HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-03, Page 3.3rd, 1900
Farm Laborers'l The Art Of 091aPihnent
000000 1,0n Wanted for Western.
• - Harvesting.
• TO meet eater fte pneclihie the Mt -
Anneal" dentand for farna laborers in
• Xanitot*,:tiackatehowun and Alberta,:
the Canadian Facing Railway Will ran
. tutored elaesexcuesione trona -all
'foutario Stations.- Cost of te. :One -Way
• ticket to Winnipeg is .$10.000, and from
Winnipeg: to points Whet* labor-
eare-coritrect to .4 work they will he .
learried,. Withetill Charge. After at
least- OW moncti's work in the harveet
'f4Old,.: tteket back to Ontario etarting
.Vgint will be - issued at $18, Tiekete
*re hnlY ova On Farm Laborers'
special tratne.• and vim be issued to
women but no • half -rate for ehildren.
Leaving dates of .excursions are as
Auguet 14th and 'Sept 8th„: from all
Intations in the 'territory •between To -
Tonto -North Bay line and :Toronto
.Sarnia line.
August 1.0th and Sept 8th, 'front all
etatIons on Toronne-Sarnia. line, and
south thereof Canada).'
• August 2.2.4 and Sept 11, from alt
stations east of Toronto..North-Bay
One, te and ineluding. Kingston. •
For the three exeuesiens August
480014 trade will be rine' front all
points' on. the C. 1). If you are in
Any doubt as todate of excursion from.
• your district apply to, local Q fs it
• agent, who will also furnish. times of
„evade] trains, or Write to 0- B Foster
District. Passenger Agent, 0,. R.
::%.01/0. URN
•afforded by.a
14.1'1 •
Clean -Light
Cash paid for Hides, Skins
^nd Tallow,
Fitzsimmons &
5.0' 'Hee
Worth the Study of *use 'who value
Life's Pleasantries*
There la 4011 an art of otemplfutent,
says the London Speetater, and it is
still practiced WorthilYanduttWorthily.
The flatterer of today deals little in
worde. He acts; and above all he
Wee. We all imitate each other with
a pitiful diligence. All , classes try to
drools alike, talk alike. and. even think*
alike. With a sad want of diguity,
men and women fear to take their own
Thee to Plumw the kind of hospitality
'which beet balite their ineomee, to
wear the clothes most convenient for
their work, to talk upon the subjects
which interest them, to express tbe
disapproval whichthe elass above them
ridicule, and the admiration which of-
fends the fashion leaders of literature I
and art.
The art of compliment MAY, however,
be well worth the study of all those
who valu.e the pleasantnese, Of life
above its pleasures. Gracloueness is
never out of fashion, We must tell
aner friends from time to time what we
think of them. There are reserves
which blight the whole beauty of life.
But we must be at the pains to tell
them in the right way, for friendship,
in some of its aspects is an art. Again,
af we hope to get PHUOil enjoyment out
of social life we must take the trouble •
to show ourselves well disposed, and
must know hew to turn indifferent and
insignificant occasions to amount,
This cannot be done without consid•
ers.tion, A, "pretty, speech" is a form
qf present, one of those little gifts
which, according to the French saying
cement great friendships; when
one desires to make a present it is
worth while to find out what wiltbest
please. They are happiest who know
by instinctive sympathy, not surely
those who take pains to find out ha,ve
nothing to be. ashamed of. Sating
aside the great evsentials of laappiness,
health; family affection and the love of
work, it is. probable that nothing -no
amusement and no hobby amine "pur-
suit"- contributes so much to the
pleasantness of -life as the traffic in
kind speeches. • •
Mena Havel* Oittarrhal Cold Paxton,
On the Breathing Organs 4100
le Threatened
There are Uwe when A Ilyoneel
outfit is worth a life and having it at
hand will SAVO a life, no Baler re*
caution can be suggested than cal ing
at W goliente drag store midget.
ting a supply for Me in following
Wen a child Showitthe first eign of
erouip a breath ef tlyottiei through the
inhaier will cheek tbe trouble perma,
When through eatehing cold you
seem to be choking up, difficulty to
breathe, pain or soreness over the
ungs and other symptoms of pneu
monia, the inetant relief from klyo.,
mei air is marvelous. •
It penetrates quickly to the inner
recesses of the broncleical tubes land
lungs where no liquid or moist metcli
eine can reach.
