HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-03, Page 8wfall-0041s.an.. . Dress 1.1.0048. FIRST SHOWING. ' splendid assortment of new ,F'al% jitodels Coats, and the season's best novelties in 'Suiting; are ready now for early *oyer • Long Coats are in favor. again beutin :most cases se s the general stylesare radical y differentfrom those of last season. There is a strong tendency towards semi and tight -fitting garments, a1 thoughtherefe will be many loose garments worn. Many of the. most stylish are trimmed, some, quite elaborately, with braids and large'buttons. Materials are Broadcloths Cheviots and a: few fancy weaves. Colors are all dark, browns, navys,greens and black being those g .s extreme and exclu- sive c u inall the most e r e x 1_ most favor. Of t sive we show only the one garment. • The New ,Coats sell at each* $8.5o to $25. In Suitings you will find stripes are once more the prominent feature, although a novelty that is grow- ing in favor is a suit with a skirt of two tone stripe or check, and coat of plain material to'lnatch: The checks or stripes, and plain materials, are woven to go together, and properly made they make a most effective costume. Cheviot weaves, serges ` and. plain finished cloths, such as broadcloths, are shown in about'e,qual proportions. We show Plain Broadcloths and , f het lots from rilk to $2 per yard ttfi Per Monotone 'and Fat►cy, • Strides, bac ,to $2 p yd. High class exelasive.Suitinns 0nl 'One 01 each $2.. Come and see these new Dress Goads andOoats any Yday Saturday, or next week, ex Now for Saturday We continue _ our special • sales ' of remnants of. all kinds. From every corner of the store we have gathered them,and there is a real bargain. many ai g you. We haven't considered what they y _ . cost for a_minute, ,lust simply put =a priceon-. each piece that we know must sell it:. The first ship- ment of Fall Dress Goods is. here now, and we don't want to bother with'summer~stocks any long- er. The last odd endsand remnants are going out going out at prices like these.' Soiled Corset Covers 5oc; 25 ladies fine white muslin corsetcovers, made from extra: quality English cambric, trimmed with fine lace and insertion. These are slightly soiled froth handling'. Regular prices •RIM • were 75c to $1.15, clearing.at each " UUU Heavy Linen Crash roc is was a Extra heavy linen crash towelling. Th towelling . little too expensive to sell readily. The regular price was 15s, we are clearing it new at per yard ,. : .... . '1 Ub • Table Damask 2oc. Half bleached table damask 58. to 60 inches wide, good 2flY quality, very special at per yard •.•. • .. .... • .. , Wide Flannelette 8c Three hundred yards extra wide flannelette, anice col- Oa lection of stripes, a regular 10c quality, clearing' at per yardit Long Silk Gloves use InILess than 50 pairs of them, black, white, and Bream, heavy silk! open wrist, double tip fingers, regular price $1 50, 950 choice per pair ..... a`! Colored Gloves' toe • Ladies .colored lisle thread gloves, two dome fasteners,:Ino no driving gloves. Regular 250, Clearing at U Silk Gloves 25c Mostly smallsize's, two dome fasteners, regular 50c. 5G clearing at per pair ......., ••.,J. Y.•.....:.... i....•••. .. Long Lisle Gloves 25c pairswhitep g long length, 250 24 ladies lisle thread loves, L regular 50e clearing at per air . , . a. • .. , ..1 Plaid -Silks 55c Plaid silks, suitable for waists. or trmtninge, will not cut. Two good patterbs, regular 75e, clearing at per yards �t Wash Collars 25c • 30 of thein, with Without tube[, Regular' 40o and 50c eleating at each....rim ............•..a•...•......,r.•...sY.• �5tt 42118 C I+vlr6n,• - TIM OLIN.4.Oa,\ NEW ERA CLINTON' NEW ERA OI,INTON, ONT.. SEPT., 3rd, 1908 Local Notices. Plums and Pears wanted, Oantelon Bros. FOE SALE CHEAP. --Good driving • Mare, J Wdrwin, Clinton, 1 DR. OVENS,London,: Surgeon, Ocu- list, . R. i be atW. S Holmes' Druore, aFriday, Sept. • 25th . Glasse,, properly:• fitted, deafness catarrh and iwiling eyesight tr••eated. Hours 11 to 4 pap. Having opened a Deese - snaking shop, in caniunction with the agency for the Parisian Steam Laundry, I solicit a snare of your patronage. Basket made up Tuesdays and Thurs. days, ADDIE Le KAUIiMAN. Rooms formerly occupied by S; Beattie IMPORTANT NOTICE --•,W. Glenn Campbell wishes to announce thatt he will•resume teaching at bis Clinton, Seaforth and