as others has been repeatedly
demonstrated. Mr Hendeason s figures
of the health of slaughtered Canadian
cattle as compared with those in the
British Isles have not been met by
cold argument.
Sir Wiltrid's Boyhood
• .
The Belfast Witness is responsible
for the following:
"There has never been any doubt as
to the high-minded character of Sir
Wilfrid Laurier. He has won the ad-
miration of his countrymen by his
morallpower. One of the ineinbers of
the Canadian Parliament once asked
Sir Wilfrid how it wee that being a
Reiman Catholic. he was so broad in
ilia views. His answer was -"Up to•
the age of eighteen I could speak
nothing butlFrench, and I hired out
with a Scotch farmer in order to learn
English. Every morning this good
man held family worship, and the
different members of the household
read in turn a verse of the Bible. In
the course of thine I was invited to
remain with the family while morning
service was held, and I had every op-
portunity of judging the sterling and
eonsistent enaracter of that good
farmer and his family, and I must ad-
mit that the impressions I there re-
ceived haveremained with me through
life, and have undoubtedly influenced
me rnore than I know." [This story
Is absclutely true, and has been pub-
lished in the New Era before. • Bev,
T G Williams, of -Montreal, ;(a Super-
annuated Methodist,) married a
daughter of the Scotch farmer alluded
to,Mr [Murray, and pefsonally corr-
borated the story to the editor of the
New Era.
Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs: Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu-
lar medicine, a doctor's medi-
cine, for such a cough. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
W• publish bur formulas
-1.y4. Wallah ateohol
e m macho's.,
•Wo.."1-14 Wirt°
Any good doctor will tall you that a Medi-
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do its best work if the brayed; are con-
stipated. Ask yout doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pille fottor.
reefing this aluggishnest of the liver,
.....tags• tits 0. aAgee 04/.. tarnal.14asi.
15e will posy for the NEW ERA toNeve
Subscribeis tot the balauce ot the year
cost otIvIngis;New
In...,..4, ' , 1 Consumption's .
.. EconeMY.10 nothing but poverty la* *
1 New rota, in contraet with the abnor. 8torting Point
mal dementia that liviug involve& 500
for breakfirat, going without linrabeen, i .11.,••••••••
and payitig a trailer for. dinner is 00911- ' Liets in Weak, 'Watery Blood Dr
1 ,•inny for a single man. A. breakfast wonanue Pink Pilissitialte the '
that costs 80o and ft dinner 500 is pov-
erty. The boarding house life is eoutes '
.1 thing worse. end the ordioary life in
flat is voluntary eerie/ludo,
siocioiste,iete claim that the' lost est
possible yearly expense for a. Workings
•an with a wife and three ohildren,
embedy in g enormal standard Ois $939, The staternent was made re-
f living,
Pouty by tbe New )(vele department
of chArities that the average laborer's 1
family was existing on about $700 a i
t ear. The mininmoo rate of rene on
the east side for the barest decencies is
$1 a montb. Coal costa from 10 to 15e
a nait-a fabulous price vvlien estimat-
ed by the ton.
Yet betreen tide poverty and the
"econone ' of the entail salaried em-
ployee who is compelled to adjust his
earnings to the demands of his occupa-
tion there is little difference. We live
in New York by the cost, rather than
velem of things. An apple purohased
on Fifth avenue costs twice as touch
as the 'same apple bought on Four-
teenth Street. The dollar Bowery
shirt costs twice as much on Broad-
way, This is the city where they"nai
the rice." •
The self indulgent man who spends
1 0300 a day has not eiteed hie money
out ot his wages. The woman who
could not ruanage her household for a
•season on less than $75,000 is: •not the
'daughter or the wife of a vvage-earner.
Economical beginners really have no
actual relation to the existing problem
1 of living in New York,
What does it cost to live in New
.Yorle ? More than you can ever hope
te earn in wage, and, SO far as the
chances of :speculation are concerned,
that infers the necessity of "pull," it
you haven't a "pull." social, political,
or financial, year speculative chances
are slight. Obviously, this state. of
restless endurance is demoralizing. It
underatines character. Presently yob
will find yourself following the proces-
sion of people who are living beyond
their means, beceuee they seem to be
eajoying theroselyes at it, ,•. .
