HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-03, Page 51 i( A': 3 Tim ,MT#114 !ON- H.i:' -sat' - of 'Watchts,.. With us, is thoroughly done, Each time.pirce. is taken entirely to pieces% ` and each minute piece is. con- scientiously :c l e ane d. This takes time and much 'caret and although.every, • thing else. is higher in price,we still charge only g o , y. ONE 'DQ Li �O �,LAp Trust your • watch to us for safetyand satisfaction • ff,[.LL YA Jeweler end Optician. Opposite the Market . PP , CLINTON "eyes Tested Free€ While temporarily insane, Jno Stan- ton, aged 78, tried to commit suicide by i}ankiz g in his sun's barn near Chatham. Having served 20 years in the militia Oliver S. Oliver, a Winnipeg Iceland- er, is to be decorated with a long eery. ice medal. (Rfrtbs Marriages 4 Deaths BORN MURPj3;Y-eIn Exeter, Aug 3i,to Mr and Mrs kt Murphy, .a daughter, UOF1IE --1Cti East. Wawanosh,on Aug. :ust 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobie, a, daughter, County Clippings, The Wingha Bowling Club will hold a. tournament on Septerber 7th,, 8th and 901. Mr E E Hardy, Exeter, last week sold bis confectionery busineee to Mr.. Bert W11eon of Peterboro. l?'LOODY--• In Londesboro, on •.,� d'oseph_ $tevene, a. well known and 28, to Ur.and Mrs D Flog resident of Woodham, died at *410 holne en lionday,aged 70 yowl, ., DIED t Colleted *ear Thnri�der itteraeoa to •(�, p(� Wheat (new).•,•......,. sa to s0 oats (new) 084 to 0 8t 60The • Clinton Market 'Report. Barky ,..., , ,. 0 6t) to PetL::.:::::gr:i! ,.,. #.. 0 ItS �ao BAt Hoge .••.,,••,.R•,. 6 16 to 6 15 Ohiokens, dry picked, lb 0 07 to 010 We have a fol succiy f Rub- a��Aped, per lb. rM,V.,,0* oa s .at a..r,0 A8to0.11,0ToneArroillaRKETS0 ' and xxx Vinegar 11000—Packers saYthat OldCountrr »OBIE. -In East Wawanoslt,on Aug 29th„ infant daughter ot Mr. and Mil,: Wm Dobie, COOK—In Clinton, on Sunday, Aug 80th, Mrs Samuel Qook, aged 84 years,.. 2 months RDA 18 days. GOVIER—In Hallett, on August 28, John R•Govier, aged lie •years, • . Mr Thos. Cameron last week sold fifty wave of the Moir estate In Us - borne to Mr John Caen fora good figure. Mr John N Ratcliffe of the Thames road, Usborne, has rented his farm 'for a term of yeacs. to Mr W J Sped - ng of Blanshnrd. Mr Arthur Glanville has purchased Mr John, Northcott's ten acres, Exeter North. This is a good property and the price paid was a good one. • The five year old son of Mr Chas G ,Campbell, of the first line of Morris, fell out of an apple tree one day last week and broke one of his arms, , There died in9 abst Wawanosh, on. Sunday. Aust t , Christina, relict of. the late Alexander Dingwall. De ceased was one of the oldest members of St Andrew's church, Blyth. At the congregational meeting of St Helens and East Ashfield Presby- terian churches it was decided to ex- tend a call to Rev A 0 McDonald, of New Jersey, U S„ at a salary of '$900. On Tuesday while John Tinney, of the Fifth concession of Hay, was giv.: ing his cattle some salt, the animals knocked him down and trampling o him, fractured . and dislocating hi thigh. ' } On -Friday last death removed one of the old reliables bl of Hibbert. Henry »n Clintan Merrilhad ache theyy e dcod olds e.of81o g years. He was looked. upon as a goodneighborand honorable man. Fifty-eight lots, ' containing one- fifth of anacre each, and one block of eight and a•half acres, are advertised to be sold for .taxes in the township 'of Hay. All this property forms a part of St Joseph, • After the thirdSundayin September. the pulpits of Knox church, l3elgrave, and Calvin church . will be declared vacant, the present pastor, Rev. J J' Hattie, having decided to ;return with Mrs Hattie, to Australia, the latter's former home. • • Mr Caleb H 4ndford, a former reel - dent of Exeter, died• at his home at Fullesville, Man., on August .13th, at the age of 54 ears. The deceased. was ,• Agricultural, Uorticnitaral, and Vegetable Growers Meetings at Canadian National Exhibition. Duringthe second wet* of the Tor- onto Exibition there will be a num- ber