HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-17, Page 9TRH ! 'INTON NW ;ESA L. i'. Aaoeeaccmea�. Some months ago we stated posit/ve4y in. our advertisements that we proposed. re- tiring from business in Clinton. That state.* merit was Made in. good faith, and ' we fully' expected to have been. able to carry out our intention before this. Owing to changed :conditions uneontroll- a`ble by us a unforseen at the time of an- nouncing o withdrawal from Clinton, it he.B• been im ogoible for us to putour origin. al, ,plans in o effect. .''phis business will. therefore, for the present be continued in all its departments' as in,the past, 'Stocks will be kept up to the high standard SO long maintained: by this house. 'New .k'al1 Goods are coming to hand .daily,n.d taking their place on the shelties and counters, and the time you get. this ,paper We will be ready for Fall business ' with a stook. `that Will be 'a.credit to the -::' store. We. thank' you for the very generous patronage extended to us daring.. theyears tha•tl]iave gone by, and hope so long. as We remain in Clinton. to be favored. with a con.. tinuance*of it. We will endeavour to merit'' ittlty, giving you good service and keeping generous''as'sortment of Dry Goods of the high ,class and dependable 'qualities you • have always been able to get here. • he Milliner partnien • 'The Millinery Department is now . open and ready for. business This charge in char a of Miss Morgan late of .Strathroy, who for several seasons has r successfully managed ' the leading Millinery business in that Town. Morgan. Miss:`comes to Clinton with very ... highest recommendations and -can safely g , nd.w assure our many customers this banner department will fake no backward step under her management,. We arenow busy preparing for our ` formal opening display,date of ' which will be announced next week, in the meantime we are preparedto take care of early orders an short notice:. The Dress Making Department .kfiss Smith hae returned from her holidays. While away • she spent the time studying the new styles forTall as shown in the. large centres of fashion. She ie now booking orders and we .ad- viseplacing any you have as early as possibly. New DressGoods .,011 .... . ds Many lines of New Dress : Gcods opened .up this week.. Shipments of the' seasons newest fabrics have been' received and are . on ' . our . counters,' of many only. one suit length to a pattern, All the leading 'shades and weaves are represented, and Dress Goods choosing can be done with ease and satisfaction if you Dome here. Plain. Venetians and Broadcloths 000 to 81.50' per yd. Poplins, Bengalines and Panama's 50e, 60c, 75e. and $1. Two-tone stripe enitingsg very special at $1 and 81.25. Wide) diagonal Wale guitings $1. Fancy Broadcloth suijtings.$1.211, $1.50 and 02. Specials for Saturday Half a dozen specials for .Saturday.. selling. Brand new every one of them and under value in each and every cane.' Come and put the statement toa test It means d ,e s money saved if youo • A/ per yard.............. ...4 . ...... ..:. ........ . i.... 2 C Chiffon Taletta Silk 58e ' 1 end only black chiffon Tafetta Silk. This silk has a beautiful finish,, and is exceptionally strong. It is suitable for waists, dresses or underskirts. 75c is the regular value, and the price it would have to sell for if bought in the regular way Saturday morning. g 50 or 60 yards to Bell at per yard a.. ............. «......SP Dresden •Ribbons 25e 4 patterns wide-Dresdenribbon,fuil 5 inches suitable for hat trimmings, ties, bows, etc - 50 to 000 is the regular price. Just ,new this. week, Special' • Peas-de-s6i 'Silk $1.00 At $1.25 this Silk would be considered extra good value. In fact, we would be willing to have you put it against most you will pay $1.50 for. It is extra heavy weight, and has' a deep, rich, Iustrous finish. Imported direct by ourselves or we couldn't sell it at this price. Saturday per yard. ..•.:.................. P I a �0 fluck,a-back Towels 2 for 25e A Treat big shipment• of them direct from the rr .. • • maker, soft, full size, splendid weight, , a, real good drying r ingLoweorhquitea bitmorethan this 6. price. ay , ,+i a............. Pail Vests 25e • , Ladies ribbed tndervests, Pall weight, long ; y •" sleeves, nicely trimmed with cotton ttrrchon 1ace,but- r. ton front, exceptionally /well Made and finished. /%�I�.�f ,lea (.j{/ µ , lien's. Colored llandkerehtefs 5e • .., a,. 