HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-08-20, Page 3ikug.: 20th. 1900 -8""s"""""llan Patin Laborers' North-West AAV even nunaltered WOO Of Parathion xcursions. E TH LIS:TON NEW ERA Lando in lteltobe, Seeketabewan and Ais ortt,es 000tieg 8 end 28net reserved,miy holtetasetsaded by ony palm who ie the beltd of *tonsils!, or any male over 18 YOltrO or see, to the eatent ot one quitter ..eolditat of 10 scree, more or leas Applicetima for eatry must be nude in ram tho applicant, et a Dominion suds Agency or Iiintaeganey for the dia. tea in which the limd le siteete. Entry by proxy rimy, bowever, be snide at an Jseenoy on certain !Auditions by the 'tether, niother, son, daughter, brother or ,eleter of on intending homesteader. The homeeteader le required to parterre • the homeeteed duties under one of the to.. owing plans; (1) At least six months' residence upon Ond onitivetion of the lend in each year for athree yea% • • (2) A homesteader may, if he so deeirea perform :he required reeidenoe duties by living on fuming lana owned eolely by not less thep 80 aoree in extent, in virile vicinity of hie hornesteed. Joint own- erphip in lend will pot meet thie recsaire- ent, (3) If, the father,(or mother, it the father a deceased) ot, the homesteadee hiss per- kmanaut residence on farming land owned golely by bim, not lees than eighty (80) Acres in extent, In the vicinity ot the homestead, or upon a homestead entered *for by him in the vioit ity, =oh homestead- er may perform hie own residereie duties by living with the father or mother. (4) The terms itvioinitsat in the two pre- ceding paragraphe hi defintai as resetting pa more than ninesallee in a direct line, .exolneive of the width of road allowances rossed in the m ..nrernent. (5) A. Boniei ,der intending to perform , bie risdence duties in accordance with the above while living wish wants, or on larining land owned by himself, must not- ify the Agent for the district of snoh inten- tion. , Six months' notice in writing =fit be .given to the commissioner of Dominion Leads at Ottawa, of intention -napply for o tent. W. W. CORY, Depatt of the Minister of tbe Interior. 'N,B.-Unanthorieed publioation of this advertiternent will. not be paid for. • S.EA.LED TENDERS addessei to the under- signed, mod endorsed "Tender for Supply- ing Coal for the Dominion Buildings," will be • received at thi office until 4.80 p,ro.. on Monday, A.ugust 24, 3908 for the moldy of Coal tor the Palle Buildings throughout the Dominion, Combined spedification and form of tender •oan be obtained on application at this oflIce. Penons tendering ‘,re notified that tenders 'still not be considered unless made on the print- ed form supplied. and signed with their actual signature. . • • Each teirier must be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a Chaxtered bank. mad.,(4 pay- able to the order of the Tionoura3Ae the Minister oi Publio Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) cf the amount of the tearless which will, he forfeited if the Person tendering dee Me to enter into a contract alien called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned, The Department does not bind Welt to accept the lowest or any tender, . • By Order, •R. C. DESnOCISER,S. Asst. Secretap. Department of Public Worcs. Ottawa, July 15. 10 8. . Newspapers will not be paid for •this advar- -tiserecitt if they inert it withoulauthority frorte :the Department • •• 00000 Men Wanted for Western Harvesting. ••••••••••••••••• To Meet AB far all poseible the un- usual demand for farm laborers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Canadian Pa,cillo Railway will run special second clesseeamsrsienefroin all 'Ontario stations. (lost of a, one-way ticket to 'Winnipeg is $10.00, and from Winnipeg to points wherls labor - era contract to work they will be carried withcut charge. , Atter at least one month's work in the harvest field, a ticket back to Ontario starting point will be issued at $18, rickets are only good on Farm Laborers' special trains, And will be issued to women, but no half -rate for children. Leaving dates of excursions are as follow : - August lith and Sept 8th, - from all stations in the territory between To- ronto -North Ray line and Toronto Sarnia line, . August 19th and Sept 8th, from all stations on Toronto.Scriaia, line, and south thereof (in Oanada) • August 22nd and