• The only way to live within your in-
coine in Nit* York is to become blind,
to the extravagance and allurements
that Make this the metropolis; and
to EiderlfiCe the pleasures ot temptation
(for•the comforts of an hoonrable old
age. Harpier's Weekly. ' •
Every mother is •naturally anxious
that her little ones shall • be healthy,
good natured and , bright, Every
mother cen keep her little ones in this
condition if she will give therAn oc-
casioual dose of Baby's (two Tablets:
These Tablets cure all stOmi.ch and
bovvel troubles,break up Colds, destroy
tvornas, and make teething easy.
Equally goodfor the new bent baby or
• the well grown child. Mrs WE Stew-
art, St, George, N B. says I- "I haye
usea Baby's Own Tablets for My little
one for several years, and have found
them reliable in all emergencies.
cannot praise the Tablets too highly."
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25c whoa from. the Dr Witlipans' Medi-
cine Co, Ont.
. ,
A Woniann Protest
-A man at Joplin, Mo., was driving a
team of sad -eyed horses, hitched to a
wagon that contained a heavy load,
The vvagon Went into a mud -hole and
the hoses could not draw it out, al-
though they devoted all their energies
and talents to the task,
Then the Man took &large whip with
a braided lash that Would cut through
• sheet iron, and proceeded to flay the
horees. • He larruped away until he
was tired, and the. horses plunged and
reared, but did not move the load ; 'so
the patientand strenuous driyer took
a shovel from the wagon and began
• pounding the horse's ribs, keeping"
time, ,time, time, in a sort of Runic
VVith long and swinging strides ther
came a woman down the street. She
took in the situation at a glance, and,
without wasting time in argument or
expostulation, seized the shovel, and
batted the man over the head And
knocked -him into the mudh'ole, and
pounded hint •until he yelled for the
police. •
- If there should be any talk of send-
ing a bouquet to that woman, the Gaze
ette would like to contribute a few
posies. Emporia Gazette.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury.
• ----- ,
as inereury will surely destroy the
sense of smell, and completely' derange
the whole system, When entering it
through the mucous surfaces Such
• articles should never batised except on
prescriptions flora reputable physi-
• mane, its the damage they will do is
tenfold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Oaterrh
Cure. Manufactured by F 1 Cheney &
Co ,Toledo, Obrn, thentains no mercury
and is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the, gerittine. It
ie taken internailyatild niadein Tciledit;
Ohio.4 • •
Send for 1140 teetimonials.
AddressF CHENEY az 00, Tpledo, 0
Sldbv TakeA.1.8 Flt ratxtfyistAno.;
A Remarkable Rorse at
•:Andover, Mass"
Mr George W Chandlereof Andover,
Massitehusetts, has a rentatkable horse
natited Nell, used by him in the wood`
and coal business, and this is what the
horse does. When it the morning she
is hitched to her coal cart first she
Walks nearly an eighth of a mile to a
drinking fountain, without any direc-
tion or aseiatance, and takes alt the
wane, she cares for, then of her own
accord she goes by' another street to
the railreod depot, crosses the tracks,
.passes up to the side track where the
coal cars are, and backs up to the ear
from whieh her cart is loaded by the
man in cherge. All this is dram with .
cm; any Assistance whatever from any
human being;
When in the morning she is harneess
ed to a Carriage instead Of the eclat
Cart, he taicee precisely 'the 'satne
tIon in going to the' lenntain and
drinking, hilt then, indeed of going to
the railianid depot, bens down the
Main StreeatO the.
Right (Italy
Bishop of Step
Bishop of Mon
Carmichael) d
ordon Lang,
been elected
sticeeed Blehop
Dlooa Rich and aid
Bloodlessness is the starting point
of oonsumption. When your blood '
m tom mat watery your whole bottle
declines, Your face grows pale, your
appetite fails and yeur heart jumps
and flutters at the lease exertion or
excitement. You are always weak
and wretched and lose interest in
eyerything, Thiel is the point from
whiela you may Emily step Into that
hopeless decline that leads to con-
edMPt194 and the ' groye. eV/teat is
actuelly needed to bring back health
and strength and energy is "the new
rich, blood Dr William); Pink Pills
actually make. In all the world there
S 00 other tonic inecitcme like thew,
and all wilt feel weak anti eashy tired
ettould take these rah, at once, and
regain new health.
tolls& Ada Burke, The Range, N. R
says: -I. feel that I cannot bey too
much ill favor of Dr Williams' Pink
Pills. In March, 1907, I was attacked
with, whooping cough which clung to
me for seyeral months, and when the
cough disappeared I was left weak and
run down. .All stancher I was airing,
but when the autumn came I seemed
to be completely worn out. For a
whole month I neYer moved outside
the house, and could scarcely walk
about the house. I was so weak.. I
had no appetite, my color was a
greenish yellow. I had. sevete head-
aches and would be alinest breathless
at the least exertion. • I took several
bottles of medicine, but it did not
help me, and then my mother got
three boxes of Dr Williams' Pink
Pale. when I had usod them I was
much better, and by • the time I had
taken another three boxes I was
again enjoying the best of liealth,With
a nearty appetite, good color and re-
newed energy.
