HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-30, Page 8C;.
July sem, nos
CLINTON NEW FRA LAWN hOOIAL,,-. A � ecaal, cinder
the auspices of the -Orange Society,
:l t,F Ar! ON. ONT..JULY t?, 1,9118 will be bold on the lawn of Mr P, (tart►
talon on the evening of Tuusdaa next.
.-....-..-..,........t......;-...--,---........--*---.-- -. The Fife & Dram band anti alae , the
1411'ali Notices. CROP MATTERS Fall wheat will
fisc will pa yy for the Nasw Fac tol`levt be
eek, pretty
has been harvet ed is this
Subeerlbers or the balance of the year .cond.ition....,, .It ie said bhat oats are
Dceee andMantle- utaking, plain threshed
usttingsomhvhat...Mr W Wheatley
Sewing, Fressing and Cleaning Lad lee" hsh d on ie town farm on l'uesday,
Apparel, -ADDIS L, KAUFMA T. and the yield and sample are said to be
excQE.11ent. "
DR. OVaNS,London, Surgeon, Ocu- NW O.LER&--As predicted in the
li t, specialist, will be at 4v. S R• New Era last week bir H TMance has
IOW Drug sore, on Thursday July been appointed Division (.curb Clerk
..: • Gllasaee properly fitted, .deafness here, as successor to Mr W W Ferrer).
tar}'h and failing eyesight treated. Mr Rance is a native of town,aud with
ours: l to'1 p.m. the exception of a short time spent In
Blyth, has lived here all bis life, He
own o l tl.. is thoroughly familiar with the duties
of the ofUce, well qualified for their
is h
SECOND a e d is a
A ECQND WELL -A twenty-four �g an h ppointment will be
hour test of the new web was made approved of by everybody. Mr Farren
Mist week; the pump working eontin- 'whom illness has compelled to retire,
uously far this length of time, and the held the office for 45 years, and gave
supply of water apparently being in- entire satisfaction to all who had any -
ex austible, A special meeting of thing to..do in connection with -this
.Council a as beld on Friday to decide office.
about the sinking of a second well,ai;d Hitt NERVE a
;it was decided. to dam, the place se S Alv 'J' was - A
Iected therefor being a little further into flurryuof excitement caused
west than first we I. Ontario Stre@. t'Church on Sunday
evening b a young man going over in
HounneSOLD-The small house on a faint. He was carried, outside,
Fulton Street, belonging to Tnomas a•doator summoned, but it was ons
Sharp, has been sold to Mr. Arthur siderable time before he came around,
Cantelon for somewhere in the neigh-• Even after this he was guite,delirious,
borhood of. $400, It was re -sold to Nlrrunning out of his boarding house into
Ern Blacker at a slight advance. The, the street in the middle of the night.
house on Princess Street, belonging to He got word on Saturday that his.
the estate of the late, Mrs Murphy,was mother in Toronto was' seriously ill,
sold by auction on Saturday, Mr Bert and this .is supposed to have affected.
Murphy being the porrchaser at $450. him. •
A SECOND MISFOx4TUNE -Mr J. WEDDED - On Wednesday,July 22,
Fair received word last week from his a quiet wedding took place. rat Atha;
brother Frank, who is located at Carne Ont, when Mise QnrA Mabel only;
duff, Sask.,that he had the nifsfortune daughter of Mr and`Mrs John 'Harris-
to lose his entire . crop by hail. The became the wife of Mr E E Ball, B A.,.
hail was so heavy that Mrs Fair, sr., of Clinton Collegiate Institiite • staff.
who is making her homethere at pres. The ceremony was conducted by Rev.
ent,' had . to . seek shelter beneath a JW Totten.pastor of Claremont Meth-
odist Church. The bride was attended,
by her cousin, Miss Luella Hobbs, and
the best man was Mr Milton Harris,
have the very setae experience a year brother of the bride. [On bebait of Mr.
ago. -. Bali's friends in Clinton, we extend a
cordial welcome to bis bride. , They
will take uphousekeeping inthe house
lately occupied . by Mr. L. Doherty,
Victoria Street.] •
BRIEFS -Reuben .Carter and wife
have been engaged to work Mr • Plum -
Paisley bought* and is well worth steel's farm on the London road ......
