HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-17, Page 4inuPle.OttfrOirollr.
fixes ::..ay e.p
c.oy of the Great,:,,
Laurier a ioiistrratiion.
1,1,1.1 ee,.aa.++
Wednesday, Sept. 23rd
commencing at 8 o'clok
we open the fall 'and
winter campaign, with
the greatest exhibition
of fall and winter goods
ever shown here. Wed-
nesday will be a great
day an Clinton, with
the Premier of Canada
as he r distinguished,
visitor. Six of the best
bands, in'. the country,
and..thousands ,of ex;'
cursionists all go to
make it a day"long• to ..
be remembered. •
, 513 +1 om "%?
We've planned to make
t a great day at this,
yore, and 'considering: -
the; great inducements
we are offering, it will
pay you well to do 'your
buying here. We've been fortunate in securin thousands of y ards of Ne w Fall
Y g ,-�.�. g Y
goods at less than market. prices,: and 'we re going to give.our customers the bene-
fit ht of theseP urchases, as well as a chance to see the finest stock of Fall and Winter
Merchandise in town. This big list of mone • -savin items should'bringyou to the
bright ' and earl •and _ you'll not be disc ointed• iii the splendid arrayof goods
storey, Y PP P .g
on sale. One day 'orily--Wednesday; Sept. ' 2,3rd, 'commencing
'and' closing at 6 o'clock .
at 8 o'clock, a.m., c , mt,,> we will sell
• 36 inch English Flannelette lOc
• 490 arts wide Canadian acid English FIan-
nelette in the very best patterns made, you know
n sale at
,� the quality and washing
per yard.
t. c.
Standard 6hirtings 12..
400y ards yards Cotton and Flannelette Shirt.'
e .
'rage,' Iota of good patterns, all' on sale at p,x124
Two Cod o Dress Goods Chances •
Five h lards 'ards Fall 'Dress Goods in Car-
dinal, Black, Navy, Green, Brown, Grey,' Dream,
• etc, Serge% Cashmeres, Poplins,,, Vicunas . and.
Panamas. All wool goods guaranteed to give.
• 5UV
good wear • ......
1000 Yards Ribbon 1.-5C .
We eell'lots of Ribbons. Thousands and thous.
ands ofards every season. but we seldom; get a
n .
aha ce like this one, Nearly a thousand yards• •
wide silk Obbon in many fancy color combinations
aIsoa plainshades of Pink, .Pale Blue, Navy, Black,.
Brown. Cardinal ect. Values 25c, 35c, to•50c'1 gra •
One Day all one price ........... ...,. s
Ladies Wool 'Vests and Drawers 50c.
To start the season ' we offer this underwear `
inducement. •
7' ladies Vests and Viewers in natural "and
white.. shades 2 or 3' different styles, gar-
meiite always sold from 50c to 75c. One Day gar -gnat
, - ..
SSd' pa* .Bose, at 25e
'Al. DECIDED BARGAIN.-180:pair rib. wool
Hose; 100 pair plain cashmere; 100 pair rib cash-
mere. You'll be surprised when you see
them, Per pair 25c
Special Uasbrellia Purchase.
At the time of goies, to' press, we are negotiat-
ing lot a large pur.:ha ej;iq Women's slid. Men's
'Umbrellas. We expect tie have .them hers
in time for"Wednesday. On sale at each. of I x00
INN ►..
:.•••• ttw••••did.,
Buy Wool Blankets Now.
This is the first time we have been
able to offer Wool Blankets under
:' Ivalue,right at the start • of the t .
season, but here they are . • z
11 per- •.
ate with a errs
12 pair Wool Blank ; p
centiige of cotton, to . keep
from lv
ehrinking+ deep loftyfinish, pink orblue
or burs 5 ft wide
. r mgrease
• , borders, fi ee t o '.
