Clinton New Era, 1908-11-05, Page 3Noy. 54h. 1908 Saks *00/StOrm, 4 Uureeereed aUOItQU eale Of Heal% Cattle and IMrdeinente, at Let 4.31BleYe field. Itoedelioderich Tp. , ene NtalrenitierOthi O. Elleett, reopriee 9tor• J. $wLth AnctiOneer. CANADA'S POOR CON. SUMPTIVES. A story mom To.uoyog than anythin from the Pen: of ilte 4144 Ian Maolerem I Canadian Northwest Town. The Village where totopptd was Nit „ Up Aimee Me Oanedien Inlet. I nitd, r been re:v*0440100(10d to me as "quite A busy little burg," but I could nut see that it vrea very different froM other !Nh. small sawmill towns I had observed from the car Window ae I went ort There Weill the same clusteref wocelen otoree, aluoni, ebtircheei lodging housee and hotels, and edribble of reei- dences for a tulle about, The dwelling that reached 04411 magnificence ot two storeys wile ierarity. Most people were content with one storey, and the house was small et that, , Neveuees and raw- ness were very apparent, aocl mere was a good cleaiof the makeshift about the dwellings All the home premises were snugly fenced, and the cowls and horsewere turned loose to browse In the public Ways one along the rail. road tracks, an 1 out into the eurround- ing wilds to suit therneelves. A large sawmill had burned the year before and had not been replaced. Many workers had thetefore moved away, and certain salepne and lodging houses had closed their doors as a con- sequence. These buildings were now little short of ruinous, with ehattered windows, and other marks of neglect and misuse that gave the place a touch of intilanoholy and decay, lin my first (lay, as I sat lathe hotel office I made enquiry about conditions,and one men turned to another and said "Well, Bill, the town's havin a little bit of a boom now, ain't it p" "Tess," replied Bill, "it booms nights. I've heard it ; but I don't see much difference daytimes." "Why is it that your vacant build- ings look to shaky.? ' I asked. "They can't be old," . • • "I suppose," responded bill, "it's be- cause it ain't the habit of the country to build substantial. Even a nice ap- pearin' building is apt to be cheap and thiaevalled. The paint is about, all there is to it." Hera, published by the National Sant - XII the curre, ut issue of the Poop ON' tariuni Aesociatien, 047 King Street West, Torouto, a pap is given over to letters received from the Many persone from all parts of the Dominion seeking admiesion to the Muskoka Free IIospItal for Consumptives. Se dorn have we read anything more pathetic. Here, for exemple, is a, letter from a physician 'hi, Creentore, Ont., asking for the admiasion Of e patient by the name of Morrison. Be eaye "I would like to urge Strongly upon you the great claitas of this patieuL He has no home—mother dead—father working as *farm laborer. The boy has been living with an unmarried uncle— no housekeeper—work, cooking, etc., being done by the uncle. • The boy has absolutely no piece to go where he might be given any reasonable care, and he can get none where he is." Another case is from Thorold. Johnston Weldon vrrit " 1 am a poling married man, twenty- three years of age. For several keine I have been sick, but Always able to keep my feet. Now I have come to the time when I cannot work, and cannot get medicine without.means. My lungs are affected, and I ern writing now to see if you Oen get Me into the Muskoka Free Hospital far Onneuenp- tives. My young wife is here, and her parents have kindly openea their doors to her if I go away." • Just one more of the nearly vre might quote. This is from a physieisin in Olampbellford; Ont Be writes :— " I have a patient suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, who hes been laid off work for about three months now—waii in bed part of that time; but latterly both his pulse and tempers/tuts have kept down and his weight going up. He is the only -support of the family—mother, crippled, father, • and younger brother, but his neighbors are trying to raise a email amount of money to help him." We have sometimes thought that if Ian MacLaren, who has given to us the character of Dr. M.cOlnre, were alive to -day that in letters such as these he would find material for a book more touching and pathetic in many parte than his Bonnie Briar Bush. It is on behalf of cases like these, of which there are scores