HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-08-13, Page 2• • The New..E.ra I published every Thursday at thOinw BRAZ Printing 10440 MAW , . 0. CLINTON.. Terme of eub8cription-41. per year in advance; 81.00 may be charged if hot. so paid. NO paper diseentiloted until all arrears are • .eitle unless at the option of the pubile .er, --rhe date to • -W4110.h. every litibeeriptien is paid is de- -OW on the label, • Advertising ratereetTrantdentadvere sementen lit centre per- notiparel, line, Or litet. insertion And 3 petite per • line : or 'melt subsequent inefertioth SSP all difertieemente not to exceed one molt uch am "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," to, ineerted once for 35 Centre, or one. reonthfor$LOomraunicationsintended, tor publication must, as a, guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the Same of the writer. To insure publication in °invent N iue copy.of advertmementershoula be seat in early. Contract rates',- The tollowingtable ..hows our rates for epecified periods and space. 1 err. Onto. - 8mo. lma I Column $75 00 -$40 00- .$25 00 $10. 00. a Column 40 00 8500 15 00 6.00 *Column 25 00 15 00 800 300 a Column 1800 • 10 00 ' 550 2, 00 • I Inch 600 3.50 200 100 . ROST, HOLMES • Railway Tinto Table Changes. CLINTON/STATION Going West Going East. 111.07 a.m 1.25 p m 7 35 a.ra 6.40 p.na 3.07 p.m 11.28 p.m 5.20 p. Going North - Going South 11.04 a.rn 7.29 a.na 6.40 pan 4.18 p.m CLINTON NEW ERA ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1908 What Sound Polley Does Twelve years oflower taxation since the Liberals cat-ge into power have transfcrmed Canada from a depressed stagnant, struggling colony into a great flourishing prosperous nati on, strong and vigorous to carve out a glorious future. The purchasing power of the country' is several times greater to -day t lian it was in 1896, which means that the people are richer to thatettent. Every dollarof merchandise brought intd the country adds to the wealth of :the country. It is a well-knovi n principle Of political economy, that it is what a country buys and acquires and not what it sells, and parts with tthatis I the measure of its wealth, afothing comes into the country that does not increase in value and yield a profit, if this were not so there would be no imports: A -NATI:iffy- of large imports is virile, progressive and substantial a country which gives everything and acquires nothing is not on la sound or • lasting commercial basis, Electors Think This Over Will any sane mart, who can forget party for a moment and think of ceuntry first, reflect on the respective records of the two parties,' the Con- servative and the Liberal? He must quickly perceive that after eighteen years of office the Conservatives left the country about as they found it, save and except a huge burden of public debt, which they bequeathed as a legacy to their Liberal successors. It is true that attempts have been made to fasten some disreput able scan dale upon the present Government, but it is a remarkable fact that hay- ing been in office twelve years. and handled up to a millions a year both in and out,'and the whole nf the pub- lic domain, that nothing tangible has been proved against the Govern- ment. It cannot be denied because it is tee obvious. that the Conservative party ie not united upon any given policy which commends iteelf to the people, It must be acknowledged that the Coneervative party cannot safe.y be given the reins of power, in view of past history, and the additional fact, that they have nothing to offer equal 'to what the people would surrender. if Sir Wilfrid Laurier were removed from office. In view of these considerations it would be better to let well enough . alone, and not hinder the country in its steady progress towards larger growth and the greater individual prosperity of our people. 