HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-11-05, Page 4OTANTOR NEW. 1 YOUR ECKS and sere a beautiffa.l: set of *twenty different pieces of ClAt . GIass IRI Some people imagine they will receive only oue;pjece with ever' $$5,OO worth of cheeks, but here are . the conditions: By presetting checks f ,r $35.00 for goods pur- chased at this store, we will. give Fitaa the com- plete seb of ora-pleteset.oftwenty differentpieces of Pres Cut Glade. which is now on view in our store. Save P very check, club together with your neighbor if you wish, and seiure the premium in that way, No better stool;; of Dry Goods around than we are showing this fall. Splendid values and styles in .Dress Goods, Coats for Women and - Children, Furs, Skirts, Millinery and General Dry Goods of every description. Buy your Dry Goods here and secure a beautiful glass set FREE. Styiisb Millinery for Thanksgiving. Our bltlliners have•placed in our show room anumber of entirely .new styles in Flats for Thanksgiving .week. They come in brown. navy, black and myrtle, and are :all* moderately priced, If you avant a new bat for Thanksgiv- ing, hanksgiving, it will be wellworth your while seeing them. • Great Ten Dollar Coat Exceptional values in Stylish Winter Coats axle offer-' ed for Saturday. •A11 nnade from Kersey ,Cloth or English , . Beaver, in colors of biack, navy, royal, myrtle and brown. made with new semi hack, trimmed with buttons and self strapping, silk velvet collars and deep .lapells; a stylishoel n nn servicable coat at the price .. •, ..-„ : , .... i!JO Lots of Better Ones to Select From. A Second, r,.- h prnelC>!.t of Furs rj Ready To=day. - Our second shipment of Furs are .nota •ready...Almost all kinds are shown. and the already large .Witness .we have:done in this line insures moderate prices. Customers tellus our fore are the lowest priced•in town. huality,'of course, eonsidered," Ruffs at $4.95: to $50:00; Stoles at $4.9A td $25.00 Throws $5.00 to $20.00 Muffs at $5.00 to $50.00 % Sir Wilfrid's majority of 50 will pro- bably enable him to get through with the work of his Government without difficulty. The Kingston Standard, Con. thinks no tears will -be 'shed becauseof the Lefurgey. defeat of Fowler- and "In- deed, deed, we veuture that had y been • Ex -Governer Miller of Nbrtb Dakota, Who .died recently in 'Duluth, won. fame years ago by refusing a 3200,000 bribe from the Louisiana State lottery This feature of his. political career t 'deeply impressed on•the_, public mind, Men can live through the memory•of what:they- refused to• do. In ths.Proyineial'election in Prince dropped earlier, some certain Oonser-: Albert. Sask., the Conservative canch.. vatives at least would have .gone into date only got . 0 votes. That's .nearly contest with better taste in their a as bad AS n elect S th H ion mouths, for both Mr Fowler and Mr •tonin 'SouHuon Lefurgey were possessed: of certain once,where an Independent candidate. characteristics which can scarcely be 1. only ot'two Votes, one of whish was to haye appealed to the better class of the Oonse a , his 'own. ' r saves,' - ' 1' 4",, • • . a: i:.i cit .. , ; .• . CNK sY�I E.M. QANE$Glfv 10 DAT astnim Ione In Commria ie good goingIMP Novemtb.rb6, x 8 and 0, raturn limit Novewbar lOih 10os. SfFFFIEE» CHOCK CONCEET., Return tickets at single faro from o f.INTON to LONDON, good going Nov.lith, return limit Nov.12tli. TO 'Vi`ESTEgill CANLDA 'irke atiknotivo, routs is via. Ohlosgo and M. 