HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-17, Page 1r
0.4.4..raw. it maavamosaidow wow.*
Y. AS. C4•62'
00,1) OMNI 11;1 Wiit :gl_iddre810000 '4400tOre 11.1 Iteoreatti'm Park, ()Unto?", on Wednesdar Afternoon, Sept 284
: 114111.K.I.
the •date tor
elections, with
0, week earlier,
b.r 213111,
the geliellA
en Oct, lit.
Photographic 0oods,W AMC/mu:tell 1
Winnere, 'VG S . 1
Sir Wilfrid Laurier,liforrishez Ormelts1
Fall Opening..
Panel* Furniture, Cooper Store. 4
Eyeeight, W Counter, t ....... 5
Millinery Opening, 0011elt, Alk U0 5
Millinery Opening, Poplestone5
Millinery and dress goods,R Adams. 5
• -... os eihnetban sa • • • . 5
"ml Wanted,int • 5
. .Auction Sale, Seth Fisher:
Cottage for gale. Little's Lunch. Cafe 0'
For Sale, New Era..., 5
Applications for OffieseM McTaggart 5
Property/or/Sale"Mrs 13lierker..., 5
House for 'Sale,A J edges. 5
For Sale or to rent, -P Potter.; es; 5
'Court of Revision; D•L Mecplaerson 5
For Next week. Harland Bros..,.. Sup
Decerations, W D Fair Co .. ........ 8
. •iilhinery Opening, Tozer its Brown.. 8
Special announcement, Hodgen Bros 8
" • To Advertisers • '
lopy for changes of advertisement
must be handed in by Tuesday
night. Small transient ads. will be '
reeeived up to Thursday morning.
1 Ooderith Weddings
Two weddings took place in flodei..
ich last Wednesday, and there wee
P.ientY Of excitement at the email
when the two young eonnies left on. rrotex station in the afternoon
their honeyinoone. At llio'clook noon
ILsithwaito, was the scene of much fee
the reeidence of the 0ouncillor ancltdra
1 tivitr, when their daughter, Mbar Clap.
ice Eleanor' wee united in the bond's of
Imatrimonyto lian7 L. Salkeld, the
popular young reeye ofGoderich town
,-.6111P. -The ceremony was Performed by
eter. Di. Dougall, pastor of North St,
Meehodist Church, the drawing rOOM
1 being tastefully deaf:mated-with eaters.
dahlia, golden rod, and hangings of
wandering Jew. The bride was unat-
tended and only the immediate fam-
ilies were present. 'The bridal gOW11
was of cream silk trimmed with inser-
tion and lace, and the bride carried a
large boquet of China asters and tern,
After *snort honeymoon at Niageras
PAM the happy couple returned on
Monday to Meple Grove farm, lawler.
'eh Township, which will be thelaneet
home. • .
t The other event Wednesday wee the
marriage ofHarry Oanteren Bargess,of
Toronto,to Miss Florencei Agnes (Etta)
Barmaid the eererh011y Wee Perform-
ed by Rev. B. W. Millyard, pastor a
Victoria Street llethodist Church. The
happy couple stood before a bank of
asters and fern, and were unattended.
The bride wore a costume of Copen-
hagen blue silk crepe. de 'chine, with
trimmings of cream and gold, and she
carried pink miters. The out-of-town
gueets includedMrs Burgess and Frank
Borges/3,0f Toroutoanot er and broth-
er of the grown ; Mr. and Mrs. Snyder
and thre children, of Toronto ; Mrs. P.
J. Liedsay and three children, of Win-
nipeg 1 Mr and Mrs Joseph Barry and
children, of London, and .Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Twitchell, of Clinton. The haeliY
conple left in the afternoon /or a trip
to Buffalo andNiagara Falls before.go-
ing to Toronto to make their hotras.
The bride's travelling suit was a tail-
ored costume of navy blue diagonal
cloth with tan hat.
A Stnith is the Liberal nominee in
-North Mid ilesex,V Ratz, M P., Ireter-
ing. .A. similar • tiling oceureed in
South Renfrew, where Mi. 'Wright, the •
:setting inenther, dropped out.