11 During a storm lightning killed • a fine Shorthorn heifer calf belonging to Wilbert Eddy, Colborne village, al: eo eight head of choice selected cows • and heifers, three beng tborobred Durhams, belonging to N't direr Whiter at Wicklow. • Worth Thiohlolog Over Vfhen the min Alines anti the streets become dotty,. you wish it would rain; when it mine and the streets beeetue muddy,you wish the bun would alive. After you are married you wish you was single, and if you get a new dress you wish you had A neer hat to match It; if it is a hoy you wish it was a girl, and if it is a girl you wish it was a boy -was human nature ever satis- fied?Guess not, and glad ot it, .for then there wculd be netting to "kick" about. Does Not Cdor Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, does not stain or color the hair even to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, blonde hair. is not made a shade darker. But It certainly does'stop falling hair, No question about that. , beet aid &Inge the color of die hair. iterridde• With Sash bottle • p ititoledis to: "etre yerS Sato Min Alai it, then alas het Says Indeed, we believe will atop ova:Tema if felling hair unless there' is itiMo very unusual•COMPlidatititif something wetly tireotiegthe general health. Than you should coastntyour phyalehut. Also itek him Sheet the be* Aystoi It vigor. ml••••••••••!, • Running a newspaper is just like running a hetet, only different. When a wan goes into a hoteland finds something on the table which does not suit him, he does not raise 'lades with the landlord and tell him to atop his hotel, Well hardly. He sets that dish to one aide and wades into tbe many cashes that suet him. It us Ma, erent with some newspaper readers. They find an article occasionally , that does not suit them exactly and with out stopping to think it may please hundreds of *her readers; Make a rand stand play, and tell the editor ow a paper should be run and what should be put into it, Seqhneople are becoming fewer every year; • 1.,••••••••.... • 'VIE OL .N NW.1CRA ititperial Cleography ' News Notes • Elaborate System To Be Introduced TheImperial movement, started some years agotbv representatives of the • Colonial and Indian Office to introduce Into the Schools of the etapire4atsystem of elaborately illustrated geography lessons dealing with vedette parts of hisMajesty's dominions, bee now reach- ed Canada. The committee which was formed, with Lord Meath as Chairman and which has the active support of the Colonial Office authorities, chose two yeare ago Mr. A. Hugh Fisher, a distinguished London artist, to take charge of the preparation of an elabor- ate series of lantern slideaphotogranhs etc illustrative of the geographical, social and commercial features of all the component parte of the empire. These are to be published under the sup, gervision of the central committee, of which Mr II. J. Maggincler, a promin- ent 13ritish 'educationist, is Chairman, and sold at the bare costof reproduc- tion to the schools of the empire. Mr. Fisber, after spending a year inIe- dia, where he has prepared 'a splendid collection of color sketches, 'photo, graphs, etc., has now come to Canada to continue work During the past week he has been in the capital consult ing with Mr afacKinder, who is now on a visit to Canada. the plan of cam- paign for the preparation of a mnst comprehensive series of Canadian plc, tures has been mapped out, and tfr. Fisher is now goinesto the west to por, tray for the benefit of the schoolchild- ren of the British Isleei and other parts of the empire a graphic series ef geog. raphy lessons on the resources, 'physi- cal features end general characteristics of the "granary of the empire." In the autumn -he will return east and con- tinue his sketches in eastetn Vattada Lantern slides • and accompanying lectures descriptive of the mother country will soon be published for disttibution aroong the schools of Canada •and the other colonies. A fund of $20,000 has been raised t private subscription, headed by the Princess of, Wales, to cover tbe pre- liminary cost of publication. The Cigarette Smoker Elbert Hubbard isn't the best au- thority in the world on allanbjects,but he is uomiestionally correct in pro- nouncing against the use of cigarettes, especially by ; the young. In a late number of the Phillistine he says; "As a close observer and employer of lahor for over twenty-five years, I give you this: Never advance the pay of a cig- arette smoker, never trust him to carry a roil to Garcia, unless you do not care for Garcia and are wilting to lose the roll. Cigarette smoking be- gins with an effort totate eiciart. It soon becomes a pleasure, and serves to bridge over a moment of nervous- ness or embarassment. Next it be. comes a necessity of life,a fixed