The Dungannon correspondent of the
the price paid: lie gets .possession .in' Goderich Stee iaya : - Dungannon.
the fall... •.Mr Geo Steebury has sold pedge are getting quite proud o
one of his farms, being lot 25, con 2, themselvet in . the matter of ..walks
Stanley, to Mr. W. Bawden, Exeter, Archie Cousins, the Clinton contrac-
for the sum of $3,100 ; it is 100. acres, tor, •las just completed his' contract ;
but has no buildings on it. -
• KNIGH.TED It is certainly no
smallEhonor. tc be • Knighted at'the
hands. of the King, and .Clintonians
may' well feel proud that a native of , of town, 'w 'ere .a grano ithic walk'
the town has thusreceived recognition would be,acceptable. . The. item in
Among the honors conferred on prom-' last weeks issue about Mr. Ward was
.anent Canadians, by the Prince of all right, except tbat he is. a sonin law
Wales during his' sojourn, alas that..of of Mr Joseph Wheatley -not of Mr ,.l'V
C Y O -Commander • of. the Victoran Cudmore-as therein stated. Amos
Order- conferred on General Otter; Cole, son' of. Mr. Thos. Cole Goderich
Tp.; who has been ieinployed with'. the
Jackson Mtg. Co.. has gone to' Flint,.
Mich. , it is possible he- may remain'
there some time.....:. We are exceed-
ingly sorry to announce that. the. eldest
t-itizens' Band will he present.
On" Prices
Move ,Ori' prices. still on everything,No
thought of rofit in making them,Just one thing
�g F, �. .
always.. before'. us -the turning of this big stock .
into•money •tone. just as quicklyas we can.. " Move On"
t • y ,
prices are. helping us do'it, They are helping
lots of'people save money, and will help you too if
you try them.; , Here are some samples for Satur-
day and all next 'week, _
Btlrgaius f Black Silk Ends
12or 15 shorn engths of black silks.man : dif erentkinds
r:•;. and `q Malities. L gths run from 1 yards to 3i. They would-. r•`
be suitable for trimmings or coat' linings... Regular prices
1.00'1.25 and1.50. :Special "Move On" price for Saturday Ma
choice .. CDU
Only few of 'those 19c: arose Left
, Just a few pairs: of those boys heavy ribbed cotton hose
that we are selling at 19c left in stock. 25c is what. you
would pay for them anywhere and everywhere, guaranteed n
fast black, seamless feet, Clearing at per pair 9C
The • Last of the Millinery.
Miss Reynolds goes for her holidays this
week. Saturday, must see the last. of the Mlliitery
leave the"store; It is. just -about : gone :how, and
these prices, will sorely clear it all.
Any. Hat $1;00.
Any tris teed hat on the tabiles probably 10 or 12 left,
no. matter what the former price you can take your cboicet.1 00 . .,
for . . . , �.
Ally. Shape 19e
Lees than 25 shapes to sell, black and colors, no matter A
what they sold for Saturday,. you can buy anyone at.. I nu
Any Mower 25e
About 20 butches of#lowers left to sell. Regular 50 to.
1.00, clearing thenji out now at your price...., , 2 C
A good Chance to Buy Liuoleums
This' would be a good chance to get Linoleum for the din-
ing room or kitchen floor. One end only extra heavy Scotch
Linoleum, 4 yards wide, floral pattern, white ground, green
leaves -with red flowers. special "Moye,On" price per square 39.0
yard �7
8 or 10 short Ends Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum suitable ..
for stoves and mats all clearing at special "Move On" prices
' Main Coats at: $1.5a •
These rain-0Joatware'•W.orth two 'or three times the
dollar and a half. They are capital garments for show-
ery weather or using as dust coats if you have any: driv= '
ing Move wns,and grays,: guaranteed rain proof. Spell
Cal " On" price e ch ... v i i
Hearth.,Rugs:ai, $0.60.
xtraT:irge Axminster: Heart�i Rugs; ' Wel?. make,"
good patterns and colors. very handsome rugs for anyt9
room. Regular- 4.50, "Move On" price each..,. . ..... spa TUU
Linen Spot Waisting at.89e
2 ends onlyLinen wattling with embroidered spots will,
make handsome and serviceable waists Regular 60c, 'Move: gg n
Qn' price per yard ,... . • 000
1Vlvve Oieels Goods 'Prices
Dress Goods going at "Dove On prices:.