Blyth atudios the first week inSeptember. Persons onns wishing to study any grade ofPianoforte, Pipe- Organ,Musiarti Theory (which includes Rudiments,. "Harmony, Counterpoint, Musical corm, History an d Compost. tion) are invited to consult Mr Camp- bell personally in his studio un Ratten- bury Street West or address, Box 141, Clinton postofflce, • Local News A ARD W1NTER—The beech and butternut trees are carrying a great crop of nuts this season. This calls up the old saying that •plenty of nuts means a long and hard winter coming. But these old eayinge don't always come true COLLEGIATE - At the special meet- has received anappointment as dist- h,g of the Collegiate Board of Trustees rice a eRt forSaskatchewan farm lands Friday evening, the resignition.of Mr Ihtenilg purchasers should common- M McTaggart, as Secretary -Treasurer irate with him without delay,,,,..,A "Was accepted. No,succetsor was ap- small dog accidentally got locked. in fore it was pointed, and the matter will likely be the'stove of g' W D Fair Monday„ night, left in obeyance, until •the regular and rummagedaround a good deal be- meetin - released next morning,-, g' A large no/fiber-of appeals have been TETE MASON FARM • For several. weeks an advertisement baa been rut.. ring in our paper advertising the sale by auction, of the Mason Farm. Bills have also been issued• to the same ,ef-. feet, The farm issituated, on the 0th eon.. not the 6th, as advertised. The sale takes place at the Graham House' Clinton, on Sept 12th. CLEAN UP-•= A general cleanup system should be inaugurated, in pre - visitors, on the 23rd aration for Clinton'st isThe tinutown ig 41.5 BEIEFS --Mrs Those cook has had a WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. --,. The week of very eerieua illness, but is regular Meeting of the. Womeue somewhat improved Mrs. J Hod- Institute Wag heldat the horn* of Mrs gens hue also Leen quite ill for several 'Kearns ori Thursday, 27th. There was days ; her many frlende will be pleased a good attendance.. The subjects,"cools to know she le improving,....Mr. S. • diebes for summer use ; and what to Andrews is having his residence ere when the appetite . requires roofed. ,.....The family of Mr George, ) coaxing," ""Dress as an expression of McTaggart, which has begin living at } personality"• ; and ""Allowances for Bayle for a couple of months, re• Obildren," were all warmly discussed. turned to town this week.... —Plums I. The next meeting will be at the home took. a big "'fall" Monday,severa.1 bask- t of Mra. D. Stevenson, Subjects,"Value. ate being scattered over the latform of Cheerfulness" and "Pickling." at the depot....The G T R is this week running a special train to Toronto for the accommodation of fair visitors ; it vans only on:the Sth,8th andllith, and leaves here at 6,22 a,m.........A week without rain soca leaves a large'accu• mutation of dust on the modern verandah is being added tothe residence of Mr Jas. Dunford ; it will neatly improve its appearance....... earance..,... Murray McEwan is taking an enforced holiday— a broken household effeets-•of Wilfrid Hudson were • . moved' to Mitchell Tuesday, where Mr Hudson has a lucrative, noel. ...Monday next being Labor Day, the various business places .of townwill be ooPed. . ho' Mason a ear load otfab cattle t.To .onto 1uesday... , , .The proposed new crossings on Huron Street are.under construction, aq is also: a granolithio walk on the west side of Ring Street, also from Ontario to Townsend Street. they are : in charge of . •.Mr. ,Joseph Wheatley, than whom there is no bet- ter man' for the work....Trains to' and from Toronto are running late, owing to heavy traffic. .:.•.. Mr Thos Cottle is confined to his room by illness,; we hope he may soon be restored tohis wonted health and strength We have pleasure in drawing our readers attention • to the fact thatMr win Dun- bar, of Coats Cottage, London Road, BOWLIN0,—I+'onr rinks frons Olin ton_ played a friendly game at Blyth. on Monday, and were defeated by 13: shots. Three of the contests were close and exciting, but Harlanci's rink bad hard luck and were down 16 shots, the following isthe score;. , (Hinton Blyth W Graham A, McKellar A'L Strome J Stalker r Wiseman Ed Mason J Hoover, skip 20 A W Sloan, skip 18 .A J Morrish 1' Blaney J Rattenbury T H Obellew W Jackson F A Anderson D Ferrester,sk 18 S E Gidley, skip 17 D McCorvie