HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-08-13, Page 4A wise dealer aiways alum his honest desire to ammo you by giving what • rou ask for, - shick.saancohn. at au &Arm IQc.s* 2.5e tina Farm Laborers' Excursions. 2•1`5,0000 Hen Wanted for Western Harvesting. meet 'astir as possible the tin; trona demand for farm. laborers in 'Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, dite Can tdian Pacific Railway will run tame:nal second classexcursions from all Ontario stations. Cost of a one.way tenni/et to Winnipeg is $10.00, ani from Winnipeg to points xylem' Is hors dere contract to work they will be canvied withcut cbarg.e. • After at, Ifea4t one monsins work in the harvest geld, a tisket b ten to Ontario starting secant will be issued at $18 „rickets ,atre only .good on farm Laborers' special trains, and will be issued to -women. bift-fiershalf.rate for children. Leaving dates of. excursions are as Kato we: - August lath and Sept 8th, from all stations in the territory between TO- aenizto-North By line and Toronto Sarnia August 19th and Sept 8th; from all stations on Toronto Sarnia line. and sleuth thereof (in Canada) August 22nd and Sept 11, from all ertations east of Toronto -North -Bay Sine, no and indluding Kingston. Hair tie three excursions in August special trains will he run from all points on the C. P If you are in sany doubt as to date of excursion from your district apply to local ft P R sagent, who will also fu nish times a' t-pee.ial trains, or write to 0 B Fost District Passenger Agent, C. -P R 'Toronto. • Educatinit that Pays • -- ago one in this age .qnestlons the -value of a businesss traming.such as•is /given under the excellent conditiont /which plevall in the Central _Businsss &College f Toronu . This seln..1 is well known to be ()tie of the laigesr.stid test equipped instillitions f the k nd ,on the Anessinan enntirmous_and..._ a ate.gel7 roitronized by students nom ifger ery provinee in the Dominion iti t-reated parties are invited to write ler its new catalogue. See card in our advertising columns. Alma Ladies College ST. THOMAS - - ONTARIO 28th year! "A leading Canadian Vollege." Endowment allows ex- ceptionally reasonable -rates. A tull year's tuition with board, room and laundry - - For Catalogue, address " The Regtstrar." •2 168 andupwards •••••••••10 PLAIN TALK FROM THE DOCTOR A prominent physician, famous for b,ia success in the treatment of kid-• ney and bladder troubles, stated that to the following prescription is due a great deal of his success: • One ounce fluid .'tract dande- • lion ;* One ounce composud salatone ; Four ounces compound syrup sarsaparilla. Mix and take a teaspoonfnl after meals and at bedtime, drinking plenty of water. This mixture will, he ego, posi- tively cure any diseases. arising from weak, clogged or inactive kidneys, and will assist these organs to cleanse the blood of the poisonous waste matter and acids, which ii allowed to remain, cause lumbago, lame back, rheumatism and sciatica, and at the same time will restore the .knin-ys to healthy normal action,/ The itrodients, which are purely vegetable and entirely hartnless, can • pl.oenred 'ram any good druggist and mixed at home at very little cost. Th.s I viee wilt undoubtedly be otoo.v.:IA aimr.,etattel by many readers. Zeoe.144.44,444. • Canadian Hair Restorer WM restore gray hair to Its natural color. Stops falling hair causes to grow on bald Leads. Curesdeadruin itching, scalp diseases. ity its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. Contains no oily Or greasy Ingredient& Ts entirely unlike any other hear prevent* A good, reliable Canadian preparation. Mos over offered for sale. Vasolloited Testlimenhilla. ltdith At_Borkeolvilasionars'IL blit=b allkidnilint BATA and friends, greatly p smith results atter two years tieing. 