HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-08-13, Page 6TRS: MUTTON girat RBA,00111001#11011.10r0011,0110110,110004,01110110111. 10/11101101111101101.1110100110.004,0110401.11110001100
Last ad's ol! the GOf theGreat 1.$10000. katche
Fano lt�borex,�
A .'
to Manito ls, Alberta, watt Sus-•.
*Via Ch1caio,1
r Aug. 1Sth and Sept 1st.
Fere of $10.00 is to W Innipea where tree tick -
ate will be giv .n to 8ainaaek, seta., eaten River.
sada. end intermediate .points on. Canadian
Northern. Ey. One tent per mile barons these.
points. to Edmonton inclusive. The canine
Trunk ia;the only double track route to the
west. Through et. Ciair tunnel: by .electricity:
no smoke or dirt
$18400 Reti ireing Ita slyer;
tormodjate stationa. Farm . Laborers' cerm:6
sate supplied with each ticket, explains how to
;procure this tare from the CanadianNorthern
under rrttatnbcondi ona4Torontonn(ai4th dna
rpt. elm •
Outlet Sale
• • X
The great MANUFACTURERS' OUTLET WILE ,will close on Saturday night, and if you are wise,
you'll be here before zo p.m., on Saturday. Who n we tell you this. is the Greatest 1V)one y -say
the summer -when we tell you that we've bought hundreds y ing Opportunity unuy of
Ginghains, Hosier , *underwear, Corsets,•' ' g' ' and.hundreds. of dollars worth. of Dress Gac�ds' Muslim,
Prices, you will soon under tan , Linens. Ribbons, etc., in some cases at a fraction of th s n's
ye Manufacturer's
�. ,d why we car sell this stock at,such ridiculous .prices, We've' • saved some. of the
Plums until the last three days, and Thursday, Friday and Saturday should see this store,
We're going to make the last days, of the sale memorable ones, and to the eol le who at edpacked to the doors..
advantage of this Great ,Bargain Carnival, we can assure them. of . POSITIVELY THEt BEST aND
This List is; Not Orae -half What We rave to
75e BS&C Corsets, 59c
One hundred and nineteen pair of the
famous B & C Corsets, made from White
Batiste and Hose Supporters attached, steel
filled and a splendid Dorset at 75e, For -'
three days'
A Thousand Yards of Dress • Muslin',
ghams, Prints, etc.. at Give-away
This is perhaps the greatest Wash Goods
Bargain ever given by any store in .Huron •
County. " One thousand yards Ginghams,
Prints. Cottons, Muslims, Zephyrs. etc., in ale
most every color, including dark shades and
black and white. Regular 15c, 20c,, 25c to 35e
per yard. The entire purchase on sale
tor three days at per yard We
$1 Dress Goods, 49e
This lot is from our regular shelves, and
are the best you can buy anywhere up to 81
per yard.' dome are in skirt lengths, some. n'
dress lengths, and some you can buy in quan-
tities up to 20 yards. A whole counterfull, in,
almost every color ant weave. On sale
for the last three days, at per yard . , . , 4C
Linen Table Cloths, $1
25 only Bleached Table Cloths, in 2f -yard :
ends, 62 inches wide,:splendid value at
60e per yard, ....21} yards for $1.
.Extra Bl
• g Specials for
`` 'Three .Last :Da
500 more gold plated Beauty Pine, small or
large • + . 2 for se
500 Safety Pins, asliorted • ...': ....18 fqr fie
100,003 English Steel Pins ,.;,..s00 Tor 5c
1;000 Pearl Buttons; three sizes, .. per doz 5e
500 White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, at•
12,for,..,.. y.... ' ... .. ........4 25e
5001 air Women's Black Cotton Stockings,
3 pair for 25c
1• 5,00a black and white Hooks. and Eyes,
6 dozen for 5e
1.0,000 Hair Pins ......•..,,.12 for •lc
Bleached Cotton, same quality as the lOc'
grade; narrow width.. • 7c
Very best Scotch Fingering Yarn,
• • 4 Bunches for;25c
Oilcloth Renin>tints, lac and 350
quality, for . 20e.,
Odd Lace Curtains, one pair of a kind, ..