habit. This last stage 'soon revolves into a third condition, a stage of fever and unrestfue wandering mind,accorepan- ied by loss of Moral and mental con- trol." Inevitably cigarette smoking impairs heath, lessens usefellness and jeopardizes happiness, and an without compensation worthy Of the name. All snookers ere not affected to the same degree, but there is none who would net be better off without the habit, •• " • • • Mrs. R. Melancout, who is supposed to be the oldest passenger who was - ever carried by the Grand Trunk,pass- ed through Montreal this week. She is 104 years of age, and was travelling fretd • Dalhousie to Hull unattended. Her husband died fifty years ago • DO' YOU El • Really Slow eating and regular meals is of great benefit to a -Wrong acting stom- ach. Those who suffer with indigest- ion and weak stomach can with care and the use of Mi -one. stomach tab- Jetsxestoreethe_digestioneeto almalth-y condition, so that they can eat.what they want at any time without fear of distress ar suffering, , Aftera few day's use of Mi-o-na, Stomach tablets, the headaches, dizey feelings, drowsinees, bad taste in the mouth,coated tongue, flatulence.sleep- lessness, distress aftereating a I these symptoms of a weak stein -Etch -will disappear, and 'good health will be reetoredW S Ii..Holmes has so Much cc to fidence in the power of Mi Q -Pit to cure . . indigestion that he guarantees teethe faction or money back. Price 50 cents. TheMinister of Justice has goitetto Vienge, 'coosult 'a famous aurist, Canacliens of all elasses hope that his malady will be cured or abated. Mr. Ayiesvvorth entered publiclife at great personal sacrifice, and the Liberals of Ontario, in particular, owe a debt of gratitede.. . .; Nominations took piece in &mktg. chewati Friday.. They like their poli- tics served Warm in the west. For iri- staoce, Premier Scott seys of the Ceti- servative candidate in Regina: "I make the 'absolute charge that Mr: Laird was a -grafter when he was in the council. Let him take me to court, I will prove the charge. - • The Mail anclEntipire is 'drying out to know why the tanning industry is fay - erred above the woollen inclattry„, and •more than hints that it is because Charles Hyman is interested in leather Let us see, The highest duty levied on the products in whichMallyman is in- terested is 17 1-2 per refit. The lowest duty levied' on Woollens leaves a pro- teetion averaging 80 per cent., even at - ter deducting the allottance /or the British preference. The Mail and Em- pire haye to try again. Is there no argewent that it can present to bolster up its eerie without Violating the facts? The .vigorous complaints that the lipor license laws were Woe openly violated in Kingston have been subs, tetatiated in the conviction of nineteen hotelmen and two stearn-bnat comp- . anies, the hotelmen of selling in pro- hibited hours,thesteamboatcompanies for selling without Menses. The en- tire company admitted guilt without any evidence being submitted. One hotelman, W F Telfer of the 13ritish American betel, denied the charges and defended filmset He positively asseerted himself that he had Hever violated the law since assuming the hotel, Iset the spotters, Simmer Of Ottawa and Partridge of Toronto, testified to getting liquor in the hotel bar after hours, and a conviction fol. lowed, The Magietrate gathered itt 61,515. Ten hotelmen Were lined $50 staeh; nine aecused of two oftencesant only one rosecuted had to Pay 675 each, It 'biter who will appeal was ilitel $50 on each charge. The steamboat owners put up $15 for each boat, the proeetution agreeing not to lodge a. Second eherge. Ibis money Is paid in lieu of a licerrsed fee.which the Province will not lime to a ship. The 'wholesale conviction of the hotel. men has suggested the inaction of the license inspettor, and It lit likely that the attentbn of the Government will he called co the ewe of affairs here, in The. Schoen+ MINARD'S LINIMENT CO:. LTD, Gentlemen -In June, '98, I had my hand and wrist bitten and badly man- gled by a vicious horse I Buffet ed greaelt, for several days and the tooth cuts refused to heal .nntil your agent gave me a bottle of MlNARD LINI MENT, which I began using. The ef- ttle short of five had. ceased' and in two weeks •the ph in iceived a sum -very 11 feet was magicalan.five hours the