reaching the Secretary of the Sanatorium every week, that the Muskoka Freellospital for Consumptives makes its appeal to -day for funds. This institution has not at any time, since its doors were first opened in April, 1902, refused a single patient because of the applicant being unable to pay. Contributions may be sent to Mr. W. J. Gage, 84 Spadina Ave., Chairman of the Executive Committee, or t�J. S. Robertson, Secretary -Treasurer of the National Sanitarium Association, 847 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario. 1 CO .A.T.J Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. • Orders may be left at Davis & Rowlaed's Herdware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, At Electric Light Plant. 4. 'HIDES WANTED Cash paid for Hides, Skits. ••• rnd Tall' ow. Fitzsimmions The wholesome, harmless green leav- es and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrulagive to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its curativaproperties- Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough medicine. Dr. Shoop • assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even very young bab- ies. No opium, no chloroform—absol- solutely nothing harsh or harmful. It • cahnb the distressing Gough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Ameno • " ° other. Demand Dr Shovovp's. Sold by • W. S. R. Holmes and. McCon. nell. Mtnegoirs lantseent Cures Colds etc Something New Now is the time to place your Meier for a NEW WIRE FENCE• beforethe inivance n wire. Al Oohed Spring Wire used. Also ageht,for thenOelebrated Heintzman Piano , • Prank IW. Evans Agent Canadian Fence Dos. /IOW 'OA PAINTING AND TRIMMING. /, We can paint your housefor paint and trim your buggy, and make them look like new. All work guaranteed, and our prices are right. ftelliATH & OVERBURY loeslie'sCarriage Shop, °limn riretaire's Eloer Cienerat. Sir john French, hero of the Boer war, oelehrated hiebirthday recently. An Irishman by birth, he is wonder- fully kind-hearted, and an one occa- sion, at Strydfontein,•gave up his own bed to a weary junier officer, and gens ially remarking. "I don't care where 1 sleep." rolled hiz-nself up in his olcialt and ley down. on the floors ' Another time, making his rounds at .midnight, he went out . of his way to guide two belated guarder:sea to their own camp. • It is by little acts of this descrip- tion that Silent John' ha i endeared himself so personally to. his -men. Per- haps the greatest compliment of his career, however, was paid him by an enemy—the ubiquitous De Wee—whci •thought highly of the British soldiers, but seemed our efficers. But when Gen. French's name was 'mentioned to the. great Boer leader, he immediate- ly changed his tone, declaring en- thusiastically: "Ah, he is. the one. Boer general iii. the British atirty !" Treed by Lions. Rhodesia, Eastern Africa; .turns ot some champion big game stories. For • instance rG. Thornbeme, a boatbuild, er of • Liaingstokie, was out after Wild duck on the Zambesi within a mile of the Victoria Yells; when three lions' saw him end 'gave chase.. He took refuge in a tree, and was compelled. to remainthere all night, the lions remaining on the watch. It was not • tail well into the next. day that ,he was discovered by a search party, which quickly routed the hots arid releaeed the prisoner. Thieves and Humor. The reason why Ooclmeys are such smart thieves is that they have e keen sense of humor'. The street arab Picks your pocket while he grits ati yoii. It • is oniY stupid ,thieves wh'ci axe ser-. • bus. Poor Olivet Tenet'seeriouseess - was the cense of his arrest. • The • has • mor of the Artful Dedgeis end Clatirley. • Bates saved • theni. • • Afflicted for years with a Diseased Liver. Mr. i. R. Devitt, Berlin, Ont., better known, perhaps, as "Smallpox Ben," lies MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS He has also used them for his patients when nuriungthemeanditeieewell-linowne fact that-sinall4iox sufferers raustkeep the bo le 11 regulated. . Read whet he ss,ys :—" I have bees afflicted for years With a diseased liver, and have tried all kindis of medicine; but of no • Mail until 'about four years ago I tried your Laxa-Liver Pills, and got instant relief. Since then I have mused different patients • afflicted with emall-pox, and in each ease 