J Emigh W 5 R Holmes Dr Oharlesworth • WPl i g t S au n 3 Carter d P r Dr Agnew, skip 15 T W Scott, skip 15 J Hamilton D B McKinnon 31, Courtice J Hamilton 3. Johnston 3 Powell J Harland, skip 8 Pr. Long, skip 24 Total.... .. .61 Total : , . ; .....74 'Blyth 13 shots up. , It is expected . a local tournament will take place on Monday next.' The Faitl teophy,for which anumber of clubs Kaye been conipeting,has been finally wort -by Mitchell by 33 shots. Sept. 3rd, $ entered against the voter's list for this year ; they are chiefly changes that have taken place by removal or people coming to town since the assessment was made .11 our freight cars were deiailed by the early morning train for London. while endeavoring to clear the track tor the Toronto train; they were all on again beforethe arrival of any other' trains, and . did not delay traffic Mr James Steep shipped a ' car of apples from Tara, for. the .old country last week ; they gwere 'shipped h in would present a much better appear -1 in s°way storage are 6eitirst o&il ad to aura if the citizens would 'exert: a little go in this way from the north, and if effort, and cut the grass. and weeds theyarrive in good condition it' will along their boulevards, and destroy demonstrate the possibility of shipping the same by the firey element, Do it early :ruit.. R. L`. liodaway, who now. •went west on' the Harvester's Exeur- ' . afro has -obtained a lucre •v .. sit'on • evening of last week,' •a number of•the; on the C. P. R. as Operator and agent i SURPRISE PARTY— On Thursday ti apo i young people of Wesley church gave surprise party to Mr. and Mrs E. E. Ball. On behalf of the Sunday School, the•.3uperintendent, 'Via A. T. Cooper. presented them with a ;handsome cut• glass bowl. A most enjoya.hle evening was spent in .games : and :other amuse.. ments, OUR SCHOOLS --The outcome of our schools•this yearbas made' a splen did showing and the outlook glows at"'Sehwitzer e.,'Manitoba •:...•.Mr. Oise is expected here daily to open up and operate the apple evaporator... •:: . It i3 expected that Mrs W. Pittner, of• Toronto, who has been in .the hospital'" for sonie"tinie will return to town with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bartliff, who are at present in the city....• .Owing to 'Monday tieing a' holiday, the council will meet onTues- day night next, . ,' The House of 1te- fuge, receiyed a new inmate''on• W'ed- with prospects of• unusual brightness, nesday,' in the erson of ' Sames•Stew- t.ks.to::the,excelleutstaffof•teaoire'i -art:. .,..Bits aft, of Detroit,. wh now^eimployed. The teachers in charge .Caine here to attend the funeral of her and trustees must keepthe ball rolling .mother; Mrs S .Cook, will remain for a the inatterconstantly hef+pre;thepeople couple of weeks,and her father .will and create such a "sentiment among go back' with her to Detroit Mr. S parents that they will have no other Andrews, of Wetaskiwin;,eldest sin of idea than that the school- of our town Police' Magistrate Andrews, is expect= are just calculated to meet their wants ed home shortly ; he will ,require two and in the meantime plan and. Make tickets when be goes back :....The them such. Study well what will meet 'Winghain Advance has entered on its the demands' of a large majority, and 36th year ; it is a noway well -printed rnake the schools accordingly to meet paper, that evidently receives :a fair them. Keep the .matter before the' share of support,;' but has a tendency people constantly, . continuarlyall the • towards the extreme in politics how' time, and Ave can both, have high and •ever, the New. Era hea,:tily wyishes..it public schools•-of-.douhle:.the` present' cwitinu`ec prospexi'ty ...;The wife of .,number inattendance,but beer in mind:i Mr.S Gracey, of Wingham; an. aunt of it will never be done by spasmodic ef- • Mrs' James : McMurchie, • died on Wed - tort nescjay, after a lingering' illness ; she leaves eeeeral children - , . Pecple who DEATHOF MRS SAMUEL COOK...: are this week.recelying the Eaton Cat Sunday evening last, 'death claimed (alognes through the mails,, should' put one of Clinton's pioneers,in the• person them in, the stove and buy their sup- of Mrs 3amu.el• Cook. Deceased who . plies from the local...merchants ; spend had been afflicted with paralysis for every dollar you can at home Far-. mers are anxiously. waiting for rain,in , ' order that they may sow their fall wheat, the.'