HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-08-13, Page 10* WPTIrr.*PWW,-.11,'"
spri to..be
There is nota Dry Goods want you have
bat you can supply for less here than anywhere
else. in other wcrds you save money on every
purchase you make,at this store. There is just
one reason for it but it is a good one. We are
anxious to turn this big wck into money in the
very shortest time possible. Read this week's list
of specials, it will pay you.
Cotton Vests 1.50
Ladies ribbed Cotton Vests, very flee quinitY, neatlY 1 Ca
• )
trimmed with lace, regular 25e, a clearing special each'
laces, 2 yards for 5e
Dozens and dozens of Laa,n
ces "d Insertions. •Cotton Ca
torchon, English make, various widths, clearing 2 yds for
Soiled Corset Covers 50e
25 ladies line white muslin Corset Covers, made from
• 'extra quality English cambric, trimmed with fine lace and
insertion. 'These are slightly soiled front. handling. Reg- cnn
altar prices were 75c and $1.15, clearing at each.,
Mussed Corset Covers 750
Just 10 or 15 of thera.' extra quality Corset Covers,
best goods we had. They are soiled from being sbown and 7cn
bandied. Regular 1.25 and 2.00; clearing each ....... I alb
Sample Drawera 95e
6 or 8 only pairs of Drawers.. -These are travellers
samples. every pair, and are are •a good deal better than
we could carry an stock in the regular way. They wore
made to sell at 1.75 to 2,25 a pair. You can buy any of them 95c
now at per pair
Gowns and Skirts "One -Quarter Off"
off it for you while this clearing sale is on;
matter what the former price, we take "One - Quarter"
every way, well made. and from good materials. No
These Gowns and Skirts are perfect garments in -1
Linen Towelling 7 1.2e
One hundred' yards Linen Crash Towelling., 18 inches -
wide, heavy weight, colored borders, regular 12 Mc, clear-. Tlat
ing at per yard .... . 1211
Heavy Linen Crash- 106
Extra heavy Linen Crash Towelling. This towelling • •
,was a little to expensive to sell readily. The regtalar price inn
was 15c, we are 'nearing it out now at per yard...........•.. 1 Uta
Wrappers 95e
15 only ladies print wrapPets, dark colors, will, Wash
well, regular 1.25 and 1.50, clearing at each ....
Three or four hundred yards (lotted dress meter.
and in some eases 35e. Choice of the whole lot now Gingham's, etc. Tne former prices were .20e, 25c* and 30e
ials, many different kinds„`Muslins,, Stiitings, and
Twelve and one half cents Per yard
Wash_ Dress. Goods IA 1!2e
Table Datnask 20e
Half bleached Table Damask, 58 to 60 inches wide' '20c.
good quality, very, special at per yard..............
Table Damask 48e
Every Oared of it guaranteed pure flax. extra quality
Scotch make. will bleach quickly and stand any amount of 480
hard wear. Regular (35e, clearing at per yard.. .
. Wide Flannelette 8e
Three hundred :yards extra wide Flannelette, a nice On
collection of stripes, a regular Inc quality, clearing per yard
Long Silk Gloves 95e
• Less than 50 pairs of them, black, •white, and creano,
heavy silk, open wrist, double tip fingers',, regular .1.59, age%
ehoice per pair •..... . . guy
Colored Gloves 10e
Ladies colored lisle thread Gloves, twodeme fastener 1 han
splendid driving gloves. Regular 25e, clearing at per pair lUb
.811k Gloves 25e
elearing at per pair
Mostly small sizes, two dome fasteners, regular 50e, cm)
. . ••••••1***••• sApu
Long Lisle Gloves 25e
regular 50e, clearing at par pair
24 pairs ladies white lisle 'thread Glovet, long length, 250
Save on Fall Dress Goods
Plain cloths are going to be good for tlae toreing
We kept the best range of this popular dress geode in town
If you want a tint or skirt for Pall Wear. yott raight just ea
well save some money and you can dolt if you buy here.
Regular. 85ta qualities are selling at 69e,
Regular 1,15 and 125 qualities are selling at 08r.