thousand dollars, , wounds had completely healed and my License Inspect:r /3 heel!, Hamilton, hand and oath were as well as ever. caused a sensation in hotel. circles to Yours trill, day by laying information against • A. E ROY, twenty hotel proprietorsifor infractions Carriage Maker of the liquor law, . •• • St. Antoine, p. Q. • . The Church of England .Temperance • • Society asked an opinion on the drink question from some colonial bisbops Aug, 13th. *008 Lord iioberts wiled from Quebec on Frldaai Oborol, Seek., 'suffered a $80,000 lider3leacia°w7illegglleugMheiFtgla.n rof • Delhi' fe11 D Wigle is the Conservative candle. date for South Esser. Frank 'Wakefield, a Vancouver real estate broker. shot himself. Driven crazy by the heat, to .men committed suicide at Brooklyn. The King has sent a message of, sem, pathy with the Fernie sufferers, A fire in gentucky .-the other day, destroyed 47,000 barrels of whiskey. H Ridout, ex.manager of theBank o HaMilton at Port Eliot; committed, suicide. Edward Moselea, aged 18, of Melton, N. S tosickened and died as the result ot a, Spree. „ Hon. L. Ja Brodeur will retire from theLaurier cabinet to go on the bench, is again rumored. E. Luck, of Despronto, has been ap. pointed _ptinoipal • of Queen Victoria SchOoli ()Wen Novetan, While sleeping on a w arf at Halifax, fell Leto the water and Wes drowned: A twoeyear-old cow moose fell Mc- hausted in a grave yard in Moncton, utter being chased. Joseph E. Gould, of Uxbridge, the' originatorof the rouncl silo, and the al- ligator boat, is dead, The July output froth the collieries of the Nova Scotia Steel and CcialComt pany, was 59,318 tons: The estimate of Provincial receipts from succession duties for this year has already been exceeded by $189,000. James Bell, an emoloyee of the Port Colborne Cement Comp.atty,committsd suicide by severing his jugular vein. The Ontario Government has appoin- ted Mr. J. N Hare, an agricultural ex - peat. to assist the fermers of Ontario °aunty. TheOntario Government has decided to enter in a 'reciprocal arrangement with theGovernment of Saskatchewan with regard to the collection of suedes sion duties. • John Shnington, a local cattleman, sold to James Ross, of Tilbuty, sixty head of export cattle, for which he re. UL The harvest has commenced in teitding the Pan Anglican Congrees. such widele separat ed points as The ' Australian bishops think the lie= Hartriey, Yorkten and Moose Jaw ensinct system defective and there is from which come reports of binders touch to learn in the Commonwealth among the wheat, with the an. from an unfavorable comparison with nouncement that it will be • -. next week. neral the Dominion. The Can,aci.ian bishops point out that the drink bill of Canada is only onequarter per head of what it is in reat Britain: • Fish with WhiteFifislies.h are more east... The Baal of Dudley Naha has been ely digested then_ogkattakreddish.liesh. tthe_guestarf.hisEircellency-ateGovern-- • nient House since his arrival inOctawa. on Wednesday meter ink,: left Thursday ' Cannel Coal. en route teAustralia totake up his new Cannel geed was once used as a .suba duties as _Govetnet-Genetal of theCont' stitute for candles because It can be monwea)th. The Ertel saw a wonder: 'cut into blocks or stripei and burns ful change in Canada since his last vise with a clear yellow flame. Its real it here,the rapidity et its development being marvellous. The enterprise and nettle Is candle coal. resource of the people and their con- tentment and prosperity particularly impressed him. . . Ledy Violet Elliott, 'daughter of Lent Mintoe note visiting at. Govern- ment -House, OttIvra..iave a unique demonstration of her ability to take a useful place on the farm. „While visit- ing a dairy farm at Deschenes Thurs., day with a Onvernment House party, lioreft0 COnYeatt Ontario (Contributed/ , • Loretto, for thy peaceful shades My heart With longinge burning, As the dove that tome no resting P • Unto the Ark returning. Loretto, on thy distant tOwers The shade of evening Utile, The Gahm and peace of heaven dwells Within thy quiet halls. • But here, oh here, disquietude , Our every thouglik controls: ' The heertiess, bellow world surge round ., And ocares our every soul°. r deemed:the world all beautiful, A etranger to its gullet To find there'sgall in every coin Deceit in every