Sale Register.;
Mr Seth Fisher, lot 23, con 17,God-
-cinch Township, will have a sale of
farm stook and implements on Thurs-
day, Oat ist.'T Gundry Auetioneer.
The Ne tv Era and the Weekly
Globe will be sent he new subs
scribers for the balance of :the
• - year tar • . ' .. 30c
. .
• -The New Era and the Family
Herald to the end of the yearao
• new subscriber/ fete... . . . ..30n
.. ,
Sight Made
Porfest logiot Jo olatise..--
mined by do seri.* o/
scientific tests.
Ave,rentier fatturierea
perfect br ecientiso,.
unrefined osesee.
1111.40.gb.,_ -
,IPPN /46.14
V'tli "Ow
A. 3.NRIOG "
. mg
Ordered 'Kw
Clothing Ktorrish & Croo
S ilfrid ,Laurier
will visitClinton, On September. the 23rd` land we
purpose to have everything in readiness for ycur
:reception, as well as his. While lin town; we give
you a hearty invitation to visit ...
Hurores Largest
Clothing and:Tailoring House.
We do not ask you to buy:if you -do not wish to, but
will be pleased to show you through our store, and
inspect for yourself one of the Finest gtocks of,
Clothing in Tailor-made or Ready to wear Garments
ever offered for inspection in these parts. /
While in townyou are invited to make this store
your t:eadquarters for the day, and leave any parcels,
Cc•ats, etc„ until going home.
Don't fail to see the best 50c Wo' rki Shirt 'in
Canada for the money, which is our famous leader,
Morrish & erooks
°Xing" and "Borsalino" fiat Ileadquariers,
"4 Square Deal For Every Man"
aodorla Townenip
Strom= r.o.nr r---.tk most interest-
ing liurprioe party gathered at the
home of Mr John Middleton. on Mon-
day evening, 14th inet. The friends in
connection with St. Aimee Ohurch
sembled in large numbers and immedi-
ately set to work to make the evening
as enjoyable as possible. A» Seemed
to enter most heartily into the various
armee, atui atter these had been Indiut.
g. ed in for some time the Rev.W. E.
Dunbar brieilY addressed the company.
Re explained the object of their meee.
ins, They all understood, that their
friend and faithful helper, Mr. 4ohn
Middleton. jr., -was about to get ma'-
red,and they thought it their duty to
express Whin" how thankful they all
were for the noble and self-denying ef-
forts he had put forth on behalf of St.
Jame e Charcia,, and espeelally ter the
assistance Tf.hich he so willingly had
given to the choir, They hoped that
the ties of ;matrimony would not de -
deprive them Of his servicee in • the fu-
ture, but that he would continue to
assist them as he bad done in the past.
Hee (the e'pealexe)would ask Mr Middle.
ton on behalt of the congregation to
accept the gift Whichthey had procur-
ed for him (a beautiful seeretalie,)
with their sincere and hearty good
wishes, tor his future proeperity, and
that the blessing of the Lord which
maketh rich might ever rest upon the
, home over whiefle he was soon to pre-
side. Mr J Middleton 'spited• in. @un-
able terunethanking anacerely the con-
gregation for their kindness. He felt
that they were not indebted to .him,
hut rather that be was the debtor, and
trusted that he would be able in some
measure in the future to return the
kindaeils that had been shown him.
Most excellent tea, eandwiches, and an
abundance of cake was then supplied,
and heartily enjoyed, A, very happy
meeting was brought to a close by the
Oen:Marty pinging Auld Lang Syne,
Surranse-On Tuesday, Sept 8th, .a
successful chiekenpie supper was green
at the home of Mrs John -Lowry. The
evening was beautiful,and soon a large.
crowd had assembled, all eager to do
'justice to the good things provided.
The ladies, who had been buy from
an early Innizehad everything in readi-
ness, and they are deserving of the
highest praise for the Prompt and sat-
isfactory way in which the large com-
pany was Provided With supper. Rev.