• In woulds:llat •
rand nearly 7 feet long, a @a ��
`;; $5.00. To start the season. per pair u
• ••NoM• aw,►e sql•• 0044
••1141 '
•ttHN444, *Odd d•••N4N*ON 4AM=
:-"' 24.' `
-bed Table ' ydsFine Bleached
Linen fur $LOO
We ve, sold nearly 309 'yards of thislipen
.. in the last few weeks, and have. about ' 30
cloths left, 62 -inch
Bleached ab
'very fine quality, arvay ahead of the. ordhi- ,
I ar BOcper yard linen.. On sale at .@
y y
.. 0
2 1-2 ' yards fora .... '. �A
•N•••H41440d.•••ee•w, N•t•i
50c Silver. Belts'29c
• The best lot ws canet.' Also some.ton and
brick leather Belts; that sell at 50c.and60c, Gripp
Wednesday .. . ... ., LaiY
B&C Corsets 89c
50 pair B & C : steel -filled White' Batiste C1or
sets , hose supporters. attached. Regular 75e,
sale price....:::
Pure Linen .Crash ,Toweliing,• lOe
384 lards Irsh.Orasb Toweling, fine, med=•1
•um and coarse weave all one ricer . 1 Oc':
• :Scotch Fingering Tarn, 75c
For Wednesday only, we will sell the best
uality black Scotch Fingering Yarn, at per
900 yards best Print and Wrapperette, toe
• 900 • ards.hest fast color Print, amounting to
400 yards, • in light and: dark colors, guaranteed
• perfectly fast, also 500 yards'Canadian and Eng-
lish Wrapperette. in a fine lot of . patterns, suit-
able for dresses,waists,wrappers. etc. Values
everywhere where. at 15c,18c and 20c on sale at p •
one price lila
Crescgnt Batting' 3 rolls for 95e
Two bales -200 rollsbeet quality Ores= riga;
ee;,t.Batting, ti .. ,... .....,...3 rolls for :..
Some of the hin
Li t e ts
t � t „e • on Which
You Can :Nave, '
Gold-ilated Renuty Pins, 2 for Sc
Frilling, 4 frilIs'in'a neat box, 15c
$1.25 Side and Back Combs, 3 in a set, .69e
60e Hand -made Linen Doylies, 25c.
S dozen Safety Pins for 110c
60 -inch Tape Lines, 2 forillc
Pearl Buttons; good quality, 5c per dor
Also Hair Phis,
ers, Elastic,etc.,' at Special Prices.
Great Display Of illinery,
New Fall arid Winter
Coats and Furs
We'll have on view, ready for immediate sale,In three
separate 'departments,
the greatest collection of Millinery, Coats'Skirts ndrurs it has been our pleasure
to show at any Fa 1 Opening.
• ...Cor
Conte yirxt'h the
Crowd to Clitltotri
and see +sir
Vire eterlai
,f,1,11/1.1111{,11•1017S, -114111111101.19i94115•1110.14167A,G,414361.01016MINMELY.1.111i
ails Lon
IIIl1l 411
out Bruen Liberals hare` 'renaati+
sled. P M,1<`..
111.40 trees 011etoa'
Good Wee sees, ow,L%,14 14 end ISO;
Q oc1 Mor
s fi�ee"
"am holt O e1 tioltele Sipe. *let Moouttutiilt Hntpnorenr T o'. �h o Was' announded
oi', ivlpi•
Low Ea►tel't Werlltern Excu1t'$IAna, itle the ClongervatiVe candidate ler one ,
of the Montreal con tituendea, hike re. 1
Going front Clinton Sept.17,1811$th, I fused to run. ' 1
Et.$uron $ S 44r tl l'ar'd.! $ 780.
• netirait a e4 aw r; ae
gra144 Mipneavotie 1 S0.
aae,x . or a as: sa ''ani 98 !0
O eeveland viii puttaio anti. 9. it 8, die rsers
Zlrel ,dviiM Mimi* end D, it 0, Ms inch
lietura limit Mottdary', Oa 4tb,1906..
lgto. & HOI*ENB, Town Agent..