smile- . ' To find the promised, joys of life A breath won the gut 'To gather roses for the breast' 4nd find but thorns there. Who sip the ruby wine of life • A poisoned nectur sips Or reach with anxious grasp for fruit. h That's ashes on the lips, That fades or fails tar vanishes, IEach pleasure that we prima. Whilst thefancied mirage ofhappiiiess Forever onward flies. The Violin. . The violin . lenientioned tie' early, as the beginning of. the tairteenth cen- ' Passion Flower Fruit. Few people probably are aware that there is a variety of the passion flower which bears a luscious fruit about the Earl Grey jokingly remax•ked to ber, size and color of a purple plum, The II wonder if you can milk a cow?" botanical name of the variety is. Pastan eld. tTlihre° IncoPwtj Yms hi re milked, the int hi al kt '• •put through the cooling process and, she cYOVu • flora edulls. then bottled by the daughter ofinditi's victory. Westward the 'star of politics • William Lawson, of Hamilton,. who . •• Soori takes its hurried way, Liberals of tampering with the ballots . Much nearer every day. ... 1 was arrested in lune on a charge by And I:lenver and Chicago get ' • in the Provincial election, and who is k i ' . • The Sisters of • Charity. • It Is generally understood that 'the order of the Sisters of Clarity originan ad with. Constance. daughter of Bele- na,t-the mother of 'Constantine, Who. Adieul deceitful, hollow • world, I've found out how false thou art, Thy husks for swine were never meant To satnfy the heart. Mrs I Leppin Earn* tor sale' PROPES iONAL . i`"If ••••••••••ft Z1 . F Or wile that firma 17A sem, being " lots q8-84, 1st con., Soderich township, Good frame boom, frame barn, stables, • drive house, goon spring creek, 10 scree ot orchard. ell °leered but "boot 25 sores and • in good site of cultivation, Soil rieh elay loam' Reaeoettble terlas MAIO radios- er, Apply to C.J. Wallis, Clinton, Ont. Farm lor Sale. Proprietor offerer for mile his farm on the Maitland Oen, Goderich Township, Lots 77 and 78, situated 1 1-2 miles trom *Maga 02 Holtneaville, church and school, The farm ocortains ass sores of choice lanl, a good frame house and bank barn, 5 acres of orgherd and '30 acres of good maple braaland, The farm is traversed by a run- ning brook. This farm will be (sold in 'a block or in parts. Apply to ALEX BAC OUR, Holroesville. Choice Property For mile The undersigned offers for stile hie choice garden property of three sores situated in • Gorden, Survey, Clinton. There is it oom- fortable hones with ;twee cellar, on the piece, with litigate, hard and mit weier, all kinds of fruit trees and in good state et cultivation., will be sold with entire outfit, on reasonable term, • H. JOYNER. Iltrise Or Stet ......_ — On Maple St. one half sore of ground, good fruit trees and other . emell fruit. honse,in geoa condition. Apply to W. W. NIMENS. House for Sale. How's This? A comfortable frame house .on st., • containing 8 bedrooms sitting room, pan - We otfer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yearge and believe bitn perfectly honorable. an all business transactions and financially able to oirry out obligations made by. his firm. WALDING, SINNAN & Maavne Whc lesale Druggists, Toledo,0 Hall's Catarrh Our is taken intern- ally,acting directly upon the Wood and raucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75c per bottle Sold by .Ii Druggists. • Take Hall's Fag ily Pills for consti- pation. Complaint is made that the farrners are ceasing to raise hogs. In 19;.6 the number or , hogs in the Province was reported at 1,974,183, against 21049,666 the year before. An attempt is neade in some quarters to inake.it appear that pork is too low in price, and that • Government ahoull make it artfficialltr dearer by tariff. The householders who buy pork chops • will perhaps re- gard the present prices as tolerably high. If the farmer does not get a' high enough price for his hogs, the householder, at least, thinks the chops are dear enough, The fact seems to be that the pewee of feeding materials are unusually- high, hence, even with fair prices for , there 'is little _money in the tinstneeseeeteliamilton Ti zees. • A Military Recerd. Probably the world's record for con- , tinuone service as a soldier is held by •a ,Russian noncommissioned ofacer. named Bodnikoff, 128 years old. He entered the army in 1797. at the age of 15,., as a private in, the hussar life • guards and served as a soldier for . more than eigbty years. He foidght in nlany Waie, inelecling the campaign Of 181n, won all four classes of the M. Georgeat . order for valor, besides • about forty other crosses and medals, and now receives an annual pension, of $60. He is still 'hale and hearty. He• was 'married ninety yeah ago and tied • a son and two daughters. The cion- Was killed in the Russo-Turkish Getting Nearer. Diana See It. Bacon -Did you seethat yeti. 