If you want new health and new
strength try Dr Williams' Pink Pills,
a feir use of this medictue wall net
disappoint you. Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or
six bcixes for $2,50 frOua The Dr
Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville.
, The amnia' meetings elf beef rings
are taking place in various parts. This
method of tne farmers in , supplying
themselvee with fresh meat le one of
the highly favora,ble forms of co-oper-,,
ation• that has worked out well.
Twenty cattle are„killed in that many
:weeks: Each man furnishes arieinitnal
thatraust• tiesound and. in good order
Th $ .beast • must approximate in
dreeseti meet •
as near 400. pounds is
possibie. The butcher will cue up and
dielde up to.450 poundsevenly. • Over .
that amount, the Owner ha,s to aseurne
the sale of. In the closing of , the
books, retYpitical case like this occurs.
Jno Jones supplies an animal that
dreseee 112 • pounds. •He has taken
out 418 potable of meat, Belanee due
is (5 puunds,and is charged against him
at 7 cents. • He thus pays rata the.
treasurer 42 cents. Another man's
beet weighs: only , 380 pounds. • He
takes out 410 pounds of Meat. has
to•pay 10 coots a pound for the short -
'age below 400 pounds and 7 cents after
that. Thus he says for , 20potinds at 10
cents and 10 'pounds at 7 cents; which
totals $2.70. Again, if thebeef
• dresses out 4511 po ands. and bereceives
410 pounds of meat,' the balance is
creaited at 6 cents, and he gets $240
The butcheicw.lio also allots the several,
shaves, generally receives $2 to 52 50.
per animal,which suat is generally •
raised by a sale- of the hide '
Zani-Buk. Gasie Instant Relief
• An accidentin a Toronto home
might have had very. serious conse-
quences had it not been for ZanirBnk.
Miss Martha Green, .Of 0 Claremont
St., in talong a pan ot boilingfat
from the oven spilt it over her right
hand. “Th.s.boiling, fat. eah into the
Negro Ownersotranes
Some of the Most Successful- Thole
'Great Trade ot Cotton Lands.
The biggest negro farm in South Car.
olina is in Marion County. It use4 to
beTracy Altord,but Tracy has invested
in town property and cut his, farm
down, Mame, yet holds the belt, re-
garutess or snecew er an
Orangeburg Couotiettand even of Win
Slurry, of Wedgefteld, who has 180 ea.
res in Cotton and will make far over a
hnntjted heles,and even our friendBob
Babb, cf Grose 11111,who makes 100 bal-
es a year.
Butler General! a !Mid, Unassuming
looking negro, woo itves at out 5 miles
from Marion court house, is trply the
biggest negro farmer inNorth Carolina
General has 200 acres irocotton in one
level field without a, flow or n washout,
and.100 acres in another lot, 600 acres
in cotton as fine as Arlo mare& from
which General says he will gather at
it280 bales„ and he expects more.
rrhts is his own laud, for which be
would not take e75 an acre.
Itis one unbroken field of as fine
fa .ne a d, level 'apd all stumped asAy.
cock. any other White farmer owns,
and it's paid for, osting hitri seven
years ago 125 and 330 an acre. He has
200 acres of valuable timber land and
several hundred acres' on his other
phicesetbout 1,000 Acres in all. He Mlle
eighteen plows on his plantation and
Used 140 tons of geaoo, " costing him
about $2 000, His farm supplies cost
$3,000, making bis outlay $5.000. •Gen-
eral is•an opembearted, progressive negro. He has a charm and a schoolhouse on his place and gets all tbe la-
bor takwants to work his farm. And-
ersen General, a brother, works one of
the plantations, keepilig it up to the
acre mark, Both the General's are
good, Christian -hearted men, lovers of
the acre and loyal citizens. -Columbia
• Sure, Motbielr Knows
• Scalded By itOilintr kat
palm of my hand, she says, hoed
over all my fingers, I was almost wild
with the. • pain. The hand became
swollen, and large blisters formed all
ooer the palm and along • the angers.