Regular 1.50 qualitiee are Selling at 1.28
Plaid Silks 55e
TOR mama. NEW atA
CLINTON NEW ERA 1 mhptist church
t MINTON, ONT._. AVG. 13, 1908 ao*oPoolog•Sen1004
••••••.•4e.V•••••,...4.I•Pe•••••...... ---,—•••••••••••.••••••••••• a•PIO.,••••••
I. Local Notes.
WANTRD-auehess apples a
I&fgt. Idigh.es! prices, OAN
1 Drees and Mantle ,- making,
Sewing, Pressing and Cleaning
APParei,--a-BDIF114. ite&CF14
Rere's a snap for the people who
want Sugar, 20 lbs. Granutsted for $1
100 bp for $5. A.. D. Beaton, The
rectige's Grocer,
DArvors Oin'sn' von Same -For
nala. Covered Mikado, together with
good driving mare and harness; will
.be sold °beep. Mikado and harness
goad as tiete. Apply to "T. W. Irwin.
(Mint. •
hoe been eorely lanced, of repair and
1 tists, For ;Ong time the building
nti9th- renovation, but being a considerable
Sunday was a great day for the Bap.
TaLoN season Without ayastonthe peol3le had,
got s
DR. OVENS.Ltaulen, Surgeon °co-
llet" SPeolallet, Will be at W. 'S. R.
Holmes' Drug snore, on Friday, Aug.
Gatesee properly fitted, deafness
catarrh and failingeyesight treated.
Houle 11 to 4 p.rn..
Guire, of GOdertela Tp., has sent us a
stalk of corn that measures 13 feet 7
inches high. This certainly takes the
lead; He has a field that nearly all
reaches that high,
ARM BROKEN - Miss Mabel Clarke
one Of the Jew Era employees, had
the misfortune to have her arm broke
on Monday. She was coming
town,in a boggy with Miss Butt,
the buggy top caught the bream
a tree, and was tore off, fright
the horse. pausing her t b
then) OUt.......Mr Geiser of Gains-
bor0, Sask., who wag married a few
iveeks ago to Miss Minnie Hill, of Ox
Bow sister of Mrs W Plumsteel, had
the misfortune to lope hit whole stock
by fire, a few days ago Mrs Searle I
received word thls week of the eerioue
illness of her mother, Idra 13,11 er Lee
at Indi
Band will give neacl ilieVoTehen WhAirYeneeYkr:
,eabseepaes: Saturday, 11
intigwhetatbthefor pweerZ4,11111Atettea."(1.?!
The Christian Herald,of Nenr. /Cork for
eyived Aug no has a large picture on ite4frent
wbeiemb Pisaileu•pohoottZtiuneg tat? dgeuceotreactiodnuortifighatraug., I
Tercentenary proceedinge1 two Of the
wndind: tteas,tvan'orleineaat figures, in the picture,
slated are alter Holmes and Mille Shipley
cening of town, who happened to be standing
at the base of the monunieet when
431343.- the photo was taken....The main of,
dubTul; lice of the Doherty Organ and Plano
owt ej:ki 00f0.4, ei rigbeinginorneemlargeo Aled's° that instead
divided 1240 seperate 1:013111,e' altfwerdlthb:
-" conaenience of the respective assist -
•&.".1 ants. 3Irs Hodgens is improving
61;147;`, her property on Albert St, and. in do-
ing. so is removing Some of the treetk,
beci:,°Itvelder lanriniaas" having teen planted frOnr
which Are too thick; these are "old
eeed imported by the late 'William
ed, la Coats nearly 50_yeare ago... . ,Fridav
rowd, Blyth Civic Rolicla,y, and a bbbbbbbbbb
a wee match between Clinton and Myth ie
announced; this; we understand is a
nustake as Clinton does not play
there Quite a number went from
here to Seaforth sports on Wednes•
day, but the rain spoiled the pleasure
of the occasiozi..!...Farrners complain
that,pats are nothing like as good a
crop as was at first expected Heavy
rains will delay harvesting operations.
discouraged and
unable to put forth the effort
eary to put the edifice in proper
Since the canning of Rift 'J: w
worth however, the Work lute r
and th people have taken heart,
the result that the Church has
put in splendid Phone. All the
work outside haa been painted, a
side the woodwork bas been p
and varnished, the walls and
papered in a neat and attractive
nor, the walla being of a dull faw
or. and the cellbeg a grey. an
mottle with gilt stare, and, a ta
border of classic design ; this
has been done by Mr W T Smith
ie a decided credit to him.
The Interior has also been redi
With three handsome eiglialight
troikas in dull braes flallsk, Wide
a much brighter light than th
droplights, and make a much eau
appearance. -
`,1:130 services were well attend
the evening the. blinding being c
ed. Rev. Ernest Grigg, of Burin
the pieacheaand his naessages receiv-
ed a careful and attentive hearing.