Sept 11, from all stations east of Toronto -North -Bay lit e, to and including Kingston. - For the three excursions in August special trains will be run from all prolate on the 0, P. R. If you are ni any doubt as to date of excursionsfrora your district apply to local 0 P R ,agent, who will also furnish times of special trains, or write to 0 13 Foster District Passenger, Agent, 0, P R. Toronto, 11110RatHERN linvi6ATIoN A CREEP' 5TORY. • . Weird Tales Told by Occupants of Haunted House. Q A creepy story of a haunted country house has come to light, the circum- stances of which are to be investigat- ed by the Psychical Research Society. The house was taken over for a fort, - night by a party of wealthy London people, • After they had been in the house a week concerts in the form of violent bell ringing commenced and oontinued until the occupants left. On one occasion a visible hand was seen. to pull the bell, but it was not the hand of any human person in the. house. At dinner time the concerts began with a violent peal, involving at least four bells, and this was con- tinued at short intervals for quite an • hour and a half. The whole house- hold was so upset by the disturbances that it was found necessary to move the children from one room to another where they were at a greet distance fro the disturbances. The bells* rang out at midnight, and pealed for two hou s on one or two occasions. • Th occupants of the house saw the bell-pu in the r swaying, heard the tug o • re in the wall, and • from the movements of the handles in Clinton but all over the rung. The bells hung in a long row not 01113 • , in the kitahen. They would soinetimes country. . ' sway without actually Tjaiging. It was . catarrh i$ a germ disease and to cure throat and found' that it took a violent tug to it- geRrn Ille in the nese! lungs roust be destroyed., and tide can make the drawing -room bell ring in the .orclinary way, Yet the sound ot it , There is no dangerous stomach drug - was clear enough when it rang with- ging when Elyorneils used; no tablet out being touched. • The morning that. •Or liquid mixtures whereby the digest the house was vacated the bells began ion IS often destroyed. . r • ringing quite early. The lady who took :Breathed through the neat . poeket the house adds the aniazing fact that inhaler that comes' with every outfit, News Notes ••••••••.•,••• Mr ei Richmond, South River was shot by a neighbor, in mietake 'for a bear. Reuben Fax,the well-known Coined- t Ian, died in New York. on Friday. He' was born in Woodetock, A popular idea is used to prevail. that ! all t0f1,8 were, pretty much alike, but . "Salada"Tettie proving a pleasant sur- prise to thousands of particular tea - drinker% Sold by grocers eyerywhere. The cleanups department of Canada I has entered an action in the examiner 1 court against the Canadian Paola° Railway to recover $200,000, out of, which surn it is claimed, the railvrtY defiluclecl the pountry. by means of fraudulent entries under valuation,etc. The canal etatistics for he ieason of navigation 1907 show that the vvater- born traffic of the Domtmon for that year was the largest on record. The . total volume aggregated 20.513,830 tons as compared with 10,523,185 in 1900, ' representing ati inerease of 95 2 per cent. For the ten.year period the betterment was 13.925,1811 tons, or 210 per conc. The traffie increased from nine million tons in 1903 to twenty million and a half last year. The cap- ital expenditure on the canals of Can- ada, up to March 31, 1907, aggregated $91,734,718. Tlaie is apart from the outlay by the Imperial Government. A GREAT SURPRISE. The Singular Nobleman Who Wanted an 'American Heinle*, The American father of the heiress ' greeted the count who was a suitor for lier baud With dignified frigidity. - "Sare," Mild the count, "your datigh ter bas done we ze nouutifre of con- senting to be my wife. I am called to complete ze negotiations." "All right." wearily said the father. "Llow much of a cash settlement no you expect?" oNossing, sare." .4whatl Flow rauch will 1 have to pay foryour poker debts?' "Nossing, sate. I do not gamble," More proof that Lydia 14„Pink, , "Ilow much will I have to pay to bain'sVegotahle Compound, Mares rebuild your castle?" emale "Nossieg, Bare, It Is in (ine repair," * Mrs, John Scott, 489 Grand Trunk "But there must be some expense for St., 24ontrea1, writes Airs. Pinkhaan: me. Out with itl" !