THURSDAY. SEPT, 17, 1908,
To The Electors
West Huron
As a candidate for parliament, I re•
sneetfully ask your support in the
corning campaign. I have lived in the
We understand that the 4Wldutty
Which arose some time ago: concerning
the payment of thedeputiee connected
with the last South Huron by election
has been amicably adjusted.
The election of W. F', McLean, ¥ P,
lot York, is said to be probable by ac. 1
demotion. His majo`eity in. the last(
election'was nearly 700.' 0014pe this is,,
the price paid for the silence of the
Toronto World, which is not iasying.
one word about the elution.
The Mail says: -"It is learned that.
when In the city on Boudoir, Mr Henri
Botirassa saw Sir Wilfrid Laurier,and
spent some time with him. En view
of the interest in Mr Br uraesa's atti-
titude in the coming campaign, the
incident is somewhat significant.
county,with only a shin t absence,since , •
July 1865, I• have taken a somewhat rt is said that Hon A 13 Aylesworth
active part in publie affairs, and have.
always been: willing 'that the search,
light should be turned on either rn`y
public or private acts. I do not say
that I have not made mistakes;no one
knows that I.have better than myself,
but I do say that I have, always en,.
deavored to advance the interests of
the Doninion as a whole, and those of
the Riding in particular. '
• While in. general I.am a supporter
of the present goverbment, I am a be-
li ever in the abolition : of the Senate.
I think it;wmid be wise to reduce or
• abolishthe. duty ' on coal. I would
try to,make the 'custom taxes paid by:
farmers as light as possible. I fever.
is ; returning: from Vienna with hie
hearing somewhat .improved., •But
there is no definite information on the
subject.. He, were told that if he would.
.remain in Vienna a : few: weeks the
specialists were hopeful that recovery •
would be complete, but he refused to
stay more than a week. '
The feature of Mr Borden's tour will
be the appearance on the same Flat -
form of "the Conservative Premiers,"
Roblin of Manitoba and Hazen of New
Brunswick were with him at Halifax
along with Hon W J Hanna. Premier
Whitney is expected to return from
England in time' for the Pembroke
inee.ing, and Premier McBride' isex-
voted to be there also , •
any 'scheme that will: give farmers a —'-
telephone s stem so that eyery farmer Mr Charles Murphy, K 0 , has been"
pone y , y
could have a telephone in his home. • sworn in as Secretary of State, to suc-
sed Hon R W Scott who has Placed
I. think -the facilities of the' post c +
oce could be yincreased in his resignation in the hands. ,.,of''the
1 materially
the public -interest, I believe the voter's Premier after continuous service since:
fists should be more "up-to-date, and the Liberals, come into power in 1896.
that no one should lose his franchise
beoause he had moved from one •con-
stituency to another. I. believe in
Go.vernment'; control': of ••any public .
I.belieye: in the prudent expenditure
lie•monies for the develo trent
of.. pub p
of the trade andresources.of this great
Dominion I be lays that public c men
eh)uld be above reproach; that princi-'
Ples aho$Td mean more than Party. .
that the interest of the country is
"greater tha thatif an :individual,
:if you see :fit to :elect me ' as your
representative, I assure'you I will do
my beet_ to show' that yourconfidence
has not•been misplaced
Respectfully soliciting your influence
in my behalf, ,as well as your vote, I
°a n very truly ° yours
Conservatiyes criticise the govern -
because' it has not carried out its
policy of Senate reform. Is itto be an-
feri ed;: then, that aj the Conservatives
got into power,. they. would reform the
Senate? If we bad our way we would
abolish it altogether:
In the corrin campaig he election
will 'be held 'on the lists of ,1907 -the.
