HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-09-03, Page 2I I 1. 1. .1 � .. I I... I., _ ' I � 1. ... - .1 - -
;, . . .. I ___ 1 ! '. il,_ .'' . I
. � . � I __ I... 11 =111111�1: 0 11i � I: ol
Tho Now. R-rA ' I Jueen Shooked by Rul lftht$ I At MOST SENSATION - - — , � - * , I 111:1 �il:l:ll�:"..",�,�.;.;"..iliw-��I
, , , "";,
I � I � %publiolied. every Thursday Olt I , .11--l"_ - '" - DO ( 0111#01008 W,A,ut This X44 I I , ,
�� I Boa -of ,Spfkiu made unhappy By There is G 1. querAl Surprise gt the Great � . � . . I Farm for sale , - " ,
I 11 u 0, 1: - UIN Former'noad of S 1, F .
*0,%A,W BRA, Prilitlug I 0, N. P &L " THE N ... A IT jup, a, R I PROPESSIRr
" . . ultAias secret
I - Degra4ing Spectacle Of Numbers, of Persons 10 Clinton Who . . 4 ,; 'Per AP10 tbali farm - JW acres, bolug, ;;�g '
� W"Q STRAW 4 I 14 . 4MIsTon, , Police to Settle in . of -� ,
I . . I , I .11 .. m., - ;�i-;;�; �. , �
- the Ring , loto 48-84, lot 00A., ecderiph towilabir, __Z�_� I -
. ,Te�wsof okibiscriptlon—$1 per year I I I - -Canada . G W, 'BUXID0, I
. oo4irame b6tipe, frame born, vilobloo, I :
I I J )WAnco; $1.50 , I PrAloo Booth's ]Kidney Pills ' ,. A Moristor . X9 _��
1P WAY be Ahar 64 Jf . . Wood, 1, ,am rim 0 . drivo OU06,1100 I . I I
, % I
I � � dayrInsareek, lospremot BARRISTIMA SOLICITOR 140TAlt �
. votisp PAW', No Paper discon. Inued . 11appyasaqueoril klerojs4s4T It' but . drt dm'o' since the first , . All ampire but about �$ istires And I ,� -
44J, re Cids unless at the' Ing a. k% 6'4 fflie Size of ows, 'Lon4on, Aug 20 - Ut i3ey, the I%Ile orcia"' I
j... U1 All arrears a , that is not always true. Queens Aro box of B . il WiAI'D statis of,cultivaition. Soll-richolayl rusym, BTU,
I 0 Uou of the pub. 10, er, The date , to more, often than not slaves oftrattit- Olintou, ,outh's Kidney I Pills came to � . J� I beact of the Turkish secret police, ha , "an � Reasonable terms to oaispurobas.� 0MUTOS I I
. 11 J I . I arrived ip London, He proposes to or, App I
1=011 every subscription is paid � iolix-of the country over which they I Whki,t a wot-4 this stranger has ac.! � I � 4 ' . � I .
, Otodoix the label. reign, Orin, which they live'- and to campligbed., Dozons ot re4idents WHIRLt WITH AWFUL VEEM bu.vamiiallestiitte in Canada. Aftex. I ly to CA. WAIIIA Clint.9n, Out,
- �
I Advertising rateg. —Transient 44ver. sue , h are obliged to sam-10co their own ben. I I the proolaxnation of the constitution ;i . �
I I . s0nents, 10 c0tits per nonparel. liae a and inclinations ellted.andd cured of lame, weak And I . . be hid for two days, Then the Sultan .
I , .
� private fuellsjg aching backq, ,urinary hud kidney - . wrote him to IrT f1corn 'the . countr � y Form for Sale. I . i
'"Just Insertion Her Majosty Queen Victoria U ugene troubles. It leremarkable th It Spin* Around $it 600h a 1704014,11 - 0ONVEYANQUiR
11 �. � and3cents per line. ay, Re Inade, his walytQ ' 8, .. NOT"1198 . I. .�
, ' , e reason without del, i RX040tor offers for Ale his form on titis ; 8§10X]�4RS
Avertisements not to exceed onemob which entertains it great rL as attacked fin route in , , � -41
I ov each subsequent insertion. Small of:Spain, the dctughter of sA nation it, is, for 1300th's Kidiloy,Plills 4ro'a new ' LQ it That 4� Furious estio perpetual-, Smyra
� . , ,as I COMAIII
� , I , but W. 1". . . .
. : , ,spect. fok, blend of vegetable lingredie0s,havlog 14altlaud.0Qn. Qoderloh Towitabip, Zots 1 MONEY To Lo
. � vah as "Lost" '19trayo4l, ", 0stolen,', human life and a horror of all use. A Peculiar Itotion on the ,kidney issue ly Encirlelos Its aquiltor-Its po$314 thodark, HOBIIDtbis.assallaut dead L77 and 100 altu 4A
-4 on the spot, Re reatebed So Ated I 1-2 Miles trom village,
. , a, Inserted, once for 8.5 cents, or one less suffering, cannot bear the degrad. ,that bringis quick ho,p, blo lnhabftaa�g 3"d Its M0011111110 , , )yrnal and OtHolmeoville, olluxoh and Bobool, The ,Mn.X RIDOtiT I
1. ) as Ili eu e . sailed thence, fox- Marseilles And larm contains 46 acres of c6oi .1 — . 10, B� 4414 1 Is
� -4plithfor$1-communication i t a a ipgaspectaple of the builltigbts. yet oe. Mt. H Clamelou, of ,%tglan Street, , It is curious how little London. oe lan3, A --mr 0 --
I - $0 publication must., as a guarantee -of mioaaliy.- despite, her foolings; she is (,,lintoll, ont says,. _�Booth, is' Kidney Ptood fraws bouse, arO bank, barn, 5 Acres . . .
� . I piuii5l faith, be accompanied by the constrained to atterad one, , � I I I the "oraigo ',Me is a cleaii-ashaven man, and when of Orchard
� ._ owing to Pills are certainly it grand rewedy and person kuOWO ab0,0t J�Vfter. ,Ile has oc and 1% Acres of good maple Wedi�,al-. .
. I
$%me of the writer. . I the faot'that the Spaniards, through a , I will always be glad. to recoturriend heard a. lot, too much perhaps, about A$ on Was wearilig a str;;w. hat. 110 said j; bt:841%ad. The farm is traversed by A ru I I
To insure publication in currdat stritoge aberat on of the intellect, con- Turkey has seen -tile last of we for.- This , it. PR�.-A,44 W. T110mrs'ex I
. I , ,,
'older this Ab then). I fittil, frequently suffored with - tim evorl During my -term I -a It . kb,,,, o k., farm w.ill be sold In A ` .
I , I #sue copy of advertisements should be owinable "pastime, ,as a dull healvy pain ate I . Marfs, but that world, 1,300 . es, thet mearns of ruining X W as the I bit . . , PIP;w6ri . .
, , I jKwt in early. � ruso the, small in parts., A�ply to, - , sqii�ou: uto
s highly patriotio, . and one w f the Look and iiix th". region of 'size �f Ours, whlrlWg In the terrible. And ei,v wisters, (hicers . I ALIM 4AL OUR, �
. Ji ich the . illans, At the bidding of my I . socol enfikin given to dipeasoo o0bo
Contract rates - The tollowingta,ble queen is bound i " 1111, Bar. T.broat, Ana �Xoso,
. � , to attend. ,Anyoue 91,11r`,.�,,llcys., ... kidney secretions outer distance of space with its #Irq superiors,170turkq, werilbergs. ' . . 11olmoQville, . uyc�! I ...
I :� obows our rates for specified periods Who ventures to p.rOte8_4gA1uRt such would become frequout and irragular , moons, its 144 month$ 4rly,, ow of till, 0as of some . . I 011400 and, Resldeiaeo. . I.., �
I ,
� 1 I I re kn 4 at t botiored. families, djsav� . I
4111,Ad space. a savage exhibition is at -once clAss6d - Id
I yr. Gino, Swo. Iwo as an onemy of Spain. - I , , with each 0 - I Wo uld. Ulke as xx ' peared,11 with a motion of Ili$ Ejland Two doers wool of the commelrolial, 09$*P,
it would settle in tile small part of tray i as Jupiter Is almost I 0 1% may* I ' Hurowk 84. . , . .