When an lasthrOatie condition. pro-
mote unusual wheezing and oppressed
breathing. Byomei will brIng rest,
complete outfit $1..00. •
Notice To Creditors,. ,
In the matter of the 'estate of Wm.
Cook, Goderieh Township, $reoman
deceased. . •
• .
Notice is hereby given pursuant toSigs'N'ofChap •
129' R. S. 0. 1891., that all mamas •haviiag claims
against the estate of the late WTO Cook , who
<lied on or about the 19th day Of Feburary.1.938,
are required to' Send by post prepaid to „the
undersigned effeentor. or his *dolicitor on or be-
fore the 13t11 day of. Sept, 1918; their names,
and addresses. with full 'particulars in. writing
of their claims. and statement of their ac-
counts and the nature of the •securities
Cif any] held by them, daly verified by statu-
tory declaratiom • . . _ .
And take notice that* alter the said 15tb 'day
of Sept. 1908, the said executor will proceed to
distribute the assetsof the said deceased among'
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to the eleims of which he shall then have•hotscia
s.n1 the said executor Will not be liable for said
assets or any part thereof. to any person or per -
Sons of whose clidm notice shall not hovel:men
received at the time of Buell distribution.
• Emma & MILE
•soucitors tor Executor
Dated at Clinton. Aug 20111, 1008.
• •
Tours Of Great Lakes and •
• Georgian Day.
ror sneu Ste. Marie, Arthur and
Duluth -Leave Sarnia a BO p.m., Monday. Wed-"
• nesday and Friday. Friday sailing through '10
For Manitoulin Island Saa'and Mackinac
Steamers leave Collfngwood 1.30 p.m, Owen
--Hound 11.00 p.n3., Tuesdays and Saturdays.
OS/earner Els, of WI NO. or -carrying onl a
limited number of revengers, leaves Coiling -
weed Thursday, 1.30 p.m., OW011 BOORd 11.30
P.m.. for Sault and all way ports. ."
For Parry Sound, Point an Earn. and
Killarney - Leave Collingwood Monday and
'lead, Sans Salta Etc. awl Parry Sound-
Leave-Penetang week days, at 3.2,0 p.m. ,
SiflIMEit RANKS hipi, IN termer.
Tickets and information from all Railway Agts
• II. EL Gildersleeve, Nitholsen,
Everyone in Clinton has a Right
to His Opinion
...While everyone bas -a right to his
• own opinion, yet it is wise to, always
• censider what others think and profit
by it •.
Nothing makes life so miserable, or
interferes so :widely with the usetuluess
of the average person, as indigestion,
and it is well for us to give fair consid-
• eration to what others think &bone this
•remarkable affliction,
W $ Holmes positive that in
Mi-o-na, stomach • tablets they have an
absolute cure ter indigestion and the
many disagreeable syniptones that. fon
low this disease such as distress after
eating, coated tongue, bad taete in the
mouth, dizziness, flatulence and vier-
V91.1S110SS. ••• • , •
rhey'sell Mi-o-na with satisfaction
guaranteed or money' back, They be-
lieve in it and so may You, •
• . •
•. •Ready Per the Dollar,
• Marjorie, aged nine, had not been
having 'Very' sictisfactou reports from
schOol. .ner father finally said, "Mar-
jorie, for the first hundred you get ru
give you a Oiler," Time went on,
and the reward could not he &timed.
Oneday the child Was taken violently.
:111: .iaec mother sent' for the doctor.