‘I was very much run dowu la "No, sare; noseing: 1 simply love health from, a leniale trouble, was thing your daughter and sitem loves e. and nervous, axvi very Weak, and suffered i we wish to. be married. Is not eat from bearing dawn. pains. Indeed I enoueli? Is it not nou h to ask you dicl not care avhether tived.or died, I .° g felt so badly- soinetimea tig to give me your dahter wizzout "Lydia E. Pinicham's Vegetable Com. your expecting to pound conapletely cured roe of all my • "Come to my arms," exclaimed the • troubles. 1 'gained in flesh, and am •American father and tried to fall mien free /rem backache, female trouble, the neck of the delighted count. sick headeolses, and nervousness. But he awoke on the door, _having 4'1. heartily retorninend Lydia E. tumbled from his bed as a finish to his Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound for all women's ailments, knowing what it amazing dreain.-Judge. has done for me." • It is well known that when the Lib- • eral party was triumphant in 1890, the Hon. Joseph Martin expected to be made a merober of the LaurierGovern rnent. There was good reason for his expectations, He as a member of the Manitoba Government, was the author of the Meeitoba sehool act, out of whir:1111:M the main issue in the cam. Liberal party to power. Mr Martin, however, was ignored by the newDom- inion Premier andMr Siftonsvas called to the cabinet instead as the represen tative of the west This was a sore die - appointment to Mr. Martin, and, ever since he has been among the altsgruuts led' Liberals.-Hanailton Herald, According to the story of relatives May Ghent, Kingston, aged 20, was raised from a bed of sickness by the Power of God. Suffering great pain she had been ill many weeks., Six doctors were called in but all failed to. do her good, and treatment it. the general hospital had no good result. She was unable to turn herself in bed, the doc- tors stating that she had pneumonia, appendicitis and drying up of the lungs. She claims that while peaying for -healing she heard lb voice fawn heaven saying " arise and come forth into my vineyard." She arose and shouted the praises of God and His' power to heal. Great • crowds gather in the house to see her. She says she has not a pain or an ache. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Com.poun,c1, made from 'roots and herbs, has been the standard rereedY for feroale andhas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with. displacements infisaumationauleera- tion, fibroid. ors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, jndiges- lion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? ' Hrs. rinkbam invites all sick wort= to write her for Advice. alio has guided thousands to eal tb . Address, Lynn, Mass. maaaors Liniment Cures Distemper ' An Ancient -nbstone. During the • restoration of 'St. George's Church, Fordin.gton, Dor- chester, England, a slab Of Purbeck inarble, 2 feet 11 inches by 2 feet 4 1-2 inches, and 6 inches thick, has been discovered bearing a Latin inscrip- tion, part of which, however, has been pa ign t at resulted in theretiwn of the , SOIIIETilING CAN RH DONE lo Stop The Increase of eatarrh in Clinton. isould tell beforehand which hell was as- Catarrhal troubles are hicreaeinia be done only by breathing Hyornei • COMPANYjam.sineeceteird.departure the bell -ringing its healing balsams penetrate the most •Tours'of'-tlieni-L 'It almeet_looks as. if •rempte air cells. destroying_theseatarra Georgian say, • For Sault Ste. Marie; Port Aythur and Duluth -Deem Sarnia MI p.m, Monday. Wed- ,riesday and Friday. Friday sailing through to Duluth. For. Manitoulin island Soo and Mackinac Steamers leave Collingwood 1.30 pin.. Owen Sound 1L80 p.m., Tuesdays and Saturdays. Ir Witmer City or Windeorcarrying onl a limited number of passengers, leaves Coiling - weed ThOrsditY. 