Clinton New Era, 1908-11-05, Page 8THE MURTON NEW SRA Now fah 900 Samples +�� the famous ��an �►���s: To be ..0.1d 11er .g.ttird:ety...04 Next Week Saturday morning we place on sale the ga. xngiea of the fam.ol1a Penxhan zxiillsh the i n greatest underwear xnantt,facturer s n �a- . ada, makers of the famous "PenAngle" brand, We were fortunate indeed in secur- ing the sem pdes. of this seat manufacturer az1,d people who buy them from uta will •be equally fortunate. They are ' the' samples. .their agents used in selling to the whole- sale trade, and•our prices for thein Saturday will be 1ovrer than, the goods could. be bought for in any wholesale house in Can.. ada. ' There is nothing the matter with them, except some of the garments : are. slightly soiled. :The earlier you come the better the chocie. There are two gar>:ta.ents of practically ever line that is shoi. There�Y will be ' Underwear for Women Underwear for Children Hosiery for Ladies .A1-1 perfect goods. Every Garment a .. sample, and sold at sample prices,.it is' a good chalice to save money. Don't miss it, Ladies coats that. have ,Style We are Showing this week some very hand- some winter coats for -ladies. in mot cases. there is bone garment of any single. style. Each has been designed, cut and tailored by an .expert and. these garments are productions of thebest cloak factory in Canada. All are new. If you have any coat buying to do, come and see them. Prices of these handsome models 12.40 to $25. Cold Weather Gloves New kid and woolen glovesare on our counter, •right shades and thoroughly good qualities. Just the proper weight for Fall and Winter wear. Woollen Gloves 25c Ladies knitted and Woollen. Gloves.Made from soft but strong imported yarns. Black, White, Brown, Navy and .Cardinal. A splendid • glove at a -- popular price. All sizes per pair .:........ . ... ..... Woollen Gloves 50e These are exceptionally good Gloves„Well knitt- ed from the best o yarns, t Y ,good len th dome fasten. ere, Blacks and Colors. Special value per fair , ..5,0.. Leather Walk cn Gloves 1.2a Ladies' Leather WalkingGloves, . .. oyes, Tan shades,. pique sewn, extra heavy, very dressy.' Special qual q ity, per pair .��.rLS Silk Lined Mocha Gloves 0.50_ Silk Lined MochaGlov'es,Tnost popular winter glove we ever sold. Black, Greys, Tars and Brown. All sizes; per pair 000114 . , $1,50 11 Special Toque at 50e A big shipment of Woollen Toques just open. Splendid quality, properly knitted and shaped: Full • size. White, Red. Navy, Black and ' Combinations. Extra value an each. .... . • 44( Lined Saten Skirts $1.50 , Black Sateen Underskirts, made front extra qual- a ity`Black Sateen. Good weight, globs": finish, -cut very full, trimmed 'with frills and ruffles. • Lineditj Kit with gisd quality flannelette, Special value 50c New Wide Frilling iIa1f a dozen good patterns in the, popular wide Drillings in this week. New designs. White, Creams and Colors. All at popular prices The Bargain Dress Goods Still some of these bargain Dress Goods left: They are beyond a doubt the cheapest Dress Goods we ever sold. Qualities that are beyond question.: If we had not bought them ourselves. away helot!. their worth we could not sell them for any such,: prides. - 50e and 60c Dress Goods for 85e 75e to $1.80 Dass Goods for 550 $1 to $1.25 Dress Goods -tor 75e $1,60 Black T'atetta S31k..,.$t.05 20e Black sateen tor ...; ....12ic All because we were fortunate enough to'get art of a bankrupt garment manufacturer's stock at practically our own prices, ciSir tpro = • 11 t PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY rtz ue?P ra AND vs1Lr8 WaNTA- li1BhW A urtea.Pad. QA1TGQN Q6 r• AGENO '. —Basket shipped 'Wednes- , days, Lai;ndry caked for and de- livered.