W. H. Dunbar briefly. addressed the
pany, and a most tereeting .and
varied programme of music and recita-
tions was ably rendered. by some of
the ladies and gentlemen present. The
proceeds realized the neat 'sum of $35,
SuDDEK DEATH -We regret to be
called upon to chronicle the death of
one of this townships mast respected
eitizens,in the person of Mary Amelia
Proctor, wife of Mt Heiti7 Oakes, in
her 49th year, which sad event occuie
-red Wednesday, the 16th inst. Mrs.
.Cietres, who was afflicted with heart
trouble, .was ill only a week when she
Was called away, not altogether inter-
•pectedly'but sadly. She was a consist-
ent christian, being a member of the
Methodist- Church. _ _Besides leaving
sorrowing husband, she is suryivecteby
one on and two dieughtersfyiz Mare
David Easom,*(E.eura Frances,) doder-
•ich Township ; Gera() and Herbertat
home. The funeral takes place Friday..
OUTING -On Monday. the 7th haste
the members of St. James Church
choir .accompanied by a few friends,
went to Bayneld, where they spent 4
most enjoyable time. The ladieti pro-
vided tea, accompanied with:chicken,
cake; etc. During the evening Mr. R.
Dunbantook some photos of the camp-
ing. When dusk came on a huge bee:t-
are was lighted on the beach, and
rofist corn, etc., was freely indulged in..
The company afterwards proceeded to
their respective hontete highly pleas-
ed with' their days outing. •
T stalker man ith
Ara.rx:-.Tonsii---Ori Thursday; Sept.
3rd, & quiet but very pretty wedding
was solemnized at the home .of Mr
E A:Banbury, WolsleY, Sask., when '
his eousin,the Rev A E Alliti,of Lloyd -
minder, Sask., and Mies 0 M ;Mhos of
Tuckerianith; were united in marriage.
Promptly at 7 o'clock to :the /trains
of the wedding march, which was
played by. Miss Helen .Banbury, the '
bride, veho was unattended, entered.
the drawing room and was presented
for marriage by Mr E A Banburyethe
Rev Geo le Bennett performing the
ceremony. The bride, although hav-
ing jest arrived on the belated east,'
trainelOoked eery 'winsome in her
cream Wedding gown, •She carried a
Blamer baguet of sweet peace The•
ceremony over, :and congratulations
having been extended, the company
sat down to a very dainty wedding
supper, after which the evening. was
spent in conversation and music. Mr.
and Mrs Allin left on Monday's train•
for Lloydininister where Ur Allin is
pastor it charge' of , the Methodist,
church. We extend congratulations
and wish Mr. and Mrs Allin truest
sweetie in their new need of labor. •
Nome -Rea Dr Cook, of Ridgetown.
will preach in Turner's Church onSint-
day next at 2 80 p. m Mr. and Mrs. F.
Ritchie, of Shallow Lake, visited rel-
atives here for a week on there wed-
ding tour Mr 0'13rien. who engaged
with Mr. Garbett, of Hallett, for tne
summer, returned home this week. Mr
and Mrs j G Crick took in the London
Exhibition this week. Mr 'eiealter
Jackson, of Brantford, Mr and Mrs.
eohn Jitekeon, and MisseAmelia Johns,
of, Clinton, visited &len& here on
Wednesday. -
NOresMr and IVre lahnston spent
Sunday at Porter,fs Hill. Mrs W Brown
returned hems on 'Wednesday aftet
spending a week with friends in
Brampton, Mr ()has. and Miss Maud
Tenet' ere spending the week With
friends near London they will also
take in the Ethibitioti at London. A
nitinber from here attended the funer-
al of Ali. W.T. Roberton lastSitturdays
, alto of Mr 8 Barr on Tuesday, brother
of Mr. D. Barr, of ehie pliteees
ta r
Norte -Mee IVIyttle Nevem wale
vieitina at her grauchnothets, Mae A,
McBee=,es Net week, Mr. Edwited
Glen, end Itliss Eliza, A, Meraelene
attended theInduatteal hist week Mrs
D MaWan left on Teesclay evening to
visit the 'Western Fair, London, Moe
John Moffatt visited the Industrial
last week. Matter Ian AfolCav has also
gone to London this week. Mre Win,
Mel4wan.Me Sohn A lleiTwan, and Mr
414.hos Prager -attended the IteforniCon.
volition in Ilenorall ori Tuestle/, Mr
Alex Thomson left on Tuesday for.