1.80 p.m.. Owen Souud nao • for Sault and all way Ports. . For Parry Sound, Point aa Barli and KIlrarney- Leave , Collingwood Monday and TT whoever or whatever it was that rung hal gernas So that quick recovery fol Friday,.10.30 p.m. •VYFor Minnicog. Co. Ilome Bay, Copper 'Mead, •Sant Same! Etc. and Parry Sound - Leave Penetang week days, at 3.20 p.m. • SUMMER DA -TES NOW IN EFFECT. Tickets and information from all Railway' Agts 111. understeeve, ' 0. IL Nicholson, • MANAGER, • TIMM° MR.. COLLINGWOOD. • SARNIA. • Voters' List, 19118 -Municipality of the Town of Clinton; County, of Huron. • Notice Is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sec - time 8 and 901 the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said sections to be so inimmitted Or delivered of the list made. Pur- suant Ao Said Act, of all persons empearlhg by the last iaevised Asilessment Roll of the .said -MnniciPalitY to oe entitled to vote at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and•that the said list was -first posted Up in =Aim in Clinton. on the 8rd day of Aug., 1908, and retaking there for inspec- tion, Electors are galled upon to examine the Ilat, and if any omissions or anrother errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to 'base the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 3rd day of Aug., 1908. D. IrriffrOPHEEISONt Clipdf; • AUCTION SALE •-zOFA- a Od SO -acre Farm in Goderleh Towntildp• Mr. Geo, H, Cox 'has given the undersigned Instructions to sell by Public Auction, at the Ring Edward Motel, Goderlek, on. Saturduy? Aug 29th, • • at g o'clock. p.m., his Sarni. Lot 21, in the 0111 Concession of Goderieh Township. containing n 80 Pea with three or four acres of bushr goad fences. good buildings, frame house, bank barn, and other out buildings. A line orchard of good fruit. One and one-quhrter miles from Post Office and School; 61x and one-half miles from Goderich. TERM13.--10 per cent. Of purchase money to be paid at time of sale: balance Within 80 dm% or arrangements 'nay bo niade, by Which a per - tion Of the purchase inoney may remain on Mortgage, at a very reasonable rate of interest. GEO. H. COX, THOS. GUNDRY, • Proprietor, Stratford, • Auctioneer, The Minister of Railways has ap. pointed the board of engineers which islcharged with the duty of preparing • plans for the neve bridge acrosS the St. Lawrence above Quebec to replace the strecture which fell last autumn. The beard will consist °Maurice Fitzmaur- ice one of the most eminent engineers in England and a member of the Lon- don County Council; 11 E Vautelet, of Montreal, formerly on the engineering staff of the 0 PR, and Mr Ralph mod. jeska, of Chicane, a than of great en- gineering experience in the Western' States and a eon Of the famous Polish actresS, It has been decided not to ap- point an engineer of construction. The board, tatter preparing the plans of the proposed structure, will be charged With the duty of oartying there out. the bells," she says, "was very .anx- lows. The ccnnplete outfit costs but ious to, get rid of us from the house. More especially did the peal of the belle on the morning we left. seena to indicate this.. I may mention that for the last three or four years I have been in the habit of taking country houses for short periods, and that, though exactly the • same party has • been gathered together, we have never before been troubled by anything of the kind. I Debate on Vivisection. • The debate, as a means Of public education, whichhas been employed • with so mileh effect in the campaign ' for and against Socialism, was turned to a new use when vivisectionists and anti -vivisectionists met at Hanover square recently, and discussed the right of man to use living • animals for experimental scientific purposes.. Dr. Starling, who spoke in favor of svivisection, maintained that the rights . of animals exist only in sub- ordination to the necessities of man." In practice, he stated, we claim an unlimited right to use animals. He mentioned that 42;000 mice Were ino- culated with • °wiper lastyear,and I that 31,000 human beings died annual- ly of the disease in Entail&Miss Lind, of Hageby, in reply maintained that ethical considerations forbade the Infliction of Offering against ani- mals, which are only humbler links in the chain of evolution to which •human a beings_ belong. She rieserteds, that gross cruelty was practiced in the laboratory. 01.00, and W it Holmes agrees to re- fund. the mondy should Hyonaei fail to do all that is claimed. far it. • . . The King Laughed. • A eurieus court story Went , the rounds some little time XV, about a. lovely foreigner, one of -whose verbal slips igave King, Edward occasion for , a hearty laugh. A very lively person- . . . with a deli acecttt. sheniad such a favorable impression upPn the. King that he asked her to be his part- ner at bridge.. "But, sir," she said, "I really don't know how to play." • The King *Mild take no denial, hews! ever, and she -became rather others rassed "I assure you, sir," she said, "I could not think of playing. I don't know the difference between a :aim; and a lenaye. " There was • an awk- weird silence, and then she realized • hat she had said and was covered With confusion. The King, of course, laughed it eft, and now tells the story , with gusto. ;. • •.