1,. A. Mopes, Wilner, Montana. My bear wad whIskera Mitered to haters' &dot, dark &awn, by using Canadian Hair Restorer. - **Genre, Burgesinalle. Ont. Canadiatillide Atestoter is the best I have ever Used: Zobn O. snall,Ne w Aberdeen, Cape Anted. an Her Restorer hag worked wonder& y head nearly all covered with thick 'growth blaok hair, Original °o'er. s I 'Hold bit huWitoleafile and retail deuessivta, awed to eel' _itddrese In t civilized -World sreceiptot price. 60e. • *trammed by owe seams cc. WhiaatePalwainat*, .-.S"'it1 irtott f Ott Pg. 1. . Hoey. W. A ;Lk! .Counc",t, cruggists. 4 A Crossed Trail Dy CIARISSA flACKIt. • Comerighted, Jae% by Associated literary Preas. • rho; bascoal rede out of the corral with slack rein and drooping head. Care sitt Open his broad shoulders and dulled the genMi Hata in lila gray, eyes. Cummings, seated on the door- step of the bunk .110USe, booted de - Naively at his mate, "You look like you was goln' a -court, In', Pink," be grinned. Luscom turned a scowling brow are he slapped the rawboned Perrot with a bronzed hand, "Drop it:" he growled crustily, The .sorrel Arnett a. long, °swinging gait, arid presently horse and rider disappeared beyond a rise of ground, only to reappear In gradually diminish. Mg perspective until suddenly they vanished altogether.' "What's the matter with Pinkr asked .1aozzy Jones In constrained tones ' frons within the bunk house. "Be looks like :finable has got him good and plenty." . • •Cummings clasped his bands about his knees and ranked to and fro In nn ecstasy of delight, .* "He's going toseethe Widder Tedd." . he chuckled.. • . Jones rushed to the door with razor . In one hand and a iank cheek' lathered brow to clain. "The Widder Toder he gasped. "Why, what' he goin" to see her for". "Be dont knots -she sent for. him , this mornin'," returned Cummings mirthfully, ."1 expect Pink overreached himself t'other night at the dance. Miss • Henn% Porter, she . wouldn't look at Pink a.111 the evenin'. She was. dangln'. and girthi' with a long cheeked, gap eared jackass, end. Peer Pink he set up. ' to the Widder Todd and courtest her most particular. . the .evenin' With • one eye on Miss kelpie and you. and I reckon that he' said some -serious thing: to the •widcler—kinder absent - like." ' . "Widder Tedd wouldn't lookat Pink Luscomf" snorted jones irritably. "Seemi like sbe looked • at him con- siderable Vallee nigbt and enjoyed it sufficient to . send :for him this:,morn, . In'" drairied Cummings. Jones disappeared, and there Was the sound of vigorous and renewed scrap - log of. his leathern, cheek. Bee Onm- TM WANTON EW EttA MIIIIIS.••••••• ROZZt, *01:1 'AIN'T SORE ABOUT THE • WIODER? mings chetved the stem of his pipe.re- fleetIveSt. Presently he craned a en- rious head toward the hated& of the _house. "See here, Romeo, if there's • anything can do to help you just you sing out. Shall I' catch up a host for you?" • ' "Shut .up!" retorted Jones in ;a strain gled tone. • , "Then there white winged collars •is bad for the voice, lioziya You'Sound like you'was.:cbokin'. I reckon you'll wear that baby. blue crisscross necks tie non betight at Widder Todd's store. I hear that baby blue. is 'Miss Hen- nia's friv'rite color:" • . • There Was no response from within, and presently Jones, attired at gor- geously .as Plek 'Luse= bad been a . half hour ago, strode haughtily past the man on the doorstep and into the 'corral, where he' proceeded to catch a mount. In a trice he came tearing through the gate on if *eery littlo. black mare, his long legs dangling in 'close proximity to the burned grase. Ile, too, shot resentfel scowl to- ward the jeering man GA the doorstep, and. Med he disappeared over the rise of ground, kis dark figure silheuetted against the copper glory of the Oen- ing skya •• . • "There's ,Whider Todd itaiettin* great store by Itezzy and es mad as a wet hen at him. Se she's mislaid' tip to Pink, Who's diells about Miss Hens .lies Miss Ilennie, she's mad at Pink. and's° .she elite desperate with Reins, Who's made at the widder. And they're all mad and jealous Of one another, and if somebody don't shake 'em np there's hound to be some more Mfg - =Oa marriaget in Seven Perks.. 