same as were used for .the Local Elec-
Mr Murphy ie a prominent Irish Cath-
olic inthe cityof Ottawa, who Will
likely find a set in that vicinity. Mr
Scott is over 80 years of agg�e, and has
been. a most faithful and efficient:pub-
tic n . •
•MrJBKcranedyre r
se ntedNew
V4 estminster in the Parliament whose
term is just -expiring. At the Liberal
convention • some time ago 11IrJardine
c aptured the nomination., Mr Ken
nedy claimed'
that it was true
expression of 'opinion, not •aue
, and. refused to
'-regard-it-as-auth ritateee.--,Mr : ,Ta
diue has now in .yin admirable spirit
thrown up the nomination,and.agreed
to abide by thedecision of a convention
to be called in a short time. •
The•Kingston Standard.- .Conserva-
tive,' refuses to' follow ,Mr Borden in.
his government' ownership excursion,'
and says it doesn't; believe the country
either, is ready to fall in .behind him
on that esu: he Standard•belieyes:
the ••r'a. . sounder policy is Gov-
ern .• en : • pervtsionof public utilities.
It ighed :with truth'that
the •res , .ad. .:tration.has `aimed
at e' act ve public', control of public
Cstrn.cH,Rev. B. E. Curry, Londes-
boro, will conduct reopening servicee,
in Cole's Church; Bayfield • circuit, on
the 28th of September, instead of the
20th.. This change In date is due' to
the contractor's 'failing to.have the.
axon. •' Thio: `fs unfortunate, because church ready force -opening on.the 20th
many persons on both sides of politics,, Rev Mr Biles, B. A. B. D , of Bayfield.
Will be diefranchised, simply becaube
there is noeaay way of making the lista
up to -date: Surely some plan can be
;devised . that will change much a state
of affairs.
-will supply the •Londesboro pulpit'that
NoTEs-Rev E H ' Sewers preached
anniversary sermons for Rev Stewart
of Motherwell on Sabbath, last, Rev
With all. the char es o! alleged im Mr' Stewart preached in our village,
g hie •sermons were muchappreciated by
proprieties made, against
some ofthe large audiences. Mr and' Mrs Forest
th Isl.
of the' t�eo
departments of. the Dominion Govern- posited at e.
...Forest • of Lo
merit no one�is-abie to ea that any y
/oho-- ' Hary of
oma ir, eon
radon, last` • week. Mrs
Minister of theCrown has been involy :` Dlanitoka; and'foilr
ed personally in financial wrong -doing
No member of the Opposition has ever
.dared to do more than insinuate. Even
Mr Sifton, against whom their attacks
have Mainly been directed, has chall-
n ed the closest invest' ation an .
e g g d de-
fied '
e -fled' anyone to show that he has not.week at the home of Alex Girev. M A
Imade his money properly, Aikenhead 'has returned- to London,
. . "'' ' after visiting at his home here. Will.
1 A meeting of the Executive of . the h attending e ng Aikenhead, Stanley, is attending' the
West Huron Liberal Association, as Seaforth Collegiate. The brick layers
constitutedfor Dominion purposes, are at work on Dan ltfunroe's • house,
Goderich in
be heldatthe rooms
lis do n h
McKenziedoing g
above the Standard Loan 'Oo's colic, work, . Thos Carrhas built a cement
on Saturday, the .9th, day of Septem silo for. D Fatheringham. John Mo
ber,at 1.30:p. -m Kenzie is laid up with a severe attack
BASEBALL�OnTuesday `afternoon of neuralgia. A niin►her from the
there was an exciting'- baseball match vicinity attended the political meeting
playeddby the. Public School of Clinton
and the High School of Clinton; in
which the high. School of Clinton;. •
was . defeated. by a score of 14 -9.
• children are the guests ` of Mr Hart,
Miss Mabel Turner attended the' To-
ronto fair last week. New camt side-
walks are to the east of our village.
Miens M. and E Melntosh visited
friends rade at
last week. Mr
Lan straf of l3eaforth, visited last
Do you know that whena room is properly paper
ed, the paper, • to a large extent, takes the place
of furniture, Didn't you ever notice how handsome,
warm -patterned paper takes away the bare, unfinished
look ? One paper is not suited to all rooms—that's
what keeps the manufacturers busy.' That's what
,makes it necessary for us to carry in stock hundreds of
differentdesigns and colorings. °
Special prices on Many Lines
`. come AND SEE THEN'.'