1 have imed your valuable pills. • • a My wiahes are that all persons suffering with stomach or liver troubles will try Mil- burn'. •Lexa-Liver Pine. I will advertion them whenever and wherever I have an opportunity and I hope that if at any time I cannot get. the pills, 1 will biefortunate enough M•get the fannies."' /ifilburni Ls/a-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial or 5\ vials for $1.00, at all dealera or will be mailed dire* by The T. Milburn Oo., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ? „ reacher Wanted. At School Seetion No. 5, Hansa. Quali. nations Seeond Olase Nortaal Certificate. Duties coininence at New Year% Apple eatione to bosent to WM. MoCOOL, Londesboro, • Teacher Wanted For Union School Seetion, No. 4. GOderieh end Ilullett Tps. 2 claim certificate. Applications received tip to December let., duties to cent - mince Jan. 4ih.1909. Apply (stating experience 'and salary) to T. H. HARDY, Clinton.13.0. ° Teacher Wanted For School Section Ne, 2, Goderich To. hold- ing first or second" ()lass certificate, „ Fatties to eminence /an. 1st, 1009 Minh' (stating salary) to B01311RT A, THOMPSON Sec. Huron road (Tay)or's Corners) or Oodorich P.0, Ted er Wanted For Soli n No,16. eesi Wawanesh: Dutieg t th nzence Jan."A, 1009. State cer- Afloat% orlon% and salary. Apply to HOME. See. Treas., Auburn, Ont. Teacher' Minted Me �r female holding end 'Or lith eines cor- tit:teat°, to teach in (Porter's Hill Scheel) S. S. No. 6, Ooderich tp,, duties ht commence en the lot of Jtutuary1909, Applieations will be retteiv. ed up Mil the 6th et Nevoinber, State Salary. Personal annlications ordered. , JOLIN WORRANCtl, Sec, Perterfe Hill P.O. A CURE FOR IRREUNATISN The Trouble yields to the ltieh, Red Illood Dr, Williams rink pins Actually Make Ask any doctor and he will tell you that rheumatism is rooted in the blood that nothing can eine it that does not reachthe blood, 14 18 sheer waptel of motley and time to try to cure rheum; atiens with linunents and. lotions that only go skin deep, Ton On speedily mire rheumatism with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, drive out the pc heinous acid, and loos- en the etiffened, acbing joints. Among • the thousands of rheumatie mutterers cured by Drs Willi:arm' Pink Pills is Mr A Taylor, Newcastle, N'13, who says:—.For a number of years I was a great eufterer from rheumatism 'winch was seated in my shoulders and knee joints. 1 tried liniments and blistering Out with no effect, in fact the trouble was getting worse, and my knee joints grew so staff that they would snap if stooped, and I could scarcely straight- en up. Altogether I was a terrible side ferer, and nothing Ielid or took gave me any relief until I began the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. ' I took the Pills eteadliy fee a couple ot months and every vestige bt the trouble disap- peared. That was two years ago, and as I have had no return ef the trouble I feel Sale in assuming that the cure is. permanent,' Nine tenths of the common ailments that afflict humanity are due to bad blood, and as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood, that is the reasoa they cure so many different I troubles, such as anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism, eczema, neuralgia St ' Vitus dione,paralysisaind the ailments of girlhood and womanhood twith ali their distressing heaciaches, backaches and irregularities. Sold by all machine defilers or by mail al 50c a box or &box es for $2 50 from theDr Med- loine Co Brockville Ont • Tkii CLINTON NEW ERA Mr Waldrons Appeal The following from the Toronto News, refers to a former Hurordan,Mr 1. Waldron being at= of Mr T Waldron - of the London road;" Ior reaches ioronto of anoth civil war in one of the Central Artier can Stahel The combatants are th oyernment of Nicaragua ano. M Gordon Waldron, a weil-knovvn W mato lawyer. who operates a fru and rubber plantation of 55,000 acre on the Escondido Eiver. Mr Walciro claims that with the purchase of thi extensive property, went the right freely to navigate the stream in question. But wben he bought the little stearlier Chikra and placed it on tbe route the Government Wormed inui that a permit for every sailing teem Blueftelds would have to be ob- tained from the Bluefields Steamship Cy. ompan, which evidently