'friend •had lost his positicin?: . Egbert-No, i didn't know it, and. read the fire record wee- Yonkers Statesman.. • _ The Ancient Wheeze, Cholly=Er.Miss. Dolly„ 1 teed to think= Dolly-Indeedl And Why end you fidt'e it uti7-Cleve1and Leader. •• a devoted to works of kindness, was at- 1 awaiting trial on that -charge. was ate tended by a band of Roman Maidens tested on a charge of tearine. $10 from whom she had animated with the epirit. his son. At the police court this morn- : such was the beginning dt tee Sisters ine the case was dropped,but Lawson'e wife charged him with threatening Of Charity. and intimidating her. She claimed. . hat her husbahd continually assualted Ebony. •er, that he would not work, that she Ebony was esteemed. as an articie.of add too,'havenbls biine',clo5nthetihee, aniadett5havtealtreo luxury, by tbe.ancients. In India it was had n The magistrate told the ex -deputy re- employed by kings for scepters and ,turning officer. that there was no than images and, as it was supposed -to an- nul tae power of poisons, .was often made into deleting cups. , Pompeii. • Pompeii remained it heap of itarden, ed mud and ashes from A. D. 79 to the year 1592, when the architect Fontana, • In cutting an aqueduct, came iipou some ancient buildings. If was not, however. until 1748, over a century and a half 'after Pontana's discovery. that the "finds" were recognized as be- ing a -part of Pompeii. • Treatiee. The first tonnal and written treaty made irk England with any•Yoreign na, tion tvati entered into at Kingston be- tween Henry III. and the danphha of Franco on Sept. 11, 1217, A Seaside Musing. The stars whose fires We nightly scan, The Wavest with rhythmic MOW.. Why shOuld they all work for the,M*11 Who nine the big hotel? -Washington Stare • As to a Friend. • "ROW ithatit him? li he etattight?" • • '41'044, heai Straight, but he &esti, bend over hackward.".-St. rant Pl. neer Press. Celtic) Philosophy. "No man is honest to a taulttte acted ,tett, "teem be taboret - 'The fault Is Jist "Wrin Of his own Au' not Wan of lite tteighbOrit." --Prilladelphia. Press, Pie Wanted .tet Know. Mr. •Ctillipew (didactica1lsn-Hunge4 My eon, is the best Settee. 'Little Claretritea-elters, sir. But herr de they *mad it on anythitig2-POOk, - Another, itemiese Itabg doth the great than Mutt t Minh) With Urinal in Hamiltonwho showed up,so unfav- orably in respecttto his dealings with his family as he did, and bound .him over in the slim of $100 to keep the •aeace. • . • The Attorney -General's ' department is investigating a Peterboro' case in which Mr 11 T Elliott, confectioner of that town, has laid a complaint before the department. The case, in brief, is as foil:ewe James Armstreng.a. Peter - bore' bey who was arrested in Toronto on a charge preferred by Mr. Elliott 'of stealing about SRA when taken toPet. erboro`pleaded guilty. Hthad$82,51 in his possession when arrested. Mag- istrate D W Dumble,before whom the case cam P in Peterborot eatimilted the emits at $23,including $16 court expen- ses, i he balance being the expenses of the constable to Toronto in connection with the arrest. The Magistrate hand- ed Mr Elliott $59.51, but the latter Claimed that he shouldhave been given the $82.51 which had been recovered. He claimed that none of the costs should come out of his money, hence his appeal to the Attorney-Generars depaetreent. It is expected that the matter will be reported upon In a feW dig% • Ottawa gave an enthusiastic fare- well to Lord Roberta when the Pieta Marshall lett by SOfteial train for Montreal and Quebec to sail from the latter city fc r bent° an tlieErnpresS Of Britain. By special request of Mayer Scott Lord Roberts drove to the amt. ion by a circuitous route, so AS to give the Citizens Of the