—ADDIE L. KAUI'MAX. o or • Rooms formerly o byt•ef iii rl y erupted xi ilea tie ' DR. OVENS,London, Surgeon, Ocu. list. Specialist, will he at W. S. It, Holmes' Drug s Ore, on Friday, Nov. 20th. Gasses properly fitted, deafness catarrh and failing eyesight treated. Hours 11 to 4 p.m. , CLINTON NEW ERA 01.41 TTON. ONT.. NOV 5, 1908 Local Notices. HOSPITAL NOTES --We ar' please to hear that Mies; Mary Chamney of West Wawunosh, who underwent an operation i;r the hospital nearly tnree weeks ago, has recovered. rapidly and gone home. • Mins Lydia, Koehler of `.Zurich, returned from the hospital, on Tuesday, • THE REEVESUIP. Jt Is said that the friends of Mr. W. G, Smyth are pressing him to rim for the Reeveship,. in opposition to Reeve B, 3, G bbinga. The latter has yery acceptably end efficiently performea the duties per. taining to this office, and as he will again be a candidate therefor, there does not appear to be any reason .why he should not again be elected, A NOW INDUSTRY—Mr Jonathan Brown, late of ]3nlmesville, has par* chased a portion of the building well known iks Rumba & McMath's carri- age shop, and is removing the aame to the premises adjacent to the Electric Light plant. Mr Brown purposes in-, staffing an up to -date gram chopping and grinding outfit and will ase elec- tric power for its. operation, He has chosen a. good stand for convenient. power,as well as from a business point of view. • THEY 'DO IT HERE—Mr 1•oynt, of Lucknow; suggests that the bath par- ties'unite in getting their election 're. turns infuture, instead .of each party hiring ahall and paying' for .separate returns. They used to. get separate election returns here until the parties got wiser, Now they—get theca alto- gether, and though the +'msdioine" is once in a while a little hard to take as the election of a, Grit or Tory is an- nounced, .yet both parties take it gond 'naturedly, and are none •the worse for i t.:.. • OURSELVES —Taking out an old press andputting ina new hag . inter- fered..materially with the usual issues of the New Bea for the last three weeks and wehave'te thank our confrere of the News Record for courtesies extend: ed us during that time. We :expect that from this•time forth the New Era will come, out with the accustomed regularity. And we further intend that every effort will be niadeto main-'. tain what it bas been in the past,—an acceptable .weekly visitor into hund- •xeds of homes in this Vicinity. . NA13,110W ESCAPE'—The evening'. train to Wingham, on Thursday, had a .narrow .escape :fropi what might have beena serious' accident.; After backing in on the "switch •near, Wing - ham, the train slowed down to go into. Wingham,and 'while ' it was moving slowly, the pony trucks under the lo. oomotive, in some unaccountable man- ner. became loosened and dropped; ;al- lowing the front of the engine .to. fall -on the track. Had the train been running';, at any speed the . •accident would •certainly 'have been serious. Busses were procured front Wingbam, and the passengers relieved, and the auxiliar+yIfrom Palmerston spent half the night -in clearing the track and _gettingthe engine ne out of the road: DEATH OF MRS THOMAS.—One of the pioneer settlers Of Huron phased away on. Sunday, in the person of Mrs, `Thomas, relict of the late Thomas Thomas: She bad been a resident of Clinton for a good many years, but` had, been in declining health for some time, though neververy ili. until' the la`st',few weeks. She made her home with her nephew. Mr. Onslow.Crich, i or ` the last four .years; Born in: Nottinghame, Eng., she came to Clan -k ada in 1837 with the other members of her family,th eCri' rhes.. who `settled in Tuckersmith, where, with theca, she endureda pioneer's. hardships. She was three times married, the late Thomas Thomas having predeceased her some 26 years. She bad no family. She was.. the last survivor of a family of_6_brotliers arid, 8• sisters, and lived to be older than any other member of the family. For years she has been a member of the AnglicanUhnrch,. Rev. Mr.:Gunne conducting the burial.ser- vices. ThepalI.bearer's were :Messrs., T and 11 Beacom, J, Govett, W Robb, Geo. Pickett and $ Pluminer. GOOD WOEtKMEN — Since the.. Foundry closed down, men who run Machinery of different kind's • have- Of- ten felt the need of a good machine shop, and expert machinists, where re. pairs that are often beyond the facili- itres of the average' blacksmith, good as they are; 'can be procriptly