HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-10, Page 8(4, New Coats • for Fall lVfore•riew fall and winter Coats in this week. Garments that are right in every detail that goes to make a stylish coat for women. All tailor made perfect in style, faultless in fit. Of .any exclusive style or pattern, no two garments the same. Colors are all dark. Black promises to be as popular as last season. Lengths are 4 to *. backs semi to tight -fitting, although there are still some loose garments shown. Come in and see the new coats any day. No need to feel obliged to buy, but we would remind you that the best time to buy is EARLY, before assortments are broken. Misses and V00111$ Ladies' Coats 47,00 to $1.0.00 Ladies' Black 4ftekets,full length correct styles, $10, $15 and $20 Ladies' Fine Black lieCSey Jackets, bandsoraely trimmed with braid and vslyet, no two alike, very exclusive., ,,,, ,...,...... ,,, , , . , . , .$05 to $30 Ladies' Silk and Velvet Coats. lined throughout with _ heavy -weight lining, very dressy, $25 and $30 to SOW .• • •tligliclass Samples. We are showing six or , eight very hand- some black coats, for ladies, They are sample garments, made by one of the best manufac- turers in Berlin- There are no two ,alike, and we are selling them for less money than we would, were they not samples They have • have been handled but very little, as this manufacturer only calls on a few concerns in Ontario. If you want something out of or- dinary, at moderate prices, see these Coats Each $25 and $30. MOW Wwweitiew Re=opening of Dressmaking Department. The Dress -making tepartment will . re -open for business- Monday,. Sept, ---14th,----iftcharge of 0Miss Smith. Early placing Of orders is .advisable. '''"Atiig"Stnithwill be ready for business. Monday morning to receive customers. • About the W •, Many additions to the Dress Goods stock the past few days. The seasons best and mast fashion- able Weaves, variety enough to suit every- taste. Plain Broadcloths, the popular materials for dressy costume& Stripe effects, monotone: csr combin- ations in the dark colorings that will be much worn, this season. The wide Wale Cheviots Serges in plain colors or Monotone stripes,„ with: a splendid assortment of the popular plain materials such as Panama, lkoplin. etc. Come and look . them over, no trouble to show them. ,at any time. Of the fancyweavesno two Suit lengths atike. • — ._BroadDlotholl; 1.50 .and. 2.00. Venetians '50e,. 85e and $1: Serges and Cheviots 50e, 60„ 75, $1 and .1.25 Chevron and Monotone stripes $1 and 1.25 Fancy Stripe Suiting $1.25 to $2. Panamas, Poplins, etc. 50e to 75e. As usual' our stock of black Dress Goods is exceptionally well chosen. and embraces the best weaves in black dress fabrics for erdiriary .or mourning wear. • 50e to $2.i5 per yard • A Good Black Sateen Skirts for $1.00 We have an exceptionally good black Sateen. for a dollar bill, It is made from fine plain highly finished sateen, has wine frill and ruffle, Is cut very full and • properly shapec to be comfortable, and easy fitting. No better skirt for the price, A Dollar Bill. 0' • . gif ri ;Tail I:MANTON 1•174W ERA CLINTON NEW ERA WANTON. ONT.,, SEPT., 10th, 1008 Local Notices. Plumand Pears wanted, Vantelon Woo. WAICTED. -The Clinton Knitting 0o. want- several girls at once, for steady employment, ..... PARISIAer. S,TEAM' LAUNDRY AGENCY. -- Basket shipped Thurs. gatYeree' 4.-41AauDIVIE L°4,1EleAciljfP"MAanN4. 4°- 1 Booms formerly occupied by U Beattie DR. OVENS,Londoi3, Surgeon, °co- met, Specialist, ' will be at W. S. It, Holme' Druf? 0.0re, on Friday', Sept. 20th. elaeses properly fitted, deafness catarrh and failing eyesight treated, gours 11 to 4 p,ra. IMPORTANT NOTICE- W. ' Glenn Campbell wishes to announce that he will resume teaching at his Clinton, Seaforth and Blyth studios the first week in September. Persons wishing to study_ any grade °friar% oforte, Pipe. Organ,Musical Theory (which includes Rudiments, Harnionn Counterpoint, Musical form, History and °moos). - tion) areInvited to consult Mr Camp- bell personally in his studio on -Rotten-. bury Street West or address. Box 141, Clinton postoalce. ' ' - Local News innor413rm- A statement bas appeared in the daily papers giving a list of places where local option is like. iii to be submitted next January. Mention is made of seyeral phiees in the county of Huron. 