reg. $2 to $2,50, per pair .... ......::.. 81.00
15c Blue Apron Gingham, 10c
273 yards blue and white stripe and, check
Apron Gingham. Sold everywhere at
15c. Three days' °ale 10C -
A. Great FIannelette Bargain
One thousand yards English and Canadian
Flannelette, 34 inches and a ,yard wide. stripe
in almost every color, such as pink, pale blue,
grey, etc. Beautiful -soft cloths -you -will --pay
150 per yard form-a_.month-or-two: The- : - -
entire lot on sale at per yard ..... ute
Bleached Cottons, Lonsdale, Cumbrics
Scotch Nainsook and India Linens
at 12c
690 yards otthe above-named cottons, cam- •
prising the finest goods in our store to -day. ,
Regular price lac, 18e and 20c. Three
days price .t.
• i
40 -inch Pare, iineni•Toweis;•98c
We cleared out over 1,50 pair pure Linen
Towels from'a wholesale firm in ,Toronto, : and
out of the lot we have•twenty eight pair left..
They are equal to lots'of •50e, qualities
The last three days per'pair . Z$C.
$1125 -Wrappers, 'Tree .
Five dozen thief Print Wrappers,. mostly.'
navy blue and cardinal. : Pre'ty patterns and`
well -made garments.. Best $125 quality '
three days' price each..;. - . 'laC :I
30e Cashmerc^Mose, 25c
This lot -of about 200 pairs contains'severai
different makes, from size 5in to 1Oin. Most'
of them are very fine:all•wpol Cashmere; either '
plain or rib, .and sell every day .at 35e , and 40c
per pair. For the last three
sale at' per pair days, on . awe . .
999 yards Silk Ribbon, 5c
Here's a great clean-up in Ribbons. About 1'
a thousand yards, an,ahnost every shade, -Silk,
Satin and Liberty,A whole table full
on sale, at per yard
10' yards Cottony 62e..
50 ends. Factory Cotton, .36."inches
wide,, 10 -yards for: .......... . '•
Extra Heavy Flannelette Blankets, 9iic
Just a dozen pair left of -those extra heavy
Flannelette Blankets. They are well worth
$1.25 per pair. We cleared the entire lot. at .a
bargain andget, the.beneflt. Three.
8' you
days' price.., :.. 95e
Leer Turn -over Cellars, ac .
12 doz. 'White ".Embroidered Turnover poi'
lars that sell everywhere at 15c each. .
The•last three days each • se
40-roti1 Yictoria Lawn, lOe
White La � ns• are bard 'to get at' Bargain
prices, still here is a good one: Just 280 yards
40 inches wide, fine round thread, -er`
yard.....,......... . •p 10C
White Spot Swiss Dress Muslin, 18e •
is is the first time we have offered Swiss,
( Muslin' at Bargain Prices. 180 yards ' fine
quality Swiss Spot Muslin. Regular 25c
30c ane 35c. for three days....... , 1$C
A sensational Sale : of. Laces
We have •had by far: the biggest season in
laces ever experienced by this store. Besides
-the fine selection -
a thousand yards of 'Valenciennes Laces
and Insertions, German Laces and Darnenette
Laces, frorn one ::inch to six inches wide, at
; less than half-price,' The regular price•of them'
in any store is 100, 121c, 15c to 25c . per . yard.
For three day's the entire stock of them.
at .per yard .ra/,
, Standard •Shirting, 19e • •
• 260 'yards best quality. Standard Shirting,
in light and dark colors. Best 12ic lug,
• and 15c quality, For three days . , ,. ,. 11.0
• More Embroiderie at 8e'•
The "Embroideries we have sold the`l
few-.days.•fe-simply-wonderful- Another otts
,.ready Thursday morning, in ,'aide and narrow
• l'pser.tions and Embroideries, lots of them
.'worth I5c and 20c per'yard., ,. For the
last three days per yard .........,
Just 100 Vests. Left
• Justone hundred Vests. left of those
25e and Sao qualities. For three day.best
Two .for..........
