HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-08-20, Page 8�ings
the 'little savings that make the big ones'
and, you can find them scattered all over the store
these days, Lots and .lots of them. Every one
eriuitte, too. if you have' a dollar to spend in
Dry Goods, it will go farther here than anywhere
You, know the -*reason, Here is .
else just now, �' u,
this week's list
prints Se
800 yards English Prints, light and dark grounds,
a firm, strong cloth, special clearing price per yard.
Sateen, Skirts sse • :.,
Ladle's black Sateen Underskirts, made from,' ex-
tra quality highlyy. figtshed Sateen,: wide frill with
pleating and ruining. Heavy .dual ruffle, very QQpl�
special each.'. ...•z.*.,., uY
Linen Napkins 78c
6 dozen only. real Linen, Table Napkins, good
weight and quaity, size 18 x 1$ inches, regular $1, to "�Qg
$1,2e, clearing at per dezen 1 utt
Heavy Cottonade x9
3 pieces heavy Cottonade, neat stripes, best qual-
ity; standard 250 line. eleaaing.at per yard .....,•,, •
Turkey Red Table Damask 35c ,
Two ends only Turkey Red Table Damask, guar-
anteed fast color, firm close weaver 1 50
clearing at per yard
Cream English Shaker 12ie ,
' 100 yards English I ianne'ette, cream only,
c� 35c
r` •
84. 1214
inches wide, soft ftnish,,regular 15c special per yard.. 2
• 'rash Goods 124c
200 yards still to sell, wash goods of niany kinds,
„'�,i including check Ginghams, Zephyrs, Muslims, Organ- 11)1A
,,,-1. dies, etc. Regular prices to 30c, clearing per yard.. 2C
Sample Drawers 95c
Just 6 to 7 pairs left, ladies sample Drawers, highs
class garmentsbettep than we usually:: keep in. . stock:
They would sell in the ordinary way` at $2.00 to $225:
per pair, clearing now at per pair , . •
Fine Trndervests 20c
Ladies fine white ribbed underyests, no Sleeves,
nicely trimmed with cutton lace, 30c is the regular
price, now clearing at each
*he Mussed Corset Covers
Still 8 or 10 of those mussed $1.25 and $1,50 Cor-
set Covers that have been mussed through . handling.
Every size in the lot, half a. dozen different patterns, ' p
clearing now at each ��Y
20e Vests 15e
Very fine Cotton Undervests, assorted sizes, no.
sleeves. This is nice finely woven Vest and our reg- p
ul'ar 20c line, clearing each.:. ........... ... 1 5`
Toilet Pins 3c
200 papers Black and White Toilet Pins, assorted
sizes special per paper••••—••.;,
Childrens' Mitts fic
WANTON, ONT.. Alia. 20, 1906
Local Notie�c4, „,\
Plums anda wean nt o
Plu>? r td 1.Y e n
Pears e a
Deese' and Mantle - making, Plan
Sewing, Preaeiug :find Cleaning Ladies'
•Apparel..- DDIE E. KAUFMAN,.
CLOSE CONTEST—At the Berlin Colleglate Institute '
Bowling Tournalxient last week. 1)r.
.agnew'eri�nk, in a most exciting
TheCollegiatere-opens on Sep„ane within two of winniaiz rhe Sea -the teaching start remaining the
gram Trophey, the beet prize offered 1 as last term. same
at the comppetition. The players were .Tbe highest hark reported in any
Messrs, Gibbings, Lappine and W .can subject is 09 out of 100 in physics,
Harland, with Dr Agnew as akip ; obtained by Joseph E Weir.
their score Was 15. Ohapman:s' rink,
from Guelph, scoring 17. The Principal of the Collegiate 111 -
lar meeting of the Women's Institute
will be held at the home of the Press-'
See our window on .Saturday for d1 � 3 Kearns. on Thursday, . Aug.
Sugars. We are still giving 20 lbs Best p. in. The topics are, -"Dodi
Granulated Sugar for $1 AGF Beaton dishes for summer, what dishes to pre -
The :People's (Trocar
DE.. •UVENS,London, Sulrgeon, Ucu.
list, :Specialist, will be at. w 8. R.
HOI es'lDrsug s' ore, op Friday, Aug..
28th. G as e . properly fitted, deafness
catarrh and failing . eyesight • treated.
Roars 11 to 4 p,m.
• 111 1,'ROVE VENTS—The• exterior of
Morrish & Crooks store is being great -
Pare when the appetite requires cool-
ings," to be taken by Mrs Frank Hall;
and '"Dress as an expression of person-
ality" and "Allowances for children
to be led by Mrs E W Jacobs.