enjoys the special favor of the local authorities, Mr Waldron,regarding this exaction as illegal and oppressive, refused to comply; but when he despatehed the ()Ara out on her fine voyage, the intendant sent an armed force to seize the vessel. The captain was placed iu jail, and the boat tied up at the wharf in such an !exposed position that th first storm is likely to destroy her. No warrant for this arbitrary action we shown to the captain, and an a pea to the .Goverrirnent failed of eifect Mr Waldron declares that the presis dent disregards the most sacred guar- antees of the constitution, Which pro; vides that no one can be deprived of his property except under due pro- cess of law. Relying on these guar- antees, he • purchased his property.The Governor refuses to bring the 'cases before the judges. The Govern. er "I am convinced," writes Ilre AB e Hopeful from St John. "that a major- • ity of young girls whodie of COUreinip. UM do be because their mothers ne- tt 4+ elected their health et the criticid time a when carefulness insures vigor and n wand health. If a girl's health is a neglected from her eleventh to ale. teenth year her body will be weak and she becomes a ready victim of typhoid anaemia, and in wally cans cousumP. thin itself. In her sixteenth Year My youngest daughter showed Signs of tailing etreegth. Sotne dyspeptic troubles developed. her heart became weak and palpitation frightened her dreadfully. She was irregular in the important bodily RanOtletie and rapid loss in a white and itrudaly complexion pointed to a rapid decline. She tlieliked making her troubles known to our doctor; a feeling I felt I should. respect, and 60 by good fortune I was led to use Ferrozone with most gratifying results. My neighbor next acloor, Mis wooae, had found Ferro - zone so good in ,neryousness that she a persuadednae that it would restore Flossie's health, and from the time the second box was commenced her lm- proyeneent was constant. She is now a big, strong girl, ruddy and plump, able to study hardand to take her share of household duties.. I am an earnest advocate of Feirozone. We all use a now as a tonic 08 lt . is Cer- tainly woniares friend, • ' • • All dealers sell Ferrozone; 50 cents per box or six boxes for $2,504 procure a supply to -day. Wise Mothei's Story Let all mothers and ilailltbterareed carefully and profit by it. A Creditable Number -There is no more important question engaging the attention cf .Canadians to -day than the great transportation problem and what is being clone to enable the abundant products of the farm, forest, fishery, and mine to be marketed expeditiously anti profitably The development and expansion of our transportation facilities is the subject of an instructive and timely contribu- tion from Major G W Stephens,Ohair. man of the Montreal,Harbor Commies - ion; in the November nuniber of The Busy Man's Magazine. Another article that will :be, read with • interest is '"Making Canadian Weather Preduct- lone ". by Mr A .P McKishnie, who is rapidly forginge his way to the front as one of the brightest of young Ca- • nadian short storywriters. The illus. tratioresare attractive and effective In both contents and make-up the im- provements in Busy Man's will be ap- • prediated,while the selections from the leading magazines and publication of the day vi ill be perused during the • long evenings of November with pleas.. ure and.profit.' The department de - Voted. to What the current editions of the worldaperiodiceispress presents cannot fent() be of the greatest help and cdwitenience to the student, the wan of affairs or thegeneral reader • who desires instructien along special. lines and an acquaintance with what is being discovered, thought and writtenin the various avenues of activity, progress and development. - A druggist can obfain an imitation -of MINARD'S LlNIM.ENT from a Toronto house at a very Iota price,and have it labelled his own product. This greasy imitation is the Poorest one we have yet seen of the many that. every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to introduce. • Ask for MINARD'S and you will get • M IRISHRiot. - Southwest Limerick Countrymen and Town Residents Settle Dispute. • They had a fine time Newcastle 'West, in the County of Limerick, Ire- land, the other , day. It was like one of