150 men's colored Handkerchiefs, soft twill sateen -,nichhie c1 areacloth, Navy grtlat& with white figure or , Remind with navy isnot or figure. Ten cents is the Brice everywhere. These .1,qe to sell Saturday .'4..,i..YY...','..,,,.....44a4. a,'...,.4.4 Apprentices Wanted I; in the Millinery beparrtment. CLINTON NEW ERA tO ANTON. ONT.. SEPT.. 17th, 1908 Local Notices. ,IHrD APPLB 3 AND Pll4toi a 'aANT D --e s•$ piece, paid, QANTELON BROB, WANTED. --The Clinton Knitting Co. want several girls at once, for steady employment. Remember the dated IS L TAUBID'S visit to Ulinton, aiid if there is snit, thing whatever wrong with your eye- sight; make it a point to consult hips atNorrrandie Hotel on Thursday, Oct let. DR. OVENS,London, Surgeon,. ocu- list. Specialist, will be at W. S. R. Holnt's' Drug s' ore, on Friday, Sept. 25th. ''G!assee properly fitted, deafness catarrh and failing weight . treated. Bourg' 11 to 4 pan, 85% of headaches: are the result of eye strain. Properly fitted glasses will *Se permanent ' relief. If you . are troubled that wap oonsultS L TAUBE Eyesight Specialist, at Normandie E,ctel, pn Thursday Oct. lat. Mrs Adelaide Cole who is teaching vocal in conjunction with W Glenn Campbell's Instrumental and Theory Glasses, is a graduate of the Guildhall School of music, London, England, Her principal teachers being Herr Louis Honing, Edward Wharton, G S .M., Dr Dean, and Madame, Wynne, G 5 M. 'Mr Campbell has oo hesitation, an recommending Mrs ()ole as a highly' rCultivated, musician and teacher of voice culture, Lessons arranged for at Mr Campbell's studio. Rattenbury St. West. Terms moderate, Local News ' SUES FOR -85,800 -;.4. suit for $5.000 damages has been • begunby are Mar- .garet A. Rowed, formerly of Linton, mother of Sarah. A Rowed, killed ati Egerton St. Crossing, Loudon, .by 'a Grand Trunk freight train, • BEAA.ISTIFUC," FIXTURES—T Mt. Kenzie Son are. this week installing a complete, modern line of ehow cases :,and silentealesnaan in the store of Mr. T. S. Ford, Mitchell. Their reputation for this Glass of . work is extensive and ;well merited. • WOMEN'S. INSTITU CE-; The reg.' ular meeting of.theWomen's Institute t will be held at the home of Miss. Teb- butt, Princess Street 'on, Thursday, Sept ' 24th at 3 p in 'sharp. Sub'ecte "Value ' cf cheerfullnees" and "Pick- ling. A full attendance is requested. MARRIED—Mr W,Percy M r y 13olmes, and Miss $ A Hutton, were married in the Anglican church, Port Dalhousie, on Wednesday. • Mr Fred Chant acted as groomsman, those present from Clinton being 'Mrs Chant and Miss Mary, and Mr and Mrs. R Holmes and Miss Sadie CONTINUING. iN. U B S q z 1• s 1 N Elaewhere.will be fuund'Ghe +innounce- ment:• that Hodgens Bros will, for the present, eontinue their business here; This is due to the fact that they have. not been able to make„ the arrange- ments they. expected . whereby they could satisfactorily close up here. We believe the general public will be glad to knew they are to remain in business. A LONG' RIDE -L P. Lacey, of Ind ianapolie, Ind, who married Barbara S Robertson, youngest daughter of Mrs. Thos Robertson, an old Olintonian, has beenvisiting friends: hereabouts for •cine days. Mr Lacey wheeled from _Indianapolis to Grand Rapids, -Mich., through ":Sarnia, Lucknow, • etc;. and starts from Clinton. .on return trip by way. of Detroit, wheeling the entire distance. He is a thorough •Canadian at heart. . ,,,, • X0 BE JOINED IN WEDLOCK- Mies Evelyn Turner, ,daughter of Mrs. E. Turner, left on • Saturday for Well-. wood, Manitoba, .where she will be married on the Nth, at the: home of her half-brother, toa young rancher of Alberta. . She is a popular young lady who has been teachingfor several years at Maple Creek, 'Alta., and her • many Clinton friends join us in wish- ing her the largest measure of happi- ness in her new sphere. HIS• FIRST LOSS In a disastrous fire at Seaforth.' Friday night last, 'which destroyed the stables of theG)rip House., T, Cook, who recently bought out . Warrener Bros., lost a valuable horse, and a new light waggon; being the first trip for the latter. Owing to some technicality, it isa question whether` Mr. Cook will beable to col- lect his insurance. His loss' is upwards .sof $200, This is rather diacourging for. a new business venture, IMPORTANT ` DISCOVERY . 