, if not q�lt * .;
� , I . . I Choice rroperty For ��_ale . . � ..I -
.I vollimn It is well - known in certain -circles back, Tile Urino-Would beeldme higlXly__ tery, '. I giving It Oiul4ter meaning. to the. word . I . I .
. I disappeared.l' I . I . —0 I �
. . . . .
� '�- , ,,, . 0011111111 -40 W 2500 1500 600 which are well. informed that. the colored and -contained sedjmorlt, I In the -first piado, Juplter,.accOrding i Readded that -Izzet -Pasha, who is The -undersigned offers for sale his oboice, - Dr., W, Qualm * . * . . . '.. � I .
� . .
- ,
I 0olumn 25 00 1500 800 3 00 birth of the infarita Don Jamie was halo tried om-ral preparationa but I to, Ome, a tr , garden liropertY Of three a0res atitnated- - in , I � . �. . I
Coluran 18 00 1000 5 50 2 00 premature The child wits not expe , 6 I as onomers, Its jnbibitea� � also in London$ is reputed to 'bilvas L . � . �
ct� �,Ould uot find relief, I, tried 1300th's - In t1tei. I !dzi;1,500,()00 of bit; fortune, the aorden Survey,, ()Iint6n, Or, It. 614mi'L. R, (4, P.,� X. a, .. . ,
�. . 1'boh d 00 350 200 1 00 ed Uil the'early part & July. Queen Kidney 11,1118 I Oil recoul � tile . liZation of iio are. some of'Its moons. 61WE There is %.4om- . V. 4'. xl"A. 4017 - -
1 ROUT. HOLMF Victoria, a few uayalWorp . � midst . of 'which 0 1 . greater part,of which wu itivest.'ed, in - otope oell%r� on the 00100-Ofitarlo Street, Clinton. - Night CORN wo , f , . .
M . - this prince MV1161mes, the (AVLfgg48L. The one I . the great planet opins forsalb"' "On"' wish I front door of of4ce or residence,. Uiluenbstrz� * ..
,�,�, 4M..------ ; ._ --z- - � - I - . States, through Greek xrd and soft water, all' l4reet. . . . , I
'', _" was born, - attei.de4 a bullfight in bux,reliev, d me on tirely (if th e;ld- i. ArOund'114o_a, top'at such tiometidoum ille "I ,ill Parts. Zia Bey Bays be 9' ( ... " istti"'ot It . I
---- I _a It, artaul(Jilersel Ulude"twf and iii. good state of I I .
�.., t 8 govi Acccinpallied, by the king., acheand quiek(yregulaigattle tirtultry spe�d that It causes around the ,4u t 1 beas -the npw regllno.w6l, Ile regrots cultjvar fruit Ire" , . 9 rsii,, . .
. - . .. w 8 old with eratirei outfit, 01(lee hours at hostilt4l;_1 to 3 p,%n,,, I to 9 ,
. a or eta, will be is . . I
; " U ri � o r t'k,7 -- dillicultleii, . on isao � .
Raliway Time Table ChangeS, � " r a
, ors wer .0crasion bort k4ero w not'a retualaing . that lli8 record forbidshope of forgi,j riag torn, if, � JOYNEIt. I I I I - .- I . . I
- — , . nittely OW t1lab i . 0. I — � .
I A heaped on borrors;� with sYMPtow of kid 6ey trouble .1-nd ffool a furious. wind that blows perpetually ness. Thousands Of -persons ,,,,,,,, as' . . � .
I � CLINTON STATION dead and dying horses in agotly, ancl, .strunger And botter gelaoritily. sold by at a rate of about, 250 miles 4ri hour,-' i tbruilgh him, . ed — —I- _� . DIR. J. W. . SHAW � � .. ��
� . wGiiuded inatadors. Their majesties licalorg, I.q.10 . I
I I q .
I � Q, Going'W'"it Goii�ig East after that e 50 cents. -The ItT In the nalost of this juiiver endliw, i- I do not blame the- Sulitan or the � I 10"Isic � ol N W. e � �. -V%1,X81aL . . I .
I . I . - . . I
t , . . . ' liltd,bull retired procipirate- Bootil CO,, Ltd,, yi.,rt E4 rie, , Oil�,, SuIe ' chartiliel-Jains eratir4V, Their,po _ - - � _. _. � . Aecoucliour, etc., Mee and residence on
1 11.07 a- in " . . . �
� ,, 17, to La Granuja Talado, � Those who Cana0latu'Ageri.ts. . . . .,f .bowling. gale live the Jovians. some . Wells On Maple St, one halt' �Qre of ground, folibury St., optiosito W. Farrawa residence, I
. 1.25 p in 7 85 a.rn witneisseil their departm,p I I . . rested on it sort of working agroerrient I
P in . I � . , notl4ed that �*--_ .. . ,astronomers ShY �that ,because Jupiter which 6nabled a manioulation of i good fruit trees k,pd other Etutill fruit, - , ___________________�_
6.40 p.m 307 the queen was greatly o�ver6orne, and . ... . he 1- . .
I � . .18 No mt�cll bigger at(d Iteaviier than resources of the E mpire B01013, as pri. . I
� , 11.28 p 5:26 P'm" , that het eyes �Are. full of teari. , : tioctse. in good ochaftiun, I Ap�
, , -in . . � . ,y to .. DR. Vo R.,RXON I .
� I 1;1 . . - Going North Going South . I The specti4cle had a great eire,et oil Bigge.st Hilitala Hilrd Left, . � ,the earth po creature of any wblgh�, val,te revenue, TIfe end cuir.0 (iuicker . W.w. . IMENS, . . I I I ., I
. . � .
, ' the queen 14 fler delic4te statte, atind I . ., I . can,isupport itripif_ A man welghin; .1 thAll most of us' expected, owing to . I - '.., , I I OXNWIST . . I I
L : 11.04.aan - 7,29 a -lit O' I the strides made by the 1�rrny ill the . . (Successor to Dr, Boluses) ; I . .
. . 1. ,
I . � there is very little doubt buC thatt. it - ItAsr Expected t Ntumbor.. Clow to -4, '200 pounds on this iiarth would, if car- last six rnotl�hs.,. , * . . I BORN Mir Kate,— opeciallist Inowlya slad arkage T
6.40 P.m � 4.18 p.m W,t - . 11 . .� . I . � , . . toirk:
. I.. the cause of the proinuture t)itth, ousa � � � � . I I � . I -_ , ..
,� I ol! aersecond9oti. Itiseven whisper., . . I Tit , rid thib Year' . rled to Jupiter, welgh 500 i;iounds, and, I � I I � . -Graduate of the Royal, coupgb of I)eutalelaw,
. . . . .
1, — -, .___._______.__.__===1 ed th * 0 .. I . . . I . I A comfortable frame hou'so on Mill St, geons of Ontario., I - .� .
- I I
I I . at for once'lat Ili$ lifle, X, Al. � � ' ' . � . I I reasoning. thits, t I ', British fc reign traderetarrs for July coritilining.8 , b6drO01110, shfing. rodin pan' Honor graduat.ii of University of Toronto lion., *: )r �
"I I . - in . hey believe that noth. I - , tal Dauartment. I
_ . forlso kii6w what tear waql Buftltpp� . A report coines, from Alborta, 0"t'n"., ing 4l.-ger th,in, 4 cat.could gta lloiv, the arnotailtalbehig roughly re. try woodthed, good bellair, hard. ana. soft. 14at I I I . �
. . I � ' Q.Sf Chleago 001loge of DoutAl auraerv. .
I CLINTCN NEW ERA fly. 61.ae, .robus� .constitution of tile 11:11A tile lal"ivilt, buffillo, heivd. in dio - this vrv,t ,world. . . 11 I . � I duced to dolhlv�, that Bi-itish impcirtg water. 011e-quaoer apre lot. Will b sold 0110" 0. , , . I . .
I . ,��2��6 . . I . 1
".. . --i queLE,rr triump I . - I for the raloilth anioutited I o -�., - - * t,� .6yory Wouilliv, . , I X I
THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1908., led ��nd (111 Was Well. world, which is corral led uettj� tile town �a, "o (J,000 chosAp. Apply at NEW. L. R& off, e visit Ilayflold
Will 'the queen a*gahi But tbliil Is no doubt a mistake., Jt do - or . . . I . I
� - —...,- --,.,-' .. - -I---- attend the ofLitmont,.Ilas winteredwell. 10roln . . I . compaired ,-vvith. $2tJI,(j(j(),(l()0 ,for tile pol . .. . . . � '.