.. .. the
Tho Last Chance .to Buy y Fine' Lace.
tains 'at X1.29
:feet.thaeven .dozen fine-Nottin h
Curtaine..3e yards lore,50 i in tin ee
or foar very pretty g' inches wide, in three
ybe last
Best 82.00
values to be lead. a last chance :at ..-$L
• 29
al nMr�
P le
of •
p down his
toway were re
r ig more 1 again'.. be th'e idate: he should.
about crops than they were about knot* it and shouldsohis supporters.
report that he politics, As yet, the Liberals'.. have.. 11 he has no intention of, ai
J T Schell, M P Glengary, (Liberal) member of the Cabinet The aid pub no candidate in • Pronte ae, gain con-
will not run again. country visit which will be of about Tonto Mail n , . To testing the riding a t once. man should
weeks duration, will prevent Sit b placed the field at once. Exeter 9d:
mi rt
a on
g p cy. Slues 130
Monteith is to make the trip also,there
is the-willremain a
sixo a lace
The Berlin Telegraphint' aures taking part. In Mr R, L Borden's C vocals.
intimates that Federal campaign.' 'Hon Mi. Foy. om.sesto;f�ve papers , are _ putting• •
Mr T H Preston mayrun into y' `4t' with M
lirantrord rney-General, will be head • of• the •gusto sonic slartderela upon. the r' R. G.'Macpherson, M. P.for yter .
Liberal interests, This is hardly °gernment`sur#ng the Premier's Lacier Jove Government by that political cover, has been apptinted postmaster
likely, as Lloyd Harris has the nom*- absence. pariah, Joseph Martin of ;British Co -f that city. ..
Col -
W. W, B. McInnes .
It said that a,. Preyincial Liberal kn brats In
Lisa calumnies
eathmado be ,former governor
illy" Gray was asked if he wouldClonven taken seriously. I Y be I of the Yukon,
tion will shortly ,be held in y n Canada no one is understood to be seek -
be the Conservative candidate in 'Toronto.' cares what Martin says, for the reason ing the nomination as the Liberal can.
that Martin is known,, London : Ad- dilate in`Vancoever
London, in the next election. "If the vert#ser,
people want me," he said, Major senator Lerner died in.erlin, on .,._.,,
B sdt
Beattie, a ,o
e, M P is satisfied to drop out as y He was 80 years �otd, and � `}Present indications do, not point to East .Rent r. Phil, ' Conservatives, in
he considers that Mr Gray is ,entitled Was a Conservative; It. is said that Hon .z change of Government etc Bowyer, M,p,p,.
to the seat. lames *'coir ofaP the result editor and proprietor of the'Conserva-
him,succeed ( of the elections, Doubtless there.will five Plaindealer, will be the
Young Galt will be , I the n°nserva•
Mr R L Borden, M P leader of the - a reduction in the. Governinent's tive 'candidate ins
big majority. The Nationalist ..1 in the Domini election.
. A. This in for
Federal Conservative party, expects, The total vote polled in the Ontarf° nalist m inion infer=
fluence.in Quebec will be used against matron' is borne but by Mr, Bowyere
'recording to his present plans, to visit elections was Consert selves, 291315 statexnen
Toronto' r the Liberal..
I t a short time ao
during the month of Se tem- Liberals, 185,854�a o ti a party and may twin a few wOu.14 not again b g that he
P 1? p I r majority . !t boa Candidate for the
her. Hseats for Tie
He will probablytthe (7oneervatt ielature.
be accompanied °r the Clonservativetq of 6;861. � . Ib is thought that .the
Wes, In Nova tracts fr. of a inivie fifties ll.
by Premier McBride of British Colum. Scotia it is motto be expected that I tracts Mr.•Rowyer in view of his well»
every seat will be won by the Govern • known" eadiaalism, which it is node
bia; Premier Roblin of Manitoba; Pre. Three prominent MP's were in the Went, ate in 1004. In stood is r
infer Hazen of New Brunswick, and pity, Friday, but all were here, .so the Liberal party Note Bruind not favored by many of bis
p rty it divided. ' and a: oolteaener in she .P.red ev al House.
possibly Mr F G W Elaultain, of Sa- theysaid. cItis enerstl
n private bust Conservative i .. g y considered ev
mess and b onservatfve Government en b con
skatchewan, . They will be joined bylittle to say of politfeal. n e had vernnlable i l new re serVativee that the fight wouls�be a.
f t rest. Mr newer; bet it lariat probable that there' forlorn hope, which is emphasized b
Bon Ar J Hanna, representing the W 8 Calvert, chief' Liberalwill the factY.