•ground at present being too dry,.. o. upwards of six years, and confined to the bed for practically the whole of this:•time, camel to the country from Nottingham, in 1854, and las resided in Clinton,coiitinuousiy up to the time of her death. She cies a . very devote ed .Christian of the Anglican faith,be- loved hy all who knew her. Besides a surviving husband; she leaves three sons and four;, daughters;:�viz.-._.Joseph- of Flint,Micb;John of Auburn; George ofli t C n on;� N,[e,ry Louise((Mrs Waite), Detroit; Jennie,(Mrs ('ole,) Flint,Mieh; Sarah, (Mrs Chapin) • Lansing, 'Mich; Annie, (Mrs .IVm Outliners, of town The funeral tool- place . Wednesday to Clinton cemetery; In the absence-, -of-Rev-Ma Guinfietlitrardtral services. were conducted by Rev. Mr.. Dunbar, the pall -bearers being W Cudmore, A. Wait, George Cook, John Cook, Jos.. Wheatley, Wm Wheatley ; two sone- in•law, two sans, and two nephews. Among'the matey floral tributes was a wreath from her four daughters, bear. ing the. word "Mother." _Central Business ,College, Toronto The largest and best equipped sehool Of its kind tnrttes•you to write for its now-cataloilne. - Fali term from Sept. 1st. ' AnDRESS Shite, Principal,.. *once do aerrard Ste., Toronto. MCKSON'S Midsummer .Clearing Sale •ti will continue during the month of August. What is left of our Summer Shoes. are being cleared out rapidly, the reductions are very. liberal, we don't pretend.. •to be losing.money but we are sacri- ficing profits ' while the shoes last.. This Store opens at 7:oo o'clock a. rn. and clni'es during this tlrionth at 6:oo p.nt. Repairs•While Von Wait. • Fred. Ja.ckson. _We". chool .Opens Next Wek We have done our part as'well as weknor how .to •aa,•ake ,t an ad vantage to.you. to buy from, us your.- h � o d Supplies. The W. D. Fair Co., Often the Cheapest. Always the Best. aAtzzAm Sira_Affl oad Wale Cheviots A,mong the leading Fall. Dress : Goods, fashion favorites for : out-of^door costumes are Broad Wale Cheviais One of the most excellent of these . weaves at present showing, is a beautiful woven cloth chichshows all all ;.theµ. marks of a Ghevfat .leader,It ? a the foundation •of pure all• good cloths, .the .: yarns beinga • high grade e of wool. These are shrunk in well, . both in length ' and readth giving the fabric that fine denser quality. .Half -the Ferret :of a S J• ES5-FU fatl� `Nand; venter : Tailor-made • Suit is• in ' the choice : of a correct" 'mater- ' ial, 'We recommend. this line to all, .women whose de y sires run.•betwsen theseverely plain and the •extremelY .. novel, for..'the W LE •are distinctive without being n g. con xconsW e sow theaa in these ,colorings r>ny s . Myrtle, Bur »nd,Bronze--xoan-,fav -arid7frac 123c Mus .in. for 8c `About, P Y 25 . 'pieces fanc dress Mus dins in all the popular colorings and -7' designs all new patterns this season regular I2 for• 15o Muslins for 10c A bout moo.-pieces..d'alic_y die: mus• :. . lifts, in polka clot, stripes and crcss bars Regular 15c for . 1De 20 and 25c Mnslins for .1:5c 25 pieces fancy dress Muslius and Vestings all new this season, space will not allow us to des .gibe them but a look will convince you that they are the cheapest ever offered in Clinton at 15e. 1- and -wide Flannelette 80. .'Ten pieces. fancy stripe Flannel- ette, lannelette, good weight, one yard wide, . regular 10c, Saturday ....... 8C Ladies Vests 2 for 25e 10 dozen Ladies su,mnler Vests, size 3 and 4 •.only, daintly trin med with ribbon, regular 18c Saturday clearing price 2 for,..: ...............•. ... .•,TOC 10 and 15e Lace for 5c About 3oo hundred yards wide lace in a variety ;of designs and widths, regular -1o, 121 and r5c, at , .25c Wash Belts 19e Your choice of any of our range of wash belts at 2'5c..for• $1.25 Sateen. Skirts •.98e • Ladies' Sateen Underskirts dust flounce, good, hill size, our -special 01.25. Saturday only 98c Bed: Spread Bargains $2,00 line for....,.,,. $1.70: 1 75 line for 1,50 1.50 ,line fora.......a..,,.•...•...:..,..,.••,.., 1.29 1.25 line for ......•as».r'.i•,1••,•.•.a • 98e too line. for ......,,.a.ua.•.,,•.••• IuiM,•ar.a,: 89e Fancy Mull Waists $2.75 and $3 Waists fora ............... $1.98 2.00 and $2.25 Waists for a`.,. ,a.. L39 11.,25 Waists .for ..............:.•....•,.•.. 9$4 A. new lottof Corset Cover Embroidery. Special value, Selling from 25c to 65c /4 OzzRosi&owiv