When, he had gone Marjorie said,
"Mammh, ani. 1 very WV
. "No, dear; your temperature Ls a. lite
tie over a hundred, but the doctor
thinks you wM be all right in a day or
• - • •' • •
Smiles broke .t,heough .Marjeriens
."Now, mamma, I, can have my, dol
lar. Papa Bald he Would give it tomo
111 could get a linndred stnything."-
Delineator. • .
Voters' List, 1968
municipality of the Town of
Clinton, County of Duren.
Notice is hereby given that lamve transmitted
or delivered to the persons Mentioned in see -
!ions 8 and of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act,
the copied required by said sections to be so
transmitted or delivered orthe list, Made, par -
silent to Odd Act, of all persona alMearlhg by
She last revised Ansesarnent-Roll of the said
Blunicdpality to ne entitled to vote at °Mations
for Members of the Legislative Maw:Mir and et
municipal Elections ; and that the amid list was
itirst Posted up in WY office in Clinton, on the Brd
day of Aug., 1908, and rernaina there for InaPeC.
tion. Electors are.ealled upOn 16 examine the
kat, and if any omissions or any other errors are
found therein, to take iMmediate Proceediege to
hare the Baia errors corrected according to law.
Dated thia Srd day of Aug.. 1008,
'•Wornanta Way.
When a man gcleai out to buy a col.
lar he 'comes back iiith a Collar and,
• perhaps a necktie or two. When a
'wornale Starts out to bey e Collaeshe
yeturna exhausted with a new sill
waist, . per of gloves, . some skirt
bindieg, Ottke of seen, a paper of
• pink some window curtains, a• sewing
Machitie and . a. refrigerator.
Nut so tasty as you Think.
' Fault is frequently found with news-
papers for inaccuracy in the details of
some event, but those wile have had
experience know haw difficolt it . is to
obtain artioulars. Take,for instauce,
a sketchof thelife of some person who
has died, In some instances as many
art three or four nienibers of the family
may have to be interviewed,. and even
then there may be certain facts which
a reporter is aux to secureof which.
none of the family can speak with cer-
taiuity, The obituary' notice beving
been published some person who knows
the biography of the deceased in a
Certain particular even better.than the
members of the family' notices the
,neistake. And at once 4pitetheS into the
Fearful Cruelty That Make' Thie
Pointy a Possibility.
To the ordinary man and woman no
entetceatioa of the torture to Whteli the
peer, unfortonate goose hi pat cm*/
In:04W be fitriaed.
The geese when about nine menthe
old are taken from the pastures and
Plaeed SO an nodergrOno4 cellar, where
hroad, abutting etoe and* stand in
rows, and are bound fast to tbe tin
bias, They are literally eruelfted,
Peat, Wings and bodies, are mimed
sot itad bound hY bands, PO that only
the neck Is left free. Aft' may be imag.
heed, the aalmal ;trunks „will; all Its
might against this sante:Wag till, atter
days Of vain endeitvor to free itself
from the bands and ite Pealtion, itn
POwers of reeletance are overcome, and
* dull resignation, broken only by Its
row erica!, takes ponseselon of it. T'wo
months moat peas away before death
•brings reillef.
The animals are meanwhile crammed
with dinePiinge Made of dough of
backwhea.t, chestnuts and stewed
Maize, Every two hours, ax times a,
day, they receive from three to five
dumpling Oise which n time 'become
so meet to the tortured ereaduree that
tbey stretch their neck.s to be Cram,
The" meet difficult task is to deter-
mine the right moment for death.
Those who die of their own accord are
lost to the liver faetoril therefore 0
kind of study Ls needed to see 'when
'the cap of agony is brimming fnU and
the liver 'le ripe for taking. The bode
nal of such ripe ones are like pump-
•Wbere ordinarily fingers are
buried in flesh and fat nothing but
skin stud bone are tound. The livers
have absorbed all the strength and
newspaper or its representative. for ,Juleen.
not ha,ving written the brief biography
more correctly, %Ohen the newspaper
man was not to bleme at all, but did
the best he 9ould from the infornaation
. .
urnis ed Ica. .• .