• What It Was, "To -4* know « from the way jegsby`i hunting expedition'l ended I always su,Spected something went back on him." • • "Something did." ."What was' it?" • 'His on kicked." ' - a t Have You Suspected Your Kidneys as the cadge of . Your Trouble If yen have bitokenhea welling of the feet and =Idea frequent or suppressed urine, painted sanitation when urinating. epeolartfloating Woe° the eyee, great think brick -dust &paint in the wine, or any' thing syrotig, yak the rtrinary organs, thee your kidneys aro affected, • • • Xt iloreelly not &Erna to case kidney trouble in its firet lanes. All yen havo tO de is give DetestianDeuret :Puts stela They are the most offectivie remedy' to be had for allkidneyeata urinary troublen. Mr& Alfred Leithine, Black Cape, Que., Writes:-/ feel ft ea y daty to mays vrord Jolene Srotit None Kidney Mk Ltd - heed droisliftd pain aeries my book so bad I weld not stoop Or bend, Aber having next twolossist / fool noir moult otsaapletely Ma Graham in making the selection of astaae taaseta ta. your *AL kis* this board, 'hat Bought the recommetaa. rirti ag. ,dathing of the beet erigineetingexperts ' r000llooaostOOstes stsonoY ahem«. , On this coetinerit as well ea Europe, SO .eonis per box or d boxes he And the intention as to give the men *au, as at tudows, or omit jams os appointed the fullest latitude. Their reaailaao rho by,vhs be" %bier pia honorarium is not Stated bat it will op. siom;16.• am, 110 flboral • • • TO, ENTER "SOCIETY." You must Have Treasure, Tempera- ment and Tact. To enter paradise you luta to- be good and you Mid to be dead. To enter seclety you do not have to be either. On the'contrary, tlaough what tam do have to be. is harder .to tell than it is to get there. But certain requisites may be mentioned. These are treasure, temperement. and tact Treasure, which is the basis of all scrumptiouenees, • speaks for itself. • Temperament is More conaplex. . Tem- perament is the art of holding your own on the subject of nothing at all svith experts who have devoted their lives to the subject. That • is clearly abnormal. Tact, svhile less unnatural, I a more abstruse. • Tact -is the ability to put your vibrations Into harmony with those. of others about you. As, Omuta may be rich, righteous and ready, yet if they •lack that ability, wbetever their efforts, they are no- wbere. If they possess it, then, though worn away. Parte are .of the alab they be nobodies, they have only to have been sent to the British Mese= Choose where they, want to go and get and to expert Rornaraologiete, but no there-geeerally ipeaking, thatis, and *provided they are not in a hurry. Taste is very mercantile, besides being unbecoming: -Edgar Settee in Broad- way Magazine. "explanation has been ,received ye from any authoritative. source, The, vicar, Rev. Richard Grosvenor Barte- lot, has given as •a pessible transla- tion: "Geius Aristobulus (?), a Rattan . citizen, aged 50 years. • Rufinus and Marina and Avert, his children, and Romana his wife." He states that Aris- tobulus was one of the seventy diss. ciples that came to Britain obeying St Paul's older. HO is said to have died in the year. A.D; • The National Flag. An Official statement has been is- sued by the Honie Offiee to the • effect that the national flag is the Union Jack, and that all 13ritieth subjects are entitled to display it freely. The Statement is intended to set at rest the doubts and queries which have arisen from time to time as to what the .national flag really is, the red en- sign and Other forms of the flag hav- ing beensuggested as proper for gen- Oral use by eitizene of the' Empire. All =oh suggestions are heriseforth null and void.. This Cat Kilie Shakes. A snake -killing cat.is owned by a settler in Sierra Leone. Master .Ptass is a perfect adept at catching small 'Snakes. He watches them till they uncoil and begin to glide off,. then, =rings on to them, and clutching tl m clote behind the head bites at the