Government of Ontario in • the absence whip, de. be anything like a slump to - that Me Sandy - m members
of Sir Jae Whitney, the Premier. Sir Cfares Haat ,tit•' one could ea the Conservatives in the ' of the (Joao ovatietron party membast
James expects • to return flim Ce a S' with t Province, of the Conservativef
wards the end of -self to r my anything about lila general In °aerie and the West the (Yonder. Rent recently positively. n East
that month, and will unser. , fly positively refused to
, take the platform in Ontario. electfans, , natives are sure to juin some seats:but let his name go Before the corning con=
"Nobody knows but the chief, and it is almost as certain that the Gov. volition for nomination,, Others, it is
eminent will also'. Make some understood, have also ref in ills
' several matters of importance to he has not told Us,'' *rains, that Mr, Gordonie secure in ni g'
and the net gain for the O pesitien le s seat.
the people of Ontario depend upon ' .'1n the meantime Mr Calvert is get• not likely to• be great. Upon the
p li ting ready. Hte Content#on 18 Calle wholtherefore, the • prospects are tariff was the forthcoming visit of Sir Yarnell es' d that the' Laurier r
m fur the 20th andGlbvernmen, , Gleneral o -
t11e ilon9.a 11 be opinion' at uir in
ervatlyp the iia # q y
ea returnedrl anten
Whitneyo tot
y England. HeYibtnpower
g a on a
Toronto c 10thmajority
tori B .
, t Buildings l n s
3 To
zr ro
gIli seem
r than to confirm
n the
leer o
peone a
and o ter Cit no
probably Of investigations Christie, the rio, 1 cone of Rands, :hut That will serve.--Hamilt report that the H n, Nelsoni.Aionte n. duces the
xr,embpr for iga tth •Ontario, is one of Heraid (incl,) i will create anew Ontario
Will be refected in legislation to be the fes' who aanri+ob:dfscern any a#glia Clommission•
passed next session. 1°gether .with of election this 1`alI, The t,lberals are u ership in England, to be kiao�wn ne
kion Nelson Monteith, Mit�leter of A ,, not _putting up. candidates, be said, Itis time.the Oansorvaagent" ar 6e sauce d
g anti 1 see no particuiar activity tf'vea of South. felly oi,getierit, alas to have the Elite
rieutture, who leaves In about a;salt ' .their art." Ctf fey otl Huron bad a' wan in the field forcharge chiefly of iintni rants; and lira `or
Ielr very JYf l?'for,b��r4 tense theg Rev has prove
Ilonitnfin Donets. Look cat for ern
time, Bir .iatneif will do sertietilfnk res
ofi a ,ens /created Mae office;" he will resign
One of alas ieadfn C fin .hie dv e..
towards shaping a near Provincial O his part' e) theeleading
a aafil att%Vt it ill tretober electron and It ie *ell to be portfolio, 'step Intn.tits dike is 1nid as a fiscal a
peo-t'srepared, enty Horton is t owIH berMin 'fez's' oAgriculture,dlaruald se a fiscal
strafed in
Canadian National Exhibition,
FReeturn tickets will be issued at ST.TO1'ibl
E. 1113.6b, good goingAug. 29,'O f to Sept,.
12 '08, except en fo•Ilowing
Excursion Days
Sept. let, 3rd, Pith, 0th and .10th,
when the tare will be $2.73, All tickets good to.
return up to Sept,' loth, 1908, •
For tickets ' and full information Ii
appiy to . • : !