• Synopsis 01 Canadivi
Nort 117West.
Any eveo numbered section of Derainion
• Lands in Mariitoba,•Saskaichewan and Al-
bertt,to cePting 8 arid 56. not reseryed,ratty.
be honleakeaded by any person who is the
sole head df a family, or any male over 18
yea're of age,. to the extent of one qaarter
• lotion of 160 sores, mere or less'
- -Application far 'entry must. be... inadain-
• person brthe applicant, at a Dominion
• Lands Agency or Sub,agency for the dis-
trict in whioh the land ie situate. Entry
by proxy inay, however, be rahde at an
Agency on certain conditione by the
lather, mother, sor, daughter, brother or
-or A -
Coed 80 -acre Farm in Goderitit
' .TOwnSitip.
Mr, Geo. R. Cox hag given the undersigned
Instrtetions to sell br Public Auction, tit the
King Edivard Kate', Goderieb. on • "
saturaay, Aug. Oath,
st 2 ecioett, P,M.. his farm, tot 51, in the eth
Concession. of Goderich Township, containing
SO acres, with ilITOO or fonr acres of blight good
tenees, good buildings, frame house, bank barn,
and ether Mit buildings. A fine Orehard Of good
ilruit, One end 6130,0liarter Miles front Poet
1X1ee and Sabot% sir and one-littlf,miles from
irEritss.-10 eel, cent, of rumbas° money to
be paid at time of bele; balance Within SO days,
or arrangernents may be notttly Which It nor-
• son of the purchase tfreeest, remain 130
inoti gam at a very reasonable rate of interest.,
GE. 1:1. iJox,, • Tilos. durmue,
rroorietor, str•ttford, A.Uotioneer.'
• Allittartios ltinitsteni Cure* ilerant tit Caws
House tor Salo • u
•Teirtk frame liehee aria foot 100 on Viet('
lila St., all in first el iss repair. AI.o good
heap end lee ea North Street, MISS
The lesson to be drawn is for news-
paper men to exercise as much care as
passible, and for the general public not
to be too bard on the poor scribes
thougo errors are deteeted in their
work. Much of it has to be done hastily, and the wonder eheuld be not that
errors are frequently made uninten-
tionally. the eitreless mistakes are
excnsable, but ths,t there should be so
few slip3 under the disadvantageous
circurastances under which informa-
tion is often gathered.
' Little Itoms:Cd A Big City
CoMPaRison of prices shows thatliv-
ingg expenses in' New 'Y.Ork city are
twelve per cent more than they were •
• three years" ago.
New York druggists who have been in
the busniess for -forty years says that
there are • thirty-five thousand pro-
prietary , Medicines for sale in • the.
• To. addressing the American Public
Health :,AisoctatiOn, new convening
• et Winnipeg, Di II.edgete; lof Toronto,
surprised the Ataleineati delegates by
Showing that 117 suleidee in a populat-
ion of 5,000,000 'was • Canada's low'
rate. • •
Miss Jennie Phelps,ofEssex,adOpted
dttughcer of Silage Phelps, is not dis-
turbed by her recent legacy of 580,400
Last week she pitched more haY in her
meadow than any of her hired men,.
She sp,kg she never thought of marriage
th5 ogle she had' 'several oilers.
Every year New Yorlithrow;sinto the
intik heap enough ,buildings to ac-
comodate a small city, or a population
of 60,000. In the last ten years there
have been torn clOwn,enough.buildings
to hb ese 500,000 persons. •
• There is an average of :nearly. -two.
nersoris killed each day in New York
city by falling- from Windows, down
steps, into excavations or in some
sncle manner: .
• A large majority of aliets admitted
to the port of New York are under
fourteen.years of age.