!, - ___ I . no mr, while. those of .$ UENRY VOLLAND, OR i� , , I � � ___ i I .
� I
�i . I bullfights niter this �,'xperlencas., is the the Little the. roundup of the hol,<1 culn. .Jupiter.st6ptl still,or revolved' fa,�ter . I ., _.." - . laton. . . . -41 . � . I
� . . � I SAR e*montIl lakib YL I , .
4 . .
� n. ,8 question asl6d, Sarelk t1rall our earth al . .. . . f. I I . . I
� , " LUCINPA'S EXPERIENCE yes; -for �be ' lumccil in Montatia-last year )(�.m that � i I I .I that.astroliona-y-says:: - the United States wore $,q(l,50o,(jo0 this - ,. ,. � DR-. H. FOWL.Ult . 11. , . . I
L� . v - -been lost. or ditSdi a te *s lat - : L . . I . t '' .
. .
I � � � 'Juvereig-nWill\if herpeopIpwill coin, 1J pet, cent, btl'wu ,would be true, and nv,ti Mali year, against $115,500.000 last. The. a0use4or Sato, .I . . . - . , I
, , cc 41 � . I . . I I . _ . 4 4 i
. . . pol ll�r so to do, at the-diev . egaid Of,. , Accordhig. -to' 111ur Newt$ alraj.rlg�� . 0 �ld ,not sttl.nd upon Itwaurface. But, decrease wits - hefkvl�r ill the United . . ' ". . VIRNTXS�Tft . . � . . . . 1�
hear own feelings, . - � . . 8 tates botlivallati-yely and A The large �cottago on . Qnec n streot,. be ,. � I
She's A.1wa* Find in g'Things, but Sh . I . 4 1 -mg inade to 'bring. up as wfact. the trem�ndoua rate of revom . t . . Offices over OINRILIR store.
I e. . . . mek1ts -are, u� � . . I - Thiv bsolutely, *19lug to the astatt- of the joke E, HOJ=4 . I I . .
,; Never Finds Anything Valhatlile . " '� 1:1 . I . . ... I . . auotlI.4 i'300 he,id, atild;iNTiolla -a Pauldis 4 i lotion is so much' faster thtfil thQ. , .New'YorkJournal 6Fcoultylopee . . I � I
,:' . I 1. . I I . ongdgediri getting thenl,t6igethei, . . 1. . notesthat ,6me* Urlite(, 13 tates . ieeoho. is Offered for sale. The Jos . _66,p v - , . �
. 1. I . � ' at In. spite .oX its .ationstrous , in one-half tP01111 Oire taken to nl&kb 6ntal srea$;�, . �..
. .
- � . . . . On earth's t- , J " 11 I ; ""i� 'o.ptaintaiiii Oa :ppsdiblo, . I . I .
�, I bearing Vuh trees;' hard and I � . . 1
,�� . . . . . I I . .4 1 his randh lit.tilontana-,.List ydar tile - SIZ6., it t 'In ,� mists Ind conifort, in the filet tb;lt for "Ore, 1111th , _ , ,. I .1 . 4 � . 4
I., , I I . � soft water. A bi - - Apply ' . _. , ,,,,, A, �
11 0 Ind t1lings - I . I . 1 4' . ul, s� 4bout - In 'less than - ten I ho" Olt NEW , , � , � . . . . )_
, . "I'm the gr atest one tb f � 400 headbruugliz jo oaii4da wore ship- _ � . I 1 month Unitbrl State.� -exports., ox� rgain. , I.., . . . I
I ligilks , 42 agaili t' our tweilty,fo . emkI.Impor0by .,while, Brit . � 1. .. I I . . � . . .. - I I . . � . I
I that ever was," saia Lucindst, "but I . St Isidore A . .1 90- .))oil by freight trains, but several We 1. . . .S. . ur _ $16.800,o6(i BRA office I . I . . .
�, , , 1-1. Q,,. ug .18 1 .1.9 ' ' � V0 , - . . . 4 � I ,
illed in loading and iinloadiDg, . hour * . I I . I imports.ex .11. I .eous. , �. , ,
never find anythingvaluable, and why . , ki S. lad .. I . . -, Uscdllaa I
- Minard's Linimeint 0 . : . . cbea..exportas 11y, .403 ollo _ . ld .1 .
., . . � , . i ' . . . - .. . I I .
. I
1. i0" . o., Ltd. � I 'This year an att-an, pt jvill�bo iihade to I &s It Is, a man 'of normal' e4rthly " , 'Fralue, 12 Ouse, for ftle � ;
do you suppose that � . - OW But it remarks that ,�Gii?,Lt, Y3,i;- 'Good I -r�mrm 0 k4i VJM11, WIM111S.Boilo
- I " �
I l, "People iiiii-it lose valuable things, . exdatlemen�l bilve' frequently,11sed drive thelieralupfrornMotitanic .6111 bas 9 4ell largely an this it ' ' ' I , ", . fWUH14 OF ,VA7-1,hJAi4J,.' i,rvktqt-m .4 .
: I MINARD I . 11 to this size, If transported. to the equator of, - Ott - Il- , .. . 4 . 14 . .. Wo . . . . � .
I don'l. they'., Why certainly; but it does. I'S LINIMENT itrid'also pre- place, a distance of ov' I favorable balaine' of tradel 6 fac,,� � that , , 4., (ir. to Rem . . .. . vratuesser, reouiied I .
. � sdr)bd it . er eighty nalles. _71iViter, ,would actuft f I . 11 . . I � . I . . � I ... � . . I .1 . . . I I
1. I for lily J)Atitlutg always with .1 y 00, much- refuses to go:d6wn, and rellihi Us' "Its a ' . I I I . � I.. � . . 4. 1 . . . t- . ..
.not seem to Ile my lot to find thD.t sort I gratifying results, and I e' This eighty miI6 dHve of -i0o N�jld hilf. ll�hter than be does. here oil earth, be- astatlldffii� Li a I IT .4 1 . �
�''. Other people thid the valus,010 things, tile most . on- falo -will be Oiie oftbe gMatest, utide'r. . rof t t on: ;*of,,. prDtoction ' Subscilbor o bre.fol. tile: or to rent his . . ,
t" . and all that I get is whit t tit), brother sider it th& best itIl-roliud,.1.jiujni0.0 lt,ex� i. cause the s let rotation of the planet , isophistil . . . 'Urge and cdmrortat,l� fratrie' house, on . I : I . . 4 . 111.1 I .
� �'r Y. - I— . , I .. . . . I � . 4
I tariL. . I I 1. . . .1 .. �. takings in.th& histo% OX dow punvllin�. i t d almost llf� him filom 'his I . . I .I.. . . '_ 41 . :,� .1, . Huri;4,street weavo conWMng 9� room�, I Pon I ey . , . . � - - .. . 4 . ..
�' ,-, Claude calls theJunk. � . I . I -TheQq�ernment is e 11:11ing role ielldei.4 wo 11 r -06t- _ ....... -.,... -_ ,-., _--��-:- - w I � I ., . . I � . 1 4. . .
k . "And the-wity 'I find the brass thi Your's trtll-�r; ' fQr, a wire feli6e around and throw Win, W4 the heavens, Re I ' . ___�_ __ . . , ith biiitb'ro6rh, olb6obs,,, waish rc6m Private ftutas, to loan itt 43jg.�4- cent and.ib;;, - , -
�, I . 999 . . .1 DR. JOS. AUG. S -I . tblisprese�ve, � . . � ., .. . . and . :' "
I Is astonishing, * Ila inostly baby . . BOIS, - �Y,13060;bellar and fur'riae� also 'V1lards. . �1' .* . ,." w...E yDONE, . . . . . . ,.
� . 4, . .. .. I I good st, . I . � . . . . 4 . I .
pins . . , . �-; , . -1 which will b6p.ver aseverity-nalles long, would ('601 �O: 1J."Itt that tbe;1950 mile An -T,as IV, f 11 P, Him . Draggist PAn". able, ., J.- 13. LINDSAY, O'llinlor .- . . . ..
� that'l find, and I dfseover their, on tile . :_ : . . . I . ., Wid. will awab. approxiartt.611y $so$OOU.' an hOur tornado that blo*s , fricossant- ,,- , _'. . I I � I .. . � . . . . I I I . .1
. . - � -, .