those old-fashioned fineetinses that gave Ireland a world -Wide reputation half a 'century ago. After• a long de- • lay the Fent of Devon concluded to esellehessvetetatitate in Southwest Lim- • erick to his. tenants, The tenants in the town Of Newcastle West obtained • splendid terms, at the expense of eountrY tenants—a mighty geed many by the. wax—feel, that his generosity was appreciated they called a public meeting on the town square, where they had erected. a spacious platform in= which eulogistic speeches were to be . made: The couotry tenantry • heard" of this *and went dovra from the hills of Tournalulle, Temple Glen - In anal other plows, well armed with blaiikthorn 'Sticks, which grow .there in abundance. They waited until the meeting began and then the "Ften,ga- balla" was sounded by the •hillsmen. • The finest fight eeen in Neweast' le since the Synan and Dixon election o/ forty yearego oecnrred, and When the ?linemen got through with the work of the . clay some of . the wisest heft& in Neeicastee were out of hied - nese. Seenday's cablegrams from Dub- lin telI the story in detail, and it is mighty interesting, , For thirty years or so "sfeetion fighting" in old Ireland has been only a memory. It was thought that it had paved away forever, but the story from Newcastle proves that the men of West Limerick still have faith in the blackthorn as a weapon cap- able of solving the knottiest problems , arising front- the land question. And their faith has been rewarded by the calling of a general meeting of the tenantry, withcrut regard to class, for the consideration of the whole guess than of values With view to readjust. ing 'the basis of eeurchardine The hills - men of Welt Limerick are a sturdy. tribe of agitators and fighters. They belong to the old Irish pure -bloods, out of whose Mizids the potency et the national weapon could not be rooted in a generation. r.aors Cotton Root Compose The great Uterine Tonic, only We ellestual Regniatoron which Can depend. Sold in three of strength...No. I, /11 10 degrees steonger ea; for Speelal cartes,46 pee but, 13old by. all drti sts, or eons Sea on rece pt of r'reepamphlet. Address t &t'tiIUtOD.,TOflONTO,UNT.ilteniely JsJsesy ment usurpeethe justice,' anthoriteand property. He eannot sue the Admin istration or the President except by special permission of Congress, which he may not be able t� obtain. Mr 'Waldron wants Anglo Saxon nistice. So he has appealed to the British Government to intervene on his behalf. If that fails, he says, there hi nothing to do but accept the in- evitable. .That is to abandon his property and wept ruin with forti- tude' In the inidet of all his troubles Mr Waldron retains his old acutesense cf humor. He introduces an eleraeut of comic opera into the situation by advertising in TheBlueflelds American for outside help. In heavy black type on the front: page of that Journal appears this remarkable notice: "The undersigned asks for, tender's for the constructicin and dellitery of an air- ship to serve the Cukra District. Ten - liege roust be aecompanied by a guar - ante that the ship will not flap its wings in the Bleefields Steamship River, Signed) Gordon Waldron. tyrannically' deprives him o his - The Youth's Companion for 1909 The amount of good reading given to subscribers to TheYouth'e Compan- ion during the year is indicated by the eyonlahr &summary of contents for the 50 Star Artieles Contributed be Men and Women of wide clistinction in publici life,in Liter- ature, in Science, in .13us1ness, irk a score of professions, . s Our National Danker. Time to Cry a HaltBefore Complete: • • Wreck Results. There are thciusandsi both mea and women, who do not take time to. eat properly. They rash throegli life,and as a result We have an age of :indiges- tion, nervousness, irritability, sleep. less nights and morose disoosition, Onr national danger stomach weak- ness, due to the strenuous life. Mi-O-ne tablets strengthen. the walls of the sten:meta and stimulate secretion of the digestive juices: They make the stomach comfortable Lind cure indigess skintion.