capital a chance tO itee and elmer him. Sparks and Well- ington streets were lined with thous. andil. who cheered enthusittstleaily as Lord Iteherts. accompanied by bis daughter. Lady Eileen, and his sears, tary. HOB Copt Downey, rode Woody past in an automobile. Three bands were out and af the Central Station and his Lordship posed through an linutenslye crowd of huzzaing , people to his private car, The Yield Marshall vravedart adieu to the throng ao the train pulled Mit, and carried away with blin &faIr seitiple of the warm reds thin *blob would haere gre.t.d Ini n sv Oansdimi elf ad, he illivaird,s Liniment Cures Garnet in COws .....nalemessameam, .411stwisroairojeasnmvisi Blatksmiih Shop and Raise for So. or Rent. The undereiened offers for sale or to to rent, a Blacksmith Shop and outfit of too s, oing a good In.einess sear Pine River. Alto comfortable house and belt. acre of land. Owner's otly reason for selling is thee he *ante to retire from business. FRED. G, LOFFT. • Pine River. •• A Good Position Open. The Equitable 'Life Assurenoe Society of the United Suttee will be pleased to reedy° applications for ha genera agency for Clinton and vicinity. To the eight men, twee without life assurance exper. lebee, bat oan ihow e good past business wed, an attractive income contract will be made Addrese cOolidentially, if de - aired, C. T. GILLESPIE, Mgr. Eqeit. able ithe, 24 King at, "West, Toronto, , Applirations• lor Town TreasurerShip • Appliceititane addreseed to tbe udder - signed. and Marked "App•ication for Office" will be received by tbe Corpore. non of the Town of Clinton tip t� 6 ottlook pet., on PrileV. Atiptist leth, for the poeition of town Treeiteret, Donee to commence Setr. let next. Information at to Salary, bond requited, etc, may be obteleed et the Clerk's tiller. D. L. olectlititsos, Town Clerk, litouse tor $tile tine Its rtie tiptoe aid feet lore or. 11,§to rist St„, *11 le era close remit. Ana geod • e eat UM try woodehed, gooci cellar. hard and, eon %eater. One-quarter acre lot. Will be sold °beep. A.pnly at NEW ERA Office, or On HENRY FOLLAND, Clinton. $171 BMW ON E* 13A RRISTE 1130LIOITOR t'10'2041 PUBL.10, ETO. MANTON IRIDouT 8. HALE coNvEYANcERs, NOTARIRI COMMISSIONERS, MONEY TO LOAN. • ItlitOUT• Cl. B. Herta ;OEN DR. D. w,. TIFIORIPSOR rhertiolen. Samoa:alto sneciarattentiou given to diseasee Eye,Near. Throat, and Nose. Office and Residence, Two dome -West- of the tonimerCial Moils* Baron $t. • Dr. Gunn Dr. W. Gann, L.*. C. P.. L. IL Edna. 0910e-0ntario Street, Minton. Night calk et front door of office or residence, Rattenlan7 Street, . Office hours at hospital; -1 to ital.; to 9 Dan DR. J. W. SHAW. niTSICLiN, SURGEON. Accoucheur, etc., office and residence on tenbury St., opposite W. Farran's residence, .pu. F. II. AXON - DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holes) specialist ni Crown and Bridge Week.: Graduate of the Royal College of Dental iStr'. geons of Ontario. . Honor graduate of University or Toronto Dm tal Department,. Graduate of Chicago College of Dental Sturman) Chicago. -Will visit RaYileld ever/ Monday. • House for Sale DR. IL FOWUER, DENTIST. a Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special oare taken to make dental tre.att. ment as *unless as poseible. The terse cottage on Queen street, be- longing the mate of the late E. -Holmes is offered for sale. The •lot is oee-half aore, with bearing fruit trees, hard and soft water. &bargain. Apply at NEW ERA office. --•---• - Good Frame Rouse for Salo . or to Rent Subscriber offers for eale or to rent his large 'end comfortable frame home on Huron Street west, containing 9 rooms, with bath room, closets, Wash rcom and • pantry. Good cellar and 'furnace, also good stable,. J, R. LINDSAY, Clinton. .For Sale . ' 'A. well establiehed Boot ihni shce .btisi nese, at Ilinburn, also House and Lot tonna early. • JAMES STANLEY.. Lot lox Sale _ r or galea quarter acre lot on James St aPrlY to WALTER TOWNSEND, • • •Clinton. Threshiif)iiiiiFf-oi-• Sale. Subscriber etre for :stile a (template threshing outfit, la good order, consisting of 17 -horse -power Engine, anii Challenge Separator, all ready to start work. Will be sold cn easy terms. GILBERT NAIR, Clinton, P.Q. Buren Road, Goderith Tp. • Forfliod Ventent.: ell -Orden for Portland Cement prompt. ly filled, Oat:option Breed Portland Oistaent te6. best in nee WorlineJe &RADA ILTO'N, Coil dealer.. • •• Shorthorns tor Sale • . 