� I I . I . . -----7-----:------ , *
. . . , " 4 ,-., - , I . I . .�
1 .. street; everywhere in fact. . � . .L_!_ I - -_ � . . .. - eighty ml es the* I ailVo.aid run, I I : I. . ... . . � � ITHOMA - '' GUNDRY� - - ' - ,
i car tracks, on the sidewalks and in the ' . I The Preserve .is w arratnge�a that fOr ly NVould'plek lalan'tip and caer�y. him. . . . ,
I I I _. - . . s' afong , ' . 1. '� For Sale". - ", ..8 4
1 . * , , .7. � - � I . . I PrOund and .airoulad the planot.uk,oa Will Try. ad, Sol I You; Sub. � - I . I
.. . . . .. . I I
"I see souiLthing g istening under , , �. I � . . I - p a s 8 e a gers a c han - � . I . ,. � � -v . .
. , . h : I one side, g;yInt I . . . � .. . . . . Liv�e stook arid genetal Auction . rl - . .
, . . I , ce to speel"of dust. , , - � . I . . .4 . . . I I . .. i _. ... , . . I . . . . , . �
:1 the edgeof a fanceand I.pick it up,and . A�Seint-'3110ed, . a:,,o the herd * ' .. . , 1 1 . .7 .1 �. . . � . I . A. well established j36ot . I . . _ ,
. � -, - ' , , . -.td keep . -ecist.-j'1161 - A ir - .1 � and We btasi I GODERICH - - ONT .- � . - , " I :
I ' ' . . ., . . 1. .. � - .. . Aess, At Hillbiiii; -alvo *Ilcuse tind Lot - — .. 4
W - . Mo. itl;tbe world. With the arriv. Joviall 'It I 1. I . ' , I . , . . , xrw EltA I :
, -
" 1 �X'8 another..baby pin, Beautitully .. � . . . . I � .� This Is evoil bow lh� largest: herd of . 1: In ortle! On'.11ils , Stit ialzr. qtb'A'sales a spet;101� Olt: . , I
varved,and all tbat,but drth nothing )IT .1 � I We , for. . I . let F At at,
. blalh . , n.or womata would ba,�d-ta I I , � 3AMES STANL Y; . 1 :
. "Sunietimes'the pin8 I If . An anecalotels told bf Ohlef Stiiitice -is spring i 1. . I . . . . . tortuffe"y'.. , .1 I E, , oilloe, Uintoii, PrUmptly asteAde .
1� nd thus are at of the other herd 0 t will be , ..,—. . roaa;onablki, 1�araners! sale, Acit'.41 - . .1 I I
! . Jo - P.- the , " - . I . .. . . - . to. -Torms - I 1. 1.
�. I new -ight,sometimes oldatic hil Marshall, .RetUrning, -one. after- . 1) lit fiftY4 feet tail. Sorne.bf. an' ., I , , , , , * , , , , . . discounted , , . . I . �
�� and bx I bat- no be doublea, amd'6oforb Lhas end,of the ,))7614 k1gil-btless reach the� holght,of-L . 41 � . I . . . ( , . .11
� on frombW fapm nearRichworad,Va . 4 . ,. I . 1, 0 t i 0 r " ks "a le -, - - " , * I . I � 1. I . . I . I � .
. � y6ar is expected to num ber * close 1IPOA faftYrfive i\,eL. Like-all.bli b6i:li4s, the. - I `00'�-' R)"WLERPS ' ' ' . " - 4 I t.. �..�', �. I I . - ..4 1. !
1� so, faras actual value N , I . . I . I ., . . . . . ,_ .. . � .!
I _Ored ; but always they are worthless to hig.holne in thaf city, the, bub.of his a tk,ousitud bead wit . . ; . . I .. 1. I � . . � 1. � � . . ...
concern�d; h it net. increase I I . .. � . .1 I . 1. . . . . .
" . , wheel caught.oh a stmill sapling gibi#, _�. . . � . . I . r-- . , 44 . . . I
1 � Why do I never find a gold baby pin? ing b� the roadside. After is . . offtil�iv.*�15per-ceb,t!�triliti-,ttl,*V.. * '. ..:ovlan'would have. a. ton0ency to slowl I For sale a quart(r Kr let on James St .0. 1). AlcTaiggart; , M.'D. MoTa I . 1. � 6 1
. triving.uh- 1 4 . . I I. � * ' ' . . re . ... . ., � . . I . ; 01gar ��. ,
%, I � I . � Invin . -EXTRAC ' VV OWNf�,END,'- . . .. .. . ' .
I did find one once that it j,-weler said BuccolssfillilY for solfie 'moments to ex- - I 1. . .-I ... 1� 1. . . '. noss of Mcitiou. I g once -seated I . 4. ,. T OF I I .Apply to . ' . . ALTBR T 4. . . ' ' ' I
.. . .1 . I . : . ., . . .1 1. , �
was ten karat filled,tbe nearest I have . . . . . I I liattself,bo wduld.sporid agood twelve, , . �.. . ... . l . . mo'. -Taggart, . . .
11 - 1. ' . I Brot' *
' .. . .1 . . .
�� I cowe to it. but even that Was of '11, he heard. thei,sound ,,. - �ours at his -breiikfast and. . . .. I �
.1, trictite the whe(l I ... . . .1 0
� . . , ever of an.axe. in the wooft and saw A tiegro UOT WELMIL"It AILIMINTS .. .. - I - 41 pexhalps, 11 . WILD 7 STRAWBERRY .. � � , , . �., - Bit ERS , .. . . I . �. I ". �.
I . no money value. I . .. ... 11 . . . . ... . . . . eighteen at Ills dinuor arid - wolild prob � . . . , . _ - X$ . I - - , 4 . I
. A) -Rings? mana�pproaching him,'. .Hailillg 11fiall, .. . " I., I — . . .. ., I . Thrrsher Oul,lit'lok...Saki: , I f
I I .1 . . Is. Job If b : oriployor - . . 4 . . g_- � . � . . - I . . I : ,
'A' hy.yes, 1'ye found rings, he said, . "Tf you willget that. axe and a-bly.tIlrow . Is , 0,4� .. . �ALBERT. ST -., OUMN, - , -1 , . "
:" . Sapphire rings and I . Lily. 11 . .W1 , , !, : I . I .. .
:0 . . too. ON out down -, A, wediclae that will kee� childra�n� alloW,cd him less ibun six hours fox! , , , . . I . I kl'_ �_ , . ' I �
u , . . . ,sald 9, Complete . ceeineral , Oanking, ' .Bixiiin �
'n"'I .this fr�e, I'll t , , . 1. �Srabscrfll OH017810r, . I
: rings and emeralds and -once I found , .Ne youa do]- Vvell' is at gre66 boon, to. every. mother. . I . I � . � I . SSW.
, diambnd ring, but tile precious stones - tit I39,ax,e)eJ: his . 4 .1 .. . . 4 I . . � or or, Cog .. . .. I
�, lar." 'T O'n git yer.by 't irl' This is just witat. l3a'by's'Uwu TableW ''Inuch . ... . . � . ; : . . . .. le. , , , , � 4 . . V ? . : th,e outfit, in gb6d d I s�ing , L , � , , t ansiacted , - .. I . I ..
I .11 I . .. .r I I
;1 'dat's 0,11 7 W4nti'l "Yes, thAvis all," ' Thieocean% bf. Aipiteroy -torn . ftitc; fury . I . ... . . ... in pow S . . . :, .. . �. I .
! � 1 O� I .: I
1� in these rings waire all of the satme ma. .er. I do. -An- occasional � dusel-a. keeps -the . I . .. .' . , . I * �1 ... 11 - of , 7 =g,o_ LV Ru�iiie,, and .Chi longs - - I I NTED , - " . . . � � . � :
11 .
. i
� - , � - ings said the judge. The mo�d slmpIy.baA-: little stom a*611,and' bowels, right, and by the burricaties,' would pay np attain- tepausq 1'*Dr.'-'Powlerlsl1 is thti , 8 pitrator, all refl,0 to"start work,, "Will - 1". 1q0,Xw3,DASC6,b , , , '' ..