Ile delivered two Most appropriate and
helpful sermons, taking as his subject
in th
ere being, e bought of belaev-.
g theTerople of theRoly Ghost,
into and in the evening, the present and
When future glorious heritage of !the . child -
bee of rep of Gott. Mr J G Spencer ofDetr
out,, with the above result. LU
Society • of Wesley (Morel), picniced at
IBayfield, en Monday, and had a most
ernoYable time Five rinks of
bowlers went to. the Berlin tourna-
ment......The VVhite Dyke Band had a
picnic: to Bayfield, and the campers
anti villagers were favored with their
sae, ...Agood many took advan
of the cheap railway rates. - ...
town itself had a genuine holiday
time agoMr Frank Hall bought fo
an old Veteran's land claim, and g
title deed to the land, in New 0
ha. Re recently heard that 11, lam
man had squatted on the claim,
IWas taking the lumber off, RO he
he must either get off or buy the c
was correct. He notified theana,n
up there last week,and found that
which'. he did, paying Mr Hall $77
it. Not a bad investment.
THE TEST WELL -Some • difile
bas been experienced in connec
with th
estabIjshedIjs reputation inOlintonott as
a singer of rare ability ; his songs be-
ing rendered in each case with much
taste and feeling,esreciallY Was this so
na his rendering of he sweet littleGos-
pel sing, "Softly and tenderly Jesus is
calling," which touched all hearts by
its beauty of expression and earnest
M‘ Hoover very ably fulfilled the
duttes of organaitland accompanist,and
the choir led the singing with their The us-
ual al:fatty*
-6- The pastor had charge of
1„ the services and thankedMr Grigg and
Mr Spencer for their kindness an c,m-
$01ne ing to the help of the Church at this
r $50 time, and also thanked all preselit for
ot a their presence and practical sympathy
ntara Special hymn sheets were used at the
ber- services, which will also be used in fut.
and ure at the evening service.
laina ,, ...-
that 1 "The Promises of the Gospel.' .
went Subjects for next Sundamornialg,
this "The taking of Jericho." Evening,
• dodgers delivered at each house in 1
5 1(4' BRIEFS -A. big Toronto firm, had
ultY town last week; many kinds of goods
tion •
test well. during the
past week. About Jai feet of casing
has been lowered...and lab supposed
that in some way: the lower end, has
got damaged; as.difficultY was exper-
ienced ikworking the drill, and it was
decided to raise the casing. In so do.
ing it. became lodged,and for a time re-
sisted all efforts to move.it either way
MAR has since been moved, and it it
'expected that drilling operations will
be renewed shortly..
TO THE wEn—.2tnumg the -pass.
angers Who leave by 0 P R • on - the,
Harvester'e Excursion,on Friday ti;:k-
Mad by W Jackson, are the following:.
Geo Hill, A Livermore, Chas Weston,
Percy, Weston, J Spencer, M McLeod,
R Raney, Paul Cleave, Miss Daisy
-SeotchweltraV-Taylna ifBakii;Wilt-
tr, Townsend, W Cutler,J 'VVIIManning,
N Sly,•• Mills and Job Shipley. E
Brown, r and D Goodwin, Walter
Cooke, John Pickett, Norman Welsh,
:.Tas. McCartney*, Henry Risher,
Glenn Cornish' Th par
are all driven to Edyth, where th
meet a special 0 P It. train that will
theaugh to Winnipeg, wittiont Oar'
ACCIDENT- (in Tueadiy, 'Mr;
S. R.- Holmes drove over to BaYfiel
with a teeraa ocompanied by his mot
er, • and Mrs. Masse' and dm:10de
friends from London. As they We
. leaving Bayfield on 'their return, o
I Fri
he horses kickecrthe ether, whic
etiarn kinked hack, smashing t
buggy pole; and frightening .them s
that they attempted to run awe
Mrs Holmes had started' to •get out
the rig, and the jolt threw her violen
ly to the ground. Her hip was eithe
dislocated or broken, it .is not know
whieb, as. it is so swollen that the
they cannot' yet decide. She is still i
13avlield under a doctor's care.
Lovers of Baseball who were fortunate .
enough to witness the game on Recre-
ation Park Monday evening, between
Blyth and. Clinton were not disappoint'
ed, as the brand tended out was equal
to Eastern and International League
games. Blyth opened the game, at
the bat,and fairly made the local play-
ers heads sykini, scoring five runs In
first innings; The Clinton pitcher, at
thie stage, arrived on the grounds in
•the person of C Sheptierd and forth-
with the cyClone ceased. It WRS hard,
ly expected that the local players
would overcome the lead of the vimtors
bet such was the case, however, de-
feating them by a score of 8 to 7.
eaper an Clinton than in Toronto
and if one.gets an article below Clinton
value it is usually a misfit or out of
fashion; this buying in Toronto taxes
with money that should honestly be
spent in Clinton; just glance over the
columns of the New Era and see what
Clinton mercha,nts are cffering. ...