0 Linty!" Curonlings filled WS pipe arta lounger oeer to the took house and joined a (lode' grolia about the ,fire. Amy Jones did not leek at the eop- per glory of the Sunset With moody eyes fixed oil the welt worn tea% he noted reluctantly the diminishing miles that lay between him and the crossroads. Ilei•e, instead of purein. Ing his clisteertary 061Iree toward the town end the domictle Of the faseinat. Ina widow, be ultest tarn to the right • A MOTE HOW =CRY American women in lonely homes to -day, long for th,B blessing to come into their lives, and to be able to utter these words, but because of some organic derange- ment this happiness 73 deniedthem. Every woman interested m this subject should know that Kepara- tion for healthy maternity is accomplished by the USO of Utfinliflt PINKHIAIVI'S VEGETABLE COMPOU_ND Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, Of West Union, S. C.,writes to Mrs. Pinkham: " wa.s greatly run-down in health from a 'weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lydia E. Pinkhana'. Vegetable Compound was reconamended to ine. It .not only restored inc to perfect.health, bszt to my delight I alai mother." MrS.Iosephine Hall, of BarcLstown, Ky., writes; "1 was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help nie. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but am now &proud mother." 4: ' FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN.' For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female andhas positively cured thousands of women Who have beeu troubled with displacements,inflamniaticin, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, iperiodic pains, backache, that bear - mg -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. • Why don't you try it . , Mrs. Pinkham invites ill. sick women to write. her for advice:. She has guided thousands health. Address, LynMass. t° . . and take the tirs.§ tr:11! to Portei''in 'where Miss Helene. it waited bun and Would appear tope diminpoiated. after a1, when he.did coine . • • There had been several cant such as this One was ,destined to be, and he frankly.sconfeasea to himself aluitsallse ' Rennie •bered blin.. Now the .tviclaw: Jones swore softly and deg a spurred' heel 1nt° the little Mare's HonkTbere :waisairSonward-srusisssand'- heseame untie, tbe crossroads Witb. a scatter Of .loote. gravel and flying hoofs. • Seated' on the back of • a rawboned sorrel was Pink laiseom. His .very at- titude suggested iedeeisioir.. The tors renealead was turned toward then:tarns while 'Pink's gray .enee :gated wistfnhly up the cross:trail. whlth lcd to Porter's, His ro .n dt, pined as Jones .drew Ills. • horse to. a standstill and:glared aggret- sivelyat him., • . • • . Jones broke thesilenee at:last. "-Pease -like you'd lost the 4 -Mil"' al :sneered heading his beeet:up.the crostrails . , ,!.• phut. Winced. , •A dark red .-.,settled, 4.6w4 over hiabronzed face • "1 reekott I. cazi find it without any help. from yeti," he drawled. .. .."I. ain't seen yeti tra,ip' 'to do. IV' cried Jones taatalizingly. • • SAlebbe 1 dpe't want to The trail to Seven 114orks, ain't a bad:one'. . "You don't seem in no nem to take it!" .sinipped Jones. neseouns hand .sought hl • hi '"I reckon we might as well. ha!ve it. out noW,", be said cnl wly. , ' "I'd be elute gltidStO eblIge you!" • . Jones had'w hipped out.a weapon and wheeled hit borte about. . sI'd like .to shake •first rtony," stild LiiscOttis gravely, • heidiag out a., tag [frown paw. • ' 1.