LINE—For the past few days one hun-
dred mei have been working out at
Bright on the Buffalo - Goderich line
'of the G. T. R. putting rn, new track
rails. and' taking away the, old. The
work will continue as far as Holmes-
ly improved by the application of vine • The rails that are being rep.ac•
paint • • . -A new roof isez Rand being- placed" ea are of Barrow steel and to 'a great
upon the building occupied by Mr Jab- I
extent arethe 1 rail. Thee
_s a, blacksmith she , e 56 b. new
1? eteel,i l an 801b rail, arid' is more suit,
BOWLING NOTES—Two rinks of able for heavy traffic.. The. laying of
Clinton bowlers represent the (Minton the rails is.being done under the super-.
Club. at the Goderich tournament , are vision of :Roadmaster McGar, of btrat-
,as follows: --J. L. 0our:ice,J, Watts,' J. ford, and the work has been completed
'Harland, J. Taylor, skip_l J. Nediger,J 'as. far as Stratford. In all..some 47
Hunter, J. B. Hoover, W. J. Harland, miles of new rails are being put in.and
skip. It will. be noticed that they are when the work is completed the road
all: J's, and should be able to. make a will be smooth and safer for traveling
good account of themselves, ° We have purposes.
been asked not to give the score, or TOWN.COUNCIL At a special
particulars is the40.90 game. meeting Of the Town Council held on
VERY ANNOYING—We have been Monday evening last to consider the result°stated.
requested to draw•the attention of par- applications for.. Town Treasurer, made '
ents and the boys of town,to the habit vacant by the resignation' of Mi' M. D.
which is widely cultivated of loitering McTaggart. Only one application was
about the frent.of the stores, and with: in, that of Mr. D. L. MacPherson, ' the
their boisterousness . annoying both Town' Olerk,who was duly appointed
shoppers and shop keepers. This, habit fob the balance of the year at: the rate
is pursued not only in the ovening,but \f salary paid the former treasurer.
throughout day,and the roughness Some discussion took place as to tile.
of some is accountable for the troken advisability of uniting the two. offices,
window at W Nimens'• restaurant. but no other application being in, the
• SKATING RINK—We have heard council could do nothing.else. The
nothing lately of any proposal to build bonds are to be' increased to 010,000.
a new,skating andis something- -ed badly in town curling rink, This clerk, Macpherson makesan•excellent is long experience as a •
plenty and cheaper as well as material him, and that he will be equally effic-
of inestimable value to
and should pay well. With labor keeP" being
than it has been for years • ib will pay
, ient as Treasurer goes without saying.
.The public will find. the combination
of the two offices a matter of eonveni-
stitute has received the Normal school
Entrance and Junior matriculation
A bright. student—Among the sun.
cessful student none deserves, mors
credit than Dona'd Ross who took the
complete Matriculation Examination
though he only passed. into the 0. I.
two years ego..
Miss E. O. Tiplady, who is to be con-
gratulated on competing her Senior
LeavingExamination,. is teaching at
West Monkton. Mise Tiplady has been
a most successful student and the New
Era wishes hereverysuccese as.ateac
er. •
In addition to those reported last
week the following pupils of Form III
of the 0. 0, I. have•secured Matricula,
tion standing in certain subjects. - The
complete examinations comprises six
subjeets in each of. which there are
two ppapers, 4. candidate receives cred-
it if he passes in three or more subjects
Passed in five subjects : Chas. K. Mac-
pherson, Chas. 0. Ranee. Passed in
four subjects: John H. Cantelon, Jos-
eph E. Weir..
ARM BROKEN -Miss Bertha Gunn,
youngest daughter of Dr. Gunn, had
the misfortune to get 'her right and
broken in two places on. Monday. She
was in a hamthock, acid falling'out,put
out her arm to save herself, with the
some enterprising citizen of citizens to:
take hold of such a thing. There is no
healthier and better pleasure thanskat-
ing. ' We hope to be able„to announce
soon that some one has taken the
initiative in the matter,
ids of ,i'l, rsg(
Princess St., are glad to kno 7v that the
accident she sustained '• at Bayfield was
'. REMODELING—Mr. Jas. Fair has not as serious as at ' first reported, no.
be'unthe task k of•'remodeling
b .nes beingbroken; and injury the` 9 k, no
"chopping'.department of the Clinton perienced beyond a severe. shaking up,.