For over a month I was Unable to use
the hand at all. I tried several kinds
Of salves and liniments,but the wound
seemed apparently no better. ' It was
altogether too severe ' for those
preparationsto heal. .
About this time I was adyise(Lto try
.Zam-BUlt. I stopped tieing all other
preparations and applied it instead.
The very, first application soothed my
hand and seemed to draw out the fire
and inflammation; and as I kept op us-
ing ,Zam-Buk 'the blisters g, raduafly
dried up and disappeared. Ina very
short •time the scald wets healed icone'
pletely.". • '
This) is hut one instance of the uses
to which Zam-buk can be se advantag-
eously applied, It is equally effective
for burns, cuts, bruises, abrasions,
sprains and stiffness. It also cures ec-
zema, ulcers, sores, blood poisoning,
ringworm, scalp erireiachron lc wbunds,
blackheads, pimples, told sores, chips,
ped hands and all skin diseases and in-
juries. Rubbed well on to the chest,
in cases cif oold, it relieves the aching
and tightness,and applied Rs an etnbrO-
•Oa.tion .it cures rheumatism, sciatica; I
neuralgithetc.. All druggists and stores
sell at 50c a box, or post free froinZems
buk Co.. Toronto, for receipt; of price.
3 boxes for 51.25.
Tickling, tight coughs con be sure'y
and quickly loosened with a prescrip-
tion' druggists are dispensing everys
where as Dr. Sheol* Cough Remedy.
And it is so very, very differept than
common cough medicines. No opium,
no chlorform,a,bsolutely nothing harsh
or unsafe The tender leaves of a harm.
less, lung healing mountainous shrub,
glees the curative peopertiee to Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves
have the power to calm the meet dis-
tressing Cough and to soothe and heal
the most sensitive bronchial membratie
Mothers should,for safety's sake alone,
always demand Dr. Shoop's, It Can•
with perfect freedetta be given to even
the youngest babes. Test it yourself
and see. Sold Well dealers.
elires niplitheria
In 1.7aborne one politielaii so far VV.,'
go himselfon election day. that he.
thought WOmen Were entitled to vot
and cairie as far as the London Roe d
and took a Weiner) to Elitiatrille to gagt
her vote for theConservative candidate e
Ho was utterlY dismayed when he was
informed et his mists*,
Nobody knows Of the holes to mend,
Nobodylnows of the buttons iost ;
Nobody k lows of the babes tee tend,
Nobody knows what the groceries
Nobody knows of the'socks te.,clarn,
Nobody knows of the patching done;
Nobody knowe aliere well end this
yarn -
Nobody knows, but mother, ,
Important Announcement.
W R.H.elinee desires to announce
to the readers of the New Era thet
they have secured t he agency for Par-
isian Sage, the, inarVelOus dandruff
cure and delightful hair dressing.
• AV le Holmes is Wad to state. that'
Parisian Sage is A rigidly guereatte.ed.
hair restorer, • ••
• It cures dandruff ha two weeks by
killing the dandruff rnicrobeg ; it stops
falling heir tittures alt scalp diseases,
or money back, .
It is a. most pleasant hair dreesing,.
e pest:111y for Judies, as it makes she
• eoft and, lustrous. The price is
only 50 tents a. large bottle at W. S. It
.)11,t Ontario.mf so or (JibroYuex"iggs.5.:a0loi;e,higrEpri.ree:
• .
Mine: Frairnay leulOodriya;swdhoolc7s, appear.
ing With her husband at the Lytle
Theatre in London, confesses ' to a
fondness for :practical joking, Even
her husband has • suffered at , her
hands. One 'clay, disguised ih a wig
and a pair of spectacles, she applied
to have her_voice teied by the mane- .
ger . of the MeodyelVtanners OPera. CO.
-her own husband:. "I took the cone
dodoes hand," says the .prima
na, "and, imprinting upon it a devout
kiss, called him my !dead 'masters'.
He did try my voice, said as b -a.
clulged in the excruciating shrieks
ever heard in musica. he told me,
gently .but firmly,- to go' beck to any
other occupation in my limited capac-
itY., Myehusband confirnied this oeite)
meet, and hen I threw off my dis-
guise and revealed 'my useless self.
I draw the t.teil Over *hat followed.;'
But Mme, lVfocely is not quite so use-
less as She would have; us believe;
fpr, in addition to her operatic' abili-
ties, she knows not a little About the,
culinary art, and her husband has
been heard to confess that when she
has time ter cook : a dinner he does
snaovtowycnt. to go to the e Carlton.or the
• Suffragist and Authoress.