made. It is not either convenient or satisfactory to send broken., machinery to other places to have it repaired,and the New Era. is glad that it can bear testimony to the efficiency of a nem right in the town that are capable 'of repairing machinery, though their facilities may not be as extensive 'as those of more pretentious machinists. Lost week we, broke the main driving shaft of a large job press, and. it .looked like de- lay and annoyance while it was sent away from town to be repaired ; but the services' of Mr Albert Seeley, of Seeley 8c West, were called in, and al- though the repair involved. the making and fitting of a new shaft, he was equalto the . emergency,' It was a sample of good work, and proves that certain kinds of repairing can be as well done here as awayfrom town. DRAMATIC CUM :— The Clinton •Dramatic Club has re -organized: and the following officers chosen.; Hon. President, Dr. Gunn President, Dr. Axon ; Secretary, H Houston ; Treas. urer, J A. Constantine; Stage Director, E. J. Howard Stage Manager, A. Cas. sels ; Adyertising Manager, E, A. Lap - pine ; Wardrobe and Stage cohnmittee, Mieses.Shannon and Chluf and MOMS. 311 Kerr, R A Downs, J. A, I+ord, W. Grundy, and IV Fordd,. The rooms over Twitchell's have been rented, and re- hearsals will begin on Wednesday of this week. Richard I1:I will be pub on. 44 oesible before the holidays, and the f0 lowing are in' the cast ;... Duke of Gloster,' k7 J Howard • Jing Henry VI R. A. ,Downs ; Prinde Of Wales, W. Ii: Ford ; Duke of°York, F 0 Ford ; :Earl of Richmond, Bert" Kerr ; Duke of Buckingbatn, F. A. Axon ; Due cf Norfolk, IV J Harland ; Tressel, 'WE Grundy ; Lord Stanley, 3. McLeod Gatesbq,. A Oonliff ; Ratcliff,li Hous- ton ; Earl of Oxford, W. G. Moffatt ; Slue„ W. W. Nimens ; Lieut of the Tower, II :A• 0onstantine ; Tirrell, W L Johnson i Lord Mayor, G W •Sheeley ; Qdeen Ehzsbeth, Miss Tennis Shannon; Lad Abele. Grace ohm; Duchess of York, Pearl Shannon. • THANKS. .4,1r Motel), of the Itoulie of Refuge, desires to thank the ineu;r- here of the Epworth League of Qatar. lo. St Church,, for a maple cream and grape lunch an entertainment pro- vided the ipinates a few evenings eine Which waever Y �uc .e enjoyed. ed, MASS MEETING— A public meet. ing will be held its the Town Mali, on. Sunday Nov 8. commencing at 4 o'clock,: to be addressed by fiev Dr Chown, Secretary of Social and Moral efrm, will chair. Suitable music will be pro- ryoideThe Mayor ace, any thed, MONUMENTS— Messrs Hoover Bali, of Olinton Marble Works, this week erected aNew-Quincy Granite monument to the memory of the late .A,. Qadzow, in Burns OemeterY, Hut lett. 'They also erected a Scotch Gran- ite in Ootborne Cemetery, to the mem- ory of the late -S Lautenslayer, LAWN' BOWLING SUPPER—On Wednesday evening, Mr, W. Jackson, President of .the Lawn Bowling Club, entertained themembers thereof, to the number of 00, at his home.. They marched there in ,L. body, headed: by Piper McDonald, of Seaforth. and had a port rightwill .royal time, xnorcweek, detailed re - PIANO t ' PIANO SALES,.Mr O Hoare of the Miele avid Shoe Emporium has recent- 1y.eold me fin vi, two to partiessoat Godericvery e b, oneew topianos$lugs- bridge, one to i11rs. 8. 'Walker, near Brussels, one specially grand to Mrs John Manning, west of Londea- bot•o, the latter two being special Louis XV, and Exhibition style Newcombe Grande. BA CIC TO THE OLD blast —Bir. Geo Levis, Who for two years has been ikn agent for the Mc Vormi:k Ma.nnfac. turfing Co nas gone hack to the Mas- sey Hartle Oo.,with which hewas con- nected forears,, Mr Levis • must be a good and efcient representative when so extensive a company aa the Massey- Darris are anxious to retain his servic- es, GOT. THE . CONTRACT.. Messrs,' Walker & Ross have secured the con- tract for furnishing the interior of the new Presbyterian ChurchatBrucefeld which includes atwo;manual Doherty Organ, chairs, carpets,matting, etc. They had to compete with opposition from ..•leaforth,Loudon, and and it speaks welt fora Olinon firm that, they were•able to secure his con- tract. HORTIOU MURAL , SOCIETY—At a meeting•of the directors of the Hort. 