Flour Mills. Modern machinery is be • • Mrs W. Pinner, Toronto, to whose.
ing installed, and the 'output. capacity )ilineae reference. was, recently made,.
greatly increased, This mill has.prae- underwent an operation in Toronto
tidally' been' in continuous. operation, General Hospital, on Tuesday, and ap-•
for upwards of 60 years, and from all pears to be doing as well as can be: ex -
appearances. there is still a 'long life pected ; her- mother, Mrs'Bartliff, is
before it. It is doubtful if anymill.in still with. her. and ;may bring her here
Ontario, or in the'Dorllinion for•that • as s on as she is aihle'rto be removed :..
matter, bas abetter reputation for in-
tegrity and' .excellence of output, than
the Clinton Flouring Mills. •
'all other parts of'Ontario bends' as
many Harvesters to the West as this
section has. done; there should be'no
scarcity of men to reap in the big har-
vest of the west..' Mr IV Jackson, 0 P
R' agent. reports selling' 65 tickets for
the excursion • of last Friday ' and 15
more for the one leaving on Tuesday
of this week,while.Goderich-over 95and
Seaforth 60. The passengers and bag.
gage were driven from here to Blyth
to connect with. the O. P. R. special
train 'which was run through :to Win-
nipeg without -.change. Among . the
• •passenggersleaving this week was Pete
Kerr, T Baird, ..J Lanxon, FI Gilmour,
M•Jordan, Geo King; W'Turner,'Mise
Baird, Miss JThompson,A Sanders.
Children's colored Silk Lace Mitts, fawns,' tans,`
etc., choice of lot per. pair •
More Embroidery 3 yards for 10c _..
More of those good 3c Embroideies 'and baser -
tions at this little Grice.. When they are gone we
will have no more as good for this money just about
200 yards left to sell, regular 5 to ' 7c, clearing at 3
yards for �.
Manufacturers Ends of Laces
5c the yard
Last week we cleared over 1000 .yards of
Valeneiennes and Cotton Torchion Lace frons a
Waist and Underwear Manufacturer. , They •
were ends he had left after `making up his sea
son's garments. The lengths run from 1i'to full...'
pieces of 36 yards. The regular price would be
from 8 to 12ic. Saturday,morning we put half
this porches on sloe at your choice per yard.... al
or six yards .for 25c •
Veilings 15e
About 100 yards Veilings, blacks and colora, reg.
ular 25 and 30c, clearing -at per yard. ..::.:. ,'.'.
Leather Belts 15c
Just 50 of them, Ladies leather belts in tans,
greys and colors, one' -half dozen different styles,
regular prices would be 50 to 75c. This was
part_ of another.clearilrg -lot-froirri ti1,ni`ufr"etur-" m
er. On Saturday morning you take your choice Alfa
of the lot at each LJi1
Tweed Skirts $2.50 . .
Just 15 or 20 of these skirts left now to sell. Our,
entire stock going at ono price. Tweeds, plain cloths t�
pleated Lustres, etc. Regular 4, to $5., clearing each , . 50
Saving on
Fine Black Dress Goods
High-class Black , Dress Goods •at de-
cidedly saving prices. Perfect goods in every
way. Just as good as if you paid full price
for them. Enough to be saved on material to
go a long way toward paying for the making.
Here is a list
Fine Black Crepette
This is a very handsome niaterialU.or plain black - ^
dresses It is made from finest inverted Wools and 84.
/lie. a deep rich black. Special clearing price per yd.. u
1xtra Quality Broadcloth $1,23
Just one end plain blaelt broadcloth, high grade
' .material, trade from' best of wools and rich perman-
ent dye, will make it very handssfne costume. Spec. 1 +�
ialprlce per yard
Shack Atmore Cloth 05c
This is another French material that snakes a
very handsome dress. This particular quality is
nwle in 1.� t irtae from fine.&ustrailian Wools thn dye 1450
is the very best. special electing ` per yard., ..........
IN THE COU,I�ITRY , 'The recent
rains have retarded: harvest: operations
somewhat, and have also' injured oats.
that were cut; hundreds of. acres of•
cut oats are, being spread by farmers,
so that they may dry out before, being
hauled in: •. -: Root crops are grow-
ing splendidly; pastures are incompar-
ably better than they - were . at.- this
time last year; almost eyery field.of
corn • to be seen stands from •'8' to 12
feet high. Threshers are busy and ap-
pear to have lots .ef•-work', ahead' of
them: .,,Some farmers'havo.- started
fall plowing, and 'the . land seems to
work nice:...,. Many' country roads,
particularly en. sloping • ground,. wirl
require some work: thereon, the heavy
rains having washed off the earth,and
left the roadbed a. mass of rough stone
and gullies. Evidently not the;slight-
est attention is /Aid to the law calling
for the• destruction of noxious weeds,
for the roadsides in various muncipal-
ities are filled with weeds of all kinds;
how farmers can expect to keep their
fields free from weeds, while' they are
I allowed to grow and flourish unmoles
ted by theioadsideis apuzzle....Many
farmers have adopted the . neat •wire.
and: gas pipe gate,which are both con-
venient„arid secure; .a few •'rfar-mers =
syill":have about three sticks and al,
stone for a gate.