Thekind that neither fade, crack nor curl, are. the
kind we sell. They are called the"Perfection Shade:"
The roller also is the best, and bears our guarantee'.,.
Special sizes secured on short :notice;
;.00pcIs 001 Seo
Goderich Industrial Exhibition
• The directorate say that their pro-
gram for Sept. 22nd, 23rd, and 2iith,
1908, willjustify their claim of bigger
and better than ever."Among their
features. are: •
An extended and enlargedprize list.
Increased purses for speed` tests,open,
$125; two forty. $80; farmers trot,$50;
three year-old trot or pace $35.
A full program of free attractions be.
fore the grand stand every afternoon
and evening.
Selections by the Marriott twins
fear persons who gave a sensational
novelty balancing and twirling act, us•
Inge horse, trap and bicycles,
White andLainart give two separate
and dist'tict acts in :each pperformauc.
They art- n'
knowas the funn y people
and give an excellent original trick
pantomio, • - ""
h A
M. aaanw; oa, • the Centralmi erican
wonder, gives the most daring aerial
act known without nets and called the
swing original return and aerial
act,with twists backward and forward
omersatilts from: .i:rapeze._-to_clou
swing. rope ; also a special flying rings
acrobatic performance as a second
number: • •
The Woman's Institute demonstrate
bouseholdwork,cookery, etc:., during
the whole' time, of the exhibition, and
submit samples of•many good things in
their line for inspection and testing.
Beginning S
eptember,24th the fam-
us Lucknow:Pie Band'of nine In full
Highland costumes willoivePipe Band
relctionsr andsolos also,
Irish dancing -.-Scotch Reel and Reel of
Tulloch, Highland:Fling,Shean Trews,
�ailore Hornpipe, Irish Jig, etc. -and
ing is a shortAyynopsis of the vacation
trip of Rev. W. 3. Jolliffe, pastor 'of
Weeley^Methodist church,who return
ed Monday from a visit to the placee Cr
his childhood andearly days :'}- f
After a pleasant sail across the At-
lantic he arrived in Liverpool: on Fri.,
day morning. He went to London ;
.from. there to;B"nbury, where he met
Jolliffe r o had just returned
Mrs ,
neral, Theyremained
h cots.a.
mote t.
week with Rev E . Jolliffevisiting Ox •
ford, Stratford on Avon and other
places of interest. Thenthey went to
Cardiff, and visited Mr Thomas A.
buslin ss, Cardiff- - is a to the lumber
and growing speedily, Wales is noted
for its old castles and abbeys ; some of
them they visited. Their next stopping
place was itilift+l;sweairSoutb,toAvdt„+
where B•ev. 0 C Jolliill'e residres,. 2hey
1 visited Torquay, Toreross, Paignton.
i frixharii, Torness and sailed •up the
, Dart River. The last week Wes spent
in London, wlierethey saw the beano!) of years,
B'rltisli Exhlbitlon, W indent Castle,
and a number of other placer( always LAvtigaXn Clinton, on Sept 17 MAr•
visited by tourlatd.'They sailed on the iotil (IVIS -'1• tla hits of Mr, i,,
8 S Ooreeoaan, arriving at Montrool on ug i'a1'1e,
f3irttttCrtlair, Ike 18th inst. sgpd air" ailot8 montlur,
in Hensall on Monday. Our .station
master sold a good number of tickets
for London fair:
Porter's 11111
NOTES- Mrs Stewart and daughter,
of British Columbia,are visiting at W.
Flliotts,Miss Maggie Cox is spending
it few days with her sister. Mrs $' pati,
son, ofSpringlank. Walter Weston.
and daughter Ella spent a few days at
Kingarf recently. Among those who
are attending London fair this week
are: Pereilla an
o and grace T rrenis
Frank McDonald, Howard Cox. Mrs
T C Cox and daughters Eva and Willa
are visiting at Preston. Mrs Fred
Lindsay and two Children •wlo have
been visiting at Mrs Lindsay left for
their home in Winnipeg on Tuesday.