MOOSOJAW, Ralik Where he Will riptiain
libelittWO Anon Of
NoTint-Mr Herbert Thome*. now in
Walton, formerly 0, O. R. agent here,
aceompauied by his whet, ono on
friends here on suocia7, Mr R. Stalker
has returned from Seatorth; where be
as been engaged in the eaw-mill. Mr
J, E. Robertson left on _Monday for
Stratford where he will attend the
Normal School. Mr frowitt hap had
his home reshingled and expects to
move back to his farm shortly, Mr.- T.
Nieholsoe is in Clinton, undergoing
operation. Mitch sympathy is express
ad for Wm. Plunkett and fainily, Mrs.
,Plunkett being Ina very critical ,con-
ditton. Rollinson has entered upon
apprenticeship at KnOnss. Mrs Rev
Wm Baugh, of Bearalller.. visited at
the Bialys over Stinday. The evapor-
ator started this Week with about a
dozen nands on,
°Mina SUOMI leaMila kr Atninale
-For several retro th Baptist eon -
irregation worshippin in the old
frame building on the age Line, hest
been considering the queetion oe build-
ing * new church, After long and
careful thought, it was at last decided
to bunch, and to locate the church at
Auburn, Work was cemmenced three
weeks ago, and on Tuesday the Corner
Stone was laid amid, great rejoicing,
The weather was fine, and a large
company asseinble4 at four o'clock.
when Rev T W ' Charlemworth took
charge of the service and announced
the Byatri 4%11 hail the power of
Jesus Name." Rev j It Mann of the
Preebyterian Church ' offered prayer,
and Bev W It Hartley,of the Anglican
church read the 90th psalm.' After the
singing of another htnen which was
announced hy ileV .A. E Jonee , of the
Methodist, church, the pastor gave
a short statement as to the histoey of
•the undertaking, and eaid they were
not locating in Auburn for the purpose
of trying to take members from other
churches, but because the neede of the
bongregation could be best served there
He then called Upon -Master Earle
Raithby to present a silver Trowel,
and Mies Ella Robertson to present a
baguet to Rev E T Fox of Toronto.
who thereupon proceeded to well and
truly lay the corner stone, A number
of• the scholars of the Sunday school
placed gifts on the straw, and were
each presented with a beautiful Sou-
venir ribbon badge by Mrs Charles-
woith, who einailaele decoratect the
ministers on the platform. Rev E T
Fox and -Rev 0 R Jones of Goderich,
each delivered addresses and Rev J L
Small of Blyth closed the proceedings
with prayer. . A Liberal offering was,
taken After the ceremony. a garden
party Was held on Mr A Asquith'slawn
'which had been Made to look quite
feetive with flags andChinese lanterns
and well apread tables. •A, large crowd
enjoyed the good. things provided and
listened with much delight to the
music provided by the White ' Dyke
Band of Clinton, the selections hy the
TyndallBros., and the address by the
local ministers. The inembers --of the
Ladle* Aid worked heroicly, and were
ably assisted by nisaly members of the
other churches in :the village. ' The
building cominittee were in evidences
everywhere (teeing that everyone was .
having a good time. The total pro -
coeds of the day from all sources was
nearly tyre hundred dollars.
• ilolboraa
Nolizur..Mr M Mugford, who for the
past three or four years lived in•eieder.
ich,has bought the forre of.J• Holladay;
and has taken possession of the same.