, rs. Thos. Mcilveen has I.ought a
bakery huffiness; at Granton, and will
remove to that place:'... Sate Barr, jr.,:
son of Mr Sam Barr, is laid'up. . with
typhoid fever A new smokestack
has been put up for the. Electric•Light
Works.. ...Owing to so 'many of the
sehool heard being absent, no meeting
was held last week,....: Messrs'. Walker
&Ross have. sold a handsome'Doherty
'instrument to Mr. John.' Cook.........
A' carry -air loe,d of the,~ air sex drove
over to. Gaderich Tuesday to witness✓
-rho Bowling Tournament .. .. Mr W
Johnston, who . is 'employed in: the
blacksmith shop of Mr Jas. Flynn, has
rented a house from "litr W Wheatly,
and occupied the same Tuesday; he
comes to Clinton from Bayfield. °
Lawrence, youngest son 6f Mr: Alex,
Neilans, is dangerously}111 ; a compli-
cation of pneumonia and fever is :the
trouble...:.: Mr George Potts is some-
what indisposed, and just: able to walk
around Test well No 2 has • new
reached a depth.' of 80 feet ; the, Work -
ere report. slow progress:-. .. A: farm.
er• not far from town'had to kill a $60
heifer this week' because it had tuber
colosis ;:this was•quite a loss for him..
..Mr: Wiltse, of the London Road,
has a field of corn that is. about double
the size of an ordinary. man,. .:.Snow.
shovels' are being used on the' Main St;
as the result, the street is very'neat
and tidy.
4aiiNi 6usiAess
.coueQt; :reroto'
• The largest and bestequippe l weloel
of itg Mind invites yea to wrlte'for its
new Catalogue. '
Fall term'from. Sept. lst. •
_ V''. H. Shaw, •Pripeipul,
Yonge & Gsrrard sk, Toronto.•
Clearing Sale
Will continue during the month of August.
• What is left of our Slimmer •
Shoes are ,being cleared our
rapidly, the'reductions are very
liberal, we don't pretend to . be .
'losing money but we are sacriy
fic ng profits while the shots
'Phis Store opens at 7:o0 o'clootc a, rn.
and closes during this month at o:oo p.m.
v Repairs While You , Wait. -
Fred.., Jackson.
Summer is here arta hot weather is near,
when there are few things so desirable, a$ a
hammock, Lew things . as cool, comfortable, and.
•restful. .
rfa►... 1.1 •�
A good gentle lout, door summer game,.
We offer a line desirable in style, finish,' quality,,
and price; four, six or eight balls .
Dominion . eS -.: Mone.. Orders
are safe, convenient, cheap, payable in Canada
or United States. Issued any business. hour of
the days.
The W. D. Fair Co.,.
• Often the Cheapest. --. Always the Best,
Zaw*e PopazeAm /,�;� T.
IedFinq out
Out the muslin must go. to make�room_ for
Fall Goods and out they will•go at the following
a loss •on every
prices: if they • are'to be sold at all,
ar • -but it only, shows .that we are determined
to clear •. them out
Muslin for'Se
About 25 pieces fancy dress - Mus
dins in :all, the popular colorings ''and
designs all new patterns this season.
regular 12i for '
15e Musl ns for 10e :.
About 20 pieces: fancy dress Mus -
dins, in . polka dot, stripes and: crcss '
bars Regular ,1 S c for.,:;..;..; .10c
20' and 25e Muslins for 15:o
25' pieces fancy dress Muslius: and.
Vesting all new this season, space will'
not allow us to describe : thein but a
-look will. convince you thatthey are the
ancy-- Parasols� $1.00
'Eight onlyLadies fancy :.colored
parasols, regular $1.50 to $2.bO' nn
clearing price,
Children's Parasols.10e
snap, regular' 25c
tb .and 15e• Lace. for'
.Alsout 3a; hundred yards wide lace
in a variety of designs and, widths,
regular to, and rsco at
25e Wash Belts 19e
Your choice Of any of our range
Englit31.1 Prints 10e...
5oc pieces English prints in light
and dark colorings, fast colors, our
20 and 25e bhildroWs
Straw Hats for 1.0e
Children's Stra.y hats plain and
fancy .colois, plain ribbon bands
regular 20 and 25c to go at each...100
8 pair Hose fox 25e
Childrens and MisseS plain and
ribbed blacic cotton hose, sizes 5 to r
8, regular r5c, Saturday 3 for.... Zag
$1.25 Sateen Skirts 986
Ladies' Sateen .Underskirts dust
flounce, good full size, our special
8 1.25. Saturday Only
Ladies YeStS 2 for 25e'
.10 dozen Ladies summer, Vests,
with ribbon, regular 1:8c Saturday
lyard.wide, Flannelette*
Ten pieces fancy stripe Plan
ette, good•weight, one yard wide,
regular 10c0; Saturday . ...