vertebrae until the reptile is dead, , Ite always manages by means elf his 'laws to keep a snake from getting a coil rcillnd • Beresford and Bblier. Fighting Lord Charlie Beresford.and • Sir Redvers Buller both deservedly earned a high reputatiOn for bulldog . • tenacity of purpose. _ During a . Nile campaign Lord • Charles and Sir Redvers, descending some "bad water" in a raver steamer, got into a discussion as ao the proper • ehannel to be taken, • Each obstinate- ly defended . his own course, but in the end Buller got his own way, with the result that the steamer tan through eatery. • . "Yon see I was right," cried* the general. "Mine was the proper chan- nel:: • : • • . "That Was mine, , too," cooity re- ' plied Lord Charles. "I only .recOms.:. Mended the ,other because I knew you , Would go against. whatevet I said I' 7 - London Realm. • iitceneistency. "My physician Is a Very Ineonsistent 'man," said, the heat sufferer. "In what way?" "Ile advised me to keep pe.rfeetly gelet and Ovid exettement and then Invited the to go with him to.the • baseball game." --Houston Post. Failed to See the Cormeetion, "What did that man say when Yon told him you had seen a sea serpetft?" "His coiner:0,6ton became suddenly • itrelevant. He began to talk about • Waal option and prehibition."—Boatos Feet • •istioeguto Keep Hint Waiting.. ' "/ hate to have' my husband find it horseshei." • p• •4 • '"Whyr• age alitra70 brings it hetne, nails it .1111 and then waits around for itteir to strike hinuf•• "NINIt?" • "(And there nom Waft' Mill a mail ear audins liersenhostsr Ctureland The Malay Mangosteen. . . If there is; any fruit in. the East surpassing. the mango, in flavor it is the mangoeteen of the Malay Penin- sula. High tip among their stems, 10 or 12 feet in lengths. and a foot arid a half broad, may be seen the cluster- ing purple trait, catered with a deli-; cake bloom like that of the peach, and filling the air with a most beautiful ' scent. • TO taste this fruit, lovers 04 such delicacies maintain, it is more. than svorthanwhile to take a voyage to Malacca. ' --NOW IN FV. LL Prices now in vogue at this store will convince you that now is the time to buy. . • A Memory Test.. • A' professor . or mnemonics had 'gone ' to lecture at or neer' Canterburya After the lecture was trashed be. had to wait for his London train.' s It was a :most 'comfortless day, asid, he re- tired to an ban for shelter mid refreeh- • ment • To pais the tine. he began to exhibit hie teats . ptmetnoreto the yokels in the hin parlora'aiad one and all • were tleioderetruelc 'except the Waiter. . There • is always one skeptic In every.: conamenion, - *nether o1. saints or einners. .Ito• what he .would he °could net . Mitigate', the gelid smile of • acid incredulity Aof that 'glorified potman! 'In ,the ,inidit-Of one Of his most :difficult feats the whistle sounda ed ofs the "only train to London.' to- night!" . and he eusned efflo eateli it. Efe . caught it, at the station, and his. reputation caught it in the inn paricir, for the ieeiters-coining in With some .ordered.:refreshinentA: and ,noatoi Imim gone -pointed t the ebiner • Where he had 'been'Sitting Mid each:Jetted; . lY ...maims, he's fotgothis unthrellat" • . Paper Milk Cans. Paper milk cans are condi* into use all over England. They are never used twice -hence hygienic. They are lighter - hence liked by those who handle them: They reduce the noise of the matutinal. milk cart hence trreary, Victims of insomnia bless them. .Eucharistic Congress. 'Following the Pan -Anglican, anoth- er great congress is to assemble in London this suirither. This is the Eu- charistic Congress, which was first ham at Avignon in 1882. It will be the greateet gathering of Roman Catholic ecclesiastics ever seen in England, The Duke of Norfolk 4.1 • president of the reception' coremittee, which' is making preparations to pro- vide suitable utccounmodations for the large number of clergy who will at- tend. There will be present several cardinals from the United States, Rome, Spain, Germany, Prance, Bel- gium and other countries. The spe- cial preaeher at ttestrairister Cathe- dral will be Cardinal Gibbons. • Rat Crusade. Is On, The new Society tor the Destruction of Vermin has started a series of com- petitions among rat and sparrow clubs; Prizes are offered to the clubs and in diyiduals Who Matey the greatest ' number Of rats in