'BY MISS AGNES 'LAUT' Mise Agnes Laut the well.known authoress, and a former Buronian. claims to have, made a highly important discovery in the course of her Iong canoe trip down the Saskatchewan River, She has,found a reed which is the same as that .used by the Chinese and Japan- ese in• making ' matting. Hitherto nothing has been found which hadthe same fibre, : outside of the Orient, and her discovery is looked upon as of. great value. DEATH OP SAlalUKL BARR -,dt. ter a Protraoted ilinesee of several ears, Mr Batti Barr passed away on un lay in his Met year. ,Deceased waa born near Thin ton, but resided on the 15th concession of Goderioh Tp, nearly all his life, where he was known as a good n boor and true friend. Owing to failinghealth he gave up faarming about ve years ago and moved into town, since which time he has been gradual( failing, Although he had an incurable ailment,* -diabetes -behad every attention and care that could be given. bean, He leaves three sisters, one living with him, and Mrs Garvie, and Mrs Hibbert';, he hike brother David, at Summerhill, and a brother George at the Soo ; he also leaves a son and daughter at bome,the latter being the wife of Mr Ed Seruton. He has been a widower for some years. Ile- was a member of the Canadian Or. • ;Friends in both ofawh also be the ed an insurance of $1000, He was an ardent Liberal, and one of the most generous whole -0011W Meir to be found. The family desire to express their warty aFpreclation of the kindness and at- tention shaven them during his iliness, The funeral on Tuesday was ycry largely attended, the services being conducted by Rev Dr Stewart and Rev WE $err, The pall bearers were all 'old ' :friends of deceased, being Messrs Geo Render, Geo Hill, Thorn Chuurchill, Robt Thompson, John Smith and W Sinclair; BRIEFs-John Grimes has rented the house latelyy, occupied by Mr. Fred Brown,whose' family left last _.ee. f Petrone...:...Tho presence of dense smoke in the atmosphere last week Was hard on the lungs ; it is supposed to have come from t he immense fires in Minnesotti..,.,..Beautiful tomatoes at 10c per basket were the privilege of householders last week. , ..The Car. rick Council has issued orders to Path - masters ;throughout the township to have all loose stones raked off the road in their respective beats ;,the idea, is a good one, • and as the task is not a big one, one would think ids would pay oth- er rural Councils to do likewise.. , .... The Mason farm,which was offered for sale, by auction*, at the Graham House, Saturday,did not find a purchase......,. His Honor, Judge Holt, held a session of the. Division Court, on Monday ; there were $ cases on the docket, but none of themwere very important,and. went through in a few minutes.. Jas Tucker has, a mammoth Blood Turnip Beet grown in his own gardern, measuring 21 inches . in circumference or alraction of 7+1' inches in .diameter ..:.Mrs Jae McIntyre has a,bible .is- sued in 1761, which has teen handled down for ceveralgenerations,it'having belonged latterly 011ie date Anthony Dodsworth; she also has". a, air of candlestieics that are over 301) years old ....Mr T H Squire, - late 9 ae ofth e Londesboro Flour ' Mills, has rented the house of Me J L)Sheppard,oppposite the Organ Factory, and moved . his family thereto this, week;... Mr James McIntyre, who has been in Michigan or several weeks trying to recuperate :is expected home in a few days, and will take' up bis residence in town:. A Court for the hearing of the Voters 1 List appeals willbe held here on . Oct.. 6th. ..Announcement is made of the nnarriage of 'Chas C Coatg, to Miss Florence Edith .,Lewis of ' Chicago, which occurred On the 5th inst. Mr Coate Is • a former Clinton -Ian and brother of Mrs Ohas Middleton, of tloderich Tp...:. The •'several 'deaf mutes hereabouts left. Wednesday for -Belleville,-. the.. Institute_,opening. that day,....Tne brick work on St. Joseph's cburchis-now almost' com y piete, arid in a comparatively short time, the e• Church will •1re ready for dedication .. .The Evaporator com-. menced operationsWednesday.. The weeds along the main ..thorofares are still.standing......'Work at the Civic water 'well isprogressingvery slowly, owing to:unavoidable hinderences..... The infant "daughter of Joseph and Isabel Cudrriore died to -day, ;(Thurs- day); aged1 month and 25; days,...,.., Miss Josie Worthington died at Alta- dene, Cal., on Sept. '10th. ; her many friends hereabouts will regret' to learn of this , ..In the police court. Wed- nesday evening several boys appeared on the charge of annoyingjohn Wade; they were given .a Lesson which: should I be a warning to other. boys..:. We are sorry to hear. that Harold Oantelon is: reported seriously ill....The Millineryy •..apartment of Hodgen Bros store will be' in 'charge of Misses Morgan and James, of Strathroy, who arrived Tues- : doy evening; these ladies he had charge of the eav e larggest Millinery 'busi- ness to Strathroyfor some. years...... An article referring to the marathon race was received • • too late for this. week -;-it will appear next week. • ' •' DEATH Deep sympathy is felt for Mfr and;Mrs Lettuce Lavis on the death of their.; little daughter, .3farion .Caro line, aged 2 years and 3 months, which occurred here .on Thursdaymorning. She hadbeen ill for some little time with a. complication a placation of diseased, • but her death was unexpected, A pleasant child of sweet disposition; shehad ac• q�uired a warm spot in the affections of the many friends of her parents. NoloossWaosesot JACKSON'S Midsummer ' 'Clea in . �° Sale will Continue during the month of August, • What is left of our Summer Shoes are being cleared out rapidly, the (reductions are very liberal, we don't ,pretend to be losing money but we are sacci- f�,yycing profits while the s1ios last.lst. 1 4 This Store opens at a:oo:.o'Cloen a. tri, and closes during this month at otoo pwm. Repairs While You Wait. AA. 000D CONCERTS The 88rd Regimental Band, of Goderioh, under , the leadership of Mr. J. Schade, gave an excellent program of music in the Town ball Wecnesday evening. The hand appeared under the ausploes of i the Olinton Citizen's Baud, and it is exceedingly unfortun to that our citi- zens do not fnllyappreciate an erldesv- otr on the part of the boys to give them a thorough musical treat. Only about 7.00 people were ppreeent,mosti . women and children. It as quite evident that a great many ofourcitizens expect the bands to give their valuable time and talent with ,absolutely no rammer* Hon, This state of affairs is a very ppoour advertisement for the town. Dur- ingthe intermission Mr N. Twitchell gave some fine nunlberee on the VAMP" phone, •teen of IU$hiess (Mgt," Tomato tQ largest aud'Sept equipped school. of lab kind lav fees yon to 'write for Its resew catalogue. Fall term Irolot Sept: Ise. A.i,)DR,E+ SS W.11, Shaw, Prrincfpeh . -rouge et Garrard ate.. Toronto.. 'Gd_ ,Eton bags o#l; Sticks: Paper Flags on String Crinkled Tissue Paper Japanese Lanterns Paper Garlands Tissue Bells .. Paper . Festooning 1 Good Astiortraerit for ' Early Buyers. � The W. D. Fair o., Qftcn the Cheapest: Always the Best 2wiei.Popa .S9rn)12)0:v-_-/ jIiJflCr ..n .J 1VI onda:•. eve r , ,�`e t. 2 . airFollowingDays •.'Miss Cantelon extends a hearty invatation' to allto call and seethis diplay? Positxve1p thebest “ever". e ver.'.. ire Vit preparations hava been made, and careful buyipg has brought the. best resultst has everbeen their pleasure to display. n Wren- The new Fall styles an Ladies' Winter ter. Coats are, here, hi great v�rlotfrom the largest manufacturers. Styles that ; are' --correct : in every detail. Call: 'and see them, if y • o -are ati ' new coat. u contemplating a Prices to fit. all .rsos: ' u: ' p 0 CUMS. re4SaVirgt � tor; Days n fs Our p et� Rug • anl .Linoleum stock. is by hI�dre ds of dollarstoo:heav and. 41.order. to . ani deuce.•.our : s llt • we: willoffer great savings on these lines, ,for ten', days ot1y—POS1TIVELT NOT LONGEE.---Dont:.. miss this Chance to get a good Wilton ' Brussels• or Ta ..pstrY e • - . Rug at .4 greatly reduced price, p 05c 4 -yard --$de Linoleum at 50e' •Two pieces four=yard-wide L noleums; both good patterns. Extra heavy weight, Scotch-im. ported goods. Regular 65e gaality,for it 50c per square yard .. $1A5 3-plyWool Carpet at 95e Eight good patterns in 8 -ply nil -wool carpet, regular $1,15 per yard, for .... . . ...... . ti S;iii11956 Eight good patterns in 2.ply atl,wool C7arpet, 75e per yard, for 4 r 4 .4 .... 4 65e regular ..., $25.00 llrusse,is Rugs $19.50 . Two only Brussels Mtge new colorings and designs sizes, 3 r 3ik and 3 x 4. yardds regular $25.00. ter,,,....,.........,,. ,.......,.$111.150 • $45.00 Wilton Rags for $88.00 Two only Wilton Rugs new colorings and de signs sizes 8 x Wand 81 x 4 yards, these are beauti- ful Rugs and will give. splendid . wear, regular, 945.00for......,,:.:..,:..,...,..........,..Mf.00- 8k Tapestry Carpet 69c m Two pieces good quality Tapestryp 'Care , nenewt, patterns, regular 35c,for, , ,..,......011c y, One placated stair Tapestry Carpet. regallaar 05rt,• 20 per Cent off Alt Tapestry *lugs Por 10 days only we will give o0it off all Tap. witty and Wool 'Ruga this appliotr io Mats also, -..,;.o ; €i