of practical and interesting meet- ings held in the tent of the Ontario Department of Agriculture located di- reotly opposite thecabtelejudgi a ing. Th se meetings will inc n ion ivith theAgricultural and Hortioultur- al Societies and the Ontario Vegetable Gro were' Association. The Executive of the Agricultural Societies Associa• tion will convene on Tuesday, Sept8th, that of the Horticultural Societies As- sociation, on. Wednesday, Sept 91h,. ithat of the Ontario V hgetable G ere' Association, n T u day,. Sept. ' 10th, the meeting each day being at 2 1 p. m. sharp. Short addressee on live Rubjects will be given each day by those Present and all officerscers and ,members ot the three Associations • named willbe cordially welcomed at , • these meetings. Programmes will be ti.rranged for the annual conventions i of the above named Associations. ' An official of the Fairs and Exhibi= 1 thins Branch of the Department .of, Agriculture will be present in the tent reach .eley from 9 a.:m. to 0 p. nag ; from Friday Sept 4th to Friday, .. Sept llth, Iaiid all members, ofthe above Associ- ations are invited to make thetent theirheadquarters while on the grounds. • • Mr J A Cummings walked off a train in his sleep at Kamm and was killed( • Two young Fenlon Falls men were stabbed by a coupleof youths from the. United States in a quarrel arising from thevisitors walkingout with Fenelon Falls girls. The stabbers werearrest born on the old homestead near Cen- tralia, tralia, and in his early years taught school in the townships of Hay ,and Stephen. • On Wednesdayof last -Week Joh n ,.Buchanan; Lecturer on Rield:4grioul=. • tura' College, son of Mr W Buchanan, Hensall, was married at Rochester, N Y. to Mabel, daughter of S J Laugh - 'Ian: '1'he bride formerly. •resit;ed., in Guelph. The•honeynloon':will be: spent. in Muskoka; ' This is Owing to the success of. = • our Discount Sale;' we've _decided to hold it to the evening of Satorlay. Sep- tember 12th.. and • until that date we will give a discount of 25 per centip. on every dollar's worth in our store. Your opportunity xtuni t t; o k ale money on Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware . a, hinand C. . • a •Se Gt C.Vess. • Everyarticle we carryin stock will be subject to • bl this discount, and all goods guaranteed. Mr a A 'Poplestone, cf the well. known mercantile firm of Poplestor►e & Gardner, of Blyth and formerly of Exeter, received the second highest number of votes for the Grand Ward- en at the I 0 0 F Grand Lodge meet- ing eeting held in St Thomas recently. This means that Mr Po lestone will no doubt receive the election this next year.: MrRobLockhart, of tWingham, has a :record that few men• .ofhis age can equal. Last Thu:sday he assisted Mr. W J. Henderson, of the Bluevale road in drawing in .oats. Fourteen 'good 'loads were put in the barn during the day and Mr Lockhart pitched, alt the Sheaves onto the wagon. .This is cer- tainly good, work for a man of 77 years of age. The death •took place in Goderich Wednesday afternoon of Mr Daniel. ,Ferguson, at theage of 78. years. He had been ill' since last October and his death Was not. unexpected. Mr Ferguson was atone, time onees of the comparatively well-to-do men of town. Ian church, and belonged to Maple Leaf Lodge No 27, A 0 U W. He was also a Mason.. He was twice married,. and besides his second weife,a family3bf several children survives. A.J.GR JEWELER AND. OPTICIAN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Furniture and . Carpets We are ready for a Big Fall $usinese with the largest and best stock of Cap -to -date Furniture ever shown in thie town, Our Carpet and Linoleiyn stook is twine the usual size. Bongbtdirect from the Mille at lowest wall prices. Our prises will be found the Jowett, when quality is considered. • J. it Cheilew, Blyth .1. Be 150o ler. Etoovnit Nelson Bali. We Refer to Furniture now in use in many homes to prove its quality. People always like our furniture more and more as they learn its fine wearing qualities for actual service, CHEAP