a year. Every com- petitor mist kill 300 rets to qualify .for uui award, It is estimated that, •there ere 'from 40,000,000 to 50,000,060 rats' in Ilivland, and that the damage to property amounte to several mil- lions. • Chinese Monasteries, Many Chinese rnonasteriee are en* dowed with land or a tribute of rice, but setdom so as to be self.supporting, and um monks, armed with gongs, go down into the Cities to beg for mite - Their Patters Pear. One of the argunumts Ivied agalatet equal suffrage itt England is that the pipers published exeltteively ler vtt. men she* them te be und4 for the . • .0 • ••, .Tho•Ftleh Turkish Beggar. , Beggars are never suppressed in.Tur- • key. , The story is told (and they say it IS true) about an American lady who by mistake gave 4 beggar of Constantino- ple ta. gent piece. The man had left his post when he returned,_ but one of his colleagues told her Where he "resided." It was a fine hpuse, andat the door was a servant, who politely Informed the lady that "my master IS dressing. lie Will be down soon:" led then the well groomedbeggar, dressed for dio- • nets appeared and gladly returned the gold piece, exclaimieg in the mean- while that such. ixiistakes were highly embarrassing.-1`Charlties and Com- • mond." Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Clinton. Phone or Call Day or Alight. . Force of 'Storni Waves. • The average Storm wave Is thirty Met in height, ,The highest Storm,' • wawa ever measured were, between forty-four and forty-elglit feet high. The gigantic .force oft storm waves' la shown by the fact that at Skerryvore lighthouse, off the west coast of Scot- • land, a mass of rock weighing five and a halt tons WAS once hurled to a height of Seventy -tent feet above the sea lev- el, while a mese weighing thirteen and • ashitif tctns yvas torn from a cliff sevens ty-foin feet high, -Pall man Gazette. SHOE POI„,,ISH "1 ten you floe, people aro Flo par- • ticular aliOnat the Shoe P'oliqh .they nashimt4hey askcite each night to be Aim and use 2 lit 1. . /t'it easier for 1410, too, and you sholdri sup the Mlle get in the morning.', • 01104111114101.0 410410011,11‘0011114 0 Season. • The hottest weather yet to come. Prepare, by getting a Gasoline or Coal OA Stove. A few left yet, and at /educed prices: • -$4.50 Gasoline Stoves, for. ....... ........$3.75 6.50 Gasoline Stoves, for . 5.55 15.5o Gasoline Stoves, for 14.80 17.50 Gasoline Stoves, for 15.00. j3.50 Gasoline Stove (second hand)5.40 moo' Coal Oil Stove (second hand)3.50 25 -gallon Milk Cans. ,4.5 30 -gallon Milk Cans 5.00 4Q gallon Milk Cans 6.25, Aluminum and Granite Preservm ing Kettles afa discount. arlan ros. STOVES and HARDWARE 'CLINTON. , NAS111111411411%11400 MaltM111101101111110a i:••• Electivoi Cheinital 41 .:,,, ,• ,, .., rn tzi r.4 — Rheumatic..11ING`0 ,.,\., N• 1.4 ‘ • ' r4 are guaranted to cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia.. -4' O The Electra) Chemical Ring is not an ignorant 0 ..c4 charm or faith Cure, but a scientific medium .for the ' ',13 Pc741 elimination cif.uiid acid,from the blood. The secret, c4 the power, the merit in this ring lies in the corn - 'ea bination of various metals of which the ring is 0 made, Ito matter what the trouble is, if it is. caused .by excess of uric acid the Electro Chemical .. Ring ---a. O will effect a cure, looks just. like any (After ring, ,• canignbseworn day and nigbt. We guarantee these r--- "1 Rings to do all We claitn... Call and examine these. m R p . to cn tri 1•••••• W. II JEWELER, CLINTON • w SEASONABLE GOODS., Frult.lars, We have tbero in gals, quarts and pints, also rubbers. Paris Green, lierons' English; at 35c, Rakes, Perks, See then, Snoths, Stones, Machine 011, ate, Dry Goods, Muslins, Gingharns, Print, Milers; Ties, Embroideries, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. Boots and Shoes, fine mad coarse for, men, women arid children; just right.. Croceries,Our stock is always full and fresia'with the very best of all • • kinds. Butter and eggs wanted; any, ' Don't forget aboult Salt, Wire and eon!, • Emporium • Londesboro, July 2/08 R. AVAMS., TABLES and C HAI RS. During the threshing season, a good table will be found • useful article. We have strong, well.tinialted Tables, which extend front 0 to 10 feetlong, it 80, $0,50, $8,50, $10 to $15 cliche tolning chalro at 46e. 660, .856p � nod $1450 each. J H. Chellew, Blyth