'"I . ntil the wheel was- prevents ',sicknes& . I I . . � � -farnis. - . . I 1. . . . I . ... .
terial, namely, glass, and like the r ed tip- ihe horse u btsold.citeiiis� , . I . . � .� � , . , '.. , . � w
,.� . in which they were set, of.iio value clear of t Durink the hot tion, to oate,-moon. such -46s, moves the: oldest and best kno'wn,clire, hl,iring Prafis issued. .� Interest allowed an , � ,,. -
�, whatever. . -it �bi,ough t weather 7mouths - stomach Aroubles tide' ith, . . � . . GILBERT MAIR, 01iiaton, P.O. . ��.. . I., � . . doppsito� * I I .. I , . . . . . : ..
he sapling, .and the , , . .,. ,� � 4 . , � . 1 4 �
; the vehicle safel,v arou s .on Mir en and it tsikes no. * 6''' - ma ' Enron 110 . � � . I. �
� nd,it; ,,You , . . bee h n the rkdt for 6- -, . ad, doderieh Tp!, . . . I I � . �: ., . .
I .
'. J'And it has always been ifist *the don't obargea doll .0, ageedily turn to fatat. dihrrhoea , I ; � . . . .� I . . . . .
� �. or fewer than, five of these ,tmtQIl1tps to , * � �3 YOPTs .
Xr-for that, do,you. . ' . . . . . . . . ., . I a ��, " ., . I 1, 7 . _. &M � , .., � .
� "I same w 0 ole�a inf&laturria. and if a medicine. b . . for D1ARRH(P,,A,.DYsrN'rARY;. COLIC I . . . . . . . .
1 ,", . . itlithe various othez rniscells,ti- .asked'theastoriishedcIlief justice. NO erform �thls �-voik f6r"Jupitcr-' "�rhe 1 4 . It I. I � �., I I . I . . 1 . I . I . ... . 4 1 I .
'' eous items of jewelry I have found. massii',b ' � like- Babj'a Own. Tablets,. is not; at .. . I 4 Y. i - . . , 1. .
; . I utit7swufadollartohmnsome travel -at. various rate..s.-of',spoed; some - 'GRAMills,, PAXN it, THJ� $TO'AACH, . . .: 11 i. 0.1aud Cen'lknt 4 The . MICK11100 - mutuak - �. ... _ .1.
. - . I � I . , . . I . '' I .. . . � . . ,
. The dark�.got his dollar The Wise iri � ther 'will'. al,w . -flying vory, elose,,.to. Jupitor's su.rlfa,, "' . . � — , . , ' ' , .
" Thegoodthings appearedallto have folkai'sens6." fiomd the child way die iii,a few hours .. X Po , . , ,.. . . . , g
.. . I . . � I .. I .. 411 , IF -ire Insuraoce A20. � 4 , '. . �
� .
r, ,_bell picked up b&ore 1. Oattle along withoilt, further - 0 ays� keep. a _ . 4 ce CHqLr,�,� JNrAN um :.4CHOLERA I ordersftir P6rtiand.Oement promp,- I - . .- I
� .4 ;�queationin . g,_I�jew I TabletH in thd hodsb, -and; give and others far Off , T . , . 1 , , � . : ...
J . .nd ttll the bra,38 goods loft fir me;and yorkAlributle., - � : �� .. . . . b6x-ok , .1, Tbey.haye'atmos- . . I 11, .. . . , . . ,
., -1 . 'SEA � 11
I corttliniy do find themi . . . . . . 4 . . : 'them to her chflareti.�'pcoa�lonally �t - MdRhv�, -SVAfNi1EY< Compi��.NT � ly. filled. -8ampson Broiid Portland Cement loiw . ., ,�� � , � .
" . . 1. .. .1 I I . 'plier6s- soinew.liat like. .ours on:earth 11'...1. . I .... ��� � . . ) . d Town Pro I .
1, " I I . .9 .i . - .1
I -
� I . . - � I.. o ' . Parm. ginji _golati� '' ,
. I . . .�, ,, . - __ " - - �. -_-� ,_ :, . _. I ' the )zed � ..., * -, - ,
,_ "And when it comes to finding mon- ,. ,. clear. out,the stantach 4rid'bowols and and rSS,:-AND ALLFLux.r.s ov THE. . . �in 4he World.. Je A,11AMILTON, . .- :, :: 1 , �, . .
I;v . �... �, . . . . I . I . . . . a 00,6filight.ou. subiter Is Ind.eed.aJ SICKIN . , . .. � 1. .. I . i .. . . . eirty �Only: I m4u r.6 d. � . ;_ ..: . � �.
. . I .
. .
i . ;. I � child' is siv . I . . ' . Bo',WELS. . - , . ; ., .1 . .. 'I, � .. 1. . I ,.. I . .a . I I % 4 OFFIC . RS.., . . .. . I i - , . � :.. '.
� _joyit'sjustthe same. Somebody else' ' �_ � .i. . . . kedo thorn well, , � Ddn'6 Wait till the r moons ave: 4': . I . . ... . �_ i :,: r ,�' , . ,�o I -dealer. I I , I. .1 '', :
_ k�' , : gloriods sight" io " ibe'sio 1: . . *b, , I ,.. I . I. ..... .''. .. I .. .. I.. .. 1. . t � . .: � I I . . 1.
. . . , .the delay may boft.a . .. I . � 1. I .1
. .
I'll , Appeaistofladallthe raoney.- Don't - �ftouty-uollar Wmit. � , , -y of '.Ae. I . ... . . . , . . . .... 11 � . I ':.. � I 11 , . I I . - 1. * McLdai . . . � . !, � � �
. , .
" . on I .. 11 . . I I I . . � � . preelb ' Yarlet eCiloro, .Twq araebluo,�.o . I , I . . 1. B. ' .. .
, - I I . . I.. �� I : . I As.y6llowaii one,rdd.. ' I.- � . Min th'6y'6ffbr.,to, s6ll yoit : sh ffljo flSjor S ' grmer,- Vii*�pri�as,',, Brtici�fleld; I Thbs. Ns *,' * '.. ' ' * I .
,i kriow how you read in the papers - � .. . -.- . I I . - us little iife� . Get tbe.',Vabl�ts . . . .� I . r . . I �.. , W , . . , . a prepaTa*. - , 0 r ftiPies�ia6fit,Seaforth,. Thois,; ' ,
I - , , � .
" . lowsomebody found apooket bock. n W and -you.,Way I feel re . d , I I . I JUS as to . I I I . jk16' ' I
�, / iii6n�ijfy. � . . I I ' V . � I . ; . ..
. ' 0 Uvexiy . I . I . ... .- Hiys, Secy, T�e ., SeA kthl� - .. I � I . .
I 1.
,,, Harvested 70,000. to 15;QW Bushels: of . safe. mother ,Who these Jupiter needis-all'-Its moons at 4fght ilon, " t oil' they have not the . -_ I - I '. . as . ".. .
, , . containing seven hundiled and eig . ,usoo ' . . I welfare of your ealth at heart bift that of '. . � . . fo � I .. . .. . ..
` �, Wonderfril New'Vatiety - - Tablets graises. in aboh; for without- them ,IW '' ' 2 good.Jo�'riig btills 10 slid 12 months old - '
I- -ollars and ten eenic.? And J them and that is the.. for'Illu In their po.oket;. '�All honest druggists will . _: ,. - iRP, ORS. �� . .. .
.1, two d ho . . . I . 0 '. ,D, Ct . I . . .
I .. . . I
.1 ' * . I Ive 6'. kfor, A�kforl"Dr. - Ire of. Richmond,aviibred from' . " Jas.' Connelly, -Hohn"ville;'.. jjolitl, '.. . .
he g. 22,�In the . § V�c be . .. u .. Watt, Harlock; G4 . � . I . . ... � I
, somebody elge found a pocket book I . .. — .1 - .1 I I I 11 -�est evi ence that there ' is bo other' ' five -liobras ok. dailiness .. would be black ' - �ou -What y6ii as .1 'rid by -1)' r . . .
11 1. . . q 1600 .
" * the times. Also
!, _49Ataintng olev�n thousand dollaris,and - we"dialne1or children - so good. - And indeed. So- -distant Js the - sun thai owle Ft " an, got 3C - - ., pod f to suit, - . . I r i . M - I . I
;., . . Spoklo , Wash�t, Au ' . . - rl 0 I I I Pf good seed barley. , . . , :Dale,' _I uton W.,
. I
'ke that ever -happened to me juliaefta c6untry in Noi-therat Idaho breiad- dk�lfgb ' htor� . . . . . . . , it qu covvf; p J . '.