'We are inform- ed that this announcement is prertia- • ture, and the probabilities , are that for a 'Variety of reasons, no effort Will he made to take a vote until next year. DUCE SEASON OPENS -The open season on dricks commenced on Sept. 1st While this is a little early in the season, still a few 'ducks have been •'shot. A, fine specimen of a drake wood duck, the most beautiful of all the • duck family, and which are now get- ting very rare. was secured on Labor day by Mr: J. E. Hovey and Walter Helms. It has been sent to Toronto I to be mounted. ., I1 DOG POISONED - The valuable citizen of 'Clinton who for some time : past had 'teen trying to rid the town 1 of its canines, • has again made his I appearance. in the same neighborhood r•virhere he had carried on his dirty • I work before. Mr Dick Belcher found ; his dog poisonednne day last week; the dog having got it from the game • locality in whibla the other earlinee i .seeured it. A man may have a decide 1 I antipathy for dogs, but that is no : reason why he Should take it upon , himself to do away with th.ern. There I are bad dogs and there are' others not ; so bad, in fact there are few •dogs in I this town, which do any, harm what- ever. Then there is a lavi Which pro- , tects the citizens frOm having • to put up with any dog which is - a niiisance. . If any.stich are allowed by"the owner i to run 'on the streets, the dog can be ! ordered destroyed by, the town: cOn- 1 stable; The case in mind, ' does -not meet this law; the dog, was a quiet peaceable animal, very playful, quite -safe-sten with- children.- andisnot, known to have done any harm unpro- voked. . Since nothing •can truthfully • be said or found against the record 'of the'deatroyed dogs; hadn't s.sve-better find out who this valuable citizen is, inquire into his own record, . It seews.quite fair and will probably un- cover the seat of the whole trouble. JERMYN. -, 'HOWSON.-- ,A.- quiet home wedding took place at theMethO- • dist parcionage, Wingham,Wednesday Sept. 9th, when Miss Lillian ' Corte, daughter of *Rev, W la Howson, a for. mer pastor of Rattenbury .St. church, was united in marriage to Mr. Victor A•jermyri. cf the township of Morrie. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. David Rogers, of Worth, • ao old • friend of both the contracting 'parties. The bride was dressed in cream orepe de ellen% trimmed with French Valen- ciennes lace and. ribbon, and parried a shower baguet ofbridal roses. :, The bride, who was unattended, entered: • the 'parlor on the arin of .her father, to the strains of the Bridal March, as playedahy Miss Reid, of Clinton. in vitations were, issued- to .friends . in -England, British Columbia, and .the Saskatchewan, TOrouto, Calgary,, Til- sonbtirg„ Barrie and London, and L after the ceremony the guests sat dowh to a •repast, carefully prepared and daintily served. The. rooms were decorated With loophiga Of, white and pink, and fine -full blown asters of delicate pink, were scattered through the rooms, and on the tables in rich profusion.. The many beautiful presents witnessed the esteem in which thepairare held. The -groom's-gjf-tto-theLhride-wasLo •beautitg• fid sunburst of pearls. The bride'sgoing away gown was Of dark areen • chiffon broaddloth, withhatto match: • The very marry friends of Mr and MIS. : • Jernlyn; who are widely, known, wish them many Yeareiof wedded happiness. „,. • SHREDDED WHEAT BANQUET ,41The Shredded Wheat Co., Toronto, will give a banquet through the Ladiesr Aid, of Wesley Ohorch, in the Town Hall on the 15th of October. In addl. thin, to an •excellent menu, a splendid program will be provided. .ACIOIDENT-Mr W Srnillie, one of the pupils at the Collegiate met with a painful accident on Tuesday_ after. noon, while playing football. Ws arm was put out of joint at the wrifit,when checking. painting him much pain. We are glad to hear It is doing nicely. WEDDED -Mr Milton Perrin, of London, and Mise Ethel McNaughton, of