- . • jonea grasped.;..it eanerle: "We've been good friends up, to news Pink," he gold segretfully.. "Mid l'es sorry it's onine to tint,but iv.ben two fellers eross each ether's trnll, *by"-, He .pouted and looked past his rival to wardthe town. • .' Luanonis was staring at him furious- ly, and then a strange light broke over Itis good looking faee. . "I say, Itozzy, yob alt.:11.09re about the widder?" ' . Wilitt do yilti think?/' ;Janes tasted defiantly at .the other mail, "Miss Hen; ole, she's ell right. Rut she and me don't set no great store by eaChAthen Sbe says pome, and the Wid.der says go; so there ain't nothhe for ts feller • to do."• . !Ascot Was lighting a cigarette with, trembling Misers'. "There's. Only one thing tr. do., Itozay Jonee," he said sol, einnly. "just don't cross my trail, and won't cross yours, The widder, she don't treat to talk about nothin' but ilosay. while MISS tiebnie and laity lister hit It od first tate and I reckon you'll juin move aside I'll Pikealong ffp to Porter's." Jones grinned happily At they Posed one Dnother, and just as each (limp. pelted in a .cloud of dust along his own particular trail two broten Made • were waved in friendly farewell. * • . * • a When he heard the news Deck CUM* tnlngs wewed a deprecating hand. . "What else, &mid You' expect 'from' fellere what wore White Wing collare and crisscross liah$' bine neckties'?" be asked. A eon t sect hat, !men let fora, hig drain ny the. N ath IntsthOpe Counet . The mat of the 'Wink wt.' Otto' 11115,00O3 find von von n Stra r v I Ig%011,g(i 1",,610.0/11041214 saast Great footivh .1tenttcj: :roues ,,:id itroMnozostnets, narrows oyster.. ALl'ultel pet loodsizt old vents. Owe* Ise hebaftl Menu an 1 Ile, ie dear* les Svsr ragrrtgiteig..14 Igre3ne74.1 ft'? or.nihitaxesssa (Efirt4wOg traVAti nag, On rsteta ot ante. Acts nastettem iC.ivl2,sz;sisr. ;Litz, W. Maatioate % relat4 OkiN •si .Aug. 13th, 908 SHOESMADE OF SE-Aiiiitii: THE FISH IN HIS BED. London ObentlsVe Clever Invention I plumy climax to en Angting laxperls : Used For Moor Purporma. I once of General Gallifet. Tho solea ofpolicemen's boota made • Long,age. lit the deals Of the second of goats' , hair, seaweed. dust and I empire, General Oallifet was tbe akt. PM! de-eanip of Napoleon III. At St. Cloud Thia is not a recipe from "Alice in bis quarters ,were Jest over the IM- • 1 Wonderland," but the CoraPeattiou,of portal bedroom. Everything around a substitute for leather, invented oar him was very grifIld and very g1oomi.- 4'0hu campbon, a chorale., lOng ern` The wine.ow or hut r000i iooixect upon ployed in tbe rtibber trade. wbo re- „.„ ..,,, 4k.. ...,..,,,„, 4,._ w,p, , ,,,._ sides at Wood laneQShePherdai Bush. ' P°"" ''''` "' ' "ala ''''' 'Ann4 London, England, chateau, The Witter alfila clear a ourteen years sir) Mr. Campbell the eurroundIng scenery watt heautlful," began experiments with old ruaber, but the young lieutenant felt like a •hut these he diseardecl some'time age. prisoner. Early one morning, while and now he has perfected and patent- !mated at Ids window trying to thine ed a substance Which. in a fluid. pli- away tbe blues with a cigar, he espied able or hard state can be used for a t.