. nothing li A ) the inother' hits: the guarantee � o f a ' ' . 1:1�, lazirdly bilg . . antis . , I ... . ' esney, I a t * . , vans,, .. e .. I . '; . . . .
--- -Abftham �dali�s. formerly.,a umber. , ... . �wfllght - on parth, . 10.rs. .Tborhaii Miller, -Allandialo, Ont.; , , � : -, . E R WISE . I . ) I . ...
-�_. _,-homebody else alwayalliadAthe bift I government analyst that ' the tablets ' and one IoD6 indo � . I . . I . . woon; . .'Grieve, Win I r. P,J; Betw , - . . - - �_ , - , , -
.. sum] - I , or i ith I _J� 0 -
.. - - _c0__n_p,r1b1,,_",lI _c% -iw , V1,10 no 0 la e or hi:ixiinful Arug. . . - . .d I - . . . I .
� coat , V . vrites.-.'11.suffore - t, r'bI b . Clinton P,O. ..
J - 9 of money. VVI s Ir 641i -more Dealqr as sell T .e.Tah1oti-Wt--Z- - sxywould-11011-roflc-�t�ejj 01"': .gun' _�hodtl_ind asked tl d , t y wi ( uxr- ., .., I.. . . . .... . . ... .1 . . . . � .
1: Ill never found any money �ut tw ,IC cent . . 9314 — . 4 . . . I .� .
. il�b than $1.000,000 kiom,,400 acres of land . . . - -le ruggia for sorti6thing , . . t, newejs� to agen, . ... ...
, in my life, and once it was ,it @pv.at t6nd this seetson, 5h I.-addition'to -producing box or you can get theiA by.mail frow rays. to,gulde. the. Jovlitn; fQOtStL1pS. - I to cure it. - ile gave me i �snlall,bdttle.6f . , �-, � . � . .. � _ . . ' . ' ' .. .,
I � , � � . a irector is inspector of lotieis.lvi, . :1 . . :..
�. -once a dollar. The cent I kept', the dol- grain - which lgi The Dr Wiffitinisl Medicine'06,,Bro'ck� In', the polar and spirlipolar -areas the.. inedicili6 of..his owli inanti,facenrii, but I got: I.... : ' Farm .10 w i . . � � � I ..
." � � vesevery promise of re- II, .. . � , k Sale., - hi..9 0 n .10c,al ty� i , * 4
. lar I was very glad to be able to give volutloni��`iiig fhe Wheat pr6du&ion of vi e, Ont, , , �. . . ... � 256 tune an. hour tornad . of th� eqUa- 'no relief frorn it. A: friend advised iiia to, * .' � , I � .1 .. .
� - . - . . I. . 0 ' . . —.1 . , , " . �. .. , . � � . AOENV� ., , . . . . ., . .
;�'. uuithln two-minuteas after I found it the ,0�&.Ia. 0Ofi8drVativd 'eftimates `. . " "�� . 1, � � : tor Is uot,p'reseqt,, Doubtless,tfiere are . gdb Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry, , , That very iiaiiiiable farm. belonging . . I . . .. . . . I I . I
� ,. . I . , . I
� -
ft B. I .,
. . . .
1. � I was walking along a street When place the crop at from'! . ' ' . . , . . , dl,wascured;iftert�king.a.fewdows. - to Robt. ,Smith,. Hatlock- td,j: Hinchielp . �' '_
0,000"to 75,006 , ' bdilies and occislonal windstorms Stich all I . �� .1 .. � the underdiknedi situated three -miles from .
11 ' .
I . . � I . I . . . .. . � Sqaforth, C, , , -, , : P.gindud;il � :
agi-Maill'S Magaz1he .-there , , on parth; - these . Auburn station, . Dix'mileb from -2 . , . james-� urammy, . .
. I found this dollar. I spiel it ahead of buebels of grain whii6h Adawas and his . . I . . n i Hlyth >00'
I I .. 1. _ . . , . as .. . are itnO i lia , The gentainei in Weents, ana manuffie- 0 1
rpe lying on the sidewalk and when I ison-iu* 1, 0, k, Hobb, .,. � . . . ' school at coriier of lot, go aove,3 Ville; 1�' W. Veo� Hokw6sville �-_ . �, I .
. -lavy I . � I � . . I. . I allroo, of � . � .
bad come to it and picked it up and . wholesale I - fo �- 16 tured by.Tho To Milburn 00. Iiiintited , . I . .. . . � I . . �
t I :1 , lumbalr deafer, of Mitindapolis, 'have Topics of the greatest bitbreast'to all .3ocalltios .. It is possible , . r smUl or 1. . $ . . - 0� hard -wood bush, 2o.6res.of or6hard, first. .4� . �_ . � I . ..�
.. . . . creatures to. exist, Undliacte, toO, vege-., ,Toro � n6b, Ont. -I' .� I . : I . .. .. I . I .
found t6fit, Itt-wmarw-really aiid:tT contracted to sell �o fatwers At. $20 a*. classes are� provided.in the September - � I . I. . I . class buildings, well fenced, well -waterea . � . , , .1 .
1, --g!)od dollarbilll laughedto m bushel,nbt iinore thkn one bushel going tation " , Tile food sup- - , I I 1. . . , , .. ' '
w6uld flourl,lb.� .* , ., . Ili 5 high state Of oultiv'ation and exeellemitl
11 . � . 1. issue, of Barsy Manlas.Xttgai z1he.... ,It con- . . . . . 1 � I .. � . . I
:. leefully ; I couldn't help it; I n. I . . ply of Japital; must come from these � . � I — . — �. . . I
� , g, � to each buyer. . I . . tains a. liberal misleotion of matter f . . . Poll ,:.one Of the best filrins in the atuntry.. R. � W. . CUTL-Ek .. : -,
; 411 ound something of value -actual rom . . . .. . � � � I .
� Adatna acquired a tract -of land in the the leadina publications -of the day As eiv It is cultivated ,and.slijbk Blacksmith Shop -ant House, Terms easy. Apply THUS.,BROWN, . .. . � . . . . .
. . � . .
.. I ood imone . And then I wondered Gem State six *eaiis ago',a a I wdlI as; a cent I . . ar.eas, wh al �reglon . s 1by the - - . I . . I . . Pop.er Danger. . - - . I I . . .-
:1 �. , rid sowed bi . Diets rereivende to what, pod to 'the eqnatorl . 6.18.9m. � . Blyth, Ont.. . Palfttell ond i I .
b—arteatin �om 23 to _e � 11 � . � . . . . . . 1. . . . , _,� .. . .1 I . . ..
, , - � 1. _ -ere the GlIar capAarow. —_ 1_UdAQ_W_hR4t 1""' e orld's Mica Med Mediums of , , , h' � for'Sak- or, Refit.. . . , . � . . �, � ..
,, do - - dUrilnutive races, -T e polar � oceans I . � mi. 0 � , � � .. I . � . �. . % . . . I , . .
__ - �: i; ;=_ I , . g rahteqd., ..
� .� &__ e i Re -w -REF 1A e a d busiiels. of blue siom. MO. ail cit er. tboqg , i7 �� -1 . 1, . . .
al I a ong th I - I . . All work ua . . , . . . . .
i - 1. ::::::: . . .
!:; - vari and infoic I A pre-sen-rVE-IT 1 Ile , C, roz .1cause, 0 �_ . .. .1 Tyrinpo -V.tma�".114 , . 1. � � .. ., ., . .
. . ' I on .. gr , - e ! I f; I i 1, -_ �_ - _`Sftr"ft"_o#1n*-.t-w� out- .
:q. a little lirl carrying Ek pitch ro v cre iluder oulti� iiiielex is in*olua,ble to Me studelit.or I . UR ITS701 -ST. or ro . I it � . - � . .
t I .� .: , j. .. . -I)a I I f Jupiter. And on these 1 It , . . . . . .., � � 1. ______�_�__�� :
;,, er, an of course a I I could see of tier 'vation. I . � ".. boasy i6ader Who. desires to keep tabr,611 I .. y ! . I. � otent. BlilAhnith 8boo and outfit of , 1. � _�_ I . .. .. . .
T. was her back, bUt she seemed to be iC - One aa�k ehrly 112: ]M-h0F received a I the latest treatment of. any� *subject or, -still Oceans probal)) ships not greatly 400's, doing a good,� bi.sinisi; riesi Pins , ,The tiinJersigne&offerfs to rent the office] Rt�ideii'cll! n�arly opivosite'thc, ,' .. -'� I
I �
1. � n eaSant little gM and she' seemed t -�ui . ' - ed .�. . .