F. AL HODBENS, Town Agent.
Postal -.Beta rma
The postal department has given the 1
cities the benefit of a one cent drop
letter rate, which is wits right,a
q end in
ee in
k . p . g with. the .general progress.. of
this department, ;Under' Liberia min -
biers great progress has • been made in
postal reform, and the de
partment haler
converted into n
z to one •-produc%iag ani•
annual surplus instead. of a, deficit.
But there ire still improvements
that could be made, whit% to the ord-
inary lay mind seem easy to introduce
l�anyprintin offices ar
to mail small parcels of printed mat- .+ :. '
ter, but itis cheaper to : send them by
express than to mail them, This should
not be. ••
'Another change that . Might be
*made, :or. at least postmasters given
some latitnae' of judgments is in the
mailing : of what is underetcod as.
Printer's Copy", Many newspapers
supply their rural correspondents with
printed p d envelopes, addressedto the of-
fice of p.rblication.- Those used by the
New Era have the address and in addi-
tion, on the corner, the words' "Print-
ers Oopy-Leave unsealed.'' ::If left. un-
sealed they •come for 1 cent. Occasion-
ally a correspondent forgets himself
and seals the envelope; Then, the post-
master at whose office ..the letter hap-
pens to be mailed; stamps on' it "four
cents to pay" and this is collected from
the newspaper," Why' not allow such
letters . still to go• at lc. •Even if the
post Once assumes that the letter may
contain other than newspaper copy,
the instances in which _such.:are the
ease are`so rare. as to be 'insignificant.
-F-- „..,_,:,-
g e called upon
Aug, ,i3tb, i.
Souvenjr. .of
• Plates, 15c, z.5c, 35c and 46C. '
Cups and Saucers, 250, 35c and 50c.
Mugs, 25C
Trays, rsc, 20c and 25c
Burnt Leather
View Book, 25c and 50c
Postal Cards, with view, roc
Photo Frames, 35c, 5oc to $x 50:
Purses, 25c, 5oc and 75c
.. Book Covers, 'soc and 75c
Postal Care
12 splendid Colored views, 2 for 5c•
6 black and white views, 2 for .5c
13 views, "in and around Clinton," 5c
Cushion To s
F i .35c Souvenir Pins, 25c.. to 75c. Canoes,'
a -
many other lines, making a splendid
collection of Souvenir goods,
Coopers. Book Sioi'e
The Revenue of the Do iiiiiion,
Toronto plebe
The financial year of Canada now
doses on. the thirty-first of March in-
stead of the"thirtieth of June. The
change took place in 1907,.and, there-
fore, it is difficult to make any emir-
ate comparisons between the revenue
of the tulle months of 190640 and the;
twelve months of the respective fin
'aiiceal years preceeding or following
that one. There can be no doubt,
however, that there has been• since the
end of March last a very serious fall-
ing off in the consolidated revenue,and
that it is at present doubtful whether
the public accounts of the. current fin-
ancial year will show a surplus or' a
thedeext thirty first ear'sf March:-sFor•
the past four complete months the
falling off in the revenue, as compared
with the corresponding months of last
year, amounts to $6,789,589, •
trade depression ' of into decrease
Canad ,
following. in the wake of the United
States was plunged a few months ago.
The: most important source of revenue
is customs duties on imported goods.
This has been adversely affected in'
two ways ; there: has been a shrinkage
of imports
tions a
'tions So long as we collect deities ad:
valorem, just so long will there . be a
risk of such fluctuations.. We have
been so free from them for the past
few years 'that people are apt to forret
all about them, and this makes the
present decrease of the revenue all. the
more noticeable. Bearing ha mind.
that the financial "-ear 1900.0' . was
only '
y nine months, the following table
of yearly revenues will be found,inter-
esting:-- -
. Revenue Surplus.