• si c ak ied,coated tongue area few of headache's, palpitation, yellow themany distressing tesults of indig- estion Unit Mi -o lea never fails to curei • W. S. R. Holmes sells Mi-o-na in 50c bcxes, and guarantee to refund the money if it does not give complete sat- isfaction. WriteThem a Letter To -night noel go to the theatce, concert or ball, But stay in your room to -night s Deny yourself to the friends that call, ' Anda good long letter write • Write to the sad old folks at,home, 'Who sit when the day is done Withfolded halide and downcast eyes, And think of their absent•son. Don't selfishly 'scribble "excuse my haste, • I've scarcely the time to write, , Lest their brco:ling thoughts go wan- • n earnin back n •night, When they, lost their needed: sleepand rest, • ' And every breath was prayer— That God! would leave their delicate • babe • To their tender love and tare. Don't • let. them feel :that you've no Of itrirelonveeed—and counsel wise For the heart grows strongly sensitive When age has dimrred the eyes.: 6 might be well to let them believe 'You never forget them—quite ; hat you deem it a pleasure, when far, away, Long letters honie to write, Don't think young and giddy friend. Who make your pastime gay, Have half the anxious thought for you That the old folks have to -day. The.dirty of writing do riot put off ; Let Weep or pleasure wait, Lest the letter for which they longed Be a day or an hour too late. • 'or the lovingead old folks' at hotne, IVIth.locke fast turning white, Are longing to hear from their absent 'son, • • Write them a letter to -night. Demers Linemen* curia Distemper ensould Se Abolished. Tom Longboat's career as a Mara- thon runnef is at an end, accordifig to a morning paper. His long career of distance eaoes have affected hie heart, and Dr. Wilson announces that to man should attenapt more than twd or three Marathons, Now, we don't know Dr. Wilson, but we like his advice. In fact we • would like to go him one better, and advise that no one tun any Marathon races at all. The first Marathon. run- ner got sudden death as Ilia prise. And he appeers to have been lucky, for that barred him from future corns petitions. The tremendous strain on the eotistitution cannot fail to leave bad effects, that the roan must feel as 'age advandes. It is not sport this simple seeitig . how near tt man seen •come t� killing himself without act- ually doing it. If we have lime against suicide, why not against Marathotis aFs well? As for poor old Tom. Well, he'll jog along at three-rnile and five -mile races till his reputation is as badly frayed as his eoristitetion. And then. what? Well,.the Irish -Canadians will seo that he doeen't dome to want. But he'll beeotte thatmost pitiable of alI human beings, the great athlete whose '- greatness has departed --Toronto Tele )t grans, • • Oarpilatistories Storiesoreis; se Including six humorous stories; stories of adventure, character heroism. • 1000 Up to -Date Notes On current events, recent discoveries in the warld of science and nature : important matters in politics andGov- ernment. . 2000 One•Minute Stories • Inimitable domestic sketches anec- dotes, bits of humor, and selected Mis- cellany, • The weekly health article, the weekly :Woman's article; timely editorials, etc. s . A full annOuncemenb of the new volume will be sent withiample copies of the, paper to any address on request. The new subscriber for 1909, living in • Canada, who at once sends $2 will. re- ceive Free all the remaining issues for 1908, including the double .holiday numbers ; also The Companion's new Calehdar fop 1909, "In Grandmother's Garden," hthographed in le colors. • THE YOUTH'S •COMPANION, 144 Berkeley.St ' Boston,. Maiis, • It isn't so difficult to strengthen a • weakStomach if one goes at it correct- ly: And this:is true of the Heart and Kidneys. The old-fashioned seat,of dosing the Stomach or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is eurely wrong! Dr Shoop first pointed out this error. 