There is evidently a large growth itt.
the use of °pion; in New York city.
It is • estimated that at least 4.ve
thousand ivhite persons • use the
1111Eal EMMONS;
and Wandrouil blade and great Ingo.
Died tty Theee Who WW1 to %floor
Pseudo swear words are Of fitrante
Without Doing Prof. -me
nUity is used Pt- thioleing thnia up.
Of course "darn" awl "durit'e" parent-
age is not hard to guess, but ouch ex
precool* ita "geewillikIns;" "SOW
and "gook" When need an tinbatitutetl,
for protime Worths, are harder to trace.
A southerner once wen heard to Me
In the course or a eingle deserlptiopi
the expreesione "dog • bite 'em," "pat
Edoliuratilhh, eogeelm,"w' whiz," rat 'era" and
Prom a matt who lives in Conneett•
eut come these eapreallione: °Great
horned toads and firecrackers," "gum
swat"' "gpl (last it" and "by the ter -
nal bovnvews."
A rentsylvatien is responsible foc
the exPressien "eacrifictal PollYWogs,"
the mewling of which is not exactly
clear. Many Hoosiers ewear "by
vy," and the exclamation "jiminy'
krauts" is commoti In setae Parts Of
the country. A Chicago Mail rellevee
his overwrought feelings after missing
a shot in billiards by shouting, "saered
camels" and "monk of the forest."
' The Germant3 like to make remains.
about thunder and ' lightning when
They wish to- be real naughty, the'
Frenchmen take to little sayings about
a "thousand cannons" or some large
number of "thunders," and sailors are
credited with great teethe erabOdYing
the "great born spoon" or a willing-
• lleStil to 'SW& my timbers," but prob-
ably the A.tnerican who wishes to
swear without being profane ends, as
• many queer expressions. as any one:
The Process of Assaying Both Metals.
WHY Is Identical.
Daricness and Our Eyes Die Answer, The .nrocesS of assaying gold and sin`
Says a Scientist.
If if were atways daylight we should throui!,11 a highly heated furnace and •
• never sleep. So says a scientist. melted,- the. sample for assay being
. There is no particular reason why we dint) outw e
the metal. 10 In 4
• ver is identical The metal is first put
or any ether animals. ehotild rest on liquid ' state. • Next the pample Is.
peen ueaer-
acid, the silver dissolving, while the
•tvhere it le caught in proper recepta-
the cold bath, it is boiled in •eulpluiric
gold Is Ptecipitated . to the bottoien
granulationensu..es. Taken from
The acid. is pen- *drawn off. and the
Metal placed., In another * vessel laid
with sheet lead, t136 'bettoin being
plates of Capper. . chemical. action mow '
sete..in; tbe aeld, copper and lead bee,
Ing in a feinient. ;While the gold- Is
being .preeMitated the silver . If there.
be any in the sample under test, is. be-
ing deposited In thin metallic sheets on
what• before the fermentatien set.: in
were-theconper, plates, but whith bave
now:. been transformed into blucl vitriol
OcA.f. .sutlebrhaokie oitif ectoapipes copper. , all 1,..lee31 de-,
'posited they are gathered bp and ivIth
the hnpuritieS still remaining presied.
into cakes by a hydraulic machine
which: has A pressure df 200 tons, •
',Again it -Is melted (the gold and silver
:each in .separate eatS, of course), the •
pure iicetal being, again deposited and
the hnpurities," aided by chemical tiel
: tion, left floating on the top. • The next
'and.last proeess vans the metals into
ingots - ready for:the' markets -of the.
I World:- •• ,
1, . •
• Makin a Dictionary.
. *hen Johnso% got hiS..fain. ona, die/
tionary started he co.:IQ:dated. that with
. ,. ,
six assittants . he :could complete the
task in, three years. 7 It took nire aline
. Years instead. ,.fle receiyed theiMall
recompense of 8'7,500, abd had te .pay
' his assistant$,:obt bf Plat '
Webster ...worked, tweetirleur years
.:before his dietlOnary, Made. its 'hew' to
the world. WelYster 'Wile very' PunCtil;
: ions in his 'deduitions and so painstak.