2 good young bulls 10 and A2 months old, sired by Ditke of Ricbmond,aral bied from teed cowrepricesio suit the times. Also t quantity ef good seed barley. EHWISE * Clinton. P.O. Farm for Sale. • That very veritable farm belonging to the undersigned, situated three nallee from, Auburn station, six miles from Blyth, 200 aeree, school at oorner of lot, tO sores of herd wood bade 2 acres of orchard, first - 06138 buildings, well fenced; well 'watered, in a high state of cultivation and excellent Miscellaneous; TAMES Oam.PBELL, LONDEFRORO, MUER OF MaRRIAGg mealtime No witnesses reouired Money, Private' funds to loan at 0.4_ner cent and as wards- • • • W. BRYDONE. RC,• •THOMAS GUNDRYi ' Live steak and general Anctiereterl GODERIOH . ONT . Ir st fr. sto:ta sales a spec:mild Otters at 'at v * Ding ERA office, Clinton, prt..mplly attenasa • to. Terms reasonable. Fainters sale Eaten discounted •• • G. D. McTaggs,yt M.. D. •MaTetextez Meraggarlet-BrPS. I P.?.1ilmelthe beet fii111euN,6."12313eeit.;iE.,30; 618.8m Slytia, (int, Store and Rooms to Rent, The uneersigned offers to rent the office on Isaac St.,jnet beck of Morrish & Crooke, recently vacated by Mr. J. Tatter, this is • a good site fore store and suitable for tiny , business, and will be put in shape to suit 1. the neede of say tenant, Also rooms up -.1 • ' BIINKERS. AL -BERT ST, . CLINTON , Banking Dastnesie transacted NOTES pit:it:MINTED Drafre issued. Interest allowed os . deposits. The. AlcKillop :1VIntuall Fire Insurance Co. Reign and Isolated Town Props. art* Only Insured. • OFFICERS. J : R McLean,President,Seaforth; Thoit Eraser,- Vice-pres., Brucefieldp Thos. R Hays, Secy. Treas.; Seafort: ' DIRECTORS. • •• Jas, Connelly, tiolnaesville; ajohre Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; NI. Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J.• Bea. neweis, Brodhagen. • . Each Director 15 inspector of, losses In. 'nis own locality.• Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed Hinc.hley Seaford,: James Cumming., Emend. ville; 1, W. Yeo, Holmesville • • F: W. CUTLE14. ,PaInter. and Paper Bang* Ail wotk guarenteed. Prices treasonable. ' Residence nearly opposite the Collegiate Institute. . • stairs, formerly occupied by Mr. P. 13. Sibeley; suitable for dwelling or (moiety. Rent reasonable, Keys may be had • at ' New Era Office. S. 0. ELLIOTT, Clinton, P.O. Farm' tor Sale. A firet-olaes 200-aore farra in Wed Wa- wanosh, Lot 27, Con. 5, with 178 torts in good state of cultivation, well fencod, well watered, aced orchardlarge bane atria, good hctuie. Pembina°, blacksmith and - store at corner of fared. Convenient to school and &teeth. sk miles from ohm& and station av Auburn, Terms easy, W, A. •11 ARRISON, LttoknoW. . Farm for Sale The Mason Far& tot tti. Concession 0 lifttliat Wili be offered tor sale, at Graben:es Hotel, Maori, at •Publict Motion, On • Saturday Sept. lOth, at 8:00 o'clock pan, 100 tares dose to Loridesboro, good bnildInga gooel water, excellent sell, most favoraeie termsFor terns of sale apply,tet rinderefened, W.BRYDONE, • W. G. PERRIN, • Clinton Grain Marsh' i3Owner. . Clinton. .142. A, SMITH, Auctioneer Property tor Sate or Rent. For gele or rent, the property on Erie St, at preeent ceoupied by the norersigned, Comfortable oottaite containing 8 had feeble.. dining MOM, peeler, kitchen bna teromer kitchen, dealt:tarter acre (I hied, hard Ana eat. water. Cleat to slurs fort now Italian 13 llkal to b. beet. jA00B TAYLOR LIN'i Fire, Life and Accident ,4-' Insurance Real gotate bought and sold IllOney to loan • Office lestic Street, nett door to New Era. 'Massey...Harris Aby Having taken the agency :forthe Massey -Harris Co., 1 will be glad to show farmers any kind of Machinery or implement they desire. *Madge, Mowers, Cultivators, Gasoline Engines dal all kinds of Farm Machinery. ANGUS 11IeLEOD opposite Molsons Batik, ClintOn. " The Myers' MusiMethod Ida 0. Holmes*- Teacher, The Myers' Music Method, for begtu.. ners, provides a thorough preparatory toune in the rudiments of music. The lesions are eonducted on ICinderitarteen triode's'and include practiiial FlnziO totohiem nothing the atm* 1/10101019 And interesting. PriVailt Isamu ilia Oro. te*, •tory leuior • •