Anticipate your Fall wants, and buy' Dress Goods
when you con save money.' You can hereand now.
Black 'Vicuna Cloth at 790'
1 end only black vicuna cloth of guaranteed pure wool,
will make very handsome full costumes, or equally as good 7a
for separate skirts. Special "Move •.On" price per yard..... C
Black Dress Goods at 42e'
Fancy black dress Goods, light weight, plain ground
with woven dot, regular 65e, "Move On" price per yard, ..... "Lb
Fine Black Serge at 59e:
Very fine quality French Serge. A material that makes
a very handsome dress for any purpose. Made from the Raft
best Australian wool?, Special "Move O.n'"price , per yard. O
Navy Panama at 50e
An extraspecial in Panama cloth. A splendid shade of
navy,guaranteed pure wool,will make capital summer suits gni,
or skirts. Regular 65c,- ..Move On" price per yard.
A Table of Braids at lc
500 yardsol' plain and fancy braids,black and colors,doz-
ens and dozens of different lines Clearing them all out at 1 C
your choice per yard................
A Fresh Lot of Ribbon Euds
A fresh lot of Ribbon ends at 2 for 5c, Silk andsatin,yar=
ious widths and colors clearing at . .:... ...:.. . ...2 ends tor 5C
$4.75 Underskirts at :42.96
• Silk Moirette Underskiete,. very handsome garments,
extra. quality in a variety of light shades such as bluesieg nc
fawns, etc Regular 4 75, "Move On' price each. . . ...Leal)
Embrojdery.Silks, 3 Skeins for 10e
Clearing all our embroidery silks. The well kuownl;Cort-
icelli qualities. All colors, Romans, Twisted and Filo.. • .. d 1 OC
Skeins tor ...., .. • .. • .
Dress Musltns at 25e
Fancy Dress mulling, white ground with embroidered
dot in Week and blue stripee. ' Will make very handsome OKA
dresses. ltegular40e, "Move On" price per yard........... Lug
Black Linen Snitings at 1 DC
50 yards black linen sni Inge, gold weight and quality, 10e
suitable forakirte or fullcostumes, clearing at per yard....
Soiled Dorset Covers at 3(sc
25 only Corset Covera a collection of WORMS lines that
mussed Mid soiled ft m handling. Regular OCA.
5h0 Anbecome
75c clearing tt each ., ... , .. .
Embroider les and Insertions, 3..yds 10c
' d ngo �yards'embroiderles andinsertions, regular
E to ficin
�.........:....... •...... 3yards' Ter Mui
table. Mr Fair bad • two quarter sec-
tions in crop, and the Ioss to him is
serious, as he had the misfortune to
FARMS `SOLD -Mr Lal Paisley has
sold the farm recently bought by • him
on the Huron Road, Goderich . town-
ship, to Mr Levi Trick,- of the same
township, for the' sum of $5,500: it has
been improved considerably since Mr.
we have " just. this : to say about our
walks, viz., they can't be beat any-
where for quality ,:•.,,There care several
'places, more articularyon theoutskirts
Inspector.of.the Canadian forces, Gen-
eral Otter was born of English parents •
at. Clinton, in December, 1843. His
military service dates .from '1f41, in
which year he joined themilitia forceat son. of . Mr. Thos. Johnston, who. has
frontier inToronto.1 He served on-Title
Niagara .been in delicate .health for some time,
i186d1h5,thvte hwestenian .rebellion,
on, is verylow,with slight prospects of re-
in d eo and the .Northwest ,rebeilfon, covert' ... .The volunteers• o had,
nScummarca.ded thh. Canadian Order in the. Quebec• celebration
in South Africa. the Victorian Order :.participatedgot-bak-home--on-Monday-e ening,
--the-Utast-order of Sdightnaozle 'at
'having. left Quebec Sunday evening ;-
onlysa e o gni io: was designed- ac s to they report having . a ,splendid though
as aen nt of personal cervices to tiringg time.'......Mis Ma '3:• sb
Queen Victoria. but many ':additions s rt' e ec,we
have been madeto it since her decease. are sorry to learn. is Laid up with ty-
•phoid fever ; she is under the care of a
DEATH OF MISS (UIUNN-Au ex- competent and reliable attendant....