'cultural Society, bold on Wednesday it was decided to affiliate with the0en- tral:Horticnttural Association. Messrs T. Cottle, J. Cunningham, and ' M. D. McTaggart were 'appointed delegates to attend the annual meeting in Tor- onto, on. the 8th and 9th....The-annual meetingof the Clinton Society will be held on Friday evening, Oth, in the Clerk's office. • „ HURON .OLD BOYS — The Execs tive Coniniiittee of the Huron Old Boys':Association ' of Toronto, met on Friday evening at. the Rossin House to prepare the association's program. for the winter. It was decided to hold the annual meeting at the Rossin House on the twentieth of. November ' and'to extend to all former residents 'of the county” of .Huron a cordlal;in- viitation to be present. The 'annual reunion and dance will • he held in the Tenaple building on the first Friday in • March. • • DEATH OP MISS WHITELY -Miss C Whitely,who has been a sufferer `•for'.,some time with cancer,'passed. away on Friday afternoon. She was -the third; daughter'of the late Witi Whitely, of Tnickersreith, but has re - (sided in town for several v r at. hs. - h e e was 55 years of age, and was.convertted when' ten years :old, .and has been a member of. the Methodist church ever since, and of the League,' but has :not . been,able to attend for some .length of. time. She taught. the Bible class in . Turner's chercti.fdr:two' years ; she at- . • tended the School Board of, the County ,of Huron, and received a. first, class. certificate: and. taught ;school. for a short time, but being xn poor :health,• she grave up" her position. She was amember of Wegtev church, arid. - bore her sufferings:•with Christian resignation. She leaves three . sisters in toting and -one in Ottawa, .ilirs W Lawrence. The remains were interred .in Turner's cemetery. 'on Sunday. Services were conducted by. Be*, Mr Jolliffe, the pall bearers ' being Messrs - P Cantelon, F Jackson, Jas -Scott. Jae McMath, Ei, Moines and. F E.: Hodgen. A BHT EI3'S--A: foretaste of winter was • experienced : on .Friday by the first snowfall of the season.... Mr Holmes, druggist, has installed a. new system of. gasoline lighting in his store..... Hen Uhown, df. the Knitting Factory staff, bas moved into the .Little cottage, on Mary street... .,Information, Waslaid against:Bosaritii Corea, one of the G.T. R. cement kang, for being drunk and djsorderly ; the .Police Magistrate im- posed. a fine of S5 and nests...an A.n aged resident -of Clinton, whose. husband was at one time a well -to -de farmer in this vicinity, was committed ;to the Rouse of 'Refuge on .Tuesday, ; S. S. Cooper has the -contract for the erection of the new bowling alley ...The friends of Mrs Monteith will re- gret to hear that she is quit` i11; she is one df.the. old pioneers of fhe county, and has many old acqquaintances who will regret to know of her illness , Mr Chas. Levy, who met with an acci. dent in Colborne on Sunday, resulting in his death, ivas the father of Mr Ed. Levy, of ,town ; the .remains were brought here, and then taken to Mitch- ell for interment A new barn is re- • placing the one burnt on the property of Mr Albert Seeley, Rattenbury 8.., Sept. 23rd. Shocking Aceident. 'Mrs Robert Scott aril. Her Hoye, aged 12 and It years,Tnsta ntly Iirilled near Blyth, Ont., Through Rig Being .Struck By a Q. P. R. Engine, A terrible accident occurred ata 0. 1', R. crossing in Hallett, at Scott's Side road, con 18, 'Wednesday. While Mrs Robt, Scott and her two boys, one 12, and the other 14 years of age. were driving to Auburn, an engine and ten- der running light to Godericb, caught them and killed Mrs *attend one boy instantly. The other lived a few minx utes atter being picked up, The horse escaped. It would appear that Mrs. Scott was endeavoring to get across ahead of the locomotive, but only the horse cleared the track when the clash Dame, One of the boys had bis headsevered, the other, part of head lying at a dia. tanee,%' The horse was over the track, and was a unhurt�th e boggy was sa complete t wrcIm Immediately behind, arid so