1897.98. :.540,555,238 $ 1,722,713 ,
1808 90: 16,741,249 4,837,749
1800.00 51,029,994 8,054,714'
1900.01. . 52,514,701
1901-02... 58,000,790 7 291.398
1902 03,
, 66 0
068 ,
•14 4
1903.04 67,94%028- . . .. 16,427,167 -- - 3 .•...�
1904.05., ...71,152,772 7.863.0911
1905.06.. .. , 80,189 MO - - 12,888,720 We hopever soon
1996:u7...... 67,9(19,3 ... , 16,427,1.67 "Leaving y to be able. to announce the date when this
Town Sale" will
.Che surplus for the •$nanefal gear , be brought t0 `a• Close. In. the
Io'rbe *vas nineteen millions. '!'iiia is meantime we want to convert as muchi
a margin that can stand a good deal of enc of \ h as possible of tlze. , balms.
e our stock of merchand'se into ready money. Bel
shrinkage without passing over from y ow'
a surplus to adeficit. It is interesting will be found a ,list' of bargains well worthy of your closest at -
to note the. use to which these aunuai tendon, Equall `low .rices
tohe Ii1est. eleven ears a They aggre- sale 1.' t p on ail' 1inES. 'to continue while 1110
y s .he huge
total of ninety-five and a half million
of dollars, 011 of this large amount Ladies Parasols, reg."t$a5c, sate price 45e Men's ,t
Went either toprevent *mere Ladies Pa - fancy hose, re u
axes of the resole. reg, 90c and $1, sale price lac g lar �, cal
public debt'hr to reduce amount. . price iuu .
tet for these sty luseseith its thepub- Ladies PA:rasole, 're . 1.75 sale r' Men's garters, re alar
g S , p ice ' g , 200, sale price t
lic service would ave been less effic• $1,2o Mens cotton
lent or the debt;voufd have Leen neat• sfikfne, alt shades re u and flannelette 1Vlrrhb
yahundred, l dwholns, g larSe per spool Shirts, regular 135c, saes price 58c
note is- •greater that it sale prig? Sic Boy's }print Shirte,'re ufar 5(1
The questfoti has bps� Pin Be?"first uali Me g e for 30e
may be a' raised, and it 5c q ty, regular price imples, slightly
i shuts, sl:� sale
Lri e
y again and again brought ,sale °fee 2 for Sc samples, s linea
whya smaller � u � p , Alightly soiled, sale rice
r amount of revenue ie: Cotton Towels 5c Der Men's Co"8/flock
p 50n
not each year when the annual Ch p pairu a n rice ,Isit a piece Over,
re t raiseds so greatlyexceed annualthe , ildron s Colored Rose, sizes 4 to 8,all, regular iirft e. $2, sale rice
an cardinal, blue,pink and tai; : White S i. p1.
expenditures. • The answer is that Ladies n, alga , . ular is re
even ears a el � all lines Ladies cot r + g• price 6tic, sale
tar, ygo the Fieldfng Customs wool hose at ton, cashmere and p fee
enacted after* a thorough in-•
, wholesale prices Bog's striprd overalls reg. 40e, :slel,
to commercial arta Industrial six only t3.4 T"apestr� Ta:bte Covers, prtCe Z5c g
'conditions, that it was enacted AA regular $1:50, sale rice 9
a p 3c
x , ltii
e ere
e it
nue b
meas. iblue bib i
that O
re -.,regular
duties !tori
It es en many articles and last notch quality will allow the , p ce oUtl
entirely al olished thein on many rmcre Men's heaviest Shoes r ,
and that it is nese' Mens tan o►ose, regular : itis
sary to maintain _, regular we, sate r !61.30,' '
innice sale rice 1.
,i 'S
iltfes from year 10 year In 2 pairs for' .oC Best W Shoe l oliell, two for 150
rest of both inanufaattr'ere '
terga. The Melding rano t if too' busy to shopduringthe d
d itself,* Brea, revenue•pro; ° every evening. `lyt you will bila the store tlpisriir
atter the present ternpor. ;
kin hap p.+ssett,fte efficiency'
devfae will a sib be P1Uflit1. Bross
ntial Sale
To. reduce our very large
: "stock, we will give a discount.
of Twenty-five per c
•Cpl` on
every dollar's worth of goods
purchased d ring' the -balance,
balance „
of this month.
This is your , o . ....
y Opportunity to k ave -
money, •ori •`
C -
Silverware, :
China, dna.
Every article we,.carry in' stookwill be subject :to,
this discount, and all goods guaranteed.:
G G;
Issuer er
of •
Marriage �rr
• age Lrcenses.