• This month is, a busy: one in the
progeam of the "Women's Votes"
campaigners, and in addition to num-
erous meetingp, at -homes, demonstra-
tions, and so forth, a new .book "for
the cause" is 'appearing. This is. en-
titled "Outlawer;" and Iffrs. Despard,
ethe Woman's Suffrage sister of Gen.
French, is named part authoress. Mrs.
• Despard like most of her colleagues
has had a turn of sampling IL M.'s
prisons; but did not find the officials
very sympathetic. She declares that
when she said "How do you do?" to
a fellow -sufferer she was told to
"steed bear, .and don't gossip." On
another .occasion, when she went to
chapel, she found a woman looking
verys pale, and 'said, "Cheer hp!" A
female official nearby rushed up and
told her to "keep quiet,' On re-
ceiving an answer, the woman' asked
• Mrs: Despard whether she wanted to
reform prisoas, and Mrs. Despard re-
plied; "Perhaps I do," Mid if ever
npportutritY arises, • doubtless Mrs.
The New Era 1 Farm lor solo
le published every Therfalay at t
the Illsw ,Bna.`. Printing House, i
efea.A0 ferRUIffr • . CLINTON.
Terme of subscriptien-$1, per year
n advance E1.50 may be charged if
not so paid,. No paper discontinued,
until all arrears are peal, Unless at the
option of the publisher. The date to
which every subscription is Patti is de-
voted on the label.
Advertising e.ate. - Transient waver-
tile:went& 10 cents per nonparel. line
lir that insertion and 3 mote per line
for each subsequent insertion, Small
advertisements not to exceed. one inch
such ad "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen,"
et& Inserted once for 35 cents, or one
montlifor $1,Communicatione intended
for publication must, as a, guarantee of
good faith, be accompanied by the
tisane of the writer.
To insure publicatioo in current
BIM copy of advertisements should be
sent tn early.
Contract rates - The tollowinotable
shows our rates for specified periods
tad space.
• 1 yr, Orno. 8rno. •lmo
Coitu:nn 84705 000 $2,46°00°° $1260 1500 000
$100 00°Q
Column 25 00 15 00 800 300
•t Coltunn 18 00 1000 550 2 00
Inch 600 360. .2 00' 1 00
Rona. HolatEs °
London Ghost Club.
• London has a ghost club -a cheers
• ful •fellenvehip of Mystics who meet
to discuss the ltlysterious. It is a
private organization consisting of
about a score of welleknown men re-
presentative of science, literature, art,
the drama, medicine, and other pro-
fessions, who have a commie bond
of interest in things super/lateral, The
club was founded by two or three en-
thusiastic ghost-seelters, such as the
late Mr. Arnie Watts, the late Peet
Churton Collins, and a wellaknown
playwright, who at the present mo-
ment Is writing a play for production
by one of our bee -known comedy act-
ors, The Ghost Club has no myster-
ious seances in darkened rooms, no
weird incantations to rouse departed
spirits. The members meet; a score
strong, at different Wee -End restaur-
ants about once a month.." The ghosts
are discussed and admitted only with
the waleuts.
• l',Intment Cures Illstereper
For We thet t 12.faiteres, being •
We ISIErltDONte. —
tote n8-84, let ooro. Goderich townahlp.
0904 home bowie, freree ham •ittabl�e.
drive house; good spring creek, 10 mini of
°tabard, ell cleared. bus about 25 twee and
In good elette of cultivation. Soil rich clay
loam Reetionable tonne Mina urehao-
er, Apply tro•Cor, Clinton, 0111.
1 . BARRISTER 1301..ICITOR li i tai Yfr
tor Salo.
ros.uto, gTOP
Proprietor offers for sale hie farm on the f
Ateitlaud Com, Ooderich Townehip, Lots
0, 11,..11Anti
of Holmesville, church and wheel, The
farm contains 238 acree'of choice lane, a
good frame bowie, and bank born, 5 hOre9 ikaedu-al.
ot orchard and 80 acmes of good maple
77 aod 78, eitnated 1 1-2 miles tromvillage 11)..DOUT
beeeletica The. form to tteetireed by e-rtin-
ning brook, -This farm will be field in it
bloggor in parts e eapply to
ALEX ItA.1:0Ult,
Choice 'Property For Sale
The undersigned offers tor' sale his choice
garden property of three scree situated in
Gorden Survey, Clinton. There is a corn.
fortable house with stone cellar, on the
place, with stable, hard and soft wa.er, all
kinds of fruit trees and in good stale of
atitivation,• will be gold with entire outfit,
• on reasonable terms, H, JOYNER.