We 'Understand. Mr. W. W. Fisher, of
Holtnesvillee has purchased the farm
of J White. ire and will move there in
the near future. Mx Lasalle Flick, ac-
companied by j. 0. Durstetre epending
a few days in Hay and ' Mr.
and Mrs M Uhler, spent Sunday with
friends in . Huilett; Mr Lawrence
Crouse, of Hutlett, visited friends m
Colborne last Week, ahd spent Sunday
in Dashwood. Miss MandyBurst
spent a couple qt days with friends in
Zurich and Dashwood. We are pleas-
ed to hear that Miss EthelEisher, who
has had a severe attack of inflamma-
tion, is recovering. Mr Henry Sehwanz
who has 'been a great sufferer this
summer, is not improving; much sym-
pathy is felt for hint, and we hope for
speedy recovery. Miss Mary Blake,.
of Goderich, 'visited her sister, Mrs L.
Snyder last week. Mr. 1. Flick, are
accompanied his grandson, Freddie
Schiele, to Orion, Mich.: where he Will
spend se couple of weeks with his
daughters. Mr Manuel Maedel and
son. of Norwich, are spending a couple
of days finder the parental roof, Mr.
A Millian occupied the pulpit at Ben -
miller church last Sabbath' evening,
owing: to the absence of leer Pastor,
Rev Mr Baugh.
%inflate, '
• Norm -Leiper, Si Moon ere giving
special. prizes for yearling Colts and it for spring tolts sired by theirheavy
drift horse, Royal Everard, three
prizes in each class at the Blyth fall
TWIN- Sultortieue-A twin surprise
party teak place at the home of Mr G
.Groose, liullett, on the evening ofSept
Othewhen the members and friends of
the Evangelical Church of said piece
assembled to preeertiniss•Ceera Groom)
with A beautiful fruit set for her set -
vices as organist for thelase fur year')
and her brother Lawrence who is at
present a student at North Western
'College, Naperville, 111., preparing for
the ministry, With la purse of over $4
in mob. Both recipients have well
merited the recognition.' The evening
was spent in playing gems, a rich re.
past and a short -programme in which
j. G. Moseranyth Sunday School Sup-
erintendent gave a sketch of the work
done in Sunday &hoot encouraging
the young people to greater Activity.
Al; the wee Wee hours all left feeling
that the occasion had been a tattoos,
and , of having thoroughly enjoyed
Tonolito 'W181411400 -In the prize
list report of the Toronto exhibition,
Mr Jas Snell is credited with the fol-
lowing prizes, in Leleteter sheep: -
Ram, 2nd I tam, Yearling, 2nd ; ewe,
two years or under, let ; ewe, yearling
2n4 ; pen, lest. The class was a very
strong One, and the above Is consider-
ed very creditable,
• NOTEs -Mr Robert Brown, was at
London Air on Friday and sotorday,
o.od oloo Celled et, Mr Chas Moutons and
Mt Bente() Who Were old neighbors in
Hallett,' Amos Cartwright -filled his
silo Thursday. Chas :fooling's infant
child is very ill. Mr, 3as. Cartwright,
who bas taken the trouble to grow it
beautiful patch of watermelons, had
the misfortune to have the entire
patch stolen or destroyed Oh Monday
glat. He ou,70 he didn't know Quo
were 4,It1ggpitioIn WS Idelnitri
AIL .11.0111..s.Liar .... Y.
Sir Wilfed
be appreclated. There wal be plepty
, I ewee'e ',teem. ale and everybody should be willing' r
00 21trier of Ooneervs.tivea here aa well as 4ber- i
Noma Or CANADA W. to appealle their eyes.
&mild the weather-, prove due. a 1
large crowd will undoubtedly be pres-
ent, and ample arrangements should
be made by the hotels and restaurants !
toleed them all. Even tro or three'
not unlikely there WIII bb many
thousand is a large numher, andltories I
, than this. '
CGuservacives who heard Ron. Geo. 1
P. Grahaln when be spoke at Exeter
and Seatorth during the South Enron
by-election, paid he was "one of the
most gentlemanly and pleasing weak-
ens they ever heard." They will go
and hear him again on Wedneeday
The coming visit of Sir Wilfrid Laur-
ier to Clinton, on Sept 23rd, will make
the fourth visit of a Dominion Premier
to this place. Away back in the early'
70's Sir John A Macdonald held a polit,
kat demonstration here, followed a
few years later by Hon, Alex. Macken-
zie, and this, in turn, was followed by
a vent from Sir John Thompson, all of
Whom were cordially and heartily re-
ceived, That Sir Wilfrid's reception
will be equally hearty goes without
saying. , . ,
el -ea
Hon. G. P. Graham
• and others, will address the electors
at Olinton on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd.,
Six Brass Bands and two Pipers have
been eecured for the occasion,. inclucl-
ing the 28th Regimental fiend, Steele
ford ; Winghant Band, Zurich Band,
Clinton Citizen's Band, 011uton ViThite
Dyke Band, Mitchell Band, and Pipers
Macdonald; of Seafortb, and Macdon-
ald, of Wingham, in Costume.