Ing that•it Was 4 wonder .116 cotuokod
the work whentes did.' I ••
,. The •words which .give the coaiMiler
of :a dictionary the ineertronble are
the little . One syllable Saxon words.
Their :history extends- habit into the
Saxon nerioa. and their meant*, has
become twisted la !Many directions.
ViTords with pedigrees' are, the hardest'
an average eight -or ninehoure a:daye thiewn iuto a yessel of cola water,
Tbe perio
nailed by the tact that eight beers Is
the average -Vete when there is a* lack
of sufficient light to enable us to move
anent in. comfort -
This most fundamental distinction
lietYMell day and ;eight is wholly rein-
t.tve to the sense of, sight It only,. af-
fects thoee .types of elfe which have
developed eyes. • - _ . I
Plants, being dependent for their
growth upon the action of •raYe • of
sunlieht ;which fall Upon their. leaves,.
lurve. a wide distinction' between day
and night functions: They eat and
digest in the light and grow during •
the boors a elarkeess. ' • . •
The lowest forums of etnimel ,life -
the sightless denliens of ocean depths
.--do net rest at regular intervals.They
prowl around inCessantly, seking
• prey by the sense of touch aim*.
When they rest it is at • Irregular pe-. ,
tiods. In other :words. they have no
cliitinet periodicity of their own-
' But as eoon, are eyes are developed, t
and in peoPortien 01 this dexelopment,
aniniale beep to dividothela time into'
two main' portionie-a waking and
Obiepind: dine. , While" there is .light
they perform all 'motive functions.
4Wheae,dirknelers •cOrnes they retire td
nest or lair to erest.• . •
A Won -Ian's Reason.
• .
• "Of Alt the foolish reasons girls give
for wishing to marry, 4:Ir rather not to
reinale Single," .sold MISS Afternoon
'Tea, "I think' ‘beCaUse she Wants Mrs. '
• on ner tombetooa' is •(1.1e mat inane.
Why Should. she want it there where
:she Cannot see • it? Would rather
.hieve Mrs. on My visiting ca.rds. than
On MY • tombstene, wouldn't you,
"Yes, dear, and that reminds Inc.'I
asked Jane St:alley yesterday, why' She
she intended .wheii
She said, '0h, My ' visithig cards• ern
almost gone, and I. de ma dare to ore
der another hundred' ot these, so I run
atirryieg'np getting My' new naltie to
have engraved. 011 there." •
•• The Chinese have always had athlete •
JC• exercises of a sort in 'which they
have tether prided thentee1yee, 'though .
nor* ever Skein to have takeh snob a.
held. on 6e' natioa. as outs' hail* en tis
during . the last ceatnrY or so. They
have 'plenty . of shales 'of streng men
-capable Of Wielding" extraerdiparY •
.weapens, of bending'svendrous hews or
!et heevy weightz, :etc. :
'• Even within the las.t few yeas leas
'of areherje were 'done before an nfiker
..eeuld get his eommission the army,
.and 'almost any *there 'a
'bamboo, With i pierced . stone at either •
;end to test the steength et the rising
generation in lifting.. But there was
sothing of regular athletic training, ex-
cept -fer a few • wrestlers perhapie
!fore • foreigners cattle -Shanghai 'hiet%
:lcury, •
TheY had tnet for the first time since
their. schooldays and Were 'telling eat%
other ot their professional careers.
"And hotv aid you come to leave the
'nage?" asked one.
"1 had hint t 1 Wag not milted
.:9:1::tslee. The.
"Well no; . not exactlY, But they
;might hare been birds had they been
sister Of an intending hOtnesteader,' ' allowed to, hatch." .