ceedingly sad and unexpected event 'C J Wallis shipped two cars of horses
occurred in'tow-n. of •Tuesday?morning west on Thursday, --hie.: son -Wilmer -
in the death of.Miss Amy R.: Gunn, goitg west with him;and:thus making'
third daughter of Dr W and Mrs Gunn his first trip to that expansive country'
She had. -been suffering at different .The. Citizen's Band Concert usu-
times from appendicitis, and only :re ally held Thursday night is•postponed...
cently recoveredfrom an attack there. till Friday; .night this Week,. Mr
of, when it was thought best' for her to :Uharlesworth,who is making his' home
undergo an operation, which was•per- I with his sister-in-law, Miss E Whitley
formed' on Monday...Not the slight- Huron Street; is improving the place
est ill:eiieot. was anticipated, as she 1 by painting.'; 'end otherwise The
stood the operation. well, and there; thermometer-�on-Wednes: •day, -stood -1
seemed every prospect' of her getting !' 06.in the shade; this is the warmest .
over it ina few days ; in fact she seem- I experienced here this year..., ..In its
ed so well that•after the operation her notes of the Londpn. Bowling .tourna
father went to Seaforth to `assist in I ment, the Advertiser says:= -'This man.
another operation, and was amazed ' Billy Jackson, of Clinton, is a wonder;; 1
when- :he -received- a phone' message , there never is a minute- of the day I.
that she :was dead. He imme liately , when he is not thinking of the welfare I
drove home, Dr. Scott accompanying i of somebody else; nothingmisses him i
him. It was' considered that beat • .The many friends •of Miss Mabel
was caused by a clot of blood which ob- I Shepherd will regret to learn of her
strutted the heart action, :a somewhat indisposition, and join us in wishing ;1
rare' recurrence after an operation of , speedy recovery..: Four rinks of
this kind,which under no circumstane Seaforth bowlers . were defeated here
es could have been :anticipated. . Miss on Friday last' The House of
Gunn was one of the brightest girls in' Refuge boasts of growing corn `that.
the Collegiate,' an apt and quick stud- stands 11.i • feet high; and asters and
ent. and a girl of beautiful' character . gladiolias in bloom; this shows 'Nod
and disposition, who was beloved by .' cultivation; a head of oats containing
all her associates. While her death IS 115 grains . was also picked on the
heartbreaking to herparents,: it has form Mr Fred Brown has been
caused universal sorrow,and it is need- offered a good position in Petrolia,and
lessto saythat the greatest syinpathy thinks .cf accepting it provided he can
is manifested.' The funeral took place dispose ofhis property here; he:•is a
Thursday afternoon, ,and was private. ' good workman, and, we are sorry he
The pall bearers were all companions finds ' it necessary : to leave..... Mr.
of deceased, being Mies Fair,bliss A. Hudson has,taken.. a situation in'
Middleton, Miss A. Bell; Mises H. and Mitchell. -.-1"orty tickets were sold
5. • O'Neil, and Mies V. Stearch here today for the Excursion to Kill-
$5.00:Worth of Shoes for $4:oo •
Do you need some oneto urge you to pick up
a dollar if you find it at your feet, Here is a
chance to pick up dollars. I . am offering you •
shoes at the rate of five dollars' worth for four
dollars, to clear out what. is left'' of our Summer
Shoes. Wisdom dictates .that you should tape ad-
vantage of this• offer now, because the ' opportunity
will soort be go1i'e.