The procession will leave the station
•ett roilte to the Reeteation Park •at 1
0 °leek, in carriage(' and on foot. The
Premier, Miniater of Ratiways, Mena -
bars of Parliament, ex-Memberes, lean-
didatest delegates, speakers, visitorei
and citizens, and the contingents from
the different Ridings will be headed .
by a Brass Band.
it is ()tweeted that Ladylituriee wilL
The procession will be marshalled by
Lieut. Cel Young, Majors :Wilson and
•Cembe ; Lieut. Whiddon ; Oeptains
Heanian and McPhail, ..1 Skinner and,
• The procession will be welcomed at
Recreation Park by School Children's
Chorus, under direction of Mr. W. P,
SPSapueladkiniegi will coneMence t 2 p.m.,
with 5.mniute addresses by M. Y. Me -
Lean, • itf. P., •South' -Huron ..Robert
Holnies,. candidate for, West' Huron ;
A Ilyelop for East Huron, -
The preseetation address to Sir Wil-
frid Laurier, from the three Hurons,
will be read bY.J. G. Stanburye Secret-
or South Huron Liberal Association.
• trWilfrid Laurier will be introduc-
ed by Mr M Cameron, Eittlerich,
Hon, G P Graleam will be introduced •
by W Herr, Brussels.
• Selections by a Male Quartette will
form part of the programme. , .
•The route the procession will. take
will likely be as follows : - Form at
•the station at 1 p.m,- then- out -to: Vic=
toria Street, thee up to Huron Street;
to Morrish Crooks corner; west .to
Orange street anorth Orange to Pen-,
eess and Albert Street; down Albert
to Lincler's corner, then emit to Will-
iam, and north to the park by the rear
entrance. • e
. The town--will-be gaily decorated
wtth banners, flags and. bunting. Clin-
ton is. the only town hi this' locality
where the Preiniek aed Minister of
Railways will address the electors.
The speaking platform will . be in
bent of the grand (tend, and it is ex-
pected that it win eccoenociate absent
150 guests, in addition to the reporters
an a speakers. :
The G. T. will, Jane return tickets).
at single fare from all (teatime. Special
train will leave Listowel at 0 a. me
running via Wingham ; and one from
•Goderich 1410 a.m.' Returning, special
trains' vvill leave Clinton for Stratford
at 8 p.m., for. Exeter and points south
• at 8 p.m.,. Passengers firm Blyth,
Winghain; Iiineardme, 'Brunets; Lis-
towel, etc., will return on train to-
Winghatu, leaving Clinton, 6.40 p.m.,
vvith special from Wingheente
A. base -ball game will be played on
the Park in the morning. Or the' en-
joyment of early visitors. e' •
Should the weinher prove' unfavor-
able,arrangersients will be itiede for an
indoor meeting. •
The Ladies of St Paul's Church wili
serve dinner in the Council °heather
on elauriet Day," the 23rd. '
Dave Cantelon, of Renee% days
"Everybody down our way talks of
going to !Minton on the 23rd." - •
Sir Wilfrid and party willleave here
at 8. p. ria, on the evening of the 23rd
onhte special train thee runs to Shed
ford,• -
The 'Young Figople'S Guild will serve
hoe dinner and supper on Sept. 23rd,
in the store lately occupied, by Walter
T SmithEverybody welcome.