The homesteader is required to psefeem
the lanneetead duties nutter one of the fol -
owing plaint ;
(1) At Meat six monthe•residenee upon
and &titivation of the lend in eft* you for
three veers. . • •
(2) A, homeeteadvr may, if he so desires
per atm the required reindenee duties by
living on farming land owntd solely by
him, not less thin 80 eats int extent, in
;be vicinity of 1110 homestead. Joint own-
erehip in land will not meet this require.
1110njtif the father air moth
(eer, if the father
deceased) of the homesteader has .per.
manent residence on terming land owned
solely by him, not les e that eighty (80)
sores in extent., in the vicinity ot tits
homeetead, or upon a homestead entered
for by him in the yak ity, inch homestead,.
ar Mel perform his own teeidence (Intim
by living with the father or mother:
(4) The tettne "vicinity" in the two pre-
ceding paragraphs is deft(' 3 as teeeng
not more that 'MN) miles ie a direct line,
exclusive of the width of road inlay/mem
reseed in the in amen:lent.
(5) A &Mei .der intending to perform
his resdenee duties in accordance with the
above while living with temente or on
farming land owned by himself, must not-
ify the Agent for the dietriot of such inten.
41°Etin.it menthe' notice in writing meet be
glean to the ooremieeioner of Dominion
Lode at WWII, of intention -Apply for
Deputy algae Minister nf 100 Literier,
t4.11,-.11neutherized pablies,tion of this
advertisement wilrnot.be paid for.
A Martyr.
The politician had been charged with
'''What's.that?" lie asked languidly,
"Why, any chump could 'swear to the
truth," exclaimed the politician. "I'm
the victim of proi te tonal jealousy,
that's what," he added, with manifest
. "Pa," boohooed the ehaStised eon,
"if I had let Willie Simmonds lick me
instead of me licking bine, would
you've whipped Inc just the same?" ,
"Yes; bid renieraber that in such a
in piece of oriel" BURDOCK
•A Lesson.
• 'The Lady - Look here! Val said
that if I'd .give you 'you dinner you'd
mow .tbe lawn ,for me. The Bobo--
I'd like to do it, ilna'a.)31, blit gotta.
teach yer a lesson. Never dust tit'
veord of a total strotger •
A Sinking, Hollow, "A11.
• Pit of the Stomach,
A remedy which hes 'rarely failed to
give prompt relief and effect permanent
owes even in the most obstinate eases, is
case you would be getting two lickings
Hone" Sensation at the
The Height of Hoopitallty.
granite -I suppose that when your
uncle coins to New York you mill sec,
that he Is properly entertalued? Jew, .131ITTERS
ett--Yes; he shall have everything that
his money will buy.
A 1M6SnOtiort of Terms.
I'Did you say he was a crafty p.oli-
"No," answered V.entitort',. Sorghum,
• Inot crafty, merely graft."
Seine Men Oat Motley. Others
woke Mdne otbeell MG11
ingaitrelei Itiatiatteat Carter Disteespet *mot a.
It 066 Ivy regulating end tootles the
digestive dertni, removing 'esstitiestus,
aad inerealing the appetite, sauntering
heath sad vfgor to the slatemi.
Mira Aliso fasting B & It •
istitest--“/ Imre used Bur�ek Bood
bitten and lied that few insallaines oast
asive took raw la Stomach Wachtel and
bytitioloia. I was tsooldad forysestswith
byeselaiassittieitti got as rsW itatil
triedHL B. b. 1 bools 66wee Itottiles sad
WSW* 0E4 mid stow 1 esti atti=
withored frarrilicei4
to law* 'Nis,*
Not All Loss.
, 'Quotations -cleverly malapropos or
neatly distorted furnisli,tialf tbe wit ,
Of the profesplonal hutnorist. Never-
theless, when seat a verbal misstep is'
spontaneous, there is °hen real -fun
in it, • •
A. young man ' had been out sailing
With his sister, . and -a friend; Of hers.
tIe did not know • particularly well the,
line -points -of- tboarteand on trying,Ie
Make the landing against it. head Wind
he exclaimed 'after sevecal vain at-
empts., •
"Well, it is better to have tutted Men
lost than never to have. laffed at all."