• Paid In Full.
During a visit to. Winchester; sortie
time ago; Lord Alverstone presided at
a public dinner ;given bythe racieor. •
He .told mahy amusing stories;
• amongst them one of a friend of his,
who had askedfor a small lean. Lord
Alverstone, heaving nothing upon him
at that Momeatebutsaesovereign, gave
it, A third accreeintance, who had
witnessed thetraneaCtion, remarked
to Lord alverstene later that he weuld
• never see hie money, again. "Non-
sense i" Said Lord Alverstone; but, as
the friend was very positive •en the
subject, they bad a sznall:betamon it.
Some mo-nths later, meeting Lord Al- '
verstone by accideut,the betting
friend' aelted if his lordship had ever
-reeeived the money from their
tual acquaintance. . '
"No," replied I,ord Alverstone, "but
lonly this morning' I received a. note
from hire, which will 'More than re-
pay ins for my loss. Knowing that
stlie time is past at which he was. to
repay the loan, I Wrote. to him, and
this morning receivedthe following
"Dear 'lard A Iverstone,-Enclosed
• please find a postal order, for £.1.• for
I'm hanged if I can !-Yours, ate.'"
It isn't so clifficelt to strengthen a
"weakStoneech if one goes at it correct-
ly. And this is true of the Heart and
Kidneys. The olcl-fashinned way of
dosing the Stomach or stimulating the
Heart or Kidneys is eurely wrong! Dr
Shoop'Erst pointed out this error. 'tie -
to the weak or ailing nerves, of these
organs," Said he. Each inside organ
has its controlling or inside nerve."
When these nerves fail then those Jr
gene must surely feltet. This vital
truth is leading druggists everywhere
to dispense and, recommendDr khoop's
Restorative: A tew days test will sure-
ly tell! Sold by all dealers.
▪ Ellutisient Cures Garget Cow his
House to. Rent .
• That otanmodions dwelling on Mary Rt.,
10 roome,eleotrio light, good garden, choice
fruit tree% Apply to •
For Sale •••••*,:,--;•
Roam in rod repair, One hail acre of garlIen;
barn, stable and drivegood location. Ad-
'. dress C. W. HOLME1 •
gins '•
• . .• Londesboro;•
. . .
Property lor.Sale
The undersigned otters for' rale two houses
and lois, acre each. on North $t. Houses fair-
ly consfortable.bwili be sold cheap. Apply to
41n • hats. BLACKER
. .For Sale Or to Rent... •
• ,
house and lot in Honnesvilie The
house con -
The undersigned offora for sale or to rent his
. • taint 7 rooms and woodshed and stable, together
with large two aterey frame Viiilding, having
• beelrused for a chopping mill; plenty' of good
water and a good garden. Property now mem-
Died by W. Fisher dvholihs bought a farm in
Colborne. For particulars apnly to
41pd POTTER, Huron Road, Goderich Tp
Had Heart Trouble and ShOrtneSs
of Breath for S1Tears
oured Mrs. X. E. Bright, Burnley; Ont:
She writer): "I Was greatly troubled, for
Six yearte with my heart and shortness oE
breath. 1 could not walk eighty rods with-
out resting foursor five times in that short
dietetic& I got so weak and thin1 only
weighed tieventy-three pounds. I decided
est last to take seine of Milburnei Road and
Nerve ?ills, and after, taking eight boxes
/ gained in strength and weight, and now
*eV& one hundred and thirteen pounds,
the most eta weighed in my life, 4 feel
well and tan work rui" well no ever 4 did,
and can heartily thank Milburna Mart and
Nerve Pills for it ail," •.
Price SO ciente per bole or 'boxer) foe
SUS et en dealers, or meled direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,,
Limited) Toronto Onto
Bailie for Sale
stibseriber offers for side his largo and dash,
able house on Huron Street, furnished , with all
niodern conveniences, hot and cold water •np,
stairs and down, with bath; hard and soft water,
large stable aad driving abed.bearing fruit trtes.
Also half -acre lot opposite McKenzie's plain'
Ing 111111. • J. W. IRWIN, Clinton.