The ladies Of Ontarici Street Metho-
dise ehurch will eerve it hot dinner on
Wednesday, (23rd) in the lecture room
of the church front 11 to 2 o'clock.
oleciroatw,111 also be served from 5 till
There are actually mine people -Who
think that Sir Wilfrid Lauder is Pee-
l:tiler only for the Liberale. They for-
fac,lotintihnaiottilt.el, .Premier for the whole
It is quite likely that nearly AS many
eioneervatives as Liberals will cOme
here on Wedtiefiday next to hear the
most gifted Orator that Canada has
dereonstration of thia nittitre
meting a great deal of detail Work/ba-
forehand, but the burden •is being
hurtle on Willing shouldersand divid-
IA up to that it is not felt 'AO much as
Might otherwise be.
The decoration committee is endeay.
Ing to see that the town will look its
prettiest on the 23td; that the visitors
WhO COMO here front the surrounding
country may carry away 4 good iit.
pression of the town, and to doubt
eorrie will decorate their promisee who
are not in sympathy with the Premier.
• No Lib/6M is 'foolish enough to sUP.
pose that this itt any Way: 0011tralts
g that/3 to the Premier's pelloy, but it,
win he a ganattnia atbeellialKal that Will
• 'Narita -Mar.linnideMinrrsi.11: McCertney,
Messrs W Pickard and 'W. Yea,Miss M
Lobb and Miss Willianatattended Lon-
don Fair this week. • Mr e McKenzie
and Mrs Leach, of Goderich, are visit-
ing at J Holmes'. Miss Holmes arrived
bottle from Great Britain on Monday,
and reports a most enjoyable trip; t e
members of her Bible class met at her
home on Tuesday evening, and ave
her a hearty welcome bona* Mr, Boy
Pickard is witing here, Mrs Draper, „
of Aylmer, arrived in our village on l
Wednesday ; she intends keeping 1
house for her mother, Mrs IV 21ulhol- •
land, who leaves for a neonth'e 'visit in 1
Chicago, Thursday. Mr. Geo. Phipps.
is ha& from Toronto, Mr. Thorass
now out of danger, Rev Mr Brown,of i
Walter's little boy was seriously ill
last week, but we are glad to siey is
Varna, will preach morning and even- 1
ing in the Methodist church on Sunday
• next. The Rev Me Snowdenavill take
amiversary services at Goshen. Mrs.
(Dr) Howell, of Michigan, is visiting at
her father's, Mr R Acheson. Mrs Rus -
of Sunshine, is visiting her sisters,
Mrs Caritelon and -Mrs Elliott, of tine.
'village. Miss Emily Proctor spent
last week with her sister. Mrs. .I. Low-
ery, of the 16th con. Miss B. Martin,
of Seaforth, is visiting at Mr. S. Teb-
butte, Mrs Shepherd and Mrs &Wein-
non and httle girl spent Sunday at Mr
Render's, Mr. George Phipps is quite -
busy lathe eeoultry business ; he ship- 1
ped 100 fowl this -week; and expects to .
make larger shipments next week. Mr. e
and Mrs Lew Te bbutt spent Sunday B
at Seaforth. 97 bexes of cheese were
• Camerag and Supplies
Everything to aid the
amateur Photographer.
We are prepared *0 do
and Pi t g
at moderate prices
W.A. McConnell,
Phu". la.
Whiners at
TOP01110 fair.'
The prize winners in Amateur
g p y used.
preparations foe finishing the ,
To Get the WO results it is newer
-We hat the heat tar you-
. $
ary to use rellable.goods. 114SUMAN'n
Kodak; and Photo Simonet; are the raO!1
reliable made. . 0,.
'These goods can 'only be pro -
mired • from
S. It. 110111ICS
Phu" B
Masada Oaring Oheinist
shipped from the factory liietSaturday
morning; .
OorrvEuvoN-Goderich District Ep-
04.MM ..40.4.104/ %POW
1300294m Setif. 1st, Our old.established and -
re liable school offers the best faolliti s for
se euring a sound .business and she and.
training. Writelor catalogue ; it Para to i
• BrIllsbliMe110100111.$111CIS
yonge illy:11406111 See, %rota& .
worth League and a. S.- Oc nbioiiTseeseeseseeseeeeeeeesseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewe
to be held at Auburn,Oct 14th and 15th.