-1 ' ,Frona seaweed, caapet clust, goats' process which is his oecret, Mr, very large variety of magma% baja. Lisa, masa. puns and a chemical strong In Oallifet, made the young tme-horoeusWb:1;rp•g:theTucerYinsetaltinctWeot;rtheimanegniotaer, man's eyes snap and eft bis heart Campbell has already made the id- , IlaWin:g_ astonishing list Of comnitxlis. The big fleh was the private property ties:. PoliceMen's boots (outer soles of the emperor. Consequently for Gal - and heels), picture frames, ortuunental Met it was forbiddensfieh. But it was mouldings (for railway carriages), par- such a nue fellow! The resistance of titions (to resemble wood), belting (for the soldier's conselence was utteless. It machinery). upholateryi, bobbins (for cotton spinning), • ,O.... ri, o switch- surrendered unconditionally. The re- maining part of tIM campaign against boards, flooring, golf balls. fountain Pens, "marble," in all cake; chess- the carp was simple enough.. GallIfet berrebs.. bookbindings and "ivory" wW wont to s trunk, brought out bis trusty „iine, to which he fastened a A reporter recently visited the lab, hook and an artificial bait. With his oratory. Which will shortly give Plaize accustomed skill he cast his line. The to a factory. and examined many of the saMples. Mr. Camnbell makes no tehaTeiwasindhooked and hauled in through window. . startling claims for his invention, and Here the lieutenant's fun ended and admits that his composite is not oval .1lls trouble began. The ' fish, landed . • to materials of. the highest quality,: but he says that in the case of loath- Open a table, overturned a large globe en for instance, it provides an excel./ tilled with water and...Premed from lent substitute in the manufacture of thatto a nsagnificent vase, which it goods which could not bear, the price also upset and nmashed to nieces linen of the best lades, • . . the floor. Then it began to execute a. "The product has been tested.by ;genuine pas de carpe among the statth- linemen and postmen. and the soles amens. . and heels are in good asondition after The emperor, hearing the strange nine monthswear," he said. racket overhead abd seeing the water "Two thousand feet of it are now in . trickling through the ceiling, was asa use as belting in machine shops, and the substance has been proved to be impervious to oils, acids or "atmos- pheric conditions. . "It is absolutely non -inflammable. tonished. tie rustled upstairs to find. out what was the matter-- Gallifet heard him corn e and .endeavored to grab the carp aiid Om* it out Of the .As it is Made of waste products, the window and thus destroy the evidence price is low, and, •being very light ill ot his Poaching in the imperial pond. "weight, it is specially suitable for Tails But the slippery thing was hard to YlaY' PlirPc)ses•hold, so he 'tossed it into a bee and "I hope it will be adopted for elec. covered it up with the bedclothes. tricot apparatus. In its hard state it is _ a good substitute for Vulcanite. end. "am theemPeref, entered the room, less than a quasaSa the pone., he noticed immediately the quivering obtain my, seaweed from Devon - bedclothes: ; He pulled them down and " shire, and the niost expensive variety uncovered the .floundering fish. • HIS for the manufacture .of marbles from niajesty's face thEillEled• an almost jtm- Japan. Itnitatien Marbles and woods, Runk expression, which. gradually Which can .be turned out in any polorfaded into a faint smile. He took in or design.are made of seaweed, moss; the entire situation, saluted and left carpet dust, gums and.chemicals.-laY- draulically pres,marble floor can be'ob- the future• war minister to .rmmeeditaate upon the .my v;sasea or a nett e.8 beautiful tained by pouring the composite in a luck.. fluid state over a flair and elbowing • i' :- it to set. Thesee;weed, which can be The WrongBird. colored Or made to forni any design. One of the well known magicians not only: gives the effect of the veining. not along ago had a 'queerexperience, shown in .real marble,. but the color but the People in the theater had more and veins go.:, right, 'though the ma- fun out of It tbsn he did. One of .his. tenet. . tricks was to .shake a sack. to. show "Any kind of wood eau be linnaleU. that It was 'enipty and then to draw and. In its Pliable di.40 the Enibstauee. out Of it an egg, after which he would , can be used in the same manner as always reach in .agaia. and bring out the hen that laid the egg. Of course 7.7 -he bad to have belp irr.