'FI IAL pLecTioN R TURN West Huron ay. 5th, o8 gust Ram Eleetior Coutmmmued RECAPITULATION; Blyth .. «.138 op Ohisbnlro Brussels , , . , ..... 16 Grey!. . R, ... •.,.169 Howl*. 00 ,..,.,...".♦ • ,10 13 7 5 The; following are the official returns for West Huron a-- As • 1904Fc.D. 190s Lib Coal • .iib Con No 1„........ 47 71 40 78 No 2 ,,.,,. 42 86 -41 84 No. 3 ,,,.•..,,r; 55 tat rain, Minnea sitter bulutb. secure W. cepa of . 44 63 time liable entitled "'Now route to W lnniiieg and N , 4* • • • , , • 27 73 2a 67 Weriei'a Canada via Chicago', from F It TIQDGI.ONS, VP...... Agent. No. 7.;...,.,,, 81 21 ' 77 20 209. M O .,r No. 5....,,.,,, 80 . 31 53 41. • No,'6 ,.. 73 20. 74 16 Morrie . .... «... 14 Turnberry l,., -... Wingbam...... ,.. , Wroxeter..., ... 19 East Wawanosh , , , , 53 CLINTON NEW ERA THURSDAY, 001', 29, 1908. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, of the 0' k. R:, is credited with saying that be hopes the day of railway subsidies is past, „There is not much:justification. for a railway subsidy to any line that passes through a. settled section of country, whitever may be said in its - defence under other conditions,; 352 f i al, or Chisholm , ,, x,83 105 371 354 359• South Huron Official Returns. Si 5 GoPEaroit. The official count in the South Hu- ron69 : election took place before Return- No.62 83 ing Officer, .4.'1ex.11/fustard at Brace - No. 2......„., 00. 9.1 57 100 field on Saturday last. The official No, 3 . R... , .. ,. 63 77 72 8'1 returns give M. Y. Me 4ean, Liberal, a No, 4...... ,,,, (33 65: 64 63 majority of 154. The, following are ,the No, ,i,.„......, 49 • 89 41 62 figures by ,polls. SEAFORTII, }f 1 . 5 w f 4. No.7 71 403'. 51 - No 2 ' ,. 37 27 51 29 No. 3..,, No.4... , ... . 27 30 23 30 No.6,,...... (17 65 61 41 No, 6,...fi,,. , 75 70 78 75 No, 7.,,,... ,..R 35 44 41 38 394 104k 415 391, 100 76 GolaRnX0F4 TOWNsazp No, 1.. , , .. , • .. 34 03 34 68, o. 2..., ,..., 41 56 37 00 No, 3 41 84 43 70 No. 4 21 ' 55 19 60 No, 5 .,.,,,,42 58 52 53 No. .,.,,., .: 31 3:1 31 27 •• • Why should not wamen vote for`par- liamentary candidates under the same Conditions ° as they do. for municipal candidates? If the principle of giving 307 225 275. X913 --- then, votes in one case "iso good, 'baby N 6 _ 8 76 not in another. We would say let them 210 383 216 338 T i+lxtcTEit, vote; that is unmarried women and -- No. 1.., ...31 00 25 02 • spinsters, subject to property outdid- 173. 121 No. 2.... , , , .; 36 CO . 33 51 o OrAnON No.4., 37 62 32 86 cations. ' 5 , 77 48 71 Na:1 66 56 80 a8 No, 2 87 . 62 77 . 72 No, 3. 65 56 64 59 No, 4,,.....,. 51 47 71 40 • A. number of electors lost their votes In the late electien because they had changed' their places -of abode. The law ought to be amended so as to pro- vide 'for the • changes of residenpe. Which are continually baking place; ft• the voter's name appears upon the list in any constituency he ought to be al- lowed to vote somewhere on conditions that would not be hard to provide. Itis suggested that iuthe next session of: Parliament some effort Must be' made to limit the interminable length of.the speeches. One way to do this would be to allow no speeches, except by a.Cabinet