I_ I - stalk'of wheat.picked by &friend ectsi 'The edition is replete with �61ffercnt troha -s plyj but about the. River., ' Al.00 comfortable house stud half- 00,18596 St.,just,bbck of 5forrieb & Crook . . I 11� , �:., .
. .
I . -
I I Se walking along cheerfully, and than fertil6valleys in Alaska, . 'llua 'onas equator the tIfienthat . storm v� acre of 'land",-. Owner's' orly.resoon ,for 'recently vabiiitod by'Mr, 3, Tn�liir, th I I . ' Collegiate st Wte,.-' . �. . .
I io single subj In i � ...
I.. in one ot the I traii -of Vanadhi,nis -who are' in 9 . ould' le. is . . . �
. I . . I .
. selling is, that be wants to retire from a good site f6r a 61ore and suita,ble, tot, Ofiy . . — . , .
i .1 1. . all of a sudden she stopped short and and sowed the kernelsin his back gat- the -public oye� There is a generous make surface sailing Impossible. I -busiusse, FRED, 0, LOFFT, � . � .
:11 � seemed tc get sort ofstiffallover right den*. Aorop:ofseienpoundsresuited lost _ . - btainnee,asids, a6nrd will be put in shape to anib '' I .
1,1'. ailment of good fiction that will IfAllere are ships at all at the 1pqua- -, .. I 1. t I . . . ' ' �
!", , In a jiffy, and then she turned around the.follovOing summer, This Adittras belp to pass away pleas.intly'and pro� 4 . ' I . I .1 � . . Flab Aiver. e o 111,13y tenant. Xeys miily� be :J, . 1. I
!:P , sad staxted back toward where I was planted in t)ie asprirg of 1000, harvest. or they are, snbma�lnos, which 'dive �- �, .. . .. I . A 0 0 B TAY1,00' .
t g , . .: - . . I ., had at Nciv.Era offici. . 1. . . . I ]k
,J. . ' ,tablY many an hour during the 'even" , - I � .. I . . , . - , �
,�'-. , . And now she was cryinj and about as ln,g 1,545 pounds of ,grain in July, or ings. that are perceptibly * lengthening Into the calm depths beneath the sur, I . . . ___ . _ . � .1 . I . � I I I . � J. 0. ELLIOTT, 1. . i - .., I :OLINION . � . I I I - . I I . .
': , �Ustressed a littlo girl as one could ev� over 200 bushelsp6r acre, Hvibolden- .'at bills, season of'tbe ,year. , I face. tmointition by flysing. triachines . ; . ., . .. . I . ,.
'.., . worai . . - . , . .
v . 1. . n a ' I , I I . � . -Clinton, P.O. . . I I - . . . 11
�,�. ,� 4or expect to see ; -And of courise I knew ed by his success he sowed the 4ntirb Busy Mun's Maga-zino for $e tomber is I b extreimely 'easy on- the equator. be- A Good Position. Open. .11 . .. �. . I . . .
� 'What was the matterwith her now, . . , . , . .. .. � ' .
1; she' .crop in the fall of 10W and"last - sum- what,you; are looking for., Tit will- not cause; - by taking I a4vilitage -of 'th6 I . . 1. � � - I . .� ., . I- . Fire— Life and Accident . .
I . . . f. .
'. ... . . . .1 I
0 . . . . .1 �
, I . bad lost a dollar. . ' wer cut enough grAtitt ZO sbw'700 acres . pleovii EL disap6oiiii tment'tb any member Wind, the J6vlans eap navigate' their . The EquitobI Life. Aosureince Society " . .Farni'MrSale. .. . I ... InSiiranCe . . � .
, . � � .., I . .. . . . .
�. " "When she came to where'l was, I of lUnd, from Which is now being cut. of the household., . .'.' , *1 &traet at tremendofirs speed. .. .. .. I of the United ,States wit) be pleased to ,. I . I � . : I . � ; . .., . . �
I ,", , :. Wkkat'is the matter, iny wh4t.is * believed to be the woild'kre. - . . . � .1 I . . b0tiorli;'for its genord) &gone __" . . — , '.. I
"t", . isaid to her. . I ' � . . . re4i;#4 ApPli 1 Y. , Afitiit-,jlso$200.aorefe�rtain.Woot W%'_ I . I : . I.+i I
11 AearTand she answerad very tearfully oord yield, - .. . . ., �. .. �. . . . - Is. pos. ,ause' Of the for Clinton -and vicinity To the right wanoshi Lot 27, Con, 5, with 175 acres in . . .
�,,, . . � . � . . It qffilt that L*c Real 63tate b0664t and sold, , .
. .
�, . god solemnly: . . . . . I . ki O� L�. -11101-`.� . I . I t . . , swept, . e0ittor a'souratice expet- g6od state of dultivstj � � .1 . . .. I
�. �, "I've lost a dollar." , . '. . .1 .1 notte In the wind , . .. '. . .th� L roan, even without life . on, wfll fenced .Well . I . , I . I .
!1� I Good-Proutineldioli . . J.-byhn Is deaf. . . . . . ience, but can show , it good .past business watered, gcod orchard, large bank'barn, ,, Money to loan, �.
�. , "Well, don't you worry any more L $100 AeWakd $1-60 . ' , . .. I . L ' ' � . jecord; an attractive income contract will good house. Poasoffico,' blackeWith, and , . I .I .;— . . I I I .
. . I . Quite likely' -on tho,other IlAnd, he i .1
.,.:�% .pver that my dear." I said to her, 'here � . . .L L ..q .. . . . . . # .. . . be made, L Addre4a; comfidebtiMly, if Lao, I ' I
, , . 11 I . I store At corner of farm. Convenient to Office Tasaii Street) next door to Vew, , .
� : - it is., . L � . has good e'aaris, but with a device, either . I .
I , The readeis of this pi � � [Excihango]' sited, 0, T.. GILLESPIE, Mgt. Equit- -school cud church.. 81 urillea from church 1, . Efts... I � .1 . .. I
. . 'And I handed it over to her;and ray iper .will be I arttficlail'or contributed by riattire, for able Life, 24 Xibg St. West, Toronto. Ahd� OteitiOu at Auburn. Terms easy. . I - . . .
,., pleased to learn that there -is at -least. Ima lie of all I've sitid and done , . I I I I �
. I . . .
4". ioust I've seen a few quick 6hang- no dreaded. disease .that science Vet nothing wilt deter . * stopping his earb,,-.except when he . . . I 1 . . . I W. A. HAUIUSOX, Looltzow' .
". . . .
.1, "' been able to dilre in all its stages, &ha's The I I I .
� ; er did see shadow succeed- c aid 9. , wishes to listen. : . .1 . . . . I.. I . - .� i
"� ine quite so suddenly as it I . . M 85 Y -M o I I
. ;d la,u,t.l.= ,people from pronouncing 6; - - --�-=
,� , I . that is Qatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cute . 'Sit Wilfrid Laur-ler," This tromendons,' 9004 natured ;ro-., � . 11 .1 I Farm fir S' a e arms .A . .
� . . In to protect , .
.. 'this little girl's face ., . .. vian has a lesither-Ilke Al I . F arm to Reiiiit. 0 ale HIM% taken the agelft',Ifor At
�.'.,:, was now on and is the only positive cure now known to . . I . Y, .
I know that I got more fan rut of i In vain us learned ,'people tell I . . . . I I _
91v' the medical fraternity. Catarrh being . hinastif ftm the stmtelles of 'flying ' I I . . Massey- avris Co,l' I will bb gl4d is - .