The Goder eh Signal says, in its B•usi.
nese College notes, says:- W 0 Beaton
completed -the Commercial course last
week, making the biggest average of
any graduate in the College. ....The
next. public holiday will be Labor Day
-Monday, Septenaber 7th.......Local
registrars aceording to the new Act
births,roarriages and deaths quarterly,
are required to make their returns of.i
and the fee for each .is increalied from
20 cents to 25 cents; heretofore the re.
Chas MeKinnon, formerly of Olinten
Collegiate, will take charge of Athens'
High School /doer the -summer holt.
days, to which place Urs McKinnon,
who is at present here, will move in a
short tile...... Hinder twine was So
les scarce as week, that ..not a pound
ey could be•procurecl 'in either Seaforth,
go 1 Goderich, or Chilton . .... Mrs John
go. " Wiseman, of Blahshard, an aunt of
Collector John 'Wiseniari, died' on
W, July 31, aged 73 years The rural
d. Schools all re -open on Monday next...
in 'ZVI Scott, at one time a, resident of
r. me-mion Road, Goderich Tp, but
re lately tiying'at Guelph, died a few
nadays since; her son S L Scott, of To.
h ronto, is well knnwarits a' former Olin;
le; tonian --In a good many orchards
0 I are to be seencaterpillar nests, end -it
a 1
I a.:....____...=._____..............1 - ' •
Y. would be the:part of wisdom tow de.
of stroy thean,take an oiled rag and teiro
t,• - • .
COliege;• .Torotto
. .
rtio,largest atur nest equipped Robot
tts kind toots yen te Witte far
new catalogue:, •
• .10aAkterm'reont 'Sept. 1st, •
Sbataz, Principal,
y?sse. &Gerrard Sts,, Toren),••
41011.• 10.71.1111.11.1eyo!.. jog oft I "is WM OR"
M dsurpmer
Clearing ,Sale
will continue during the month of August.
What is left of our Summer
Shoes are being cleared otzt
rapidly, the reductions are very
liberal, we don't pretend to be
losing money but we are sacri.
Acing profits while the shoes
last. "
,This Store opens at .7:00 o.'clocic a. m.
and Owes during this month at 6too.p.m.
kepairs While Vou Waito:A
Plaid Saks suitable for WaiSts or trimtnings. Wifl not KKik
tot. Two good patters, regular /54 elearldrat per yard
Wash Collars 25c .
80 o_tithetit, white wash sollarso with or Without tabs.
Regular 4(.10 and 50g, Clearing at esti% ... . . ... . . V•MV••• * a Lin/
Wash "felts 12 1.2e
80White wash 06104 gilt or ivhlte booklet, good value I 91
0, eleering at eash.....% .. . . • ... 4M*4•*014•• I (.2
Fred. Jackson.
• a
Aug x3dio 1908
._arnmooks •
Sununer is here Ana. hot weather is near,
when there are few things so desirable as a
hammock, few thiugs as cool, comfortable, and
• A "good gentle out.door sununer game.
We offer a line desirable in style, finish, quality,
and price; four, six or eight balls.
()minion Express Money Orders
- are safe, convenient, cheap, _payable in Canada
• or United States,, Issued. any business hour of
the day, .
heW. D Raiz- CO"
Often the Cheapest. Alirays the Best.
1.111111110•7111.10111111.0,1111 :11111:111010IIIIIr
~C*41? ,STOAR'l
11 **int oi... Bargain
Z'O.TZ . .VI7M 7D..43.77278..01\41 -M777
20,000 .StOekto Cho�se.,From
TO 'protect our own business and aiso. 'Our manypatrOns, Who do.. .
. theirshopping here, we will ofer to the. p0.)4c.. a. atisiutxg qiia:,;Lce to
. .
save:inoney. It does. not matter licihat- you want, you can get it here. iti .
'the.next five days. AT COST :imp .4xs's.: . Our prices are always. right.
- ... , .
When izit.e 'alit prices; it weans a .big. Saving 'for: you
3 and 8.50 Mull Waists.
• 2.00 Mutt Waists • ......