Minister or leader of the Opposition, to exceed halm an hour.' Speeches longer than that,by ordinary men*bers, are not.usually of sufficient importance to justify a waste of time. Poiiteial 'Pointers The return of Mr Lemieux in Gaspe.' increases the Government's majority' again to50.' P to South Sirricoe, Lennox, Conserv 'ative, had 1529 of• a majority, and opponent loses his deposit. • . • Mr •Conuiee, the' much -abused, of thunder Bay, has about 000 majority, Humboldt; Sask:, ,which the 'Opposit. ien.proressed to be so sure of carrying gives about 1,500 of . a Liberal majority: berehas been some _talk for' the, .ast`da or two that the 'ne arli• y w p a meat will meet in December, but the probability is. that there:' wid he no session .until January.. Sir Wilfrid would have liked to have celled Par- liament in. December, but the House of Commons building is in such a chaotic btate.that it will take the con•' tractor all his time to have the new wing ready foroccupancy :by, the Middle of January, . fA26 '• 4. 0 $4.50 and $5.O0 The reputation of a shoe is the concensus of opinion of all who have actually tried.. it. Sometimes shoe reputation is valuable. • The., reputation of the ",,ween Quality" Shoe: for example: is one of the most valuable assets in the entire' shoe trade of this cduntryto-day. Hundreds of thousands cif women buy "Queen Quality" Shoes every year simply because they know they can rely on their reputation. The only ordinary thing about them is the price. We have the Sole. A.genest for these famous shoes. Wei want to slow you the new' fashions which are now ready. , , . ',Fred' Jacks�n. 272 221 292 d225 WEST y 51 .'' 67 ,Y W I, ANOSU No. 1 , 51 6,3 49 68 No. 2.... 45 57 . 42 54 No. 3 ' , 33 63 29 51 No. 6 ,... 7a `.34. ' 61 . 34 No,. 5...,. 55 39 51 28 259: 256: 232 •235 Hum.ETT . • • No 1 No. 2 ... . : 67 52 61 '5 5 No. 3 ..... ,.... ,48 33'. 44 27 No. ..... 74' :.4-1 73 46' No. 5 .. • , • 37 '27 30 . 28 No; 6 , 53 ' 31 . 53 • 35 .. No. 7 - 44 42 39 41 385 281 .354 - 283 104 71: • ` CoLBont E . o.' 1 81 59 .7l 4O No. 2 . .. 28 50 23 42 No. 3.03 , S9 71 70 No, 4.... 5a 36 444 34 225 231• 212 206 62 52' 51 51 • RECAPITULATION ' Ashfield 4011 . 374 . . 354 359 Colborne. 225. 231 212 206 Goderich.. • 394 491; 415 ' "` 491;' Goderich •tp' 21(1; 383 .216 : 388' 272 ' 221 . 292 225 Wawanosh W 259 250 232' 235 Hallett '385 281 • 354 283 . 2150 23.3. 21175 '' 2[37: •Majority for Lewis 93 62 • Froin the fore g sin it• will be seen that the Liberals polled '75 votes' less than they :did in 1904, while the Con-' servativee polled' 106.. less. In Asbfi€ld the Liberals ..polled 5I Tess than in •the :previous Election, while the Conserva- tives only polled 16 less.. IO.Goclerich the Liberals got,21 more,and the,Con • servatives 31ess.. In (3oderich Tp , the Liberals ` got -6 more `cotes, while' the Conservatives got 45 lest. In Clinton the Liberals: got 20 more than• before. and the Conservatives4inore.. InWest Wawa.:bsh the Liberals polled 27 votes less•and the Conservatives 21. In Hut. .lett the Liberals: palled 21. votes leas' and the Conservatives 3 more.. In Ci 1.1 borne the Liberals., polled 13 less and the : Conservatives 28, in Godei.ich, Clinton and Hullett the Conservative. voteelectionswas.practically the: same in' both East-:Huron.O cial.Jtoturns • Inoue a Chis Dint Blyth No.1 ;., • No 2,.....'r. 49 37 Maj..fOr Hislop 100 8 Brussels No. 1 34 36 No. 2. . 