that city, were married on Monday afternoon, Mr Verrill is a former Olin. tonian, being the son of Mr Joshua Perrin, now of Brandon, in which place the young couple wilemake their blame, Miss Ida Holmes was a guest at the wedding, A NARROW ESOAPE Monday afternoon as ,Mr and Mrs Wm Bast were doing some outside work about the house, a le, ider which was leaning against thereeidence fell and struck Mrs East on she left arm. It caused a nervous snook, and • Mrs East was aer 'sisted to the house, but fortunately was not as serious as might have been. APPRECIATE GOOD THINGS, - Mr Mutoh, keeper of the House of Re- frige, wishes us to thank the members of the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, for a beautiful basket of cut flowers. The inmates, at least many of them, appreciate these things of beauty, and it would be well if the public generally would contribute their little mite in the endeavor to make those byes wore happy. ,ANOTHER NARROW ESCAPE. - As Mr Harvey Davis was in the apt of .leading a colt, a few days ago, the ani- mal became frightened, arid: pulled Me Davis out, of the buggy, falling on his head, He was unconscious for .Sonne fin:Leland narrowly escaped fatal injury As it is, he will nurse a very sore neck for some time. It is possibly one of periencecl, and we hope he never will athReizost painful 'accidents he ever ex - AN EARLY THANKSGIVING - Thanksgiving Day this year will be held on Monday, October 19th. It was •decided some time ago that hereafter for convenience of commercial travel. lers and others who spend onlySinaday at borne. Thanksgiving Day should be celebrated on Mondays. By giving thanks this year on ()amber .19th the interference with the election and with the rush occasioned by the closing of navigation will be avoided, BRIEFS -The Citizen's Band, of which he is the popular leader, seren- aded Mr James McRae,- on Saturday evening, on the occasion of his ...The militia orders re- cently issued chronicle Mr M D Mc- Taggartas having been granted the honorary rank of Major......Mt J W. Newcombe is suffering from inflarama- Mon of the eye, caused by a' ccial cinder he made a special trap to Toronto for treatment...Another inmate has,beeo added to the House of •Refuge list in the person of Mrs Sbaver,Seaforth.. T Hawkins has rented one of the dwell- ings of Miss Hines, and is moving thereto ----Rey W Jon. ffe andwife are eirnected home 'this week, th'uugli. he will not take his own.' pulpit work next Sonday.,„ . Tbe new flag staff on the' to wri hall is quite conspicuous The residence of Mrs T McIlveen. IlUron St., is being prepared thtough out.•acal the propertyotherwise im- proved. , ".fhanksgiting -Day this year trill be heid. on Monday. Oct. 19. The Clinton Citizen's Band has made arrangements vvithithe 83rd Regiment- al Band of Godevich to give a concert, next Wednesday night in the Town Hall; see bills for further particulars. .. We were pleased t-o'see our old I friouipmp John Foster up town Mon-, day and Auesclay. .-Sam Barr .has re- covered from an attack of typhoid-, sufdcientlyto get up town, and hopes to be big usual self - -Jibe valuable , poodle dog belonging to Mr Linder, has evidently found a new home: Already there is talk Ota Spring Show in 1909; an agitation is en foot to have it in May, instead o April, and, to utilize the -Athletic park, for the same ....We are glad to learn Mrs Arthur Whitinghato, is recoveriug from her severe illness..; • . THE LAST OF THE PAMMY -t Joehua flohnee, a former resident of St Oatharinee,' died at London, last Thursday Mrs Green,South London. Mr Holmes at the home of his daughter I who was a pioneer resident of the Ni. agar* dietrict. was bora at Gralathe" XancOlnehlre, England, in 1819, came to Canada in =V5., and invested in large tracts of land in St Oat/wines In 1812 he formed a partnership in 0. carriage works with the. late Wm Greenwood, the 2rin name becorein a household word througkoutthe district. Be retired in 18$5,. lie we the oldest justice ot the peace in Lin, coin 00unty, having been adopted i 1860. .He was a member of the echo° board, apd &ea of the city council for a neinber of years, He was one of thei