'Go to the weak or ailing nerves of these organs," said he. Bach inside organ • has its controlling or inside nerye." When these nerves fail then those or- gans mus t surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommendDr Shoop's Restorative. A tew days test will sure- • ly tell! Sold by all dealers. • Death of NatiVeetaiiies Serious:Tron. ble In Cavalry Regirnene. • Private despatches from India bailie gate. that a very enema etate of 51- fairsprevails in one of the crack cav- alry regiments there. ' A native was found dying outside the quarters of this regiment the other. day under dumstances indiceiting that ' he had been violently assaulted by .sonie of tlie soldiers. The civilian: authorities took .the matter up with the iestilt that 'strong saspicion fell upon two troopers in the regiment. When, how- ever,. an attempt wee made to arrest theta end ideatify them with the crime they were stoutly defended by the*rconnadeaslevim. threatened - violence to anyone who atteinpted to make the arrest. They refused to par- ade when formally corrmsarided to do so by their comina.nding officer, and the ueual business of saddle cutting • and. harriese destractio:a followed: • In the end t•he men had to be overawed ' by threats of summoning . the native infantry 'from the neighboring bar- racks to dismal them , mime they be ;hawed themselves. Strangely enough. hoWevers the authoritiei have now ivithdrein the' demead for the arrest . • the two trboyets, and are reieldieg •.another theory m oonnectioo With the ohne. , • . SOLUTE SECUR1 Genuine arter's Little Liver Pills. ' Wet Bear tligneture of $ee Pacidiedie Wrapper Belo* %Or. eatelt itassoragiaosa' WFog 11 E. 60ACKOR BIZZINESS. tint BIUOUSlatt. f011 CliNsinplknot • FOl tutovetzizi, joi 111E00101:EMI' sitta• 044:01w. NR07zovauot:,06 o. Fall Trade, :Right' at-. Otir, :Door and we are ready, with a store full of new, clean, up-to- date Stock of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleums, etc. Should yQ11 require anythingin our line, ' Ike will convince 'you, by comparing our prices with others', that this is the store to deal at. Here are a few suggestkins for Fall • I)WeiaArNe°15Sele4rnedipre?rtallitivEt for the Doherty instaeraents in this vicinity, and if you are thinkidg of buying, drop in and talk it over with as. Some pianos have many geed features; most pianos have some good features but the DehertY Pianos have all the good features known to modern science. Every Piano guaran- teed ten years. A few secomi-hand Organs . for sale cheap. • SOWING MACHINES. We handle the Standard Rotary. Enough said, i Tb e pries are fixed • by eurseiveeenot by the Company. • we can supply you with a machine • from $19.00 up to 845.00: • AIMS BEGS RUGS, MUGS in every quality and size. We are • working up a big trade in our house -furnishing department. Qual- ity and Price are the corner atone • of our success •this department. • IRON,BEDS. $3 50 Iron Beds for ° • 4 50 Iron Beds for 3.10 5.50 Iron Beds for 4.75' 0.50 Iron Beds for. , 5,90 7.50 Iron l3eds for., . . . 0.25 EXTENSION TABLES $17.00 Table for .... ,; 14.00 Table for ...ea .. 12.50 1000 Table for — ..' 0.00 0,50 Table for . ... . 817) • 8,5Q Table 'for • • .... . 7.50 • COUCHES.' The beet selection to tie found in the county. 22 in the lot, and prices range from $0 00 to 828 00. A special discount of 10 ber cent. will be given, for one month, on . Couchee. • . UNDERTAKING.. • In this branch of our business everything is right urto-date, and ask our 'patrons 013 te No better ,service to be had outside of it city. l'rices -reduced eo the inewetirsaptoissfsaibelteiodnVolarpY. rnthnopay. guar.' a •FIOTURE FRAMING' NEATLY DONE. Ah kinds of Furniture Covering 'in stock. Walker St Ross ,Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Clinton.. Phone or Wall Elair or Night- tivseesiiirsoo eamivsoesoim 10VeS AND SIOC • • anges-: • Happy Thought. 10 sizes Parathion 4 sizes , • - • Huron Corona ithatMagic o Heaters Radiant Home with air without oven •, McClarys Famous 2 sizes • ' • • Belle Oaks 3 sizes Albeta 2 sizes • Acetic Jewels 4 sizes ' Dandys and Royal Oaks • Stove Boatds anal Oil Cloths • • 3 kinds of coal sifters - • • 1 car of (lhareoal • • • • . arland ros. STOVES and HARDWARE 0041111%0110 0111016441104/4% 19) Jewelry, atc e tij locks, etc. 1..4, cl AT BARGAIN PRICES 2 t4 A FULL LINE OF 13 LUIEUMATIC RINGS t: W. R. COUNTER mt-itx1 i CLINTON cn JEWELER, Fine Ph otos. Our Photos arethe'most fife. like and artistic that can be made, and the prices are maw oonable ior this class of work J. ROBERTS. OURS 0101( usAbAcua. ; rum Arun, ilk, Clinton temnsminimmeimmimage 11. Fitzsimons a Son.. We are still in the 'But- chering business) and hre in.a position to fill all or- ders for seasonable meats, intrusted to ow care. Our new business stand the,Combe 13locke It, ?Minas & San Nolte 76 Clinton mimilowas mow monimouir