46 , 4(► • °' No.3.... 43 31 • 123 107 Maj. for Hislop . 16 Grey, No. 1........:. 58 65 a»No, 2 • 55 29 No d. .,..:87. 31 No.4 82 37 Nn 5 67 71. 1`o. 6..., . . ..,01 .6% lv o. 7.......,.'.70' 42 480 ' 321. Maj. for Hislop..:. 159 Howick No,1::, 48 • 82, ti, lc,J21 t No 2... . 68 83 dZ 127 1( 8 66 71 No 4 00 No..6.,53 _ 350 549 Maj., for Morris No. 1CO ' 87 No, 2...,,: .4S 41 No. 4r,... « 40 46 No. 5. .. . 5.. 59 No. O01 70 Maj. for Hislop......1.4 !lurnberry I o, 1 .0..49 • 97• No. 2i....70 69 No, 3 .,•.51 F� No, 4 ...,51 41 325 311 221 268 Maj. for Chisholm., .•....., 47 Wroxeter No. 1 •. „ (;a tib Maj. for Iiislop, 10 Wingham No.1 ...,65 • 60 yNy.��o. 2 r . •31 •• ,fits ' /.i o. 3' . r x.41 7(1 No. 4....,8(1 117 187 •802, Ma for O'hisholmM.,.....,,1161 1 Wawanoeh No.1 72 48 No 2............•,01�p�xy}r i0 No. ,ar, .. •,..... , r 56 41 ••'•' No, 4......s,.r.x.R.r1iG. 82 244 401 Maj foie Hili%p...... 63 0 156 274 137 250 118 121 BAY.FIELD NO.... 33 92 . 35 , 82 59 47 Tvc1 ERSQUT5I. No: 1. . . .75' 35 70 31. No, 2.'... ,67 47 .61 41 Na 3 • 51 25 al. 20 No. 4,70 ,y; 21 71 17 No. 5.......,,72 36 09 31 No, 6.. . .,R70 32 72 ' 23 405 • .196. 391 - 176 209 218 $ PANLEY No. 1•.. • ...49 3•i 55 31 No. 2.........:56 31 60 29' No, 3...........35 98 27 100 •.No 4..'....,....13 54 14 50 , No.5 77 45 71 45 228 263 • 227 .200 3a: 33 U5BoNNE No. 1........52 106 • 48 101: No, 2 63 71. 50 60 No. 3;'' • 81 117 ' 37• 105. No. 1, ,-.'73 :a 51 • ' 69 0) 219 339 213 330:' 120. 123.. • No 1.. ,3g • ..35 4}. 84 No. 2 .. , 52 > . 38 22 N c 3.. , ... 107 • 104 115 92 No. 4 47 29 60 15. 'No. 5...., x,'418. ;d4 . .. 47 •, 31. No. 6 53 60' 49 • : 52 No. 7...: .:30 •' 27 29 25 .. No. 8 ....:74' 14 62 '13 137. • 161 Al C KILLOP No. 1 . 118 .26• • 125 22 No. '2 . • ,108 53 102 50 No, 3 • 66' 77 63 ;.78 No.4... ...11 71 75, .63 3006 227 ' 365. 219 13(1 146 LL No. 1..........H01 1ENSk18 91 _110 STErUEN No. 1 32 62 • ,241 ' 61 No. .2. 15 ' 51 16. •40 No. 3...... . .52 .' 62 59. 55 • No. 4..........72 '66 (67 66. No. (1. ..45. 30 57. .29'. 'No. No 0... .45 81 46 74 No. 7........ -OS 6S 30 .55 : 44 No. 8 26 57 16 65. No. 9 a .. 61. 53 50 ,65 417.. 508' . 395 506 • 91 110 Br;cArxT.6LATzo'N .. enfrirth .337 _2?si " 275 ': ltd .Tuckersmith 405 ;196 .? 391 illi Exeter ......156 274 ; 137. 258 • Usborne ...219 . 339 213 336 Stephan ....417 608` ` 395 ; 505 Hensall.. ,.. 91. 118_: 91 -110 1ayfleld ... 33 ' 92 , 35 . 82 ttaniey., ..226 2631' .227 260 • Hay .... ...457 320`. 944 290 McKillop ...868 22'7 • 366, 219 2970 .2562 25E4 24322• 117 • • 454 There were 11 ballots spoiled or re- jected as fellows:-- 'No 1 MoKiliop l 'No.. 5, `J'uckersnaitb, 2 ;No. 1. Stenbe», .2 t No. 3 Hay,•5 : No,' 4 :iia +,1. There: were 221 few r votes polled than •at the •eicction' last,January. Mr. McLean had 91 fewer, and Mr Sherrftt 180, tart/11444'*."%•%4i14► ,46 • :Church ;Chimes. $ e,"..o-161;0 WESLEY • The annual Crusade,• day of the W. M. S. of .Wesley .Church will be held in the lecture roam of the church on Thursday, Nov 12th. A good program end refreshments.^. Business meeting at 7.30', Program at "8''p.rn. Silver' collectiAll are cordially invited,. The past r will preach next Sunday morning. uhjeet?: "Do this in re- membrance naembrance of ine.?