1.25 Mull Waists . ...... ... . .. .98.
1.75 White Underskirts ' 1.15
2.00 White Underskirts...-. 1.39
2.50 VV•hite Silk Waists.. . .. ... . 1.85
4.00 White Silk Waists . . . . . . . 2 75
ace ,Ciurtains.
• Regular dollar Curtains, 5 -day Sale . 75e
• • • ...... • • 81.3998 '125. pair•worth fine Curtains, $2 1.50
$1.25, sale price . . ... ........... 9Se
812ppaairirkeretgonularrta$ii310, 33.50, sale 21..7905
. Staples
I). Roller Toweling for •
10c Roller Toweling ' 6c
12 1-2e Roller 'I'oweling:. „'.. .... .......... .. . .. I0c .
, • .. 8c .
. • 25e Dress Statteens- .. . .... 12tc
12 1-2c Stripe Gin b
12 1-2e Prints .• ..•• m • • Mm **MOM • 10C
Ladies' Underwear: .
12 1-20 Ladies' Vests, no sleeve,. .... :.3 for 25c
20c Ladies' Vests for . . .... .....,. , . ........ 12ic .
250 Ladies' Vests for ... ..... . . 19c
350 Ladies' Vests for... ' 25c
. 50c Ladies' Vests for ... . .. 30e
Bargains m Ribbons. -
2120e1AcarilasionftRTiababoenta, aRlliteboolonr,s9,asiaeleprpirclece 1150ec
1So Colored Ribbon, sale pFice.. .... . , . . 120 -
20e Fancy Ribbons sate
25c Plain Ribbon' all colors, 841e price........ 20e •
25c Fancy Ribbons, sale price ................ 20e
• !''."7"7"'"'"'""'"7.'"!'""'en.6"1""7".""""'""'"''''"..
Table Linens, etc.
54 -inch Ineached Table Linen, 40a value, for... 28e
50c Half-lileachect Linen, sale price • ... 40e
(30e Bleached .Linen, fine and 'wide, for... . 45e -
75c Extra wide Linen, sate price....... • , 60c
$1 Fine•quality Linen, sale price SOS •
$1,25 Extra wide and fine Linen, sale price ..$1.00, • •
St -value Napkins for ' ' 75e
Large -size $1.50 Napkins? for $1 25
Extra large Linen Napkins., $2.50, for, - .. 1.95
• ;' "
18e I-F2e Panay Dress Mustins 10c ed S pre ads
;ancy Dress aluslins. • •
20e Franey Dress .. : , ... .120, $1 15e . 100 .25 White Bed Spreads
. White Bed Spreads ...... .. . .
25c Fancy Dress Muslins 19c • 1,50 Whit •
$L 25
e Bed Spreads 9880:
85e Fancy Dress Meeting., . 25e. 1.75 White Bed Spreads 1,50
50c Fancy Dress , • .. . •
80c 2 Oa aVbite Bed Rpreads, . .
. Dress Goods
80c Colored Panarnas141,40.144.6o* .. • ..
60e Colored Pattattuts . 45e
75c Colored Pausal/Ls II! • • ra- a * 4 • . • • • 60e
50e Venetian Broadcloths 006
Mc Venetian Broadcloths ... . 45e
75e Venetian Broadcloths 14414i1*** ********. 4 •• 00e
$1.00 Venetian Broadoloths . . .. if 6660 796
$1.25 'Venetian Broadcloths OM," VIM.06111 MdM98e
Gloves and Hosiery
25e Lace Gloves, white andeream
SLOO Long Silk (*Ivrea . MA .. .1..***•*0*-4* 40•6
St,,,,10215110rje Silk Gloves ....... lc+ •
10et Tan
25c Tannage.
.air f.o.r
50c Palley Lisle lit000 ... *aY.
6E41;4 4.1,4.44
75c, Farley Lisle liose .,•.•••••.* oadiab . * . . *at
Three pair Coiton Rose for.,
41 .11•MY*
• ,e** .. . 6 GO 1.175
, ainal7•••!7•10.1to .47474.•••••4•444...imoorimamm.•440....****Wallaiiniim.
Wool blankets,
.00 Virool Rtankets . .. . .. . ......$2,50
.00 Wool Blankets....... . ........ . .. 3.25
° .00 'Wool .. 4.00
0.00 Wool Blankets
10-4 Flannelette Blankets.. 44-0 4sri 40S4*64••• •• a8e
• Bargains in
Gent's Furnishings
at the
• Men's Store*
y•th 0 0 47 S'