-this,„ and on Death In the TelephOne. night he had ft new man .Who „dia Accordinga repo y a everythbig just as he had been told officer from Weatminster to The Lan- --,---eeti-natartliag_iesult_lias been attain- Until it 'entno to this act. Reaching ed from a test to •discover s whether 1113 -7 -drew forth the fowl ' tuberculosis germs exist in telephone at the usual time, but instead or the mouth 'pieces. • • • • hen an old .rooSter'hOpped down on to One of the post office public tele- the stage. ruffled Its feathers: and phones on the .central exchange was strutted, around, crowing with. ail its wiped around with a swab to rernove . might, 'while. the aiedien.ce laughed • any existing gereoe in the mouthpiece. and the magleitui went out to rhimt his and the centepts •of the swab nsed to new heii)e inoculate two guinea pigs. One guinea r' -f-0 on QP OM. pewee twenty -t tee days after inoculation. and a post. -mortem exam- Had xpertenctu, ination showed pronounced signs of Not long age there entered the office Aubercelosis... The second guinea Pig of the. superintendent of a trolley line Was killed twenty-Beven. days after In Detroit an angry eltiten .demanding ' inoculation and Showed: similar signs lattice In no uncertain terms. of infection, thus proving that the In response to the renders gentle in - Aillt &RI -4) 11.10-trh arRiltrig ti be li.f.d ged. IS trod'. Linititestniltes Colds ofe deadly germs. of tuberculosis .can be (Miry touching the dense of the demand trarismittecl by the public telephone . the angry' atizen explained that on the as at -present ni _general 'use • . Ixording It is added that.thhia pro,. veisleicgtnelia- ouium.4' oPfl'ethi;mcow"mupban7'sW.cl.Larse twas he conducter • sive y that all fl public or private use, need to be per- . thereof bail stopped on his spouse's iodically disinfected-, as is the. case on dress, tearing from it. more than a Yard ' the London 'Stock Exchange, where Material. • • :. . • the fifty telephones 'are sprayed daily "I can't see that we are to blame for : with a diainfectant under all agree- ' that," protested the superintendent. inept with the general pOstoftice. • 1 "What do etPect:OS to do -get her; . a new dress?! ' Lion Eats a Porcupine. "No, sial do not," rejelned the angry The question has just arisen among citizen, brandishing a piece of cloth. Rhodesian hunters %whether lion° "Wait I propose is that you people make it a habit to eat porcupines, and shall. match this material." if they do does it often happen that the victim, in his death agony, leaves . tives of Holland, shot an antelope. recent addition. to the family. The five.;eWar_ohylh'Isnodneewad? s eeking his his fatal darts in the throat of his destroyer? It seems that recently two • well lmown Rhodesian .hunters, no,- filther some severe questions about a Returning to the spot an hour later "That baby likes ma," • said the the carcass Was nowhere in eight. youngster sharply. . . Tho animal, it was teen, had been "Oh, yes, he likes your ma," said his draggedaway, father, "but he likes me too." , that a liou was not the thief. How- Thereupon' the five. ear -old from I ever, a lion was found to be the cul- -. . . Y - whom great things were expected ex- + prit. for the hatters discovered the _, , _., - j animal with the booty . in his mouth.' viTrueu: Likes you? Then why does he dry ' The men shot the lion, which was in when he looks at your . an eznaeiated condition. A pest -Mortem exanunataon was held, and itawati found that several porcupine quills were stuck in the lion's throat in such a manner as to nrevent jito passage nf .food. No Disease is so Quietand Stealthy in. its Approach as Kidney Disease hat is -*hi it 18 50 dangerous. it they •• become deep -mated before you r,ealir.e the danger. It Is therefore of Vent importeneo to recognize the early warning lytaphtmat pain or dull ache in the back, bladder pains, 'matting sensation when urinating, frequent or surpressed urination, sediment in'the urine, eta, breams° in 'Utterly stage kidney disease 18 amain cured by Doales lIthitsv Pula • Ma. Elgin I3riseboia, Vernon, Ont., writem-I was troubled a great deal with kidney trouble. 