F1T11NITURE MAY LOOK GOOD but it's use that brings out the real quality. If you need Furniture, buy it. here, where attractive ap.. peara,nee is snatched by equally ate tractive honesty in construction, That such furniture is the cheap. est you will agree after you have used It and learned its worth. :ALL 1 'l7 El NugRE'l'A :VL James H 'Morrison,bas sold his, farm , 9th con. McKi11op; to Wm Trewartha, This farm is lot ..23, is on theI, situated West of .Robt. Scarlett's.and contains 100 acres., ,• It was sold far 1 $4,500. Mr Morrison' still has the ii homestead farm of 150. acres, which is t one of the very best in the township Me Trewartha's, purchase ie -very con ' venientiy:situated to .his' home farm being just across, the road and gives 'him a very fine farm of 260 acres, • t Mrs W N Cresswell passed from this life at her home in Tuckersmith;: west ' of Egniondville, on Sunday evening last. Mrs Cresswel' ,had been infail- ing health for several months, ' and for some weeks little' hopes were enter- tained-•For°her c -o. ery Ber maiden name was Elizabeth R. H Thompson, She was a sister of the MessrsThomp- son, of McKillop, all of whom are now. deceased. Mrs Cresswell bad reached '1, the age of ..seventy=four years. Her .husband. Mr W N Cresswell, the well- known artist, died about 20 years ago. • The barn on the farm ofRobt Calder Gravel road, McKillop, was: destroyed by !fire on Tuesday evening of last week. The fire was first .noticed by nSotephenperson Glwasodkinat , howho M tearsCaldriving home. 'When he arrived on the scene der be. ing at a neighbor's and the men in the field. He immediately gave the alarm 1 and by hard work they managed to : get out some machinery which was in the barn, and also save the implement house. The barn contained all Mr Calder's hay and. several loads of Barley. The cause of the fire is un- known as no person was around at the time. Last Friday evening as MOD Marsh and daughter,of the 7th concession were driving ome from Brussele their horse took fright on the 9th line and ran away. In turning the corner . 11r miles East of Brussels the rig was up. set and the occupants,thrown out meeting with serious Injury. Mrs Marsh had both arms broken and was otherwise `shaken lip and holt daughter had several teeth knocked out and her face considerably bruised, The horse ran only a short distance when it fell • dead on the read. Willing hands soon came to the , help of the ladies and they were taken to the home of John Lowe where theirneedawerepromptly attended to. Afterward Mrs and Miss Marsh were taken home, It Wes a most unfoirtunate accident lett We hope the ladies will soon regain their accustomed activity. - Arthur Brook Listowcll, died from the erects of a dose of sub huric acid, taken by` mistake, 104 Frederick Bier. Nelies Carne a 1 was killed in 'lumping Off a Meting train at Oanfield Junction, her Rings, Pune pikes deznand is bad, and, that Danish kil ings of hogs have increased, about 88,k.. W. LiNDiR, Grocer etc. 'Phone 45:. leash paid. for Sutter and. Eggs. New Advertisements.. ° House Wanted. As soon as possible, comfortable house, four bedrooms, eonth of Rattenbnry St, preferred.. Three in family. Apply at NEW ERA office.. •. • Furniture for Sale. For sale, privately, the household furni- ture belonging to the 1ate.'h1RB, MATHE- SON, Will be. gold cheap. May be seen any time at residence, Egttenbury St. E. Faun for Sale or to Rent, Farm Lot 32, Con. 9, consisting of 100 mom, in good state of cultivation; 10 acres ,'of hard wood bush, large frame house, barn,40x75, with wall underneath, driving shed 40z20; two orohards, well watered and fenced. For further particulars, ap- ply to MISS FANNY JACKSON, • • Rattenbnry Si., Clinton. Western Farm Lauds : for - Sale s2IsKaTGH 1K 1E?E AN Owing to the recent tnanoiai stringency, we have been able to eeoure.a large lien of improved farms; for quick pale,: at prices,.. far below their actual va e l4 , and en reagOn- able teams. The lands have been carefully. ' inspected, and are thebest veins. in the I North-west today. ' We have had years of experience, and know what we are' Belling. f Those who contemplate buying, or who in- 4 tend going wilt for the •purpose of taking i upland, shoal: oommnniaate at once with ;our agent. ALLISON FAIR & 00.1 Indian. Head. District Agent, WILLIAM DUNB'AR, Coats' Cottage, Bayfield . Road, Clinton. • BRING . YOUR GOODS WE PAY• CASH. We say we are the : best people you can_. ecu old iron,_etc., to. To prove it, we witntte be try .: firing in _your goods; cash paid Note prices: Machinery, cast iron .60c per cwt Stoves... , .. ..:. 