11:�, - Ing the little girl back her dollar Main � Them that they mustn't err . I The 1111kgon I
'i I evep did out of anN a cons( itational disease,requireas it c0n� . flitigs and. a dovice for sifftig. the, dir Low ID' end '23, Maitland Con., Cpl_ Fftfti ' : show favirnors any kind of UaobitelDy,
. I
� , ,little thing I By 00,111,11 him we know go well botna), 118 acres in on6,- ea *in the oa,er - or Implement 'they destrt, '.Bludile: . . 4
., , "But really, now, why .is it, ' oil w6wast cultivatots, Gagollne kilightts ,
. n/ittly stitutional treatment, Jlall'sOstfarah d1sir Wilfrid LNur-i-yer." * . -itoreiselbared: Franiobotmeandba, Wilib000isied tot sale, at GrabamIg
� ., . .. Ate. I internally, acting direct- - tbat be - VfoatheA, for JoViull lithlos, N Lot 25 00aftsgl[On 9 11(ullett
Care is taken I I . : obe to Of ., 160 1
� do ,you I ro is full of dust, and In as bran on one place, small barb on the ag kinds of Fat Iftchinory, - I
I ,
:. , AV Ose, that I, Ond so much of that ly*upon the blood and mucous surfaces jtwake,sth6nakaeau awful =U09- ilke diffitimIties of his existence. he Is a notelf, alffitoij, at Public AuatIQ12" on - . I I in
;1: ap; of the system, ihereby destroyIn5 the I'll have one other say.- . . long Wed. � gentlewttn�' On the aVeTage other. Good obilt plenty of water, 16 % ING
., � Atu that my brother Claude calls the foundati6h. of the disease, at liereafter make it Pronehy. thus- . I - ,
:4 Jnlik but nev(.r mything of vrbluep d gtvh)g acres in fall whoitit. 6 miles from Cli'Ailon , , Stiturday $ept. 19th, 'US XCLEOD
., . the Patient strength by building up .heeldsts for about 80 of our yearsk .And 9 ftom Goderioll, Apply on premises, at 9:00 o'clock p.m. 100 hoteo close to oppoisite X�0186hs Bank, Clinton, , . .
. the constitution and assisting nature' "Six, Wilfrid Laur-iaja7,11 " b$&Ny�, many it �6,rlitn exists d fdl Or tv HENRY �YOUNG, 961me8vilie. Lend good buildings, good water,, � -1
, . I . . . , .
�. . I .. .
I , . in' doing its work; The proprietors And than 'there comes another croWd 'dwkwatnid ot our littlo rears. . . . I—. __ --- �. """"' . 1. . . I I.,
0i. I 10,461 ' I
. � . I lent soil, most favorauld termo. Por . �
� � . 4%e beat productions yet seen of ho have 80 much faith in its curative pow- That fills my soul with.pain; l .. '. I I I 1. . . . �
,, . � - . � terms of sale apply to undelraigned, �
I . togtapbs of the Tercentenatypel&',a: org that that they offer One Hiundred TO."Y the man Who draws the crowd . . I .. . '. 1 E4 Xecutors Sale Of House b1l ,W. ,ult'rDO14E, W. (;. PV The Mye'rs . I . I
I $Ion at Quebec appear in the Septem, Dollars for any case th,at itfailas to ollre They,callthab inan i,Cham. ) - )I . . I ItRIN, � 41 . I
�, ber number ofThe Cauadian MAgaZine 'Send for list of testimonials. . . I P ap, 'J. Manor of un rdity know *ben the odbo' � � clilatow . - Clinton - atain-merah't,owner.
I I I .!,&omo bi'the cuts are fullpage i&e. and Addrpail? J 01113NItY & C(), Toleclo, 0 I'm told yoll, don't pronounce It rightt of it 051reloss word- will-deftse vibratI4, __ - 0. . . I ' 01ititon., I Mo sdemethod, I I
. . they tire reAlly gighicin t eMea, t If Drug lasts, 75c. It wakeii the Frenchmen gay, . IA,the heiris *f sonit tbat bear, Lots NOD, 4M , 09 slid 499, (6100 nom. 1A.S. A. SIAITH, AXotioneet , . I
. hey gold b.y a] . . �
,, .
i . XIVe of that great ational event, J36C6 TA6 Hall's Farofly Pills fo.t cotastipA. ,�t,Zeemang,,&tla,tlao(lon�eoite, � . boted 424, 425 and 426) On tlie, corner 61 , I I
. ld -
,.. , . .x tion, I . . . , Rees nawd It Is Shawnplay." , � . '.."6--�� I I rtbion and North ate.; On which 14 orbit .. a 0*1 Mimes, - Tegllcher* I I .
! , ., iompanjitg the pictures efitiblod 'Out t, . � .
r. . ,Three- lubdredth Birthday," by New. I....,.",.", .... I ... 6.,11,4_,. ,. Iti., 4t1fyJ,+;,jt- foil some, people that ed a oomf6ktab 0 Cottage, will -be cNored Property'tor Sale -or Itegtaii � . w*-.00� I
. 'ton MbTavish. The arbiblo features , . , t . .
. : nut some who comeback front the fete they di -6 k any thing milled ten. Others f,1 6610 fit ublid Atiotion, lkt� the I . - --.4- , I
. I A baby boy, about wkek old, was (Another Vvench wora, 0 I&WI) � 'The Mym*'MtIsie Method, for be*- .
� ,*.hat took place at Quebec that will fOub(I tilive 16nd w6d, istp & n r .Prefer - f4candaril brand . like 1115fdada,ll promises on I . - Oor gale or rent, the prop6rt .
� .04 10 I . I I y on Brie St. here, providesa,, thorough proparatbry I .
'erPetUA1611 Of Int0134- hUngry,in the thick of o; cedar swamo And call that may, 1-ash%lin-plaw., ,T��t,_ I:P, ,.�r � I 06brae in the rudiw6ptii of hilidil. The �
. . p te tly ve y Will Walk along with stop elate it 61v it, Oico,t �,eputadoq for, being good. as present oiloupled by the'underoignedf
� It fbr t1ib P � . . - ,O, ,vA()I,o � . Satutd4y# SOI)t, Who 10080 I
. I I sjoagl go6a,will. . . � about 100, yards from the Berlih toad, . 41 Onjoyment, ouc of � 00mfkftSbI6 600496 0011711611144 8 bed lessouilare�condupted on, M d *
I . . I li,621 And n e
11 �A and quite near RJyers1d6 Park Guel - h i 131e, 1111blijingteA, for the Antisfact-, I * tit 2,80 P.m, , r I xvia, dblibgroora, phtlot, kite Models', and Include practical, = I
. �
I Ia
I I. -
'I,. I I
I I - I
Uu� I
,d sowed b a 6" as,' co 'p""e ,
r in ' 'oo
� 1, tod� worldg, 'Ovan
��_ 0 r
co rid ot r t aui�
tbo x I, lnvJ " Is
11 a 'lei! oulti �� �q ;uAb .
ri - iiid,
'. . . - I OrL it 110 it I' Anderson, theforimat ,School 'ion. V,(Iii oxpew, to t. geb front its use., it . Pot particulars and terma of alkle, apply dalitimbr kitabon, fte,quartor goto of land, .
I I i This b4bo 16 boibig oarL-d f ' 6 le , "On t"01111190baking the study pl&,Wnt .
I I I � Inspector for Btlo&Ville, died in the Wii� is v ,, , Vl1t0,hftst,,,SAlad6,4 Avoid 'On this, property, to 11, Dickinson, Atto- 6iralithd iolt water, Mile to wheiro &O . 1". ,
,. It Is doing nitentiary, where he Wals Merving & ftry1 , s , � wad JoUiroot-ing. .
. , . children,$ sheiteri wh(ro. . - . t (�114� If . list AK good.,' dions floneor,0410'w, BUXOM, I 314VOtitioniolilittl Wbebtuh, , ,
�, ishmotif villret "us ete " W014. I I Cirto for bigamy, � Imita rklvota 1600ona itho given, otma I
I �. . � .. -
I 4. ft-11"ItA.Mi...M.- _ .- . 4-tw", I . ate h-tatiAly of p(jor quality, ' 0011616or ior 9100111fdX0, * Mat 13-ROW11, 011niou. okspkred tot the cot"Vvit4fty 100116= � , � '*
. �
. . .
. . � . . I
. I I .1 "
I I . .
I . I I ..
� I .1 ,4 . I I I . 11 I . . . 0
L .. . I I N I . I . I . I � � � I
I I I . �, � � ,. -.;.A-A. � . . I . . I . ,
. . . I,..- I - ,&-,------1..�-111 . -1 , ___A1..�AAA_ It'-&�..L.-.&.,��,..Ib,-t--,--I. A�. .�
. ,W - � --A. ........ - -1111, 11 �� _�A iAAk- - . �� !_.._�t L�.A-.�.-�,.iiAUiai.�,-t.�,.-�,.�.,L-..-,..(�.-L _. . .
a_ _. .- _____.._.1.." — - �