Men's five• dollar' Walk -Over Shoes for. ► . .. r ,'.. ,. +... ......COO'
Men's Kid Lace Boots, reg. price $3.50 for Y .... r a r...... i i �' 2.90
Men's B`bx Oalf Lace Boots, reg. 52.75 for.. , ...., ..., , . , ... 1.99
' Men's' Patent Leather Lsce Boots, reg. $4.00 for .......... 3.20
Women's. Strong Lace Boots, reg. 51.50 and 51.75 for..., .. 1.119
Women's Kid Strap Slippers, reg, $1.50 tor ...:... �...... 1.19
Womea'e Kid Blueher Oxforder reg. $2,25 for ............., 179
Women's Kid Blucher Oitforde, plain, reg. $2`50,for ...... 2.O0
VV•omen's Patent Leather Bluc her Oxford, plain, reg;, 58 . 2.40
Women's Kid Oxfords, reg. $1.25, for.... . ....... p..... 99e•
Repairs While You Wait. -
Fred. Jackson.
oardine...Nr. Charleewortb's corn is
nice over 12 feet high.... We gra sorry:
to hear .of the eerioula illness of the.
baby boy of Mr. and Mrs, J. B Hoo�+er.
BELL'S PUPILS •--• The following le
the seventh annual report taking ex-
awlnations in music with W Glenn
Campbell, since his coming to BMW
County, some eight years ago, Not -1
withstanding the fact that Mr •Camp.
bell was ill through the winter, and
thus•unable to teach, and also that
the marking was very close this year,
yet the followingreport is fully�up. to
the standard of other years, .With
Toronto Conservatory the following
were successful; Intermediate Piano
Dep't., Mise Iva Dodds, Seaforth;.
Junior'Piano Dep't., Miss E Rufges,,
Seaforth, Master 1d Stevenson, Sea -
forth; Miss A Clark, Seaforth. Prim.
ary Piano Dep't.,Honors, Mies.0 Dur-
and, Drysdale, Junior Theory Dep't.,
Miss P Gidley, Blyth. With London.
Conservatory, Junior Dep't., let Class
Honors: Miss E Hall, Winghain; Miss
A Oonstable,Leadbury; Miss ( Greene
Bayfield, (Miss Greene obtained lst
Closs Honore in Primary Piano last
Perm;) Miss L Jervis, .Clinton.. Prim-
ary Piano Dep't,, let Class Honors:
Miss J Hamilton, Seaforth; .Mise E
'i,obb, Clinton; Miss McNaughton,Sea-
forth; Miss M Shanahan, Clinton.
8onors: Miss'R Hill, Clinton, Junior
Theory De 't., lst Class Honore: Mise
Rennie, Zurich. Primary Theory
Dept: Miss A Constable, Leadbury,;
Miss G Chown, Clinton, Miss E Hall,
Wingham. We might add that this
is the largest number of successful
students prepared by any teacher in
the County of Huron this year, which
speaks well for Mr Campbell as a
teacher and musician.
Summer is here and, hot weather is near,.
when there . are few things so desirable as : a
hammock, few things as cool, comfortable, .and.
roqu t'w
A good gentle out -door summer game.
W offer' desirablestyle, aline in styl finish, clualt;ty,.
and price; four, six. or eight balls.
orninion Express M,onewOrders
are safe, convenient, cheap, heap; payable. in Canada
or United States: Issued any business hour of
the day.,
The W. D. Fair Co.,
Often the Cheapest. - Always the Best.
Another lot of cloth samples; just to hand this
week. Just the dainty thing • forquilts. Put up
100 in each bundle, all the same size, selling for
25c per .bundle..,
Samples cf Art 'Cretones ' and Art Satteens,
three-quatters-of in each.:piece
q y
for 5c: eac
mn arts at
.lalf� rice_
Remnants of Cottons; Sheetings, . Prints,
Towellings, Satteens, Dress Goods,•etc., all" ito
See This
a ,
Quarter Off all
25 per cent off all classes of Whitewear,
Waists, Gowns,.. Alas, Drawers, Corset Covers,
etc. Wedon't want to carry over.: any Whitewear.
Out They Must Go.