1 had to get up four or live times every night, my urine oonteined it thick brick -dust sediment, I had s pain in the knoll .of my back, and ootdd not Illeop at night, , oonimenced asing Dossiat Kidney Pills and lna Very short time Venus eight agate. 'I ton eery thankful to have found *cure so speedy in its action. . beaniii"IthineY rills are dao. per hot or 3 htetee for $1.25, at tel dealers, or mailed dimet on motet of Wit° by The Nei Kidney rill Co.,. Toronto. Ont. • 'Necessity the Mother. "Who got up those haeging gardens of Babylon?, •. "Some king." ."For what purpose?" "I jtidge he wanted to outwit the neighbors chickens." • • Always Tired, Political Candidate -Which way de the farm hands lean around here? Partner ityetop-Well, striseger, around Okaying and planting time you will see theta leaning against the barn Or fence every time your: back is turned.' EXpensivi. "I ohotild never have thought that studying would have cost so much money:* •"Yes,fathets and tr you only kneW how little I have studiede'e4tidge.. Everything unknown is taken for magniticentreek Proverb. Wolin the teapot Pet In it heaping teaepoonful of "Salads, Tea for every two rum. l'our' ovi freshly* boiled wat- er and allow to Infuse front 0 to 8 min- utes. Pour the licntoe olf the leaves and Let cool. "Aalarie" Tea teed is a most ae felons and refreshing beverage. A., Smell pit co of lemon will Add to Its,' ito or. MINIM 11.1eitileat Mitts Illehlkernt • Was A Total Wreck Prom &art More In inch eases the action 01 MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS In aeletIng,tbe heart,. ItOtaillg lta nOr• mal beat and imputing tone to the nerve Centres, is. beyond all question, marvel. kais. Mr. Darius Carr, Gem?, N.B., writes "It is with the greatest 0( pleasure I write you a few lines to let yen know tila great blessing your Minimal Heart and Nerve Pills ha,ve been to me. I was total wreck from heart faiture,and my wife acivieed me to take your After using two boxes I was restored to perfect health.' I ain GSM 62 years old and feel almost as well as I did at 20," Price BO cents per box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct by The T. Milburn 4o., Limited, Toronto, Ont. The Fall Fairs VII,1111,11,6••••••• • Aug. 29 -Sept 14 Toronto, Sept. 11-19 Blyth. ' Wingham......., Sept. 29-30 .... • • l o • • • • :eePP: 24297' 3025 DriPulsesTels o Oct. I. 2 FOrdwich • Oct..3 Dtingannon Oct. 7 - ASO YEARS,' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKO DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS dm. Anyone sending a alletchand description may ilineklY ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patantable, ommnnica. Zone strict] conocentiaL HANDBeas on Patents gent free. Oldest agency for securing_patents. .Patents taken through Co: receive special notice, without charge, In the SCIentifie A harldsomeiy 'Reunited weeklA Largest eir. etdation of any Scientific journal: Terms for Canada. 