Farm tor Sale
The undersigned offoril ffir Pale blefarteof,100
Urea, being Lot 20, Con 2, H. 0,8,, Triekersmith
Thio isa good arta in iv good state of clowa.
use, and in a first oats iocatity, There are good
buildings on the uropertv. The farm is Offered
itt Olio parcel or will be sold hi two parcels if de-
sired. 17or further mrticulars apply to
• STON2.,
400 chrletine 85.
. (tt) Sarnia, Ont.
?Tarm for Sale or to Rent.
4 4
Flubaerlber ffor. ble farm 111 1964 fl,CtOtl. tette
Lot 38, Ceti 84 Base Lino, Itttllette. TIM farm Ps
In a good location, being 11 miles trent school,
chtirell, Post (due, and state the Ian d Is 8000
669, itt it good state of eultivation ; is Well vat,
ered ; there is e never failing string at the turn
it is fairly Well fended, end, has geed buildings
thereon. There it able a, boating orohard Of 6
Sores. rot Dank:Wets itsplY at istm te
WatTnIt Main
itunneseieit te O.
iirtse or Stec rtleSIOIAN, EIURGEON.
DR W. Tuosivoeys.
acio.p. Surgeon,' gte •
tioneelerattention givento diseases Oahe
Etit..tlan Throat, and Eosic,
. ' Office and ResIdenci.
Two.deora 'WOOS or the C04114Orelall Hotel
• Huron SS..
Or. W. Gunn
Dr. W. Gunn, 1.. n, (1. 5, Edda.
Office—Ontario. Street* Cliatoi. Night calls 40
front door of office or residence, liattenburs
Office hours at hoseltaa-1, to 3 p:n1,; 7 to 9 pap,
1111. SHAW,
• Acconcheur, .ete„ office and .residence on
()n Maple St, one half Imre of ground,
good fruit trees and other email fruit,
houseein gaol oonditisu, Apply to
. • House for Sale. -
te4bury sp., onposite W„ Farran:s residence..
comfortable frame house :on Mil! St.,
*containing 8 bedrooms, sitting roon:i, pan-
try woodshed, good cellar, hard • and, stift
water. One-quarter sore lot. Will be wild,
°heels. Apply at 'NEW ERA Office, "sir
pdla • HENRY FOLLAND, Clinton.
'louse for Sale "
• The large cottage on Queen street, be-
longing to the estate of the late E. Ilotmes
is offered for sale. 'The lot 10 one-half
• acre, with bearing fruit trees, hard and
cleft water. A bargain, Apply 46 NEW.
ERA office. •
Good Frame ltse tor Sale
. ' or to tent ••
Sibtoziber effers fcr tate or to rent his
large eine comfortable ... frame bOntle On
Hnian Street west, containing 9 roome,
with bath room, closets, 'weal rcorn and
pantry. Good cellar and 1 urnace, also
good stable, • J, Ie. LINDSAY, Clinton.
• Portlued Cement
All orders for Perused Cement prompt.
ly liuied. Sampson Brand Yortland Cement
toe best in the wood, 3. A, HAMILTON,
., • . • coal dettler.
• Shin thorns tor Sale
• .
2 good yonofg'bulls 10 and 12 months old,
sired by peke of Richraond,aed bred I tom
;odd cows, prices to stilt ibe times.. • Also
t quantity cf good seed barley. .
• ' ()linton P.O. .
• DR. 11%, R. AXON
(Sliceessor to .7.)r. Holries
sped/Mal lutirentkitsul Dridge IVerlr.:
• Graduate of the BoYal College Of Dental teem
aeons of Ontario.
,Honor graduate of University of Toronto Deis.
tal Department.
Graduate.of Chicago College of Dental flarzerP'
obicage. •
• Will visit Payee -Meyer), atonally, .
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
ene8nPtnatiprinreietasekeanetp0orire.4 ental. tresati
• Miscelianeous. '
OSUER ON MA.RRIAGE etosneetes-
. No witnesses reouired
• Live stock and general Auction Set-
1)1,1 X, 91.07.11 gR183 a speteati, tholes at am • •
N EV, ..ERA mace, Clinton, ortmptly attended
to. Tering reasbnable, Farmers' sale note '
G.' A). ,lllciaggatt M. D. MoTaggar
finigkERs .
.4LBERT .ST cilaNTON •
. tseneral Sanklng Btaiiidesta
transacted : • •.
• Drafts iesaed. Interest allOWed on •
• deposits. ' •
• . •
• "
The 111c/Cillift•—•ivivittlair
Fire Insurance Co.
Farm for Sale...