Some of the very best talent available
will take part in the program, The -
programs will be ready for distribu-
tion in a few days. . •
Cannon Eyangelist Rev. T. Be
Egerton, of Pratville, -who has been
supplying Galt Methodist Olitirch dur-
ing its pastor's vacation this summer,
will preach in the Londesboro Metho-
dist church next Sabbath morning. Mr
Egerton is coming to assist Rev. H. E.
Curry in Evangelistic services at Con-
stance church. They will begin theta
• next Sabbath afternoon at 2.20. Rev.
11 E Curry will exchange pulpits with
Rev. Mr.'Hiles,,B, A.B.D., of .13aylie1d,
on Sept. 27th, -
From an occasional Correspondent. .
PrinennuAufoit-The Sunday techooi
class of Mr. T, H. Squire, on the eve
of his removal from this place,present-
ed him With a Bible1 accompanied bye
an address. Mr Squire has been a mo
exemplary and useful eitizen a nee •
bet of the Lea ae and Quarterly oard f
of the Methodist Church, a s s is re-
moval is Et distincb loss to continua-
ity. He carries With he very best
VnsheSof the com» unity
Ontriwn-41ev4 T. R. Egerton, twin-
gelist,and the pestor. will commenee
evatigelistie services in the church
here next Sabbath afternoon at 2.80
o'clock There will ambit a service in
the evening, again at 7 o'clock. The
eyazigelist will sing at each of the ser-
vices. All are weleonne.
Nouns -Mrs Robt Clarke and daugh-
ters. Stella and Eileen have returned
from a *heart visit with Mr and Mr*
P. C. Papintan at Strathry. Mies M.
McDonald is at present visiting with
her gilder itt St Thomas. Quite a num-
ber from this vitinity attended :the
London Fair this week. Mr. Wm.
Oliirke his sold -his thorobred bull, and
has pucchased.anether from Mr Grain.,
ger, of Hullett. Farmers' are practiss
Wig idle- on account of dry weather,
not being able to work on the tend. itlr
Howard ArnistrOng is at present tak•
ing in the tendon* Pair, also Visittng
Se Thomas and other points; Howard
knows how to take a soda time When .
the opportuhity presents, itself.
C11101tO/V-Arinlytireary serVicea will
he held in Goshen Church on Sunday
Sept 12th, Rev. T. H. Snowden, Ph B
will preaeh at 10.80 a.M., and at I pan.
Liberal °IV:fringe are desired in aid of
the Truet fiends of the church,
Wellington Gaslight and P.O.'
Pagets Prize and P.O. Papers"
and Post Cards. .
Cyko Gaslight Paper and. Post
Pagets' Self toning Papers and
/Post Cards,Dev,eloping Powders,
Flash Light Po wdeneToning etld
Fixing Powders, Mount, Ferro-
type Plates, Trimming Boards,
' Ruby Letups, • Photo Paste.
Blotting Paper, Rrays, Celluloid
and Glass Ro1ler. Graduates.
We also Wive in stitch a full
line of Chemicals for making
Developing and Printing at reasonable
• Papers and, Post ards.
J E. Hovey
Dispensing Chemist.
with leading business bowlers await
our sraduote3,
Loose-leaf Ledger
arid tdi modern methodwhith
ensure rapid advancement.
Ong& Shorthand
taught by the only:tetcher in On-
tario who attended the AUTHOR'S
TiGttlitt Ceeltfileg
Stenograrhy, Cointheroial, TelegraPhy. •
}Inter any day. Write formartionlexs
Pali Term front Sept. tat.
Clinton linginessCollege.
060. Spotton, Principal.
, Incorporated ffinffr
tapital, it at $3,374,000
Rest Ptindo $303111,000
Ras 66 Breaths in Canada/ and Agents and Correspondents in Mt
. the Principal Cities in the World,
at Brattcheoh
Clinton Branch,
Intereat arllowed at bt1reat await Ai*
DowtaNG manst