40c:. i, Mixed iron ......according to quality Rubbers 4c per lb Rags 45c per cwt Horse Hair,.....': 23c per lb Dopper and Brass ... 7 c " • Sheet Zinc and lead2e " Bones.... ... ..40cper ,cwt Wool, pickings..... according to quality M. Jackson & •Son.. 1* .Albert St., Clinton. 3 dpors south of • : Pair's mill. ,This School Saaee;its elalm' for Support Capon Merit alone • 'TORONTO, ONT. • Sas high-grade courses, enperior facili- ties. and. uaeurpassed' teaobing.,talent. Hundreds ofstudents go out annually from this college to good poeitions.'Let U0 ' edudate you for profitable employ- . ment'.. We will do it 'right. Catalogue -free.. ;Enter any timo. W. J. Elliott, Prin. Uor...Yonge & Alexander, Toronto record or st .. Still.being prices onthethe localfmarklaet areweeka little higher than a week ago, and in Buffalo an advance is also reported, Gunn's Ltd quote for lige hogs f o b 36care.25,36.7fed5. and watered 88.55, and off ; SHEEP—At the present time. the sheep market at Toronto is about steady with last week. There la a good dembnd for export owes, which are commanding from $4 to $4.25, while bucks are selling at33 to 63,25. Spring lambs are quoted at $0.25 to $5.75. Thin seascn of the year, however, us- ually sees the heavy crops of spring lambs begin to come forward in larger numbers than the local numbers can take care of, and it is probable able that. next week this will be the situation, OATTL>l-- There is another slight break in the cattle market. Receipts have been heavy, . and this, together with the fact that the price has de- clined, as well as the demand in the old country, makes the market quot- able all around at about 15c lower. Choicest goods were steady at about $4.50 to $4.80, but good butcher cattle changedhands at around $ 4a d u pto $4.35, while medium butcher cattle were, easier at around $3,70 to .$4.2.5. ' Common stock sold from ' $3 upward, and common butcher bulls and canner cows R ere worth from one cent to one and one-half cents per pound. James McLean, Fort William, was caught on a bridge by a 0 P R train at Woman River and killed. ATTEND THE BEST., CENTRA STRATFORD, ONT. 1e recognised as the LARGEST, ,BEST and MOST SUCCESSFUL practical train- ing school In 'Western Oniarle.:'Three departments: Comlmerc bpi, Shorthand. reieareplxie. Our graduates secure good Positions and forge to the front. Write for our free catalogue, you will find It in- teresting. You may enter at any Elliott: & McLachlin PRINOIPALS. Room to Let. , Comfottable room to let, Convenient • to Collegiate. Apply at ' NEW ERA Lady Boarders Wanted . Two lady boarders can be , a000mimo dated with good board and room. Apply at NEW ERA Servant Wanted. (rood servant: wanted at the •BATTEN-, BURY. HOUSE, Clinton. Boarders' Wanted. A few boarders wanted. Good , s000m- modation; 'central loostion, ; Apply at , NEW ERA oMoe.' B in h cis ass L an„ae The undereigried, while thanking the Public •for the patronage bestowed' upon •him, desires to intimate that he has die. posed of hie milling 'biennium to Mr.' Untt- on, of London, and bespeaks for, him' 'the liberal patronage' • All a000ante,have been mailed and sub- ,soriber would request a settlement .of same' by the 10th of Sept. T. H. SQUIRE Londesboro, August 28th Hallett Calk . Of Revision Notice -le .beakygiven" thkI a Curti "°will'" be held, pureuant,to The Ontario Voters' Act, by Hie Honour: the Judge of the County Court or the County of Huron, at Londeeboro, on the 16th day of