close that his horse just missed, Win Brunsdon,of ondeabo , saw it all, and at once notified those most intimately concerned,and Ooron- er Milne was on -the spot in a remark. ably short space of time. Mr. Bruns. don declares the engine did not whistle, but Mrs Kruse, in a farm house near by, declares she heard it distinctly; a high„wind was blowing. which no doubaccounts for the apparent fact that the occupantsof neither rigs Beard the warnin . Mrs Scott was formerly Miss Eliza- beth Rowson, sister of Vet. 0 Howson, of Auburn, and .cousin of Miss Amy Howson, Clinton. The awful tragedy, has plunged the entire district into gloom. • Death Of Mrs Frank Jones A St Thomas Dakota paper'iontains the following reference to a former Clintonian: We inesday niort:ing death claimed Mrs Frank Jones, who has been batt- ling bravely against typhoid fever for two weeks. .Che patient's chances for recovery Were excellent Until last l±r�day,when heart complications set. in. She rallied trent a number of Wicking spells, but .Mondayparalysis of the bowels set in,and a fw minutes past midnight Tuesday, ,the' final struggle came, Emrna Copp Jones was born in 18118 at Merton,Devonshire Eng, Iler childhood was passed in her native land. In 1870 she came to Clinton, Ont., where she was• married at the age of eighteen to Frank Jones Who predeceased her in death some veers' ago. The family moved to St Thomas in 1881, where they have since resided. Mrs Sones was a whole hearted, genial woman, of generous impulses, Iler going will leave a vacancy in the home circle that no other can su ply`. She is survived by a sister, Mrs Chas (Smith, of thif cit , and two br3thera. Charles of Clinton, Ont.. and ,Earnest Copp, o Eagle Grove, Ia. We believe in 4oing things rather than talking, 3g, 'we don't claim to have the largest stock in Canada or to give you the bigest bargain on earth, we simply main.. tale that in WALL* PAPPR We have tat offer you a great advantage in quality, assortment and price, 'SXX D IN11Ii 11 DOLLARS WORTH of it bought at'rate on the dollar. Its here for your buying RaJf=Price, n some cases less,' an 'opportunity seldom offered you,'see.our 25c ' Remnants, bi er and better than' ever. • The Often the _Cbeapest.. Always the ,Best. meumniminsimammuliaismariewsummainalliimminitimumoumn 0 ifle -Clot .and Dress r• ,e, • t•tr About'three hundred and `t~if t ards. of Beaver Cloth Cheviots Roug, Curls Freizand FancBrocade Clothin Blau, Blue; Brbw�_,Fawnsand :check; ' Tweeds s •from .$1.50 up . to $$100 per' `.ard 55 inches wide all to : go a one rice_-_ p . 1. � er yard. A bout•one hundred•yard`' Fancy TweedMantle Cloths. 50 inches Wide, . l ar d out ':at regular- �1 and 1.25 to hQ e. e e �0� 'vett r yard . About one' hundred yards stripe e Ei:der-duwns : and Me ton (Io fhs Reinter ner35c and�Oc-�er • ard•for. . )1.5f; ver::. •ard . oarrie11 not these mad •��z ri last �:o� t t eS �"' S Harris Home spun Dress Goods 50 dress lengths of Harris •Home- spun'z'weeds---No two alike --Beautiful. colorings . and` designs. Our : Dress Goods stock is too heavy, which is the only reason for doubting these g.00ds.:' Reg. and $1.5o per yard. 'Friday and Saturday your choice at 75c :,pper yard, sola yards Fancy' !Tweed Dress foods, splendid wearing qualities Just e thing for odd skirts and children's school dresses. Reg. 75c :and $1.0o per.yard . ' Friday and Saturday, your choice at 50cpper yard.. Save Or.. a Dolla`'r on Boy's` Overcoats 25 ' Boy's navy blue Beaver; doable'° breasted Reefers, storm collar, tweed. lined, ,brass buttons, . reg. $3.5o , 35 • cam: for $2,50: ><o Boy's dark grey Cheviot Over. coats,' single breasted, velvet collar, fi ting boys three ' to six years only, Reg..$5.00 for $3.50 so Boys' odd lightand dark Tweed Knickers, lined throughout, ' assorted: sues. Reg. $1.25 and $ .5o Ladies and Chlidrens mew Fall. Coats. J' The New Fall and Winter Coats are here in all their l - their beauty. Our values are right, our styles , correct and our prices moderate. You are welcome to call and see tho New Coats .as often asJ opt like,wheather ,roil buy or mi.. -