0.76 a year,postage.psepate. Sold by au mewsdealers. • MUNN &CkseleroadivaY,New Ytrk Sranch,Ofticie..OMP F 'Wash! . • IDES WANTED • .Cash Paid for 'Hides, ...Skins -aid Tallow. • TI10; Very Pcst vitzsimmons Materials, combined:With skill make al, mon !cmiNtinvi,oaoxitladeiivemesroatnnaedsycPeryytryoruutrellevecirsantzos ) fuel THE 11011110 or Tux Ci111411011SIIICSS. CONA,44,,, • CHATHAM', ONTARIO. Vanailas Oreatest Scheel of Business stamils Is a clam by itself. Fall Term Opens September. let 0100 tiVig,argi aggilluttendlni Chat. a2 of tbe large ewes, berldoe aatlimiaZutrain aovrts Mg la Oanada'S OBFATEST Buolasia Railways bring our lenvlistatice etudents, and take them home again. /or half fare. Winie WO MAIM *farther allowance up to CLOD on travelling espouses. . PAYS To GO TO Irk BEST iide students platted last year. Our splendid cataloguetellaall about this great school, and its grand work at Chatham. It' you cannot come to Chatham, we oat* teaoh you Shorthand, Rook-keephla and Penmanship at your home. Catalogue tells about home °ogress. Write for the one you want, addressing D, Holmium* Co,, CHATHAM ONT. Worth its weight in gold to Your boy or girl. Get one. It has been largely instrumental in building ao this splendid aohool, and is now in 60 -page • b=1; term, arranged for home study. Send 30e /or a copy, addressing as above, and mentioning • this roomer. . P,AINTING AND TRIMMING. We OS.n pain# your .honse or paint :and trim youT7-buggy,r iiiilelgioitsui•ipeavkeery Iry 333roOrdsUe V. fro0A ,rizd e - our choice line of Confectionery also fruiterpf alt kinds in season and at low- • • CaSh or trade for Butter andEgge. and make .themlook like; VV NIMENS • Phone 212 ' 11_Work:gmaxanteed, and our prices are right. ASe OVERBURY:. Leslie's Carriage Shop, Clinton • • Our Photos are the most life- like and artistic that can be made, and the. prices are rea- sonable for this class of work • J. ROBERTS. Photo Artist Clinton C CD A.2.1 -Before placing your orders for • yaur season's supply of Coal, get , our prices. The very best goods carried in stook and sold at the =loweit possible'price, Orders may he left at Davis • at Rowland's Hardware store, or with ' W. J. • Stevenson, at Eleatile Ligtit Plant. ynonninno.. Something New: Now is the time to place your order for a NEW' 'WIRE PENCE before*the edvance n wire. All (foiled Spring Wire used. Also agent for the -Celebrated Heintztnan Piano ' , Prank W. Evans Agent Canadian Fence be, icsorisiErgegignigEgSZMIMININaa. • It. Fitzsimons & Son. • We are still in the But- chering business, and are In a position to fill , all or- *dem for seasonable inetats, intrusted tc cu.. ca.re ' . • Our new business stand. is In the Combe Block, 1 , R. rittidoums . tiStt : Mit 16 ' Clinton siossatsiosot omit No smomaiwo awl We:. Wai.it to .Land your first 'order, because we know that the satisfaction you Will derive from that will open your eyes tothe fact that you cannot do better anywhere etse that you ean with us. You will find that we are not "all at sea" in our business, hut thoroughly. 'ups to - the minute" and watchful nf the interests of our customers, knowing that, by se &elle, we are.realie actieg for our MR ultimate benefit. Q. A. DOWNS, Merchant Tailor, - Clinton, .m.tiephy :otos. Stiodeavoesito Colsiough Brea. • BUTCI-IRS _— Having bought out this Madness we soda's a share of petronake, atsnring the public we will do our best to supply ,their ranks at reasor able pries. MURPHY 'BROS. Briolt BMA, ()lichen Seeley dc.. West. BLACKSMITHS AND • MACHINE REPAiRERS Subscribers having formed:A, pansies» hip, a,re carryingon bosineskinSeeley's Id stand, Rattnnbury Sts• whet hey are prepaied to give prompt per - anal attention to anything 'lithely lit e• Satialradion Guaranteed. Seeley et West acksthiths. Clinont New Livery Having purchased the livery build - 'lug formerly occupied by Warrener liourtofist, loilifts4voe apt:lairs! slunrattioecsk, av•vnaelswo gonettes, kittbSo 9orseo. Ate, and on now prepared to meet the mutts uh tile public for funerals or any other pueense, and solielt,..a share of your trade. • Thos. Cook. Is. in the NEw EttA pay