September, 1908, at 10 o'clock a, m. to hear and deter.: mine oompleinte of errors and 'omissions in the Voter', List of the Municipality of the Townehip of Hallett for 1908, - JAMES CAMPBELL; Township Clerk, --Dated-this,2Bihslayof August 1908. mmilmemmINI [ew Staple Dept;:. Having rearranged the Staple Depart - went and putting it to the rear of the store we are in a bettterposition than ever to meet your demands. All our new Flan nelettes are in now and will be pleased to have you call and inspect these for your. selves. •• Flannelette Striped Flannelette prettyassorted patterns from 7 to 20c. Plain colors, pink, white and sky .... , . , :. , ..: , • ... t 15c. Factory Cotton Very strong, round even thread. good general purpose Q cloth 36 inches wide, sp'iendid value at . • .. ; . •, ..:. •. • , , ,• , R)lankets Flannelette Blankets; white or grey, best Canadian make well napped, pink and blue borders, size 72 x 82 inches,t1 tel extra value at per pair , , e Black Sateen Skirt . Just a few of these skirts left, good quality : black �+ • Sateen, full size,•two frills regular Mc selling , g g now for.-U� Ladies' Gloves • • All our fabric gloves now In stock, includin tans, black and white at O e•third. odour regular ti Q g price, Ladies' Coats • . Just 6 in this lot of sample metal/short lengths, good quality tweed,Z just the thing for cool evenings, � q no see these in our window Saturday only........•...... i Kimona :Cloth . r—• Theee'new Fabrics are in now and are suitable for dressing sacks, house gowns and childrens 'dresses;they come in stripes, plaids and floral :designs, some are re- versible, and. all have dainty colorings. Ask to see them, From 20 to 35c per yard . . See Our New .Fall Dress 'Goods and Coats, Our Prices and Styles are: right. Every Courtesy ansa Attention Awaits.: You • I lege Slim Prices ': Stout Values Quick returns Sma11'profits': When the children are'"off to school again" it will mean can in a great "many cases, a new pair of shoes. Something to stand the :kicks -and '.kno ks of school days is the question. We have : Just. , re, ceived a shipment Weston's of ''GPeston' s celobratrrd Box Calf .**-school shoes Misses best Box Calf solid leathers stiffnerssizes 11 to 2, price $1.75 Girls hest Box Calf solid leather stiffners, sizes 8 td I07�, price $1:50. Other makes' in good Box Calf, sizes8 to 7 at $1.50 . Sizes 11 to 2 at $1.35 and $1:50 Sizes 8 to 10t at: .• i $1.00 and $1,25 Extra . :.$1:75 anciFexp0.. •Try • uis for: ,reparing. MusicShoe° H OA' • •u m ori In 'Patio The:Pince where .your dollarriways does Its 'duty ,nfimi tin.. uwwwwiwwwww .., lvew FALL and WINTER reatly Reduced Prices Holidays being nearly over a great manor' boys will find they need new Suits before starting to school again. To meet this demand and keep in pouch with the -boys, we will offer a big reduction on all BOYS''SUITS until Sept. lst., do not fail to see these values we are offering. All the newest pat., terns? and styles, and cannot be surpassed for wearing qualities. .E W. JACOB v been particularly c ref n • e We have careful in aeleeti �_qur Neve Jackets for winter. We feel we havegotten the correct. styles, bought good cloths and secure good fitters. Every coat marked at close prices. Wool Kersey Mantle, 44 to 46 , inches long, neatly trim• med, with self strapping, $8,50. .1 All Wool Mersey Coat, 47 inches long, with:,,tself strappiugs on back and front, $10.00. A11 Wool 1Cersey Il ly.front Mantle, 47 inches long, trimmed with fancy strapping and stitching, will be a fayorite, $12.00. Other fines of Jackets at $650, $7.00, $0.00, 313.00, $15.00 and $17.00. /Ladies Craveflette Jackets 1 Ladies' Oxford Grey, Fawn, Tweed Rain Coats,. 47 to. 50 Inches lottg, nicely self trimmed good weights, at $7,50, 8.50 and 10.00. 150 trains" W'aolen vests 50e • 12 dozen Ladies' Wool Vests, in plain and Roston ri!bb, ung shrinkablee good weights and soft wools, worth/5s, for 50c. ,O ,1 TON ,. ` • ailo,ring Clothing Pinrrnishing'sr PUPLESTONE &• tiACtDINER • Terms Cash or Produce BLVT•.•