1 -Youth's Companion,
Most Extraordinary.
"lie has certainly raised his farlin'Y
In an 'old feshioned .
ufsole ,
"Why, that maa'S ;children
ask hiro for. advice." •
tirOkei. . „
• 'Yes, poor fellow; beta. a friend 'of
• "Indeed?"
"Same 'alb* it need,"
, •
Poor Pellov:d
Ileevitaelle doesn't dare clay %hat' his'
POW is MS own. 3ewett-1Ie bis.been
Walked over so much that he mys lin
feels lace a beaten path.
There Is more lYing done in the snot -
01 congratulations than on any
tIltet sI1I,jeOt,
Frozen Sentiment,
aillere'S 4 fellow who thinks he has
diseovered that love stories 110er start
In tbe Winter Rine,"
"TAO'S easily understood. Weald
never de to say the helothe had cold
foot and that her nose Niles blue from
kereated eirmilatiou."-Cleveland Plain
7,0 F•77.
.Ft. iture
• „Furnishings.
Prices now,in vogue at this store,
will convince you that now
is the time to buy.,
Walker & Ross
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Clinton.
Phone or Cali Day or Night.
4441011011111•4114110 4144,11,41144114141141
Hot Seaso
The hottest weathei yet to come. :Prepare, by
getting' a Gasoline or Coal. Oil Stove. A few •
left 'yet, and at reduced prices
$4.50 Gasoline
.6.5o Gasoline
15.50 Gasol,itle
"7.50 Gasoline
13.5o Gasoline
t.00 Coal Oil
2.5 -gallon Milk
30 -gallon Milk
40 gallon. Milk
Stoves, .
Stoves, for........ ... . .... ..
.Stoves, for ' , 14,80
Stoves, for 15.00
Stove (secondhand),5,50
Stove (second hand)3.50
Cans.,..... ...... 425
Cans: 5 00
. .... .• I
Cans 625
• • AIu minu m and .Q.:anite•PreSe.tV-.
.S444.494)11,1‘404111 0104111111410114e
EkCtro9 Chemical
Rheumatic RINGS crcl
,are guaranted to cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia
The Electra Chemical Ring is not an ignorant O.
charm or faith cure, but a scientific medium for the
elimination of uric acid from the blood. The secret,
the power; the merit in this ring lies in the 'corn-
bination of various metals of which the ring is 0
made, no matter what the trouble is, if it is caused LTJ
by excess of uric acid the Electro Chemical Ring
will effect a. cum looks just like any other ring,
can be worn day and nig t. e guarantee t1iie
Rings to do claim. Call and examine these L-11
Rings, *to
Oral ti ars, Wa lievee:thene in gals, quarts anti pints, .also rubbers.
Paris Green, Bergitts' English, itt 86e.
golOso Forks, Scythian, Smiths, stones, Machine 011, etc,
city Goods, Muslins, Gingtouns, Prints, Cellars, Ties, ,Embreideries, LaceEt
Gloves,. Hosiery, etc, •
Boots and Shoes, fine and coarse for men, vvonien end children; just right.
GrOceries,_Our stotk is always full ad freSin;With the very best of all.
kin& Butter and eggs wanted; any quantity.
Don't forget about Salt, Wire and eoalo
•nmporiuta• ADAMSo
Londesi?oro, Yuly 2/08
During the threshing season, a good table %ill be found a
useful artic1e
1We have strong, WegiiiniSked Tables, which extend front II :to 10
feet tong, ot $44 $41.50, $8.50, 810 to 811% Oath.
i Ch i at 44'e t'Oe 85e $1. and $144 eadh
I J. 11. Chellew, Myth