• That .very valuable farm .belonging to
the undereissed, elinatEd three miles irom
• Auburn station, six miles from Blyth, 200
wires, school at cm ner of lot, 20"scres • of
.laird-wooe bush, 2 fortis 'of °roller d. • first-
class buildings, well fenced, well watered,
in a high state of cultivation and excellent
roll ; 'one of the beet farms in the cLentry.
Terms easy.. Apple THUS. BBOW.N, -
6.18.3m . • . Blyth, Ont.
..Farm tor Sale.
' A drat -class 200 -acre. farm' in West' Wit -
waned], Lot 27, IDQD. 5, with 175 acres in
good state of cuitivamon' tvell .fenced, well
watered, goal orchard,large bank. barn,
good house.. Poeaftine, blacksmith and
store 'at corner of farm. Convenient to
school and church. at miles from church
ancestatt n,at Auburn. Terms easy.
. . HARICISON4Lttaknow.
Faint for Sale or to Rent.
• Farm Lot 82, 08n. 9, consisting of 100
sores, in goon state of cultivation; 10 scan
of hard wood bush, large frame house,
barn 40175, with wall underneath, driving
shed 40x20; two orchards, well watered:
and. fenced. For farther petite:clam ap-
Rattenbury Ss, Clinton.
Blatksmith Shop and Boise
for Sale or Bent.
. .
• The undereigned effers for isle or to
to tent, a Blacksmith Shop and outfit of
•t00% doing a gOod bisiness near Pine
River. Also comfortable house and ball -
acre oreand. Owner's only teaser, for
selling is :bat be wants to retire from
buitineete FEED, G, WEFT
false River.
A Good Positkon/Open.
•The Eeniteble Life Ateurance Society
of the United States will be pleased to.
receive eppliesticine for its general agency
for Clinton and vicinity. To the right
man, even without life assaraboe exper-
ience, but Oen show it good past busineee
!word, an attractive income contract will
be made, Address confidentially, if de-
sired, 0. T. GILLESPIE, Mgr. Equit.
able late, 24 Zing 81, West, Toronto.
Farm to Rent.
'70 Mires in Hallett, good buildings and
land, ,in Istiod conditiomm
il. oheters any
time. W. BEYDUNE,
tf ' Clinton, .
, To the ,Public
paving maned a Butehor Shop, In Clinton'
situated in the store formerly occuplAd by Mr,
W. T. Smith, Imo St, I seals, share ef your
patronage. As / have to pay cab Inc all 1 buy,
kindly do not antes° ine, by askisitcredit.
Ina. 86.
Copy for changes of aavertisement
must be handed in by Tuesday
sight. Small transient ads, will be
rezteived up to Thursday morning.
Perm and Isolated ToWn Props, ••
• erty OnlY. Insured. .,
J. B. McLean,PresideneSeaforth; Thole
Eraser Vice-pres., Brucefield; Theis. kl• e
Hays, •jSecy. Treas., SeafortIn
• Jas. Connelly, nolinesville; lJoha&
Watt, Oarlock; G. Dale Clinton; M.
• 'Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech.'
woon.; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben -
newels, Brodhagen. ,
• Eachlrefirector is inspector °flosses
hie own locality. . •
Robt. Smith, Harlock; &Li Hinchlelj.
Seaford); James: Cumming, 'Eginonda
•title; J. W. Yee. 1.1ohnesville '•
Palater and Paper Hanier..e.
All work guaranteed.
• Prices ,reasonable,
Residence nearly opposite &tie
Collegiate Institute.
Fire, Life and Acciclentt
• Real estate bought and a0_1/2_
Money *0 loan •• •
Office Tame Street, next door io New,
•• Era,
Mossey-liorris Agy
Havino taken -the agebey :for them
Massey-Oarrie Co., I will be glad ' la
show farmers any kind of Mash ibeeye
or Implefient they desire. Binders,
Mowers, Ctslilvaters• Gasoline Engines and
all kinds Of Farm Machinery. '
Opposite Melstms Bank Clint:in.
The Myers
Ida 9. Holmes, - Teacheal,,,
The Myra' Mtisic Method, for be
tiers, provides a thorough prepare
course in the rudiments of musie, flo
lessons are conducted on Kindergarten
models, and include practical -Piave*
teaching, making the study pleatiu
• and interesting.
Private Imola also given, and perils
oreparad for the Oonsorstory Juselee ate%
Bowe tor Sale
Good otarifOrtible frame house, �n iringsttp.,
Ply to A. J. GRIO(1.