Bead Lind
F�1txx Rf•.zvtizll-- Mr Fisher,lila
been on the Mason farm, base lino,for
the last four years is giving it un. hav-
ing' bought a house in town ; he will
hiive,an auction sale on the Yet r+f Oc-
tober, Mr John As+htoia. cf Wi'st WA*
wanopb,basrented the farm foe it term
they will assist the entertainment gob
up for the evening. of the 24th of 'Sep, •'
tember. ,
The exhibits of • live stock, grain,:,
fruits, flowers, domestic manufactures •
fine arts, manufactured goods, etc.,'
are being booked very fast• and there
is every promise of three rousing:days.'
for .Glc erich exhibition..•
The famous 33rd Regiment Band iin
uniform will attend during the whole-,
The Brandon gun rays in regard te•
Mr Sifton's • announcement- that he
would accept the nomination in that:•
city if tendered it:
"No announcement . of a ' political
character could have moreimportance.
or he received : with • 'more: pleasure
this one, for
it sii p �
s that we -
are to continue• tilt: have "he benefit.
of the services: of' probably the ablest.
and most capable 'statesman :of west-
rn-Canada. Mr Srfton hike ahead~ °-
id tIi s mark on ,'the" le 'station nob
only of western Uanada, but' of the''''
whole Dominion, and his -return to ac-
tive political life • will stir anew fall :
the brightest' hopes the feelings o.
the people ofthe wet , irrespective of
party names. Sifton'and-Prosperity
are synonymousterms iwthe;west.and.
the wave of enthusiasm which will
sweeP,, over the: rairies when the as-
is given tbat he ie once more~'
ret the helm will be felt in every home
and 'ever �. fireside1
from Lake Supe ior'
to the. Pacific," "
all Milliner Q egi'in
onday Evenin
Sept. 21•St'
From .B-'o'iclock_ until o.
We hoe very soon to be able to announce the date when this -
• close, In the
Leaving Town Sale".will be bio „ • .
meantime we;want to convert as much as possible of the bal-
ance of our stock. of merchand'se into ready money. Below ,
will be found a list of bargains well worthy sof your closest at,
teiition.� i
ually low prices on all: lines to continue while the •
sale lasts.,
Ladies' Parasols, reg,.85c, sale price 45c' Melt's fancy hose, regular 25e, sale
Ladies Parasols, reg. 9Oc and $1, sale price lilt
price 70c Mena garters, regular 25c, sale. pi lee 1t
Ladies' Parasols, reg.; $1,75, sale price `Men's cotton and. flannelette Nicht
$1.25 Shirts, regular 85c, sale price iib i
sale; all shades, regular& per spool Bo 's prize Shirts,regular 500for
sale pries Sic y, P gu ar 3l)!t
Pin Books. first quality, regular price, Met 's White Shirts, $1 and $1,25 linea'
sane les sli ht1 . it s 1 ri ei
so ed a e c Oc'
+ , is
p 8 P
rice 2
for 5c
• 5e, sale p
Cotton Towels Go per pair Men's combination Snobek and Over.
Children's .Colored Hose, sizes 4i to 8, all, regular price $2, sale l'i'ce $1
in cardinal, blue, pink and tan; also White rlinoolm, reg. price Ale, sale
all lines Ladies cotton, cashmere Ind price '.:e
wool hose, at wholesale prices Boy's striped Overalls reg. 40e, sales
Six only '$4 Tapestry Table Covers, price 25c
-regular 141.50. sale price Me . ltten's blue bib 'Overall's, regular 76c,.
sale' ri a 50e
Pants reduced to the
Shits and Odd p
last notch quality -Will allow . Men's heaviest Shoes, '. regular price
Men's tan hose, regular 20e, saie price 31,35. wile price $1. •
2 pairs for 25e . Best 10o Shoe I+alish, two for ilii
If too!busy to shop dllriPg the day, you will find the store open,
` g,
y e:vellln �ros
„der ”
Plurnsteel, , .