first Members of the St -Catharines ar tillery, organized in MI, and was a the froutilf quartermaster with the corps during *he Fenian Raid. Deceas- ed ie survived by three sons and two daughters, Colonel J. Greenwood" Holgaes. comraandent in British Col. a, Win Henzy lIobnes, Truro, N S., author of **A, History of St he Union t n jeast6kias (31Wea,"Ikgere ton and Mrs Wan F Green, London. [Mr Holmes who was an Anglican was the eldest brotherof the late E Holmes and is the last of six brothers. He was asstrong a Clongervative as his brother was the ether way. GODERICH DISTRICT EPWORTII LEAGUE- At a Meeting of the Pro- gram Committee of theDistrict League in Blyth on the 5th, it was decided to hold the Annual Epworth League and Sabbath School Convention in Auburn on Oct. 13th and 14th. The best out- side and local talent, will be secured, and a good program will be prepared. BllSiRCSS „. . . . tollege Toronto the iargest and pest equipped senora or Its land JuviteSyou to write for Its 1110w catalsgue• . Etat term profit Seitt. tat, • 1 ADDRESS •••'W IL Shaw; Pilneipal, Yonne & Gerrard Ste., Toron4o. JACKSON'S Midsummer Clearing Sale will continue .during the month of August • What is left of m our Sumer Shoes are being cleared out • rapidly, the reductions are very liberal, we don't pretend to be losing money but we are sacri- ficing profits while •the shoes • last This Store opens at Zoo eCi0C115 a. m. and closes during this month. at 6:oo Repairs While 'You Wait. Sept. loth, "%A chool Ne• - We have done as we know vantage to. you. to ChOOLS Sup: Often the cheapest peps t-11•Ve0k,.: our part as well • •make t an ad- ny froze laff youx,. oks and lies. Fair Co., Always the Best paz 71 ••" re Dress 3aods, Furs, F Coats Mill nery, Drcss-iiaking a d Tailoring DO'ts• This season we waited until the last Minute before buying Fall •.weara.bles with the object of getting the very latest styles, with what • success, you can judge for yourself, all we ask is for you to. Call and in4 speat our :latest --purchase ,which arrives this week, Dress Goods in suit length in the very late-st Coloring's in sitrip-a-and.----b-roads;_Fall Coats in great variety of the newest styles in all the popular plain color- ings and braid trirninings. Thousands of dollars`worth of Furs bong& On a,low market in stoles Ruffs Collerettes Muffs, Fur -lined -Coats, • H you want the best and latest styles and the larg- est ranges to choose from. Call and see them. •, . . I. " . • Fur Departim.ent In the past we had the very best reputation for good reliable Furs This season we, can offer you better values than •eVer,eyery piece guara,nteed,a Fur well boughtis money saved. ,Giveus a call when you want a:fur, we guaran- tee satisfaction . 1 • • .• • • . • • • Cloak Department We have just opened up a new Cloak department up stairs.: We 'have waited until the last minute for the lat- est style in coats arid we open them up this week.' Don't fail to see this dis- play if you need a new Fall Coat Dress Making Department *. Miss Elliott is back from her hon. days and the Dress Making Department is going full blast The dress making department is making great strides to . the .front. • Thisis Miss Elliotts third season and we are looking forward to a, very busy, one, all work guaranteed. • DreEs Goods Department • The colorings and designs in New Fall Dress Goods this season are beautiful, by far the prettiest colorings it has .been our pleasure to display, self stripes, in Green and Bronze with just enough bright colors blended in to make beautiful shades. These come in dress lengths, no two alike. Broad Wales in solid colors of Green, Bronze, -h.-ill:m.14...11131e and Wines are popular arictuatty.':We7slieViatrirraite-you--t visit our • Dress /Goods, Department *heather you purchase or not. • . • '• ' .• • • .„.•• r • • Just Opened Up New Underwear; Gloves, Hosiery, • Skirts, Linoleums; Rugs, Mats, Sheet- - ings,'Flanneletts, Cotton, etc., all _tile best values. Millinery' Department . • Miffs Cantelon is making great preparation for ibt,4,a1,1 opening an- nounced later, she is assisted by Miss Hayeke and they promise a great sur- prise at the open. ' •